A Critical Examination of the Pornography Debate
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A CRITICAL EXAMINATION OF THE PORNOGRAPHY DEBATE: TOWARD A SOCIALIST FEMINIST FRAMEWORK Crystal Richards Saunders B-A, Simon Fraser University, 1982 THESIS SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS in the Department of Soc iol ugy /Ant hr opul agy @ ~r~stalRichards Saunders 1990 Si mon Fr aser Universi t y April 1990 A1 1 rights reserved, This wur k may not be repuaduced in whale or in part, by phutocopy or other means, without permissic~nof the author. National Library Biblioth6que ?ationale of Canada du Canada Canadian Theses Service Service des theses canadiennes Ottawa. Canada K1 A ON4 The author has granted an irrevocable non- Cauteur a accord6 une licence irrevocable et exclusive licence allowing the National Library non exclusive permettant cl la 8ibliotht5que of Canada to reproduce, loan, distribute or sell nationale du Canada de reproduire, preter, copies of hislher thesis by any means and in distribuer ou vendre des copies de sa Wse any form or format, making this thesis available de quelque rnaniere et sous quelque forme to interested persons. que ce soit pour mettre des exemplaires de cette these i la disposition des personnes interessees. The author retains ownership of the copyright Cauteur conserve la propriete du drat d'auteur in hislher thesis. Neither the thesis nor qui protbe sa these. Ni la these ni des extraits substantial extracts from it may be printed or substantiels de celle-ci ne doivent &re otherwise reproduced without hisher per- irnprirnes ou autrement reproduits sans son mission. autorisation. ISBN 0-315-69497-1 APPROVAL NAME : Crystal Richards Saunders DEGREE : Master of Arts TITLE OF THESIS: A Critical Examination of the Pornography Debate: Toward a Socialist Feminist Framework EXAMINING COMMITTEE: Chairperson : Noel Dyck Arlene McLaren Senior Supervisor - - - - Sue Wendel 1 Dawn Currie External Examiner Anthropology/Sociology The University of British Columbia DATE APPROVED: April 17, 1990 PARTIAL COPYRIGHT LICENSE I hereby grant to Simon Fraser University the right to lend my thesis, project or extended essay (the title of which is shown below) to users of the Simon Fraser University Library, and to make partial or single copies only for such users or in response to a request from the library of any other university, or other educational institution, on its own behalf or for one of its users. I further agree that permission for multiple copying of this work for scholarly purposes may be granted by me or the Dean of Graduate Studies. It is understood that copying or publication of this work for financial gain shall not be allowed without my written permission. Title of Thesis/Project/Extended Essay A Critical Examination of the Pornography Debate: Toward a Socialist Feminist Framework Author: . , _-__ (s i/gnature) Crystal Richards Saunders (name) April 20, 1990 (date) I ABSTRACT This thesis undertakes a critical examination of the current discaurse on pornography, ft examines the major theoretical perspectives which can be characterized as conservative, liberal, f emini st, and mar xi st /sac i a1i st f emi ni st. The t hesi s a1so considers the richly textured debate within each of these general perspectives. The main concern of the thesis is to evaluate strengths and weaknesses of these various analyses of pornography. This evaluation ia guided by five criteria which arise as central issues from the literature: 1) whether or not a definition of pornography is provided, and the adequacy of the definition; 25 the manner in which sexuality is characterized; 3) the way in which 'harm' is defined; 41 the type and quality of research, if any, which is, used to support arguments; and 5) the prescriptions for change which are advanced. This critical examinat ion reveals under lying assumptions of the different theoretical positions on sexuality, the obligations of the individual in society, gender relations, and the role of the State. This thesis considers a wide range of published and unpubl ished posit ion and discussion papers including the social sci ent i f i c r eseav.ch generated by t )re two i mpur t ant guver nment ccmrnissions appointed in the United States (13705 and Canada (1983) to investigate the social implicationsi of pornography. This; thesis looks at works that arc widely cited and reprinted, as well as works that are less well known, but aid in the articulation uf distinct theoretical positions. The thesis demonstrates that most analyses of pornography are inadequate. Some of the analyses considered are gender- blind, athers do not acknowledge the social construction of sexuality, and rmat ignore the economic context in which the production of pornugraphy takes place. It is argued that to advance our understanding of pornography these issues must be addressed. To Margaret Coates, my fv iend, my advisor. I thank you for your patience, interest, and insight. I would like to extend my appreciation and deep respect for the support and excel lent supervision provided by Dr. Arlene McLaren and Dr. Susan Wendell. I would also 1 i ke to thank Chris Ward far her technical advice and assistance. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE NO, Ab~tract..................~...~~.,....~.~........ i i i Dedication ........................................ v Acknowledgements .................................. vi Table of Contents ................................. vi i Introduction.............I..I......................,. 1 CY-I~~~~Y-E.......-m....m.mm.w..I...II.........-.m=m 13 His-kouical Backgv ouvrd: A disctts~io~~of Lhe changes in availability and content of pornography since WW I I €Xgetcr,Ir ........................................ Definition c The On-Gaing Di lemma $&g~t;w--+h& ...................................... Conser vat i vo and Li bcr a1 Per spec t i ves on Fornogr aphy mg~g3~""xy ....................................... 1-i beraI and Radical Feminist Perspectives an Pornography c3lgetgxe-y ........................................ Mar xist and Sac i a1 i st Fewi ni st Per spec t i ves on Pornography Chg~gg~_V&........................ ."."...I)........ Conc 1 usi on and Recornmendat iansz Where analysis and research lmpcwnography might fit if sexual politics were integrated into socialist feminist theory. Bibliography .....................I..........O.... 1'31 Appendix I ......................................... 1'93 Appendix I1 ........................................ 200 Appendix 111 ..................................... 3:)1 Appendix IV ................... I.eaI~~.......m..~I. 203 To understand pornography from a sociological perspective, it is necessary to place it within a historical and theoretical context. While the production of pornography and changes in content have increased dramat ical 1y since War ld ldav I I, socialogy has not developed a systematic body of argument and research to explain t hi s phenorttencm. The pwohl ern of pow nogr aphy has r eached public recognition in both the United States and Canada resulting in guver nment commissions to investigate the pr obl apt. Those comroi ssions CU. S. Commission on Obxeni ty and Pornography ii*WOl and the Special Cornmi ttee on Pornography and Prostituticwt (1383) in Canada) were appointed to solve the problem of porncqraphy, instead they added to the ccwttroversy. With the grcwth of the women ' s movement, quest i ons about por nogr aphy bec ame part i cul ar 1y contentious. The significance of pornography has been recognized by a wide range of commentators. Yet, there have been very few att errtpts to group these comment atcars and present an ovsrvi ew of their arguments. This thesis will examine the current debate surrounding pornography. I wi 11 be focusing on the conservat iv*, 1 iberal , feminist, and mar xist/soc i a1 i st fewti ni st perspectives on pornag- raphy. I will examine these positions on the basis of five important criteria: 1) whether a definition of pornography is provided, and the adequacy of the definition; 2) the manner in which sexuality is characterired; 3) the way in which vharmp is defined; 4) the type and quality of research, if any, which is used to support arguments; and 53 an evaluation of the prescrip- tions for change which are advanced. These five criteria emerge from the literature as central issues. The problem with defini- t il:.m is important: because wi thout soree degree of consensus as to a definition uf pornography serious discussion of the issues is precluded. Further, research which employs dif ferent terminology to describe sexual materials used in clinical experirfients is di f f icult to compare and evaluate; whether strong conclusi on5 can be drawn frm such problematic research is dubious. The manner in which sexuality is characterized, the values that arc or are not attached to it, form tho core of each position's perspective on pornography and is the key factor from which their prescrip- tions flow. The concept of harm is important because, fullowing the principles of John Stuart Mill, harm is put forward by liberals as the ultimate test for whether or not material can be right fully suppressed. Little agreement exists among the speakers from the various perspectives as to what constitutes har r~i. Those comment ator s who pr aduce r esearc h on pornography as evidence to support their contenticms, e. g. Berger C1•‹~77), general ly present 5%ranger and mor e convi nci ng wrgument s, depend- ing an the quality of the research, than those who rely largely on impassioned rhetoric and re1igictus nations of the sanctity of sexuality within marriage. Last, the prescriptions which are recommended, if adopted, could have far-reaching effects an constitutional guarantees to free speech and on sexual expression in general. This thesis will argue that pornography cannot be examined in isolation from the material conditions in which it endures. Pornography does not exist in a vacuum and the imagery and the industry are shaped by the prevai 1ing sac i a1 and economic context. Also, to provide a %atisfactory explanation of parnug- raphy, one cannot ignore questions of gender and race.