Its Land, Fndustries & People
DUCKIITANTON I.OOR Its Land, fndustries & people by G. Downs-Rose Dt CKtttAt{TON I.OOR, ITS LAI{D, INDUSTRIES AflD pEOpLE Copyrlght O G. Dorrns-Rose 1993 i |'r**J , ti h ,'*U c-,*,-f L'=--- ,, ?* -r Lo.*-,\ "^V-oxtAt- N". I of 1o DITCKIiANTON l,tOOR, ITS LAND, IIDUSTRIES AIID PEOPLE COTITEIITS l. Introductlon, page I 2. Early Hlstory, page 3 3. Ducknanton lioor ln t776, paEe 4 {. Farnlng Settlements on the l,ioor: 4.1. 1-g The Croft Settleuents, pp 6-20 4.2. l-7 The Farns, pp 21-36 5. Industrtal Settlenents on the ltioor: 5. 1 The Iron Uorks Coununtty, pp 37-+1 5.2 The Arkwright Tomr Conmunity,pp 4Z-S1 6. Ducknanton l{oor ln 1993, page 52 7. The Evldence From Fleld Names, page 54 8. liaps: Ducknanton Hoor ln 1776, page 2 Ducknanton ltloor ln 1837, page 10 Duckmanton lrbor ln 1919, page 3O 9. Plans: Duckaanton llorks Cottages, page 38 Arkwrtght Tonrn OId Vlllage, page 4{ 1O. Photograph: OId Arkrrlght Tour, Pre-lnprovement ff page 42 DUCKITANTON !|OOR,ITS LAND, ITIDUSTRIES AIID pEOpLE 1. INTRODTrcTION The locatlon name 'Ducknanton lrloor' ln North East Derbyshire occurred Ln records from the late slxteenth century and remalned ln use, e. g. by the Ordnance Survey, lnto the twentleth century long after lt had lost lts sl$nlf lcance. The nalre tms originatly used to denote that part of the lrlanor of Ducknanton wtrich remalned unenclosed lnto late uedlevar tlnes. For our purposes, lts boundaries (See lr{ap 1 oaEe 2) are those used in earller tlnes: the courses of brooks and civll boundarles.
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