Gambling in New Zealand: A National Wellbeing Analysis A report prepared for the Gaming Machine Association of New Zealand April 2021 TDB Advisory Limited L5, Wakefield House 90 The Terrace P.O. Box 93 Wellington New Zealand Email:
[email protected] Team members involved: Phil Barry George Nelson
[email protected] [email protected] 021 478 426 027 8555 022 Acknowledgements We would like to thank all those in the industry, government and community who met with us, reviewed drafts of this report and generously shared their valuable insights and experiences with us as this report was being prepared. We would also like to thank the independent referees, Professor Paul Delfabbro of the University of Adelaide and Professor Lew Evans of Victoria University of Wellington for their invaluable contributions on drafts of this report. Responsibility for the final product rests solely with the authors, TDB Advisory Ltd (TDB). Disclaimer This report has been prepared by TDB with care and diligence. The statements and opinions given by TDB in this report are given in good faith and in the belief on reasonable grounds that such statements and opinions are correct and not misleading. However, no responsibility is accepted by TDB or any of its officers, employees, subcontractors or agents for errors or omissions arising out of the preparation of this report, or for any consequences of reliance on its content or for discussions arising out of or associated with its preparation. TDB Advisory Ltd Gambling in New Zealand: A National Wellbeing Analysis 2 Table of contents Table of contents................................................................................................................................