VOL. VIII.—No. 14 FORDS, N. J., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1943 PRICE THREE CENTS Youngsters Cbristmas a. 2). 1943 I *ield Fire Greetings From The Edges Woman's Club To Induction Give War For Outdoor Yule mas carols during the holidays Members To Sing Carols through these three sections. The drama department will Fund Boost Is-- • Costly Diiring Holidays In 3 meet at the home of Mrs. Ina Jen- Sections Of Township sen on December 29. I But $25,000 Goal Is An appeal for workers to assist Cutter Barn Destroyed; in the rolling of bandages was is- January Contingent To | ; Still Far Distant; Do- CiLAiRA BARTON — " Santa Boys, Careless House- Olaus" was present in person to sued *by'Mrs. George Webb, -ehair- Have Holidays At Home, | nations Are Reported distribute gifts at - the annual (Continued, on. Paijc 2) wives Are Warned * Christmas party of the Clara Bar- ton Woman's .Club held Monday I ' WOODBRIDGE — "Dear Mr. WiO-OfQJBlRIDOE — Boys who night at the school with Mrs. Carl Aviation Cadet WOODB.RLD:GE—;Tho men who jt Wight: This two dollars is a con- want the thrill of seeing- the fire Rcichertbach, [president, in charge. make up the January draft con- f> triliution from the Little Woman's engines arrive and -•women who Holly and mistletoe added the tingent will not have l,o leave for burn rubbish on a windy day too !s; Club, Joan McCreery, treasurer." yuletide touch. Fort Dix until after the holidays, t This note and two-dollar con- near fields and who are "so sorry Eugene Bird, secretary -o,f the that the fire got away from them," "The Croaked Star," a play draft board said today. Those who .scheduled for the .program, was |i tribution to the National War are 'blamed (by members of Wood- were accepted for service after not presented due to the illness-of fj- Fund was received by James S. brid'ge Fire (Company No. 1 for the passing physical examinations at several members of the cast, but excessive number of field fires dur- VALT E R - CAiiiLLA EDGE Newark will go to Fort, Dix Janu- fs Wight, chairman, yesterday. hope was expressed that the per- : ary 7, on the 10:20 A. M. train. 1| ...Mr. Wight declared that it was ing the past--two. weeks. formance would be given • at a The fire company members also Above is a facsimile of the They are: |p "heartening- that youngsters real- Christmas ijreetingr card of later date. point out that more field fires oc- George R. Alhvrtson, 112 Coop- |f ized the worthiness of such a canv- Governor-Elect and Mrs. Wal- The •American Home Depart- cur on days when youngsters are er Avenue, Iselin; John J. Bedner, ter E. Edge. An etching, the ment announced plans to send a j| paign as the National War Fund." on vacation than -when they are 27 Hollister Place, Fords; Charles card bears the signature of the package each month to a service J Although 17 agencies are aided at school. W. Heincman, 9:25 Railway Ave- artist. man, ,kin of a club member. "'It may be a lark to these boys nue, Avenel; Charles Holovacko, It' bja'.the War Fund, the campaign Mrs. William Bennett, chairman SB . f-i- ,i - - to set a field fire,".they said, "but 318 Dorsey Street, Perth Aint>oy; of the garden department, report- p is lagging considerably in the some day we will have a tragedy if John J. Husko, (its James Street, ed two prizes to 'be awarded for | Township wliere a $25,000 goal they are not stopped somehow. It Hopelawn; Henry E. Kochne, 345 3 -Seek Ferry outdoor Christmas decorations, f 'lias been set and only $6,510.52 will be even worse than the $15,- Edgarton Boulevard, Avenel; would be decided between Christ- §. has been collected to date. 000 blaze at Hampton Cutter's George T. Kovacs, 117 High mas and New Year's Day. The v.: "One of the agencies benefiting barn Monday or "the field fire .in Str e et, W o o dbridge; Ernest School Post contest will take in the (Menlo I from the fund," said Mr. Wight, Port Reading' Tuesday when the Krauss, 14 Second Street, 'Fords. [Park, (Clara Barton and iRaritan ~" "is the United Seamen's Service, home in Turtle 'Brook Road occu- Also, iPeter Lem'iska, 'Lincoln WO;ODlB(R,IOiGE—A 11 h o u g h Manor sections of the Township. ,( which' is holding a series of pre pied by the iBozan family was bad- Highway, Iselin; Philip W. Mai, three applications were received Judges include , Mayor Walter 1 and post-Christmas celebrations in ly damaged." St. George Avenue, Avenel; by the Board of 'Education Mon- Christensen, Mrs. L. H. Tyler and - its CO globe-girdling centers for Firemen urged parents to lec- John E. Schork Adolphous D. Norman, 1347 Main day night for the position of High Mrs. Bennett. s. men who will be at sea on Christ- ture their children on the danger WOODBR2DGE—Mr. ScKork, Street, Rahway; Frank E. Ozl, 85 S; mas. day. School principal, no action was Club members will s-ing Christ- and catastrophes that may result 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Avenc] Street;, Avenel; Thomas from setting brush fires. taken to fill the post and it is un- c . "The celebrations will be varied Schork, of 174 Decker Place, M. (Pinto, Wilson Avenue,' Iselin; A new world would be made if into the hearts likely that the position "will be ;i in scope, depending on local con- Firemen and police officers laud- was recently appointed a Naval Nicholas Michael Sanclor, Chest- filled until the middle of next s ditions and the availability of dif- .of all men there could come the mysterious joy which ed the children of St. Joseph's Aviation Cadet and -was trans- nut Street, Avenel; Steve Subyak, orphanage and other youngsters month. : Seal Sale -Campaign J; _ferent materials. There will be ferred to the Naval Air Train- Jr., 340 Madison Avenue, Perth possesses a small child at Christmas. who reside in the neighborhood of The applications received were ij Christinas trees in some centers, * # * -•£ ing Center, Pensacola, Florida, Amboy; John P. Volaiiin, 726 j. wreaths and candles in others, the Cutter clay banks for helping from Stephen K. Werlock and State .Street, Perth ,Aniboy. - • • •• Within $400 Of Goal for intermediate flight training. g: but in the centers on the Persian to put out the 'blaze Monday. Harry Sechrist, at present mem- Chosen For Navy It is a joy not only of fancy but of faith. It comes Armed with shovels and brooms bers of the High School faculty Upon completion of the inten- e Gulf, in India and in the South The following men have been not only on the breath of Santa Claus but in the love they pounded on the leaping and IC. F. Dengler, former super- WOODBRIDGE — Christmas sive course at the "Annapolis ?: Seas, the ingenuity of local USS selected for service iv. the Navy: (Continued on page 2) vising principal of the Carteret Seal sales for Woodbridge, Se- of the Air," Cadet Schork will f managers will have to. be relied which keeps and protects all sacred things. It is William F. Clancy, 370 Wash- public schools. waren and Iselin now total %1,- receive his Navy "Wings of C upon. While there will be turkey, ington 'Street, Rahway; Michael measured not in intangibles because it feels warmth, Resignations were received from 6-2-3.85, or only $40O shy of the Gold" -with the designation of f* roast pig -or roast goose in some Dudas, 281 Augusta Street, Wood- Mrs. Genevieve O'Brien 'O'Keefe, goal. Fred IP. .'Buntenibach, chair- Naval Aviator, aind will be com- | centers, in others the men may touches security, knows ideals,, "learns truth. It be- ibridge; James G. Greer, 402 Renv of Sewaren School and Mrs. Grace man, stated that last minute missioned an Ensign in the Na- | have to put up with baked.bana- sen Avenue, New Brunswick; lieves. It is fashioned of charity and confidence and Huber Wasser, cf Strawberry Christmas, contributions will un- val Reserve or a Second Lieu- j- -nas, fresh caught fish, wild boar, tenant in the 'Marine Sorps Re- Thomas M. Jago, S61 Cornell 1 hope - those elements which are dreams only in adult Hill. Mrs. O'Keefe plans to go to doubtedly swell the fund so that j or whatever else the vicinity may HoUTok'Programs the quota will be reached. serve. Street, iPerlh Amboy; John E. Texas to join her husband who is Johnson, G63 Rahway Avenue, fe offer- under war conditions." minds. It escapes doubt and jealousy. There is no Other sections, according to the E-A.RITAN TOWNSHIP—Christ- in the service. Woodbridge; Andrew Malon, 325 i.*! Donations Reported room "for fear or prejudice or hate because, surely, Middlesex County Tuberculosis mas programs were held in the Official sanction for the return De Sota Avenue, Woodbridge; Al- and Health League, have reported [ - Contributors of five dollars or everyone wraps protective arms'around a little odrl—' Township, schools this week and of basketball at the high -school bert J. Novak, Smith Street, Keas- the following -amounts to date: f more during the past week were many parents were in the audi- was given by the board and bey; John Pank-o, IB Elliott and she is safe. • • Avenel, Oscar Wilkerson, chair- f as follows: ' i ences and enjoyed the program's. Mickey Toth, former high school Street, Avenel; Eugene ' G. Pfarr, r ?25, Fords Fire Company; $10, At the Oak Tree School P. T. A. athlete, wa« hired as coach on the man, $.317.7(5; Coionia,- .Mr. Wilk- New Drag Being Used 863 Rahway Avenue, Avenel; ILe- ':: Ray Tyrrell, Mr. and Mrs. -H. n meeting Tuesday night the follow- recommendation of Nicholas erson, chairman, $8'90.9.ff"j..Fords Roy Christian Seguisje, 112 Hainil- %, Vail- Syekle,:'Slovak-Presbyterian She smiles. Why not? Are not all men good-|ing program was presented under Prisco-: ; . , ... and Keasbey, Mrs. G. L. O'Neill, In Attempt To Save ton Avenutr.-Fords; ' •- .---.-.-- |. ..Churcli, Mrs. A. H. Fedderson, men? The knowledge of the ages is their gift, the I the direction of Mrs. R. E. Mar- Apparently the resignation of $735.35; Port Reading^ Martin ' Local Youngster William Benson, a member of the Bvaun, chairman, $105.OS. Accepted for service in the Ma- | Willard Dunham. beacon to guide them in the fulfillment of a rich life. I ,geium, Jr., music teacher. rine Corps was Joseph P. .Richard- Woodbridge High School faculty, Raritan Township sales amount % $5, George Balint, Mrs. F. Solo- The "Mayflower Waltz," school son, 442 Woodbridg-e Avenue, Minds wise and kind have sifted out the sham, have | was withdrawn, inasmuch as the to $1,7.28, the report states. The WOODBRIDGE—The first case - vinski, Mrs. A. Pastor, George orchestra; clarinet duets, "Sweet iPort Reading. matter did not come before the chairmen in each of the sections in this area in which penicillen is ^ Kovak, Mrs. S. Garrick, Jack Hir- established the verities and denounced the -false.- I and Low" and "Silent Night," by 'board. urge prompt purchase and use of being used is that of two-year-old o ner, Mr. and Mrs. Krauss, Mrs. Francis Fielding and Johanna : hoods; hearts strong and courageous" have decreed i outstanding. seals. Early comple- David Delaney, son of Mr. and I W. Romig, Mrs. F. ;G. Paxson, Grecco; a group of Christmas ca- tion of the sale relieves the or- Mrs. Arthur Delaney, of. Alden |; Ben Jensen, Mrs. H. Dick, Adolph right, defined virtue, discovered the sources of beauty. § rols by the fifth grade chorus, a Truck-Car (jlsroi trumpet- duet, "Aileen" iby James ganization's staff of a considerable Street. t Qnadt, Woman's Clab of Fords, Certainly, tiny children feel in some divine instinct | Stanton'Is Promoted. Fielding and Harold 'Goodrow; 'burden and enables them to con- B Harry Hansen Post, Ameri- A patient of Dr. I. T. Spencer, that they one day will be the beneficiaries of a precise I trombone solo, "Joy to the 'World," centrate on the association's regu- ; can Legion; C. W. Lund, Mr. and of Main Street, and Dr. H. P. Irene 'Shuster, and three selections To Asst Staff Chief lar program which today requires i Mrs. Jacob W. Grausam, E. A. L. pattern for the true life. ff Fine, of Perth Amboy, the young- by the orchestra. the utmost effort of every member. WO-ODRR1DG-E—John Nani, 18, p Clausen, John McDonald, Mr. and ster has been seriously ill in the Years and environment dull this instinct, but | FORDS—-Colonel Raymond ,G. Noting that returns tend to of 78 Fulton ,Stree,t and -George j- Mrs. T. R. Jones, Francis P. Bar- Members of the orchestra in- Perth Amboy General Hospital why should that be so? Greed never was as beauti- | 1 Stanton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- slacken in the last week of the B'iczo, SO, of 104 -Strawberry-Hill f, tow. clude: Fielding Goodrow, Paul for the past two weeks. liam J. iStanton, of 24 William sale, the chairmen said that some Avenue, were injured yesterday ful as charity; hate never glowed like hope; fear | Stevens, Helen Wuest, George The little boy is suffering from Street, is now Assistant Chief of people prefer to .make payment in a truck-car collision at the.in- Jepson, Franklyn Bardecker, Sally infections particularly around the never was imparted with the strength of faith; f Staff, iG-2 (Intelligence) of Tenth for seals after the holiday rush tersection of Main (Street arid Am- Day and Michael Gangimi. heart and in both lungs. The sulfa Corps, it was announced this week when they write checks for De- boy Avenue. Raritan Township death never partook of the inspiration of life. A g The Christmas program in the drugs were tried but without the at Corps Headquarters, Camp cember statements. There is no •Captain John Eg-aii and Patrol- cross was magnificent only once. -§ upper classes of the Oak Tree Maxey, Texas. usual results. iSchool today consisted of a Yule- reason why this should not be man John Ondeyko reported that A graduate of the United States Finally, the physicians called Lists Selectees a" * * * * tide play presented to the sixth done, they said, but at the same Nani was driving a milk truck Military Academy at West Point, Boston and were successful in get- and eighth grades. 'The play was time they urge that seals should be owned iby Frank Guarnie-ri, of 123 These things we may all believe if we will only Colonel iStanton came to the corps ting the proper agency to release TOWNSHIP—(Local written by members of the two conscientiously utilized on tlTe Sayre Avenue, Perth Ataboy, : last summer from Army Ground the required amount of penicillen Draft 'Board No. 2 today issued travel back through the years to our childhood. seventh grades as a group proj- very last New Year's greeting and north on -Amiboy Avenue and Biczo the names of men who passed There, serenity will be found again; there, will dis- Forces Headquarters, Army War thank you note. from the Squibbs' Laboratories in was making a left turn into Main ect. 'The play's plot consisted of College, Washington, D. C. •New Brunswick. Yesterday was physical examinations at the New- a comparison of two IChristmas- Street from the avenue when the torted values be restored; there, will vanity be lost Commissioned a second lieuten- the second day little David was ark induction center and have tides. The first, when Christ was collision occurred. ant upon his graduation from Saloons May Remain Open •given the new drug and the doc- boon accented by the Army and and there, will the full meaning of the manger be born, and this year's when families Both drivers were taken to the Navy. West'Point in 1927, he was pro- tors are hoping for the best. vivid in our eyes and strong in our hearts. There, the world over will celebrate the Till 4 On Mew Year's Day Perth Am'boy General Hospital in moted to first lieutenant in 1931, Those accepted for the Army the Woodbridge Emergency Squad will be the resurrection of a world. — Charles E. holiday with loved ones away -from to captain in 1937, to major in WOiODiBiRIDGE — M c r r y - are: Thomas R. Dcvico, 2.8 Hill- ambulance. Nani was treated for home. Traditional cav-ols as well 1941, lieutenant colonel in 1942 makers in the Township will Auxiliary Completes Plans erest Avenue, Stelton; William F. Gregory. lacerations of the head and re- as modern 'Christmas songs were and to colonel on February 22, have plenty of time to celebrate Goodwin, Vineyard -Road, 'Route 1, For Bazaar In Synagogue leased while Biczo remained in the sung as a 'background for the 1943, all in the Regular Army. New Year's for the taverns here Perth Amboy; William F. Hunter, hospital after receiving treatment play. He completed the Fort Benning may remain open New Year's C>Q McCoy Avenue. IMetuehen; Mi- WOOiDBiRlDGE — Additional for fractured ribs and fractured Infantry School regular course in Evfe until 4 A. M., the next chad' Karabinchak, New 'Street, plans for the Chanu-kah bazaar hand. TOTS HAVE PARTY Hopelawn Couple Hosts 1936. the Tank School there in morning. Box 196, Fords; Joseph P. Keen. 9-1ear-Old Girl Struck; and dance to be held Sunday at 1937 and the Command and Gen- the Craftsmen's Club were made fCbureh Lane, Route 1, North WiOODBREDGE — Mrs. Whit- At Christening Party Police Commissioner Herbert Condition Called Serious eral Staff School course at Fort at a meeting- of the Ladies' Auxili- Carteret Man Is Injured Brunswick; -Clayton G. Mathews, iB. Rankra, who introduced the ney C. Leesqn's nursery school HOPEiLAWN—The son of Pri- Leavenworth, Kansas, in 194*2. ary 'of Congregation Adath Israel 4'5 Barclay iStreet, Newark; Einer resolution Monday, said that !n Pt. Reading Accident held a Christmas party yesterday FCKRiDS — Nine-year-old Doris vate and Mrs. Alfred Peaney, of The colonel also has 'been station- Chief George E. Keating had iMonday in the svnagogue, iSchool I. Nielsen, 24 Maplewood Avenue, 383 Florida Grove Road, was Street. with the.parents of the students •Novak, of 3-69 New 'Brunswick ed at Fort McKiniey, Me., Fort found that a later closing hour WiO;OD'BRIfDGiE—iMichael iSarik, {Perth - Amiboy; Louis O. Pastor, christened Douglas John ePaney. as guests. 'Linda P£tnoi and Bon- Avenue, is in a serious condition Clayton, Panama Canal Zone and was in reality a safety measure. Mrs. Murray Dem and Mrs. Irv- 20, of 71 Edwin Street, Carteret, Box 335, Metucher. ,and John E. at baptismal ceremonies held at at the Perth Amiboy General Hos- Fort Devens, Mass. If all the taverns closed at 2 ing- Hutt are co-chairmen. Fea- was taken to the Perth Aniboy Sodcn, 23 Jackson Avenue, Me- nie Drnsm-ore were soloists.-" Our Lady of Peace Church with pital after being struck by a car Colonel and Mrs. iStanton and A. M., he pointed out, everyone tures will include a fortune teller General Hospital iby Patrolman t uchen. Christmas songs were sung near a Rev. James Sheridan officiating. driven iby (Alfred Rudt, 52, of 24 their son, Brendon Paul Stanton, would be on the road at approxi- and caricature artists. Horace Deter 'Tuesday after he The. following were accepted for Mr. and Mrs. John Nyers were the Christmas tree, the ornaments of Lillian Street. reside- at 179 S. Church Street, mately the same time. With the There will be many hand-made was seriously injured in an auto- the Navy: sponsors. which 'were .made by the young- Patrolman DSTels Lauritzen re- Paris, Texas: later closing hour, people leave articles on sale in the various mobile accident in Port Reading. After the services a christening Alex,A. Fodor, Highland Avenue, ported that- the child was crossing A brother, Col. W. C. Stantor.,. at various times starting at ap- booths. Music for dancing will be Sarik, according- to Patrolman sters. Games were played and re- party was held at the Peaney New 'Brunswick; Robert K, Gray, New Brunswick Avenue, near Lib- U. S. M. A., 1926, is the assistant proximately two o'elock with provided .by George 'Ruddy's or- Deter, .was riding in a car driven freshments served. Simpson Avenue, New Brunswick; erty Street, when she was hit. home. Chief of Staff, G-3, of eighth the result there is no jamming- chestra. Service men from Camp by John IMardv,, 2-4, of lOi.Pn- 'Steve J. Jankowiak, Box: 371, corps, and an uncle, jColonel H. G. the highways and the possibility Kilmer and other nearby camps al.ski Avenue, Carteret, on Wood- Fords; 'William Koye, 10 Highway Stanton, U. -S. M. A., 1911, is ex- of accidents is lessened. will be guests. ibridge Avenue, near Irving Street, Terrace, Highland Park; Harry Choirs Of Township Churches To Welcome Christmasecutive officer of Aberdeen Prov- the car suddenly left the road and -Miller, 118 Koye.i Street, Fords; ing Ground, Md. crashed into a pole. (Francis S. Petercsak,- -R. F. D. 1, At the hospital rSarik's injuries (Perth Amboy; Anthony M. Roig, ByOfkringSpecialMttsicProgrumsTomonQwNightPort Reading Youth Suffers News From The-Services were said to be a possible fracture .175 -High Street, Metuchen, and •af the skull and extensive; lacera- Louig S. Toth, . 002 :Riverview WOOBBRIDGE — Special Avenel, will begin .at 11 P. M., nounces the Gregorian "Mass of Battle Wonndsjn Europe Mrs. Helen Mozur, of 23 Gold science degree from Villanova tions of the forehead. Drive, New iBrunswiek. Christmas music will be sung .by The Christian Endeavor will be in: the Angels" will be sung at mid- Street, is visiting her husband', College and was attending 'Colum- • POET READING —- Private the choirs -of Township churches •charge and will sing carols around I night tomorrow night. ,- Regular John, ifireman third, class, -U. S. bia University when he entered Stanley 'Stfbieski, son of Mrs. Mar- tomorrow at midnight services. town for an hour beforeharicf: j •masses will foe held on (Christmas 'Navy, stationed in New Orleans, the service in August 1942. Christmas Party Held At Trinity Episcopal Church, of On Sunday evening', the Sun- Day. garet Sobieski, of 55 Marion La. * •-:: -;;. (Street, was wounded in action in * •'.: £ which Rev. William ,H. Schmaas day School with Miss Betty Labat Midnight masses will also be Edward J. Miller, of Wootl- By Second Ward GOP Club 4 the European area, according to WOOiDBRIDGE — "And The is rector, and Miss Ruthann Hyslip in charge will offer a program held at'St. Anthony's Church, Port Pfc. John Pasko has returned bfidg-e, Seaman ifirst class, U. S. C. a report ma'de public today by the Angels Said," a playlet, was pre- FORDS — A 'Christmas dinner is organist, a carol sing will be with -all departments officiating. Reading; Our Lady of Peace to Camp Stewart, Ga., after spend- G., may be addressed Diamond War Department. sented at the Christmas party of and Yule program held at the held at 11:3-0 o'clock. At mid- A Christinas service was held Church, Fords, and St. Andrew's ing a ten-day furlough with his Shoals, L. S. 105, ,c/o District Private 'Sobieski entered the the 'Busehmun (Guild of the First Scandinavian -Grill on New Bruns- night, services will begin with the last (Sunday morning with a spe- Church, Avenel. '.Regular masses wife, the former 'Miss Helen Dr-o- -Coast Guard 'Office, P. O. Box 540, armed forces March 20, 1943. He Presbyterian Church held Monday wick Avenue featured the Decem- foil-owing music: ' cial Christmas anthem toy the will foe sung on Christmas Day. tar, of 3-2 May Street, Hopelawn. 5th 'Naval District, Norfolk, Va. attended Woodbridge High School * :',: :J night at the home of Mrs. Ken- ' Introit, "Adeste Fideles"; Kyrie, •senior choir directed iby the -organ* The annual iChristmas,progr-am * * * j, ber meeting; of the Second' Ward neth IM. Kepler, Railway Avenue. "It Came Upon a Midnight .Clear"; ist, 'Mi's. William Krag. Mem- of Trinity iChurch (School of Iselin and Middlesex County Vocational Frank -fi. Chaplar, Jr., son of Woman's Republican Clwb. Sergeant John llatana has re- Taking -part were: Miss Mae Gloria Tibi; "A 'Little Town of bers of the elroir are: Mrs. William will 'be .presented Sunday night at School, in'' civilian life he was Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chaplar, Sr., The December birthdays of Mrs. turned to Camp .Stewart, Ga., af- Reid, Miss Ann Parsons, Miss Cyn- Bethlehem"; Anthem, "Lo, How Johnson, -Mrs. Charles Mezera, 7:45 o'clock. A tableau with ap- employed by the Kincaid Manu- of 14 Howard Street, Hopelawn, V'-smon Cluistensen and . Mrs. ter spending an 11-day furlough thia Coover, Miss Olive Camp, A :Rose E'er Blooming"; Praeto- Mrs. Adpl-ph Zieseniss, Mrs. Alex propriate Christmas recitations facturing Co.; of Perth Am.boy, as FredBeatiregaard were celebrated. has received his commission as an at his home in Woodbridge. Miss Vivian iStetin, 'Miss Emma SVFeDermott, Mrs. Frank Mazzur, and hymns will ibe presented. a welder. • : Mrs. Isabel Tofch was chairman rius, Doxology, iSursum 'Cordia, ensign in the United States Naval •Early, Mrs. Edwin P. 'Pluedde- ; Mrs. Frederick Syers, 'Mrs. Mary Methodist Church .'and she was assisted by Mrs. Mil- Sanctus, ''Silent Night," Agnes Reserve after completing 15 week all-, and Mrs. James R. Reid, •mann and Mrs. George N. Spar- Detweiler and Miss Louise Berg- A midnight carol'service, which SON FOR SULLIVANS ton Hansen, Mrs. Beauregaard, Dei, "Angels-from the iRealms of V-7 training program at the of De Sota Avenue, Woodbridge, row. 1 Glory," Gloria in Excelsis; Reees- mueller. Dr. William MacKinney, •will start .at 11:30 P. M.. will be 'PORT REA'DESiG—'A son was Navy's Midshipmen's .School in have received word that their son, ;3Ii-s. Edwin .Leffler and Mrs : Karen Mrs. Andrew Lockie, assisted sional, "Hark, The- Herald Angels •of Westfield preached on the topic, held tomorrow night at the Meth- born to- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sul- New York City. He is a graduate William, U. S. N., has been pro- •Anderson. by Mrs. Russell Demarest, direct- sing." . - '"The Joy of Christmas." odist Church on Main Street, Rev. livan, of Carteret, Tuesday; Mrs. of Wodbridge High School class moted to the rank of petty officer, ;.[•: The January meeting was held ed the games and Mrs. C. A. Paul r,=at ths'b

Field Fire Church • Services CSYCS (Continued from Page 1) NEWS FROM (Continued from Page 1) Co Ionia News Township Acquires Plant Permit '•":•? flames and aided in many ways. to. The Youth Fellowship and1 senior "By Margaret Scott : control the fire. THE SERVICES choirs will take part. A circle of 145 ParceSsOf Land Ftr-Iempwary Shed ; Soldiers Help —An audience of mothers and eral moving pictures were shown, Hill Road, served as a ehaperone light will be displayed on the sing- ! WOOOBKID'G'E—A permit for The fire started on the Cutter (Continued from Page 1) friends attended the Christmas and gifts, candy and fruit dis- at the.Camp Kilmer XJ. S.O. Friday •WOOOCRIDGE—One hundred ers. On Sunday the anthem will and forty-five parcels of land were a temporary storage shed was-is^ property, burned the barn, jumped James Balling-er, son of Mr. be "Lo," A Child Is Born." Chimes -program Thursday at Golonia tributed. :Santa Claus was played evening. -. ' . ; School. The following took, part: acquired by the Township through sued to the Hart Products Com- the road and started up Straw- and Mrs. Charles iBallinger, of and Christmas carols are being by James Black, and the. other ,—Mr,..and. Mrs,_Fred.Rosenberg, pany on Edgar Hill 'by the Town-, berry Hill. Soldiers of the bat- "Welcome," Robert Horning; members of the cpmmittee in- •of East Street, were hosts Sunday 'foreclosure"and deed, during the Rahway, formerly of Avenel, is played in the tower of the church past month William Allgaier, real ship Committee Monday. tery stationed on the hill also turn- "The One Time," Dolores Day; cluded Richard Polhamus, chair- to her aunt, Mrs. A. Nestler, and 1 npw an aviation cadet at Shepperd every, day at noon and at 6 P. M. estate director, reported to the The permit, according to -the out to help and to prevent ivre- Field, Texas. Christmas (Finger Play, Dotty man, Seymour Olsen, James Tag- Corporal Paul- Nestler, of •' Se- •plaeeable equipment from being •A large, attractively decorated Brooks, Angela Garofolo, Joanna gart, Charles Oliphant, Fred Sut- causu's. ••_ ' - Township Committee Monday. resolution passed by the commit- * * * Christmas tree has been placed Mohr, Virginia Van Bra.mer, ter, Antonio Barbosa, Edward Mr. Allgaier also noted that his tee, was given with the under- destroyed. Police officers also lent Lieut. 'Walter A. Norman is —The following members of /the. a helping hand by working' Indian in. the entrance to the church. Wendy Wilkerson and Janet Kim- Hug-hes, assisted hy Mrs. Thomas American Legion Post 248 and the department made 25 realj estate standing that^ the building would visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ball; "Santa's Surprise," William iPolhamus and Mrs. Richard Pol- sales amounting to §30,506.70 in toe torn down at the end of the. pu'mps. [Firemen beat .back the Thomas IS. Norman, of Grove St. John's Episcopal Church Ladies Auxiliary attended a Christ- flames near St. Joseph's Orphan- Kimball, Arthur Tesar and O. A. hamus. Mrs. Horst Tetchenor and mas party-at the Menlo Park Vet- November. Gross receipts of the war. Street, Woodbridge. 3 ewarera Wilkerson; "Santa's Helper," Bar- Miss Beatrice Black led in sing- office for the month totalled ?15,- , Luther H. Anderson, of 14'9 .Ma- age and saved the building. * ;: * Special services .will be held at erans' Home: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stored in the Cutter barn -was St. John's Episcopal Church at 10 ry Rohde; "Spying- -On Santa ing Christmas carols. Godby, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph El- 658.4,4 ,'which was divided as fol- ple, .Sh'eet, Metucxien and William some feed and hay owned by Jo- Howard M. Ely, machinist's o'clock Christmas Day. The Sun-Glaus," Patty Hutzier, Louis Con- ster, Mrs. Elizabeth Ehmer, Mrs. lows : Benson, 190 Edgar 'Street, W-ood- mate third class, U. '§. N., is spend- das; song, "Up On the Housetops," —The Colonia Woman's Repub- •bridge, were named special ,-offi-. seph Klein company, whose Main day School program will be pre- lican Club held its annual Christ- James Currid and "Victor Skomba. Deposits on real estate, $3,509.- ing a 15-day furlough with his •by all; "For the New Year," Rob- = cers, without compensation, t; interest September. William Murphy, the Woodhridge, of which Rev. Ken'- on St. George Avenue. After a they will be picked up by any mem- —contract sales, $'738.99i; taxes plant at Fords. * * * neth Kepler is pastor, the Wo- Christmas Riddle," third grade; ber of the Legion; if notified. The committee was invited to roofer, also had shing-les stored "Christmas Suggestions,'^ Betty short 'business meeting, refresh- as additional rent, $1674.44; mis- •-here. Allan W. Bjorken, U. S. C. G., man's Association will have charge) ments vjere served and a gift ex- —Mrs. Ross Minchella, of Dover cellaneous, $6.20; 'Township rent attend the dedication of the honor spent the weekend' with his wife of a candlelight service to be held { and Frances Brown, Jiathleen roll at the .School Street audito- Horses Saved Franolich and Edith Frey; "A change conducted. Mrs. Joseph Road, attended a dinner party at collections, $288.50; rent assign- Horses quartered in the stable at their home on Manhattan Ave- at 11 o'clock .Christinas Eve. Kotvas played the piano for the Alpine Hotel in Newark Mon- ment collection, Sj>250. rium, under the auspices of the nue, Avenel. There will be special music with Little Boy's Speech." Antonio Woodbridge Council, Hungarian- : Christmas carols. Present were: wffle safely removed: hut dump: =h :'.= '-~ Earbosa; operetta, "Christmas day. . trucks and mowing machines own- Mrs. George Rhodes directing-. •Mrs. Philip Den" Bleyker, Mrs. Americans £or Victory, next 'Sun- •Serving at a South Pacific Island Eve In Toyland," announced by -—Mrs. William Baldwin, of Am- "OUTSTANDING WOMEN" IN day. The committee was also in- ed by Mr. Cutter were destroyed. Marjorie Feakes, and with a ]grge Harold DeLisle, Mrs. Eugene Ku- Base with an Army ordnance 9 nos, Mrs. Kotvas, (Mrs. Bertram herst Avenue, was hostess to the U. S. vited to attend the_couneil's ban- The foam, which was built by truck repair unit, Pfc- Alex 3?. Mp- cast of children from all grades. Card Club at a Christmas party quet in the evening. Hampton Cutter's father over 100 Womaii s Club The prog-ram closed with the sing- Dey, Mrs. Daniel Den Bleyker, New York—The "outstanding-" czarski, ibrothp? -5i Sophie and Mrs. George Keller, Mrs. James Friday. Present were: Mrs. Regi- women of America, chosen 'by a years ago, was one of the land- Helen Moczarski, Woodbridge, re- (Continued from Page 1) ing- of "America." nald Brady, Mrs. William Ogden, marks in town. It was made of man of the Red Cross unit in the Currid. Christmas cards wer^ Mrs. Bernard Day, Mrs. Theodoi-e special jury, the leading \yoman cently attended a party at an A short Parent-Teacher Associ- signed by all to fee sent to mem- in the movies -was Rosalind Rus- Susanna Melnichook •wood and pegged together-—no American Red Cross service .club club.. She announced .plans for a Kajawski, Mrs.. Seymour Olsen and nails had been used. The original I formation of a club devoted to this ation business meeting followed bers who are ill. Mrs. William Froehlich. sell; in radio, ; ibtisi- Now Second Lieutenant for New Jersey service men sta- the children's program. Mrs. Rus- ness, Mrs. Hoi-tense Odium; litera- walls were still in use and only tioned at the base. M-oczarski j necessary work. —Mrs. John Maa's, of West —Mrs. George Hayes, of Gay- the roof had been repaired .with Mrs. John Smith, newly ap- sell Feakes, the president, an- Cliff Road, entertained Mrs. Wil- ture, Pearl Buck; industry, Vivian WO-O'DiBRIDGE—Miss Susanna formerly worked for the General nounced the purchase of candy for Wood. Avenue, has returned to 4ier Kellems; music, Marian Anderson; •Melniehook, daughter of Mr. and modern asbestos shingles. Cable Co., Perth Amboy. pointed welfare chairman, dis- liam Horn* of Washington Ave- home after being a surgical pa- A high wind fanned the flames closed that a Christmas basket the pupils and teachers. Mrs. nue, and Mrs. George Schnebbe, science, Katherine Blodgett; jour- Mts. Michael Melnichook, of 291 Raymond Rohde, finance chair- tient at the Rahway Hospital. nalism, Dorothy Thompson; avia- Main Street, has received t.oday and billows of 'black smoke soon would be donated to a needy fam- of Iselin, 'Wednesday. —Mr. and Mrs. Charles Skibin- poured over the Amboy Avenue Sergeant William .Richard Au- ily. The sum of $5 set for the man, reported a profit of eight ' tion, Nancy Love Harkness; labor, her appointment as' second lieu- rich has returned to Amarillo dollars was realized on the white —Mr. and Mrs. (Paskel 'Merritt, sky, of_ Hawthorne Avenue, were Mrs. Anna iRosenberg. Compos- tenant in the U. S. Army. She is section of town. The wooden since-cancelled firemen's party for of Amherst Avenue, entertained hosts Sunday to Mi-, and Mrs. fence along the avenue was burn- Army Air Field, Texas, after children was approved for the elephant sale, and that there will ing the jury were: Alan Maxwell, a nurse and since November 29 spending a 15-day furlough with his brother and sister-in-law, Lieu- Frank Skibinsky and family, of Fannie Hurst, Faith Baldwin, Ju- has been stationed at Drew Field, ed as were electric light and tele- basket. be a card party, at the school tenant and Mrs. Clinton J. Mer- phone poles. his parents,- Mr. and Mrs. Alfred January 14, to raise funds to. pur- Somerville, • and Mr. ..and Mrs. dith Evelyn, Ruth Bryan Owen Tampa, iFla. Aurieh, of 498 Grove Avenue, ritt and son, Jerome, of Phila- George Skibinsky and son, George, Rhode, Mrs. Oliver Harriman, Miss Melnichook graduated Engine Is Damaged chasS equipment for the hot lunch deV, ,a, ove»»",«•<"»««r the weekec. L - Woodbridge. ALL AGIN' HIM project to ,be started after the * > ' Jr., af Newark. MaTgaret Sangster and' Mrs. Sara from the Woodbrulge High School When the flames jumped the * :5 * Atchison, Kan.—Since enlisting holidays. There will foe no meet-| —George Frazier, Seaman 2nd —John Mraz, Jr., of Gaywood B. de 'Forrest. ' and Muhlenberg Eospital School highway one of the fire engines of in the army at the start of the Woodbridge Fire Company No. 1 Christmas greetings were re- ing in January, the next session class, stationed at Groton, Conn., Avenue, is recuperating at his for Nursing, Plainfield. After- ceived by this newspaper from. war, Sergt. Jay Mager Jr., of Den- spent the weekend with his pair- home from his recent illness. wards she did private duty. *Her was caught between the two fires ton, has had influenza, suffered a to be held February 10, when N. C. .NEGRO WINS BEST-BOOK ibut the firemen quickly discon- Private E. J. Huster, stationed Founders Day will be celebrated. ents, Mr. and Mrs. August Frazier, —-Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sulli- AWARD brother, James, radioman first overseas. severe steam burn, undergone an There will be a speaker on "Re- of Arthur Avenue. class in the Navy is stationed at appendectomy and suffered a spine van and daughters, Patricia and Raleigh, N. C.—The North Caro- * * * modeling Clothes." —Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pol- Maureen, of Outlook Avenue, were New' lOrleans, La. 1 injury in a truck accident. At hamus, of Florence Avenue, were lina Mayflower Society presented Mr. and Mrs. Edward.Grode, of —Nearly two hundred children the guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs.its annual award' for the "best Park Avenue, Avenel, have re- last, about-.to be shipped over- hosts . over the weekend to Mrs. seas, the bus he was riding in, en from fire district No. 12 enjoyed Frank McCabe, of Roselle. book of tHe year written 'by a resi- AT CHRISTMAS, TOO! ceived word that their son, Ed- •Nellie Connor, Mrs. Emily iMjch- , —Francis Minchella, attending route to the embarkation point, a Christmas party at the Inman ener, Mrs. Luella Goeltz, all of dent of. North Carolina'' to J. WOODBRIBGE — A pocket- ward, Jr., of the Merchant Marine," school at L'Assumption, Canada, ISaunders .Redding-, a negro pro- is now in Italy. collided with a horse and Mager's Avenue Hall, with the Colonia Philadelphia, Pa., and Mrs. Theo- book containing $35, food ration hip and. leg were broken. The ship is spending the holidays with his fessor of English at Hampton In- Volunteer Chemical Hook and dore Polhamus, of Rahway. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Min- books and keys was lost on Main sailed without him. Ladder Company as hosts. Sev- stitute, 'Hampton, Va. , for his Street between the A. & P. Store nected the hose and moved the —Mrs. James Currid, of North chella, of Dover Road. :. book, ;'No Day of Triumph" which truck to safety despite the danger and Woolworth's fjve and'ten by •—Mr. and Mrs. Joseph. Sul, for- describes the Negro's social and Mrs. Helen Neidhardt, of 888 Rah- to themselves. . merly of Rahway, are now resid- econqmie prolblems. There were At the Port Reading fire, Wood- way Avenue, Tuesday, according ing in their . new home- on Gay- ;31 volumes in the list eligible for to a report on the police 'blotter, bridge Fire Company No. 1 an- wood Avenue. the award. swered Chief Andrew Barna's call The New for help, "and ona of the local —'Mr.-:and- Mrs. Reginald Brady, TO OPEN QUARTERS .of Inwood'Avenue, entertained her ALTERATIONS FREE trucks was sent to the scene. Following complaints of many WOO/DBRIOGE—Starting Jan-« So far this" week there have mother, Mrs. Joseph Callas, of Hillside, for a few days last week. soldiers that their pants were too uary 3, • temporary headquarters been, approximately IS field fires tight, the War Department has is- of Woodbridge Township Chapter, SCOOTERS - DOLLS- in Woodbridge proper alone. •—Mr. and^Mrs. Hiram Tuttle, sued a rule permitting the men to American Red Cross, will be lo- TABLE SETS -of Middlesex Avenue, were hosts have their clothes altered without cated in the Coppola Building on for a few days last week to Mr. Main Street. KIDDIE CARS PLANE DESTROYS HOUSE and Mrs. Byron Drake, of Port- charge. San Francisco.—An Army pi- f land, Me. lot, Flight Officer George Cris- —Charles Compton, of Prince- Large Selection of well, .22, of Irondale, Ala., was] ton, spent the weekend with • his killed when his plane crashed into sister and brother-in-law, Mr...and Other Toys an unoccupied! house. The plane Mrs. Raymond Rohde, of Fairview GAME SOCIAL exploded, demolishing the house, •*&> Avenue. 1 AT damaging four other residences —Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scott. and spraying flaming- gasoline in Jr., of West Street; were hosts 40S State St. 1 Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. Charles ST. ANDREW'S GHURCH HALL Perth Amboy, N. J. the street. No civilian was in- jured, however. Scott, Sr., of Enfield Road, and Mrs. Arthur Scott and daughters, will not be played during the holidays June and Barbara, of Rahway. —Mrs. Augusta Tuttle, of Mid- The next game social will be Held on dlesex Avende, visited her sister, ;Mrs. August Ullrich, of the Thursday Evening, January 6, 1944 Bronx, Thursday.

WeStillMave As one hands down a good name, Christmas each year hands down its AT- KREIELSHE traditions, and all are good. It has been a tradition here to regard the g-ood will of our customers as our most precious asset. In this holiday season of 1943 we extend to you, not as a customer alone, but as a friend, our y J: if very best wishes for a Merry Christ- mas. To our employees who have Solitaires Mounted with blue white per- -served you so well we extend Holiday fect diamonds. In platinum, white or yellow gold. Greetings. Working with you has W-V* t0 ieen a pleasure. j $50 §450 ^->•'£>•


WATCHES Nationally famous . makes, beautiful cases, and guaran- teed accurate. DIAMOND CROSS I OR LOCKET


Maxries Army Man Scalloped FATAL "- Musicale Feature Of Pt@gt@m lixiiary Marks Yule ISpringffieltt, -Mass.—delighted at Sewaren Personals seeing ea^h other for the-first time By Sins- Burns, 490 East in quite a while, Carl .Lagerstronv Presented For Sewaren Gmmp AfBrickeirigeiwe 67, shook hand's vigorously with, V SBWAREN—The Sewaren His- —A son, Anthony Joseph, was Church. The Sunday School hjs; friend, lOharles Nelison. Soon; Sofleld and members of the"execu~ born last Thursday evening1 to Lt. ! - .tory Club held its annual Christ- tive 'board. Others present were: Christmas program will 'be held at _WiO:O5.75 for Christinas goodies that Mrs. W. i^h^rnian has- offered to Mrs. Harold Hall, of Perth Am- mese, to knit and attend to sum- At the ek>se of the program, for a group of nearby service men pin chase from the Township ot WoodfeHgTGirf Wed pie household duties. She has there was an exchange of gifts. 530 Amboy Are. IJaritan for the sum of One thou- boy; Mi-, and CVfrs. Clifford tPfeif- Betty Rhodes, movie star, mod- and $3 for the Near East Belief sand pight hundred ($1,800 00} Dol- fer, of Raritan Township; Mr. and kniteed through three wars—the Woodfarldge, N, J. Fund. Mrs. Kozusko, Wood- lars, the premises known as. Lot 4, Pf. ReadmgSoIdier Mrs. Hoi ace Crowell, of Westfield; Civil War, the first World - War LABOR GOAL els new mink, coat -with scal- hridg'e Township chairman of the <5, and in Block 410 as shown on 1 the Assessment Map of the WlO.ODBRIDGE—Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and 'Mrs. William Garis, Miss and. now her. knitted products are A total labor force of 66,300,000 loped hemline. ; Radios Repaired Blood Bank, made, a request for s»liip ol Raritan. Thi=: consideration Marie Bobbins, of Woodbridge, sent to the Grenfell Mission off is. the goal for July, 1944, accord- donors for January SO. Mrs. Alex to be provided for under terms mu- Frank Manganaro, of 87 New the coast of Labrador. Mrs."1 Stev- ing- "'to Paul, V. MeNutt, chairman Telephone 8-0639 tually agreed upon. Street, announce the marriage of and Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Clark, of Cripps warns Britain not to Urban reminded members to pur- FIRST TRACT- -Beginning- at a town. ens was born in 1841 of mission- of the Majiipower Commission. spurn Soviet after the war. chase 'bonds and scamps. •stone at the intersection ot the cen- their daughter, Sarah, to Corporal ary parents at Tavoy, Burma, and ter line or Railway Road and Raritan Joseph Eak, son of Mr. and Mrs. —iA special Christmas service Mrs. Olivja Van Iderstine, pro- Road, thence (1) running along the will 'be held Christmas morning 10 for forty-five years was a mission- center line or Railway Road South Joseph Eak, 2° 42' West i~>Q ."> ipet to the tenter attired in a "blue suit with white of naritan Tload. thence (4) along usual award of prizes an exchange said center lme of «ud road South and burgundy accessories. GAMB-Y of Christmas gifts was conducted. 4.S° 41' TS'est, 132 3t leet to begin- Mrs. Frank Manganaro and Mrs. —The Ladies' Auxiliary of ning- Joseph Eak, ST., made the trip Third Tra.it: Beginning: at a point Woodbridge iFire Company No. 1 in tha renter line ol Rah way jRoacl south to "witness the ceremony. will hold its Christmas party and distant along said center line South- Prior to her marriage, the bride Make An Ideal Xmas Gift easterly 25S .90 leet from the center was employed at uhe Acme Mar- election of officer? December 29 ol naritan Tcoad: thence (1) North at Uie home of Mrs. Fred Zehrer 48" 41' Ea&t 438.91 feet: thence (2) ket on Main iStreet. Before enter- Ail kinds of tome made on Leone Street. South 52" 42' East, 184-99 feet; ing the service, Corporal Eak was thence (3) South 31° 30' West 423.95 assorted chocolates DRASTICALLY REDUCED —A Christmas party was held leet to the center of nahway Hoad; a welder at the Perth Amboy Drj Tuesday night by the Junior and thence (4) along- said center line ofi Docks. Mrs. Eak, Jr., plans to Senior Sodalities of St. James' llahway Eoad North 59° 47' West reside -in Spartans-burg: for the We wish you alt-a Merry 151.18 feet to beginning-. Up to 50: % Off On All Church. An exchange of gifts fea- Being known as lots 4, 6 and 7 in present. and a Happy tured the program. Block 410 as shown on the Raritan —"The Story of the Other Wise Township Tar Map. New Year. In addition to the foregoing-, the Behm Are Just a Fern of tie Many Bargains Men," illustrated with colored purchaser shall also be responsible slides, will 'be presented at the lor the cost ot advertising said sale First Presbyterian Church Sunday and for the payment of a reasonable charge for the preparation of ihe afternoon, at 4:'3O o'clock. The deed or contract. progra1m will 'be presented by the The Bpard of Commissioners of I AMBOY CANDY KITCHEN young people's groups of the the Township of Ilaritan in the church. County ol Middlesex has fixed Tues- £?f666 day. December 2Sth, 1943 next, at S $66 TABLETS, SALVE. HOSE DROPS P. M. at the regular meeting of the Board of Commisaioners to be held UNCLE SAM SAYS at the Town Kail for -a. hearing as to whether said offer of purchase shall be confirmed and ratified. The TURN THAT OLD CAR Board oi Commissioners reserves INTO WAR BONDS the right to reiect said bid or'm the event a Jnghex or better terms shall be bid for said price or better terms FOR VICTORY .shall be bid for said piopertv, to j.ci ept the .same. WE WILL BUY W. U W.OODWARD, Township Clerk, To be advertised in Rantan*Town- ANY CAR <;hip Fords Beat on on December 23, ANY YEAR OR MODEL AND 1913. PAY YOU A GOOD PRICE IET THEM. NOW For Quick Cash SECRET The Supply Lasts Results Call Secret weapons of a revolution- ary type are responsible for the UNCLE JOE lopsided victories against the Jap- WAS__. _ NOW; . . WO. 8-0149 anese in the Pacific, according to Rear Admiral Ingram C iSowell, SPEEDWAY Commandant of the U. S. Naval Life Size Seotty, base in 'Bermuda. The Admiral AUTO SALES Co. says that fatal blows against Jap- 823 ST. GEORGE AVE. anese ships in total darkness re- Real Fur Woodbridge sulted from new inventions. "We sank their ships when they did Beautiful We sell good transportation, not kiipw -we were there," he de- Half Size Scotty,: not merely used cars. clared. Diamonds Real Fur . .. . . 3,98

Toy Town Carnival .... 1,39 Farm Implement

Ad-.O- Master mm mimmtm Family of Paper Dolls Canvass Bag Nurses and Doctor Set . . 1.49 - Hamilton Elgin - Parker TQYLAND—BASEMENT Watches

Shop Thruout the Store . B a Bargains in Every Department

Buy ihe $®an Easy Pay €&up@n Way Deferred payments arranged on purchase of *10.,.or- more.

lenre have'posted or marked ceiling prices in compliance wiih governmentlreguleHons, IHHHHHHBEHHK PERTH AMBOY 4-4900 PAGE FOUR THURSDAY,' tm,~^m -mirw t yr FOEDS AND RABITAN TOWNSHIP BEACOlf

To: W-557} Docket 142/39 Upon acceptance of the minimum shall be confirmed and ratified. The 198 bid. or bid above minimum, by the Board of Commissioners reserves NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Township Committee and the pay-the right to reject said bid or in the Troll Of 2 Westvaco The Carteret Merchants Here Listed Wish Their Priendk TO WHOM IT &£AY CONCERN: ment thereof by the purchaser ac- event a higher or better terms shall Obituaries At & regular meeting of the cording to the manner of purchase be bid for said -price or better terms Township Committee of the Town- in accordance with terms of sale shall be bid for said property, to c*x\ file, the Township will deliver a accept the same. Lulu B. Rooke And Customers A Very ship of Wooctbridge heltl Monday, bargain and sale deed for said Employes Announced .December 20th, 1943, I was directed premises. w. :R. WOODWARD, H OPEIiAWiN—Mrs. Lulu B. to advertise tlie fact that on Monday Rooke, .35, wife-of George W. «vening', January 3rd, 1944, the Dated: December 21st, 1!)4::. Township Clerk. WOOD BRIDGE— Mr. and Mrs Township Committee will meet at B. J. DUNIG-ANT™"" To bo advertised in Raritan Towu- Rooke, of 23 May Street, died Fri-, „ , „ „ ., . . _.„ S P. M. (WT) in the Committee Township Clerk. sliip-Fords Beacon on December 23, day night in the 'Perth Amboy Fred G" S*l^™> °* ^ Chambers, Memorial Municipal To be advertised December 23rd 194 3. General Hospital after a short ill- •Avenue, announce the eng-agemen Building, Woodbridge, New Jersey, and December 30th, 1943, in the Itefer To: W-5B7; Docket 142/28 of their daughter. Marie Harriet ana expose aria sell at public sale Fords Beacon., ness. Besides her husband she and to the liig-liest bidder according NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE to Hartley Fred iField, son of Mr. to terms of sale on file with the TO WHOM IT MAX CONCERN: is survived by two daughters, ToTsrns-M.p Clerk open to inspection Dec. 22, 1943. At a regular meeting of the Town- Nancy and Martha; her parents, and Mrs. Fried L. Field of 28 36th ana to be -publicly read prior to PUBLIC XOT1C13 ""* ship Committee of the Township of Mr. and Mrs. George Barrett and Street, Long Island. City, -N.-Y".' sale, north 7n feet of Lots 90 to 93 P01BLIC NOTICE is hereby given Woodbridge held Monday, Decem- i Miss 'Baldwin is a graduate of inclusive and all of Lot 94, in Block that Waiter Wavtrezak, attorney ber 20th, 1943, I was directed to ad-two sisters, Theresa and Elizabeth. •31-B, Woodbridge Township Assess- for Stephen Tunkel, has offered to vertise the fact that on Monday eve- Barrett, of Hopelawn. Woodbridge Hig-h School, .Class of ment Map. purchase from the Township of ning. January 3, 1944, the Town- 1937, and graduate of Scudder Take further notice that the Rari'tan for the sum of Two hun-ship Committee will meet at 8 P. M. Mrs. Rooke was one of the dred and fifty ($250.00) Dollars, (WT) in the. Committee Chambers, School, New, York. Mr. Field is Township Committee has. bv reso- ; Memorial Municipal Building, Wood- founders of the Hopelawn Public lution and pursuant to law, fixed paj able in cash, Block 20S, Lots bridge, New Jersey, and expose and Library and served as president of a graduate of Cooper Union and a, minimum price at which said lots 3S-43 inclusive on the Assessment sell at pu'blie sale and to the high- is attending Brooklyn Polytechnic in said block will be sold together Map of the Township of Karitan. est bidder according to terms of the hoard of trustees. She was with all other details pertinent, BEGINNING-at the intersection of sale on file with the Township Clerk Red Cross district chairman for •Institute. said minimum price being- $500.00 the Northerly line of Delta Avenue open to inspection a-nd to be pub-ffopelawn and a member of St. Pe- And A Happy New Year plus costs of preparing deed and with the Easterly line • of Prince licly read prior to sale. Lots 8 and 9 Both Miss Baldwin and Mr advertising- this sale. Said lots in Street thence running-d) Easterly in Block 442-E, Woodbridge Town- ter's Episcopal Church. Field are employed at the West- said block if sold on terms, will re- along- ithe Northerly line of Delta ship Assessment Map. vaeo Chlorine Products Goi"poTa- quire a down payment of ?S0.00, the Avenue, One Hundred Thirty-one balance of purchase price to be paia and Three One-Hundredtlis (131.03') Take further notice that the George Bennett, Sr. tion, 'Carteret. Mr. Field is a pro- in equal monthly installments of feet: thence (2) Northerly and at Township Committee has, by reso- IiSEUIN—(George Bennett, Sr., duction supervisor and Miss Bald We wish you all a $10.00 plus interest and other terms right angles with the Northerly lution and pursuant to law, fixed a. provided for in contract of sale line of Delta Avenue, One Hundred minimum price at which said lots in 58, of Sonora Avenue, died Sun- win is secretary in the Research Merry Christmas and i Take further notice that at said (100') feet; thence (3) Westerly said block will be sold together with day at his home. Mr. Bennett Department. No date has been sale, or any date to which it may beparallel with the Northerly line of all other details pertinent, said set .for the wedding. a Happy New Year adjourned, the Township Commit- Delta Avenue, One Hundred Korfy- minimum price being $1,468.86 plus was employed by the Colgate Com- tee reserves the right in its discre- one and Eigiiity-one One-hundreciths costs of preparing deed and adver- pany in Jersey City for twenty-1 - tion to reject any one or all bids (141.81') l'eet to the Easterly line of tising this sale. Said lots in said and to sell said lots in said block Prince Street: thence (4) Southerly block if sold on terms, will require four years. He is survived by his died Friday at the Roosevelt Hos- Merry Xmas and w such bidder as it max' select, due along the Easterly line of Prince a down payment of $146.S6, the bal-widow, Minni*/r e i~rHar_ t ,-r'Bennett. ,, ;. j,fou r pjtal. She is survived toy her hus- JULIUS KLOSS, regard being given to" terms ana Street One Hundred and Fifty-eight ance of purchase price to be paid in children, George, Jr., U. S. 'Navy; Happy New Year manner oE payment, in case one orOne-hundredths (.100.58') feet to the eQual monthly installments of band, Fred, retired rounds ser- Irving St., Carteret Miore minimum bids shall be re- place of bes'inning-. $15.00 plus - interest and other terms William J., Elizabeth A., and Joan, geant of the Woodbridge Town- American Barber and ceived. provided for in contract of sale. all of Iselin and a sister, Mrs. ship Police Department; a daugh- Being known and designated as Take further notice that at said assorted Xmas plants, Xmas Beauty Shop Upon acceptance of the minimum lots 39, 40, 41, 42 and 43 in block sale, or any 'date to which it may Joshua 'Caddell, of East (North- [ ter, Mrs. Harry Thullesen, of wreaths and sprays. Toid, or bid above minimum, by the 45 as shown on a map filed in the port, L. I. Funeral services were 8 85 Roosevelt Ave., Township Committee and the pay-Middlesex County Clerk's Office en- be adjourned, the Township Com- Fords; two sons, William, of Member F. T. D. ment thereof by the purchaser ac- mittee reserves the right in its dis-held Wednesday afternoon from .Fords and George of New.London; I Carteret cording to the manner of purchase titled "Map of Metuchen-'Esta tes cretion to reject any one or all bids an accordance wfth terms of sale on situated at Metuchen, Middlesex and to sell said lots in said block his home. Burial was in the six grandchildren and a brother. file,' the Township will deliver a County, New Jersey. Scale l" = 50', to such bidder as it may select, dueCloverleaf Park Cemetery, Wood- IPeter Jensen, of Rahway. Fu- bargain and sale deed for said prem- November 1913 - C. B. Carman, C. regard being given to terms and bridge. ises. E." manner of payment, in case one or neral services were ^held .Monday -Dated: December 21st 194't Being also known as lots 39, 40,more minimum bids shall be re- afternoon* .at the Greiner Funeral B. J. bKNIGAJNT, 41, 42 and 43 in block 20S as shown ceived. Mrs. Bolette Larsen •Home, 44 Green Street. Burial Township Clerk. on the Raritan Township Tax Map. Upon acceptance of the minimum To be advertised December 23rd In addition to the foregoing-, the bid, or bid above minimum, by the; WiOOIMBiRIDGE — Mrs. Bolette was in the Alpine Cemetery, Perth purchaser shall also be responsible Township Committee .and the pay- ; and December SOtli, 1943, in the for the cost of advertising said sale ment thereof by the purchaser ac- Larsen, '6 2, of 49 Campbell Street, I Amboy. . Fords Beacon. and for the payment of a reasonable cording to the manner of purchase charge for the preparation of the in accordance with terms of sale on i Hefcr To: \V-552s Qoeltet 141/.->^S deed or contract. file, the Township will deliver a arOTIOK OF PUBMC SALE Tile Board of Commissioners of bargain and sale deed for said prem- ft TO WHOM IT MAT CONCERN: tlie Township of Karitan in the ises. At a. reg-ular meeting of the County of Middlesex lias fixed Tues- Dated: December 21st, '1943. Sownsliip Committee of the Town- day, December i'Stli, 1943 next, at B. J. DUNIGAN, .. CHRISTMAS TREES ship of Woodbridg-e held Mon- S P.-M. at tlie regular meeting of Township Clerk. . . day, Decem'ber 20th, 1043, I was di-the Boat'd of Commissioners to be To be advertised December 23rd rected to advertise the fact thai belli at the Town Eiall for a hearing and December 30th, 1943, in tue •on Monday evening, January 3rd, as to whether said offer of purchase Fords Beacon. - 1944, the Township Committee will meet at 8 P. M. War Time in the Committee Chambers, Memorial CHEERY Municipal Building, Woodbridge, GOOD WISHES 4 Greet Christmas with Kew Jersey, and expose and sell at -B >" joy and laughter—and public sale and to the highest bid- For a Holiday Season der according to terms of sale on Filled With Joy That Our best wishes to you may a Victorious peace file with the Township Clerk open to inspection and to be pubiiclv Holiday Joy Will Remain Through- for health, happiness follow soon after! •read prior to sale. Lot 90 in Block out the Coming- Years and the fulfillment of 136, Woodbridge Township Assess Let us put our faith in God, and of Peace! merit Map. your deepest desires Roosevelt Flower Take further notice that the may joy glow in every heart this DUCHESS during the holiday sea- Shop - Township Committee has, by reso ; lution ana pursuant to law, fixed a Christmas season. son and the New Year. Catherine Ruckriege], Prop. minimum price at which said lot ui BEAUTY SHOPPE said block will be sold togethei Stella S. Safchinsky FLOWERS FOR ALL "With all Oither details pertinent, Mr. & Irs, lax Cohen said minimum price being- fi,022.M> We wish you all a Merry Christ- 88 Washington Ave. 4 S OCCASIONS Washington Restaurant »* 325 Pershing Ave. •plus costs of preparing deed and ad Carteret vertising this sale. Said lot in said S6 Washington Ave. Phone Carteret 8-0493 block if sold on terms, will requi a mas and a Happy New Year, Carteret 8-5020 a down payment of .$202.00, the bai « if Carteret Carterei, N. J. ance of purchase price to be paid in equal monthly installments of $20.00 plus interest and other terms pro- Tided for in contract of sale. Take further notice that at said FLOWERS sale, or any date to which it may be Wreaths , adjourned, the Township Commit- tee reserves the right in its discre- FOR ALL tion to reject any one or all bids Grave Covers and to sell said iot- in said block OCCASIONS to SUGII bidder as it may select, due regard being' given to terms and Cut Flowers MERRY manner of payment, in case one oi more minimum bids shall be re- ..•CHRISTMAS ceived. Pretty TO ALL OUR "Upon acceptance of the minimum bid, or bid above minimum, by the FRIENDS AND Township Committee and the pai Poinsettas CUSTOMERS ment thereof by the purchaser ac- extend our heart- % cording to the manner of purchase fa file, the Township will clelivei | § felt greeting's for a Mer- | in accordance with terms of sale 5 i *T Christmas that will § ^ a bargain and sale (Jeed for said AND- premises. S w light the way to a New S |? May our land be for- § Dated: December 21st, 194i!. LELLO'S FLOWER SHOP | BEST WISHES | | Year of peace and hap- f E. J. DUNIGAN, SHIRLEY. SPIEGEL FOR A HAPPY ever free, and the skies j| Township Clerk. New Shore Route No. 35 or old King George's Road | S piness. To be advertised December- 23rd NEW YEAR once more be blue, is J| and December 30th, 1943, in the 161 Smith St., Perth Amboy Phone: WoodbHdge 8-1586 I | Fords Beacon. We've Enjoyed Serving our wish for peace at J| You and We're Looking | I FAMILY LIQUOR Christmas, may it soon | liefer to: W-557: Docket 14S/20 Forward to Continued NOTICE OF PUBLIC SAI/E Friendship and Cooper- 1 1 . STORE come true! % TO, WHOM IT MAY CONCERN;. • ation in the New Year At a regular meeting of the I! S. Novit, Prop. Township Committee of the Town- ship of Woodbridge held Monday, George's Market December 20th, 1843, I was directed Paints and Hoasefurnishing* to advertise the fact that on Monday . Meats and Groceries 78 Washington Ave. evening, January 3rd, 1944, the Township Committee will meet at 8 66 Washington Ave. Carteret, N. J. 7 Wheeler Ave. P. M. (WT) in the Committee Cham- *, Carteret Carteret, N. J. bers, Memorial Municipal Building, Phone 8-0977 Woodbridse, New Jersey, and ex- pose and sell at public sale and to the highest bidder according to terms of sale on iile with the Town- ship Clerk open to inspection and to be publicly read prior to sale. Lots 163 3 and 1611 in Block 4-D, Woodbi'idS'e Township Assessment Map. Take, further notice that the Township Committee has, by reso- lution and pursuant to law, fixed a minimum prioe at which said lots ill said block will bo sold togeth- er with ai: other details pertinent, said minimum price being $1,300.00 plus- costs of preparing" deed and advertising this sale. Said lots in said block it sold on terms, will -require n down payment of $130.00, the balance ol" purchase price to be paid in equal monthly installments of S10.00 plus interest and other QhM&M^f/g terms provided for in contract of aale. GOOD WILL Take further notice that at said g May all your dreams sale, or any date to which it may TOWARD MEN be adjourned, the Township Com- May the glad spirit that mittee reserves the right in its fills the air ^ be yours & come true, and this be May your Christmas disci-etion to reject any one or all bids and to sell said lots in said throughout the happy if the last wartime need stocking be filled block to such bidder as it may se- holiday season and.the lect, due regard being given to |? V to oversowing with terms and manner of payment, in coining year! 8 ever faced! »1 Joy and Happiness rasn one or more minimum bids Mr. and Mrs. L. Kantor shall be received. K And may the New Carteret-Roosevelt Year bring Victory! I Frank's Variety Store M if gleaners p |- BROWN BROS." ' 63 and 573 Roosevelt Ave. j| 77 Roosevelt Ave. STORE _ Carteret M Carteret, N. J. 579-81 Roosevelt Ave. Ca. 8-S848 R 5* Phone 8-5055 Carteret, N. J. - R YOU MAY

Soldier, sailor, marine, war nurse, civilian, homemaker, we are thinking of you this Christmas Day, hoping that the good cheer of the holiday season reaches you wher- ever you are. .

To our friends and employees, we wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New May happiness Year. he yours ai ha$ jotwd her One and ivbo in turn bos Christmastime, I 1 May this Christinas sea- & This message sponsored by A. J. NEISS and may the the discrimination to select son guide us safely into ^ Wishing you all the best '$&e -rmg worthy oi the hap- New Year bring the harbor of peace as || iddlesex Concrete Products you much joy our anchor. jj| for the holidays and OVERTRACK DEPT. i. for 1944. ROBERTS ROOSEVELT DINER V. K. R. HICKER CO. Joe McHale STORE I , and. Excavating Co, 57S Roosevelt Ave. % and Carteret Restaurant LIEBERMAN 528 Roosevelt Ave., QUALITY JEWELERS (Hill Section) % 519 Roosevelt Ave., Carteret Carteret PERTH AMBOY, H. J. Carteret, N. J. §

*<*>" FORDS AND RAKITAN TOWNSHIP -BEACON THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1943 PAGE FIVE .TowstSHIP ^HI* by the official influenced the playing of his team. In fact, he says, and he is tell- 9? FORD EACON ing1 the truth, no doubt, that he always bet Under • The State House Dome 'FLAG STOP PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY —by— on his own team. By J. Joseph Gribbins THE BEACON PUBLISHING CO. The danger exists, however, that, some Postoffice Address: Fords, N. J. day, some official can bet against his team TiRENTiON.—State officials are MEADiLEE: — The infamous hoping Governoi'-elect Walter E. Jersey mosquito, the gipsy moth, WOODBRIDGE 8-1710" and develop a crooked combination that Edge will hold on to the spirit of the Hessian wheat fly, corn ear- Subscription $1.50 per year will throw games to earn cash. To keep Christmas and its by-product, gen- worms, codling moths, strawberry the sport clean it is necessary to ban bet-erosity, until he is officially seated weevils and the Japanese beetle, Elmer J. Vecsey Publisher and Managing Editor in the Governor's chair on Janu- which comprise the worst bunch Entered at the Post Office at Fords, N. J., as ting by officials and players and the ary 18. It's not because they want of pests ever inflicted upon the second class mail matter on April 17, 1936. prompt action of Judge Landis will to go on a spending spree, but State of New Jersey, received strengthen the public faith in the good there are so many important good news this week. things to be done, they say, that it They heard that Dr. Thomas J. faith of baseball. will take $4,000,000 more, than HTeadlee, pioneer pest eradica- their spending programs for* the tor, would retire on January 1 to current year to do a good job. spend the rest of his days among Women's Rights Budget requests 'filed by .State his 1,5-00 apple trees on his farm is There A Santa Clans? department heads with Finance in Dayton. Dr. Headlee ' has (IJi.*!\!Witli IH one of the most illustrious editorials George Bernard Shaw, the British au- Commissioner Frank E. Walsh for waged a 'successful war against in the history of journalism. It was written by the pests of mankind as chief of Francis 1\ Ohim-li anrl was first printed on September thor, asked how women could get rid of the coming year . total approxi- the entomology department of 21, J8L>7j in tlit Now York Hun. Kvery year on the mately $.50,000,000, exclusive .of ^£-~V * V~V^g? be able lee's 'staff in" recent years.' as it has gained. to convince Governor-elect Edge VIRGINIA O'HANLON, that Ms exertions are not only In helping to make New Jersey US W. Ninety-Fifth St. improperly timed ibut unreason- a comfortable place to live, Dr. able because of the great impor- Headlee also successfully attack- Virginia, your little friend^ are wrong. Forest Fires Costly tance of their programs. ed the gipsy moth, the wheat fly, corn earworm, .codling moth, They have been effected by the skepticism Millions of dollars worth of timber are The State Department of Com- strawberry weevil and the Japa- of a skeptical age. They do not believe lost every year through forest fires and merce and Navigation would en- nese beetle and other nuisances. some of the money is contributed by thejoy receiving executive support With the exception of these pests, except they see. They think that nothing for a $5,42,1,430 coast erosion every living thing in New Jersey can be which is not comprehensible by land owners of Middlesex County. program. Recent storms caused is sorry to see him retire. their little minds. All minds, Virginia, While it is impossible to prevent all for-heavy damage to the coast, it is 1 claimed, and more is threatened TROOPERS:—Two State troop- whether they be men's or children's, are est fires, every land owner should make an if protection is not accorded jet- era who captured four escaped little. In this great universe of ours, man effort to save his own property. Often, ties. In addition, the board would convicts hiding in the Chislers is a mere insect, an ant, in his intellect, as despite his activity, careless persons will ibe pleased- to get ?7i2i3,7.35 for Club, a deer hunting lodge, lo- inland waterway dredging and cated at West Bamber Lake, a compared with the boundless world about thoughtlessly start a fire. maintenance. small hamlet deep in the Ocean him, as measured by the intelligence capa- The dry weather of the past few months The State Board of Public Util- County pinelands, are expected to has contributed to fire hazards from light- ity Commissioners wants $383,- receive the iState Police award for If We Only Had a Horse It would be helpful to have these cable race relations in this ble of grasping the whole truth and knowl- 90;l, an increase of approximately meritorious service for their fine It's hog-killing time, they say, matters cleared up. — Pittsburgh region." edge. ning and other causes but the absence of |50,000 over the current year, the work. with plenty of backbone and ribs. Cowries'. For Virginia to take the first Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. He high winds has reduced the damage. addition ibeing for rate investiga- The convicts were captured on And fresh liver. The walnuts great tradition - breaking step tion. The New Jersey Welfai-e December 6 the d;ay following have been gathered and. spread in Leadership From Virginia would, indeed, be a heartening exists as certainly as love and generosity With the nation facing a pulp wood Commission which has already their escape from the 'Bordentown the open to dry. Hickory nuts The iRichmond 'Times-Dispatch thing.—New York Herald Tribune. and devotion exist, and you know that they shortage the burning of forests represents spent a fortune studying living iPrison Farm. Working on the and hazelnuts are all over the advocates in an outspoken and conditions among the Negroes .of assumption the four men would kitchen. Apples are in the cellar, calmly reasoned editorial the re- Declaration *ra Foreign abound and give to your life its highest a loss to the national economy, as well as and so are the potatoes. Turnips peal of Jim Crow laws for street- New Jersey and wants to con- take to the woods to hide out, 1 Policy Badly Needed beauty and joy. Alas! how dreary would to the individual owner. During the next tinue the study forever, has asked Troopers ;Lester Johnson and and cabbage are holed in to keep cars and buses in Virginia as "the long past Christmas. Cordwood truly conservative course." 'The The proposal to have an iden- be the world if there were no Santa Claus. few months many land owners will find it for $56,034, or more than double George Westervelt of the Toms tical foreign policy plank in next the current appropriation. (River 'Station, searched the hunt- is stacked high by the ibarn. repeal would be, it says, "the It would be as dreary as if there were no possible to cut pulpwood at a profit but greatest single step toward better year's Republican and Democratic . These constitute only a few ofing lodges of Ocean County for Life* goes on back where man platforms ibabs up again. It Virginias. There would be no ehild-like there can be no profit if one permits fire to the requests for money 'but they them. One of the prisoners, Wal- and the soil are friends. There race relationships taken in any Southern State for decades." The comes from Secretary of the Navy faith then, no poetry, no romance to make consume the trees. are typical of all. Each depart- ter Bennett, serving 20 to 30 we would ibe, come this weekend— Knox this time. ment chief has great plans for theyears for murder, knew the pines if only we had gasoline and tires, reason it is deemed conservative is tolera'ble this existence. We should have section of the 'State and this fact that otherwise Southern Negro Knox is ,a Republican holding future 'Of New Jersey and needs or maybe just a good old nag and Cabinet office in a Democratic Ad- money to put them across. That was known -bo the troopers. The a saddle. St. Louis Post-Dispatch. leaders, who earnestly desire that no enjoyment, except in sense and sight. Send No Cash! relationship problems be settled in ministration, which suggests that The eternal light with which childhood is why they are hoping Governor- troopers : captured the convicts his Republicanism is not chronic elect Edge holds on to the Christ- without firing a shot. Policy aind Practice the .South itself by the people who Here's a new racket, "designed**to take live there, white and iblack, will and inveterate. He can take it fills the world would 'be extinguished. mas spirit until he takes office. Captain Walter J. Coughlin, James C. Petrillo, president of and he can leave it alone. It is advantage of the; next of kin of relatives commanding Troop C, has asked the American Federation of Mu-be forced to surrender to radical Not 'believe in Santa Claus? You might spokesmen "demanding the com-reasonable to regard this latest who may be prisoners of war: GOVERNORS: — Portraits of Colonel Charles H. iSchoeffel, the sicians and popularly known as proposal as coming from the Dem- as well not believe in fairies. You might A letter advises that a message has been former Governors of New Jersey department's superintendent, to czar of the music world, has in-plete abolition of all discrimina- ocratic side. get your papa to hire men to watch in all have been re-shuffled at the State riiake the awards. If the convicts formed the NAiACP that it has tion over night." recorded, via enemy radio, about the rela- House and the effect is remark- were armed, they xvould not have never been and never will be the The leadership oif Virginia, one The proposal is good, on its the chimneys on Christmas to catch Santa tive, which can be secured for cash. [Sble. hesitated to fight it out with he policy of the A. E. of M. to dis-of the greatest of Southern States, iface. To have the country argu- troopers, he said. criminate against Negroes. which itself has nearly one-fourth ing what the war is aibout and Claus but even if they did not see Santa The OWI calls attention to this sucker Woodrow Wilson, who became what it is fighting for at a time President, has the place of honor This is extremely comforting Negro population, would weigh Claus coming down what would that enterprise but finds the problem somewhat ABOUT JERSEY:—More than more in the South than all outside when crucial battles are being over the fireplace in the inner news, indeed, and we hope that it waged would not help '«« war ef- prove? Nobody sees Santa Claus. The executive office under the new ar- 800 examples o£ soldier art are is true. efforts from whatever source to difficult because there are well-meaning ibeing displayed at the New Jersey force change. And who, cogni- fort in any area. most real things in the world are those persons in the country who, out of a desire rangement, while A. Harry Moore, State Museum in Trenton in the We have heard so much to the But will the plank be a concrete New Jersey's only three-time Gov- zant of the unreal achievement re- that neither children nor men can see. Did "Art of the Armed Forces" ex- contrary from Negro musicians, sulting from post-Civil War at- statement of- American war aims? to -be comforting, relay news of prisoners ernor, Harold G. Hoffman and hibition . . . 'Thirteen thousand members of the A. F. of M., and •Or will it be just another piece of you ever see fairies dancing on-the lawn? Walter E. Edge keep him company tempts to .abolish all discrimina- of war to their relatives. shelf-worn batteries have been we think it •would be interesting tion by fiat, can 'believe that it rhetoric, antagonizing no one be- Of course not, but that's no proof that they on suri'ounding walls, All other made available by the army for to have their present views on the cause saying nothing? The best advice we can give our readers .Governors whose pictures adorned would not result in more real are not there. Nobody can conceive or im- ham" operators of the civilian matter. achievement? Nobody at this time—-and per- is that they send no money for any alleged the inner .office on crowded walls defense organization in New Jer- This discrepancy .between what haps not even the President, who agine all the wonders that are unseen and have been moved outside. No critic from the North could information, whatever. If the writer is im- sey . . . Retail store owners of Mr. Petrillo says- and what some state the case against white do- has a genius for improvisation—. unseeable in the world. bued with a desire to be helpful, no request The (Governor's reception room New Jersey are advised by the Negro musicians say may arise nothingism better than does t"he knows what is the foreign policy has been transformed into a beau- OPA that thousands of pairs of ra- from the • fact that Mr. Petrillo Times-Dispatch: "The time has of the United States. The coun- You tear apart the baby's rattle and for cash will be requested. tiful colonial room ;by the rear- tioned rubber boots are needed in is talking afoout. policy as set down come when the white South must try has had only general declara- what makes the noise inside, but there rangement of the portraits. A certain sections of New England in official pronouncements, while do more than issue pious state- tions. The Atlantic Charter, 'for large portrait of George Wash- . . . Dr. Thomas J. Headlee, pio- the Negro musicians are talking ment's about loving and under- instance, is a noble document, but is a veil covering the unseen world which ington was resurrected from ob- neer in the control of'mosquitoes about practice as encountered it is not precise and informative. Look Out For The'Flu in New Jersey, will retire January, standing the Negro if it wishes to Jiot the strongest man, not even the united scurity to form the motif of the from day to day., build a firm foundation (for ami- The administration would get strength of all the strongest men that ever The influeliza epidemic is feared m room. The experts surrounded 1 from active service as chief of j more credit with the American Great Britain and there are reports this grand picture with portraits the entomology department at people (for tho real and excellent lived, could tear apart. Only faith, fancy, of of five signers of the 'Declaration Rutgers 'University and the State job it has done in conducting the many cases in this municipality. •of Independence. In the four ooi-- Agricultural Experiment Station war effort if it would -stop play- poetry, love, romance can push aside that ners of the room, the first four . Air raid wardens and axuiliary curtain and view and picture th*e supernal Persons who suffer mild attacks of in- ing politics,—which is the art of fluenza or grippe are urged by the health Governors of 'New Jersey gaze, police will get into motion this creating appearances and seem- beauty and glory beyond. Is it all real? down upon all who enter. winter without tho blowing of si-, ing to do. It has preferred glit- Ah, Virginia, in all this world there is noth- officer and doctors to stay in bed. It is a On the west wall hangs a large rens if the weather man reports a tering generalities to concrete mistake to invite a more serious illness by portrait of Governor Isaac H. Wil-blizzard on its way to New Jersey statements, and stage effects—• ing else real and abiding. under combined' plans of; the venturing out. liamson, which from an artistic GLOOMQF-MGHT- STAYS'THESE'CQURIERS sometimes woefully bungled-—to No Santa Glaus! Thank God—He lives point of view is the high point of Army, civilian defense officials and doing the job and letting- the facts Of course, nobody can compel anybody snow removal authorities . . . The speak. and he lives forever. A thousand years the room. [Facing persons making City of Jersey City has filed ap- FROM TH£ to take care of his, or her, health. The in-their exit from the Governor's of- FROMTHE-SWIFKQMPLETIONI GZEEKH1STOR/AN Mr. Roosevelt evidently favors from now, Virginia, nay ten times ten fice are the portraits of Governors proximately 40,000 appeals con- HeKOOOTUS- an identical foreign policy plank dividual, as a free agent, can take all risks James iF. Fielder, Morgan F. Lar-testing property valuations fixed usee AS A in iboth paltforms — excellent, if thousand from now, he will continue to and, very often, get by without a relapse by the 'Hudson County Tax Board, OFTHEIR-APPOINTED-ROUNDS. | MOTTOFORTHE make glad the heart of childhood. son, George S. Silzer and Edward with the State Board of Tax Ap the plank says what it means, or is but there are a number of tickets for theI. Edwards. Four large portraits peals . . . George 'C. Warren,,Ir explained by a concrete state- final ride mixed in a 'flu epidemic. of 'Governors Franklin Murphy, of Summit one of the leading fish ment of American war-aims by the John W. Griggs, who 'became At- and game -conservators of the President. Will Mr. Roosevelt Discounts Aviation Predictions torney General of the United United States, has been unani speak out in concrete and factual States, Edward C. Stokes and mously re-elected president of the terms, talk (business,'come down to W, A. Patterson, President of the United Big Bombers Franklin fort, have been strategi- New Jersey Fish and1 Game Com cases as definitely as the coun- Airlines, advises cities not to plunge into cally placed in the main corridor try's interests permit? — New It is noted that more than 1,000 four-en- of the State House. mission . . . John -Bosland, of Pat- Brunswick Home News. a program of reckless airport expansion erson, with a six pound, eight gined bombers were included in the 8,789 Portraits of other early Gover- ounce Brown trout, won the 1943 and tells the people generally not to put airplanes turned out in November, when nors of New Jersey as well as Governor's Trophy for the out too much credence in the idea that the pri- completed aircraft rolled off production persons high in New Jersey life in •standing catch of the season . . past decades stretch down the ex-Daylight sessions will again fea Of Christmas vate airplane will largely take the place lines at the rate of one every five minutes. ecutive and main corridors and ture the 1944 session of the Legis flow ver nto In the time of Cromwell, an of the automobile soon after the war. An idea of the job being done along this ° i the Assembly cor- lature when that body convene- edict foribidding the .observance, This is good advice, and, coming from line is given by Donald M. Nelson, who ridor. The work was done by Sid- on January 11 ... The motion of Christmas -was issued. It or- ney Goldmann, executive clerk to picture sponsored by the War De dered all shops to be kept open an official of an airline, should be heeded. says that the total weight "of airplanes, in- Governor Edison, and William partment entitled "War .Depart on (Christmas day,, the shopkesp- Mr. Patterson, it should be explained, is cluding spare parts, produced in Novem- Davidson, of the famous Knoedler ment (Report" which had its off! ers to fee protected against vio- Galleries of New York, both spe- eial showing in Trenton earliei lence, and says "that no. obsferva- optimistic as to the growth of the air ber was 81,500,000 pounds. This compares cialists in American Art. this week, should be seen by everj tion, shall be had on the five and one to get the true perspective of transport industry, which, he believes, will with 2,300,000 pounds in July, 1940. NEW YEAR'S EVE:—The Of- twentieth day of December, eoin- expand to &t least five times its size in the monly called Christmas day; nor fice of IP'riee Administration ad- the war State Comptrolls any solemnity used or exercised best pre-war year. vises New Year's Eve celebrants Homer Zink has mailed railroad in churches upon that day in re- Salesmen in New Jersey that things may 'betax checks totaling $10,50-9,829 spect thereof.". expensive but no more so than last to New Jersey municipalities . . . If you have ever had a salesman to camp year when the world greets the Military officials of New Jersey ad- ON NOVEMBER. 28,(873, THE F/RST UNITED STATES CORAL S.NAKE BITES BOY Betting Ban In Baseball on your trail and put in his time taking New Year. vocate continuance of the State POSTOFF1CE IN THE COUNTRY WAS OPENED IN NEW YORK CITY AND POSTMEN ON HORSEBACK Red • Bank, N. J.—'Fred Wege, Kenesaw Mountain Landis, high commis- yours to convin'ce you that what he wants The regional price order which Militia after the war . . . Food 13, took a pair of coral snakes in a production awards have been AND BY COACH BEGAN SERVING THEIR. sioner of organized baseball, was exercis- to sell is what you should buy then you governs every eating and drinking FELLOW COUNTRYMEN. glass jar to school to show his bi- place in the' State provides not awarded' to forty-four granges in ology class. When he opened the ing his great power in the interest of the will shudder at the prediction that, after only that daily prices be no higher New Jersey by the State Depart- TOOAY, FROM POSTOFFICES IN EVERY CiTY, TOWN ment of Agriculture AND VILLAGE IN THE NATION, POSTMEN BRING jar, one of the snakes bit. him. professional game when he removed the the war, there will be 5,000,000 salesmen. than those obtaining for the pe- 'Sale of OUR. MAIL BY FOOT, BY HORSE AND CAR., BY KAIL Fred was rushed to a hospital and riod April 4 to 10, but also that 75 buildings on the alignment of AND SHIP AND PLANE TO OUR HOMES. coibra antivenim was sped to him president of the .major league club for bet- That will put one salesman at the heels current or coming special occasion (Route iS-3 in Rutherford, Bergen AND Ttf£ VNITEP STATES M/l/C /S ALWAYS iby train and police automobile ting upon games in which his players par- of every thirty-odd Americans, or rough- prices, ibe no higher than- those County, will fee made to the high- READY TO CARRY MO/ZS AMD MOJSE OP THOSE from Philadelphia and administer- charged •on the same occasion a est bidder on January 5 in the CME^/?FOL l.£TT£/3S THAT OU/S BOYS ed iby Nigel Wolff, herpetologist ticipated. ly more than the average budget can con-year ago, as will New Year's Eve's, Rutherford Borough Hall 'by the template. .'.. ••;,..• • ' ALl. O>S£/3 THE WO/S.L.P A/SG BXPECTMG. from the Philadelphia Zoo. He ig We have no idea that the bets placed says the OlPiA, _. __._.... _• Stnt.e Highway Department/ expected to recover. PAGE SIX THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23,. 1943 FORDS-'AND RARiTAN "TOWNSHIP BEACON

%- JOSOMS.' Frlen

Good wishes mean more than ever now. And they come to you all the more sincerely this troubled Christmas time, from your retailers and those who serve you in many other ways in this community. Because these neighbors want to greet you personally and extend the spirit of the season to you—they have chosen the columns of this newspaper through which to blanket the town with heartfelt good thoughts for each and every one. Read these greetings . . . and remember that now above all, your storekeepers are striving to help in the fight for freedom which will forever secure our enjoyment of all traditionally American holidays such as this! S?


THE BEST GIFT IS FREEDOM!, Vs- YOU CAN I i GIVE YOUR 4 We salute YOU American, servicemen and LOVED ONES r i> THE BEST civilians, for your part in helping to bring GIFT OF II happiness to the entire "world. We salute ALL AND >^ you with a holiday wish heartier than ever **>\ SEND A MERRY CHRISTMAS before. CHRISTMAS TO ALL OUR FRIENDS <1 If TOKEN TO TOKYO AT AND CUSTOMERS THE SAME COMPLETE HOME FURNISHER BUY WAR BONDS ^i TIME. r AND STAMPS oodbridge Fruit Ave. and Catherine St. Perth Amboy, N. J. ALLEN'S DEFT. STORE Phone: Perth Amboy 4-0682 *8 K? Exchange. 85 Main St. WOOD. 8-2569 Woodbridge, N. J. Fruits and Vegetables *g^ CLEANERS Phone 8-2120 94 MAIN ST.. WE DELIVER 108 MAIN ST. (Next to Bank) WOODBRIDGE, N. J. DRIED FRUITS — NUTS AND CANDY

- w^.- j & - MAY YOUR HEARTS BE ^ y Greetings! FILLED WITH To Our Friends and Customers HAPPINESS Greet Christmas with joy and AND CHEER laughter—and may a Victori- ous peace follow soon after! Greetings to you, i I VogeFs Family Liquor Store one and all. May your holiday sea- 82 Main St. Woodbridge son be merr3r, the Wo. 8-0858 coming year filled 4 I? with much happi- It is not riches or expensive gifts alone that ness. ••5 0 makes a Christmas merry . . . but the added simple, familiar wishes of neighbors and friends. Pl" £_ i. So it is that again we raise our voices in the (. • $- s0> homey old greeting . . . Merry Christmas ... to each and every one. RAYI^OMD JACKSON & SON Druggists 1 <- PUBLIX DRUG STORE vT 88 Main St. Woodbridge, N. J. Mam St. Woodbridge, N. J. 387 School St. Woodbridge, N. J. s e^^J€^!€(a^s?gis:'s"g-"€-!a!®'?Js«*€!€h5!g;J€!«!g>€'sig|e'Sp-f'srsw.!^ PI. c 7 ~1W? KNOCK Thanks, friends, one and all, for the The star of Bethlehem is shin- ND IT SHALL privilege of serving you. And we ing with the brightness of our BE OPENED want to say right now, as fervently as Yuletide greetings and hopas M Our Heartiest for ihe New Year. we can say it . . MERRY CHRISTMAS wishes ior a joyous Yuletide REV. ELIZABETH RICKER « C. KAUFMAN, Prop. season MEATS - GROCERIES - FRUITS AND VEGETABLES SPIRITUAL MEDIUM 100'Main St. Phone Woodfbridge 8-2390 SO MAIN ST. WOODBRIDGE, N. J. To have served you in 1943 has been a plea- §' sure and a privilege. We hope we have Merry Christmasi served you well MERRY CHRISTMAS TO OUR CUSTOMERS AND | ¥ AND A Loving hearts enough to merit your HAPPY NEW YEAR FRIENDS BOTH HERE AND | unite at Christ- patronage in 1944. ON THE BATTLEFRONT 1 mas in memorable Eight now we want thoughts of this to say j o y o us Yuletide JASPER' & SON | season. Merry Christmas . Happy New Year QUALITY FRUIT and | DO To You. and Yours Auto Supplies VEGETABLE MARKET | FRUITS, VEGETABLES, FLOWERS Wo. 8-0748 252 Amboy Ave., Woodbridg'e 96 Main St. Woodbridge, N. J. f 96 Main'St. Amboy Ave. & Second St. Phone 8-2352 fi Woodbridge, N. J Woodbridge, N. J.

The stars and & We wish you ail good rsi May you have good fellow- stripes inspire |j For A Merry cheer, happiness and ship and cheer as you go our wishes for j| joy and a Merry, Merry a. very Merry |§ AND IK ^ your way, and the happiest Christmas! possible Christmas Day! Christmas and A Happy New Fear a bright New iahway Ave. Grocer Year. MR. and MRS. RAPPS P. TOBAK G. HAAG, Prop. Nancy's Luncheonette Groceries and Delicatessen GROCERIES & MEATS CHQPER'S DEPARTMENT STORE Main Street, Woodbridge, N. J. 68 Main St. Woodbridge, N. J. 525 Rahway Avenue M 291 Amboy Ave. Woodbridge Tel. Woodbridge 8-1421 OPEN EVENINGS t Phone Wood. 8-0202

Oar Friends and Customers We Wish You All The vigilant eagle of TO OUR FRIENDS AND PATRONS WE WISH YOU ALL American pride shall ^\ w.» .'.-v Greetings! fly once more with the 9 dove of peace by his side ... is our fervent May Christmas and the coming Lucas Meat Market Christmas wish! year c ^ - ^N ; Groceries and Vegetables S./-S. THRIFT FOOD MARKET '^K-X^JJ^JJ^-*"*! Sound for you a note of cheer! John J. Lucas Jr., Prop. S. SCHOENBRUN, Prop. LUBMAN'S . ' Tel. Woodbridge 8-1742 GROCERIES — MEATS DEPENDABLE PHARMACY 397 Avenel Street FRUITS AND VEGETABLES J. M. SCHLE'SIMGER. Cor. Rahway Ave. and Green St., "Woodbridge Phone 8-1S46 Avenel St., Cor. Minna Ave., Avenel, N. J. Phone Woodbridge 8-209S Avenel, N. J. t 80 Main St., Woodbridge, N. J.

May our land be forever Wewishyouall RIppfiN'S free, and the skies once more GENERAL be blue, is our wish for peace at Christmas, may it SEAFOOD APPLIANCES soon come true! And- A Happy New Fear . RESTAURANT The Gift Shop B.L A K E'.S g § H^Si WU0OTUO 321 Maple St., opposite Postoffice STATIONERY STORE MICHAEL'S FOOD MARKET Happy New Year Perth Amboy Groceries - Meats - Fruits and Vegetables - Candy y 66 Main. St., Woodbridge j |, BEfF WISHES 100 Main St. Woodbridge, N. J. 66 Woodbridge Ave., Sewaren, N. J. Will be closed all day Christmas Day and Sunday, Phone Woodbridge 8-2168 j Dec. 26th. Will be open as usual Monday, Dec. 27. FORDS "AND RAEITAN TOWNSHIP BEACON, DECEMBER 23, 1943 I- PAGE SEVEN

cards must be prepared (before- runs with it to the other end -of Will Ferry Bombers hand and arranged so that every- the room. The contest continues 1 NEWS FROM THE SCREEN WORLD Exact Date Of Nativity one keeps moving about introduc- until one bowl is emptied by a ing and being introduced to each team. The Taraan fans will probably thumbs-down on Westerns, as Decided By Research Gay Christmas Party other. •Greeting Co-niest.—Write out (be delighted to learn that, aftei- such. "So long have we been ac- "Tip."—u4n English Game used the well-known poem, "The Night an absence of more than two customed to think of this rough Christmas is celebrated in honor Christmas is a homey time. .Fam- at Christmas Time. Have nuts, Before Christ-mas," on slips of years, Maureen O'SuMivan will're- and tumible type of film, as par- of the Saviour's nativity, and ily dinner parties and reunions are candies, popcorn balls, etc., piled paper, one line to a slip. Sepa- sume her role as Tarzan's mate ticularly pleasing to masculine while there are no record's to a traditional part 'of the holiday in center of table. One player rate the odd lines from the even with Johnny "Weissmuller. The (fans that we naturally expected prove that December •26-th' is the season in America, and this year leaves the room and the others se- lines, and' g-ive the odd slips to first of the new series will be them to Ibe high up among the fa- precise date, historians, astronom- more than ever we will be cele- lect .an object ;as "Tip." The ab- the men .and the even ones to the brating Christmas at home. "Tarzan and the Amazons." vorites with the soldiers. We ers, and research authorities have sent player is called into the room women. Bead the poem and an- substantiated the fact that the and selects an object. He must Joa-n Da.vis, comedienne of ra- guess the "shoot-em-up" scenes You can add a festive note to nounce that each player is to find event must have occurred during avoid "Tip" and may have any- dio and screen,'has just signed a are so stagey to those face-to-face these family get-togethers by the person holding the line that the time of the Winter Solstice. thing he gets. If "Tip" is chosen contract with RiKO under which with the real McCoy that they turning them iiiffco Christmas rhymes with his. The partners The Winter Solstice, when thei parties. Don't plan anything elab- he loses his turn and must forfeit she will mate two pictures a year naturally can't take 'em any more. 1 are then given pencil and paper sun swings toward the earth once anything he has already won. A for that studio. She has a simi- We can't help but wonder what orate—just think up some simple and told to write some forms of more, has been celebrated as a invitations and a game or two. new "Tip" is chosen each time a lar .contract with Universal. this revulsion on the part of the Christmas greetings as they can •men in arms will mean to the festival of some sort by the vari- Regular (Christmas decorations player leaves. Tallulah iBankiiead, recuperat- in five minutes. The winning cou- maker's of Westerns. Will this ous people of the earth since, and will -(provide the setting. A Popcorn Relay—This is lots ing' at her home near New York even prior to, the recording of ple receives a peppermint candy feeling last after the war? If so, For the invitations cut out -pa- of fun. Divide contestants into City, after an illness suffered dur- history. ': cane. per snow balls, Santa Ola-uses or itwo groups. At one end of the ing' the ^filming- o-f "Lifeboat," ad- it is likely that their dislike'will (Symbolic Palm Tree Christmas trees a.-«d write or print roonvare fastened the ends of two Some of these suggestions for mits that she has had several film spread to include their families. In ancient Egypt, the palm tree, the invitation in imk of a contrast- long strings of very strong 'linen Christmas fun have been taken offers tmt she insists she will not iMayibe, it's not such a bad idea, known to put forth one shoot each ing color. Or buy small candy thread with a needle on each of from The Christmas Book, iby accept any ibefore she has sad after all. month, completed its cycle of canes and attach a red ipaper tag the other ends, stuck in a sta- Marguerite. Ickis, a compilation of sufficient time to study the scripts. sBoJyfConsidine, who collaborated twelve during this period and was] With the invitation in white ink. tionary cork lying on a table be- background materials and sugges- 'Evidently, "tLifeboat," during with Capt. Ted Lawson on "Thirty symbolic o-f the-year's-fruitful har- If you're ambitious you might try side two bowls of popcorn with tions for celebrating Christmas. "Which she suffered .considerable Seconds Over Tokyo," has gone vests and accomplishments. writing' & vei"se for these invita- exactly the same number of ker- hardships, was enough to last a East to gather material for Metro 'The mystic rites of the Druids tions. nels in each. Each player threads Building ac-itivity in first half of "while. year is 24 per cent under 1942. for "Church.of. the Good Thief" centered around-the cutting of the From ordinary paper bags you a kernel of corn on the string and a film-- to ibe ibased on the church It has come as somewhat of a Mistletoe whose »branches, when can make party hats and head surprise to film producers and the 'built rig'ht within the walls'of cut and distributed by the Arch- bands for the guests. Turn the (public generally to learn that the Clinton Prison, Dannemora, N. Y. Druid, traditionally bestowed to.p edge of ithe bag back in a roll soldiers, at home and overseas (by a Catholic priest with the help GIFTS FOR CHRISTMAS • blessings of nature and divine fa- until the "hat" is the right height. alike, have practically turned of the prison inmates/ vor upon the receiver. BOOKS - FROM -50c Paint or paste a Christmas design Children's Books and Educational Toys from .35c In the Scandinavian countries, on these hats and they will be Dolls and Animals from 1.25 fires were kindled in defiance of Instead of leading the sheltered life of a Southern belle, ready and waiting for the party. the Frost King, and families, gath- Harriet Train, of Savannah, Georgia, as pictured in the November For the headbands cut strips of Stationery Social and Service from .59c ered about the warmth, spent the issue of Harper's Bazaar, chose the life of a WASP. A graduate paper bag 2% inches wide and Autograph, Photo and Scrap Albums from .59c long evenings telling weird tales of Smith College only last June she will soon be eligible to pilot 1 decorate with gold stars, paper XMAS CARDS involving' Valkyrie and Were- bombers, trainers and pursuit planes on ferrying, and other 'Christmas trees, holly, poinsettias, wolves—as well as anticipating to operations. or cotton snowmen. Corner Lending Library - Bookshop what distant' ports their, ships Games. 307 State St., P. A. National Bank B!dg. would sail when no longer ice- with the juice of tansy, an ex- Chr-istmias Tioy introductions. bound. The time was also sacred Home-Made Yule Wreath Perth Amboy Merry Christmas tremely bitter, aromatic herb. When the members of the group to Thor, and-the Tule logs, great Open daily 9:30 to 6:30—Also Friday and Saturday evenings Can Be Novel And Pretty (In addition there was Christmas are not acquainted with each and chunks of the 'Thunder Oak, brawn, "eonnynges" in gravy, blazed' upon the hearths amid other, this game will work out If you like to make your own and a host of dishes that have : The Happiest Possible feasting and fellowship. very nicely. Giv.e each person a decorations you will be interested since died out. small tag on which has been writ- New Year Honoring Saturnus in the way a Massachusetts man Christinas was never 'a na- ten the name of some toy or ob- Tvvo [Roman holidays—Brumalia makes his. tional festival in Scotland, but jecit or subject of Christmas. On To our Friends and and Ju,venlia — were combined "I have some wire hoops that at this period of the year new the back of each of these tags Patrons into one great festival in honor of I've saved for several years "sowens" were always eaten. are written commands such as Saturnus — Saturnalia. It was a which form the frame for the These were made from the husks "'Introduce yourself to Teddy PARAMOUNT period of genex-al celebration last- wreath. I get a supply of laurel and siftings of oatmeal mixed Bear." "See that the train meets ing1 from what would correspond leaves or princess pine, or some with molasses, and to all ac- the wagon." "Discuss the price 182 SMITH ST., to our December the 18th on other kind of evei'green; take a counts were delicious. of eggs with the top." These PERTH AMBOY thiough the Calends of January. ball of heavy string- and start to Note Our New Address Processions and gift-giving were work. 'The string,.of course, is to m order, the courts were ad- tie the sprigs of leaves or pine to journed and no criminals were the hoop. I just keep wrapping convicted, while convention was round and round the hoop, adding DOW SHADES abandoned equality reigning1 leaves all the time, until the en- We Manufacture a Complete Line of the Finest Quality among slaves and free men. tire . hoop is filled .with, greenery! in All Sizes. Near the end of the job I -work The earliest Christians colemn- Shades made to order while vou wait. ized the Mass'-of Christ, whence in a few extra doodads, to add a the word "Christmas," during little variety. For instance, pine NO DELAYS NO WAITING f f * 4 C / Saturnalia, many of the faithful cones, partridge berries, sprays of Bring in your rollers, have shades fitted at once. suffering persecution and martyr- juniper all add color and novelty dom as a result. After Constan- to a wreath and make it just a lit- 1 tine recognized Christianity in the tle iiieer looking than it would be VENETIAN VISIT OUR Fourth century, the celebration if you left it plain. If I want to Schwartz Men's-Shop oif 'Christmas became an estab- be real fancy, I take a little silver BLINDS MODERN lished custom. or gilt paint and paint up some 188 Smith Street Perth Amboy, N. J. Indeed, Christmas is celebrated small cones for the wreaths. in honor of the iBabe -born in Beth- "Some folks like to fix their DuPONT , WALLPAPER CORDUROY • REVERSIBLE! lehem. (And the .Lord, in His Wis- Christmas wreaths with candles in dom, understands that the tradi- the center, ibut when I want to PAINTS DISPLAY ROOM FINGERTIP COATS tions [preserved from ancient cus- have a light in the center of a toms and peoples are in keeping wreath, I hitch up a' little electric $6.98 up with the angelic enunciation of light..- Then I know there's no His IBirth: danger of anything catching IDII • ALBREN, NC. CAPESKIN JACKETS "Fear not; for behold I bring fire." • . • . 334 State St. Perth Amboy Jewelers you good tydings of great joy, 133 Smith St. Perth Amboy AND SUEDE $8.98 •which shall be to .all people." English Had Many Hearty Dishes For Christmas Use Neckwear BAYBERRY WAX 35c to $1.50 Many people used to utilize the In old England they had many bayberry for indoor decorations dishes which we seldom hear of Dress Shirts at Christmas time. In Maine and now. There was "frumenty," a Massachusetts the wax which in- dish made of wheat-'which 'is still * $1.55 up vests the berries was once collect- sometimes served in Yorkshire, ed to make into candles. It was ale posset, Shropshire "wigs," Woolen Vests Dress Gloves , obtained by boiling the berries and carroway buns dipped in $2.98 in water, when the wax rose to ale. Yule doughs or "dows" i $1.59 up the surface. were eaten everywhere and in Dress Robes Under the name of bayberry 'Coventry they made their fa- Gifts for Silk Dress tallow it was als& used in soap mous .Godeake. Tansy, too, was Robes making; in stiffening the ends of a favorite dish. This was made Service Men circular or solar lamp wicks. 'A with eggs and cream, flavored Sportswear $4.98 up relative, sweet-gale, grows on the border of ponds, and sweet-fern, Sweaters Pajamas also a sister of the .pastures, was $1.98 up $1.98 up us'ed for medicine. COMPLETE LIKE OF WORK CLOTHES AND WORK SHOES i OP A asks for bids on 900,000,- 000 food ration tokens.

We like last minute men and women. It's too late to do your men's Christmas shopping early but don't you worry your pretty head young lady . . . we've planned on you being as late as other swell girls often are. TO OUR FRIENDS and .EMPLOYEES' And instead, of having a handful of leftovers to show WE EXTEND. HEARTIEST yovi . . . we've a store full of sparkling, new gifts to bring out of these boxes as fast as a magician pulls rabbits out of a hat. So , . . don't pout-and-wish- you-had" shopped in October . . . the sun is still shining to- day. • - FOR A GAY CHRISTMAS Men's Gifts , We are hoping that your Christmas will be gay and delightful and that the New $1 to $55 Year will bring you much happiness. MAX GERBER, President L. BRIEGS-& SONS 91 Smith Street Woodbridge Sanitary Pottery Corp. Perth AmBoy ;, N. J. PAGE EIGHT

By WALLY BISHOP UES GETTfW TO BE A PtST~Ll£ TUEOE UE tS AGA!ki~ UE 1 VJ£.fjrSTO SEE TO TUAT OLD MAN V/J1TT4 TUE By ANN MARSTERS in the Connecticut Field Artillery, colors to match her nightgowns or VAJE OUST PASSED Lo! the poor Indian. What with a unit which later became part of housecoats. She winds it,about COMES ROCK- LETS BEAT iT- E'OERV TIME HE SEES so many pictures about the cur- the United States Army and saw her curls and ties it in a 'butterfly UES ALWAYS APTES METOTA^E rent war, the red men of Holly- service during' the iMexican trou- bow over her forehead. UIM DOWK}-roWW~T£3 SEE. TU1MKS ITS SAMTA CLAOS"- wood are pretty much in the red ble. In 1917 Monty entered the Nazimova, the noted [Russian CL.AUS these days. There was a time officers' Training Camp at Fort actress, is living again in the fabu- when it was nothing unusual for ISheridan, 111. He wag commis- lous home where she reigned forty 'braves to g-o g-allQping- off sioned a first lieutenant and left twenty years ago as queen of Hol- ahead of a posse, with a few for France in 191S, where he was lywood. But this time there's a squaws left behind to misdirect attached to the general staff. difference. The great house has the law with "They went, that Because Jane Wyman and Jack become the Garden of Allah Hotel, way." But such scenes just don't and madame is a [paying guest. occur on fighting fronts. And Incidentally, she returns to the even the ones who, over there, do screen in "The Bridge of San Luis say "They went that way" are not Rey." Indians. They're "Quislings." Wait.'till you see the lur-lined On the set of "Two 'Sisters and sarong which Dotty Lamour will a Sailor," a couple of child ac- wear in "Road to Utopia." The By OLSEN & JOHNSON- tresses were pestering Jimmy Du- setting is Alaska. rante to clown for them. Jimmy, Gracie Allen, spotted in a five- in mock annoyance, finally said: and-ten-cent store with her two "Go away. I g^ofc much more im- children, said: "All my life I've portant thing's on my mind than liked to browse and shop in dime little girls." "What?" one of stores—and I'm raising my chil- oor^y them demanded. Jimmy answer- dren with an appreciation of the \T TAKE TO ed: "iBlG girls!" finer things, too." Young Suzanne Kaaren was REO has added 15 new players looking' over the script of iPete to its contract list during the past (Smith's "Practical Joker," in 10 months. Several of them have which she plays a lead. She dis- •had no previous experience and covered that the script called for were discovered in the most un- her to be thrown out of a window, likely places, including farms and and not knowing- that a' dummy business firms. would be used for the scene, she Now that those 15 famous Cover Girls have completed the protested: "Suppose I get hurt?" ! "Oh, that's all right," Pete told "Cover Girl" picture, which stars her. "It's the last scene in the Rita Hay-worth, most of them.have picture." decided to stay in Hollywood to One of the first films chosen for continue their movie careers. And the Italian movie public in Allied- they want to protect their identity occupied territory was Abbott and •by incorporating themselves un- Costello's "Pardon dly Sarong." der the title of "Cover Girls, Inc." By PERCY CROSBY This -was ibeeause the psychologi- Once upon a time, Texas Guinan cal warfare branch of Allied head- bought a bathing suit for $500. It quarters in Southern Italy came was red velvet, trimmed with real to the conclusion that Bud's and gold, and it seems that it got to be Lou's ibrand of comedy is defi- quite famous, at the time. Any- nitely not "political in character." way, Betty Hutton will wear a Frances Lang-ford's trip to the reasonable facsimile of the suit in Southwest iPacific will give her "Incendiary Blonde," in which the honor of being the only femi- she plays the part of Texas. De- nine star to entertain on six fight- signer Edith Head has rounded up ing fronts. She already has been old newspaper photos of Miss to"*North Africa, Sicily, England, Guinan wearing- it. the Aleutians and Iceland. Paulette G-oddard says: "Dress- Frances has never tried to capi- ing' well is a matter of imagina- talize on her overseas tr-ouping, tion, common sense and getting and has turned down several the most for your money—but movie offers recently, just wait- mostly imagination!" As an ex- ClOES TO TRY OUT THE IG6. ing for another chance to enter- ample, we'll tell what Paulette did 1343, Percy L. Crosby. World rigSts reserveJ. Distributed by Kinif Features Syndicate, Inc tain the boys so far from home. with a simple black dress and John Hodiak, the rugged-look- three roses. Two of the roses ing six-footer, is a very lucky fel- she fashioned into a hat, with sev- By HERRBiAN low, and he knows it. After ai> Pattern 9549 may be ordered eral yards of maline puffed out at pearing in only three motion only in misses' and -women's the sides and scooped up in the pictures he gets one of the year's sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20; 30, 32, back. No, the third rose wasn't prize roles, that of Lana Turner's 34, 36, 38 and 40. Size 16 re- pinned to her dress. IP'aulette fas- OH, flpfe POUJAJ husband in "Marriage Is a Private quires 3J£ yards 35-inch fabric. tened it to the left wrist of her Affair." His three pictures are Send SIXTEEN CENTS in suede glove. "I .Dood It," "A Stranger in coins for this pattern. Write That nursery .which Ruth Hu's- Town" and "Lifeboat." His only plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, sey has had installed in her home other dramatic experience was in STYLE NUMBER. is for an adopted child. radio shows, emanating from Chi- TEN CENTS more brings you cago stations. An MGM talent the Winter Pattern Book with scout heard his voice, interviewed Free pattern for apron and ap- British Tradition Holds him and suggested a screen test, plique printed in book. Mince Pies Bring Luck That's quite a trend they're hav- Send orders to Newspaper ing in Hollywood;—presenting en- Pattern Department, 232 West One of England's gay Christ- tertainers a's themselves on the 18th Street, New York 11, N. mas traditions centers around screen. Lucille Ball, for example, Y. its delectable mince pies. It plays .a movie star named Lucille seems that each mince .pie eaten Ball in "Best .Foot Forward." Carson made such a hit in "Prin- between Christmas Eve and Lena Horne appears as herself m cess O'iRourke," Warners has de- Twelfth Night will ensure a Copr. 1943, King Features Syndicate, Inc, Worki rights reserved. "Right About Face," and Hazel sided to co-star the pair in "Make whole month of good luck in Scott and Rochester do likewise Your Own Bed." the coming year. in "Broadway Rhythm." Greer Eleanor Powell's role in "Sensa- That works out to just a'bout Garson, Robert Taylor, William tions of 1944-'—her first assign- a ,pie a day for 12 days, to cover Powell, Lana Turner and Walter ment as a free-lance star—will be the calendar year—a stunt that Pidgegn played themselves in "The more dramatic than any she has would seem more likely to cause WON'TCHA NAH* AUGIE WEU-,WEU_, D9RGAN, MA 'A/A? HOW ) HE'S A8AD PATIENT] ri Youngest Profession," as Oscar had in the past. She'll play a chronic dyspepsia than good MAW e 4ER ALREADY YOUMG FELLA! ~^ ^ "SPEED IS HE A IF THAT'S WHAT YOU Levant is doing in "The Life of hard-Jhoiled female press agent. fortune. But these aren't the BRING 'm RIGHT YOULOOK I'M REALLXJERRIBLY \ ^DORGAN? DOC? J MEAN? euT HE'LL LiKE" YOU'VE "^ SORRY THESE YOUNGS- George Gershwin." And Irving Marilyn Maxwell> suggests an pies we Americans are accus- BAD? ] BE ALL RIGHT™ , Berlin, you remember, was him- attractive substitute -for the reli- tomed to—the English mince BEEN RUNNING! TERS WERE THE CAUSE , self in "This Is the Army." able hairnet which, although effi- pie is about the size of a dough- V/HW'S UP? OF THIS UNFORTUNATE ACCIDENT, MR-UH- - cient when it comes to keeping- nut. 'To eat a dozen in as many I HAVE,DOCTOR Maybe you didn't know it, but curls in place, has a way of de- days is no trick at all, When two TMOMPSON?THER£'S Monty Woolley has quite a mili- tracting from any girl's beauty. or three of them can be gab- A MAN HURT tary record. In 1916 he enlisted Marilyn prefers .veiling, in lovely bled with a cup of tea. OVER AT OUR HOUSE! r^





Style in Serape Answers ON THE SILVER SCREEN The New Books To Popular Questions There was once .a newspaper- I this fine Texas family is impover- It's Again In this film, which has its set- On ting in the awesome, sweeping man who was invited to tea by a j ished?" he demanded. The re- snowbound wastes of Northern society dowager. His hostess j porter said they were large and By The Navigator Canada, Flynn is cast-as a Mount- looked at him wide-eyed as she destitute," Casey said, showing tried to make him feel at- east. • him the original scrawl. The city Rationing ed policeman who is called upon 1 "It must be fascinating," she said, ' editor examined It. "He says no 18 'Green Street And to break up a ring of Nazi sabot- Woodbridge, New Jersey eurs.- He meets a clever antagon- "to be a journalist. You meet such thing. He says they were December 23, 194<3 ist in Helmut Dantine as Colonel such interesting people." Accord- 'destitoox.' Lesson No. One is: Prices Hugo von Keller, vicious, arro- ing to legend, the newspaperman 'Never guess-what a grapevine cor- Mr, Santa Claus gant head of a band of Nazis replied, "You certainly do. And respondent is thinking- when he Christmas Cottage landed by submarine on the coast they're all in the newspaper busi- uses words like 'destitoox.'"' North Pole Questions are those most fre- of Hudson Bay, whose objective is ness." Not all censors are as unrea- quently asked this week of the to bomb the Welland Canal. "Such Interesting People" is sonable as they are said to be, ac- Trenton District Office of OPA. the title of veteran reporter Rob- cording to Mr. Casey. During the Dear Mr. Claus: The story takes Flynn through Answers are official OPA rulings ert J. Casey's book about his col- blitz in (London, he wrote a story Each year for approximately an exciting chase through the as of December 6. Readers may leag-ues, a book rich in newspaper referring to "bombs bursting in ten years I have written you ask- north country in a blinding snow- submit questions for replies to lore and- legend. Mr. Casey start- air." The censor was upset. ing for certain gifts for our storm. Climax of the picture townsfolk. This year—our third District Office, OPA, Trenton, N. ed his newspaper career in Des There hadn't been any -bombs comes when Flynn discovers the 1 J. iMoines, Iowa, and for some years bursting in air, he said . ' And if ChilFtmas at war—there is really Nazi hideout, and in a great feat has been (foreign correspondent they had burst- in air, that would only one gift each and every one Q What is the value of the new of daring gets control of their for the Chicago "Daily 'News. l^nve implied some sort of time of us prays for —• a just and B2 and C2 gasoline coupons? plane and wrecks it, breaking up fuse that might well -be a military righteous peace soon and oui- ioys A. Tiii^y are transferable for 5 the ring. Casey .was copy reader on a back with as once again, safe and Texas paper, when he received secret. 'Patiently, Mr. Casey ex- ^aliens of gasoline apiece, the plained that this was a line from a sound. But -we can't always ex- did Bl aiid Cl coiipons re- one of his earliest lesson's in -news- Crescent song called "The Star Sipangled pect our .prayers to be answered as tftaining valid until their ex- paper strategy. A story was put on Acclaimed one of the most pow- Eannei" and that most Americans quickly as we would like them to piration date for two gallons. his desk, which contained an item be so in the meantime we will call erful and dramatic films ever to about a "large and destitoox fam- would understand the reference. Q If I buy a pair of shoes and upon our good old American sense be shown, "The Battle of Russia" ily." Somewhere in the lead, The censor cheeriiy removed his after wearing them find they of humor to keep us going. is scheduled to open Christmas Casey made mention that it was a •objection. "I'm getting more. TKe serape^ the inevitable do not fit properly, will it be Day at the Crescent Theatre. "poor" family and there was a American every day," he com- So, dear Santa, hei-e's our blanket the Indian wears over possible for me to have these Released by the Office of War prompt howl from the folks who mented. Christmas list—and I hope you his shoulders, is the inspiration replaced? ', Collaboration by Henry Aldrich . & Co. makes short ^.shrift of and Mrs. Claus and all your busy for this smartly modern after- Information, the full-length fea- had received the publicity and a A. No.' Responsibility for nt is "goon" Mike Mazurki in the spook comedy, "Henry Aldrich ture vividly depicts the titanic little helpers will not have too noon frock, worn by Maureen Haunts A House" which opens Christmas Day at the Strand ust as prompt inquiry by bis city much trouble in filling the order: O'Hara. Dress is desert-gold the customer's; y. struggle and tremendous deter- editor. "What makes you think Theatre. Aiding and _ abetting "Henry are "Dizzy" Smith, mination and courage in the epic Julius Blake, who leaves Sun- wool crepe, beautifully cowl- Q. What is one of th,e best ways Vaughan Glaser and Joan Mortimer. Also featured are John battle that robbed Hitler's blitz- 530 Amboy Ave. day to visit his wife who is under- draped &t the kodiee. The '/ser- to prolong the life of shoes? Litel and Olive Blakeney and jtimmy Lydon's reel parents. ape" drapery, the same in back A. By using p>r<3per!y fitted shoe krieg of its lightning, and sent the Woodbridge, N. J. going: treatment out west, hopes mightiest military force in the you'll be able to get him" accom- as in front, is two blending col- trees in shoes not being worn, Strand ' ! youthful master. Sam Carraclough ors, sand beige and lautte rust. thereby permitting them to The millions of movie fans who (Donald Crisp), a Yorkshire farm- world reeling back in its current modations . .. Mrs. Thomas Zet- disastrous-rout. tlemoyer would like a few more Gold belt is banded with beige dry properly and retain their have become accustomed to ex- er, is forced by circumstances to Radios Repaired shape. sell the'dog, beloved by his son boys iai service to write to though, and rust so color lihe of drapery pect each new Aldrich film to be Produced by Lt.-Col. Anatole _ USE Telephone 6-0639 goodness knows how she keeps up is unbroken 'from* shoulder to Q. What is the difference between better than its predecessor are not Joe (Roddy McDowall). The no- Litvak, under the supervision of bleman (Nigel Bruce), purchasing €66 TABLETS. SALVE. HOSE D80PS with all her pi'esent correspond- hem. Hat an adaptation of the a concentrated soup and a doomed to disappointment when Lt.-Col. Frank Capra, "The Bat- the animal, takes her to his Scot- ence. gaucho hat is sun' gold, the ready-to-serve soup, and which they chill, thrill and howl to Para- tle of Russia" is the latest in a mount's "Henry Aldrich Haunts a tish estates. The dog escapes and series of orientation films pro- How about the words and music band and fringe, of rust. is rationed? House," which arrives at the by instinct travels 1.000 miles, duced by the Special Service Di- for a nice lullabye for John A. A ready-to-serve soup is a soup Strand Theatre Christmas Day. sometimes on the verge of starva- vision, Army Service Forces, Wai- ((Fords) KishT . . . Billy Allgaier that is ready to serve just as ANNOYING NEIGHBORS Of course, an Aldrich film could tion, sometimes befriended by Department, in cooperation with could use some good luck while it comes from the can. A Hollywoodfi. Calif.—C. J. Grif- hardly function without the per- kindly farmers and an old ped- the U. S. Army Signal Corps. An hunting' and Harry (Keasbey) An- concentrated soup is one that fin, retired oilman, is suing his ennial presence of misadventurous dler, and makes her way back to essential part of the basic train- derson hopes you'll see to it that must be diluted before serv- neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Jimmy • Lydon, dizzy Charles her young master. Then the ing course given all service men, no more fires occur on a cold day ing, and is the type that is ra- Northridge, in fashionable Holly- Smith, and the pedantic Vaughan Duke, her new -owner, realizing the film received such tremendous- just when he is in the midst of tioned. wood Hills, for $20,000' damage's, Glaser as Mr. Bradley to say noth- the great love of boy and dog, ly enthusiastic ovations in preview taking a shower . . . District Clerk alleging that they hung lines of Q. When I applied recently for a ing of Henry's reel parents, John solves the problems' of the Carra- showings, that it was decided to Helen Anderson asks for nothing tin cans on strings to annoy him new ration ibook, why were Litel and Olive Blakeney. The clough family. release it for general public more than more weekend passes with their clatter; trampled his some of the stamps which were only newcomer in Henry's turbu- showing. for her hubby, Captain "Son- flower beds, smeared paint on win- . still valid removed from the lent life is beautiful Joan Morti- ny"... book? " Majestic dows, and finally, discouraged a mer and this reviewer is happy to, Errol Plynn, now as a Royal Mrs. Cyril Hutner who has gone A. Raticihingr is devised to give prospective purchaser for the report that Joan is a welcome ad- Canadian Mounted Policeman, to California to be near her hus- everyone a fair and equal dition to the series. Griffin home. again fights guile with wile and band whenever his 'boat docks, share. Each person is ailoted hopes that you will add to your This time Henry is on the verge ruthlessness with tenacity in the closer the day when they will come 16 points for items under meat immense list of prayers her prayer of turning over a new leaf by go- new Warner Bros, film, "Northern back to all of us. rationing and 48 points per TODAY, FRI. & XMAS DAY CONTINUOUS FROM 2 P.M..-PHONE PA. 4-0108 that this war will be over soon ing scholarly on all his friends in- Pursuit," which will have its pre- We can never forget' those month for processed foods. It NO ADVANCE IN PRICES so that 'both she and "Doc" can cluding Pa and Ma Aldrich. If miere Saturday at the Strand 'Christmases past; but the joy of would not be fair to others to come back and be with their they had questioned their incorri- Theatre. Christmas present is made more allow the recipient of a new Woodbridge friends . . . And may gible son, however, they would real this year ;by the- growing cer- boolc or of a book replaced I make a request for Mrs. Frances have discovered that he had set his tainty of a Happier Christmas becjause df Soss stalmps goiod Huber. Please Santa give her lots cap for Elise Towers, playe'd by RAHWAY Yet to Come. for rations for periods that are of good luck and' good health in Joan Mortimer. Elise, the studi- 11*6 FRI. to SUN. Merry Christmas, everyone. past. Emp: the coming year XOY she justly de- ous type, is trying to follow in the Sincerely yours, Q. How does reduction in the serves it. I don't know anyone footsteps of her father, a scientist GALA HOLIDAY SHOW The Navigator. point values of meats and re- who works harder for the welfare The old gent believes himself the moval of certain processed of others than she does . . . inventor of a fluid which will foods from rationing affect the triple a man's strength. Henry, The only thing that Florence po-int ' inventory of a store- CLASSIFIED during an excitable moment with (Avenel) Tarcz wants is a bigger keeper? Shown: Today & Fri. and 'better "All-Hi News"—and Elise, consumes a test tube filled A. The, storekeeper. is temporarily Sat. 1:00, 3:15, 5:15, 7:30, 9:45 the same request for the "Lions' with the supposedly potent stuff OPERATORS WANTED - short of points, but he gains and things really begin to happen 'Roar" eomes from Maripat (Val- whenever point values are in- SUN. - MON. - TUES. - WED. entine Place) Kenny . . -. And I To work -on -children's- dresses. creased'or an item is added to ibeteha you know that Allan Mc- Cont. Sat., Sun. SECOND BIG HIT the rationing list. Therefore, Ditmas Donnell and Joe Casale could use Steady work; one week vaca- ALLAN JONES he would not, for instance, be A new canine star is introduced —a new seven-day diet . . .* And EVELYN ANKERS in tion with pay; good pay. Apply permitted extra points as a re- to screen audiences, and a beauti- how about some more of those sult of recent reductions in the ful story of love and loyalty is "YOU'RE A LUCKY lovely pocket hankies for Maibel Carteret Novelty Dress Company, point values of meats. unfolded in "Lassie Come Home," FELLOW, MR. SMITH" (.town hall hello girl) Naylor. I Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's filmiza- never see her without one? . . . upstairs,-652 Roosevelt Avenue, Q. Are walnuts and pecans price tion in Technicolor of Eric Arlene (Miriam 's Dress Shoppe) controlled? Carteret, N. J. 3-19tf. Knight's haunting story, coming Slotkin would appreciate more of A. Yes, all nuts are under ceil- to the Ditmas Theatre Christmas that good luck—like having two LOST ings. The retailer figures his ATTEND OUR tickets to Oklahoma given her last 'A" GASOLINE RATION BOOK selling price by figuring an al- Day. issued1 .to W. Semenyna, 80 Ave- lowed markup over a con- The story revolves about the MIDNIGHT SHOW Saturday . . . 1:00 to 11:30 P. M. nel St., Avenel, N. J. Finder trolled wholesale cost. love of a beautiful collie for her . NEW YEAR'S EVE. Mayor August F. Greiner, please return. 12-17,23* "Augie" to all of us, could use TRIPLE LOST some more words of piaise like HORROR SHOW STATE ST. AT FIVE CORNERS • PHONE P.A. 4-3.189 that Avenel 'Civic Club handed >FUEiL 'OIL.RATION BOOK issued CONTINUOUS DAILY FROM 2 P.M out . . . Fred Buntenbach wants to Mrs. Scott Walker, 41 Essex GALA continued success in drives .he St., Carteret, N. J. Fijider please 7 DAYS - STARTING SATURDAY heads —• like the Christmas Seal return. 12-17,28 (CHRISTMAS DAY) campaign . . . "Doc" Spencer and 1 AL SAKSON I WANTED Al Hamilton say their 'Christmas I FLORIST •. I Truly a Great Drama! would be complete if they were WILL PAY 5c a pound for clean sure the government was going to rags. Independent-Leader, 18 I & BLONDIE send more equipment for the Green St., Woodbridge, N. J. 9 Flowers for all occasions g •. and the BUMSTEADS Township Casualty 'Stations . . . A COLUMBIA PICTURE LOST—DOG | Christinas Wreaths - Grave || Leon MeElroy would welcome the NEW YEAR'S EVE |Blankets - Holiday-Potted| return of the good old days when WHITE POMERANIAN GALA SHOW in TECHNICOLOR with I Plants of all kinds. Is he can say to his 'buddies, "Let's Male, • .Sunday, 10 A. M., in AT READE'S NEW YEAR'S EVE. Roddy McDOWALL, Donald CRISP take a ride, (boys'" . . . Woodbridge. Liberal award I ia will be given if returned to HOURS OF £? Jaekson's, Publix, 'Lpbman's, et | 133-143 Longfellow Street J 5 Mr. R. C. Tyrrell I Carteret | CONTINUOUS FUN «•* als, pray for nothing more than 503 Tisdale Place, Woodbridge MAJESTIC-STRAND a let-up of the many grippe cases, 12-23 f Telephone Carteret 8-5905 | 3 BIG LAUGH-HITS 3 so that their prescription men can LAUGH HIT NO. 1 get a little well-earned rest . . . DITMAS - CRESCENT Jean Arthur - John Wayne Doc tBelafsky requests more mail "LADY TAKES A CHANCE" front his friends . . . And Arthur 1 Laugh Hit No.2 C. Feriy hopes his many friends THEATRES Charles Coburn will drop in and see him atLuigi's i "MY KINGDOM for a COOK" CONTINCOES FROM S P. Bl.—PHONB P. A. 4-1593 « Vi-'^Ju . . . And how about some more COME EARLY OR COME LATE wgmssggmZiS: — Laugh Hit No. 3 DAYS - STARTING XMAS mail for 'Eugene Bird, like the 'blue- coal' Fred MacMurray - Mary Martin Christmas card he received from a "NEW YORK TOWN" JIMMY LYDOH local boy thanking "Gene" for 33 MAIN ST. •UBS HELP WANTED—MALE—FEMALE ONE COMPLETE SHOW putting him in service . . . WOODBRIDGE, N. J. Could you dig up a 'few quali- 7:00 to 12:00 fied members for the Woodibridge Nothing Repeated tviti- 'Emergency Squad? They are |pl|Iffil||sS| TICKETS NOW ON SALE JOAN MORTIMER short in help, but then who isn't? WO. 8-0012 Adults 55c, Children 25c A permanent job in the fast-growing PLASTICS §1 SJP^ettliilgpSmiSpxfl — 2ND BIG HIT — ... If you want to please Ed Run- I Tax Included yon and Carl Sundquist more than INDUSTRY is open to you now. Take your place with "CRIME DOCTOR'S ever before just let them come back from their hunting trip war workers in ESSENTIAL industry. STRANGEST CASE with a deer . . . You can give IMike Trainer great pleasure if STATE THEATRE you make sure his drive for funds XMAS TOYS fox the Woodibridge 'Honor Roll ' MALE LABORERS WOODBRIDGE, N. J. turns otit a big success . . - Can you dig up a pair of dark glasses MALE OPERATORS ' TODAY THRU SAT. iov a certain mailman who had a 2 Big Special Holiday Features (beautiful shiner last week? . . . FEMALE OPERATORS James CAGNEY - Humphrey BOGART Ancf Jimmer .Wight hopes that the in that great epic of the West 'Christmas spirit will open the FEMALE ASSEMBLERS • hearts of Township residents so FEMALE INSPECTORS OKLAHOMA KID that the War iFund drive won't "be pins Mary MARTIN - Franchot TONE too much of a flop. 4 Days Starting Saturday, Dec. 25th in that hilarious comedy And now, before I close, I want No experience necessary. to say a few things to the readers TRUE TO LIFE "The BATTLE "RIDERS of the oJ: my column. Last year it seem- SCOOTERS - DOLLS Sat. - Christmas Day CONTINUOUS DEADLINE" ed—well, as though some of the SUN. THRU TUES. Wm. Boyd happiest- days of our lives had TABLE SETS Apply of RUSSIA" Jimmy Rogers gone, never to return. But this year we know that the happiest KIDDIE CARS A LADY TAKES A CHANCE day of our lives is still to come. HIGH CHAIRS \ NIXON NITRATION WORKS with Jean ARTHUR - John WAYNE 3 DAYS STARTING WED., DEC. 29 This year we are looking ahead also Chester MORRIS in Ann Sothern - James Craig for the Christmas not so far ahead Large Selection of Nixon, N. J. when all oui- boys will be home. Other Toys TORNADO "SWING SHIFT MAISIE" And though they are farther away Persons in war work or essential activity will not be con- Wed. thru Sat. - Another Big Holiday Show than ever this year — though Robt. YOUNG in CLAUDIA there's a lot of -blue water be- sidered without availability statement. JACK'S TOY SHOP Humphrey BOGART in SAHARA tween them and our front doors here at home, we know that every 405 State St. A MERRY XMAS TO ALL day that passes brings a little Perth Amboy, N. J. PAGE TEN THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1943 FORDS AND KARITAN TOWNSHIP BEACON"

Warm Dessert For Winter Days 101-YEAR OLD WAR WORKER. became lodged in underbrush •bathing suit when she can't swita; - New York. — Moisha Byron along- the banks of a stream. They but, when she .puts -on a wedding How's Your Health? Shepherd's Pie Best claims to be one of the -oldest;, if tugged and tugged and out came gown, she means business.—-TJ. ~§.- not the oldest, war-worker in this —a rabbit. The hook had lodged S. Melville Job Order. m its tail. THE USE OF' COSMETICS and perfumed with a delicate oil. e country. Although he is past his 61 the HIROHITO'S ADVICE The use of paint and powder^* " Process is completed the 101st birthday, he works all day Sour Note goes back as far as recorded his-mixture is soft and fine> possessing A shepherd's pie is a one-ipiece in a food factory. He attributes The second volume of the th We have never heard a radio tory. The book of Job is supposed e quality of adhering to the skin dish. It originated in the Balkans. his longevity to the fact that he Department's two-volume- 'The Balkan shepherds probably program that made tis want to imentary record of the diplomatic to be the oldest literature in the to which it imparts a velvety ap- is a vegetarian, drinking a glass world. Job's third daughter wasPearance- learned of the dish from a still commit suicide, but we have heard relations of the United -States -attcT No of olive oil for breakfast and eat-several that made us want to com- named Keren-Happueh, a Hebrew complexions are white. The older land because it is known Japan during- the decade preced- that shepherds have lived among ing lots of sugar and red pepper. mit murder.—FaycttevMle (N. C) ing the attack On Pearl Haribor. word which means "paint-horn, i. powder should be chosen not only Observer. e., cosmetic box." The name im-f°r its quality, but particular at- their flocks since the dim ages. reveals that OEmfperor Hirohito*, oil ten n BOYS HOOK RABBIT. plies that—cosmetics were .popu- ti° should be paid to its shade, They ate their meals far from October 18, 1941, took the impre- lar when the world was young. 'I* should blend perfectly with the their homes or villages, cooking Allentown, Pa.—-While Donald She Does cedented step of directing' the them on the spot. There -was only natural tints of the skin Holland and Richard Wieand, 11, A girl may wear a golf outfit j governmental heads of Japan to We realize that powder not only - a crude fire and generally but one The were fishing, one of their hooks when she can't play golf, and a ' avoid war with the United States. enhances the beauty of the com- shade most in use is flesh or dish in which to cook the entire •plexion by removing the shiny, natural. This is achieved by add- meal.. ' g-reasy appearance, tout, softensmS carmine and ochre to- the harsh lines and contours, if prop-white materials until a chamois Althio-ugh it is primitive and 01 simple, a shepherd's pie is a whole- erly applied. Powder also pro- ' pinkish chamois is obtained, 1 vides valuable protection to a. deli-Nowadays, .there are cosmeticians some and delicious meal in one cate skin against the irritating- ac-who win blend powder to suit al- dish. In his kettle, the shepherd tion of the sun and wind.' How- most any complexion. boils his a-ice and saves what he ever, powder should be sele'cted Powder should never be applied does not eat immediately. -For a Sliced peaches, alwavs a favorite, will be doubly appre- that will cling smoothly and even- to a dry skin, for it will tend to later meal, he first takes bits of lamb and with slices of onion, ciated wJien served warm in this easily prepared fruit des- ly to the skin. make it harsh and rough. Before sert. One No. 2}A jar of jjlassed peaches serves six in this putting on the powder, a thin coat- places this upon a skewer and Some women have an idea that browns the meat and -onion over recipe for spicy Escalioped Peaches. If any is left over, powder clogs the pores of the skin ing of skin food, or a specially- chill in the refrigerator and serve aijain -with cream. prepared lotion should be applied. a bed of coals. thus preventing' the escape of im- Escalioped Peaches ipurities through the ipores. :Many All excess should be removed with Then he greases the inside of j 1 No. 2Yz jar sliced peaches H cup melted butter or of these women dust their faces a dry, clean cloth. Enough will toe his dish and covers the bottom 2 cups toasted bread margarine with talcum, under the delusion left to .protect the skin and form with a half-inch layer of left-over a base that will cause the powder rice. Over the rice he slices a to- crumbs 1/3 Cup brown. !n;ar that they are beautifying them- 1 teaspoon cinnamon }•> cup syrup from peaches selves without injuring their com- to adhere. mato. If he has a gi'een pepper, •thin slices of ipeppea" are added. Drain peaches, reserving juice. Mix together the toast- plexions. Do not go out into the sun and. ed bread crumbs and melted butter or margarine. Arrange wind without this protective cov- Some -of the meat and ionio.n are Talcum is useless as a protec- added for another layer. , Then crumbs and peaches in lavers in a shallow casserole. Com- tion, and comes off very quickly. ering upon your face. It is much bine brown sugar and cinnamon, and sprinkle each layer easier to preserve and improve a salt -and pepper, more rice and of peaches with mixture, topping casserole with crumbs. It has its uses as a. body powder the rest of the meat and tomatoes especially for babies, but is a fail- fine complexion than it is to re- Pour peach syrup over all. Bake in a hot oven (400 Deg. and peppers. And finally a top F.) for about 25 minutes or until nicely browned. ure as a face powder. store one that has been ruined by neglect and needless exposure. layer of rice. The making of powder is really Last of all, he pours over the an art. 'An ancient formula that Every day we see women on the woist tiaaedy that can befall the street who look tough and mixture enoug-h broth, or hot wa- 'Old China' Held Special is still popular requires the finest ter if there is no broth, to about an Onental. So, the stoies and and purest almond meal, orris weather-beaten. Their faces have Observance 0/ New Year accounting houses are open un- been accustomed to plenty of soap reach to top of the pie. Bake for root, wheat and rice starch. These three-quarters of an hour in a me- til midnight and firecrakeis pop aged them in appearance many •In old China, New Year's -was are sifted! by machinery many dium oven. When the top is throughout the community. times through cloth, then tinted and water, but this treatment has a very important festival a time years. browned the pie is ready %o eat. The modern housewife can fol- for taking stock of oneself, bal- Remember that cosmetics have low the same recipe, only she can ancing accounts, "turning over a Old English Celebrated been prized and used by discrim- cook the meat and the onion in new leaf," visiting and giving inating women throughout the li Log Burnt At Ynletide a frying pan and use canned to- parties, etc. ages. Powder is a necessary part Among the many old English matoes if she prefers. The pie will The celebration really began a of the toilet. Even men look more Christmas lestivities was the cere- bake even -better in a good oven week before the "first day" when attractive on emerging from the mony attached to bringing a great MAJESTIC at about 450 degrees. The fam- homage was paid to the Kitchen barber's shop, after being shaved log, sometimes the root of a tree, ily casserole is a handy dish in God, whose paper effigy was cere- STRAND and powdered.- ' into the household on Christmas which tomake the pie. With a moniously burnt in order that his DITMAS Eve. placing it in the fireplace and Stimson returns from his tour poxmd of left-over lamb as the spirit might ascend to heaven lighting it with a branch of tho CRESCENT well pleased with U. S. troaps. base, here is a good meal for four. through.the smoke and report the previous year's log. While it conduct of each member of the burned through the night there family. Taking no chances, the was great celebration but if it children smeared the god's face went out it presaged ill luck for with molasses before they burnt the coming yeai. him to guarantee the sweetness of his report. New Year's Eve has always MEANING OF DECEMBER been one of the busiest days -of December is derived from "de- the year among the Chinese. All cem," meaning ten. In the old financial obligations must be met Roman calendar xhe year began a debtor on New Year's Day in March and December was the loses "face"; and that is about tenth month. "And His Name Shall Be . . .

DIAMOND THE A. B.C. OF . . . the PRINCE of PEACE . ." ENGAGEMENT DAIRY DIVIDERS: RING Again we celebrate the birthday of the Saviour, let us pray also that His word may be carried America needs all the milk we can pro- . Weigh the miik duce— and heavy milk production again we join with people of the world in ob- out in the Victorious Peace that is to come— NOW is both patriotic and profitable serving this great day . . . which war cannot in- that the spirit of Christianity may draw all peo- 2, Weigh the feed . . . That's why so many dairymen like "Stepped Up" BEDFORD DAIRY terrupt. As we offer prayers for the dear ones ples, all nations together in a greater under- FEEDS. They help keep the miik piils GQLDEN'S 3. Keep reeords full. See us today. far away, and ask that His loving care protect standing—that the Peace for which He stands Cor. NmHlt and Stale St.s., Perth Amlioj", IV- -J them from the dangers and vicissitudes of war, may become a truth among all men.

279 New Brunswick Ave Perth Amboy Happy Christmas Wishes To Our Many Friends and Customers, lo Our Employees,

Serving Yon and Working With You Has Been a Pleasure!

