The of Dallas Center was organized in April 1886, four years after the parent German Baptist Church divided into two branches, The Brethren Church and the

There was a time following the division that The Brethren Church was referred to as The Progressive Brethren. Prior to 1881 the official name of the denomination was the German Baptist Brethren. In 1858 a controversy arose among the churches. This controversy reached a climax with the publication of a denominational magazine, the Progressive Christian in 1878. In 1881-1883 a split developed among the group. The ultra-conservatives withdrew and became known as the Old German Baptist (Old Orders). The progressives were expelled from the German Baptist and formed the Brethren Church. The German Baptist eventually changed their name to the Church of the Brethren. The progressive group is now the Fellowship of Grace Brethren Churches. The reason they were called progressive was their very modern or progressive ideas; such as: they wanted to have educated and paid pastors; they wanted to do away with the old style of dress as sign of spirituality. Shortly after the forming of the progressives into the Brethren Church, they adopted the motto: "The Bible, the whole Bible, and nothing but the Bible". This is still the motto of the Grace Brethren Churches today.

Rev. John Nicholson of Waterloo, Iowa came to Dallas Center in April 1886 to assist in the organization of our church. Rev. Noah Flora was the leader of the group of 10 men and women who became the Charter members. This group consisted of: Rev. and Mrs. Noah Flora, Mr. and Mrs. William Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Burger, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Middlekauf, Mr. D. S. Shank and W. H. Little.

That same year after five months of worship in their homes, this group decided to build a church.

On November 28, 1886, less than three months after this decision, the church was dedicated and ready for use. Both Rev. Flora and Amos Burger were carpenters and with some volunteer help from the other men the one room 24 by 36 foot building was completed at a cost of $365. A Vestibule and belfry were added later. This church was built at the same location as our present building.

Kerosene wall lamps and central chandeliers, later replaced by gaslights, lighted the little white church. Heat was supplied by a wood-burning stove, which stood near the entrance with a pipe the length of the room leading to the chimney behind the pulpit. There was no baptistery in the building because many held the opinion that should be administered only in running water. Therefore, all converts were baptized in the Raccoon River even if it required chopping ice.

In September 1910, the Dallas Center Park was the scene of a great "Tent Meeting Revival" conducted under the ministry of Dr. . It started out for two weeks and went on for three weeks with 50 converts during the meeting.

By 1914 the congregation had outgrown the little church building and they decided to build a new church at the same location. A building committee was formed in June and the building dedicated on December 27, 1914. Rev G. L. Maus was pastor at the time. Cost of this new building was $12,000.

Again in 1958 the church felt the need for better Sunday school facilities and a project was undertaken to remodel our basement and front entrance. This project enhanced the educational efforts in training our youth and added much to the comfort of the worshippers with the enclosed front entrance. The dedication of this work took place on November 9, 1958. Rev Forrest Jackson was pastor at the time. Pastor Jackson's ordination was combined with the dedication service.

During the ensuing years, there have been many changes in educational methods and as our facilities aged and needed repair we again came to the place something needed to be done. In January 1977 a building committee was formed to study the needs. Plans began to materialize and by May 1979 bids were taken only to be rejected. Following this the committee restudied and revised the plans. Construction began in February 1980. The work has been completed as you see it today. It was again rededicated for the Service and Glory of the Lord.

The First Brethren Church, as we have been referred to since 1914, is affiliated with The National Fellowship of Grace Brethren Churches with their headquarters in Winona Lake, . This city also is the home of the Grace Seminary and Grace College. The college is fully accredited and provides an excellent training program for our youth. Many of our young people have returned and are now involved in our local work. We are able to have an active part in the spreading of the Gospel throughout America and around the world through the Grace Brethren Foreign Missions and Brethren Home Missions.

The ministry of our church is to preach Jesus Christ for the Salvation of souls and provide support to enable them to live for him. During the years there have been many individuals who have come under the influence of our church and have moved away to all parts of the world. It is our prayer that the teaching received will enable them to carry the Message of Christ to others and that those who remain will continue to uphold the Work of Jesus Christ in this community until He comes.

The following individuals have gone out from this church to accept a special calling from God to serve Him:

Mary Emmert - A pioneer Missionary to the - now deceased

Dr. Herman A Hoyt ThD - President Emeritus of Grace Seminary and College in Winona Lake, Indiana - now deceased

Lt. Col Floyd Shiery - Retired US Army Chaplain

Rev. Solon Hoyt - Missionary to Argentina - Retired

Lloyd and Barbara Wenger - Missionaries to Central African Republic