Created in 1991, Rennes to analysing the territorial scales of public offers pluridisciplinary programmes in in and Europe. human and social sciences as well as - Teachers-researchers at Sciences Po Rennes professional specialisations adapted to do individual and/or group research which lead to high-level publications and symposiums. the demands of the job market. STRENGTHS During its 5-year course of studies, - One of the main assets of Sciences Po Rennes Sciences Po Rennes proposes a specific is the density and diversity of its international pedagogical project in order to provide the network, with more than 120 foreign universities future senior managers of the private and on the five continents, located in 40 countries. IDENTITY FORM public sectors, in France, Europe and the All of the students have to spend their third year abroad (at a university and/or for an internship). rest of the world, with broad knowledge Precise name of the institution - An intensive course of French as a Foreign Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Rennes and the ability to precisely grasp the Language is offered to all international students Type of institution issues they will be confronted with. before school starts. Public MAIN PROGRAMMES OF STUDY City where the main campus is located At Sciences Po Rennes, the course of studies is LOCATION Rennes organised in two cycles. Rennes is the capital city of Brittany. The city Number of students 1 380 - First pluridisciplinary cycle (threee years): hosts numerous universities and its population the first three years focus on the core elements is young and dynamic (60,000 students). It takes Percentage or number of international that characterise Sciences Po (pluridisciplinarity, two hours to reach by train and less than students work and analysis methods, opening to the one hour to be at the seaside or on the beach. 170 world) through subjects such as Economics, Type and level of qualifications awarded Law, , Philosophy and two IEP de Rennes Degree - Master’s Degree mandatory languages. or Equivalent to a Master’s Degree in - Second specialisation cycle (two years): the one of the four schools of the institution goal is to enable students to be recruited right - Institution Degrees for international after two years during which they specialise students. for the Master’s Degree they choose. Today, we offer 13 specialisation tracks within four schools  courses (School of Public , School of Journalism, Yes - Each international programme School of International Affairs, School of includes a 24h or 48h class of French as Management of Organisations). a Foreign Language, depending on the Sciences Po Rennes has offered a 5-year student’s level. French-German course of studies together with Programs for international students the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt Yes - Certificate of Political Studies for a since 1998. year (CEP) or a semester (AEP) Programs in English Yes - Certificate of Political Studies in RESEARCH English for a year (CEPa) or a semester - Within its premises, Sciences Po hosts the (AEPa) CRAPE (Research Centre on Political Action in Registration fees/year Europe), a joint research centre (UMR 6051) in (for information only) social sciences, common to CNRS, Rennes 1 from 0 to 3 792 € depending on the University, Sciences Po Rennes and l’EHESP . parents’ incomes - In May 2015, the Board of Sciences Po Postal address Rennes approved the creation of the Territories 104 Boulevard de la Duchesse Anne - 35 and Mutations of Public Action (TMAP) 700 RENNES - France Professorship. Its ambition is to make our institution a pole of excellence when it comes institute.html

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