GPU Rasterization for Real-Time Spatial Aggregation Over Arbitrary Polygons
GPU Rasterization for Real-Time Spatial Aggregation over Arbitrary Polygons Eleni Tzirita Zacharatou∗‡, Harish Doraiswamy∗†, Anastasia Ailamakiz, Claudio´ T. Silvay, Juliana Freirey z Ecole´ Polytechnique Fed´ erale´ de Lausanne y New York University feleni.tziritazacharatou, fharishd, csilva, ABSTRACT Not surprisingly, the problem of providing efficient support for Visual exploration of spatial data relies heavily on spatial aggre- visualization tools and interactive queries over large data has at- gation queries that slice and summarize the data over different re- tracted substantial attention recently, predominantly for relational gions. These queries comprise computationally-intensive point-in- data [1, 6, 27, 30, 31, 33, 35, 56, 66]. While methods have also been polygon tests that associate data points to polygonal regions, chal- proposed for speeding up selection queries over spatio-temporal lenging the responsiveness of visualization tools. This challenge is data [17, 70], these do not support interactive rates for aggregate compounded by the sheer amounts of data, requiring a large num- queries, that slice and summarize the data in different ways, as re- ber of such tests to be performed. Traditional pre-aggregation ap- quired by visual analytics systems [4, 20, 44, 51, 58, 67]. proaches are unsuitable in this setting since they fix the query con- Motivating Application: Visual Exploration of Urban Data Sets. straints and support only rectangular regions. On the other hand, In an effort to enable urban planners and architects to make data- query constraints are defined interactively in visual analytics sys- driven decisions, we developed Urbane, a visualization framework tems, and polygons can be of arbitrary shapes.
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