Clearance SAVE BP to 10,491 Manehe$Ter" a City of Vulago Charm 2 Tax Probes Tlmjwhalcee
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•V’V iv •MpwparseiffiSg FAGBfilXTEEK ilanr^Btnr Eoenfitg llrralb JSm AY. FEBEUASY4S.4881- -n -rtJj Yha U gR r G io ttp ^ the WSCS tM>m Sunday, MfiSi.' 10, to 'Mr. aaS of the South ifethodiet Church iSEDn&oSgEMSWt: A K & lftT o ^ Mra WiDiam Areadt of Rivtrhead, B etro th ed tiOM are usually given from the will hold a eola of Itoode and hand- Ybwn CM»t btuO ng bera atary •W w u t Atkuawi, Jr., «ofr oC L on g laland. Mra A n ad t waa the pabiMd arttetea tomorrow morn Tueaday. ' Mr. and Mna Btawmrt AtUiwon of fonaer Ruth Ptnaiaee of Muaaaa. ing at the J. W. Hale Department Anetkar aub-branch will be lo Avm «g Dally Net PniB B b b I ts CMiur MTMt. wag rtcantljr Maaa Mr. Arendt la technical aeti Store, beginning at t o'clock. OpensHere cated in the Town Hall at Boek- ter tha Weak b tnitiaUd into the Pti Upailon fra fcant of the 10Srd*Motor Vehicle viUe to laeue registmtioa renewals. F ib fu eiy g ternity at WMlgyaa Univrraity. Ht Squadron at Suffolk Air Force Yhe Cyp club of Center Church Will Issue Registrati«n . There will be no driving teats W iB lh g r te prMtnfly tnrollcd at a aopbo- Baae, Weet Hampton Beach. will meat Sunday at iiSO ln~flM glWB at any MVD office on Batuiw New, Eaily t eC V. a W eatta teort and U na)ering in prt- Federation Room. Colerad moving RenffwislB Rt ArEnory day. Feb. S3, which win be Hmitod 10,491 ■Mdieal atudlta. Dc. and Mra Bamay Wichman pteturee, “At Work with the Word," tolsaulng reglatmtion renewals. 'O f tk*.. are planning to attend the aurgicai win be ahosm. At t o'clock the .Starting on Tueschiy However, if the tests did not In- Spring Style M tm b trt ot iht Mancheitcr Fir* dirtalon of the Mew Torh Chi ^ b will attend a program called tetfera with registrstions drlver- "Winning the Peace" at the Ver- b<^ Dapartmcnt who hava not yet ropody-Podiatry Clinic to be held I A sub-branch office of the Mo Hoense examinations will bs given Manehe$ter" A City of VUlago Charm BMde taacrvaUhna for the annual at the Hotel Aator In Kew York plonek School. There sviJI be a full tor Vehicle Department will open during the rush period at the main City tomorrow and Sunday. pctoirato of mueie. picturu' and Tuesday at the Stato A rm ory^ office tn Hartford. Ladiear Nlflit to l>e held at the VOL. LXXL N a 117 ea Fate !•) ''WMtc 'Bilfia 'Ha'Q tbnorrow nffhl' ■hatha—ffho w ain- epeaher- srtll - be laoue IMS registration w iew ala. Handbags MANCHESTER, CONN^ SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1«, 1952 Dr. Mauiiee Hohifeld. He will Ul|c It will remain open from 8:80 a.m. (TWELVE PAGES) at d:30 am mqueated to contact Moviei for . younger children, on the wOrk of Prank Laubach, PRICE n V E CENTS aaaiatant chief Raymond Oolertfan, laating for about an hour, wilt' be to 8 p.m.. hut win be closed aU world literacy advocate. day on Washington’e Birthday, CA iX Company 1, or Frank Mordavaky, rhnwn at the Community T to • " ,* Company 2. night itarting at 7 o’clock. Feb. 22. It will be open, hmvever, CIm bI b s W . Lb Mw b r Wounded in Iran Among tha combat veterans Saturday. Feb. 28 from 8:30 a.m. FOB from. Korea coming home under to noon. the rotation plan, due to arrive in Persona who have not paid their AccM am iBWWBict San. Franclaco today, are- Pfc. nutomohlle-taxea wUI aat^he-al- rbmI R«cf EsMtB SHOP WITH GRANTS Alexander Armstrong of 87 P it - lowed to m gister. About <00 Man- l*a East Ceator SL. TaC34SS« nell piece. Sgt. Regis J. Longtin rheater reaidenta have failed to pay Pouch or box stylea. M tnr 1 of 857 Woodbiidge street, end CpI. Inf, t»*. according to Paul Cemlnl ion PERMANENT CREDIT tUcliart A. Taggart of 111 cooper eoUector of revemie.' and "tMfIr with zip(>er rampartments. 2 Tax Probes ACCOUNT - Hill atreet. n ^ea have been aubmitted to the Motor Vehicle Department. Faille,.[daatic patent and plas Washington, Feb. 16—(iP) NO DOWN PAYMENT Sunset Rebekah Lodge will In announcing the opening of the FRESCRirnONS nteet Monday isvening at 8 o'clock Armory ofrice. ChaHca F. Kelley tic, calf. Colors: Navy, black, —Joseph D. 'Nunan, Jr., todRp C sra fR ity es s iBOBBffgR. faced possible investigRtion tn Odd Feltowi Hatl;"Tlir ’olftceff Mias Marilyn WotkliM- —motor— v-hMhn— cmnmnF ere requested to bring a Valentine sioner. isid it wOrV necesaafv to r ^ , tan, brown. by the Justice Department Imx lunch. Mm. Charlotte Hutchins •ton giving driving lleenae exqml- AiHiBrDiiBStorM and Congress into his ' rela Mr. and Mm. Joseph Watkins of natlons at ,yuh-braneh offices from SPtCIA^ PURCHASSf Is chairman of the committee end 1^113 Burnham atreet, Hartford, an- tions with firms having tax Mrs. Ann Ostrineky ii chairman jnounc* the engagement of their troubles. of the'mfreahment committee. daughter, MUa Mariljm W atkins, The Revenue Bumau Mid Hu Girls’ Color-Gay I to Sheldon Cdhen. son of Mr. and .98 nan, after-msignihg. os U. 8. Tax Members of the Daughters of I Mm. Aaron Cohen of 90 Seaman Last Farewell to a Monarch PLUS TAX Oommisaioner in June, 1847, A d en a u er < ^ ts B id Liberty drill team are reminded Circle. sought and obtained permission to of the drill practice tomorrow aft Mist Watkins is a graduate of Say Reason COTTON onesses ernoon at 8 o'clock in Omnge represent nine such firms. Hell. Weaver High School and la em The fast-moving case brought ployed as a secretary by the Singer, Uieee late devekmmente: To Big Three Talk Sewing Machine Compan.v. 1. 'Senator George (D., Ga) F o r Stand The Mery Cushman Group of Mr. Cohen waa graduated from i the Second Conamgational Wom- announced the rovenue bureau had Manchester High Sehool with the f advised his Senate Finance Oom- en a League will meet thlq eve Ctsaa of 1946, and la employed by: Lonejon, Feb. 16—(/P)-»-Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden ning with Mm. J. R. Mercer of mittto that It turned over to the Is O bvious The Herald Printing Comoany as a ' Justice Department for prosecu- formally invited German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer today - I I . - HoBtease.>i comnosltofr------- ---------- ■ ..........t will be Mra. JameA W. Brand and ■tloa- all Bine -to*-muwe-l* which- to Join- the Big T hr^ western foreign ministerh Monday to The wedding la planned for Nunan's name appeared. ifljy WiLLTAM~JORbE^^ Mre. C. C. Rothammer. J u ne., t.----------------------------------------1 H omsIn Ihateinl. former deputy (^scusA future relations between Germany and the Allies — 2. Rep, lo ng. <D, c alif>- an . pr*mla>.ai-lHm. waa- ahot - a__ The meeting wiU-aHow^U,-B, Sec——----------- A u ie s. —Munssn, Korea, FeL46— Mri' William P. SInver of 160 nouneed that his Houm W ays and muded -hy a. ld-y««r-old meen- retary of State Dean Acheron, Means cornmittse, now probing (Jf)—The UN Command to Mein atreet. mgent of Orford Par r of .e Btoalnn extremist group French Foreign Minlater Robert day vetoed Communist nomi roi )X la s n n Embauad ish Chapter, Daughter of the K. of r. Announces income tax scandals in 8sn Fran lu Tehrau. He was atteudlsg Schuman and- Eden to talk over' Ainerican Revolution, will be cisco, will call Nunan oa a wit the greve-aMe ceremoalea enm- the big price tag Germany haa put Iran S top s nation of Soviet Russia aa a Colton and Ficelay ora all guest speaker at s meeting of the Aiiiiiversarv Ball ness for a public airing of the memoratlng the sheotlng of jour on her participation In western de- neutral nation to help police the rage I 5 etylef, oil da- South Methodist Rpworth League nine cases. uailst Sfohammed hlaamid wlien fense forces. a Korean armistice. .Sunday evening at 7 in the chapel. Clearance 8." Senator Williams (R., Del), he was shot. (NBA Telephoto) signed juii for uil Select The German Bundestag (t>m-er Mrs. SIdver will tell what the or Bishop McMahon Aa.acmbly, whose one-man inquiries have House) last week, made six condi O il P a rley The UN accepted two So yours in soft Pink, Ilua, ganisation la doing in the moun Fourth Degree, Knights of Colum been a potent factor In unearthing viet satellites—Poland and IK N uaaa, tions for Adenauer's further talks Meiie, Aqua, and litoc. tain districts of the South where bus. of which Campbell Council of tax' scandals, simbunred hs will on joining the atx-nation European Czechoslovakia—as the other there are few schools. The local Manchester la a member, will hold insist that. Nunan repeat under Steel Wage army and signing a peace contract Withr Bank Red representative on neutral chapter aasiata materially with It*- formal anniversary ball Satur oath his denial of involvment in with the Big Three. They included behind-the lines inspection the work at Croaanore School, fl. day night' Feb. 23, In the Hartford SAVE BP TO the Indianapolis Brewing CO. case. full equality .with the Allies, free teams. G.v the-Tamaasee school In South K. of C. Ballroom. Net proceeds'go' FBI Arrests _ This newest, many-sided Income dom for many criminals, and a Tehran, Ir«n, F«b.