•V’V iv •MpwparseiffiSg FAGBfilXTEEK ilanr^Btnr Eoenfitg llrralb JSm AY. FEBEUASY4S.4881- -n -rtJj Yha U gR r G io ttp ^ the WSCS tM>m Sunday, MfiSi.' 10, to 'Mr. aaS of the South ifethodiet Church iSEDn&oSgEMSWt: A K & lftT o ^ Mra WiDiam Areadt of Rivtrhead, B etro th ed tiOM are usually given from the will hold a eola of Itoode and hand- Ybwn CM»t btuO ng bera atary •W w u t Atkuawi, Jr., «ofr oC L on g laland. Mra A n ad t waa the pabiMd arttetea tomorrow morn­ Tueaday. ' Mr. and Mna Btawmrt AtUiwon of fonaer Ruth Ptnaiaee of Muaaaa. ing at the J. W. Hale Department Anetkar aub-branch will be lo­ Avm «g Dally Net PniB B b b I ts CMiur MTMt. wag rtcantljr Maaa Mr. Arendt la technical aeti Store, beginning at t o'clock. OpensHere cated in the Town Hall at Boek- ter tha Weak b tnitiaUd into the Pti Upailon fra­ fcant of the 10Srd*Motor Vehicle viUe to laeue registmtioa renewals. F ib fu eiy g ternity at WMlgyaa Univrraity. Ht Squadron at Suffolk Air Force Yhe Cyp club of Center Church Will Issue Registrati«n . There will be no driving teats W iB lh g r te prMtnfly tnrollcd at a aopbo- Baae, Weet Hampton Beach. will meat Sunday at iiSO ln~flM glWB at any MVD office on Batuiw New, Eaily t eC V. a W eatta teort and U na)ering in prt- Federation Room. Colerad moving RenffwislB Rt ArEnory day. Feb. S3, which win be Hmitod 10,491 ■Mdieal atudlta. Dc. and Mra Bamay Wichman pteturee, “At Work with the Word," tolsaulng reglatmtion renewals. 'O f tk*.. are planning to attend the aurgicai win be ahosm. At t o'clock the .Starting on Tueschiy However, if the tests did not In- Spring Style M tm b trt ot iht Mancheitcr Fir* dirtalon of the Mew Torh Chi­ ^ b will attend a program called tetfera with registrstions drlver- "Winning the Peace" at the Ver- b<^ Dapartmcnt who hava not yet ropody-Podiatry Clinic to be held I A sub-branch office of the Mo­ Hoense examinations will bs given Manehe$ter" A City of VUlago Charm BMde taacrvaUhna for the annual at the Hotel Aator In Kew York plonek School. There sviJI be a full tor Vehicle Department will open during the rush period at the main City tomorrow and Sunday. pctoirato of mueie. picturu' and Tuesday at the Stato A rm ory^ office tn Hartford. Ladiear Nlflit to l>e held at the VOL. LXXL N a 117 ea Fate !•) ''WMtc 'Bilfia 'Ha'Q tbnorrow nffhl' ■hatha—ffho w ain- epeaher- srtll - be laoue IMS registration w iew ala. Handbags MANCHESTER, CONN^ SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1«, 1952 Dr. Mauiiee Hohifeld. He will Ul|c It will remain open from 8:80 a.m. (TWELVE PAGES) at d:30 am mqueated to contact Moviei for . younger children, on the wOrk of Prank Laubach, PRICE n V E CENTS aaaiatant chief Raymond Oolertfan, laating for about an hour, wilt' be to 8 p.m.. hut win be closed aU world literacy advocate. day on Washington’e Birthday, CA iX Company 1, or Frank Mordavaky, rhnwn at the Community T to­ • " ,* Company 2. night itarting at 7 o’clock. Feb. 22. It will be open, hmvever, CIm bI b s W . Lb Mw b r Wounded in Iran Among tha combat veterans Saturday. Feb. 28 from 8:30 a.m. FOB from. Korea coming home under to noon. the rotation plan, due to arrive in Persona who have not paid their AccM am iBWWBict San. Franclaco today, are- Pfc. nutomohlle-taxea wUI aat^he-al- rbmI R«cf EsMtB SHOP WITH GRANTS Alexander Armstrong of 87 P it - lowed to m gister. About <00 Man- l*a East Ceator SL. TaC34SS« nell piece. Sgt. Regis J. Longtin rheater reaidenta have failed to pay Pouch or box stylea. M tnr 1 of 857 Woodbiidge street, end CpI. Inf, t»*. according to Paul Cemlnl ion PERMANENT CREDIT tUcliart A. Taggart of 111 cooper eoUector of revemie.' and "tMfIr with zip(>er rampartments. 2 Tax Probes ACCOUNT - Hill atreet. n ^ea have been aubmitted to the Motor Vehicle Department. Faille,.[daatic patent and plas­ Washington, Feb. 16—(iP) NO DOWN PAYMENT Sunset Rebekah Lodge will In announcing the opening of the FRESCRirnONS nteet Monday isvening at 8 o'clock Armory ofrice. ChaHca F. Kelley tic, calf. Colors: Navy, black, —Joseph D. 'Nunan, Jr., todRp C sra fR ity es s iBOBBffgR. faced possible investigRtion tn Odd Feltowi Hatl;"Tlir ’olftceff Mias Marilyn WotkliM- —motor— v-hMhn— cmnmnF ere requested to bring a Valentine sioner. isid it wOrV necesaafv to r ^ , tan, brown. by the Justice Department Imx lunch. Mm. Charlotte Hutchins •ton giving driving lleenae exqml- AiHiBrDiiBStorM and Congress into his ' rela­ Mr. and Mm. Joseph Watkins of natlons at ,yuh-braneh offices from SPtCIA^ PURCHASSf Is chairman of the committee end 1^113 Burnham atreet, Hartford, an- tions with firms having tax Mrs. Ann Ostrineky ii chairman jnounc* the engagement of their troubles. of the'mfreahment committee. daughter, MUa Mariljm W atkins, The Revenue Bumau Mid Hu­ Girls’ Color-Gay I to Sheldon Cdhen. son of Mr. and .98 nan, after-msignihg. os U. 8. Tax Members of the Daughters of I Mm. Aaron Cohen of 90 Seaman Last Farewell to a Monarch PLUS TAX Oommisaioner in June, 1847, A d en a u er < ^ ts B id Liberty drill team are reminded Circle. sought and obtained permission to of the drill practice tomorrow aft­ Mist Watkins is a graduate of Say Reason COTTON onesses ernoon at 8 o'clock in Omnge represent nine such firms. Hell. Weaver High School and la em­ The fast-moving case brought ployed as a secretary by the Singer, Uieee late devekmmente: To Big Three Talk Sewing Machine Compan.v. 1. 'Senator George (D., Ga) F o r Stand The Mery Cushman Group of Mr. Cohen waa graduated from i the Second Conamgational Wom- announced the rovenue bureau had Manchester High Sehool with the f advised his Senate Finance Oom- en a League will meet thlq eve­ Ctsaa of 1946, and la employed by: Lonejon, Feb. 16—(/P)-»-Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden ning with Mm. J. R. Mercer of mittto that It turned over to the Is O bvious The Herald Printing Comoany as a ' Justice Department for prosecu- formally invited German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer today - I I . - HoBtease.>i comnosltofr------- ---------- ■ ..........t will be Mra. JameA W. Brand and ■tloa- all Bine -to*-muwe-l* which- to Join- the Big T hr^ western foreign ministerh Monday to The wedding la planned for Nunan's name appeared. ifljy WiLLTAM~JORbE^^ Mre. C. C. Rothammer. J u ne., t.----------------------------------------1 H omsIn Ihateinl. former deputy (^scusA future relations between Germany and the Allies — 2. Rep, lo ng. <D, c alif>- an . pr*mla>.ai-lHm. waa- ahot - a__ The meeting wiU-aHow^U,-B, Sec——----------- A u ie s. —Munssn, Korea, FeL46— Mri' William P. SInver of 160 nouneed that his Houm W ays and muded -hy a. ld-y««r-old meen- retary of State Dean Acheron, Means cornmittse, now probing (Jf)—The UN Command to­ Mein atreet. mgent of Orford Par­ r of .e Btoalnn extremist group French Foreign Minlater Robert day vetoed Communist nomi­ roi )X la s n n Embauad ish Chapter, Daughter of the K. of r. Announces income tax scandals in 8sn Fran­ lu Tehrau. He was atteudlsg Schuman and- Eden to talk over' Ainerican Revolution, will be cisco, will call Nunan oa a wit­ the greve-aMe ceremoalea enm- the big price tag Germany haa put Iran S top s nation of Soviet Russia aa a Colton and Ficelay ora all guest speaker at s meeting of the Aiiiiiversarv Ball ness for a public airing of the memoratlng the sheotlng of jour on her participation In western de- neutral nation to help police the rage I 5 etylef, oil da- South Methodist Rpworth League nine cases. uailst Sfohammed hlaamid wlien fense forces. a Korean armistice. .Sunday evening at 7 in the chapel. Clearance 8." Senator Williams (R., Del), he was shot. (NBA Telephoto) signed juii for uil Select The German Bundestag (t>m-er Mrs. SIdver will tell what the or­ Bishop McMahon Aa.acmbly, whose one-man inquiries have House) last week, made six condi­ O il P a rley The UN accepted two So­ yours in soft Pink, Ilua, ganisation la doing in the moun­ Fourth Degree, Knights of Colum­ been a potent factor In unearthing viet satellites—Poland and IK N uaaa, tions for Adenauer's further talks Meiie, Aqua, and litoc. tain districts of the South where bus. of which Campbell Council of tax' scandals, simbunred hs will on joining the atx-nation European Czechoslovakia—as the other there are few schools. The local Manchester la a member, will hold insist that. Nunan repeat under Steel Wage army and signing a peace contract Withr Bank Red representative on neutral chapter aasiata materially with It*- formal anniversary ball Satur­ oath his denial of involvment in with the Big Three. They included behind-the lines inspection the work at Croaanore School, fl. day night' Feb. 23, In the Hartford SAVE BP TO the Indianapolis Brewing CO. case. full equality .with the Allies, free­ teams. G.v the-Tamaasee school In South K. of C. Ballroom. Net proceeds'go' FBI Arrests _ This newest, many-sided Income dom for many criminals, and a Tehran, Ir«n, F«b.
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