Wilson Pans Existentialism by JOHN ROBINSO R Died Out, It Was Replaced by a New Cons~Iousness and Increase .Its In- "The.Re Is No Existentialism To- Philosophy
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Volume 57, Number 19 Bozeman, Montana F riday, March 11, 1966 Wilson Pans Existentialism by JOHN ROBINSO r died out, it was replaced by a new cons~iousness and increase .its in- "The.re is no existentialism to- philosophy. tensity so w~ can see r~hty, or day. It is dead. It's as dead a~ "Romanticism was renewed un- the surround1~g coun_try~1de,. and scholasticism," said Colin Wilson 1 der a new name-Existentialism/' a.t the same tu1;,e mamtam direc- British philosopher and novelist. ,Yilson said. t!on or purpose. Wilson, sponsored by lISU's The problem remained the "Consciousness is the problem- Lectures and Concerts program, same: "1'he question still was, how to expand consciousness?" delh·ered an all-school lecture 'Why is man not a god?' 11 he asked. Tuesday evening, March 8, in the Using the example of headlights Trying to sight-see while driv- SUB theater. on a car, Wilson explained that ing at night with headlights is The philosophy now, Wilson the goal of phenomenology was analogous to the problem phenom- said, js phenomenology. to develop a new kind of "head enology tries to solve, according Its problem is to "transcend the light." to Wilson. old dichotomy of mind and body." "Our consciousness is like the ulf you are driving at night," Phenomenology must show us headlights on a car,1' he said. he explained, "the headlights on how to broaden and intensify our "The problem is to expand consciousness, Wilson said. your car light the road ahead but not the scenery to the side. "By broadening and intensifying consciousness," he said, "we will "You can see the scenery if you be able to see the unity of reality Gibson Captures turn out the headlights and turn and our relationship to it." on the sidelights. The history of the problem is "But if you turn out the head not a new one, explained Wilson. Oratory Award lights you can only drive at two It first appeared as Romanti Dick Gibson won the senior miles an hour. You will never cism, then Existentialism and now men's oratory in the Tournament reach your destination. Phenomenology. of Champions at Linfield College, "The question which concerned McMinnville, Oregon. Barbara "What is needed," Wilson went early 19th century 1·omantics was Erickson placed third in senior on "is a special flare or way of fo~using the headlights that will ''Yhv0 is man stuck in the stupid women's oratory and Laury Eck present . in the boring human was second in extemporaneous i11uminate both the countryside 1 and the road. world ? " said \\'ilson. speaking. To escape boredom, the roman The Tournament of Champions "Then you can move toward Ann )IcCaw tics turned to the intellectual is one of the largest tournaments vour destination and see the coun -)1SU Photo ,vorld of music or poetry or other in the Northwest and there were tryside at the same time." arts. >chools from as far away as Iowa, "It makes you feel almost god According to Wilson, the an according to L. A . Lawrence, di swer lies within man himself. like-feel intensity/' he said. rector of forensics, MSU. The failure of the romantics "Man is about to change," he :arol Reigns For 1966 Eck and George Temple did could be compared to the jet test said, uand the power of change is bi XE.\L THEX Miss ~!cCaw scored high in pilots who, when first breaking not qualify for the West Point within himself." ~ast Friday night, Pat Hill pre- talent at the pageant, with a hu the sound barrier, didn't know National Championships in the morous dialogue entitled "The regional qualifiers held previous •ryour mind itself has far 1ted the ~Iiss :\ISU crown and how to control their plane. greater power than you realize." ,e to Carol )IcCaw, ,vho could Bear/' She is a freshman major "'Vas it possible," he said, to the Tournament of Champions r ke~p saying, "I can't believe ing in secondary education and is "that the people in the 19th cen at the University of Oregon, Eu "We must discover mental dis I just can't believe it's true." a pom-pom girl. She graduated tury were pulling the joy stick in gene. ciplines that will improve and :arol is now Miss Montana from Butte Central High School, the wrong direction?" Others making the trip were expand our consciousness of real ite University for 1966. This where she was also a cheerleader. When Romanticism failed and Bob Norton and Judd Temple. ity," concluded Wilson. awn-eyed brunette from Butte also the co-holder of the Miss qigeniality crown, along with :mer-up Marlane Wimett of State Transportation Situation .oerton. MIT Teaching Aid Discussion rhe winner of this title is To Be Reviewed by Officials osen by the contestants them ves, being the contestant whom Some of Montana's top indus sion. Officials from Washington, •v feel has been most helpful, Attended By MSU Instructors trial and agricultural leaders-in D.C. and the University of Min St considerate, and most con Two Montana State University cluding Governor Tim Babcock neosta will introduce topics such ment members are now at MIT will assemble March 24 and March as the national transportation ial toward her fellow candi- faculty members have been in along with 21 leading educators tes. It has seldom before re 25 here for a sobering two-day scene and the way in which it vited to the Massachusetts Insti from various other states. The look at the state's transportation affects American agriculture and ted in a tie. meeting is sponsored by the Ad First runner-up and alternate tute of Technology (MIT) to dis situation. Montana. The Montana situation visory Council on College Chem The two-day conference-which is affected by recent rate and fa .s Regina Cullen of Bozeman. cuss teaching aids for college istry. is expected to bring together a cility changes. ird and fourth runners-up were chemistry. me Mountain of Miles City and The group will discuss "more gt,eral "Who's Who" of the trans A welcoming address will be .:kie Iloxsey of Bozeman, re Dr. Rod O'Connor and Robert imaginative and more wide portation industry - will com made by Dr. Joe A. Asleson, dean ?Ctively. Barnard, MSU Chemistry Depart- spread uses of modern teaching mence at 8 a.m., March 24 and of the college of agriculture. Special entertainment through aids such as film loops, filmed conclude at noon, March 25. Ex A member of one of the U.S. t the pageant was provided by experiments utilizating large ex cept for luncheon and banquet Congressional comm i t tees on o :\!SU vocal groups-the Mon- periments, video tape, program meetings at the Student Union transportation is expected for the 1ans, directed by Dan Nelson Trophy Offered med and computer assisted in Building, discussions and panels first day's noon luncheon meeting. d the Seven-Minus-One, direct struction.'' will be held at the Chemistry Au The topic assigned is "Congres by Jerome Tureck. ditorium. sional Attention to Agricultural The five semi-finalists were For Old Clothes Faculty members at Montana Dana H. Myrick, department of Transportation Problems and Re State University have worked in a gr i cu l tu r a I economics, and action to the President's State of osen and each answered two The sophomore class will be this area for the past three years Charles Rust, Cooperative Exten the Union Message." estions - one personal question conducting a clothing drive for d one serious question. The and have produced numerous sion Service, both of whom are The toastmaster for the evening ,al decision was delayed by the the benefit of the mentally re materials for use in classes. working out details of the pro banquet will be Dr. Roy E . Huff ting of the judges and the ten tarded at Boulder, Montana. gram, said that even the lunch man, vice president in charge of · From this meeting, Barnard >n mounted until Paul Ritter, A traveling trophy will be giv eon and banquet meetings will be research, 1ISU. said, will come the guidelines highly charged by speeches from The keynote speaker will be e master of ceremonies, an en to the most generous living unced the decisions of the that will be given to college pro top experts in the transportation Governor Tim Babcock, whose dges. group or organization. Weight of fessors throughout the United field. topic is "Transportation and Eco the donation determines the win States as to the direction out "Some of the material will also nomic Growth in Montana." As he announced the winner, standing teachers feel that teach iss )fcCaw sat stunned rnomen ner. jolt Montanans," they said. "Sig Banquet reservations should be ing aids should go. nificant changes have been rnade rily and then raised her hands Clothes will be picked up April made by contacting Charles Rust, her face and screamed with joy. in transportation, and th es e Cooperative Extension Service, 9 after the spring break, so be Barnard and O'Connor will changes critically affect our eco MSU. er former composure and poise present papers at the MIT meet me, she walked to the center of sure to bring back any clothes nomic and resource development." Further details of the two-day you no longer want. ing and will also demonstrate Lowell C. Purdy, Helena, state conference, including names of in e stage to receive the crown and several teaching aids including ,be and the congratulations of Boxes will be supplied the commissioner of agriculture, will dustry representatives who will video tapes and short 8 mm films lead off the conference as chair e other contestants.