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[Press Release] New Jersey Celebrates Liberty 1 message

Mike Guadagnino Wed, Mar 4, 2020 at 1:22 PM Reply-To: [email protected] To: [email protected]


New Jersey Celebrates Liberty

New Jersey – March 21, 2020: The New Jersey Libertarian Party will be hosting their annual convention of Satruday March 21, 2020.

The morning session will include party business and nominating candidate for state and local office.

The highlight of the event will be the afternoon spectacular where the following individuals will speak: Colleen Cowles, an attorney and advocate who wrote the book “War On Us: How the War on Drugs and Myths About Addiction are a War on All of Us”, Wendy Yi, a political refugee from China who spent 18 months as a political prisoner in Heizuizi labor camp in china due to her religious beliefs, Dan Fishman, execuitve director of the national Libertarian Party, Darian Diachok who escaped form Ukraine as an infant and author of the novel ESCAPES, and three Presidential Candiidates: the founder and president of Future of Freedom Foundation, Sam Robb, former US Naval officer and graduate of Carnegie Mellon University and John Monds who was the 2010 Libertarian candidate and the first African-American to appear on the balot for Governor of .

The event will be held at the Rutgers Univesity Inn and Conference Center, 178 Ryders Lane, New Brunswick, New Jesey 08901. For press credentials kindly communciate with Michael Guadagnino whose contact information is listed below.

The New Jersey Libertarian Party is the third largest political party in New Jersey. It is the only party that calls for the reduction in the size of government, reduce governemnt spending, an end the foreign wars and end the war on drugs. Locally the NJLP has fielded candidates in the governor and senate races and will host a slate of candidate in the 2020 elections where we hope to bring true peace and prospertiy to the people of New Jersey and the of America.


Contact Michael Guadagnino Vice President of Marketing NJLP [email protected] Paid for by NJLP

Mike Guadagnino VP Marketing NJ Libertarian Party

Facebook: NJLibertarian Twitter: NewJerseyLP Instagram: newjerseylp

Mike Guadagnino VP Marketing NJ Libertarian Party

Facebook: NJLibertarian Twitter: NewJerseyLP Instagram: newjerseylp


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