Volume 26, Number 11 October 2004 $4.50 MMiidd OOhhiioo 22000044 LLooccaall VVJJMMCC EEvveennttss SSppookkiinngg aanndd AAlliiggnniinngg aa NNeeww RRiimm ,, YYaammaahhaa ss MMiinnii EEnndduurrooss Celebrating over 25 years of vintage motorcycling VINTAGE JAPANESE MOTORCYCLE CLUB MAGAZINE OCTOBER 2004 CONTENTS President’s Column..........3 This issue’s web password is: worldseries Editor’s Column ...........3 Effective October 1st Use lower case Product Review: Eastwood Electroplating System ........4 Calendar of Events ..........6 Mission Statement Member Profile: Jason Bell .....7 The Purpose of this organization is to promote the preservation, restoration and enjoyment of Vintage Japanese Product Review: Precision motorcycles (defined as those greater Manufacturing and Sales than 15 years old) and to promote the Bike Lift Model 1801 .........8 sport of motorcycling and camaraderie of motorcyclists everywhere. Vintage Motorcycle Enthusiasts'Puzzle.........10 President Tech Tip: Air Filter Saver .....12 Pete Boody (865) 435-2112,
[email protected] Wisconsin's First-Ever Magazine Editor Karen McElhaney Annual VJMC Event .........13 (865) 671-2628,
[email protected] Classified Advertising Good Intentions ...........14 Gary Gadd (817) 284-8195,
[email protected] It Was A Crazy Idea, Anyway ....15 Commercial Advertising Region A Norman Smith Independence Day .........16 (941) 792-0003,
[email protected] Commercial Advertising Region B Brad Powell 2004 VJMC Day BlueRidgeRide...18 (678) 576-4258,
[email protected] Membership 2004 Mid-Ohio Bill Granade Swap Meet Report..........20 (813) 961-3737,
[email protected] Webmaster Spoking and Aligning A New Rim . 24 Jason Bell (972) 245-0634,
[email protected] Coming Home Again.........26 Cover Layout Andre Okazaki Americade 2004 Features Magazine Layout Some Vintage Bikes .........28 Darin Watson 2004 Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club.