Contemporary Christian R~Usic, an Honors Thesis
F:ep:-'e:-entati1vif! Rhetor-ical Tr"ecnd; in Contemporary Christian r~USiC, 1985 - 1989 An Honors Thesis (10 499) b; Denni~. L. Ticen The;is Director: t-1 i c h :-.e; F. Sm t h De~artment of Sp2ech C~~~~~, :it 0n Bali State Uni:-io?r~-.t::-" r'-~ljn': i e I In,:i T MBLE OF CCNTE-rrs It'··lTPSS,UCT! O~'l ••••••••••••.••...•••••••••••.••••..•.•.••..•••.. 1 I. l~hl Shoul d thE- De!) i 1 nave All thE- Good t'1u~ i c? •.•••••••••••••••••••••••.•.••.•.••...•.•.••. 3 Amy Gra.nt ••.•.....•......•..•••..••.•......••••... 5 Sandi Patt i ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 9 II. Find a I"Ja/: Generic Criticism .......................... !2 Proposed Definitions .•....••....•.•...••••....•.. 13 A r'1ethod fcr An.'l/sis ...........................• 14 t1IJs i C d.=:. Rhe tor i c? •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 17 Ii!. l .. Jho Tc Listen To? •••••....•.•••••••••••••••••••..•••• 19 Let There Be Glcriou'; Praise ..•...••...••........ 23 A Faithful, Unguarded Heart ......... o •••••••••••• 30 Lo!.)'?, In An" ••••••••••.•••••.•.•........ 39 IV. 2Jre Encugh: Lessons and the Future ............•....... 41 !.). E~ilog!J~: Years of Knoc~:ing on Hea!.)er·!; Door· .••••..•.•.• 44 AP[jE~JD1:~( A: -;HE·1ATIC SO~'IG DgJISO~·JS .•••......•......•........ -t~, HPFE:lD!>: S: S;:LECTED DISCOGRAPHy .....••....••...••••.....•.. 47 !,.JORKS :!TED ............................. , ..... , ............ , 4:3 CT~~R t;')ORKS C2"·lSUL. TED .••.......•..•. , .............. , ........ 52 i dl II SA!v'ED BY LO')!: n ;~~resentative Rhetorical Trends in C:ntemporary Christian Music 19:35 - 1989 It had always been there, hidden just benelth the surface of the musIc world; presen!, yet unnoticed. It was a product of the 1960'5 music explosion, just as much as mainstream -rock music was. Even so, it went largely unnoticed.
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