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qrtftr*^ qhmn qrqq{ q6RTq qmieTm iqqiil{ q rr{r++eiRrHeq,rqoot

d-dr t-+w{ rT. ,r..28 et{ z.St t ern u ,t* E*rrdm Tr.ffi. 14, 15, 16 slr :.+O t em *.r*U flqm.rfr +frrrT^ q?tilrr{ Efr fu*r,*" _E", 11.27 t.ern wqlq rFfals Fdrrrnil qqfidq fiTqiE,'tErfr.

qr fuq firTis :- 'qr / +ET q d-er qg.TdR U*rqr rar.sqrg/F.H-.28 q H.s-. 14, I J, I Sffi6q_ 20(4)/q--6-{iqnrT/3ry 5 2, fqqi$_ 08 I 0 4 I z0z 1 filq :- qMi wsstq 3TfuqfiT G-$-& I iinq1 ) q-6r-{T'y yrrcFr rrqq-flqtd qfuB l"*s*.s" rntaat F{dHF*a. tP) Brrr* Trfuft ,qrrrTr. 1.r'' inn F[66, qrR El;lT, sfr r"'' ry'|-, rlrErcr (r), -r'r( rot6Rl rq:Tr.Tt"€:{rqgi {xnq, qiqTqlkfrwq qfr-q-,qHK{. 2'qr' ffi'qT'q-trrq*TTrlq N_:2, ffivhn} nw i+q\ *H ,T,'q{frrrFrqr,TtiqinqTiildt*qskrqqrE{. 3.qI.Tiqmfr*o *T,qeruqtrq,g.i qnT qrfrnik-q qk{q Frq{.


r{rqI?IfisTzffi€q 3r.Jfua .+;rr-qn q-a *Tq-ilqT airgl*ql

+,rnrfdqa f+ qlzi j-J :r:r;-i6t 3{IqqqcT rlil-{T{a .1T{1;

-: ' {. 1$ -i; !..1.,_r' F6RTq YrRr;T iretqrr*. {w r=t=n,qr-rlT{ frr+rrr, TrrFTt frffi1ir dfu, nprqr-aaoool trqqr F6nrq srifvro ft+ffi a ;rrn rqqr erFrfrqq, 1966 + i5?rrT- 2O(4) er-{+ oTftrw:Tr m. qr.qr / qlqT g+rrq{ e drqr r6'Aq-dnrar.ei

6-{uqrd errm eG.) ; qIfrT qTe{pIT, qTH scrr 3TRrfirfi fi o-Se mq orEqrf,T1qR ffid {qdm ils-&/T[q-dT Hrd-€T m-fra e sm qFr* +Tfr 3rA qTEeT *Tfrffiaqr,r Pfl{rrrrqt q.{ {k{r€ fur1ptr6,' qqrhe m.rsi errqrq-fi 3TE-€T+ i5ffi[fE[ ifrrff a ffi qfir& i q-dHTd Gilt; filoT qrcTrIT, GlT.tt drqT y+Te{ €.s'.28 eh z.sr t.ern q dEr €AqaR q. ffi.14,15,16 qtd 3.46 t.3TR dr. sqts fu. rrqi tierm 5fu7 wa-orq fulrTqrfrG \r$ur 11.27 t.GTR t qqir qrcfii$ qT +iaitlri eTIEnzl.F' aftgra u qmr-ur cRUrT {Trssiq stqT'|-r-{I-a fr.0:.oz.zozr rtS#or s{rt; lfuqaar +;a^e 20(4)s1 | P a g e 3ndT Hrsr?fi. sm 3TftIFTqqTi 6gH-20 qra m-mq (+) q Efi-trirfi qrw Grs*iqT 3iRrsT{T WR R-a{iqrc-rfr arR {a;Ir, rTqqt fqETT, filr3'B-fi d-qr E-+l-dr 1T.s-.28 qld z.gr t.arn q qtGTr €Aq-dr{s.H'.i4,15,16iqb:.+ot.ernGg,:rerd rr.27t.3rr)ewd xrrka t{-q-{irrs ffi iH 3Trf. 3ilfrT eT€ldt s-m qrifleT*. +s{T lTiqqql fr. oo t, 2000 tal aftrqdi dqa qH-iqT ft-{-q-{mrql 3r{qfuqtj+,*{ean qt+ id{,IslddlqT'i E-{dTqi +(ffi fr+nifretTi. TIE ni-qr Ehrd{ q.m'.28 ** Z.At term E q}qr q+qao n. m.t4,15,16 ** E.+e tern ilr.sqis iftm g&i rnrurrr fu{rrn+f, \rfi'ur t t.2z t ern ** qr qfu{t ;c6T sniT qvi|atqr sqTd *5fu/ tnaqFr Ffllqt aqqr rkdnT flarrrrnq*' r*tdtt er8 qr+eT vrnfuq *,rrqrfr ia sni.

erem. t -tr.qqmrgrcfri{ elrTdqfr-{ qqrs'1ffi qlq} lqrqT-i wfw graar,'renqrd. rg,. qbqT EFrF,rRr ecr€fiqq q Hffi eq-€.II {cflqi ilrR} {tqqr Bq?rq o-o-q

l,u,n.bfi (n.T.ry)I .. TI-{F1 RTEIEI' y{ilrtr ur{* Hqi* ,;rrrTTr. ilelt F6t{qrffi, qrrr Et=tT, il'rrT{ frr{Fr, qHW.

lfogaar ra-e 2o(4\s2lP a c e Government of Maharashtra f Office of the Joint Director Of Town Plannning, Division, Civil Lines, Nagpur. 440001 NOIIEICATION

Nqtification u ls 2L(4) tf }laharashtra Regional and TownPlanningAcl, 1916 No. R.P Nagpur/ Mouza Fukeswar/ Tah.Umred /Surve1,.No.28 & Mouza Mhasepathar/ Tah.Umred/Survey.No.14,l5,L6lSection 20(4)l JDTP1352, Dated -0810412021. Whereas, the Revised Regionai Plan of Nagpur Regron ( hereinafter refered to as "the said Regional Plan" ) has been sanctioned by the Government vide Urban Development Department's \otification No. TPS-2496/1505/CR-213196ND-9, dated the 6'h May,2000 under section 15 of the \lanarashra Resional and Town Planning Act.1966 (Maharashtra Act,No. XXXVII of 1966) (herernafter referred to as" the sard Act'') and came into force with effect from the 15th July,2000;

Whereas, the Government vide Resolution No.TPS 181 5/CR-49 I15ND-13, dated 6'h May, 2Ol5 issued directives u/s 154 of the said Act regarding the procedure to be followed under section 20 of the said Act for making changes in the use of land in the areas of sanctioned Regional Plans under the said Act and issued order to follow revised procedure related to above directives vide Govt. Resolution No.TPS-1815/C.NO.49ll5UD-l3,Dated-04.01.2016 and in exercise of the powers conferred by sub- section (1) of section 151 of the said Act, the Government, vide its notification No.TPS-1815/CR- 49l15ND'13; Dated 06105.2A15, delegated the powers exercisable by it under the provisions of section 20(3) & 20(4) of the said Act. (sub-iect to conditions mentioned therein) to the Divisional Joint Director of Town Planning for Nagpur Administrative Division; And whereas, land admeasuring approx 7.81 hectare bearing Survey No.28 of Mouza-Fukeswar Tah.Umred, District-Nagpur & land admeasuring approx 3.46 hectare bearing Survey No.14,15,16 of Mouza- Mhasepathar Tah. Umred, District-Nagpur total land admeasuring approx LL.27 hectare (herein after referred to as "the said Area") was included in 'Agriculture/ Horticulture in the sanctioned Regional Plan of Nagpur;

And whereas, the "Proposal Scrutiny & Sanctioning Committee" established under the above mentioned Government Resolution, is of the opinion that the said area should be deleted from "Agriculture/ Horticulture Zone & Included in Residential Zone" in accordance with the provision of sub section (2) of section 20 of said Act subject to compliance of conditions laid down in the above said Government Resolution and payment of requisite premium; And whereas, after making necessary enquiries and consulting the Director of Town Planning, Maharashtra State Pune, the "Proposal Scrutiny and Sanctioning Committee" is of opinion that proposed modification should be sanctioned rvith some conditions, And whereas, in pursuant to the above, a notice bearing No. R.P Nagpur/ Mouza Fukeswar/ Tah.Umred /Survey.No.28 &. Mouza Mhasepatharl Tah. Umred/ Survey. No.14,15,16/ Section 20(3) llDTPl4}5, Dated:-19l0312020 regarding the proposed modification under sub section (3) of the Section 20 of the said Act, was published by Joint Director of Town Planning, , Nagpur

which appeared in the Maharashtra Government Official Gazette, Part-I Nagpur Division Jun dated, 1 1- 17,2020 on page no.S,9 & 10, for inviting suggestions and I or objections from the general public and the Assistant Director of Town Planning, Nagpur Branch, Nagpur, was appointed as an 'Officer' (herein

sfuq+ar a;-o-e 20{4)s3 | P a g e I after refered to as the "said Officer,') to hear suggestions and / or objections and submit his report to the r undersigned; And whereas' no suggestions and/or objections are received within prescribed time limit as per the report submitted by the said officer, to the "Proposal Scrutiny and Sanctioning committee,, is of the opinion that the said lands, should be deleted from "Agriculture/ Horticulture Zone,,and be included in " Residential Zone" subject to certain conditions; And whereas, the owner of land bearing 7.81 hectare bearing Survey No.2g of Mouza- Fukeswar Tah'Umred, District-Nagpur & land admeasuring approx 3.46 hectare bearing Survey No'14,15,16 of Mouza- Mhasepathar Tah. Umred, District-Nagpur (Total Area 11.27 Ha; has deposited necessary premium and charges in the Government Treasury dt. 03.02.2021 in this regard: i'iow therefore, in exercise of the powers under sub-section (a) of section Z0 of the sard Act. delegated to him Joint Director of Town Planning, Nagpur Division, Nagpur hereby sanctions the proposed modification and for purpose that directs that in the Schedule of Modifications appended to the Notification dated the 6'h May, 2000 sanctioning the said Regional plan, after the last entry, the following new entry shall be added; ENTRY The allocation of land bearing Kh.No. 28 of )Iouza-Fukesn,ar & Kh.\o.14,15,16 of Mouza- Mhasepathar I rah.Umrecl / District-Nagpur Total area admeasurning ll.2i ha. changed from 'Agriculture/ Horticulture Zone' to 'Residentia I Zonei more specifically shown on Plan, subject to the follow'ing conditions :- No-1. eol[ition It shail be the responsibility of the concerned Land owner /Developer to provide basic infrastructure and civic amenities, like drinking water supply, sewerage netrvork , roads, solid waste management, waste water treatment plant etc. in the said lands under modification. e-ondition-No.2. The sale of plots / tenements shall be permissible as per the conditions given in undertakrng in pursuance of aforesaid Government resolution dated 06.05.2015 and also all conditions mentioned in the said resolution as modified time to time, shall be binding. Group if Housing Scheme is proposed in the layout then the occupancy certificate shali not be given unless civic amenities specified by the Collector are fully developed. In case breach of any of the above conditions, layout approval and non agriculture permission shall be liable to be cancelled. The copy of part plan showing the above sanctioned modification shail be kept open for inspection by general public during office hours on all working days for a period of one month at the following offices ; 1) The Collector, Nagpur. 2) The Joint Director planning, of Town Nagpur Division Nagpur. I 3) The Assistant Director planning, of Town Nagpur Branch, Nagpur. li"r";y

I (R.D.Lande ) Member Secretary, Zone Change Committee, Nagpur And .loint Director of Town planning, Nagpur Division'Nagpur atoq+ar+-ae20(4)sa p a g e