FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION Washington, DC 20463 MEMORANDUM TO: The Commission FROM: Commission Secretary's Offfic DATE: April 18,2013 SUBJECT: Commente on Draft AO 2012-38 (Socialist Workers Party) Attached are timely submitted comments from Lindsey Frank and Michael Krinsky on behalf of the Socialist Workers Party, Socialist Workers Nationai Campaign Committee, and committees supporting candidates of the Socialist Workers Party. Attachment Page 1 of2 AOR 2012-38 (Socialist Workers Party) Lindsey Frank to: mi^Z 17 Pi. '2 chemsley 04/17/2013 05:05 PM OFFICi Cc: f ll : •• kdeeley, rknop, NStipanovic, EHeiden, ABell, "Michael Krinsky" Hide Details From: "Lindsey Frank" <lfrank(grbskl.com> Sort LisL.. To: <
[email protected]>, Cc: <kdeeley(@fec.gov>, <rknop(gfec.gov>, <NStipanovic(@fec.gov>, <EHeiden(gfec.gov>, <ABell(gfec.gov>, "Michael Krinsky" <
[email protected]> I Attachment AO 2012-38_SWP Comments.pdf Dear Ms. Hemsley: Attached please find the comments on the drafts of AO 2012-38 made by our clients, the Socialist Workers Party, the Socialist Workers National Campaign Committee, and committees supporting candidates of the Socialist Workers Party. A hard copy was sent by overnight Federal Express delivery earlier today. ^ Sincerely, S Q Lindsey Frank :PO ^ZJOS^O Lindsey Frank, Esq. Rabinowitz, Boudin, Standard, Krinsky & Lieberman, P.C. -o §£2^^ 45 Broadway, Suite 1700 ^ >9oo New York. NY 10006 Ol g Tel:2l2-2S4-llll ext 114 ro ^ Fax:212-674-4614 O This transmission is intended only for the use ofthe addressee and may contain information that is privileged, confidential and exempt Irom disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, any use of tiiis communication is strictly prohibited.