Appendix 3

WSCC Bus Funding Review Phase 2 - Mitigation Action Plan

Route Action Target completion/Status Completed Officers to liase with Brighton & Hove Buses regarding possible amendment to 19 Holmbush - Shoreham Beach route of evening service to Shoreham Town End Nov 2011 Y 91-3 - Petersfield & X92 Officers to liase with Elstead, Trotton w/ Chithurst to gain better understanding of End Jan 2012 local impact and consider viability/configuration of possible community transport Officers to liase with Midhurst Mind and other local stakeholders to further DoRiS D1-7 Midhurst Area Routes understanding of local requirements Mid Dec 2011 Officers to contact local medical facilities to ensure they are aware of the changes and to consider flexibility of appointment times for bus users Officers to liase with operator to ensure clear labelling of priority seating on 34/5 Burgess Hill Town Service vehicles Complete Y Officers to engage BHTC to explore potential funding alternatives for service if there is demand End Feb 2012 Officers to recommend with operator that Ashington Service if possible cross-ref'd 74/5/6 - Horsham with Metrobus 23 Start Dec 2011 Officers to further explore options for pump-priming for community provided alternatives End Feb 2012 Officers to liase with town/parish councils, inform of withdrawal and explore 1-91 Worthing - Petersfield alternatives Mid Dec 2011

Officers to inform Stagecoach of withdrawal immediately, encourage to assume 6a & 7 Worthing Evenings & Sundays as much replacement service as possible Completed in Sept 2011 Y Officers to inform Stagecoach of withdrawal immediately, encourage to assume PULSE Durrington - Worthing - Lancing as much replacement service as possible Completed in Sept 2011 Y Officers to liase with Stagecoach, recommend as much replacement commercial 55 - service as possible Compass registered a service alternative. Y Officers to liase with Diocese of Chichester to gain further clarity of local 60 Midhurst - Bognor issues/needs Completed. Y Community Bus may be able to provide alternative service if resources Stagecoach keeping Sun & Thu/Fri/Sat evening 51 Chichester - Selsey can be located, however possible capacity issues/charging - officers to liase with serivce. Town Council, commercial operators, communinty transport and other local stakeholders to explore possibilities. Taking this decision early will enable maximum time for alternatives to be explored Officers to liase with Stagecoach, local T/P councils and community transport Stagecoach keeping Sun & Thu/Fri/Sat evening 52/3 Chichester - Witterings providers to explore potential alternatives serivce.

86 Horsham - Haywards Heath Officers to liaise with alternative providers In Progress 81 West Hoathly - Haywards Heath Officers to liase with operators to consider options for the reorganisation of 150/160 West Itchenor - Selsey service given available funding In Progress Officers to liase with Primary School to develop plans for alternative pupil transport 166 Haywards Heath - Balcombe Officers to liase with Balcombe PC and Community Transport In Progress Decision to be deferred - to prevent multiple changes for passengers, in line with 98 Southwater - Roffey other recommendations Officers to engage with operators and HDC to monitor situation Mid Feb 2012 Officers to engage with Community Transport providers and parish/n'hood councils to develop better understandings of particular neighbourhood need and possible alternatives 65 Oakhill - Horsham Deferred pending further investigation. Mid Jan 2012 Officers to liase with Comm Transport providers - also to explore existence of 67/8 - Chichester - Storrington mobility allowances In Progress Officers to liase with local Parish Council to ensure effective communication of 104 Woodmancote - Henfield proposed withdrawal In Progress Officers to approach operator with 270 as a whole for consideration - may enable 270 East Grinstead - Haywards Heath maintenance of elements Completed. Members support deferral of proposal in order to minimise passenger disruption (additional proposed changes for 270) April 2012 Explore options with Gatwick Airport ltd to consider additional provision for 391 Crawley - East Grinstead workers Early Jan 2012 If enough interest, local council's explore shared taxi scheme/demand-led Community Transport option End Feb 2012

604 Pound Hill - Oriel School Officers to ensure pathways are clear and safe for pupils travelling on foot/bike Officers to liase with school to give advanced warning of withdrawal and to consider alternative options Mid Dec 2011 Officers to liase with Bluebird Transport and other providers to consider alternatives In Progress Decision to be deferred until 09/12 to enable maximum time to develop holistic solution. Gatwick Airport, Manor Royal Industrial Estate, employers and CBC to 1 Bewbush - Broadfield be involved in planning outcome In Progress

Community-policing and public safety concerns to be included in holistic planning In Progress 4/5 Wakehams Green - Crawley Deferring all metrobus decisions until Sept 2012 allow maximum time to engage In Progress in following areas: liase with metrobus to provide maximum replacement coverage;enage with community transport providers; engage with major local employers (inc. Gatwick Airport) to explore alternatives; engage with wider community policing and the management of the night-time economy. 100 Redhill - Maidenbower Deferring all metrobus decisions until Sept 2012 allow maximum time to engage In Progress in following areas: liase with metrobus to provide maximum replacement coverage;enage with community transport providers; engage with major local employers (inc. Gatwick Airport) to explore alternatives; engage with wider community policing and the management of the night-time economy.