Ooreaa Sodatjr raamlMra wOl « 1- Tha Study group e< tha Kaadiea- Mr. and Mrs. Carf GusjMsao of The .Women’s Victory ARMmbly, Catholic Ladles tarUiu thdr motbara toraomnr ava> tar Oreen Ooimniinity club will bold Laurel street were 'surprised Margaret B. Hood Orda^ of Canto. U. 8 . ABOD^WN ond Congregational' church win o f Columbus o f Rockvine have ex­ King's Daughters wtB meet tomor­ mar at tha Emanuel Lutheran Ita regular meetliig tomorrow era* Thanksgiving evening on their re­ meet tomorroar oftemoca at 3 w . V., win meet tomorrow night at tended an Invttatloo to Gibbon'a As­ row evening at 7:80 at the home of Member o f dm Andtt churt*. with tha nfular buaiaaaa lin g a t 8 o^elock a t the Qraan turn from spending the day with o'clock at the home of the president, sembly o t Moncbeeter to attend a 8 o'clock at the 8 tato Armory. All ' O M I • • wI bc dub win meat a t 7:80 Inataart o f 8. Bach •ehooL Ura. John Derby, chair* Mr. Gustafson's family to find a' Miss Bertha, Mtoa. FlorenM and nMmbers are urged to attentt as Mrs. C. J. Strickland of 169 Main Neighbors' Night Thuraday evenln.i, Mlae M Sty M d ie ill, 880 Cantor Buteaa e f Otoeatetleae tw i^ ut T •^eleek wlUi Utm. Joa. oiaabar la raquarted to briar ■» man of the program committee, ra- party of relatives and friends street Members may bring their pUna win be made for tha utiiMi f the committee on missions. Totem pole they are building will Saturday and la expected borne on The first prize will be a turkey. be discussed. The district bike a m c h i s t i r o h n OF C O O m n O N MAKE ^ L O G Y Cmnpbeli*t SOUPS 3 cans 25c Group No. 1, Mrs. W. J. McCor­ M C * Thursday. Yesterday she attended Setback playing wlU begin at 8:18, which will be held this Saturday AH aaeafit eMehea aad auMhioaia. and all will be welcome. mack. leader, wiu serve refresh­ the wedding of her slatar. Hiss An' ments. \rai also be given a last mlniite eaaa of Faara tolnetta Cheater. check-up. TAKE DIRECT CHARGE; • • (Taoadaaa Id oa.) . . . Wax . . On . « dptaaidi . . . d BIrs. Bernice Sendrowskl of Ed­ Self Serve and Health Market Inspired By Briffiant Speak-|Stirs And Stripes Not Cast aaaaSBe. Orford Parish Chapter, Daugh­ mund street represented the ladles society of St John's parish at the Ifaw Crop ters of the American Revolution, WEDNESDAY SPECALS ers Members Of Local Or- h to Rirer; Two Ifarian will meet Thursday afternoon with anniversary celebration In Pulaski Mrs. O. E. WUUs o f East Center ball Sunday afternoon, aa Ita p ru ­ ^ NOW it tlM Time to OF NEW PEACE MOVE store Open A ll Day Wednesdays. PEA BEANS 4lbs.25c atreet. Mias Mary E^nton will as­ dent Instead of Mrs. Charles ganiatioDResolTeToAid Vessels Also Returned To sist the hostess. Mrs. Clarence Vol- Skrabacz past president as stated SHIVBRJmoif” Y o w H o m e From Now Until Christmas. w Si,r* « 1 r « » - In yesterday's Herald. mar o f New Haven, state cluUrman Doctor-President In Job. Owners; Censoring Likely of membership, will speak. Mem­ Ltt0srJsteiB«xiiy ServiM Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales. Lewis And Green Te Meet bers are reminded to bring their TRY TO SMOOm Minot Cranberry Sauce, 2 cona 25 Toil Mcrfon/r o n Mm Shsw Y«s Ntw FM ff C LATE NEWS g ifts fo r ElUa Island. PEfiSONAl thing to got o loon Thu Can Van Oamp’a hooo.-tho n bllltr to ■ An enUiuslasUc group of 138 of | shanghai, Dec: 1.—(A P)—The Tomorrow In Attempt T t mnhm ommii, wogn. 8 A ^ 'K O in ^ ^ CHESTNUTS 2lba.25e 8 t Mary's Ladles Guild will mset npoTtnontm on Mancbeeter’e leading Iwlneta men j,pa™ „e navy returned to Ita own- GERMANY^ WAY FLASHES! Thuraday afternoon at 3 o'clock. A rplonrottomloou MILK Cans 1 ^ night at the Hotel U , ,^ 0 1 ..pologtoe today an Ameri- Pktdi Up Differences Be­ good attiendance la hoped fo r as LOANS 20c Sheridan what seemed but a few can-owned launch, relxure of which plans w ill be made for the annual ______• If you need . . . ------.FerbeMieselM, A n Ktads MoMtor-s SEE END OF 8TB1KB toBB ■RtoeeUs-Se Uad N (m 1 weeks back oa the impoaalble—the by Japanese sailors yesterday drew IN EASTEUROPE turkey aupper and Christmas sate, T w h n m was dwieas* Ite Aad »~(AP)-Settte. tween CIO And A. F. Of L4 the data of which Is Thuraday, De­ rebirth of what promises to be a s protest from the United Statea to '3 0 0 , get it here ^ te e c m P M AaMdeO’s 9bmI Macaroni or moat potent Chamber o f Ctommerce ® *o »u l-g ^ ra I. Apparently dlsturb- DIANA PEAS 2eant25e cember 8. Mrs. Andrew Ferguson For VRtsssI’ an i this In Manchester. Inspired by a speak- ^ strong reseUon In the Unit­ Little Progress Made l i 1 A eee-dny roeetel ra this popeler tender Oreea Pee. and Mrs. William Crawford will be Britain, France To Sonnd host esses at the Guild meeting. entirely on your own . ing program that might easily be StAtee, the Japanese returned r e iff NaatiRg Advica-M ona V#. two American flags with the vessel. A company oRloiel who refnasd to Spaghetti be quoted predicted eettlcBieat with Fretely Rrasted Sherflne They also handed back to tbeir Ont Czechs, Anstrians On te e few hoan., Last Fire W eeb Of Tall Past matrons of Temple Chapter, • Repay to suit your Most Any Kind OampbeU’s owners two Italian vessels with COFFEE O. E. 8., w ill hold their regular THE W. G. GLENNEY CO. apologies that Jjelr seizure yester­ » ^,.*^'*'****“®y’ P” ddeat of the U sralty 97e Ih. lb. 25e meeting Thursday evening In the day woa ’’oil a mistake." Brotherhood ot Bellroed Tretemee. (9lba.4Se.) John Mather room. of the Masonic MS w u Mnaoua’ SoppHee, Paint AGnoritie^ Concessions, ^ sold settlement gigm Washington,Dec. 1.— (APV purse • Quick, Friendly 886 No. Main St______TeL 4146 Manehestor SOUPS Cans Japanese assertions that Japa. Temple. The business w ill Include nese sailors bad not thrown the Bus drivers eflUtated with the mdoa —John L. Lewis and WilUaifi tha election of officers. A Christ­ PINEHURST MEAT DEPARTMENT Service • Strict Privacy. United States flag Into the Whang- Undisclosed, To Be Urged went ra etiihe ThaoksgIviBx Dev. Green will take persoaiu mas party will follow In cbatgs of poo river when they took over ,the tocreeaee e ^ e Mrs. rioronos ThomMn, Mrs. Har­ Hershey Cocoa charge tomorrow' of organis*! vessel were confirmed by United labor’s peace negotiations, sit­ ry 8 traw and Miss Lela Webster Come in or phone us States consulate officials. Lradw,' Dee. i—(AP)—Britain BEEMLIVER Members ors requested to remem­ lb. 25e Ths William Hunt Staamshlp and France, Informed sources die- MUNITION EXPLODES ' ting down together in an at* ber their "mystery" ladies. Company, owner o f the launch, had tempt to reunite the Americaui ■Freshli SSeed P & G. SOAP 6 b « . 2 5 c dosed today. wUl sound out Csecho- Leadoe. Dee. 1—(A P)—A vMeet rtoovted the alleged disrespect to exploeira wreokad the oordito Federation of Labor and tlia PERSONAL ILENT a o w on , BURNERS Slovakia and Austria ra their wlll- Tenow Label the flag to American Consul-Gener­ rtopowder taotory Committee for Industrial 0^'. DRIED BEEF i lb. 25e FINANCE COMPANY al Clarence B. Gauae, who protest­ togneee to make concesstons to M Waltham Abbey today. Jenteg RelchBfuehrer Hitler on the.problem ganiisation. ed yesterday against seizure of it? ?5**” .5?*''*®* ^ eooordleg te 3-Pce Ptflor Set 7BS Mala arrMt, Riwa a. ttata Taearvi RANGE AND FUEL OILS Lipton Too ‘pg; 39c American property and discourtesy 6.000 A n tC R A F r WORKERS of German minoritlea within their the War Office, aoeo was UUed or The commanders of lab SAUERKRAUT UlSa. Tel. S4sa—Mr. Lavtaa. to the flag. ^ WALUCE’S AIDES TO GET FEAR END OIFT bordem. This next step to the earn- Injured. warring factions were broo 3lb t.25e ■Freeh, Large Bunch HIGHWAY MESSAGE paign for Ehiropean seciirlty—part Rata at latrrrat ai, ference lata '^yesterday,. tteqlee of coverings, new seats,' Btarr SatarSar-S a. WIIHO Phone 5202 Fresh Oallfomte seized. craft Corporation was announced Fte meet leaf or meet bells, we eoggeet Fteeherst SSo neond London and Paris, showing mora oombroUed hjr the hMtoryV iS m M - Green promptly accept^ aew BlUng added, new an«hia-. A Japanese embassy spokesman today by Donald L. Brown, pteo- willingness to help Germany tbra Oreend Beef wtth Brin’s Meshreem Serae. Ident , gefc eiM aathorittoa aeld pleat ep- eortier today explained that the Adrise Against Roshiiig Tin St any time etnee the VereaiUea erettoe- —— *------invitation. CARROTS Bunch Employees five years or more Presidait’s Suggestion To " Oriro Trader 7c launch was seised under Japan's treaty,-hoped la return they might Lewis and Murray will blockade regulaUone and declared on the payroll at November 1 draw concrete commitmenta toward hi w ill receive tlO.OO each. Ihose LUDENDOBFF SINKING the sole C. I. 0. rep GREEN BEANS F . Moore the Japanese navy bod felt certain Measores Thrcnigli C( - Cot Road F o ^ s To Bal­ peace from the BerUn-Rome dlplo- 2 9ts. 25c employed leas than five years, matle axis. l-


RADIOS EFFECTS operation of o Use Short Wave *Hams ’ 4,602 SCmOL AGE WALLIS IS LISTED VAIVOUNE TEAM CEB |TAX LENS HLH) race track. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CUNMw WBUNfiSDAI, DECEMBER 1, 1987, Quipn "* charged that O’Hara, AID THEATERS UkUiglng director of the track, INTO SETBACK LEAD] ADVERTISEMENT— A E> v e r h s e u e n t — ADVERTTSEUENT— In Psychological Tests CHILDREN LISTED WBRmSHBOOK libeled him in an axtra edition of EUzabetb Moriarty, Mias Ann Tiv- South Paris i^ tte ta n ’s wlf* aad AGAINST O’HARAS the paper after the track’s license [TO D IS(BS CANCER nan. Miss Mary RelUy, Miss Barbara taking both hOdies on a aix-aUto Play Important Pro- Gains'One Point Advantage had been suspended by the state Falkowski, and Mrs. Helen KeUy. motor tiigta that ended In North . M om , Dm . 1.—(AP)—Dr. K.^ To keep the sampling aa homo- dncing Realism Fo:.^ Over Hose Company No. 1 laclhg commission.' WiUlam O. Refreshments wUl be served. Arllngtoiy'N. J., last month, joined Lowell Kelly liu turned to the im- geneoua .as possible, only male op- Baeha^ Larcbmont, N. 7:, adver­ BEFORE WOMEN HERE aeUvelyJ b legri jouettng that pro­ Mto to determine If Tolce mirror* By Comparison Number l i tie Efforts Of Amate Londos’s Wlo’s Wko h - As Resnlt Of Last Night’s eratora In the United States may Turfman’s Paper Goes Into tising man, also sued O’Hara tor an duced 31 Jurors from 70 taleamon fWMiuUty. There is a wonderful help availa- Scoring. a lle j^ libel be said waa carried in ly- Tb* OonnecUcut State oollefe partldpate. Decrease From 1936 Bot the Star-Tribune. j, Representative Of State De­ BUCKINGHAM PM^ehokcy profeisor haa. aent to Rating in the opposlt* sex. Dr. bla to the “UtUe ’Theatre” of every ^ericas’i Nunc; The Valvollne team went Into the town today. Modem radio is of Temporary Recehrership; partment Of Health To Be East Central Pomona Orange, No. ih o Fox is looked upon aa a M A of fifty abort wave amateur*, Kelly says, introduces several other lead by one point over Roaa Co. No SOMETHINO WBONG ^ u se n g e r from the gods of Japan. arttom he baa never aeen, eleven per> factors. More Are Created Here. course a vast help In the almost 1 In last night’s sitting of tha Man- Gibbons Assembly Speaker. 3, la meeting with Hlllstown Grange constant ooramunicatlon of worM ^ w n c r Husband Left Ont today. Forreat N. Buckland la chair­ Moallty rating acalea. “Both a* a feUow amateur and as rbeater Firemen's Setback League. Property Attached. Plnehurst, N. C —This speed age: Bach of the “bama" co-operating events to all people. ’There Is an­ S BARGAIN HOUND man of the refreshment committee, a psychologist interested in the gen­ The Valvollne team won both aec- . Farmer W. W. Sheffield feU from Gibbona Aaaembly, Catholic Ladles Ths Ladles' Aid socisty of ailtb Dr. Kelly will be rated by five eral subject of personality,’* Dr. other p i^ which radio plays which t’on* in last year’s play and the way of (3olumbua, will meet Friday eve­ ONLY A COLD— *^t^oucfa Ifuxcheater'fl population is not often given thought' It is London, ^ ^ N ^ j_( a P) — The his oxcart going three miles an Buckingham church will meet tnUmate frienda, by ~ five peraona Kelly said, “1 have found it an Ih- 18 M ltved to have Increaaed con- the team is tra'/eling it 1* lihely to Prorldanca, R. t . Day. 1.—(AP) hour and fractured hia skulL. ' ning Ih the K. of C. clubrooma. Dr. DON’T FOOL YOURSELF who know him through radio con­ the amplificationili< or repr^uetion of Duphesa of Wto4B<>r^Am#rican-born b( right up in the lead when the Buckingham Paraonage. wlth/Mrs. trigulng experience to meet person­ aldarably during the paat yrear sound. ’The proper sound effects —^TMnporary receiverahlp of th* Dr. F. M. Boldridge draekad up Mathew H, Oriawold of the Cancer Philip M. Rose. Several from the Colds should be checked before tact atone and by bimaelf. ally friends whom 1 first learned to through the arrival of many new wife of Great BrlUto’s niraer icing present sitUng la closed. division of the State Department of they become ' deep-seated, inside. can make any play a very real and Providence Tribune comoany today in an alrplhne going 300 mltaa an Hartford 'nieologlcal Sem i^ry wUl Dr. Kelly believe* the acale, “al­ know over the air, and to find just realdeota, the asmual enumeratiOD vivid story. ’The sound of a battle— entered the British l^oV x^o to­ It waa WUson and Schandel of hour—and suffered only cuta and Health will be the guest speaker. ■peak on irilaaionary topii Treat them there. Colds that hang though tot, from perfect a* a meaa- how much of one’s personality is of local children between the agea day with publlcatlonNff 1938 the Valvollne team that were high added another to the problems con­ He wUl show a health film entiUed on—stubborn colda—may lead to bruIscA' Blow, blow thou winter wind many ant) ao varied. But be wise! nrlag inatnimeot, does yield fairly transmitted jver he air through of four and 16 years continues to edition. \ in last night’s scoring with fronting a total its turfman-president, Wal­ Tliouu art not so unUnd Oh do stop by and see this beauti­ “He Who Laughs Last”, and ^ve an JURY TfEARLT MPLET|gO more aerloua illness. Start at oitce ter B. O'Hara. Come early while stock Is fresh and danendable meaauraa." his voice and his conversation.” show----- a-• decrease, . mm U) according Msto U|(*fis* The Duchess, who waa t ^ f o n i ^ of 130 points. Logan and Lucas As man’s ingratitude! ful assortment soon. informative talk on cancer. This taking Father John’s Medicine. It is constructed to measure thlr- If the expeiimeut, regarded by urea----- announced W._by s«Superintendent___m — m. . Wailla Wari)eld of BalUmor^ vwere second high with a score of A few hours betore O'Hafa asked selections biggsr and better. la tha first time the dread dlaeaae 125. So wrote our old friend BUI South Parts, Me., Bee. 1.—(AP)— tjr-ate traits including Intelltgence, its originator as a hobby, proves 2f Schools Arthur H. filing today was Hated with the royal fi SuMrtor Court JutUee Jeremiah E. Shakespeare, years and years ago. Rave RJgh' -Sized Bug. haa been dlscuaacd in Mancheatsr by ■Twenty new taJeaiwn had orders to attractlvenesa and honesty. i. succeaaful. Dr, Kelly plana another The enumeration, recently complet­ aa were the wives of the le standing: O’ConneU to name a temporary re­ InsideASSmUD I Dryer. the State Department of Health. ed by A. F. Howes and" Samuel brothers of King George. Vt^^voUne Oil Co...... 3897 ceiver, Collector of Internal Reven­ The age-old sin of "Ingratitude” — A rug that Is too small Tuesday. Or. Ortsw-old, will give a be In Superior Cmirt today to pro­ The experiment probably will be in which persons Involved use only 3-Pc. Parlor Set how many of us ha-ve felt Its sUngi- jh Inside dryingd spnee is lessens tbs spaciousness of vide the tw elftK^an for a jury to 83 Yean complete early next jEftar. code, eliminating the voice factor Robb, reveala a total of 4,6(0. chil­ She the only one of the roy­ H ose.^. No. 1 ...... 2396 ue Joseph V. Broderick filed a tax practically a necessity in radio talk on the same'subject over dren here, aa of September 14 last. al wives, however, whose ' date of M®rz B abers ...... 2316 lien against O'Hara tor 813,848.62. ~ness”? Not many have escaped It your room and .throws your Wnc. He has addressed many try Paul N1 / Dwyer. 18-ycar-old I'm afraid as It is one of the com­ freezing, windy w or stormy entire, decorating scheme off "death tourt^’ for tJte murder of Figtainf Colds Net Increase. Wrth and parents were not Includ- (anebeater Imp Club .. 2288 Broderick filed another lien tor weather. One manufactur­ balance. Generally speaking, the groups such aa that of Gibbons As- Dr. James ui Littlefleld. This finre represents a net In­ Her divorced husband, Ernest Hdae^Co. Jra...... 2240 820.933.49 against Mrs. O'Hara, monest of all evils. Its edge cuts aembly throughout the state. For­ sharper than the keenest dagger er designs an ingenliia all-metal margin of pollabed floor about the The .^ln>( good-looking youth, alao nOSPECTITE ffiMBERS InCHTBIDANW crease of 58 children over 1936, Aldrich Simpson, was not among ^ckland•* Na • 211.9 charging ths O'Hara’s had failed to Re upholstered white enameled dryer that fur­ edges of the rug should be about merly health officer in Berlin, Conn., accused pf strangling the elderly Take when the total was 4,549, but this the S3 Simpsons listed. Reids , 2133 pay the third and fourth quarterly and yet, though we have felt Its nishes approximately 30 feet of where he had a general practice in Cboloe of opverings, new seats, hurt, how easily we often serve the twelve Inches or a little less. The medicine for a number of yeara. he la due to the fact that for the first The former king waa listed aa K. of P ...... 2100 Inatallmcnta of their 1938 Federal line, - but which occupies only two margin need not be exactly the - r time the state this year allowed follows: Aircraft ...... 3066 income tax. The liens covered ■MW fllUng added, new eushlona. same dlab to those we hold most by -four feet It fastens to the recently completed a public health FATHER ASCUESTSOFGUILd I WAGiHOURBIU dear. C3iristmas la a season of gift same all around the rug, but the course at Yale University. EN8ATIONAL NEWS enumerainn of county home children “Edward Albert Christian-George Otionlals .'...... 3056 ‘■all property and rights to proper­ celling and the frame ia lowered distances at each end should be the and children from other Institution* Andrew Patrick David (Duke of Tobai;co Growers 2Q40 ty” belonging to the O’Haras. giving of good cheer and remember­ or pulled up at will by easy work­ same and the margins at the sldep It la important that the members 1938 Soath Methodist Calling Com-, (Oootlaaed from P a p Ooe) w ta are being boarded to town. Windsor.) Succeeded hla father, Frank’s Tavern . 2MS O’Hara’a receivership petition de­ ing. Let’s all remember how we ing pulleys. Useful for airing appear before 8:16 when Dr. Gris­ JOHNS should correspond. A rug cushion wold will give hia talk. The btuil- GENERAL ELECTRIC mittee Entertains At Tea Therefore, in comparing figures for King George V, January 20, 1938; Ramblers ...... 20'!9 clared he waa the enmnany's cred­ have been hurt by ingratitude and Ironed pieces, too. will greatly lengthen the life of MEDICINE wh0# you have people working for the two years, it Is necessary to abdicated December 11 , 1936. Mar­ Royal A. C...... 202S itor to the extent of 8250.000. resolve, particularly at this time of n*sa meeUng of the Aaaembly■aembly will ' REFRIGERATORS " Yesterday Afternoon. starvation wages T" deduct 119 children, making the Judge O'Connell named Quinlan $3 9 -0 0 your rug, as well as give it a more follow. Mias Mary Donnellylelly ia' chsll/ - - ' ried June 3, 1937, Mrs. Wallis War- Manchester Green 3015 the year, never to hurt another like­ “Caracul" Oaloehea. luxuiioua tread. PR O O F Most Aak Repabileaas figure for 1987 at 4,483, or 66 less field.” Trojans ...... 3013 Shea of Oanston as temporary wise. And that would be the gift man of the committee of iarrange- "SEE PAGE 2 Km. John C Hlnrleha of Locust than for 1936. No Deposit, I Yenr to Pay. A new and interesting trim menta, and will be aaslated■ted by Ww •I iU Mtri( •* 83 Yeara t( Sitictw Democratic ehlaftmlns ware in the (Edward signed formal abdica­ Porterfields ...... 3011 receiver and ordered him to poet of gifts!. HoHday Waddings, Straet and members of the Wes­ peculiar poaiUoq of having to rely Vatog the 4,483 figure, this year’s tion papers on Dec. 10 at ten a. m„ Yankees ...... 3006 810,000 bond pending a hearing Call Mr. Holmea 8615. makes Its appearance on some of on Rapubiican hrtp'tn the wage-hour enumeration shows a decrease ol but did not cease to bp King until Dec. 8 on appointment of a perma­ this year’s galoshes and atorm are always a cause for rejoicing leyan OuUd eaUlng commlttM ot NtlU Time For Hand 5(ade Gifts! shoes. It is a fabric braid, clever­ and if you are plaiming one be sure Iropasaa, A dozen Republicans have 187 children as compared to 1985 the following day when George VI WOMAN’S PREROGATIVE nent receiver. Mattress Bevonatlng 84-80. The Yam and Gift Shop, 474 ^ ^ w td eh she is chairman, entertained signed the petition, they said, and 261 children aa compared to was proclaimed Monarch.) The turfman would not comment ly crinkled to simulate caracul fur. to stop In at Matthew Wlor, 999 Vith an afternoon tea yesterday In mors nmy follow. on either the tax liens or th* re- Main S t, (Dial 3024) suggests love­ It is waterproofed, and, on both Main St. and select the rings for With Royal Family, Seattle—Helen Low. Seattle radio ly inexpensive gifts easUy made on white and black rubber or fabric the occasion. Lovely matched (ha ladles’ parlor of tha South In both Senate and House, farm How They Are Divided. Edward and the Duchess came ainger, said ”No” when Paul H. cslverahtp. Manchester Methodist church for prospMtive .legislation entered the final stages Rnsaell 8. Potterton The Tribune company, publisher the "Woav-lt” loom. Stop in for storm shoes, gives a fur-tiimmed sets for the bride of natural, or 4,25 children. after King George and his family Holden proposed In MlnneapbUa 11 novel Ideas and directions! effect. white gold or platinum and a wed­ r./ SMmbers o f the OuOd. The tables of dsbate. Although opponents 8.903 are pupile to public ichoola of ■ ham-yard at sunrise—any num and Queen Mother Mary In the roy­ years ago. of the dally Star-Tribune, played a Uphnlsterinir Co. ding band for the groom. This were tastefully decorated with poln- have crtUcized virtually aU major 408 are in private eehools, 18 are In bar of aounda—more than ia imag­ al family listing. part Ip two libel suits filed against provisions, aponaom predicted the Finally he flew here to try again. Busy Since 1932. Suede Jerkins Is an old, old cuatom revived and ■ettlae and chiysanthamums. Institutiona and 879 are not attend- ined. have been recorded byLtj JllUUCrilmodem The new Who’s Who ia 28 pages She said “yea.” O’Hara during'hit controversy with With Holidays On the Way a delightful one. You could not Mn. Edward J. reiria, Jr„ chair­ measure* would be approved with Mhool. Of the latter number, ^ p aratu s on phonograph records. farger than the 1937 edition, having Governor Robert - E. ()ulnn over A Little sister, as well as the you must be dressed tor all occa-

>AG1 BIGHT BIANUHESTER EVENING HERALD. HANCBESTER, OONN« WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1,198T HANt;HEirrBR e v e n i n g HEBALD. MANCHESTER. CUNN.. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1.1987 ledge and It slipped from her handl Start Riot of Laughs Again! climate In ths summer and fall MANY RESERVE TABLES sioner Robert Hurley said a second South Windsor, for farmera of East LOST Sht gasped. whan mosquitoes are ' pieatlful. set o f testa made on a portion of Mount Wilson Telescope MALARIA DEA11 FARMERS OF COUNTY W ln d s ^ Souto Windsor and the Somewhere half way down Three spsclea o f paras! tee cause Overnight News newly paved Columbus avenue In bit— crack!—tinkle— flicker___and TOR NEW YEAR’S PARH three different kinds of types of northein portions of Manchester and New Haven confirmed reports that East Hartford. KINGDOM a final BANG! aa the fuel ex­ malarlA The mildest is ' the ter­ Of Connecticut the pavement was faulty. Hla or­ TO HEAR '38 PROGRAM k*yO«W AIWOtaCwKM*IW.NIAfaMi«kii. ploded. Shows Big Star Really 3 RATE OF STATE tian which cauaea a cblU every der to the contractor that the Dec. 9. 1:80 p. m.. Town Hall. (By A heUlsh glare penetrated the other day and which la more prea- faulty sMUon must ba replaoed wilt Farmington, .for farmera of Avon, subterranean deptha for a moment. Knights Of Columbiifl Tq Hdd 1 lent in the temperate sons. Some have to stand, ths commlssionsr Bristol, Farmington. PlalnvlUe and cases o f tropietd malaria are sub­ SfivoB Meetings To Be Coi(-, CAST OF OBAKACTEBS “Carlsbad Cavern. Hava you Then the darknesa was complete, Their Annual Frolic At The Pasadena, Calif., Dec. 1— (A P )’’ — ^ 'The daughter and grandchild ThompsonvUle—The offer o f the said. Burlington. siifllng. . ^ ZEROSINCE’33 ject to relapses whlc(i may occur National Printing Company ducted In Various Areas 'To - BOBBar BABBT—kwo, explor- ever visited that In New Mexico? Rainbow In Bolton. The naked eyo sees B Capricomi as rotate about a common center at oi Hartford— Republican headquar­ ' Dec. 9. 8 00 p. Town Hall. Ber­ SUence reigned for a second or one o f the ^ y ’s brightest stars. when cbangi^ from a warm to a Springfleld, Maas., to purchass for lin, for farmera of Rocky Hill, Ber­ It's the largest In the world. Seven lusas over a period of 8 3-8 days. ters announced a teetlmonlal din­ . Explain Conservation Pur> '^ ilE U S S A LAN E — heroliie, Bar- two. But ss full realisation of The telescope shows It to be two cdld cUmate. This, the bulletin 35,000 a factory buUdlng here on lin, New.Britain and Southington. Triies or more, and still not all ax- VHUe they keep up this motion, ner wtu be held in WaUIngford poses. their plight reached her, 'Llasa Reservations are now being made Sb.TB. Conne^etlcut has not had a death said, may be an explanation of why which the town bad taken foreclos­ Dec. 10, 1:30 p. m.. Grange Hall, plo.ed.” they together rotate about a com­ due to malaria since. 1938. when a person coming from a tropical Tuesday for James B. Lee, first Re­ ^'^^■(Sn e T' b EE am ii— Indtu; His comparison was accurate. In gave a hyiteiical scream. for the annual New Year's Eve Now, Dr. Roscoe F. .Sanford, ure action, claiming a 313,000 tax West Simsbury, for farmers of Can­ mon center with the grandparent there Was only one death from that country to the temperate aone in publican to be elected Warden of mmmttr B arn *’ party. a measure. Here Indeed were the (T o Be Ooatlnoed) party to be held by UampbeU ;oun- using a ipectrascope alached to one debt, was approved at a special the Wallingford Bureau in about 30 George Peckham, president of the ton. Simsbury, East. Granby, Gran­ star over a period of 1.375 dasrs. causs, and because of the favorable the winter occasionally appears to town meeting. PORttBLE ' ■AMBS JONES —pioiieer; aeai- cU fC. b f -C., at the Rainbow dance o f the m megle uutltuUon's Mt. yeara. by and Hartland. same type of fantastic stalactites cUmata has steadily reduced Its develop malaria after arriv^. Hartford County A ^ cu ltu ra l Con­ ME MAKE bcr Bariym party and stalkgmltes. Columns of hall in Bolton. James Tlemsy la tha 'Allaon Uhser^tory reflectors, dla- “ The baby star ta about the slae Hartford— Dr. Henry N. Costello, servation association, announc­ Members of the county commit­ o* our sun, tfie mother la four Umss malaria mortality rate since the The essential preventive roeatuce Hartford—State Jobs for archi­ KK(ilSTKKKI) OITinAN' tural stone, beautifully etched and gensral cbmirmaii o f ths oommlttse cioees it aa three. medical examiner, reported that the tects, which went without appU- ed that savaa meetings wtll be held tee, who have been serving during TMtarJay: Prospect* of a real ANDOVER as large and the grandparent la six disease took tlS Uvea In 1896, it Is against malaria la the avoidance carved by Time, stood taller than having charge of the arrangements "BlDarlaa, two stars revolving death of Shib Brown, 57-year-old ~canta for some time, are receiving In the county ata.-tlng December o, 1987, will preside at these district l*KKS('KIITIONS FIl.LBli tiiia iia j In the cslUI dweUUiK Shout a common center of masa, are times as large as the tun. , shown In tables contained In the eg being bitten by mosquitoes of negro deacon, which resulted In the We have s wif-rttna ol Me oem-^ their heaids. sometimes twice as Mr. and lira. Ellsworth L. Covetl for the party and the reaervatlona a little more attention now, the to explain the provisions ot the 1938 meetings. These men Include D. j. ■yore Bob and MeUsaa. Meafi- rouparaUvcIy common,” the astron. ’T he smaller stars are about IS,* weekly bulletin of the State De­ the anopheles variety. Mosqui­ Eugene Jackson, U , also a negro, esf «tvle fraiiir*. taD. Others bung In long stone and George Nelson attended the arc tn charge of Thomas (fulnn and personnel department reported, program and for the purpose ot Minor of Bristol, Louis Vaml ot whOe, HoUlmaa Intend* to carry omer said, t o d a y . “But to And a SIKI.OOO miles apart and these two partment o f Health. toes of other Idmis, while annoy­ Eugene Jackson, 38, laoa a negro, "Idcles” from the ceiling, and meeting of the Past Masters Asso- Michael Reardon. Mr. Quinn and Ur. with four men applying to take the electing county committeemen who Glastonbury In addition to Georgs UempllmeeUry Adjuvtme—^ ' aat hi* barpaln with the Indian sirstem of three star* is unusual. In ate 515,000,000 miles from tha . In the'last 18 years and through ing, do not convey malaria from was caused by a heart attack. nearby iwalls were draped in tap­ ciattoii In wrapping Monday eve­ Reardon have already received ap­ examinations for supervising archl- wUl serve as directors of the saao- Peckham of Suffleld and James Laa- fIrL ______estries of lacy onyx. fact, tn waya It Is the flret o f Its l a r g ^ one. 11 months of 1987, the number ot one person to another. Mosquito Bridgeport—Dorothy Adama Hay Buy ila Cbr Hudgrl Flaa ’ ning. plications for tickets and reaerva­ cktermtnatiMi procedures are de­ tact at a 36,000 annual aalary and eiatioa during 1988. bury of East Windsor, alternate. CHAPTB31 Xn '*This is unbelievable, Bobl" kind dlacov^ed." * ^ e y appear aa one atar to ths cases of malaria-In this state was of Btookllna, Maas, charging that A1 lAFKE’B . Mrs. Ada Thompson and son Eu­ tlona for the dinner and dance. Unly 884, with teas than ten having been signed to protect people agalqst the five man seeking the post of chief According to Mr. Peckham, the “ All aet, partner?” 'LIssa exclaimed. “I can hardly I f the “fisalon’’ theory la correct, na..ed eye because they are so far her husband, Richard Klngsland architect at a 34.500 salary. NO E.XTKA rM A K Ugl gene returned home Monday after such reservation.s will be made aa one star breaks off from another reported In every year from 1928 nuisance of being bitten by mos­ achedule of meetinga Is aa follows: Bob B any stane-wbUpered this Imagine anything so beautiful!” spending a week witli Mrs. Thomp^ away. Light from them requires VO Hay of Westport from whom ahs Waterbury—An unidentified man CAMPS FOB iOBLESS can be properly taken care of. For and the two go whirling around In a years to reach the earth. Even when to 1987, inclusive. Only seven quitoes and also against the dmiger Dec. 6, 8:00 p. m.. Town HaU, to Mary Uellasfc Lane. He was ’!Just like Carlsbad. Or Colossal son's stater's family Mr. and Mrs. obtained a Nevada divorce in 1937, was killed in a 40-foot plunge from BUILT IN C.\LI <'UK.\1A We Carry a Full Une of . . thonpln^ oft the outside of her tent this reason the applications ara be­ rlng-around-roaie, and ' always tbey- viewed through the big 100-mch cases ware reported last year and of contracting midaria from such failed to comply with a court order Glastonbury, for farmers of Marl­ Cave, near Tucson. Common tsrpe Henry M. Crissey at Long fudge. bites. the roof of a rear veranda onto with bis flngrer. trying to awaken of cave formation In the south­ ing made early this year. The com­ keep tbs aamr face toward each telescope, the two sma'ler stars ap­ up to the present time this year’s directing him to pay for support concrete pavement boro, Glastonbury and the southern Sheaffer’s Pens, They, enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner total la four eases. - hw. , west. Some of these columns are mittee in charge expect that all othei,” said Dr. Sanford. pear as one. Of his two daughters, filed suit In portions of Manchester and East Vina, Ctallf.— ( A P I - A camp of with tb*M pem i* and other mem- la-other parts o f the world, par^ Hartford. $2.75 up “ Tea! In Just a moment. Bob: millions of years old." reservations will be applied for well 'In the case of B CaprtoomI, the “ It Is only by a shift la tha lines FRAGIU: Superior <3ourt seeking 38.130 dam- 18 buUdlngs which wiU accommo- b m of Mrs. Thompson's family. In advance of the time of the party. larger star might have given birth tJeulariy In the tropical and semi- ages OOURlitOOM CAPERS Deo. 7, 7:80 p. m., Town Hall, Suf- She dressed with Incredible A large number of people from ot their spectra that we have estab­ data 350 men Is nearing completion, Ooniplrte une ot to another and then the daughter lished the presence the third tropical countim, however, malaria flald, for farmers in Enfield, Wind- apsri Bob met her outside In the Andover and surrounding towns en­ ot Hartford—State Purchasing Su­ one of a number planned to meet asm ilino Waltham tlroew Bol was more concerned ehth became the mother of the third. star.” ' Is on* o f the m rt, wlde.spread and Laurinburg, N. C.— Bmeat Nor­ pervisor Edward Oelasler said a Kansas City—They hauled 13 aor Locks and Suffleld. darkness, holding her shoulder joyed a talk by Mtis Julia (him- California's une nployment prob­ Elgin anu Buiova Watchsa finding an avenue through the devastating diseases of the present man la certsJn tf he ever contracts Philadelphia firm had aubmlttod washing machines Into Faderal pack. mlngs a member of the State Dec. 8, 1:80 p. m . County BuUd­ lem. Jobless men sr'thout famuies new room. He noted frequently day. Oonneoticut is far enough hay fever It will be fatal. the low Ud— $86 each—for uni- Court and washed dirty Unen In '1 left a note tolling them we ruberculoels commlasloa. Sh* was Myraa Loy and WlUlara PoweO tai “Double Wedding" pinylag lng, 95 Washington street, Hartford, wiU be sent to these camps instead Service Typewriter Co. PACKAKU srould be gone indefinitely,” he the atr current. It wasn't strong, north to escape to a large extent He aneeied three times during the forma for 35 offleera aooa to ba public. Introduced by Mrs. Fannie Dixon the State theater, Haacbeater, Tfao rsday, FHdajr and SMitnrday. lALCOTTVILLE for farmers of Windsor, Bloomfield, o f receiving cash payment as at Its Tmmball Street Hartford B L tk T K U KA'/XIKS but It was definite. this dlseaae which Is spread by last four months— and each sneese graduated from the State PoUoe Tha machines were exhibits In a said, “and enough orders to keep Welch also a member of the. com- Newington. Wethersfield and West present, but transients will net be Ns Brush. No Lather, Ns Btades "It Isn't a tomb, after all,” he TalcoUville and . vldnity, can­ anophelea mosquitoes. sent him to the hospital with a dis­ school at Riitaefleld. patent suit (M aytag (3o. vs. Gen­ Radas and Holliman busy for a ralaalon. Mr*. Welch spoke of ' the Hertford. admitted. Lpcsl Agent — KEMPS, Ine. week, so they , wont get Inqulsl- spoke as If to hjmself. "This was vassed by Mrs. John G. Talcott, Jr, Malaria la more prevalent In this located shoulder. Hartford—AibUo Worka Oommis- eral Electric Supply >.) wonderful work done In the differ­ Mrs. L. B. Whitcomb over the week­ ths close of the program the com­ 0 D ea 8, 8:00 p. m.. Town Hall, The men will receive bed. board. ttre. th ey van make the camp a used for something else. That one baa contributed to the Rockville body may have been placed up ent santtoriums of the state. Miss end were Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Whit­ mittee fumiahed an oyster supper, SILENT GLOW OIL BURNERS lot more homey, and build Cummings ‘ old of the testing pro­ comb and granddaughter of Bran­ and home made doughnuts and cof­ Chapter of the American Red Cross, there Just to mislead snooping 374.75 for the 1S7 Roll CaU. larger horse corral.” gram which the Parent-Teaiuiers' ford, Mrs. Josle Smith of Philadel­ fee. After luppcr cards were play­ It was not yet 4 a. m.. ^pod the enemies or something.” Progress was slow now. The assqctation of Andover IS sponsor­ phia, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Whitcomb ed till about twelve o’clock. Mias Elizabeth Lee was the two partners felt a' sense of ad' ing for children In the eighth grad* and son Bruce, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. leader at the Christian. Endeavor RANGE AND FUEL OILS santure at starting to explore an lantern cast ghostly shadows Mrs, Ines Files and Mrs. Ernes- among tae floor and celling forma' and high school. She said, “ Aa a Elmore and daughter Jean, Gordon tins Sullivan bad as their gueets meeting Sunday evening. nakDown cave. The climb up the child grows up and bis contacts with Whitcomb and Mtaa Dorothy chir ladders Itself was thrilling. tions. It was easy for the two to last Sundsy, H. P. FUes, Sr., of Bos­ 31r. add Mra. Sumner Smith and other persons Increase, he Is likely Stickles of Rocky HIU. A t the eery rim of the great rock become separated and lose sight ton, Mr. and Mrs. B. Swats of Naw children Ralph and Shirley, and sooner or later, to get tuberculoala 1^ they sat down, dangling their of each other. York, Harry P. Flies, Jr„ and a Mrs. Kate,Smith spent Thanksgiv­ germs Into bis body. Usually no ing In Bridgeport. HAROLD T . WEST, Inc. tart o A over 600 feet of space, to Often there were drops of 40 woman friend from Maine and Mr. ast the breakfast Bob bad brought or 50 feet which had to be de­ harm la dona because the number and Mrs. Judson O. Files and two ' The East O n tral Pomona held aa 29 Bisaell Street Phone 5202 of germs Is so small that the body In his pack. scended on hands and feet and WAPPING sons. all-day meeting at HlUatown on “Just Im a ^ e — we're as high na then at some risk.' But they were rights back and keeps them from Mrs. Annie V. CkiUlna Is iU at her Wedneaday the 1st of Dec. . i s Sk( er to press on, keen In their doing damage. Occasionally the The Junior obolr will meet Thure- Mias Mary Jgne Madden spent a — ^otazing Values In a SO story tt 3rseraper, Bobl” home with a severe cold knd under “ Regular penthouse, almost,' sest for exploration. They, crawled germs win and cause tuberculoala. day afternoon, this week, for their the care of Dr. Lundberg of Man­ few da]rs last week at tfie hqme of fitiinad the young scientist. "But and climbed and slid fOr two or In most ease* tuberculoeis begtni rehearsal, at the Community Church chester. Mr. and Mra. David Stiles of Mont­ awful poor elevator service.” three hours, when Bob remem­ very ilow ly in childhood and does house with their leader Rev. D. V. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sheldlck and gomery, New York. *Ussa laughed aloud. They could bered to call a halt for rest. Oratw not eauae trouble unUl one Is grown Maclain, son Harold motored to Derby where Ernest Richards Is In the Rock­ .fully 'LIssa sat down near him. Just see the first rays of morning, up. It Is well to know If a young­ The Pioneers Past Masters, of they vlalted relatives recently. ville hoepital sufferings from a “ Say Bob,” ah* spoke In sudden an opal grow straight ahead her. ster has the germa In bla body so East Centra] Pomona Grange No. 8, There will be an open meeting broken leg which happened while he alarm, "could you—can you find that precautions may be taken to et**««g tha coming of the sun god. held their regular meeting, at the and report of the local committee was playing football at shoooL our way.back out of here?” prevent aerlous trouble later in life. The regular meeting of > the Ver­ GIFTS for the HOME T il* black blanket o f the desert- WappIng Community house,, with of the Governors Highway Safety He feigned surprise for a mo­ The tuberculin test tells whether non Grange will be held this Friday land was fading Into pinkish fifty present. After the usual busi­ Commlssloo at the South Windsor gray; soon It would be a mere ment, then quickly grinned. the germs are In the body or hot. If evening at the Vernon Grange Hall. PiiMYlllaa • . “ Sure thing,” be declared. ''I’ve ness meeting the program commit­ Town Hall, Thursday, December 3, aoverlet o f pastel blues and tans.' the teat Is poslUve the child’s chest tee, who were RoUIn G. Blrdaall, EM- Warren Rlvenburg, who Is la the riii:si: luiti.Aixs been, maiking every turn, with will be X-rsyed. To help the oom- at eight p.m. The committee has Manchester Memorial hospital with Knitted and ' H iay ate, mostly in silence. Ira- ward J. Locke, Elorl Abbe. Henry J. obtalneif maps, pictures and data W ardi cut price! at the height of die Chrlit. grsssBil by the majesty of the pieces of chalk I brought Just for mlBSioa With their work they need pneumonia, la steadily Impro'vlng. the purpose, either whit* or black. the eo-operaUon of the public. Mtss Bridge all of EMfleld, ai\d Minor from the State department, and Is ■Muntains, the Imcomparable lift Mrs. Mary Kelley of WllUmantlc Laeie Panel* mat leoson— right when moit prieea ar* go­ See?" He showed her the mark Oannahey, the school nurse, will sn- Kretsmer of Wetbersfleld, presented endeavoring to have danger spots xpent Thankagiving at the home of TABLE LAMPS, Reg. 11.95...... « f spirit that comes from greeting the following program: An orches­ corrected. All who are Interested 91.00 sun on a height. 'Llasa felt Ings. “I anticipated that worry.” nounoe the date for this test when Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Maddea. EYES EXAiVf INED - GLASSES FITTED ing UPl Buy gifb of homo fnmithlngt that Bob slipped his back off his tra from Enfield playOd several se­ in this work - are urged to attend o S s s 'r 'T ® vary near to Bob Barry in that she can arrange it with the doctor. aUALL WEEKLY PAYMENTS h e a t e r s , 2-Bnmer, Reg. shoulders to rest them, and placed lections, E. J. Locke played two this meeting. SsWaff V 9 will lost for yoort to come— SAVE by buy­ gon ta r hour, near and Intimate, Blips o f parents consent are being Two tiny planets of recent dis­ It against a stone. A s be sat there sent to all parents and tbe'Parent harmonica solos, and these were fol­ For those Interested In forming a covery, which comes closer to the Beantlfnl Priscillas . . . In 911.99 lowed by an address by Mr. Harris RICHARD STONE ing then at Wordii Wordi Mdnthly Pay­ be began studying rock forma­ Teachers hopes that all parents will Volunteer Fire department, a meet­ earth than any other known body UPTHSAN two-tons sfftet I Rayon and tions with hts pocket magnifying co-operate In this fine piece of o f ths County Farm Bureau lof ing for discussion of the same, will eottonknittsdpanslil Lev*, ^•HHAWER c h e s t s , Dnllntahed, Reg. When they sker* through they except the moon, have been. given B* 00 DcnvraBg upnoMcnM #2*49 ment Plan moliM It easy for yon to get tho g ’juw. rork. Hartford, after which Mrs. Lucy be held, directly following the above 188 Haia SL ly rough wsav* Ucs piuisls. ••***•*«••, *••***#***« iMSitateil tor a moment, watching the names of Apollo and Aphro­ State rhealer BMg. M. «ni 91.49 ThU Interest led him a fear feet Guests at the home of Mr. and Blrdaall gave two vocal solos. A t meeting. dite. 31.39 PriKillai. . . pr. fR -lT ihingt yon wont, •vnn on o G riitm oi BudgoL tha eraacendo of color, the eondosion away. They talked. mostly of Buy At Greatly Redneed Prieel Beantlfnl at dawn. “It's marvelous, Mary geology, for a quarter hour or ao. A few dollon o month it oil yon neod to Melissa. Isn’t It? " he whispered. CURTAIN MATERIAL Nnb-tex LIVING ROOM SUITE. thrM “ Let’s move on. Rested, ’Lissa?” 'pay I TERMSi Down poymnnl, plui small “ Tea.” she whispered back. "Feel fln*,“ she declared. “ I’ll PattsI cnthlon dot w gms» ...... 979.95 ‘ Heavenly.” They looked at each carry the lantern for a while. Bob. crsnadiasl 39*; yd. l.a S * ' carrying chorgo. other and smiled. and you can be more free to study HEARTHGLOW HEATER win heat eix ... *MappyT” be murmured. Tbs the atones.” rooina, Reg. 969.95 ...... 925.00 ' gi.1 nodded. !Thanks.” Ha had to force himself out of They moved with considerable the personal mood. With a sud- caution now. Must of • the floor dec srild cry he arose and pulled was slanting, and slippery with hsr to hsr feet lose rocks and earth. ’They came “Into the dungeon for you, to a ledge, a sort of subterranean 'damsel!” ha orated In mock dra- cliff edge. She bald the lantern iu a “ Ah-h-h-h, whatever is there Up and out, but neither of them W*“il beard In lU den.” could see the bottom. It seemed n * laughed with him, but she like the proverbial bottomless pit, knew be was serious, anxious to down there In the depth of Mother anplare. He strapped his pack Earth. b a » on— It's c a rrl^ a canteen and "Oee, It's —scary!" 'Llasa shiv­ The Only Coaster Wagon With a ggM ssM y fbod for lunch, also a gasoline lan- ered in exaggerated manner, teim— and led her to the entrance which wasn't quite all pretense. oc the tomb cave “i t Is, at that,” Bob agree'l *TU light the lantern now,” he ‘'This confounded cave gets bigger “ Cn*tem Slaed” Mid. and bigger. And It's like a mass, BIKE SADDLE CXDAR CHEST R made brilliant light, and at with all these limestone deposiu." enca it turned the cavern Into a He leaned over the edge. The # Melded Rubber Handle Grip A gift “sbe’U" eherlab for yearal Dlanmnd matched sort o f fairyland. They were able drop seemed to be sheer. He threw e Rubber Vibrotien Abrecbere wsUmt vsnssr from on cedar latsriorl tUding lift- to proceed at an easy pace, slop­ a rock, and estImatM the depth at e Boli-baorlng 10-In. Whael* durastaks eat tray ■■combination lecki Polly daat-proofi ing gently down a hallway, then j shout 100 feet. m and turn, down and up again. “ Hold out the lantern again, * 20-Gauge Auto Body Steel In e place seemed endless. Bob 'Lissa," he requested. “ Shield your Bojr-oh-bojr, what a wagon! was studying everything carefuby. eyes then, and maybe you can Then they stooped through a the bottom.” One-piece bodjr—no teams to 3 2 « 5 small opening and came Into a It might have happened to - any break or rip apart I 3-ply rolled 9z1t room ao large that their Ught person. Certainly it was on* of BoRebMring SIZE i t s p - ' would not penetrate all of it those accidents for which there Is rims w ill never coma apart I “WhewT” breathed Bob 'in sur­ no accounting, no explanation. '■ " ' - I '■ . i p ' prise. “ Another Carlsbad!” 'Lissa swung the gasoline light ^m par* $39.95 “ A-what?” ' by Its handle out over the rock $2.98 VALU E Y r i ^ I /kxm instarfl : t a ■ ■ c I Strong ont.pc. TO T^S WAGON steel body holds up W orth 11.751 Big. P iiy O B lr to 500 fbal For 2 3 9 enough (er tots np . .4 fiMP* Uddits op to 14 yra to 3 years to rids 1 1 9 iai Aist’d eoleral L\' MenlWy YEXMSi SsibII Down Hassock Sale Walnut Tables 13 0 d w . S U w > « i j < ^ ^ ^^a^jjaenl Guest Chairs Flatfn Rocker AayRoesk AH lew M ced » y » ® Cwrylae A S fO G M 5“ 1 2 8 8 Use them aa radio benehao Largs carved styl* with sae- Fear stylss to cbeoss fromi Loirags chair and rocktr fat er foot sseols—sit en thsmi ^ortts bscl^jmlear seat I ALL W ALNUT bases, l-ply one — (or “ c om fort-levs^ I Other stylss 91.00 to 94J8I Waiaut vsaasr tops. High backi Nnb-Tsx covsnl

All Children Enjoy Stock Farm Doll Ourlade Blackboard 159 19 o! A \i:w I.0M I’liin: JSpierm SdM Vehe 4 9 8 n i A 8 9 i It’D carry a 400 lb. loadi ^Anlmali are exact copies o f Holds 38-inch dolly I Ultra opens into dsaki 6 charts ol BRYANT & Built Ilka a Mack tmeki M * thoroughbreds I With raatal modsra with drawer for ax. entlins pictnrss to drawl rl Htavlfl loagi la rod sad greeni windmill I Pieces won't warpi tra clotbasi Iturdy fibael Chalk tad acassr iaclndsdl Largoi j^odern Fumliliad Silly A Pope CHAPMAN*S MILK •if % KHdiea . ■ .r.a? L e w h ic e d Don G t e Twin a i U 's Cabinet C ool-W ® ® * Rotatfe CfAcYA Boy. ( V'SJ. ViASGISS Because of the Extra Richness | Rocker r1K H V W A IlD Telephone 5161 MONTGOMERY WA iSYitMImMiBawinMMSiBaTiiiifteiW 11 ir ii'r-i i t < ‘ - MAN«;h K8TER e v e n in g h e r a l d . MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 1,1«8T

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, a INN- WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1.198T Make New York Trip As Ruppert’s Guests REDURTZ DIRECTS Spain's ‘Secondary Fleet* W CHAMBER ERA SEEN Air; 8:30— N tw Magazine of the While agricultural meetings A ir series with Mark Warnow's or­ TREASURY MAY ISSUE conventions are generally consM KIWANIAfIS TO BE chestra; 4:30— U-. S. Arm y band. VICE PRESIDENT AIR MEET CONTACTS Are Tiny Fishing Boats DAILY RADIO PROGRAM HIGH COSTS H A LT. to be of primary interest to tha l ' ■ • WJZ-NBC, 18:30— Fflrm and the program thta year has been ao^ AFTER ANNUAL MEETING r r . - " WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1 (Central snd Eastern Standard Tims) Home Hour, Uvestock show; 8:19— COIN FOR NEW HAYEN arrangsd that the women may spend > * I Etastman symphony; 4—Uvestock Hondaye, jFranoo-Spanlsh FTon-Achine gun and a powerful exploeivo Notei All proSrami to key and baolo chalna or'sroupo thoroof onlou snoot- GAS. CO. GUESTS ON HUNTING HUP LOCAL BUILDING an enjoyable two days away from.'', fled; ooaat to eoaet (o to e) doolsaaUona Includo all arallabi# otaUona show. home to close contact with other ' is pr and recreational advantages stress­ Local Man To Be Ib Charge tier (Correspondence o f the Aseo- deslgned to turn the boat Into tqrp^o. Frosremt eubjeet to ehanso by statlone without erovloui notleo. P. M. Speclfil Half Dollar Asked To women to similar lines o f woric from VU to enable biudness and industryindu to ed above historical aspecta. Uated Press)— Spain’s farmers atUl NAC-WEAF (RID) NETWORK Ctnt. Cast. Some Thursday abort wavos: sU parte of the state.. Mrs. BanrF'1 T t T opi Cited By Ex­ evaluate each new Idea as it comes 98 States In I-roniottqn "Sea Wasp" crews ars Instructed Commemorate Tercentenary Of Conmnmications Be­ plow their land, wrar or no war, but to lash tbe wrheel with the prow •AtID BMts wmS wnae wtJa'irimr wthy ZTJ Johannasbufg, 3:80 p. m.— S. Coe of Waterbury ta chalrmaa m ^ along to determine its real value' The spesker warned the members wuc wesh tKjw wfb^wre way wb«B baale; Kathrynyn ;ravan...... Talk—waat... Members And Friends To jGarner With Group Of U. S. Contractors Say Prospects to fishermen the conflict has meant aimed toward an enemy ship, set a 4:4|~- Si4fr—Hiirtap■ llirta Houaa, Sklt—to a Tango Time; JZK JZJ Tokyo, 4:49— Of The Elm Oty. the committee arranging for t(la and possible effect on trade in gen­ o f the Chamber of Commerce to be woM iPtain ww) wbm wd«l; WldwMti perts At List Niglit*s Ses- losing their most prised posaessiona percueslon cap tn explosives in tha imd wmaq who wow wdof wiro tcotp; StOd— •:00-w*arry Wood A Hla Muaie National program; OSP OSD OSH women’s program. eral jealous of the communities natural ' I . ^ tween Six Ainiorts. MtunUint koo kdjrl; touthi wmbir: dil9—Prank...... Dalltyay Orohaatra —boats. bow, jam the accelerator dnwm and 8 :4 ^ fz^^Praas* Radio riowa Poriod Dine In Local Office On London, 7:00— "God’s Admiral” ; Senators In Pennsyliania Germany has developed synthetic resources, urging the formation ot Faeifia: kfi kaw komo khq kpo kini; N e w Haven, Dec. 1 .— (A P )__ Await Easier financing Few admirale can boast the hun­ jump overboard. ' OPTIONAL ftta ' Intor*. • i4 ^ dt48—Seng Tima at Mlarophont iV5R C Carcas, 7:30— Concart or- PRYOR AT DINNEB lioi; EiAosiistic Gather- rubber, be eald, which Is now being a group with representation from all oluuKvafthlr OB o.— ----- ——BXdUB yiOO—Poatic Malodlaa — odati Mjyror John W. Murphy said today ,'.V dreds o f warships numbered In Tbe oxperta admit too wasps -"••--law Chicago—waat cheatra; OLR4A Prague, 8:80— Ur- used generally in that country. The branches of civic and Industrial life M tw o r a ); E A tlC — Baatt wtw wfao **Obbll|ato** Today; Deer PlentifnL the U. S. Treasury department has new product baa wearing qualities ^ \ ' - V Manchester wril) be represented at Spain’s two ua'vies, though offlctota have not proved their efficacy yeL waaii work wool; MIdwoatt wood w ^ n il—Hobby•Hobby LLobby— o b ^ aaat;____ _ Htr> .. cheatral musle; OSD OSC OSB Lon­ Now Before Congress.^;! Waterbury, Dec. 1.— (A P )—8a«s>\ to conduct a survey for betterment bort Peoto'o Organ C^naort—waat been asked to tasue a special half' ■ f At Hotel Sheridan four and one-half Umes as much aa the Connecticut aviation meet of Salamanca and Barcelona tnll Tbe north Spanish coast on too w|bf wbow wohe kooo koBO. OTHKR don. 9—"A t the Black DogTPA4 uel F. Pryor, Jr., oatlonal oommlte of all local conditions. Twenty-eight O PTIO N A L tT A T lO N k Canadiani • i8 (^ 7:80—Tho Atollan Trio—woat dollar oemmemorattog the New Ha­ the natural product, he said. A new which is to take place next Sunday, admit wrhen pressed that most of Bay of Biscay, now under Insurgent eret ctet; Contrail wcfl w tn j wlba wdajr •i48— 7:4^R oaka Cartor'a Commant Paris, ll:30-^News to fitogltah; JZK ven Tercentepary in 1988. teaman, was preaented last night a t ' type of glasa which la unbreakahie states today appropriate tax money their wranUpe are tiny flehing i^ntrdl, is patrolled by scores of kfyr kbaim; Couthi wtar wptf wlo w ju 7KX^ 1:00—Amarican Cavaleada-^o Members of tbe local Klwsnii Tpkiro, 13:49—Talk on Industry. st Marys, Pa.. Dec. l _ ( A P ) — Continuing a let down in local a private dinner to a small g— > Desdned To Get Results. fci recreational promotions, be said. December 8. Lieutenant John L. WTlB*wsttB wlod waoo wfbo wwno weae 7:80— 8:8(^Bddlt Cantor'o Program I f tasued, the jolna will be sold at and has the same qualities as com­ Relnarta, who is in command of tbe craft. SpisU Mats eq'jipped with guns. WBy# warn wme wob wapi wamb wjdx 8:00— t:0(^Koatalanati Mtialo — to o Club are looking forward to a pleas­ ■Vice President John N. .Gsrner and a premium to help finance' the Ter­ constnicUon records, the month ot of Waterbury Republicans. ' mon glass has also Juen produced Toastmaster WlUard Rogers com- The so-called “eecoodary fleets” 'Hieir mixed crewrs . ure fishermen kyoo wky w fa* wbap kpro wool ktha 8•i80—» 5 — Szf:88^ (^ - 'T “ lahTleh ** Oramatla Cariao ant and entertaining evening next William J. Pape, publisher ot tbe : nMnting upon tbe fine gddreas given Oonneeticut Naval Communication kgtn ktba kmrk kgno; MounUIni kglr to a group o f DemocraUc Senators centenary celebration. Bridgeport November provided only 9SU,979 ^ (O ftlaued from Pars Om ) to Oennany, impervious to cold and Reserve, has made arrangements to of both factions ars only fishing and insurgent land troops. Waterbury Amertcan-RepubUosB, by Secretary Maddux offered toe kahl ktar kob; Paemoi kfbk kwg kinjl tiOO— Chapin, Songa — Monday night when Charles W shoved aside the naUoh'a economic realised about 919,000 from the sale worth of new conathictlon aa com­ used in new construction to bettor provide tbs neoeasary commtmlca- boats converted into men-of-wrar by Hundreds of sea dramas have •aatj Hobby Lobby—woot rapaat KlmbaU, manager of the Mancbea o f half dollars commemorating Ite was among those who arranged the ,, services of the speaker to toe Cham­ t:4b—10:4C—To Ca Announced (IS m.) Manchester problems today to bunt deer near pared with 978,181 for November Chanbtr member preaent carried protect from tetreme temperatures, ttona for tha’ six airports involved. placing guns on their decks. been enacted wrlth these “fisher^ CanL. EaaL 10:00— Oaodmon Orahoatra— tel Gas company, wUI be host to the centannial a year ago.' gathering. • It waa designed prinoi- ' borne with him a reaolve to play any prefabricated bouses, trallera, many ber of Commerce In tbe formation 4i80~* 8:80—Jack ArmatronOe Oorlal— thta picturesque northwestern Penn­ of 1936. figures On file at the office pally, one of the guests said, as fi With about '38 entries in this Insurgoit Generalissimo Fnnds- men's wrarsUps" engaged in deeper- baalo; Pottio Maladlto—woot rapaat guests. KIwanlana b a ^ the privi­ sylvania community. The present. Treasury policy is part he could within hla ability and kinds of alloira, plastics, cold light, and work of the suggested indus­ Franco la conceded by most na­ It: Vagabanda Quartat—i___ ... waat lOiMh—llilih —Olak Himbar O ral^ tra— of Building Inspector Eklward C. "get-acqualnted" affair to give the ' Pictured above U the party of 39 Manchester griil, Uvern and meet, communications wU] bs 00 ata'battles siiioe the conflict began. > i:4 8 -^ lttla Orphan AnnioA i___ ~ aasti Orrin Tuokar OrehaafT—waat lege of bringing their wives or other Date Book They chose the wilds of "Trout not to issue commemorative coins nMana to aaaiat in carryinf out vapor tUuminatlon, great stores and trial Development coidtailttee. val dtLorvera to have the stronger ____at: Jotinnia . JOhnatan’a hnaton’a Congo—w Elliott Jr., reveal. Dwelling con­ new national committeeman an op­ package store proprietors who made too trip to New York CItv by hanoled by tbs dlftsrent units of the Many fishermen in addition used lltCO—11:00—Danalng Mtnlo Orahaetra guests and the unusal cost of 79 Run,” the 10.000 acre estate of an for political sub-divislons smaller Whatever pmirram thh new offlcera new usee for natural (;aa, pulverised Austin Cheney, .'Called upon by fleet, cUefly because- be commands their boats to aid government refu­ CrtN^ ftOO—Amorloa*q Cchoolo, Drama —baale: P. Maatara Orchaat.—waat cents for each member will be the Tonight struction during November account­ portunity to exchange Ideas tofqcu'' bus yesterday aa guests of the Brewety. Tha nartv NCIL' Mr. Rstnarta, wbo^ Is eon-;', | i1 ^ One—Rhythmalraa Danao Cand 11:80—18:80^Oanetng Mualo Orahaatra old-time party leader. Colonel W il­ than a atete, the Mayor said, but w anest for the improvement of the coal, and a transparent can were Toastmaster Rogers for remarks, Spain's two most powerful units— gees lleelng to Franoe before tha in­ ii80— i i i o Prooa»Radlo Nawa PCrIad only charge. Dec. 1-8—rBsaaar, North Metbod- ed for 332,990 of the total sum. One mally with the group. left the Center at eight o'clock yesterday morning, with FVahk O. nootod with tbs Manchssty -Rad* ------^ wainaan__ wloe Fwedlsh “ smorgasbord,” prepared Dec. 2—One-day buzuar at South ven colony once Included several of 970,000 was far above thta Reartenod by the many poaalblll- ware also described, which although around the city. giOD 7t0^—Amo# *n* Andy — aaat; wlau; wanr wia kwk kolj wren Methodist church. the numerous trout streams—many November's amount of only 98.429, for giving tbs members of toe bus arrived home at midnight lart knowledgs will be of great asaiSt- Madrld regime's fleet oonatats of fore Maiisga fell, pre-insurgent fish­ Maleolm Clalra’a Ctortao—waat wmt kao wowo wetn; Couth: wrtd inibr by the gas company. Mrs. Mlxter, other cities and towns to OonnecU- Uea Bletured by eueh eloquent at preaent are revolutionary In char­ anos In am n g liig tbe radio sst-up - -- -- Thta Week artificially fed— thta wind through Many local people are showing a Chamber niany valuable pointers fa jt pleasure yachts or aaa-going ermen plied lip and dowm tbe coast Ctif ■ 7i1C—Unela Kara Radio Ctatien krgy kfdm wrol krla wJbo wdau wagm company demonstrator, wUI be pree- the fenced eetete.. cuL , t f m i t r t aa darence T. Hubbard acter now, might contain eeeentlils from which to work for community for tUs avlatim meet. ■ipoedboats equipped with light guns unchallenged bringing valuable in- 7i80 La Conga Orahaatra Pr4g« w.,n------.— Biogntalni_ . klo . .... * kYod ‘ kghf; ent but the demonstration of gas Dec. 4— Inforit,al cabaret dance deep Interest to pending bousing from wiileb trends may later come, 8:48— 7:40—Congoa from Joan. Cablan Ftelfle: kfad k n kpa kaeo kJr Few in this once-buay lumber imd R. C Uaddux, the former an advancement Ur. Cheney was a the Independent Cloak Company to Unit One o t Hartford, Conn., un­ or nwchlne-guns. . Host former fonnation to the insurgents. 7....:0g-. CiOO—Ona . Man*a Family-^ Famll; to a appliances wUl be only a amaU pari at Rainbow, auspices of American leglslsUon being pushsd through the changing the entire conduct of re­ (N O TK i . WKAF-NBC for OpUoBBl town of 8,000, now crowded with Aetna U fe Inaurance executive and towm and has been wrorklng on some der command o f Ensign B a tt^ wrUl yacht-owmers, however, ars on On both sides, howrever, many of 7 :8 (^ g:30—Wayna KIng’a Orahaatra Hat of atatlons.) of the program. KIwanlana will atac Legion. present saaston of Congress. It ta lated buelneasae. A hotel in Daven­ former president of tbe Chamber of BOOSTER aO B BAZAAR g iO ^ 8:00—Prod Allan at Town Hall hundreds of dear hunters from the the latter aa able New England very deflnlte "leads" for other de­ take eare of the Brainard Field and. Franco's side. them InaUt their fondest hope Is Cent, fleel. have the opportunity to Inspect the Next Week MRS. MERRIFIELD PUPILS known that to town, aeveral fami- port, Iowa, he said, maintains a Commerce. fiOO—lOtOO-Tha Hit Parada—to a eastern United States, knsw of OouncU director, re-aaaured Iw the Wi»i— sirable Induztries here. The com- while Ensign Chapman of New Lon­ Government experts are experi­ that they wrlll be able to do nothing .i:4C—10:4^-Allatalr Caaka,* Commant 4!S0— I iSO—T he SlnQlnt I lily m t : offices, which were recently modern- Dec. 7--CaIedonlan markst. Cen­ Ilea would erect houses except for t-eaa aathualaara o f fellow, towna* plant for tha purpose of cleaning don will take oaro of tha field at 18:00—11:00 Jaa Rinao A Orahaatra— Harry Keoen end Oreh.ttre—we«t esed to highly attractive fashion. ter church house. Garner’s trip, arranged by Pennsyl­ George Hinkel, "Orkll Dan” ot lolttee consisting o f PbUlp Cheney, OPENS AT 7 TONIGRT menting with *‘S«>3 Wasps"— small but fish aoon, no matter wbo wrlns ddat: Amaa *n* Andy—waat rapaat 4i4S— S:4S—Tom m Tk. flketeh—baelc; the excessive costs and lack of a a an, WDIard B. Rogcra and intplr- all coins and lulla bandied dally in Earl O. Seaman, and Geotge H. Groton. In Meriden. New Haven AI VIerra end HI. OrehMtre—weal The meeting will start at 7 Dec. 7-8--3-act play, "Cclltog vania's Democratic Senator Joseph IN RECITAL BEFORE 300 th . establlshinent. the radio, eang several popular fast craft carrying a aliigla ma- the wrar. lOiSO^IIiSO—Rudolf PrimI Jr. OrahaeL Guffey. financing proposition within Uiair ad the aoUd common-aenae , yf WaddeU waa greatly assisted, the and Bridgeport CRM Cross has 11:00—18:00—Rddia Vartaa Orahaatra }>S5— M. Weber Oreheet. o'clock and an unusually large at­ Zero” , at Whiton Memorial hall by means. Under the new arrangement Rartford'a Chamber Prealdent, Ed­ ■bngs and the Clyde Brothers, vocal IliiO —18:80—*'LlohU Out," Oramatla •i}0— SiSOT-Irme Qlenn et the Orsen Beitgleaa Trend president stated, by Charles W. mads all ths necessary arrange­ ii*S— SilS—The Reveter^wji onlyl tendance Is hoped for. In addition to Community Players. With tba temperature to the low now before Federal authorities, a ward N. AUen, it waa eaay to under- and Instrumental group provided North Methodist Workers tt has been suggested, he said, Kimball, A. A. Knofla and Clarence ments and HUsign Gompert of CDC-WAIO NETWORK . Tener Sense—ehaln the regular attendance prize, there Coming Events twenties and few rooms avallabla, Mfiiiehnter And WilllAuuitic person having 9600 cash, or proper­ afam. why hut nigbt'a meeting anu that a new religious trend is need­ toe entertainment place thta aventog, December 1 ia •*4S— 4:44—Lewell Themee — eaet; the biggest problem for moat hunt- Luplen. Christmas Fair CondncM Stamford wdU take cart o t Dan- the G. A. R. rooms. •ACIO— Baat: wabo wade woko woao . Eeeorte — w: Tern M in-m idw rpf wUI be a half dozen prizes for the Dec. 9—Annual Cbrlstmas sale Students Of Plectral Instrn- ty valued at 9600, could borrow the aoeh a auccaaa. Clarence HubMid'a ed and is Imminent. He quoted Baeiness Session t ^ ‘ war wkbw wkre wbk wdra era was to locate a place to aleap. SmsD CfaUnM Court As "Land Of Make Believe.” nury. This Is one instance where There wiU be a members’ supper • :0S— T:flO—Beey Aeee. Skit—eleo eel ladles. A good entertainment to and turkey supper, S t Mary’s ments Take Part In Pro- balance necessary to build a home bdHiaat talk opened avenuea nt Genera] Evangeline Booth aa saying The annual business session fol­ A Small Clalmi Court plan wras the Naval Reserve can be o t serv­ ---- J w ^ wpro wfbt wlay wgar: Mld« •!••— JilS—Mr. Keen A Loet Pereone being arranged and Indications are Ladles' Guild. Many to their colorful toga spent lowed the speaking program.. Ur. ROCKVILLE at six o'clock with the following w ait: wbbm wfbm kinbe knos whaa •tto— 7:10—Lum A Abner- eeet only: which would ba valued at 96,000. thought, aloag''..nay lines that can that the "trouble with thp world to­ ice to tbe rabUe. Contact wrlth the kfab kntt that the meettog will be one of the Also, annual Ctortatroaa sale and the last three nights since the sea­ Rram Here. studied but the committee decided committee to charge, Mrs. Lottie . ••• Ita "*—iietwortr Two IMffloaltlas be foDoared In a new Chamber pro­ day la that the people am tiylag to Bilsb read the list of retiHng rf. Seven o'clock is tbe opening hour American Red Cross is anoUihr. - ^ 'bn, wps whp whee woes ofrb •:4S— 7t4^-dherlette Leneing, Mnse best held by the club this year. bridge, Ever-Ready Clrcls, Kings son opened on benches and chairs in against basty-acUon. The president's Talco.t, Mrs. Belle Smith, Mrs. wibz WBIZS wees wnM wibe wkbn gram. -Pete' Ifaddux’a scholarly get along without God." Some time i''jere and thanked them for their Kfi" JiOO— SiO ^Sddy Ouehin Ore.—aleo o Daughters. hotsl lobbiss. Over 800 attended the recital last Oontractors here say that bual- report states that It is desirable of the Booster Club’s basaar, ‘T he Agnes Seidel, Mrs. Annie Smith, wsio___ WSW Jito— • i f j ^ l d Sketeky et Hellyweed recounting of what the New Eng­ ago at the rededication of the Suex cooperation during bis tenure. He DIXIE — w nt wets wbro wqzai wded night la tbe Holtatar street school naas ta at a standstill, and that urn that the activity for such a court Land of Make Believe", at tbs Mrs. Esther Walther, Mrs. Wise. 7i4S— Site-The KIdtedlere Qurtet Dec. 14— Lecture on 'Tnteroa- Ookmsl Kaul, know to totlauitas land Council has' done practically Canal the original dedicatory clause a!s< thanked heartily tbe Chamber's continue. Tbe Merchants' executive North Methodist church tonight, hits wree w iu wwl wtoe krid ktrh k t«t • ! Aniwuneed (»0 m.) tionsl Mart" by Mra. Lewis Ross at as "Doc,” ta 70. Hs waa once a auditorium given by Manchester two difficulties, high coat of ma­ office staff. Hs then called upon MILK PRODUCERS HOID Mrs. NeUle WilUs, Mrs. May Welta, wsee kama wdbe wbt w du wblz wdbj I'**® Mlnetrel Shew terials, and lack of assy financing, Select Your Cloved that nothing la impossible In was read citing the use of the commltte, consisting of Russell 8 . Thursday and Friday evenings. This KING GEORGE TAKES PART WWTS wmbs wa]e wmbr wata ktul ksko y M. C. A. veterinarian and was appointed a and WtIUmanUc pupils of Mra. Ada tea way o f industrial development, E3mer A. Weden aa chairman ot toe Mrs. Alice Wells and Mrs. Bertha Jehneen'e Cemment waterway to "wisdom, the brother­ Potterton, Robert E. Seaman, Julius annus] project of tbe club is for tbe w eM w dM wBok kwkh know wmmm ■••••». Centrelte Dec. 19—Christmas csrol conesrt colonel by former Governor Tener. N. MtrrlAeld. The Manchestor will have to ba overcome before troiard Rogers' gifted tongue indi­ nominating committee to read that Welta. wli'(no m ha wpar w nw i wooo wrra 4 i » —10!*0—B. Olll'e W elle Interlude R A D I O ® " ^ ’ hood of Han and Beau^." Prom Fradln, James T. Blair, Leon O church fuai fund. It wrtll have all ELLINGTON MEETING Ml. lIpWEST — wmbd Wien wibw kfh by High school choruses at school Plectrum orchestra assisted. It was they can hops lo t relief from tne cated the to}ralty of the local boy ct-mmittee’s suggestions for a new IN ANCIENT CEREMONY Social and Party ■••• orohee. Yaara before two mills that that James Trualow Adams works the Holmes, H. B. House and C. EHmore tbe attractions of previous basaan whbb wtaq wkbb woee webt kao) wnax Jeetere Oreheetra ___ ' Day auditorium. | manufacture carbon from coal ba- also the first appearance o f the present dead condition of tha buUd- Xmas Cards who baa made good, and Ned speaker cited the progren of civic elate of officers. Tha Ladles Aid of tbs First Hhran- Junior Banjo Band and Junior Ha­ tog tradea. Watkins, served ae this board of wdto many hew features. gelicsl Lutheran church wiU hold a B atten Standard lim a Dec. 17 and 30—"A Baaroh for eame tho principal Industrim of tha AHmi’s plain talk showed the ab­ development from the Reformation Mr. Weden offered; For President, 11:00—18:00—Hanry Cuaaa*a Orahaatra waiian group, organised thta fall. Real eatata deatoie and those hav­ NOW study. The Impresaioa aeems to have Christmas party at their regular 11t80-18ii0-Tadd7 HlllTnd O m h ^ Santa Claus", Junior choir of (fon- community, tbe colonel\made a foi- surdity o f abandoinlng a Chamber <*•'•** the year to the recent Dr. D.C.T. Moore; for flret vice Receives Qnit Rents From Attendance Prizes To Be Pre­ oordla Lutheran church. Tha ehlidran played well both In ing property for sale find .disposal The committee appointed to been created that a supper wrae to meeting on Thursday afternoon. The tuna to lumber, A sports anthusl- organisation. Industrial reform. The next reform president Charles W. K'mball; for Tenants Of The Old Duchy sented At Session Being Held New York. Dec. 1.— (A P )--M a e Dec. 81— Knights of Columbus solo and orehastral work. From Ofw of th« M *t Co*> study the. suggestion that a credit ba aerved each evening. This is not members wiU exchange gifts valued sat. hs ones mslntalnsd a big atabis of holdings axtramaly •difficult, ■ntbnalaam Lwcidag propbecied by Adams la of scienti­ second vice president Dr. E. C Hig- rating bureau be set up within toe the case, although It wrould bo pos­ Of ComwalL West has a radio date with Charlie New Year’s Eve frolic at Rainbow, Tha program opened with thrae and numerous vacant rente now Rl«t« Stocka In Town. • ,'iBs; for tressurer, John F. Pickles; In Town HaD There. at ten cents. of racing trotters. With Mra. Kaul, fic character, induced by the too 1 Chamber offices wraa credited with sible to aaaemble a aatlafying moal 10:00— "Gang Busters." McCarthy. It will be the night ot boltoB. numbers by the Manchester Plectral daranos T. H^ibbard deplored the for cirectors, F. T. Blish, Jr., Fire Company Meettog he llvec ta a large home about exist where three montha kgo hard­ rapid development of new Ideas, so having put in more strenuous snd Launceston, Eng., Dec. L — (A P ) 10:30— Pratt-Whitney Choral Club December 12 to Charlie's regular Jan. 19—BriUsb-Amsrioan Oub orebastra. The ensemble played an lack o f enthusiasm shown in New Ernest Bantl>, Georgs E. Keith, writh the refresbmonts to be found Tha Fitch Fire Company will eight miles from town. ly a vacancy could be found. New fast that civilisation cannot assimi­ sincere effort than any other. After -King George VI In tbe feudal rots 'Rockville, Dec. 1 — Tha annual Robert Baldwin, director. WEAF-NBC program. That means, family party at Maaonic Temple. t t l a iid by Us people, despite tbs Thomas Ferguson, Henry Malloiv at too "Mother Hubbard” booth, meet this evening at neven oielock Hundreds of hunters have additional number and In the second houses also have stood unsold for late thepi, the writer declared. conalderable study it wras voted cot presided over by Mrs. f^yrus TVIer. of a royal lanUord today received meettog of Dtatrict No. 4, MUk Pro­ WTIC 10:46— Talk by Norman "niomaa. too. anybody can Itaten ta. Feb. 1-4^ Annual Herald (P ok ­ Cset that New Englanders enjoy and Raymond R. Bowers. These of­ at the O n ter engine house. brought down bucks to tbs St. half of tha program accompanied long periods. Explanations for ths In conclusion Mr. Hubbard urged U.-set up such an activity. This com.* quit rente from tenants ot the an- aa Broadeaatlag Senioa, 11:00—News Servtoe. Mae, who does so little b.-oadcast- ing school. t o ' 5 0 < ■fany natural advantages not enjoy- ficers were unanimously elected. Entertainment numbers will be ducers Assodation to betog bald to WIU Visit Wtastod Marys area during the week and nl- Wtoaolw McLougbUn of this town tocressea to available rente vary, the Chamber of Commerce to main. mittee waa: James Frlel, L. T. given in tbe vastly sack evening, dent Duchy of CornwralL Hartford, Ooaa. 11:15— Benny Goodman's Orchss- Ina that aba ta a rarity at the : P*°P^ living In the west and tbe Elltogton Towm Hall today, The members o f tbe Degree team tra. dieatlona point to a successful trip who sang "Blue Hawaii by Robto- but it ta thought that change to On a recent trip to tali> its cooperatlva organisation to Asks CooperatiOB Wood. Ernest Bahtly, James Turn- and at 8:80 and 9:80, humorous one- The pictureaque ceremony, com- W. 1040 E. U tSJ M. microphone, wUl have som^drama aRtogsr. Hla singing and the work keep abreast of the current trends dinner wias aerved the members at o f Tankaroosan Tribe, I.OJrIm . will 11:30—Richard lumber's Orchestra for ths party. owntrship of former Cheney prop- Texas ba waa surprised, he said, to Tbe new President Dr. Moore, bull, C. E. Watkins. James McVeigh. set pisirs .wdll be presented under lileto wrtth medieval trappings - of go to Wtosteu this aventog to latan Standard lim a with Don Ameche, the master ot IN CONSULAR SERYICE, of the advanced pupils was wall re- ertlea, with resulting rent adjust­ First and ExcInslTa Showtof for community benefl(s« wraa esUed upon. Dr. Moore lald he Thomas Holden end Raymond the direction of Mark Holmes at tha irumpet fanfares and cries of noon. FoUowing too dinner a bust- 12:00— Tommy Dorsey's Orchestra. ceremonies, and then is to pass tne In tha group were Senatora Die- Isani that medal trains were run exemplify the ChleTs snd Warriors terlch of llltoota; Minton of Indiana; celved by u appreclsUvs audience. ments. and "doubling up” of fami- OMuicil Exeentlve fully realised what his task would Bewerv. Little Theater- set up in the small ‘Oyes", took place wdtbln too crum­ oeas session ta to be held with of- 12:30 a. m.—Bob 'koaby's Orches­ quipa with young McCarthy, aided of as fhr aa aoo miles to take faiu to degree for that tribe, Kebow Tribe. Wednesday, Deoemher 1 tra. Radollffe o f Maryland; Schwellen- Mra. Merrifleld played dusts with llea, especially among ncwly-weda, High school games. The arork of the New be and that be wrould not attempt Trafllo Problems social room. Tbe east playing "The bling waits of Launceston castle fillers to be elected for too coming and abetted by Eflgar Bergen. IS YISITOR LOCAUY year. A director for thiee yean and No. 89. The Great Sachsm (Teorge Temorrow*a Prograna bach of Washington; Duffy of Wis­ some o f her pupils and occasional ta largely reapouslbta. Prospective ^uneU over the past 12 yearn since to outline a program. He said be A Traffic Problems committee Love Nest" includes Mias Arllne which last saw tbe vtalt of a reign­ The last time Mae broadcast waa One o f tbs reasons westerners district officers aa well ai delegates Kreh and bis staff wUl make their P. M. A. M. consin; Truman at Mtasouri; Mur­ piano accompaniments. Other pian. purehsaera ot new houses are under­ d u ra graater antbusiasm for their the body's oiganlssUon in Worces­ merely wranted cooperation. He In­ was named, but was not particular­ Holmes, Usynard Briggs, and How­ ing Monarch nearly three centuries official visit. WUHara Dunlap wbo in one of Rudy Valles's Varieties tats were Miss Myrtle Volkert and Fostpria ; is to be named. Reports o t tbe 4:00—Lorenso Jones. 7:00—Eta Alpha Programma. Bertel Kaniholm Of Gardner, ray of Montana; Herring of Iowa stood to be holding bach beoausa ot ■aUvs places waa due to the fact ter in 1039 was given by R. & Uad­ sisted he did not esek -self- ag­ ly active although sevetal plans are ard Holmes as Sam, tbe colored boy. aga quite a while ago. year's work are to be presented and ta First Great Scout will also at­ 4:19—The Guiding L ig h t 7:30— Shoppers SpeclaL and Russell o f Georgia. Miss Marinete Pearl. high figures aaked, but contractors that tbs people share many troubles dux of Boston, secrstaiy of the grandizement but elmply wranted to In the committee members' minds ThoM taking part in tbe "Pearl The King mar6bed through tbe tend tbe meettog. Mass.. Sails Today For New there will bq dtaeuasiona. 4:80— The Story o f Msry Marlin. 7:45—News Service. Others included Count Jeray Po- Ths gardenia corsage worn by point out that, with-labor and ma­ and dtinculties face to face. Texas, Community development committee wrork to make Manchester a better Sid may yet be wor-ceif out wdto Necklace Mystery*’ are Mrs. Hilda castle gate behind tbe Red, black Frank Sosnlekl Twenty-five years of football Post In Latvia. Mrs. Merrifleld waa the g ift o f the Cut Glass ^ place In which to live. A feature iaf tbe meettog la to be 4i:48—The Road of Ufe. 8:00—Traasure House. tockl, Polish ambassador to the terials costs at a peak, no lower, M r. Hubbard said, had none of the of the Council. Mr. Uaddux was t'lo cooperation of the police autbor- Stratton, Corwdn Grant, wrlth Miss and gold standard of Launceston to FTank Sosnlekl, 70 of 48 VUlaga coaching at tha University of UU- Junior orehealra. Treasurer Pickles stated that Dr. the presentation at attendance 8:00—Hank Kocna. 8:19— Shoppers Special. United States; Richard Bailey, Jr., price can reasonably ba flxeu on Place yoar orders efiriy ter ] grant natural aidvantages that we credited by WUlard B. Rogers pi l.lea. This committee for the past Ruth Tyler as the maid. hear tbe towrn clerk summon "AH street, a resident of RockviUe for nolse brings a silver jubilee to Kon- Bertel Kuniholm. of Gardner, Moore fully deserved all the cooper- prizes wbtcb include an axe, three 8:18—"Torry and tba Pirates," 9:00— Dear (folumbla. Guffey's aacretery: David L. Law- new dwellings. Xmas dellrery. have la New, England, beautiful this town, toastmaster of the dinnei year baa been: Eiarl G. Seaman, 8 . The numbered tickets carry the persona that do offer suit and serv- the past four years, wma found dead ert C. Zuppke, part of which Is to Mass., second s: tary of tne THE LADY IS LUCKY Btlon that could 6e given him and chance for winning an attendance Ive to Hta Majesty, lord of tbe fee Mundz HTH-19, 1 gallon fly spray, 8:80— Jack Armstrong. 9:25—News Service. enca, aecretary of the (fommon- dnsaary. great foraau of trees, rtv- meeting, as being the leader In J. Kemp, Jr., and Arthur H. Ullug. to bis bed on Tuesday by his land­ have a broadcast on WOR-MUS at American Legation at Riga. Latvia, forming the Maseaebuaetta Federa­ pledged bis support A loving cup prise each evening. or honor ot the castle of Laimeea- >rrn broom, mUk p iil 800 E Z Flow 8:48—"U ttle Orphan Annie.” 9:80—Richard MaxweU. wealth o f Pennsylvania and M at VEGETABLE MEN PLAN dlfe and a astUsd countryside. In The Merchants division was cited lady, Mrs. Joseph Preztak. He nad , : —News. 10:15 Thursday night. It wUI come sailed today at noon on the B. <9. Hlltaboro, N. H., Dec. 1.— (A P )— tion of Taxpayers now numbering for having wron the Chamber go 1 rsUgton, industrial methods and sale of Vermont's mspis syrup and thing." narcotics syndicate which hired W EAF-NBC, 3 p. m.—NBC music changes in long-established rules of Tbe Housing committee also tion, solicitations approval and tour­ ter: Thomas Harrison of Woonaodiet Tknnday. 9:48— "Artistry 6t Homemaklng.' 3:80—American School of the Air. will speak on the afternoon of the (tr u n k )...... / O Choose from hundreds of the smartest, newest and sugar were some'of the greater women to smuggle heroin with,the 8:00— Theater Matinee. guild; 4— Lorsnao Jonss, comedy; 9 procedure. Ideas have so rapidly favored publlcsUoa o f a booklet ist information. He said that each u d WiUlsm George of Providanee, The wromen's swimming cIstom 10:00—Mrs. W lggs of the (teb b ^e second day and discuss "How Far Is Radio aad heater. ■ agricultural aids supported by tbe connivance of bribed customs agents 8:80—To be announced. — Golden Melodies. advanced Into trends of life and pi bllclzlng the community's ad year brings new and more varied I.; Sergeant Benjamin Harrison wUl meet as foUowrs: 7:00 to 7-48 Patch. Industry Planning Practical In most captivating group of hate you’ve ever seen at Council. was claimed today by Federal WABC-CBS, 3:80—School o t tha Agriculture 7" prooedurs that investors have been vantages, but here again funds were problems and that too Chamber CURB QUOTATIONS ot the U. S. Arm y Avtatlon Ctorpa A ^aaced; 7:48 to 8:30 U fa S a vtu 10:18-John's Other WUe. Four years of research was ooo- U eking. This committee consisted must at all timet stand ready to agents. now stationed to Hawaii; Fred and 10:80—Just Plato BUL 1999 Ford this price. a t a loan how to judge sound In- ductod before one dollar "was spent Ona hundred agents to ascret ‘“ ‘ “ 'Church ’ le a ^ e $ 2 9 5 vastments and the entire picture of of Charira W. Klrobali, E. J. Holl. help in any movement for* the gen­ Joseph of Hartford,. Samuel -f wUl bowl as scheduled: 7 to 8. 10:49—T o r y 's Children. by tbe New Ehigland Council in ad­ eral good of tbe community. He con­ By ASSOCIATED PRESS raids yesterday arrested 19 men and iMckviUe and Mrs. Charles Mc- 1994 OMamobMe biistness development has reached a Philip Cheney, W. George Glenney 11:00— David Harum. vertising tbe recrestlonsl advan­ and Herbert B. House. cluded by urging conUnued moral Ark Nat Gas ...... SK 9 women on charges of amuggUm artby of Manchester; 19 grand­ Methodist SOUTH COVENTRY Sedan (trunk) stage where a close watch must be vt. St Mary a. 11:19—Backstage Wife. , $ 4 4 5 tages of tbe eastern section of the and financial support of the Cham­ Aasd Gas and El A ...... IH and bribery, and sought ten others children and 0 great grandchildren. kept daily tor ideas that may rapid­ Tbe Connecticut River Bridge Aa- The boys’ junior basketball league 11:80— Home Makers Ihichange United States, be sal± Through sociatlob, in which the Chamber wras ber. Am Sup P o w ...... 1(4 tocludtog Louis (Lepks) Buchalter, New Teachers There will be a special town ly reach the stage of national **® e s are aa foUowa: Royal Bluet with Eleanor Hows. 1994 Plymouth tbe efforts of tbe Council the New a prime mover, wraa praised for its Cent Stotee El ...... % labeled by special rackets prosecu­ There are twro new 'teachers to 11145—Program from New York. Sedan (trunk) '.’tlWDda. Cite S e r v ...... **■ ^ to 8 ; (Jentar Springs meeting on the North Coventry $ 3 8 5 Jolt the hats you'vt been admiring, want­ England states has secured greater work. Elmer A. Weden waa cited as tor Tbomaa E. Dewey as "public the schools this week taking the 13:00 Noon— "Getting the Moat Out To lUhatrate his contention, he El Bond and S h are...... 3: Meteora ra town ball on Saturday evening De­ benefits each year, proving that putting in a great amount of extra 1144 enemy No. L " place o f two tostruetors who rk- Heights, to 9; Orioles vs. Sons of of Ufe”—Rev. WiUlam L. 19M Plymouth" ing. needing for your new winter clothssl pointed out that 90 years ago life Ford Umlted ...... % 8 concerted action by the six New time On this prqjeet. The commtt- 8 J o s ^ P. Martin, assistant Unlt- aigned. Logloa, 8 to 9. BUdger. cember 4 at 8 o'clock to take action Coach ...... $ 3 3 5 was more or leas simple. Industrial England Govemora, tha expendi­ K M. C, A, Notes | Nlag Hiid P o w ...... 9 There's a large selection and averyUdng te waa comprised of Elmer A. sd States attorney, said ths syndi­ Mrs. Ruby Amrplmo. teachsr la Friday. on four matters: The tostalUUon ot and buaineaa rules were eatabliabed ture of money wisely to 'promote Penn Road ,...... 344 P. M. 1989 Oldamehite Weden. F. T. BUsh. Sr., L. T. Wood Wednesday cate had paid 91,000 saeh to torse the 4th and 9th grades r f the North, Tiio girls' afternoon swimming 12:19—"Young Wldder Jonas." from small, dressy afternoon hats to high and fixed. Due to the wealth dl this section has b e ^ rewarded. Last snd Everett T. McKinney, George a«8al Lock ...... 144 east school baa reaignod and her electric lights to seven 01011001! Tt $ 3 2 5 9:00 Manchester Green Boys Group customs agents here each time they cinaaes wtU start at 8:48. 13:30—The Story of Sight. Radio and Heater. crowns, from sports brims to bratona. Plen­ Ideas which often result Ui labor year's influx to New England waa H. Waddell, Thomas Ferguson, Unit Gas ...... 844 permitted women *touriats" to en­ ilace is betog taken by Mias Phyllta the town; InaUUstion o f indoor saving mventlons, short cuts In 6:30 Rangers Boys Group gym u - T^e women’s plunge period will 12:45—"Stagin' Sam." .19 tbe greateet on record, ba said, 33 Richard Martin and WUlard B. Unit L t and Pow A ...... 844 ter with narcotics concqalod in theii toberte of-AritogtOn, Mi bo from 7 to 9 o'clock. toilets to the Center acbool; the ty of smart youthful stjrtas to LAR G E head- business transaction methods, and per cant greater than 1930, also alum period. 1:00— News and Weather. re g u la rly 1.95 an d 2.95 Rogers were mentioned as having trunks. In alz trips from Stutogltol- Roberta ia a graduate of the cli ^ RTrst Aid Class wUl meet l:19~Joybe Jordan. purchase of land from tha Second ... $ 2 9 5 staea tooludedl • many innovatlona which having been big }rear for seasonal vacationists. beto of considerabls aalstance to 7:80 Eagles ^ jr s Group gymnasium of 1937 of a 4 irear course la the OongregaUonal Church Society for period. ha asserted, tbe feminine amugglers with Dr. Keeney at 6:80. 1:80—Wonta and Hiudc. special tliaa, ovarhauted accepted in principle, become a part Tbe speaker described tha method the committoe. brought in about 1,400 pounds of Bridgewater, Maasaebueette Normal The volley liu team win prac­ acbool purposes; and to ses if the of the life of all the people, the situ­ used to get as much for tbe money 7;0p U vo Y’ra Girls Chih. school. 1:45— Marjorie MUls, the Gin Welcoming Oroop CHRISTMAS beioln. tice from 8 to 7 o’clock. from Maine. town will vote to purchase i*nK sd- ation for the business men and In­ expended aa possible, citing tbe use The Hospitality committee is next 8:00 Wednesday Ehrenlng Bowling Mias Marjorio’ (hishmaa of tbe NOTICE League. The 30 arrested, tneludlm the . P- A- C. girls’ baaketbaU 3:00—Kay Fayra. ' jototog the South Itrect school. dustrialist baa become complex, re of newspaper, magazine and radio mentioned in the preaidant’a report. customs inspectors, pleaded inno­ High School faculty lesignod and tJM win practice from '7 to 8. Wa wtn ba In ear new atero In nboat “rJES"*- $275 to tell the story of the East’s many 3nd OongregaUonal Church vs. SUPERSTITIONS 3:19—Beatrice Fairfax. Tbs public Is Invited to attend- , qulrtng cioacr watcb on all lines ol This committee consists o f Rev. Dr. cent and were held under bail total­ her place ta token by Mias Mary The fIrIF bowling dub will use one week. la tha amantlaM ■»»«p dcveiopnient to guage their actions. advantages, . InduatrisL buaineaa. E. E. Story, Mrs. R. L. Cooper, Mrs. Tall CM an. DnrUag wbo wraa formerly a mem­ liSO—Guy Hedlund afid Company. the moving pteturaa on Safety which ing 9389,000. tha bowUnif alle}^ from S o*clo^».- 8:00—Pepper Young's Family. will be shown this evening to the yonraaU by halplM ns lower ear s t ^ "s.srr...... $ 2 4 5 * TURBANS " New Waya to Spend Well known entertainers contrib­ Earl G. Seaman Mrs. Charles L. Vernon vs. Bryant and Chap­ ber of the faculty for six years aa a at Ug saviags. We have seme of the la contrast to 90 years ago the uted a ahare In this promotion Wigran, Uiee Laura HOuse, Cbarlea man. teacher of stenography and typing .8:15— Ma Perkins. town ball at 7:30. This la a part ot boya* swimmlna claasaa '8:80— Vie and Bade beet bargalne yon ever saw. Stadlo citisen today Is faced with many plan, be said. OUver and Mra EWe Knl^t. Tbe 8:80 CSibs G roup gym n asiu m period. FUUrS FOREION STUDY She baa recently been srorUng ta start at 9:80. the aafoty campaign betog conduct­ Coaehee, U vlag Room gets, Hedroem •TOQUES - wrork is sperUlcaily to welcome new Th n rad ay New York <31ty, with the WaU 8:49—Ths O'Nellla ed by tha sebooia. ...$145 new and alluring ways to spend his Big New York Otoplay The glrla* tap- dancing eli FnnUture, Odd Dieeaeta. Cheete of 1893 Chevrolet IMoey, shown by newspapers, mag- A large and central display fea­ residents to the towm. It wras stated 4:00 Grads School Bssketball New Loodoa. Dee. 1— (A P )- stredt General "T Mra. Pprtia B. Fuller principal ot Drawers, laaerMiriag. Mattreeees. win meet aa follows: 9;8S to 10:00 Coupe ...... w O siinsa and radio advertisements. Aa turing the attrscUons and products that 290 calls were mads during tbe Lesgue. OonnecUcut OoUege announced to­ Ptam Rcpablloaa Gatkeriag ^ n n e n : 10:00 to 10:80 Interme- tbe Center ' Skbool attended tne ' BreakfSst Seta, E * D aat fSU to * PILLBOXES the years pass these Ideas multiply. of New England in the Grand Cen­ present year. | 3:49 Beginners Dancing class. day that Dr. George S. Avery, pro- A Round Up> ia being planneeplanned by iM ^ : 10:80 to 11:00 Advanced. burial aenrlca -Monday to Norwich come In and sea hew mash we cam 1993 N a * O e Tbs problem of the business m«n m tral-station, New York at a total The Nucatlonal oonunitte oc- 4:30 Advanced A Dancing <-i«— fceeor o f botany, haa been griuitad tha RepubUcana to be held at tbs The men’s plunge pertod will be of her brothar, whose death occur­ m ve yonl Sedan ...... 9 1 * 0 * TAILORED BRIMS how to get their rightful share of cost of 91.00 a irear. waa rcaponalble evpied itself prlncipaUy wrlth con­ 9:00 Advanced B Dancing class. a leave of aheonce to make a study RockviUe House on Hrarsday eve­ from T to 8 o’clock. ' red to Clevelaod, Ohio. this large division of commerce. m a largo degree to the popularisa­ ducting a campaign among High 6:30 Girls Scouts. of foreign reeeaicb tn plant hor­ ning, December 16. The eveamVa Mary J. TUdan, 88, whoaa Maple Beds, complete with Bfat- I M I Oodga H alf a century ago it required 39 tion of New Englend as a summer school students In compUing tnter- 8:80 Aces Boys Group gymnasium mones imdcr a Roekafeiler Founda- program wfll start at 7:80 o'clock death occurred to Norwich on Mon­ Sedan ...... O O O * SWAGGER BRIMS R E NTAI. o a l l b e t tresa and Spring ...... $21.50 yaara for a new inventiin or Innova- playground, be said. An tnvluuon esting facts about Manchorter that period. tSon fellowship. wrben a dtoner will bo served and day, was a former rcaldant of 1988 Pontine might be Included in a promotional this will ba foUosred by a pmgi-»m lUUNOS ABT TO ALL tliB ha business to effect a cbaiige waa sent to parenu of 37,000 youtha 7:80 Ladles Gjunnaslum. Dr. Avery will sail with his family Ooventry, being a daughter of Rufua Roadater ...... O w O booklet. A * funds were not avaU- of speaking and entertelnment The 9x12 ^minster Rugs * BERETS Ip hiwtnsss Today it requires a attending preparatory echools and 8:00 Bon Ami Bowdlng League. about Febniary 1 for an eight and Wealthy (Brigham) TUden, Reg. $29.95, now ...... $24.50 SMWk Mboiter time, sometimes only universities in New England to viait abla a temporary booklet wras montha stay in Europe. His stutoes Hwakers wUl tacluda two nattenal- Claremeat. CteUf.— (A P )— People wbo occupied tbs Brigham Tavern 19W Oldamebllo $ ^ 5 a year or mors. Hs .described the at commencement time, resulting In neograpbed for distribution will take him to England, Holland. ly prominent Republican leaders, m wile love art but can t afford to own near Mangfleld Depot wrberever it.could be used. This com­ AUTO RECORD SET P. M. Reg. $89.95, now...... $29.95 * BRETONS liineased use of oetlophane. "Wp- a fine response, also an attempt to Swrltaerland and Denmark. Hla bead, additioo to counte and local leaders re ;' patottags now in rent them. Mr. and Mrs. Thosoas Watlas and Now itags and wrM pinA mittee was as foDowra: Arthur H. Ib is maeUng is to bs sponaorM 4:00' Ourtls Instttute o t Mnsle. p en ". electric ehavcre, eound me- lengthen the New England recrea­ quarters wtn be st the bormooe Mrs. Gloria Zornes, a painter herself ias Ruth" Wellaa have returned ^ ttoe pictures, manufactured ice and tional season popularising mountain IlUng. Edaon Bailey. Rev. C. H. Hartford, Dec. 1— (A P )—Om - laboratory o f Pref. P. Boyeon Jen- by tbe Young RepUbUcan commit­ kee estaMUbed s Kndtog Ubrary ot 4:49—Yodltog Jim Xttgalla. 9x12 Velvet Tnpestry Na menoy doini and M msntha * OFF-THE-FACE Ginns, Allen Dexter and John tee of Tidlend County to conjunettoo 9:00— Ad-Unar. flora a visit with ralaUvas tn East ' -dry ies~ aa Ideas that are rapidly arsas for motoring during tha au­ noctlcut haa astabUahed a traffic saa ot the Dalvetsity of Oopsnbagen original works. Rates srs 90 oents Orange, N. J. Rugs. $19is to pny on any ear andw $900. tumnal foliage period. to Oopaahagsa. s itb the RepubUean Club of Rock­ 9:30—Hla Old Fire Chlsf. dlsplafiiig outer arid loog estabUsb- fatality record for tha year-writh no month tor smaU pleraa. $ 1 for A number from here wU attend Paymento aa lew aa 9L88 per ad products and praetioaa. -An Invastiotlon made by tha T im iibimii \ deaths from that source over a ville Vernon, Inc., with the local 9:49—"HUltop House." * BLACK AND ALL COLORS ths Isrgsr. , ths presentation of the oratorio Added OwsWorta Council found that the. old form ot Tb«' Tnuifportatioo committM# cf- flve-day period, the state - motor A aupcrstltien to Central Euro- MBMORIAI. TO MINEBS members of the County committee 8 :00—News Sarvlca. ■y yurthermore added comforts in pronaotlon of natural aaseta of New fectod eztensioo of tha Silver Lane vehicle department made knowm to- peon minim districts holds that to diarge of. the arrangemeate. It 8:19—Dtamer Danes. "Messiah" by tha Town ond Gown hue route, tt wraa stated, and haa day- oo Christmas Eve hlfh mam is te -not necessary to be a member of 8:80— Frank Dailey’s Orebsstra. ehenia in Rawlsy Armory, Storra', j UvlBg are being Invented and un- England, citing the history of the Fairmoot, W . Va.— (A P )— Funds BENBATIONAL NEWS pcoeementa are being made m ab- area exclusively had not attained done much to improve transporta­ The death-free interval, wraa from •ung by invisible choristers to wUl bs raiasd by pui'Uc subscriptioa the local or county cluhs to 8:38— Rlebard Lalbsrt, organist asKt Sunday evantog. Locfil mem­ the use cC the "eleetrte ths degree o f eiirrese expected, hia- tion facUltias in town. The eom- Nov. M to 38 Inclusive. the mine with the richest ora. the banquet which wil: be open to 1938 8:49—"Rhythms of Romanee.” bers o f ths chorus are, Albertina ^itae waa: Thomas J. Rogers, H. to erect a mooumeat to tha 393 men (eye.- the cotton piekar, gisas htleka tory alone having failed to attract Motor vahlclce oommiaalaaer who dlad SO years ago ta c tbe public. Further details la to- r;0 9 -P ooU c Malodlafl. Bratoard, Mist Adelina Hoff, Misa MANCHESTER B. House sad Hamiisl J. Turfciagtan gard to ths msettog wU bs a»- GENERAL ELECTRIC 7:19—Hobby Lobby. D orotlv White, and M rs Arthur J. buUdiiig trade isspswvenisnta Ike eutaldera. Aa a result of this Vtrhsel A . Connor announced that Menogak mlna dteaste-, tba grsat- *The Little Ston With the Big Bfirgaliw” Particularly acties, tbs report 7:49—Boako <3arter. Vinton of North Ooventry. speaker urged a c c e iadtvidusl dtsclosurs other natural advantages automobile fhtalitles tn the state ao in Amarteaa ml, ring hiatoty. Tba refrigerators states, waa tbe New Industries com­ 8:00—CEvnloafia o< AaaartM. The next meettiig o f the Com­ ' by IndlvMuals an f groups were given a Bora prominent pie^ far this year number 380—twenty memorial s ill as ptaeed on the MOTOR SALES mittee. This c o m m it^ hrought Rawer tbaa at this Us m a year ago. Tksriection of offtosn at Burpoc SEE PAGE 2 8:80— BOdIa CEntor. munity Girls club wUI bs nant Tuen- Cterkabu»g-Fali|gaad. highway. M R m I O nritr a t . M fuientiumti Wamaa’a BeHsf Ooepa will taks t -Oft, Chsst sri sia P rs flite . dny eysBtog, Dseambar Tth la tha Benson Furniture & Radio t:30l-*nsli"-4Cai7 Itobwta Ria** KooUt-DImock Library, find will ds TOSMfilaSdMt JohneonBIodt YOUR OUMMOBILB lumnAKcsm la the form « s bo* «8ea*ee. M ANCHISTIR COHH-f

-i.. r ^ ' «4GBTWELVB ilANCttBSTlER EVENING HERALD. BtANCHESTER. (»N N , WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1,1987 H A N l’HRSTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHEin'ER. tXANN.. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1,1932 PAGE WBTmS BBOOND POEM <|ARCEFORDCO: NEED INTELLIGENCE m a d e p r e s e r v e s TO HONOR JAPAN DEAD O nU TY LEADERS Local Stocks Tokyo, Dec. 1—(A P )—Em- Schmeling Sought Warmup; ONE BAZAAR FEATURE praas Nagako wroto today her W m DNFAKNEK IN RADIO PROGRAMS Sf YD^s A nd O rioles Aire R ec League F. E. Show, I second poem atace the outbreak READY FOR PEACE Thomas May Give Him One UtTmmbaU St of hostllittas tn China, dedicating Hartford Biff Bst^ Of Hlnce Me«t Is It to tha aptrtta o f Japahasa slain In battle. WUnam B. tlartln Msd« Yesterdsy To Be Sold By HARBY OBAYSON AOQ hla parents' farm near Eagle IhtioDa] Libor Rehtions Local Rcpreaentatlve Federal Official' Declares Oompoaed In the aaciaat *^ita" Sports Editar, NBA Sarviea On The “Psntry Shelf.” form known only to a handful of Siy There b No Seose h Bend. Minn., a«and In a Oilcago gym­ Bid nasium. He professes not to con­ Capt Nat Bk. A Tr. . 20 classleists, tha poem eompretees New York, Dec 1.—Because ha ALABAMA ACCEPTS BID TO ROSE BOWL SPORTS ROUNBUPaROUNDUPf^ Idecisive rBoinlleHoidRearinfOn They Are Addressed To a single thought Into 82 J m - sider toa distance — 15 rounds — SCORES MARK ^ , Htfd. Conn. Truet .. 61 People who had ocoaaion to wait Fighting Government Or is a swinging puncher like Max to hla disadvantage. ^ Atf gPDIg Bit/srj Htfd. N at Bk. A Tr. 29 at tbe trolley terminus at tbe neae ayllabtea. . It reflects tha Baer, soma at tbe boys hsv« an Japanese faith In immortality: Thomas — real name Pentiqs — TWm h SL Lods Dec. 16. Phoenix St Bk. A Tr. 270 ClnldreD; Nay Stmt Minds South Methodist church yesterday Idas that Harry Thomas may stir a good fight without mean­ Torkt Dm . !•-—(AP)**”8ooutS( ^Um flfurini; on gstting laaoraaee Stocka "Take sweet seeming sleep Vice Versa; To Cooperate up soms trouble for Max Schmeling ing to be boastfuL CRIMSON TIDE TO Sad Plight Of Babe Rath CALIFORNIA GIVES report from Milwaukee: "Big base- rid of "Old Bluofaer" Malone... OPENING CAGE TUSSLES wondered at tbe pungent' odor of *Ta the name of the scwereiga In what generally is expected; to be Tanked from toe caUn ef a news hero this week.. . .you're aay It ain’t ao, Joe McCarthy.... Aetna Casualty ...... 74 spices that seemed to emanate from ‘*Thou sptriU of the brave flt toula, D«e. 1.— (A P )— The Aetna F ir e ...... 41 Chicago, Dec. 1,— (A P ) —Federal nothing more then a warm-up for Southarn Paclfle locomotive la not only apt to see and reason Pitt turacc down all those Aetna Life ...... 24 the building. Inquiry revealed the "Who aaeriflced for Um home­ New York, Dec. 1.— (A P )—Slgna tbe ex-champion at the Giudea, 1932 by bis uncle. Daa ’Thomas ot MEET CALIFORNIA Van Mungo traded, but toe Vanka "Bowl" bids is because most ot the Labor ReliitloDS Board Communications C o m m 1 a a 1 o n er fact that the Gleaners group were land." Deo. 18. Brings No Tears By Frick WEST SOLD) COLOR Champs Trim Reno’s B j 42- eonplalat today charginK Automobile ...... 24 of rapprochement between toe ad- Loo Angeles, Thomas is said to are more than totareated to Joe team are Juniors and seniors and BOX SCORE~l Conn. General ...... 24H George Henry Payne aald today busy la tbe kitchen making mince On Sept. 21 the EmprMs pan­ It wUl be recalled that .Baeiv have been tbe first to demonstrate Vosmlk of the Rrowiu..,.alao, toe bava bad plenty of tra-/eltng.... Ford-Kotor Company with tm- meat wholesale for the bazaar of ned a-poem of consolation for mlnlatratian and private utilities bfinging roaring roundhouse blows M r labor praetteea In tta St. Lioula Hartford F ire ...... 69 radio “must be prevented from that Iziuis couldn’t shake off a IN GRID CLASSIC Naw Y o A Dae. 1.— (A P )—WhatAcan manage a team, you know, even Indiana have put Earl Avetlll on -nobody knows Juat where Bob Pas­ 27; Service Qim t Dazxles Y. A, A- O (42) Hartford Steam Boiler 98 stopping the growth of the Ameri* the Wealejran Guild at the church famlUea of aoldlera at tbe front were Increased today by atateroenU via toe Holland Tunnel, smacked solid sock around tba bead. la M m l^ lo ta toown around here | if he was toa greateri player In toe BEARER FOR BOWL toe block....a Southern Aoeoeia- tor is headed, but he’s on hla way— BbNmbly plant. A bearing; waa act tomorrow afternoon and evening. of two utility executives who have National Fire ...... 62 can mind.” ' ■ Schmeling Ml over tbe place and When Louis travaled to Loa oa ‘ .. Ruth...... sobbing concerto world. Uon story will pop any day., .. rlgL* out of the idcture.... .vvalter OpAlecIi. 1* ...... ;....,4 0 for Dee. 16. In aU 60 quarts were, made, which already conferred at the White stopped him hi 10 rounds one (with lota ot tremolo, professor), dw rfoa a^atnat the company Phoenix Fire V r.. . . . 69 Angelea to drop Lae Rsmage Uke "Any club owner who hired him can’t say about toe rumor that McNIchol, for many yean sritb the OIm o ’s, 32"20; Moruirtjs Broiowakl, I f ...... 3 Roaaia Insurance ... 414 To accomplish this, Payne said In represented an immenae amount of House with President Roosevelt-^ scorching June night in 1933. a broktn airplane for tbe aecond leaves Ford Frick, president of the Savarlok. rf ...... - « taare fllod with the board.Oct. 26 by' a prepared .uldreaa before the sec* would have to asasaa toa Babe’s Ducky Wucky Medwlck ia algned, Cleveland Indiana, is said to be one 5 3 Travelera ...... 400 preparation of meat, apples and Floyd U Carllalc. chairman of the The man warning Schmeling in time. Thomas was engaged as a Unbeateii, Untied Sonthern- National BoaebaU League, s lig h t value otricUy as. a manogar. A sealed and sU but delivered for the Vojeck, r f ...... 0 Hm united Automobile Workera of ond national confereuee on educa* the endleas good things that enter sternest tone la Jack Hurleyf who Unbeaten Golden Bears Play of the candidates tor the poet ot Stop DiDon’s, 24-15; Sav* PubHo DHUty Stacks RAHWAY BUSINESS Niagara Hudson Power Carp., and Bpafring partner.. cold. monagsr la not a drawing card; or. Giants, but BUI Terry is walking bustoeas manager of the Dougen Kovla, 0 ...... 6 . ' i Amartca, which called a atrlke at Uonal broadcasting, the point of Into home made mince pie flUing. of the' Consolidated Edison Co., ot managed Thomas for a 8pell. Hur­ "1 hit Louis on top of tbe bead ^Oont misunderstand. Frick sin­ Conn. L t and. Pow. . 92 view and the ideals of broadcasters ers To Risk Great Record at least, thara never haa been one around toe Schroeder Hotel looking from which Johnny Gorman baa Bychoiakl, e ...... a 0 - 4 tba ^ant a week ago, alleging dla* ’The Gleaners group 'choee tbe New York and Wendell L. Wlllkie. ley is the chap who brought out In our first and only round and' he cerely-admires toe Babe, both as a who was. Nobody aver ersditad Joe Sound FootbaU And Block erlafdnatloD agalnat ita membera. Conn. Pow...... 42 mfust be changed even "at the risk ’’Pantry ShelT’ aa their part In the lUte a guy who has Just swallowed Just been fired. erick Leads Scorers. Mordavsky. e ...... o 4 Htfd. Elec. L t ___ _ 92 HERE ON INCREASE president of the Commonwealth A BHly PetroUa, toe old Fargo Ex­ went Into a tallapin and stayed player and aa a man, and ha apprs- McCarthy with pulling a customer a nlM, fat canary. Obuebowakl, I g ...... i 3 l-J KU*ob N. JohnaoD, plant manager, of a severe Jolt, td these gentlemen.” one-day bazaar, and In addition to Hartford O a s...... 27 Southern Oorp. press, and is a pugUlsUc prognosti­ there." explains 'Ihomas. ‘Thsy On 5tb Western Jannt; clatea all the Bambino did for boas- Into , did .,theyt jarred arlth the complaint by Htaa He contlnu^: the mince meat they ^ 11 have a cator ot some repute.' ball. But he eimply cant shed salty Witb Precision And Is one of the favorites In the cur­ Ory>L Mr...... 0 0 So. New Eng. Tel. Co. 14< Appearing at a meeting of the fired me, and I’ve wondered ever Muter Huggins and Connie Hack ol- Falkoskl, r g ...... ,-0 0 /^-Jl Perothea de Sehwelnlta, NLRB re* "Like the moving pictures, the tempting array of Jellia, preserves Among other things, and while since Just what would happen If I tearc at the thought of the big fel­ w ^ were Inoonaplcuoua." CharUe Dreaaen already la In a rent six-day btka rare grind riding A crowd of 200 fane viewed the Alaaufactutlng Bteeks and reUshea For ImmecUato con­ New York State Public Service Jam at Nashville... .he gave out an J. Bycholsky, r g ...... 1 gl0BMl director, apecUlcally denied average program of the broadcast* Commiasion, Carlisle eaid that in no Schmeling ’a ataunebast admirers nailed Louis on top of the head Pitt May Ban Bowl Gamei low's not having a Job managing a 'The Babe recently was quoted os with a bunch ot ulcers to his itom- opening proceedings of ths Roc each of the unlon'a chargee, Acme W ir e ...... 28ti era is addressed to an intelligence sumption the Willing Workers will With Most Express Agencies were feeling sorry for him. Hurley major Isagus club. Fierceness Of Panthers. toterviaw saying tbe only way ne acb?. . . , Dr. Jock Sutherland haa gn Senior League last night at the Baal Am. Hardware...... 21H instance, aa far aa be waa ooacern- with my hand in a small glove. I saying ha never would eater a baae- TOtala 19 n e Oompialnt possessed by s child of 12. It la offer an assortment of home-baked was telling .‘Jis cockeyed world that wouldn’t bother to aim for hla tem­ "I'm not even ao sura about the baU park again "aa tong aa ha Uvad’' ever would get another major league "Indefinite contract’ to coach Pitt Side Rae and from tos opening tap Arrow H and H, com. 36V4 cakes,^{aea and other food ttema ed, had the commission ever Inttr- Babe wanting a Job," ha mused. • Komi's Taveni (27) n ie complaint alleged that tba Important to raise thla average to the Pretzel Pounder would belt Joe ple. Td Just hit him on top of tbe Betkeley, Ctollf., Dec. 1.— ( A P I - except aa a manager of a big. league managerial chance was to win the footbaU team .... Loula Ueroche, to the cloalng whistle were enter­ Billings and Spencer . the adult age; otherwise, there Is The Hustlers group will aell pop­ Decreasing Local Total Is ferred with the efforts of his com­ Loula all tbe way back to the "Despite these heart-rending pteoea By HARRY ORAT80N Southern AaaociaUon pennant ny SargenL rg ...... 1 o " M aaanpany haa ‘interfered with, re* Brlatol B rass...... panies to obtain new capital. head.” team. Also, he said that Brooidyn who waa an exchange student at tha tained with fasL clean, hard-fought atmhwd and coerced ita employea In the danger that radio will perpetu* corn, Ice cream, peanuts; the Mix* Buckalewa. Alabama's Crimson ’Hde -uid the I’ve been reading about what a never would win a pennant so long Sporta Editor, NEA Servtoe twenty games...... report went U.iiverstty of Georgia last year, and basketbell to e trtpleheader pro: Am u . I g ...... 4 0 '• ColUna Co...... pah group a supply the candies Hla daclaratlon waa In reply to a Mahoney, ...... 5 3 9 the aaerelae of their right to aelf* ata mental Immaturity in the Ot. Hurley who predicted that Jim Rough and Beady and Looks Part GoMen Bears of California, each un pitiable figure he is—forced to spend as it hired "cheap managers” Uke wrong and be was quoted aa saying who now la teaching ftogfllah ui tne gram. None of the games wars of 0 . X Colt’s P at Firearms for which they are Justly famous. Up 22 Per Cent direct question by MUo R. Maltble, his dajrs shooting golf and mooos and Berkeley, Dec. 1.—California mav B. BItseU, rf ...... 3 2 S atganlar „*n" by: grown*up. Braddock would treat Louts simi­ Yeung Jim Nonia, son of Uie defeated, will clash tn toe naUon'i Burleigh Grimes. that Nashville- would win the pen­ schools at Chamonix. France, writes the nip and tuck variety but therr E>gle L o c k ...... Tbe Stanley group has aaaembled chairman of toe (ommlsslen. The larly. ’The DekoU cauliflower following tbs sunshine In winter—1 not Imve a wonder team, but will F. Biaaell, It ...... 0 0 O L Ihreatanlng to diaebarge em* "There is the danger that radio wheat operator who controls toe "He shouldn’t talk lUce thaL" said wnd a thunder team onto toe Rose nant next year by twenty.... Lynn be haa Uught bla students all the were plenty of thrills as the PoHoh- Fafnlr Bearings...... and the movies will In time make an intriguing collection of hand question was prompted by critlclam. dealer was wrong on tost occaalon, oldest New Year'a football 0101010 can’t hrip thinking there must be Frick, sorrowfully. "Baseball was ployca who wore union buttona In Gray Tel Pay Station with many of toe offices of the Chicago Stadium and .Detroit Bowl turf, Jan. 1. 'The Far West Waldorf, Nortowestera coach, Georgia yella---- don’t count tbe Americans, defending champions us a nation of grown*up children. made gift goods. ’They will also sell made In Umea past that toe com­ but toe error can be traced to toe Olympia, brought Thomaa to Chi­ —the Rose Bowl game at Pasadena. many folks In a worse fix." pretty good to hl^. He haa aU the from lost year, defeated Renn’i Totals n • '87 ttw plant or dlaplayed other evl* Hart and Cooley . ... bags of chemically treated pine Would'he, Frick, welcome toe Babe will be well represented at Pasa­ claims tbe banquet record... .says Pintea out of the running tor Van An Intelligence which befits a child Railway Express Agency showing a mission had hampered uUIlty financ­ .fact toat he’d make Freddie Bar- cago three years ago. ’The veteran Alabama baa played In tbe Kooe money he can ever need and ne’e be haa eaten only turee meats at Tavern by 43-3T;-.tha Y. D. Sendee Score at half time, P. A. A. O. 20, tfMce Of untoD memberabip. Hendey Mfg. Co...... cones for fireplace use. ing. Bowl- four Umea, winning three aa a manager of a having a good Hme." dena. The unbeaten Pacific Coast Mungo.-...the aia.ita, Cards and Renn'a Tavern 18. . . .j-v-s 2. Threatening to dlacharge em* of 12 la a beautiful thing when found falling off In bustneaa during toe peat tooloraew a favorite over Lduls, so Nate Lewis now represents him In home from the close of toe foothall rallying to the final five mtoutaa to Landers, Frary A Clk. Two booths that will attract tbe Oomtboralae Statement little ^does he think of the Brown ■ games and tying one. Calltomla baa clubT For himself, the Babe seems to ba- Conference champion ia a aoUd Cuba may have m >re dough, but the ployea who refuaed to algn a atate* Mann A Bow, Claas A In a child of 12, but not In a child of month, the buslnaas at toe Manehea- toe management of toe 28-year-old team. aeaaon to (fiiristmas to three years. knock off Olaon'a by 33-80 and 30." children are the grab-bag In char|(e Maltble also read a- latter from Bomber. blond heavyweight. had one victory, one U4 and ona loss “Of course 1 would. If one of toe coma raconoUed except for an occa- Buccoa have some of tha playen Y. D. Serrioa (82) sent that they were aatlafled with New Brit Ucb., com. ter station showed an Increase of In rolling to two touchdowns In Bad news from MUwaukes ta that Burleigh Grimes wants. Horlarty Brotbera' Orloiss downing of tbe Philip Embury workera, and P. S. Gadsen, chairman at tbe Com­ If Thomaa were as versatile In­ tn its three Pasadena games. owners wanted him and could afford sionat outburst when he ia reminded B working oooditiona and the com' do., pfd...... Mora Intelligent the amusing "White Elephant" slightly over 22 per cent for the to pay hla salary. But toe difficul­ eight mlnutea against Stanford, the DlUon’s V-8’s, 24-18. month of November over the same mittee of Public UUIlty EbtecuUves, Thoraaa Bteeks With Hard Read side tbe ropes aa he hai been • out­ "Alabama will play California >n of the grave Injustice done him. Un­ la Mld-Seasoe Form Schueta, If ....'.,.....8 pany'a labor policy. North and Judd . ... Pa)rne said there waa no valid which the Epworth Circle haa con­ Hurley Isn’t exactly picking ty la that Ruth ia accustomed to less he changes his mind, hs said he Golden Bears were remindful of toe Weir, I f ---- ...... ,.o Peck, Stow A Wilcox reason why an educational program, month of a year ago. In Washington, which ourroborated side of them, , he’d be a whiz. the Rose Bowl," was the brief an­ The PA'S, out to full strength and t. Preparing and diaaemlnating structed for its sale of nearly new 'Thomas, but Insists toat Schmeling making big money, and ha sUU wouldn’t even attend next week’s Pittsburgh Panthers to their fourth- A. R<;;uakua, rf ...... I Rusaeu Ufg. Co...... unless Its subject were too tecbnl* odda and ends. ’The big part of the buainesa tola Carllsle’a atalfment. Raised on the Eagle Bend farm, nouncement last night from gradu thinks tn big., round figures. with an avowed datermlnsUon to *1eyalty pledge^' and urging and selecting toe Minnesotan from a be played considerable and and major tesgua meeting at Chicago. quarter comebacks agalnat Notre Chapman, r f ...... 0 oampeOlng emploirea to algn them. 8 .0V19 Ufg. Co...... cal, could not be made entertaining As advertised In . yraterday’s peat month was done during toe WUlkle—wboae propoeala for a aU manager Kenneth Priestley ot "I should think that if he wanted Dame and Nebraska. hold fast to ths Leagua laurels that firat ten dajra. The outgoing ship- "peace pact" between toe New Deal Hat submitted by Mike Jacobs once wreatled at 'Trinity Oolleg* of California, who lelepboned toe in- 'Tve got too many engagements B. Raguskus, r f ...... 4 ThreateBa To Move Stanley Works ...... enough to attract a large group of Herald, the .Aabury group ■ will be more illustrates Just how little Joe tp manage a club bml enough he around here," he said. ‘1 just got Drilled by the fundamentallato, they captured lost year, proved too Torrlngton ...... Intelligent people. raenta outside of one concern held and private Interests were contain­ Mornlngalde. la. He waa ip turn vltsUon to 'nde offtclaie and receiv­ would be willing to start at a mod­ Big Deals Are Rumored; aggreaslva, too bruising and toet- Sheldon, e ...... t4 6. Threatening.to cloae the plant ready from 9 o’clock on tomorrow up well and there waa an exception­ Jacobs baa to say about hla mateh- a minor league catcher, cowboy, back from another hunting trip yes­ Jock Sutherland and Stub Allison 0 *-,..,,,*,,,,.,0 • jd move.Jt to another city unleaa Union Ufg. Co. . . . : Development of interesting radio to serve In tbe cafeteria, which will ed In a memorandum submitted to ed their Immediate acceptance. erate salary and prove hla mana­ terday. Besides, nobody out tosra Is Pittsburgh and CaUfornia play dentaily much too good (or tha baer U. S. Envelope, com . ally large Increase In toe Incoming tbe President, which was made pub­ and locomotive fireman and en­ The selection ended two weeks ot gerial ability. He hasn’t proved he barona from Renn'a Tavern. Play­ Ig * * * ..,* .a ...,4 jjgploiFaa halted labor activity and education through akUled production occupy the center of the large din­ "Joe Jacobs wouldn’t make thla gineer. looking for a managsr." sound football. do., pfd...... ing hall, a choice of several appe­ shipments, that made poaslble toe in­ lic yesterday In Washington by speculation Involving Alabama, ing with the preetaloD of a team UagtNiaao, I g ...... 0 dropped any union affUiatlona. methoda, Payne said, would require crease. mistake.’’ asaerta Hurley. A rough and randy sort who A hard-charging Una is tbs basis Salmonde, rg ...... ,.2 S. Keeplnig all unlop and organi* X'Veedw Root new the overcoming of what appears to tizing comblnattona and side dish­ autborltaUve sourcea—said, In an “Granting toat Schmeling can Ptttaburgh and Fordham, all un- of their running ^ames. They build Moguls Seek ’Bargains’ that la to mld-aaoson form, they Whitlock OoU Pipe .. 10 Agent Barber at toe Manchester Interview, that “prolonging tbe bit­ looks the part ’Tboroaa stands six beatn. passed and shot their eray to a coo Sunivan, rg . ; ...... ,a ■dMlonal activltlea uhder “atriet aur* be “a distinct Inartla on the part, of es. The Hen’s Friendship club station of toe New York, New Ha beat 'Tbomas, It’s atUI a bad match feet one, and weighs 195 pounds. Oy displays of running ramance.” New York Bank and las. Stock broadcasters. But It can be done." will sell fruits and vegetables at terness between corporate enter­ for toe German is likely to break Priestley, who had declined even abUity, but Berkeley boosto the vineing 43-27 victory. With Sav- Bank of New York .. 376 300 ven and Hartford RaUroad company Ha haa bowled over or halted 60 right on thla Job," laughed tbe Totals ^ 6. Employing armed guarda for In answer to the question", what, their Country Store booth, and auc­ diu not have a.l his figures tabulated. prise and government could only hla right hand on Harry’s bead. of 71 opponents and lost only fivs to hint at California's Bowl cbolea, more akUlful passers and receivers. erick and Kovla acting as tte seor Bankers Tru st...... 48° 50 therefore, shall we do with radio?” tion off goods unsold. ’There Is no harm the country." added earneatly: FOOTBALL HGURES SHOW judge, "becauae I once almost won a tog climax of thalr fast cutting at­ OlMa’a (20) ’The less than car load lota waa such Harry keeps hla noggin down as Tbe Ooldsn Bears outklek the Reports Of Sales And Trades the Intimidation of employea aeek* Choas ...... 31 33 dedslona He knocked out D3tm - political office to North Carolina Kaaney, ig ...... g lag to ezerdae the righta aelf* Payne said, "first, we must estab* admission either afternoon or eve­ as to assure an Increase In tots line, Should Work Together well aa anybody you ever saw. 'Tm certainly glad that's over. Panthers, too. tack. tha PA’a ran up a sevaa polat ot Chemical ...... 41V4 43H ning. mlte Jackson and Pal Silvers in on a Repubitcaa UekaL" Salmonson, rg ...... 0 tBtganigatlon. Hah In practice What baa been ac* but the full load lots, which were *nTie day baa come,” WUtkie said, "If Schmeling could hook with 1936, took 10-rotmd awards from It’s.been a ‘hot potato' to,me." CallfonUa olocks with all tha pre­ load at balf-Uma and tbareaftar continental ...... 11 13 cepted In theory and law, that the "for both business men and govern­ hla left, I don’t auppoae he’d have He would not say whether tnvita- cision and fiarceneas of Pittsburgh AreNm nerons At Minor wars haver to tha aitghtaat danger Hadlund, I g ...... 1 DIatrlbutiag antl*unlen propa* Corn Exchange...... 47 49 high In October, may not be reached Art Sykes and Charley Belanger, SWING TO THE DEFENSE Andaroon. 0 ...... 8 radio waves are tha InaUenable ment officials to make a sincere and too much difficulty with TTiomaa, Hens bod been offered any othar Agalnat Stanford, the Bears am- of reltoquiabing their position as the and foatering and flnanelng Guaranty Tru ot...... 228 238 In the November figures, although lost to Unknown Winston in alx. Bantly, rf *•..*,,....••1 property of tbe public.” He said be the total la well up. honest effort to solve co-operaUve- but all be can do It put lumps on and was eutstaggerad Iqr tha aebools. Fordham and Alabama nad ployed little offvnalve trickery. best team ot tha two. Mahunty, *TV>rd aerrica workera" and tha First National...... 1690 1740 nop^ Uie commission -could eatab- keeping the squad pointed up week Leagues Convention Bat Vennart, r f ...... 0 loyalty group." Irving ...... ly toe problems which are seriously top of Harry’s coco with bla right strlngbean Negro, Jack Trammell, ' been considered leading contendera SuperiaUve and bewildering crass* Rcnn and Earl Bissau all scored lOii 12V4 llab higher standards under existing and that won’t get him very far. after week. blocking enabled them to march 83 well for the tavern team but not Jolly, rf ...... 0 . Laying off and refuaing to re- Manhattan ...... 22 24 The Rimily Blowing the p rocess of recovery, In 10. He knocked out Billy Jonaa after Pitteburgh'a surprise with- Statistics Compiled By Asso­ Local Sport laws, but If it could not, "then fur­ and la soma situations actually ‘Thomas la aa awkwardly clever In Detroit,' and recently repelled draws! through a player vote All of this. It ia Indicated on yards In IS playa for the first touch­ Haven’t Hatched Yet; often enough to make tha PA'a un- Relmer, U ...... 2 bba c e r t ^ arorkera baoauae ot Manufaet Trust . . . . 35 , 87 ther legislation may be necessary. POSTPONE WEST SIDE plodder. capable of flatteni^ any­ liable authority, boa served to con­ comfortabla. NaUonal Cfity Bonk . causing bualneas secession; Max Marek la Chicago. against post-aeaaon games. down. They op :ned their second thatr union memberahlp. 27 29 body with either fist. He can take vince the Pitt athletic authoiitKw YU'S Impraos Fans Totals , 10 New York Triist . ... 97 105 “No buaineaa man can accompUah Harty Thomaa isn’t aaotber Jack Iropreaalve Records ciated Press Contmoe touchdown drive with an unexpect­ .Doctor it Uke tbe Michigan footbaU team. empsey, or anything Uke that but The Bears, Pacifle Coast confer­ that their announced plans for ed pass, i;an toe reverse Instead of Madjewsld Of Giants Sold Chatter Tha Y. D. Service team, formerly Boom at half time, T. O. Public ...... 28 30 POUCE ASSIGNMENT anything by leaning back in hit bringing sports into line with otliei 17, Olson 10. ^ chair and calling President Roose­ Aa Blow as he la, he's as fast as ittoer la he a psloMu, a bamdon- ence champions, scored Impressive faking It, and traveled 65 yards to the Manchester A. A., starring Shel­ M)CAL JAIL GUARD Title Guarantee ___ 6 8 D\XS M.\Y BE USED TO COLOR Schmeling. He isn't afraid,, sad ha activities of the university will best HAIR, BUT HAZ.ARDS SHOULD velt names. Likewise, no govern­ ny, a stumblabum, or roimcS^l. victories over nine opponents but Downward Trend In Scor­ hit pav dirt in alx days. We thought our pigskin pickine don, Balmonda, Sebeuts, Raguekus Insurance likes to fight." be served by clamping toe Ud on y-ca over tor 1937 but Harry Uray- Mortarty’a (24) American (Newark) . 10 12 BE CONSIDERED ment official can accompUah any­ To Hla credit Max S efam e^ wera held to a surprise scoreless us Stanford’s guarda and tackles Milwaukee, Wla.. Dec. 1.— (A P ) — and Fraser—last yaan Rangara— N. Y. Stocks No Man Available For Work Is hasn’t handpicked anything ef toe footbaU at tbe end of November, didn’t know where the blockers were sr.D of NEA comes along with a list toyed with Oloona, formerly tbe B DISCOVERS SUICIDE American Reaerve ... 18 20 thing by continuing to talk about Knocked Out Loala la Workoat by Washington, which finished third ing; Pass Raling Factor, Bhrerythlng waa ice cold from beer Karr, If .0 American Surety ... kind. In the conference. coming from as Dave Anderson of- eight games'for the coming week­ Waat Side CtlUos, tor the grcajar 88 40 By DR. MORRIS FISHBEIN Claim; New Police Beats Economic Royaliata and Princes of Thomas la la New York for the to weather to player deala today aa end and We can’t resist tbs tempta­ Haafb, If ...... 0 Ebreess ...... ’The Ferocious Frankfurter ask­ Considered the strongest fi»ii faked to Sam Jhapman or Chap­ part of the game and than put oa a m 4 « 6% Adam Ehip Editor, Journal of tbe American Listed By Chief Gordon. Privilege. flrat time, after preUmlaaty work tbe baseball mogula stalled about tion to predict the outcome . . . Duffy,, rf ...... 1 2 4 Aaodore Zimmer Finds Og* Fid. and Deposit . . . . 96 100 Air Reduc ...... Medical Association, and of Hygela, 'A buatness man may complain ed for a warm-up. He’U get one. fornla outfit since tbe "wonder Tie Gaines More Frequent man faked to Anderson from short tightly packed hotel lobbies wait­ daixilng flniah to sad up on the Great American . . . . punt formation, and after making positively our final diiig, Arizona long end of a 82-30 leoro. Ftafehlng F. Blanchard, r f ...... 2 0 4 den’s Coi3\er Man’s Body; 18 20 Alaska Jun ...... the Health Magazine that too President haa overcapital­ teams" of the late coach Andy H O P'ZERS BEATEN ing for bargains. bvar Oregon, Kentucky over Florida, Halifax ...... 22 24 Allegheny ...... No policeman was assigned for a half spin, spun bacli through gap­ faat-paastng with aoma aenaatlonal O. Blaaebard,sebard, r f ...... 0 0 4 | Hanged In County JiUl. ized the discontent of the public Smith In'1930-31-33, the Bears roU- Except (or a tew players trana- Duqueone over .Mlaa, Utate, Tazas Fraher, Hanover ...... 26 H 2814 Allied Chem ...... There are refbrences to hair dyes Qwjy on the newly proposed West A. Carlin . . . . . 104 113—823 By HERBERT, W. BARKER ing boles to toa first touchdown terrad to minor league clube, not shooting tha Sarvles Uam hod ths ', 0 ...... 0 X -,4';^ f against business, but he can’t ai ad up 301 points In 10 games to 83 New York, Dee. 1.—( A P )—The drive. A. * M. over Ban Franeiteo, Boutb- Kualowtta,rtta, e...... 8 8 ; Home Ins...... 25H 3714 Am Can ...... In the literature of ancient Egypt. Sloe, beat when December aaslgn- J. Wenaergien n o 106—825 for their opponents—an avarage o f a single deal of Importance waa re­ game In oon^leU control. at ail Thaodore 2ammer of this town, Home Fire Security tost toe discontent did not exist' IN OVERTIME GAME coaches have been squawking that Johnny Meek didn’t switch until en: (Jal. over UCLA, Rica over momenta. ‘The Celtloe threatened Haddan,0,0. ,a.O 0 , v-h n ard In the county JaU In Hart- 2 3 Am Rad St S ...... Greece and Rome. Today, people ments for toe police department ' There la a growing tendency, 20 points per game. vealed though rumors of aalea and Southern MetbodlsL Tennessee over Haas. Bonding...... 37H 4014 Am Smelt ...... were published today by Chief Sam­ 908 604 888 1680 toe defeiue has become top-dog in Cardinal aubatltutes brought to In­ trades poppM from every one ol briefly la the closing minutes but Ford, Ig ,8 nrd, discovered the suldde of John still dye their hair. Everyone, WUlkle conUnue^ "for co-operaUon Ucajie Alabama Is both unbeaten •rm the football world, and. this time at tan . . . Tiarnay, I g ...... i..O National Liberty . . . . 6K Am Tel and Tel ... therefore, ought to be familiar with uel Q, Gordon. It waa explained structions that stopped tbe spinner countless huddles. Many of the big Red Sheldon, aided by Andy ^Itna, 2S, of Ogden’s Comer, Rock* between business and government. W. KohU . .106 99 132—327 untied. The tide scored lopsided ri |«Mt. toe flguree say they don Wiley, rg ...... 0 North River ...... 24'.i 2614 Am Tob B ...... the dangers and difficulties asso­ that no man la now available for torlea over five opponents, but bad on the five-yard line. ’Then the clube said they hoped to announce Roguakua, put on tba prasauro to wfUa, yesterday afternoon et 9 Prof. Wash...... What toe President or business men MONDAY Y. M. C. A. LEAGUE. I. Carlson . 99 111 109—319 Eafles (K YMCA Gaia 20-18 burly quarterback shifted to a sin­ Grayson picks tbe following -'m V dockl' Tttua, awaiting trial in 26 >4 2814 Am Wat Wks . . . . ciated with the process. the extra duty, and that an assign­ close calls with Tennessee, Tuiane, a "big deal” momentarily but the score eight points to succeosloa and Pref.-Accldent ...... 134 Bendlx ...... thousands of preparations for this 118— 380 Tha 209 teams Included in toe man broke wide around Grant rewarded with ths cheen of the 0 0 Beth S te e l...... been named for the day beat which' Petke .., 128—361 ern school. Stone, Stanford’s signal-calling mentioned, only one actual major you of Hancheater Green for several crowd. Johnson, r f ...... 1 0 Mtamlner, declared It waa a caae of purpose are on the market HOSPITAL NOTES ’Two overtime periods were necee- compilation scored an average of years, will bob up to a Bluefletda *Mclde by hanging." Beth Steel, pfd ,.. callt for duty at Park and Main DENTAL ASSOCIATION Alabama students, at flrat In­ right end. Meek took Stone In and leaguer was sold. Hs was Eddie Orlolea Go Ta Tnwa Brown, If ...... 0 0 ::t There la ' no substance known streets, at the high school at noon, credulous that their team bod oeah aary for the Baglea of toe Y. M. C 107.19 points for tha season while Majeskl, reaerve catcher of the uniform come next baseball aeaaun T Titus waa arreited ’Tuesday for Borden ...... 529 528 887 1644 toa 1,813 games they played pro­ Anderson swept around In front of In tha final gams ot tha avantag, BnrlM, I f ...... X 2 Can Pac ...... that will restore the original color and desk duty or avaUabUlty for Mailmen (1). Invited to tbe Rose Bowl for the A. to nose out the Howitzer Com­ championship New York Giants, . . that’! tbe report we’ve recelv- tta alleged theft of an electric Iron to gray hair, regardless what OFFERS CASH PRIZES Admitted yesterday: Mra. Mary duced an average ot 12.36 points par Chapman to mop up the secondary, Horlarty Brothsrs' youngstan 40 YEARS AS CLERK, Case (J. I.) ...... fit emergency work In the afternoon. McGuire ...... 148 98 163—399 flrat time, staged a noisy campus who was sold outright to Louisville ec from a rellabla source but F’a from a store In Windsor Locks. the hair may have looked like In Murphy, 191 Main street Mrs, Flor­ pany’s cagers last night In a sizzling game. The 168 toams Included In Aa he stuck to the fake reverse to hard to believe . . . Zapatka’s been scraped their way to a 14-15 victory Totals 5 ■ Orro'De Paa ...... Supernumerary Leater B. Bchrend MeSweenisy .. 101 81 76—238 ence Thayer, 831 Main street Mrs. celebration last night. , encounter. The final score waa 20 toe first drive. Meek kept at tola of the American Association. ’The Score at lialf tlma, Morlartjr B the first place. Nevertheless, wom­ will take toe place of Policeman Har­ the 1936 survey scored an average Giants, hero to strengthen their associated with tbe Green so long over Dinona V-S'a Led by Kuslo- TO OPEN OWN STORE Ches and Ohio . . . . The ConnecUcut State Dental Chapin ...... Ill 107 105—323 Marie Pschlchollz, Rockville, Ray­ Callfornla’a coach Leonard "Stub' to 18 and the EAgles margin was of 118.»polnta per season while 1,438 successful play until Chapman wont wita, Horlarty played their op|to- Dillon 8. Chrysler ...... en spend thousands ot dollars a old V. Heffron at the Independent Association, in a publio program ol Farr ...... 99 111 99—309 AJliann said be is aatlafled with Jersey City farm, olao sold Joe the two Just go together . . . "Say STATE POUCE PROBE year on preparations supposed to mond Lojas. 181 Glenwood street gained from the ftnil line aa both games were producing an average of across tbe Indians’ goal line stand­ It ain’t true, Joe" . . . nanta almost off tba floor to the Referee for tbs thna games B tg Cbl Carbon ...... Cloak company plant and Heffron prevenUva danUstry, has Inaugu­ Twarnlte' .,. . . . 87 93 127—307 ■election of Alabama. teams scored six Umes from the 13.33 points per game. ing up. Dwyer, Jersey d t y outfielder who glnl. ^ , have thla virtue. win Uke toe night tour of duty on PeUr DecarU, EUington. service with Ctnetonati last opening momenta ot the game run­ Col Oaa and El ... rated a series of local radio broad­ Dlscbarged yesterday: Mrs. Mary "It’s okay with . ma If Priaatley floot, Several factors seem to have com­ Tima, X5 minute halvas, Ned Nelson, who has been en­ 0>ml Inv Tr ...... Among the vegetable dyes used South Main street 646 490 860 1686 season, to Little Rock. ning up a big load and holding onto ROBBERY IN GRANBY casts Intended to educate chUdren Murphy. 3 West Center street Mlaa oays so," ha declared. The California ‘The eoore waa 16-oU at the end bined In making it tougtiar than ’There U nototog gaudy about toe It for tba rest of ths contest. Horl------^ gaged in the grocery business In Coml Solv p...... for toe hair, henna Is the best ’The following asalgnmenta are concerning toe need for proper care Oibeoos (3). Btnrapr ts SL PaoL. also Hated: Day beats. Arthur P. Haaal Gilbert, 46 Maple street Miss players started light condtuoning of tbe regular playing Uma and. an aver to break Into the scoring col­ California backfleld, but It Is a SHARKEY TO REFEREE artys, with playara that are appar­ Manchester for over 40 iwars. flrat Cons Edison...... known^ but Indigo wood extracta, of the teeth. ’The broadcasts will Locasto . . . . 97 112 102—311 extra three mtnutee eaw no change The also ship. Scoring on tba DOloai Y*l. wth AarOn Johnson and later aa a sage and camomile meal have also Seymour, R. H. Wlrtalla. David F. Tereaa PtnsuUo, 60 Oak street workouts yeaterday. umn. For one thing the rules com­ highly efficient one, working behind yielded a bit of news by selling ently Urelaaa, show plenty of proea- Oranby, Dec. 1.— (AP)*^ Ulaia Cons O H ...... feature a cash prize letter oentezt Wllaon . . . . 118 100 81—284 In the count In the second over­ mittee provided toe defense with guards o f the caliber of Vsrd im was rathsr avanly dlvldafU partner with two other men and been popular. Galllgan, W. R. Caasella; auto patrol, Gibeon -Admitted today: Mrs. Nancy It was expected Alabama would Outfielder George Stumpf of their loa and should hava s great deal to mto ware knocked olT two aafea In Cont C a n ...... for school children of ConnecUcut . . . . 104 132 113—349 time of five minutes, the Baglea one big break- by Ita revlaed Inter­ Stockton and (fiaude Bvana, tackles HARTFORD MAT CARD wbat U was et IL bat tkai for the last 10 years engaged as 7 p. m., Raymond P. Griffin; Depot Oesa . ___ 122 112 93—327 O'Neal, 93 Henry atre^ Thomaa asaks a telaurely trip to Pasadena, Kansas d ty form to St. Paul. say to regards to the league leader- wasn't enough. ' Memle brothers store which also Corn Prod ...... Prizes of five, Ahree and two dol­ Baxter, 176 Sbuto Mata street arriving around Chrietmas. outscored their rivals by 4-3 to pretation of toa forward pass Inter of tha type of BUI StoU and Dave manager for a chain atore. Is to re­ Del Lack and West Dyea are difficult to prepare. The Square, 7 p. m„ Herman P. Muiwe; lars wlU be awarded for 100 word Howard ----- 117 102 97—316 Most of the trading and aelltog hnnasa the town clerk’s office dur- Center, 7 p. m„ Winfield R. Martin- Frank Sav|ao, Btrefi street clinch the victory. Dalgla featured ference rule. deVarona. and an end Uke Perry ISg the night but the burglara were enter buslneai. Mr. Nelson waa toe Douglas Aircraft .. results are not permanent Realise aitswers to dental queaUona which 60 that will occur before the mart manager of the A. A P. etore on and Spruce street 9 p. m., Michael Frank Sturtavant 36 UUsy streat FITT BAN PBRMANBNTt for toe winners and Berk went beet The interpretation aaemed Innoeu- Schwarts, who la s converted half­ moves to Chicago next week was believed to have been frightened Du Pont ...... the hair grows. Most of the dyes will be put to children at toe Ume 563 653 486 4897 for the losers. ous enough, for It alm^y pointed back. Formar World’s FIstle Champ Main street Just aouth of the turn­ F. Fitzgerald. Taloottville (I). Percy Stocks. 78 Ridge street Pittsburgh, Dec. 1.—(A P )—Pin expected to be made by the Ameri­ ■way. I Eastman Kod .... do not penetrate the hair shaft, but of tbe broadcasts. The prises, The Howltaera wUl play the Rock- out that In forward p«—i-g plays Agalnat Stanford, the work of toe To Handle Boots A t Foot pike, which waa closed. He haa now Elec and Mua . . . . . merely coat It. Hair treated with given monthly, wlU be part of tbe Geedrich ...... 99 106 102—306 Birth: Today, a son to Mr. tola In imur bonnet. footbaU fans, can Leaguers, who have to worry Ody eome cigarettes, stockings rented toe atore and will open a gro­ Mrs. Paul Ballsleper, 70 Tanner tbs Panthers of Pitt wUI not play In vlUe Falcons at tba local Stata Ar­ toe defense had aa equal right with CaUfornia backs was particularly about the Yankees 154 games Guard Hall Tomorrow. Elec Auto Lite .... most of these dyes as well as with reward to tbe winning child. Hla Lee ...... 103 104 73—279 mory tomorrow night at 8 o’clock. toe offense to seek poeaeaelon of toe THE ■nd two flashlights were mltslng. It cery store there on Thursday being N. Barton ..... 114 streat the Rose Bowl game for a long noteworthy bacauae of tbs heavy year instead of Just a World Seriaa. wae reported this morning. State Gen Elec ...... hydrogen peroxide Is likely to ap­ PAID TO SHOYEL SNOW Utter will also be read by him dur­ 102 100—316 Bogta ball and that no mattar bow much connected with the Red A White ing toa succeeding brdadcaat One H. Barton . . . . 98 119 106—322 Mrs. Florence SUIcs, of South time. and sUppery condition of the Stan­ There waa quits a duel going on CHRISTMAS Gen Foods ...... pear In peculiar colors and some­ B. F. I . bodily contact waa Involved no foul Hartford, Conn., Dec. 1— (Speetal) foUce, Harriaon Hotcbklca of the chain. program, already broadcast, haa re­ Kroll ...... 101 111 112—324 Windsor, accident vIeUm, remains As the aftermath to tola week’s ford Stadium field. between the Detroit llgero. Chica­ itate’e attome/a office and Con Gen Motors ...... times even with a spotted appear­ 1 Bouthsrgin, f ...... 0 0 0 waa to be called agalnat toa dafsnd- —Jack Sbarksy will ba tha- third Gillette ...... ance. ALTHOUGH SICK IN BED sult^ In many letters from school In a criUcal oondlUoa. lively oont(«versy over whether 1 Sudoff. f ...... 1 tog Uam If lU ptayar, or piayars, Chapman la one of toe finest aU- go White Sox and Claveland In­ ■table Earl Sbattuck were investl' Hecker P ro d ...... children' tn tola aecUon. ’The next 614 841 492 1647 Census: Seventy-three patienta Pitt would, or could, go west, un- made a bona-fide attempt to catch round backs to toa buatoaas. dians for players, with the St, Louis man to the ring os Yvon Robert, •Sting. A perfect Job of hair dyeing 1 MUcolelt c. g ...... 0 Browns holding a trump card to Hershey ...... program wUl be put on the air at Rc4da (2). queetioned sourcee i. Mont Ward ...... euen destroy It Olfleerx for toe coming year wUl him last night by the Bridgeport B. F. T. decided that dlaerstlon was tbe bet- ha la a ban-carrier. Tha Tiburon Pat uses decidedly unorthodox newspaper cUpplnga" but because Sheldon ...... 109 143 ilO—362 cU. But he said: taf part of valor and returned to athlete alao la a remarkable punter Ltodstrom, former Giant star, bad tar all day yesterday attracted no* Demands: Nash K e lv ...... Camomile meal, used to pro­ nominated and elected. commiaaloncrs In apprectaUon of hla Bhorta, f ...... 1 1 8 been given a Job In the Giant or­ methods in hla ring maneuvera and Finest and ties and the numbers a-ere being Nat BIsc ...... of an "oversight” bla name bad not Glraltla...... 109 134 98—331 . "O f course, everybody has known Lupachlno, f, g ...... more conservative tenting and a loUapaloosa on either end of Belgium 16.09 H; Germany Free duce a red icolor In ' dark hair or Davis ...... 84 89 102—276 services. 0 8 8 ganisation although Undy wai Sharkey will be expected to cai) s' ■becked. Ur. Hotchkiss looked for e0.31. Registered 21.09, Travel Nat Cash R e g ...... been put on toe payroll for the first William R. Tinker of Boulder'Road for weeks Pitt officially didn’t care Slmmona, e ...... 1 1 3 Had It not bean for tha southwest halt when the Texan grta entirely a gold color In light hair, must Kebart...... 119 116 107—342 very much «bout going to toe Rose and Its spectacular passing offan- seen In many huddles .with him M gerprinU but said he believed the 29.40; - Holland 99.94; Norway Nat Dairy ...... be prepared with the greatest care Job and he bad not been paid. la In New York on a buatneaa trip. CROSS APPOINTMENT 4 Judd, g. f ...... 1 0 2 Bottari la a flat-footed runner 'The colonel even drew Btondy Ryan, out of bounda. Bur.ey today an­ Largest Stocks botglara must have used glovea. A 29.096; Sweden 29.71; Denmark Nat DlaUU...... HogenmlUer teaUfled be was given B o ^ but we left toe queaUon en- 0 Berk, g . 2 1 6 atves. this ysar's dacUna would have who fights for toe lost Inch, and an to get a uniform result. 529 971 5J6 1616 been much mors marked. 'The 13 the "they can’t bast us" hero of nounced the complete card for tba ■Sllmad pick vna found on the floor 22.26; Finland 2.2214; -Switzerland N Y Central...... "a stooge” on bla newspaper clip­ Hoee Company No. 4 wUl'hoId tta Hartford. Dec. l.-:-(A P )— The Urely In toa .xnda of toe Boys. 1 G U I .f...... 1 0 3 accurate jMaser. the 1938 , to hla side Thursday show aa follows: Henna la probably the oldest of was Uckled pink toat tha vote southwestern teams included Jn toe m front of the safes. 23.10; Spain unquoted; Portugal North A m ...... all of toe hair dyea. It gives ping reading Job. regular‘meeting tonight at S o'clock. appointment of Henry L, Bally, Jr., "1 0 Mlruckl, g . . . . ; ____ 0 0 0 Anderson Is capable of carrying to deny -reports that Blondy would Star bout; Yvon Robert, Montraal, of Men’s Gifts 4.64; Greece .92; Poland 18.98; Packard ...... Ctounsel for toe InvesUgating com­ was 16 to 16 agalnat Instaafi of 16 compilation acored an average of out the atlifer aasignmenta, and Although the store haa been en copper color to dark hair, but If KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS, of Groton aa a m e m ^ of the Fort tOOM polata per aeaaon and 16.68 quit the Giants to succeed Ray 220.-va. Pat Riley, Texas, 215. twadlfour Umea In the last three Czecboalovakia 3.92; Jugoslavia Param Plct ...... mittee asked, “what did your stooge Thd American Le^on auxUlary (Morphy’s Alleya) to-18 for. We would not have gone, ir _ T6 ~ 6 18 Meek, very fast for hla .306 pounds, Schalk as manager of Buffalo of Special bout: Ray Dunn, AmariUo, the hair la gray the henna pro­ Griswold and Groton naonumeat —t f —ided we were Invited, without potato per game to 123 games. ‘The wears, this waa reported to have 2.35; Austria 18.96N; Hungary Penn ...... duces a red color. do?" wUl have an aU-day sewing meet­ League Staodlag. Boors at half, 7-4 Eagles. Referee, is a blocker from Blockersville. the International League. Texas, 218, vi. CfiLb'ley Btrock that we have Phelps D odge...... commission was announced Vunanimous agreement of tba play- zoi^ next highest average was set to the iasB tha flrat time the town aate 19.90; Rumania .76; Argentine Paraphehylsndlamine . produces "He usuaUy made fun of me for ing tomorrow from 10 a. m. on at Smaland 19 points California’s Rose Bowl opponent "Say It ain’t so. Blondv," eom- Oklahoma, 3Si. 33.23N; Brazil 9J15N; Tokyo 29.09; Phil P e t e ...... '... toe home of Mrs. E. Edward Broa- Skane ;.. by Governor Wilbur L. Croes. .The way tha vote was report­ aouth where 88 teams acored on quickly wlU find out why there «aar had been tampered with. Town shades var}ring from auburn to having toe Job,” the wltneaa repUed. ... 15 points He will serve toe unexptred averaga of U4J2 potato per season manded the colonel. And Blondy Othar bouts: Slim Zlmblemann, Shanghai 29.65; Hongkong 81.26; Radio ...... nan, 36 Hudaen street Articles wUI Varroland e d keeps lur poUctea la accord wlUi U a new Ult to that old CalUornia did: had in many neorda in the a^e wUi not be brown and black. In those people HogenmlUer raid be obtained bla ...15 points Uon of toe term of toe late Sidney and 12.77 potato per game. California, 215, va. George Oaato- Mexico a t y 27.80; Montreal In New Reading ...... be completed for toe Christmas sale Hallaad . points the majority'a wish." varsity rsfrsto, "Hit ’em again, Onbe Paraoa Mirngo. vlch, Russia, 216; Lloyd StuarL •■■liable until experts have repair* who are susceptible—and It would ’'city Jobs" through John A. Uliiukl, ..11 H. Miner of New London, ending Scoring leader^p of tha enUie York 100.01 9-16; New York in Rem Rand ...... secretary of toe Public Works De­ next week. Membera unabis to Tone Down Pewerhense boira;. hit 'em again, boys; hit ’em The Chicago Cube seemed hot In Boston, 318, vs. Tony Colesano ■d the safe. Repiib Steel ...... seem that this Includes from 3 to July 1, 1939. WRESTLING country went to ^.unbeaten Ar- Montreal 99 98 7-16. partment. Ullnskl followed Hogen­ come In toe forenoon wUl be wel­ fikane. by taking 4 points from Pltt’a swing aw:*.y from poat-aea- agsin. boys; harder!” pursuit at Van Mungo, Brooklyn’s Springfield College, 310. seasons. N—nominal. Rey Tob B ...... 5 per cent of all people—this prod­ come to attend Ui the afternoon. kanaas State Teachero’ outfit which mlUer to the witness stand and de­ the leading Smaland team, brought aOn competition after four trips to New Haven, COnn.—Glno Gari­ piled, up 337 points. ooi- truant fireball ace, and it appeared DIES FBOM DTJUIUES. Safeway Stores . . . . uct will produce a serious reaction DBSTBOY DEAD WHALE the Rose Bowl and oni charity eon- In tbe skip. Furthermore, the mere nied he had placed him at work. He about a triple He for first place. E. baldi, 220, Bt Louis, defeated Reb lege of West Virginia counted 397 they had-" the inside track on the Sebenley DIs ...... Merritt E. Blanchard of 38 Stark­ Erickson had high single of 128 teat witb Its mighty Uttla neighbor Ruoeell, 216. Texas, one fall deal—if such a deal Is made at all A LL BROWNS ON BLOCK Watarbury, Dee. 1.— (A P )— Mra. Sears Roebuck . . . . fact th^t a person haa been using charged “Mr. HogenmlUer did not weather street, who underwent kn Boeton. Dec. 1— (*AP)— Mines , and Detroit 263. On the opposite Last Night *s Fights tola hair dye successfully Is no Indl- teU the truth." and Charles Weimergren high three Duqueone, fits in with tbe "Hogan Reading, Pa.—Abe Kaabey, 21Z side of the fenee, Colorado Stats for the Ditcher that quit Flatbuah Shop Early ffj rtba lintoau, 89, o f this dty, PUBUC RECORDS Shell Union .'...... operation Friday at toe Veterans' string of 846. Team honors went were used today by the crew of the plan" for toning down tba Panther tn a huff last season. ’Tba Bt. Milwaukee, Dec. I.— ( a P) — 4bd today at SL DUz^a hospital cation that he may not at some Patersoo. N. J., chrew Bill Bledge, Seorad only six points and ths Uni- Socony Vac ...... hospital in Newlaiton, Is getting to Skane who had a three string Coast Guard cutter Chelan to des­ powerhouse. Loa Angeles—Umlo Gen. ISO. Loula Ctardinals, led by Field Kar- Oiaries (Gabby) StreeL hew mana­ For Beat Choice l^ m tsjinlea abe Buffered Sunday South Pee ...... time suddenly develop sensitivity to along weU. troy a dead 80-foot wbala, a msnaca 214, Houston. Tex., 80 mlnuteo. v e »lty of Rocheetar only Sevan. PROTEST NAZI CABCP total of 1612, a new high for toe Next ysar Pitt wUl ploy Provhleoce, R, L—Mxnuel Cortex. Defanslvely the laadero wars tors# Japafi, and (Siu Hah. 180, Mexico, shall Branch Rickey. . also ware ger of tbe SL l-oula Browns, to- sight tn an autopwbUe collision on MarrtagA Intaattos South Rwy ...... season. to narigathm. tn toe coastwise drew, ( 10). bolding constant huddles with no Marriage Intentiona were flled to- Hair dressers are advisM, there­ games, but thereafter will schedule 210, Spain, defeated Abe Rothberg. eaatorn achoolo. Lafayetta and Al­ tabllohed some kind of a record aa In AO Linea 9 Mdan road. She waa a passenger St Brands ...... New Haven. Dec. 1— (A P I —The Tanulsad steamer lane 21 mllsa northeast cf only nine. The Panthers wUI meet SeatUa—BUly Buxton. 125, Vic­ news or Inklings to give. the minor leagua baseball meeting ' ' a ear dtiaen by her husband, day with Town Oerk Samuel J. St Gas and E3 . . . . fore, to test a small patch of tbe BANK NIGHT CASE Chatham light. The steamer Baron ^ Texas, 34 mlnutea. (Rotoborg bright parmittad tha opposition only Tuttdngton by Howard Everett New Haven Interfaith Committee, G. ' Gun ...... 84 124 90—298 no more "set-ups." ehooolag such dlaquaUflad for unneoesaary rough- ■hr potota and VUlanova only oeven. toria, B. C , lqioe.'ud out Speedy As a prelude to the opening of opened today. when It skidded en tba wet St , OH Cal ...... preparatloa on a small part of toe H. Olson ...... 99 106 105—308 Raigb reportod yasterday the mam- the biggest minor league copyen- Quality At Moderate liaatlnga. of 831 Oakland street a skin before applytog It en masse. comprising representaUves ot the Middletown. Dec. 1 — (A P ) — foes in 1938 aa South«-3 Methodist. nen.) TaU-«nder In this raopact waa Waka Dado, 138, ' joa Angalaa, (3). Tbe old aarge, tn sharp contrast aasmant and stniek a truck driven St OU N J ...... Protestaiit Jewish sad RomanCatho- E. Thoren -----129 106 83—318 inaTs carcass was protruding seven Duke, Fordham, Nebraska, Wiscon­ Coral Gabtos, Fla.—Freddie Coeb- Uon In history today 80 minor to the. numerous pilots who wero clerk, and Ethel VtoU Pbelpa of 592 ’Tex O rp ...... Frnest A. Dorau, manager of a feet abova watar. Naw York—Jesat .lamos, 190, Foroat. which ylolded 230 potato. Kanry Korn. Tha husband Is at Bast Middle Ttirnplke. clerki oUc clergy In' this dty, addresasd a B, Anderson .,104 96 107—307 sin, and natural district rivals such HoUywood. Calif., pinned Stave As- Suapicton that tie games arero rana, 188 1-2, Newark, N. J., out- league prealdenta ga- e a testimonial announcing that they would sell Prices PrevaUa 'nmkea Roil Bear .. motion pictoe toaster here, was B. Erickson .,.128 108 114—849 dinner last night to their ‘Gdooea’’ under s bond flzed by BoUdhig Permit r e c k l e s s NON-DRIVER peUUoa to Oov. Cross today aaktag found giaity todny by Judge. Ed­ aa Duqusane, Carnegie Tech, Penn 138, Greece, hoitr, 19 seconds. moro frequent than usual waa eon- potatod Tommy Bpelgal, 184, Union- this player but wouldn’t part with Dly Ooroner ' Trans America . . . . FALLS TO DBATB mm, 1 who led them out of the wilderness Walter W. Smyth. BuUdlng Inspector Edx-ard C. 1 ------that he uae "firm and eSeetlva meaa- ward J. Quialaii of toe Superior State, Temple and Wrat V lr^ la . Ban Diego—Sammy Stein. 216. Ormad by toe survey which showed Wsm, Pa, (10). another, Street aniiouncea Uatiy Aa Uanal Union Carbide...... ures" to halt toe establUhment 343 534 499 1576 —Judge William Gibbs Bramham ElUott Jr., today Issued a permit Unit Aircraft ...... Ellington, Dec. L — (A P )—Kldlan ot Court of vloUUoa of toe lottery For the last several waeks of thla Meatad Pat Fraley, a total of 134 draws. This com­ Norfolk, Va.—Bteve Dudsa, Jer­ that every member of the Browns Uerman-American Bund campa la Boston, Dec. 1.— (A P )—James -season so much attenUoo haa bees pared with too a year ago. sey City, N. J , outpointed Marty of Durham. N. C. 'The Judge, who f.r s six room dweUtng and attach­ Unit Corp ...... Kasmler, 46, learned you don’t have statutes tn ccxmecUon with opera­ E. Johnsoo ... Babbitt. 66. Boston window washer, 380. Boston. 25 saronils. might be sold or traded and that SENSATIONAL NEWS ed garage on Tanner street estl- to drive an automobile to be reck- Connecticut tion of a "bonk night" at U T9 101—274 focused on Che Panthers’ probable During Um 16-yaar-blstory of the Gollaghito, Waahtogton, beavy- took over the minor league oom- Unit Gas Im p ...... C Huitgren ... 105 123—313 lost hla balanee and fell two floora Son Franclseo—Cy Wtuiama. 224. mlselonerahlp five yeara ago whan Catcher Rollle Hemsley and Out- FOR HIS GIFTS mated coat of which la 86.200. Own­ leac on Connecticut highways. ’The petition read in part: '"We theater. post-sea eon Intentions that the Im­ TsIlahaaBee. Fht, dafaatad Qua Bon- eompUatlon. tha season of 1933 rank- watahto. ( 12). flalder Joe Vosmlk wero tbe first 1938 U S Rubber ...... ark jrou, asaloua champkxi of R. Swanson ... 103 103—298 to hla death while washing wlndowa only 11 minor Isogues wero In .oper­ er Is William F. Johnson, and build: U.S Smelt ...... The EUlington farmhand, found Dorau was fined 310. The fine waa Jesanis ...... mediate obJecHve of their regular­ ncnbatgi 205, two et three talta. * aeorlng stand- Naw York—Johnny BelluA 185. moat likely to go. GENERAL ELBCnOC ar la George U Fish. 1 daa la at our stats and natton. to do 104 120—323 today at a Warren avanoa apart- ly scheduled engagements became potaL Bighty-toraa taams averagad Now Haven, Oonn, outpointed Irish ation and had 87 running full forw SEE U. S Steel ...... ■tietched out on .Wladcrroere avonut suspended. He intimated toat aa C. Wermergren manL Be hmded on a i^k ct fence. Lincoia. Neb.—Ray Steaie. 200, last asaenn, waa signailv honorad. "We’re out to Improve the Peemlt AppScettea what Uas with iroor powar to pre­ appMl would bt taken to the Su- IM 103—346 lamewhat obocund. 132 potats and aqored an avaraga of Cddla Brink, 141, Scranton, Pa, REFRIGERATORg ---- - a- ., a. Vick Chem ...... after a Saturday night spree, waa vent the aatahllsbipent of toeje pro- OIcndals. GaL. deCeatad Olaf Olacn. 711# Judge was the only spwilrei Browns.’’ ba aald, "but from wbat AspUcfttkm tpr ’£ bulKinf penxUt Weatern Unloe ..... fined yesterday on a charge of pc'6xiM Coart. Many of tha playora bad formed 200, Mlmleapolia. straight falls. per game that aeasoo. The (8). hM 86 Nasl camps in toa atate at Oonpae- 482 517 554 1963 Bast Indian nativea have such a aU-ttaM low was raaehad In 1834 and ha revlewsd tbe part,seaaoo I’ve seen of tbe ebamptou New York SEE PAGE 2 a isYiaao flled by W. Barry Enrtnd West El and Mfg .. “reckleaB use of toe highway" by Tha caae reached toe Superior ideas about a December Jsimt ba- MlmMepoda - Hank Kaempfer. New York—Young Chappie. with groat pride, caning attantlen Yankees It won't maka much dif- for a six room dwaUlsg on lot No. Ucut to stem toe scourge whteh la Court o « aa appeal by Dorau who m aanaa of small toat tliqr can fore tbe aebadule ended and eoacb- taama aeorod an f v a w lOd 8-4, Aibany, tachnlrslly knock- Wool worth Justice of toe Peace Carl A. Barggieu ..106 199-311 dlathiguish batwsen tba foobnlnU 285, Germany, defeatad Jim CUn- to the fact that evwy leagua ttat tareace what any club does to tha IQ Autusu BalgkU to cost M.000. attempUag to Invade our communl- was fined 810 o&the same charge of Um duncuity at of 104.2 potats per and n tp ad out Becnla Frledkto, 181 1-4, —— ------1 - E)ae Bond and SAsra (Ourto).. Geobrlag. t?SB. Apderson 102—383 of a European and a peiespr of otock, 278| QQg *«n — par gaoM. ■tartsd flnlsbad la tte black. way of improving—at least for GLENNET’S It aannar In W y Court New York, (8L *1 bad a hneh I ailgbt do aU U6-309 thalr own race or odor. - 1 anothar aaaaen." ,/ r ...... MANGHE8TE1 EVENDfO RESALD, UANCHESIBH. OONN,''WEDNER|5a T, DECSMBSR 1 ,198f MANUHESTBB EVENING HERALD, MANCHEffTER, OONN^ WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 1.19OT DOTS AND HER BUDDH^

TME 61COM0 LEVIED hAO S S TOIdWy A s A E O V t HE FXR s o *H b a k e s ,vjot k i n o cm a m FROI-t SWVV I VOONOES ^ B U Y S E SENSE and NONSENSE H A«O Ly EVIER W P H E S '.l c a n t l a v UMPOAV \S THIS f HOVO LONS OOES A WHAT th e m m c n m MV YiNSER ON AWYHXNS OEElNVTE . SOY H*ME T'VOA'it STORE V A BEE T H ? ANBVOER StXt SQKEHOVO — SEE ,V OONNO • - A hint of how tjO increase contri­ Your real email towner Is the bird butions as the' plate is passed In i.’ho has bcen' in a bigger place, ■XT' M f C M J * £ i church Is found here: few years, and then comes back to HEV Parson Johnson: "De choir wiU remind all the home folks how cltl- sing Tm glad salvation’s free,' flc'l he Is. wbUe Deacon Ketchem passes de hat. De congregaUon win pleaae LOST AND FOUND 1 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 4 HELP WANTED— APARTMENTS—FLATS— LEGAL NOTICES pounds, two more than Hal Price Pratlcal people sheer at those who member, while Salvation am free, work or act according to Impulse. FEMALE 35 TENEMENTS 63 GBIS AMD BOYS P U T Headley's Menow, winner of the ‘ rOOTn>—BROWN AJ«D WHITJC BRAND NEW 4 paasenger trailer, LiaCOR PMMHIT JACK MARKLE TOPS we hab to pay. de choir foh singing But who of us do not do tbe same at «HMto Kixtd bcMd parpy. Owimt aqtilpped with aiiilllery braaeo, WANTED—OIRL TO aaslat mtb ROnCM OP APPLICATIOIV Belmont Futurity. WUUam Wood* about it. All please contribute ac­ times. Sometimes to write a friend­ FOR RENT—SIX ROOM tenement, This Is to Siva notice that 1 Blasplo «an MaacbMUr SMS and Idaotlfy. Ugbts and a stores, spring,' mat­ general housework, go home ward's Fighting Fox is third with cordin' to yo’ means and not yo' ly letter we owe IS a hated task; a with all improvements, inquire at Balflora of lit Charter Oak atraat, FSLD HOCKEY TDSSLE 134 and Valdlna' -Farm’s Teddy's meaness.” tress, BITS discount Riley Cberro- nights. Call at 38 Elro street. TeL U LlUey street' Manehaatar, Conn., havo Iliad aa ap­ few days later. It may bo .a pleas­ lat Telephone 687A' . 8589. plication dated Ith of Novambor. IStI Comet fourth with 133. Tbe surprise SCORERS ON RM ure to visit with a friend through ANM0UNCBBIKNT8 2 with the Liquor Control Cooimtaalon is WUlls Sharp Kilmer's Nedayr, Ebicept for a few who should be the medium of a note. The task we for a Tavern Permit tor the aala of 19S0 PONTIAC COACH $S9, 19311 WANTED—OIRL TO assist FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM tene- Conn. State Grid Warriors Try winner of the Walden Handicap and locked up. vve have concluded that hate on Saturday, may be one i/S BARN $100 WEEK AT HOHK Pontiac sedan $59, 1939 Chevrolet aleohoHc liquor on the pramlaaa of other people are Just as moral as we wrttiiic abort aeripta for radio general housework, go borne nights. ment 46 Oriswold etreet 110 Charter Oak atraat, Maneheaier, Hand At New Spoil Under Pimlico Futurity. He is assigned are anxious to get at pn Monday. coach $49, 1929 Ford coupe $39. WriU Box 81, Herald. Conn. The bualnaaa la owned by Very Strange Roles. only 120 pounds, the same aa Merry. Speedy Wing Of Syraoise ' are and that neighbors can do what­ We are all that way whether we ad. m a t aapaae can loam; aand for No monqr down, $1 weekly.- Anstio CavalottI of lit Charter Oak Lassie, which was not rated as a ever censoring la necessary, ef- mlt it or not. ftaa book whldi UUa bow. Radio ■ ■ ^ ktract, Manehaatar. Conn., and will ba fleienUy and economically. ii II' I' Brown's Oarage. Telepbone 8B3A HOUSES FOR RENT 65 stayer by her trainer, James FiU- $WfH,ifiTkvm* Slavics, mg t. k aia u. >■ rat, oss Oomedy Writers Burwu, S43 Jtadl* eondnetad by Blaxklo Bclllora of 114 Storn, Cktnn., Dec. 1.— (A P ) — Criticism Is of little value 'inlttf SITUATIONS WANTED— 8 ROOM SINGLE, Manchester Charter Oak atraat, Manehaatar, alnimons. Stars Gains Lead In ht- ■oa Aw nm , Now Tork. Conn., aa parihlttaa.. They put the boy meets girls theme From Pathfinder It is the result of careful thought HEATING—PLUMBING— ______FEMALE______M Green, redecorated, eteam beat Toonerville Folks - BIAGOIO BELPIORB on a team basis here today aa tbe The cloM of the fiat race season A bambastlc man met bis some­ s ' Intelligent obeervatlon. ______By Fontaine Fox fireplace, near acbool, suitable for ROOFTNG 17 YOUNO WOMAN desires house­ Dated ttrd of Nov.. IMT Connecticut State college varsity In England again found the Aga Am Hockey Cirant what hettpecked friend, whose bedly A U T O M O B l^ FOR SA LE ^ tourist home. $t(/. W. Harry Eng­ R-ll-l-tT. injured face suggested a recent work by day or hour. Address Box football team claahed In a field Khan heading the list of owners and O f f i c i r Mc N u l t y h a s n ’t g o t t h e r io h t s o r t o p p io u r e f o r it . ^ BOR B A U l—IBIS OUlRBOblla four PLiniBlNO AND beating. Work land. Phone 8461 motoring acdMenL promptly attended to. Robert ki. T, cars of Herald. h'ickey contest with the girls' breeders. Seventeen of his horses "Good ^ v e n e !” his friend ex­ OUK BOARDING HOUSE door aadaa, la good eoedlUoii. Wiu FOR RENT—SIX ROOM Engle, varsity hockey aauad. won 80 races valued at $16SJI7&. New Haven, Conn., Dee. 1 — * aan foaoiaiahle OaO U L«wls Duey, 867 Woodbrldge street. I'ela- EXPERIENCED WOMAN wishes claimed. “IIow did that happen 7” Pbone 837A fireplace, aU Improvements. 84 Students figured the gridiron war­ Among tbe breedera, the Indian (A P )— Jack Markle, speedy adng "My wife . . . the injured one S T O R I E S IN atioat. Town. to take care of children after­ 'West Middle Turnpike. Inquire 3U riors, whoM lack of. knowledge at potentate bak a record ot 81 horses of the league-leading Syncuas began. AH -A— .UM-M-k-. ALVIKi / M 'LA 0 '«- noons or evenings. Telepbone 4336. Knox street HOCKEY handling a field boc'.ey stick Is winning 49 races and $229,066. WU- Ftars, was far abead'of the field In ‘■Your wife?" was the breezy re­ A TRAfSlC iNCltDeikJT HAD SLIPPSD MOVING—TRUCKING— llam Woodward, New York banker, the Internatlonal-Ameiiran hockey ply, "Ah, evidently you haven't ac­ STAMPS REFINED PROTE8TANT LADY equalled only by their Ignorance ot league scoring race today by virtue I've PRACriCHD MV MBMORV .WMBW X MADB . By ASSOCIATED PRESS the game's rulos, were on the spot finished fourth among the owners quired the eeeret of married bliss, (? Manchester STORAGE 20 wishes position as housekeeper, or of his gathering six points during i 1 Mtr. MV VIOLIW LSSSOM THAT PROMISS-ww|^PF.-J4iACP r LEGAL NOTICES Nbiloiua LeAgoe but tbe football men didn't see bow with four of his horses taking nine I, for instance, never have a row LOCAL AND LONU dlatanoa mov­ practical nuralcg. Good references. tbe past week to boost his total to Wilts Box H, Herald. LiaOOR PERMIT Mtmtreal Maroons 1, C3ilcago 0. they could turn down the gtrir races for earnings of $104,116. He with my wife. I have no secrets I K G t P U C B POT^ HALP AM T H ' 6 UAAMBW APTER MV V K S C C tiv ^ Ereninsr Herald ing. BapariencaO man, eovareo Amerlcbn Aasodattos also was second on thi breeders' list (Tom her.” NOTICE o r APPLICATION challenge. Honors in the eastern division of HOUR/ COMC ON b r e a k i n g 6 K I j u m p 1 WPRBKJCHGsD — as. All new luUts tor p--'ang. TWa la to Siva hoUca that 1 John S t Louis 6, Tulsa 4. with seven horses sccountlng for "Neither have I!" Henpeck elgb- N q a h ^ A r k CLASSIFIED Proceeds from the 10-cent admis­ the loop went to Kilby McDonald of AND M V BACK WHILE CSIVING A Dl\/IW<9 I U T. Wood On. C. Campbell, of. 1B4 School atr.at, HlnneepolU 8,-Tulsa 0. sion will go Into the varsity club 14 faces and $111,485. ed. 'That’s the trouble, I'm afraid ADVERTISEMENTS DOGS-^BIROS— PETS 41 Uaacha.tar, Conn., have dlsd an ap­ Philadelphia with seven points, I'oaly thought I had,” plication dniad 14th of Nuvembor. TONIGHT'S SCHEDULE treasury. Capt. Boyd Rochefort topped the while Peggy O'Neii of CDeveland, JUMP OPP TVJ' EVHIBITIOKI IM ATLANTIC CITV laternetloiiel-Aiiierlcui League . Oeeat sis arersae words (o a Uee. SEXECT A CANARY.and cage, as Iil7. with the Lluuor Control Com­ Members of the football team re­ trainers with 48 victories and earn­ also with seven points, was runner- w o o d s h e d R O O P autlala. aambers Sed abbrsvlaUaas PAINTING—PAPERING 21 Christmas present Order any style mission tor a Packasa Store -Permit Providence at Syracuse. ings of $306,060. Gordon Richards The correct time to go fishing wU-THE DiViWiS B O ARD seek aeeet as s word and oomeoeed for the sale of alcoboUo liquor on fused to admit tbey were worried up In tbe western branch. does not' depend on the moon, the AND SHOW A6B. AAVE WAV, IM JURIMO M S IM BUCM cage desired. Next to Larrabee’s Springfield at ClevelAud.' and captain Bobby Grosch declared again was tbe leading Jockey with Ossie Aamimdsen of New Havan, wards as two words lllalaram oost la PROPBRTT OWNEKB — AttanUon the pramlaea of tl4 Main atra.t, Han- Amerloaa AasmdAtlen knh, the direction of the wat. The arlso of tbree lleoa. $6.96 rspapars room, celling pspat- Barber Shop, 17 Pitkin street or eh.atar. Conn. The buBlncaa la owned "we'll win in a romp." 2(M wins. tbe early season leader, failed to HOW VtXJ M APS A MANNER THAT I HAVE MBVER Phone 7636. WichitA At Minneapolis. correct time to go fishing is when Liao rates per day for traaaiest ar or kalaomlnad. Uatartal, labor by Mary Btnallo and John C. Camp­ "He means they'll Iom In rom­ crash the scoring column during the housecleaning s t a ^ „ T H ' l o n g e s t j u m p BBBN ABLB TO PERPOPkAA ads. bell of t il Main atraat and lit School pers," was tbe quick retort from week and dropp^ to second place in — m ill ■area It. II complete. Inside, outsida p ilin g . FOR SAIjE SCOPIIE and fox- straat, Mhncbeatar, Conn., and will be TIGERS TROUNCE ARROWS ON R e c o R o b e p o r e B K I S s i n c e VMHCash Cbarae Large aavlnga. Work guarantaad. conducted by John C. Campbtll of lit OONCOBDIA-O. A. A. C Captain Isabell Kelly of the hockey the eastern section aith six pclnta. Twas OU Wrong terrier puppies $10. May be seen School atrett, Haocheater, Conn., aa Three Philadelphians, Corse, Krol TH' KINia OP X l a t e r l b a r m e d t h a t a 4 OeeeeeetlrotemUw D&T9Oars •*! 1 • et« Pbona 8693. evenings at IOC/ Tolland Turnpike, stmad who disclosed that the foot- The fast stepping Tigers of the ''Me said tha posslbllltlaa > OsaseeetlrsmhUth Dmr* ~ aal 9 •u| i i tu parmlttaa and Roubell. followed Aamimdsen NORWAY, LIKE VOU Buekland. JOHN C CAMPBELL Tbe Concordia Brotherhood and bw men will take the field arrayed north end' annexed their third ~Wi.re far too groat to tell. JBALOUS RiVAU MAP SAWBD I Day e e e e e a e e s e e a e a e | t l H t M In orange bqed rompers, borrowed straight victory of the season last with five each. He offered stock In what waa soon All ardors for irrsaelar leseitions Dated attn of Nov„ 1111 the Germen American Athletic club Third place In the western divi­ ' I ’riOUSANDS of years removed T H E B O A R D REPAIRING 23 SELECT THAT CHRISTMAS pup­ H^ll-l-IT. from co-ed ^mnaslum equipment, night defeating tbe Arrows, former r?o be a big oil well. Witt be sharaed at tbs see time rata started their combined bowling sion was held by Doran of Syracuse from the period of the great P A P C r W A V Baoolal rales ter loaa urn arery py now. Wa now have on band, The two captains will kiss in mid- Intermediate League champions, by with six points. day advaiilsiBs alrea apoa reqaest. KUAIHmCK BPUKl topa a league last evening with some close field Just before tbe game starts the decisive mar^n ot 40 to 20. Abd I remember ha spoke of Deluge when, according to Bib- ' IM T W O ! readstai eurtama repaired- Lu beautifully marked pedigreed Bos­ Jack Howard of Syracuse bad Ads ordered bofeie tba laird or Blth ton terrier puppies, also Scottish m etres. The Csrds tciok 8 points this afternoon. The boys claim that The first aalf was a nip and tuck "PoteatlallUes’'— Ileal recounting, Noah took rafuga dmr ertll bt ebareod a a ly ^ r tbe ae- gaga and aamaas rapainiig On TABLE NETMEN ANNEX eight trips to the box to lead tbe ' X knew my dreams of wsalth would there In his Ark, M t Ararat to­ taal aaaiber of tlmoo the ad appaar. terriers. Prices reasonable. Mrs. A. from tbe Yanks, while tbe Ulants ceremony la part of the 1937 field affair with the Arrows bolding a Laklng, 9U UambrMga stirasL lato slim lead 17 to 13 at half time. league penalty llet AU of them soon day stands out on tha Annimlan eC ebaralaa at tbo rata saraod bat O. Benson, Route 44, Mansneld and tbe ngers split even. Mike hockey rules although the girls said were minor Infractions. as aHawaaes sr rstaada eaa be made pn««e 4740 they hadn’t heard of It The Tigers paced by S. Orzyb Ba sweet realities. plateau as a solitary peak of his­ os ais Hate ada stepped attar the Depot Conn. Telephone WUllman- THEIR THIRD ViaORY Klein, captain of the Tigers, bad High leading scorers, were: tory. tlc 1878-18. high single of 141 and 3 string of and Wlerzblckl led the llgers spec­ dftb day. REUPHOLBTERlNa—1 do all kinds tacular offensive the last half and as- Of course he said: "coloesal"—end Rising 17,000 feet above the sea, Me *ttn torblds't display liaas sot of furniture work. All work guar­ 826 for tbe evening. Next week the goals slats pts. MMp The Manchester table tennis team held the losers to but 3 points. 'X think I heard “gigantic," the mountain Is tha hUDieet point anteed. J. Hillman. TeL 8446. defeated tbe Blaglee of Hartford this Tigers meet the Cards and the Markle,- Syracuse...... 6 S i l Enthusiasm whirled my brain, Tbo Marmld artU not bo raapeaalbla POULTRY AND SUPPLIES 43 Yanks will meet tbe Giants. The winners' management has K. McDonald, Phlla. ...8 4 7 of a long chain ot volcanic up­ 9sr amra tbaa eae laeerraet laaortloa weeir, 6-4, at the Hartford Table Racing' Notes stilt a few open dates and games (Seel I waa close to frantic. thrusts. Actually it la two moun- WE BPkX.’lAMEB ui applying Yanka O’Neil, Cleveland ...... 3 6 7 ■‘*1 at aay adrsrtisomaat ordered ter NATIVE TUKKEYP S6c and 4Uc lb. Tennis club. Plerro and, Relmer won are sought with town teams prefer­ Ulns, the Great Ararat, 17,000 mere tbaa eae iIbm. and raoovanng L Hansen . ... 82 88 83—353 (By Associated Press) Asmundsen, New Haven 3 8 6 ^ I bought the atock—They drilled a Tbe laadverteai aBissloa of taoor. Workmanship guaranteed Oaasa 80e, roasting chickens Hoc two matches end Olovannlnl won ably on a home and home basis. feet, and the Uttle Ararat. I3A40 P. Lamper . ... 99 77 77—253 Bowie, which closed racing at For games phone 7206 or write in Doran, Syracuse...... 4 3 6 bole; last pablleallaa of adrenisias will be Painting and mrpantei work A and 88c lb. B. T. Allen, 37 Uoane one for the five matches necessary C.Atse, Philadelphia ...3 3 6 feet Bases of the two ere con­ Pastidsa oaly by aaoaellailoB of the to clinch, the victory. R. Relmer .. ...8 9 95 118—302 major northern tracks yesterday care of the T. M. C. A. But oh myl how It hurt fluent at about 8800 feet but their abarse amde ter tbs service readsred Dion. 81 Walls street I'si 486U. street Telepbone 7616. with Mrs. P. D. Watts’ Busky K. Convey, Syracuse . . . . 2 8 8 Plerro starred for -Manchester, J. Klein . ..: ...115 92 85—292 Hgers . When I discovered tbey missed oU, summits are nearly seven mllee All advertlasmeata most eeaforai W. Kohls ... ..124 90 86—30U winning the Bryan and O'Hara Me­ B. Cunningham, And all they struck waa dirt. la alyle. aopy aad typosrapby wlib LUiai AND MAKE oomumauuns FANCY tillALITV broilers, roast­ especially In tbe last match, after P B r T (Ueveland 3 3 g apart — morial Handicap, enjoyed its most ragslalloBs eaforeed by tbe pobliah. ehangsd. key htting duplicating ing chickens and fowl, dressed lo ^ g the drst game, Plerro came 2 Davis, rf ...... 1 0-0 2 Isolated, ancient. Ararat still era asd tbey rsssrvs tba rtsbt to successful fsll meeting In many L. Cunnlngb:.m, Corsage has always been a rather Uuna vacuum ei— « !« . oKieka ate. Fresh eggs delivered direct from back and took tne next two games 509 443 449 1400 0 Rubaeba, rf ...... 0 0-0 0 focuses tradiUon in the east The adli, rcetsa or ra)eet aay espy eea- Oarda years. Although favorites were, tew 3 H. Orzyb, If ...... 0 Cleveland...... 8 3 6 ' hard word for the writer to sp^.'l, sMered eblsetloaable. olesned. repaired. Braltbwaite. 03 Carlson A Son Poultry Farm, rale- to win his Individual match and also 1-3 1 Deacon, Pittsburgh ..0 5 6 story of Noah will never die. phone 4317. J. Klein ...... 86 87 94—26'/ and far between among the winners, 0 Parchark, If ...... 0 0-0 0 '■ but of course after a man's married b t i l l s q u i r m eUMlNO aoURB—ClasstBed ade Paarl atrset annex tbe 'teem match. Playing for Doiaty. Pittsburgh ... 8 3 6 ' he doesn't ^hsve much occasion to Moreover, the Garden of Eden Is to bo pebllsbed same day most be re- Schlememger ..107 91 107—305 tbe play in the pari mutuels averag­ 0 Z. Olbert ...... 1 0-0 2 placed In the valley of Araxes, at Jived by It e'eloek aooa; Saiard^s tbe Eagles wee O. Budln, e I'linlty 0 Krol. Pbllode'phla . ... 4 1 5 spell tbe word. O U T O P TTCiMT PUA^S « j J. Muschko .. 91 101 93—285 ed well over $30C,000. E. Wlerzblckl . . . . 0 0-0 0 Ararat's base. Marqnd is the bur­ l i m a m. coUege student. Bud Flynn and B. 2 Vincek, c ...... 1 Roubell, Philadelphia .3 8 6 PRIVATE INSTRUCTIONS 28 ARTICLES FOR SALE 45 Modanna. This teem proved e very H. Haberern .. 98 109 105—312 Ralph Eccard, the C!hew8vUler-N 0-0 2 Shannon, Syracuse,... 2 S’ s ial place ot Noah’s wife and at 0 J. SurolalaskI, e .. 1 0-0 2 Ah Irish priest was preaching for 4. Phone 4490. If the locals win, Its chances for tbe Oastba . , ...... aaaa nised by the sense of heating. The Frank J. Bryan, veteran racing thing. There's nothing like educa­ UNITED STATE5- Card at Tbaaks aaaa first division ere very good. official, rates Mrs. Ethel V. Mara' tion. Take arithmetic. Through la Mamonam .. eseeaaeesassee ew sensation of sound Is produ ^ in Leal aad Pound •aaesteeseeseaa the auditory nerve centers by vi­ Tiger the top two-year old of the education we learn that twice two ABaeaneamanla HOUSEHULU GOODS 51 CRAVAT BOWUNO LEAGUE brations communicated through tbe .rakes four, that twice six makes, (Murphy's Alleys) year In bis annual "Free Handicap.' Parseaala ...... EMERGENCY ANOTHER GROUP of 37x64 inch ear. He allots the son of Bull Dog l'J8 makes twelve, that seven sevens A______Teem No. 1 took 4 points from make—and then there s geography. Aatomobllaa tor dale ...... scatter rugi for Christmas Ulfts. Teem No. 4 end Teem No. 8 took 3 Hold Everything! AateaMMIas tor Bsehaass .... I 82 ruga Including Axmlnsters in points from No. 3. Captain Henry QED Aato Aeeaaaortaa—Tiraa ...... aa t CALLS booked, classic and Urlental da- Bengston wee high man for the eve­ • MEfnaar.AIIMBt Aaie Rapalilns—Palatlns ...... 1 Egns; ,plaln AxmlnIEers; velvet rRE CK LES A N D HIS FRIENDS By Blosaer Aato SebOOla .*. .a..aaaaaaaaaaaa 7—A ning with 367. The "Aim, steady, XVASHINGTON TUBBS Aalwa—dbip br T ra c k ...... I POUCE frieses; linen textures. Regular fire" cell of Cyrus Blanchard baa FLAPPER FANNY By Sylvia By O an e OUT OUR WAY Aaioa—For Hire ...... t 86.26 to $7.36. Choice, $2.89. Wat­ ell to do with "Sun Beam" Johnson I TSXL VDU HE’S WOrP MNEVENTFU.LV, THE LUMBER RAFT PROCEEDS' TD AAANAOS SQUAD- . By W illiam i Oaraaaa—Sarvica—diorasa ...... la kins Brothers, Inc. not being able to get hla cannon ball -«svi«Attavict.iH0. T. H. aso. a a MT. ear- Itotorryelaa—BlereUs ...... II working. Francis Dwyer la beck WEPE ! AND WHAT'S MORE, WELL, I'LL GET Waaird Aola^—Molorrrelta .... It 4343 NUTTY CXIOM SAYS 'XSSE w a t t !s v il l a jn v 19 a t a n e n d . * Raatovas aad Peataaalaaal BarvVaa FOR SALE—GRUtiHET bed spread with his old Alma Meter after hav­ A GARBAGE Rasiaaaa Sarvieas Odarsd ...... II fo- full alse bed, new. Can be seen ing e hand Injury. PRECK ISN'T d O I N O CAN TO PUT Raasabold Sarvicaa OParsd ....lla A FIRE at 36 Hamlin street Manebester. Stasdlag TO B e f UNDER. VOUR. ■MIdlas—CoDiracilas ...... 14 Teem So. 3 ...... 33 points Flartaia—Neraanaa ...... It Sooth FEET/ Faaaral Uraeiors ...... It Teem No. 3 ...... 19 points Haallas—Plamblas—Itooflne . . . II WANTED—TO BUY 58 Team No. 1 ...... 19 points tosaraaca ...... it 4321 Teem No. 4 ...... 13 points Mllliaary—UraaamakiBS ...... IS WE ALW AYS PAY highest prices Mavlad—Traeklas—diorasa « . . . la North for ngm and Junk. Make no mis­ n b lle Paaaansar Sarvica...... lO-A Team No. 8 (8) — atlas—Pspanas ...... »l take. Call 6879. Wm .Ostilnaky, 183 Fox ...... 106 90— 383 ProfrasloBal Sarvlaaa ...... tt Btsaell street Anderson...... 116 90— 306 ■apaliias ...... tt 5432 D le U ...... 78 108— 305 Tellonas—OralBS—Uamlns .. tt Tellat Oooda and Sarvica ...... tt Blanchard ....106 104— 334 . Wsbtad—Boaioaea Sarvica ...... It AMBULANCE BOARDERS WANTED 59-A D iets...... 99 116— 339 _ Usrartoaal (Doosan) ROOM FOR RENT. Boar^ optional. Cearaas aad Claaaas ...... It Total ...... 4 9 3 668 608—1668 Private leatraetlooa '...... It Dinners and lunches served daily, Team No. 3 (1) tesclns ...... tl-A 5430 Monday through Friday. 231 Pine Dummy ...... 78 87 90— 356 Maataaf—Oramatlc ...... ir street Phone 7949. Schubert ...... 110 100 97— 307 Waatad—laatruciloaa ...... le (HoHorsii> ------V I. Johnson ...... 103 99 89— 390 PlaaaHal W erner...... 113 121 118— 360 Moada—Stocks—Murtsasas . . . . . II APARTMENTS—FLATS— Mnalaaas Opoortanttlaa ...... It 3060 , Orexel...... 121 91 107— 819 BREEZE KELTDN'S TROUBLES AXE OVER.' ' HOLY GEE WHI2 ! AM 1 HAPPV.' D O N T ASK MS I Monay to Lose . TENEMENTS 63 SEARCH M E 'IH B y HOLD BOVW, WE'LL HAYE X ) LEAME AM ( INS TO WITH A FUR COAT IN THE Mvlp aakieitaott (Qolsh) Total ...... 6 2 4 498 600—1631 FO R VOUR LUMB.ER,MlS$,)4 a ^ 1 30 DO Help Warned-i-KcIiiala _____ .. FOR R E N T -S IX ROOM tenement THIS DIMNER EVE»Y THE CUP HERE UNTIL ^ 1 SEEF A CHECK FOR ^ ^ O O O l TROPICS, BUT MV DREAM'S COME TRUE, Help Waoiad—Mala all Improvements. Inquire at 14 Team Na. 1 (4) YE AR IM HONOR o r FRECKLES COMES TO CLAIM. $ 3 6 ,0 0 0 ! ^ B O V S ' .Salasmaa Waatad ...... tt-A 4340 Spruce street or telephone-'4646. Help Waoiad-Mala or PamaU.. tf McOowan 83 83 104— 370 THE MOST VALUABLE r r ! w nw h im w o t h $e r e Asanis Waoiad...... i i -a LaHer ...... 90 108 86— 383 SltaailODB Waoiad—Pamala It HOSPITAL FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement Murphy ...... I l l 91 109— 311 PLAYER, AND THIS W e 'Ll d i s p e n s e w it h Sltoatlooa Wamvd—Mala...... tt all modarn Improvamenta, With ga- Brennan...... 103 119 93— 814 YEAR HE WAS SPEECHES... s o 0 0 AHEAD Biaoloymaal AxaBetaa...... 41 raga. Call 14 Edgerton street I'eie- Bengston...... 113 138 137— 887 Live Slaeb—Pvla—Psaltry— Vablelvs WfTH IftPUR E A TIW a / Dose—Bird^Pata ...... ■.... 41 5131 phone g80l. Live Slock—Vablclaa ...... 4t .T o ta l...... 499 539 617—1646 Poollry and Bnppliaa .'...... 4t FOR RENT—SIX room Set In­ Teaun Na. 4 (8 ) / > ' wsalad— Palo— Poollry—Stock 44 WATER DEPT. quire Oeprge Bigland. 363 Spruce Torrance ...... 88 104 91— 388 For lala Mtavlloavaao. street Lewie ...... 81 87 79— 347 Artielao kor Sal# ...... U Tedford ...... 113 89 87— 388 BaaU aad Aeeaaaortaa ...... 4t FOR RENT—6 ROOM TBNEMEN'l MatIdiBB Maunala ...... 41 3077 D w y er...... ,. 86 89 86— 384 '■ INamaada Watebaa ■ Jawalty .. 41 (After 5 P. M.) with kitchenette, steam heat ga­ Berry^...... 99 • 89 131-^ 809 rMwy. I fiist couldn't get rid of him. He followed me a| the wsy_^ *bosa.teiT|vames¥icg.aic.~ T.M,aiao.At»aT.'esY. Blactneal ApplUneaa Radio .. 4t rage. AS Improvements. 7 Cottage Faol aad Paad...... 4»-A street For Intormatloa Phone 8810. Oardaa— Pana— Dairy. Prodosts to Total...... 468 *4U ~ 4 g r - J ^ T h e bdder wonU 8Mp. dear. Pepa'g bolding the topv^ .Boaaaaold Oooda ...... 41 7068 Masataary aad Teola ...... H Maslaal laaireawais ...... U MANCHESTER OWloa aa4 Store Eqalpmaat ..m to MYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE .TCTirTrArTT nqnrq'ji eOML ISIT SV MA • WMV MOTHERS GCT GRAY, •paatols at tba Stores ...... to W A TE R CO. Quieting a Mad Man By THOMPSON AND a )L L .TtILm ______- WaarlPS Apparel-Para...... tf A L L E Y OOP Waaiad—To Boy ...... U v e e y w e l l , Atiss m o cth " m AWBA-I CANT LET Ya Can’t Keep Good Men Down THANKS VEEV 5HHh - NOWVCU SIT DOWN ALL RKsHT.DO Maomw—Maard—dtoSala—dtosavto WILLblCr X ) CilVE W IL U e ------c h a n c e s iS MYRA STARTS TO BEA0)5HE SO SH .I CAN'T FkSUPkK fSHECK 5974 MUCM.Oe.iMKTKMS M XITAKE ! DONT • OLNETLV, WILLI THAY.SALL'/- UKE THIS-THE AVANJ LET HIM MAMAC)EST0 I4EEPA CARE- Mcrr 8H0WIN3 UP XT A F O O r- y o u NAME rr, LOOK,OOOLA-WE NOW S E T THIS,VOU AAUSS'-OUR AND m . BEAD ^ WATCH OW HEE PATIENT— WERENT SO DUMB .BA AUO KILLEC^ SEE X U you A M ce BAKK9UET ! WHAT DO AND ru . TELL THERE^SEENA SOOD QUEEN DM PA^S M AI BUT THE AtAN SEEMS SUBOUEO BALL vi^EN WE oerr m m LOT OF ASTTATION i GtL*** TALKINO j i o c y - ■YtoU WHAT TD AMD AS CAPTAIM OF TH' ^ TO Ate- ______A N P SULLEN , I t U SUPPOSE kCPT HDH WORICIW HAVIN' QUEEN'S SUARD-TLL UCK W ^ l ! K P r r ! , FORDS/ OL'KIN€»SUZ r ANVaS^ WHO WANTS RELEASED-/ UMPA? s, TO AR&DE5