Ufford Parish Council Councillors Tel Email Responsible for: Parish Keith Lievesley Barnack 740679
[email protected] Council (Chairman) Ward Group Liaison Financial David Chadwick 740893
[email protected] overview Barnack Frieda Gosling 740343
[email protected] Ward Group 07960 Paul Wilde
[email protected] 018148 Village Hall Speed Margaret Sargent 749482
[email protected] Committee Watch Susie Caney 07595
[email protected] Speed Watch (Clerk) 377236 Minutes of a Meeting of Ufford Parish Council in Ufford Village Hall on Tuesday 11 February 2020 at 7.30pm DRAFT MINUTES TO BE APPROVED AT NEXT MEETING 1. In attendance – Chair: Keith Lievesley (KL), Councillors Frieda Gosling (FG), Paul Wilde (PW), David Chadwick (DC) and Ward Councillor David Over (DO). Parish Clerk: Susie Caney (SC). No residents present. 2. Apologies for absence – Councillor Margaret Sargent (MS). 3. Declarations of Interest and Dispensations – None received. 4. To confirm and sign the minutes of the council meeting held on 14th January 2020. The Minutes were resolved unanimously to be a true record of events and duly signed. 5. Members of the public are invited to address the council with regard to any Agenda item. No residents present. 6. Ward Councillor’s report. DO reported that the sewerage tanker in Southorpe is causing issues to residents and traffic. The sewerage from Southorpe is pumped into Ufford’s drains and has caused issues with raw sewerage leaking from the inspection chamber, and in one awful case into an Ufford resident’s home. DO will write to the local MP and Ombudsman for support as the local authority and Anglian Water are not rectifying the problem.