Helpston Parish Council: MINUTES ….. Meeting held on 1st April 2019 Present: Cllrs. J Dobson (chairman), R Morton, D Dykes, A Bradley, J Mead, G Jolly, L Newitt, T Thompson; the Clerk S Smith; City Councillor D Over; and 10 members of the public.

009/19-20 1. Apologies: Cllr A Driver 010/19-20 2. Declarations of interest: Cllr L Newitt re. item 7.1 011/19-20 3. ADJOURNMENT for Public Participation: 3.1 E Cumberpatch reported youths climbing scaffolding at The Exeter Arms. She was told to report this to the police. Clerk to contact the builders. 012/19-20 4. Minutes 4th March 2019: Agreed and signed. 013/19-20 5. Actions arising: 5.1 Litter Pick: Cllr Driver wrote to thank all 25 helpers. 5.2 Web site: Cllr Newitt… is established. 5.3 Village Hall lease: Milton Estates confirmed they were open to negotiations. Council will confirm that a 5 year term would apply. . 014/19-20 6. Planning – City decisions: 6.1 19/00130/WCPP at 3 Clare Court: Permitted 015/19-20 7. Planning applications – Parish Council comments: 7.1 19/00244/FUL at The Bluebell Inn: Sitting area and entrance. No objections subject to a) City establishing that the opposite gateways were conducive to satisfactory traffic movement and b) that access to all footpaths is maintained throughout the works. 7.2 19/00380/CTR at 8 West Street: Willow Tree pollarding work. No objections 7.3 19/00340/HHFUL at 40 Glinton Road: Two storey rear extension. No objections subject to Planning being satisfied with a) its proximity to No 42 Glinton Road and b) the reduction in off-street parking that may result. 7.4 18/02197/FUL at 3 Church Lane. Re-consultation on materials and traffic: No comments needed.

016/19-20 8. Finance: 8.1 Payments for Tax period 2001 – April: Clerk (salary), Clerk (expenses), HMRC (PAYE), Groundsman (contract), Wave (Cemetery rates), Homebase (Litter Pick gloves), M&F Farms and Cottage and The Bluebell (Litter Pick), Lesley Newitt (Web site) 8.2 Q4 Statement: Current A/C £8455.46 and Deposit A/C £9688.15. Accepted.

017/19-20 9. Reports: 9.1 Ward: Ward Cllr D Over gave a full report.

018/19-20 10. Resolutions: Cllr Dobson: “To support the continuance of the community web site via. Section 137 grant aid”. Amendment moved by Cllr Jolly to limit financial support to a six- month period. Carried unanimously. Council requested that the site administrator, should be invited to provide usage (hit) statistics and to consider removal of un-updated pages.

019/19-20 11. Welcome Leaflet: Cllr Newitt… update in progress. Next Agenda re. costs

020/19-20 12. Criminal Damage and Bad Behaviour: Linked with letter about a Skatepark.. Council asked that the originator to be appraised of land availability and cost difficulties. The public are urged to report all incidences of nuisance behaviour to the Police using 101.

021/19-20 13. Correspondence: 13.1 Tina Humphrey re. HGV’s and Police: Clerk to chase Highways re.HGV hauliers. Traffic Survey details re. Church Lane to be passed on to her. 13.2 RAF Wittering: Under consideration for the base. 13.3 Tina Humphrey re. Neighbourhood Watch: She will ask for signs renewal and forward proposals to the Parish Council.

022/19-20 14. Items for future consideration: 14.1 Clerk: Governance Documents…. The Audit process has now begun and a special meeting will be needed to sign off various documents. 14.2 Clerk: Annual Financial Statement…. See item 14.1 14.3 Cllr JD: Resolution re. Lap Top computer. 14.4 Cllr JD: Resolution re. Storage.

023/19-20 15. Date of Next Meeting: Annual Parish Council 13th May 2019 to be followed by the ordinary May meeting of the Parish Council.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.15pm