



COUNTY OF CARLETON general jjjrotestmit 1§*^ital


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FEBRUARY 1st, 1877




COUNTY OF CARLETON general pr0fedai|t ||aspital


FEBRUARY 1st, 1877.




STxfe jlirteiors. Bate, H. N. Hill, John Bate, C. T. Hamilton, Hon. John (Hawkesbury) Booth, J.R. Kenny, T. W. Bishop, Richard Leslie, John Butler, W. H. (Richmond.) May, George Batson, Benjamin Mills, William Blackburn, Robert, M.P. Mann, Andrew Botterell, Edward Morgan, Ira Bronson, H. F. Moore, Isaac Bronson, E. H. Moore, David Baldwin, A. H. McKay, Thomas Burritt, Alexander McGillivray, Edward Botterell, Edward, junior McLaren, James Currier, J. M., M.P. McGarity, Thomas Gumming, Robert McLachlin, D. (Arnprior) Clarke, James Noel, H. V. Cherry, William Rochester, James Cunningham, James Reynolds, Thomas Durie, John Rosamond, James (Almonte) Eddy, E. B. (Hull) Roberts, John Egleson, James Rochester, John Edwards, W. C. (Rocklands) Skead, Hon. James Eaton, W. R., (Nepean) Stewart, McLeod Featherston, J. P. Surtees, Robert Fleming, Sandford Thompson, Philip Fraser, Alexander (Westmeath) Taylor, I. B. Fleck, Alexander Thistle, W. R. (Aylmer) Francis, Jonathan, (Pakenham) Workman, Alexander Gilmour, Allan Walker, W. H. Graham, John Wright, C. B. (Hull) Hay, George Whyte, J. G. Heney, John (Nepean) Woodburn,A. S. Howell, Samuel Young, Levi

&kttzb jiirxttaxs. .Elected for three years, from 1876. William Pennock. Thomas Patterson. William Cousens. Zachariah Wilson. Thomas Bramley. Alexander Mutchmor.

Elected for two years, from 1876 Amos Rowe. W. H. Tracey. T. C. Keefer

ElectedJor one year, from 1877. J. H. P. Gibson. Charles Magee. J. Hill


George Hay, President. , Treasurer.

J. P. Featherston, Vice-President. William Cousens, Secretary.

Finance Oommittee.

John Roberts. T. W. Kenny. Thomas Patterson. Charles Magee. William Pennock.

Supply Oommittee.

JohnDurie. J. Hill. AmosRowe. George May. J. H. P. Gibson.

Consulting Physicians.

Hamnett Hill, M.D. James Grant, M.D. John Sweetland, M.D. Christopher Leggo, M.IX D. McGillivray, M.D.

Attending Physicians.

H. P. Wright, M.D. Clarence Church, M.D. P. A. McDougal, M.D. Alfred Horsey, M.D. E. C. Malloch, M.D.

House Surgeon.

E. Chaffey, M.D.


Mrs. Emily Goodeson.


. James Lindsay. John Pennoci .. .


Clergy Visitors.

Armstrong, Rev . w. J., Presbyterian. Hunter, Rev. W. J., Methodist.

Ami, M Mark Johnston, Rev. J., Hull Ch. of England. Cameron, l< A. A-, Baptist. Jones, « T. B, Ch. of England.

Cameron, " C. J.. Presbyterian, Lauder, The Ven. Archdeacon, Church New Edinburgh. of England.

(( A., Methodist. Moore, Rev. W., Presbyterian. Campbell, , Codd, K F, Cath. Apostolic. Pollard, « H., Church of England. u Collison, W. , Refmed Episcopl. Phillips," A. W., Episcopal Methodist.

Fames, u F. W., Presbyterian. Sanderson, Rev. J. G., Congregational.

Gordon, (I D. M., Sparling, Rev. W. H., Methodist.

Higginson, " G. N., Ch. of England, Young, " J., Episcopal Methodist New Edinburgh Church.

Ladies Appointed

By the several Churches in the city and vicinity as visitors.

Birkett, Mrs. J. Larmonth, Mrs. Cross, Mrs. T. McNab, Mrs. C.

Cameron, Mrs . A . A . Perkins, Mrs. E. Chamberlin, Mrs., (New Edinbugh.) Powell, Mrs. G. Chamberlin, Miss Pollard, Mrs. H.

Durie, Mrs . J Pattee, Mrs. G. B. Garland, Mrs. J. M. Rowe, Mrs. A.

Gordon, Mrs. D. M. Russell, Mrs . J. W. Hill, Mrs. J. Rochester, Mrs. James Horsey, Mrs. H. H. Thorburn, Mrs. J. Jarvis, Mrs. G. M. Walker, Mrs. W. H. Johnston, Miss Wicksteed, Miss

Link, Mrs . N Woodburn, Mrs . A . S Young, Mrs. W. Digitized by the Internet Archive

in 2013

http://archive.org/details/twentysixthannuaOOcoun ANNUAL REPORT.

The Board of Directors of the County of Carleton General Pro- testant Hospital, herewith submit for the information of the Sub- scribers to the Hospital and public generally, the Twenty-sixth Annual Eeport of their proceedings, with financial and other state- ments.

Tho income of the year ending January 31st, 1817, was

$8509.28 ; the several items and from whence derived will be found in the Treasurer's Statement appended to this Eeport, There has

been an increase in the following items : Annual subscriptions,

oity churches and in Legislative grant ; and a decrease in donations and paying patients.

The disbursements for the year have been as follows ; Under the head of ordinary expenditure, was $6698.70, and that for the year

1875, $7277.47, showing a decrease of $578.77 ; and that of extra- ordinary, on account of balance due on building contracts and repairs, $2286.28.

The Board have to express their regret that a sum of about $5,000 remains due as a floating debt, which must be paid by loan, as tho depression in the general business of the country forbids the hope of obtaining large help from the generous friends who have hitherto aided the Board in their efforts to build and establish the new Hospital.

The list of Annual Subscriptions for the past year amounts to $1319.55, and is the largest sum ever yet collected for the Hospital in any year under this head, and this is owing to the carrying out

in part of the system laid down in last Annual Eeport, viz : a collec- tion from door to door, calling on the Protestant community, young and old, to give to this very deserving object. It is to be regretted that only one or two of tho several Committees selected attended to the duties appointed them. However there is much encouragement for the Board in what has been done, as from the amount collected and the kind manner in which the collectors were received by those called on, there need be no fears that the institution will be sustained if this work of collection were thoroughly carried out.

The collections from city churches amount to $582.28 ; those for the year 1875 were $321.34; increase, $260.94. From churches 8 in the surrounding country was received $88.67, and for the year 1875, $167. 1G; decrease, $78.49.

The Board regrets that Hospital Sunday Collections have not been as generally adopted as they think they might have been, in view that the benefits arising from having so excellent an institu- tion, is enjoyed (as any reader may see at a glance in the list of places from whence patients have been sent) by nearly all the com- munities in the surrounding country, and also in consideration that the doors of the Hospital are open to all indigent sick patients, be they strangers or citizens. The donations amount to $909.24. The amount received for paying patients amounts to $552.50. The annual grant from the City Council was $800.

The Council of the County of Carleton has again granted us a sum of $1000, for which the Board feel grateful, and would desire that other municipalities in counties in the Ottawa Valley would do likewise, seeing that the indigent sick of their several localities are here cared for. The annual grant from the Ontario Legislature amounted to $2858.30. The total income as per Treasurer's State- ment is $8510.28. It does not amount to so large a sum as that of last year, as part of the receipts of that year were not ordinary income, but received in aid of the new building.

The items of expenditure for the year may be seen under the several headings attached to this Eeport, and the Board beg to assure the supporters of this institution that they exercise due economy in the disbursement of the funds so generously granted to this charity.

The Board think it opportune here to suggest that a Committee of charitable persons, in each of the towns and villages, might be formed to make, as is now done in this city, an annual collection from door to door in aid of our funds, and if any so desire to do, we would respectfully ask of them to communicate with the Secretary.

It is our painful duty to record the death of two Life Directors of this Hospital, the late Hon. Malcolm Cameron and the late James

D. Slater, Esq. ; also, one of the elected Directors W. A. McKinnon, Esq., all of whom in their lifetime were hearty supporters of this institution.

We have also to record the death of the late House Steward, Mr. George Sadler, who, for a number of years, faithfully discharged the onerous duties devolving on him—he survived his resignation and removal, to his native land, but a few months.

The Board have much pleasure in acknowledging the faithful manner in which the attending physicians have discharged their duties, and from the success of their operations in some Yery critical 9

cases, leave no doubt that this Hospital has as efficient a medical staff as may he found in the Dominion. The House Surgeon, Matron and Nurses have been attentive to their duties, and have given much satisfaction to the Board during the year. The several ministers have been constant in their visits to the Hospital, and faithful in the discharge of their sacred duties to the sick and the dying. The lady visitors have been constant in their attendance, and in their enquiries after the wants of the sick, and have on several occasions rendered their visits profitable to the Hospital, by sending donations of cloth- ing and supplies.

The number of Patients received into the Hospital during the past year amounts to 214, being the exact number admitted during the previous year.

The Directors have, with the supporters of this institution, and the citizen generally, reason to be thankful for the immunity they have enjoyed during the year from infectious diseases, there having been but one case of small pox admitted since their last Annual Ke- port.

A generous and large hearted anonymous friend of the institu- tion, has during the year, through the Rev. D. M. Gordon made an offer of $1,000 a year to continue for three years for the purpose of establishing a nurse training-school. The subject has occupied the very serious attention of the Directors and the medical staff, and after several consultations it was concluded by the Board, that under existing circumstances, they could not prudently avail them- selves of the noble offer of Mr. Gordon's friend, but would utilize their present position as far as possible for the purpose of forming the nucleus of a training school for nurses in the institution, not losing hope that on some future occasion they may derive substan- tial benefit from the unknown and generous friend of the Hospital, giving effect to a larger scheme.

The Board desire to place on record their thanks to the city press for the kind and generous manner in which they have at all times given their powerful aid to make known the wants of the Hospital, and also to the several institutions and individuals who

have given aid to the institution ; and, finally, that while the Board have experienced much anxiety during the past year in administer- ing the financial affairs of the Hospital, owing to the many demands for money for the payment of supplies, providing for, and the debt remaining due on building account, yet they desire to express their gratitude to the kind and charitable public for their support in the performance of duties that have been entrusted to them as managors of this institution.

u Blessed is the man that considereth the poor, the Lord will deliver him in the time of trouble." . , . . .


The Number of Patients Admitted during 1876.

Number of males 138 11 females 76 214

Of these were admitted during the year 183

Remaining from last year ...... 3i 214

Number discharged cured .. 145 " h relieved . . . 31

" died .. 17

" remaining in Hospital on 1st instant 21 214

Of the above there were paying patients . 38 " ir non-paying patients 176 214

Aggregate number of days for paying patients 1235 u " non-paying patients .... 8425 9600

Protestants .... 200

Roman Catholics •• 14

I I-

Of the Protestants thei e were

Church of England ...... 115 Presbyterian Church 46

Methodist Church ......

Babtist Church .... Congregational Church .... Other Religions.... 200

Natives of Canada .... 65 Natives of Germany...... 2 " " England 62 France 1 " Ireland 59 " United States 8

11 '< Scotland 13 other countries . 4

Married ...... 77 Unmarried 137 11

Places of Residenoe.

Aylmer ...... 1 North Gower 4 Almonte ...... 1 New Edinburgh ...... 5 Arnprior ...... 2 Northfield 1 Buckingham 1 Ottawa 134

Bay Chaleur .... 1 Pembroke ...... 5 Chelsea 3 Plantaganet ...... 2 Carp 1 Perth 1

Emigrants ...... 5 Quebec .... 1

Fitzroy . 1 Richmond...... 3

Gloucester . 11 Rockland 2 Hull 4 Russell 2

Kingston ...... 1 Templeton .... 2 Lindsay .... 1 Thurso 1 liasham ... 2 Torbolton 1 Morrisburg 1 United States .... 1

Montreal...... 2 Wakefield 3 Nopean 8

All of which is respectfully submitted. WILLIAM COUSENS,


Ottawa, February 1st, 1877. . . , . .. . . —



Treated in the Hospital during the year. M M F

Abscess .... 1 1 Gonorrhoea 1 1

Alcocholism . I Hip disease 1

Anasarea . .... 2 Hydrocele I Anosmia .... 1 Hypochondria ...... 1 Aneurisme ...... 1 Hysteria .... 2

Bronchitis .... 4 Hernia. . . 1

Cataract ...... 1 Icterus .... 1

Cancer .... 2 2 Incontinence 1

Cellulitis. 1 Morbis Cordis . 1

Concussion of Spine. 1 Necrosis. . 1 Colic .... 1 Nephritis .... 3 Constipation ... 1 Neuralgia. 1

Contusion . .... 2 2 Onychia 2 Cystitis 3 Opthalmia 2 2 Cystocele .... 2 Otitis 1

Cynauche Tonsel . , 1 Phlegmasia . . . • .... 1 Dementia. 2 Phthisis 5 2 Diarrhoea .... 3 Pneumonia 1 3 Debility 8 9 Peritonitis .... 1 Dyspepsia 4 1 Pemphagus 1

Enteritis . . 1 Rheumatism . .... 9 4

Erysipelas 3 Sarcoule . 1

Epilepsy.. ... 1 1 Sciatica .... 2 Fever, Bilious. 1 Scarlatina ...... 1 " Enteric .... 12 3 Syphilis .... 4 2 " Intermittent.. 5 Small Pox 1 " Remittant . 1 Stricture .... 2 Fistula in ano. 3 Sprain ...... 4 Fracture Bibs .... 1 Synovetis .... 1 " skull . 1 Sunstroke. , 1 " femur .... 1 Tape Worm. . 1

" forearm 2 Tollipes...... ] leg ...... 2 Tumor 1 Frost Bite 3 Ulcer .... 1 3

Gangrene . .... 1 Wounds .... 9 2

Glancoura 1

Discharged from Hospital during the year ending January 31st, 1877—122 males, 71 females; of these 10 males and 7 females died; 21 patients remain in Hospital suffering from ailments, as follows: M

Chorea 1 Cancer ... 1 Cataract 1 Debility.. 3 —



Epilepsy 1 Hip Disease 1 Paralysis 1 Rheumatism 2 1 Sprain 1 Syphilis.. 1 Tumor 1 Taryugetis ... ] Fleer 3 Bronchitis 1

16 5

Total number admitted during the year :

Males 138 . > Females 76 }


Sec. Medical Staff. Ottawa, February 1st, 1877. 14

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Annual Subscriptions for 1876

Feb. Sandford Fleming $5 00 James Adamson 5 00

John Durie . 5 00 Amos Rowe 5 00 William Cousens 5 00 Alexander Workman 5 00 William Pennock 5 00 George May 5 00

J . P. Featherstone 5 00 Richard Bishop 5 00 T. W. Kenny 5 00 George Mortimer 5 00 Andrew Mann 5 00 J. H. P. Gibson 5 00 William Mills 5 00 Robert Cummings 5 00 Ira Morgan 5 00 W. H. Butler, Richmond 5 00 Charles B. Wright 5 00 John Pennock 5 00 James Young 10 00 Robert Blackburn, M.P 10 00 John Leslie 5 00 125 00 March William Rankin, Cascades-Gatineau 5 00 Alexander Fraser, Westmeath 5 00 Judge McKay, Montreal 10 00 Mrs. McKay, New Edinburgh 20 00 J. R. Armstrong 5 00

Collected by Philip Munson, of Buckingham, Que . . 2 75 47 75 April Hamnet Hill, M.D 4 00 Mrs. H.Hill 4 00

Lt.-Col . Bernard 20 00 28 00 May Charles Magee 8 00 June Robert Gilpin 5 00 William Allan 5 00 William Green 1 00

William Fenton 1 00 Samuel Evans 10 00

J. M. F. Dobier 1 00 T. Rathwell 100 John Smith, Torbolton 5 00

Carried Forward $29 00 $208 75 16

Brought Forward §29 00 $208 75

June Collected by J. P. Featherston, in St. George's Ward.. . 11 00 James Jarvis 2 U0 James Joynt 2 00 C. Grayburn 1 00 G. K. Nettle I 00 T. C. Bate 1 00 P. F. Dimleavie 1 00 E. Fowler I 00 A. H. Taylor 1 00 W. Cuzner 1 00 Miss Lockwood I 00

W. Gibbens « 100 Michael Nile 100 J. T. Bartram 1 00 J. T. Heran 1 00 H. N. Bate 5 00 T. G. Kussell 10 00 U.K. Living 2 00 John Armstrong 1 00 W.J.Clarke 1 00 A. Cowan 1 00 F, E. Nye 1 00 A friend 2 00 A. Spittal 1 00 D. West 1 00 L. Bangs 1 00 A friend 1 00

F. C . Clemow 2 00 Cash 2 00 A Friend 25 K. Arnoldi 2 00 T. W. Thompson 2 00 A. Routh 1 00 Alex. Mills 100 W.Leggatt 1 00 T, A. Beckett 1 00 Amelia Graham 1 00 Alex. Cameron 2 00 M. O'Gara 5 00 Scott & Cayley 5 00 J. R. Bird 2 00 G. Mann 5 00 James Cunningham 10 00 A Friend 1 00 Hunton & Larmonth 5 00

A. J. Stephens & Co , 4 00 Charles Bryson 4 00 W. S. Wilson 4 00

W. Johnston ,. 5 00 H. Chepmell 10 00 G.W.Stephens 1 00 Selby Lee 1 00 Thomas Shore 1 00 Joseph Flannigan, at Hunton's 1 00 W. M. Dunham, at Hunton's 1 00 Miss M. Harvie 1 00

Carried Forward $164 25 $208 75 17

Brought Forward $164 25 $208 7i June Miss Ann Anderson 50 » E.Davis 50 " S.S.Gordon 50 " Jennie Boulger 50 " E.Armstrong 100 Mrs. Kavanaugh 50 Miss Eliza Beers 50 Edward Wallace 50 J. A. Bryson 1 00 P. Nesbitt 50 Andrew Robertson .... 1 00 S. Jarvis 2 00 A. Russell 50 W. Mortimer 75 G. Angus 1 00 J. A. Taylor 50 D. Donaldson 100 F. G. Allen 50 Jacques & Head 1 00 A. J. Christie 10 00 James Hope 5 00 J. Ruthven 1 00 Miss J. Parkinson 50 " J. C. Park 1 00 " M. Ross 25 " S. Joyce 1 00 " M. Morrison 1 00

" J.B.Allen , 100 11 J. Clarke 1 00 W. G. Blyth 1 00 W. S. Coates 50 Mrs. Adamson 1 00 G. W. Baker 1 00 T. M. Clarke 5 00 R. A. Bradley 2 00 W. Black 50

George Cox , 4 00 J. Grist 5 00 M. Cruise 1 00 George Thompson 1 00 Allan, McKinnon & McMorran 5 00 James Hackett 1 00 John Roos 1 00 Miss Wyatt 50 " Ross 50 G. R. Bassett 1 00 H. Chepmell 100 W. W. Bethune 4 00 A. Highman 1 00 W. N. Courtney 1 00 John C. More 1 00 Thomas Kirby 5 00 C W. A. Walcot 50 A, Christie 2 00 J. H. Woodman 2 00 Newall Bate 5 00

Carried Forward, $253 75 $208 75 18

Brought Forward $253 75 $208 75

Juno Neil McKinnon . . . . 1 00 T. W. Kenny & Sons 5 00 A. Russell 5 00 M. Hayes 25 Robert Kenley 2 00 A Friend 50 John Halpenny 25 Paul P. Morgan 1 00 Duncan W. Bell 100 T. H. McElroy 1 00 L. McElroy 100

Samuel Moore „ 1 00 272 75 Jalv Christopher Carleton 1 00 John II. Shaver 1 00 G. H. Taylor 100 S. O. Keir 1 00 D. Scott 100 William Davidson 1 00 Hon. E. G. Littleton 25 00 William Rankin 5 00 36 00 Aug. J. S. McDonald, Fond du Lac 10 00 Alexander S. Woodburn 40 00 Brown Chamberlin 4 00 Francis McDougal 2 00 A Friend 1 00 P. J. Devlin 2 00 A. J. Coleman 1 00 60 0* Sept.. Mrs. J. D. Slater 5 00 Cash 25 G. S. Robertson 2 00 A Friend 100

.7. Cockburn 5 00 J. C. Forbes 1 00 J. H. Plummer 2 00 Robeit Gill 2 00 Cash 50 A. Burwash 1 00 W.J. Christie 1 00 C. E. Clarke 1 00 W.C. league 1 00 C. V. Noel 10 00 J. H. Pinhey 5 00 Charles A. Moore 2 00 Mrs. Alonzo Wright 10 00 Collected by W. Munson, at Buckingham, Que 2 00 Ann Aylwin, Montreal 5 00 L. O. L. No. 395, per Rev. J. Garret, Bearbrook 30 00 Miss Durham % 4 00 90 75 Oct. William Patterson 1 00 A.Boyd 100 100 H. Letch , Louis Gaulin 50

Carried Forward $ 3 50 $668 25 19

Brought Forward $ 3 50 $GG8 25

Oct. W. II. Taylor 25 William Logic 25 G. E. Bradshaw 50 James Davidson 50 James Hunter 50 W. Pratt 50 J. Craig 100 John Gauley 25 P.. Craig 50 A Friend 25 D. McAmmond 2 00 William Cherry 2 00 R. H. McCarthy 1 00 John Blyth, Jr 100 Mrs. Hallandal 1 00 " Wigmore 50 C. King & Co 1 00 F. E. Delisle 50 M. Hickmet 50 J. Skinner & Co 1 00 George Stevens 1 00 A. Masson 2 00 B. Taylor 50 T.W.Kadford 2 00 Francis & James Grant 1 00 G. B. Booth 1 00 H. F. Blading 2 00 Abraham Payne 1 00

• Ptohert Preston , 100 Mrs. Kerr 25 " Hoy 25 " Scantlehury ... 025 J. Kearns 2 00

F. M. Davy . 2 00

James Irvine I 00 Robert Johnston 2 00 A. T. Millar 2 00 John Grist 1 00 Mrs. Boese 25 Mrs. Drysdale 1 00 R. C. McCuaig 10 00 H. Foster 1 00 Collected by W. A. McKinnon in New Edinburgh 15 00 Rev. W. Armstrong 5 00 Mrs. \V. Stewart 20 00 Samuel Howell 50 00 143 00 Ttfor. H.Michaels 4 00 G. R. Baker 5 00 F. Hawson 2 00 0. B. Bate 1 00 J. B. St* acy 1 00 J. S. Duffy" 2 00 W. Allan 100 Joseph Taylor 1 00 EL D, Morgan 1 00

Carried Forward $18 00 $811 25 20

Brought Forward $18 00 $811 25

Nov. W. McAgy 1 00 John Kidd 5 00 James Cunningham 5 00

R. Switzer ] 00 P. Robertson 10 00 J. D Arnaud 2 00 J. W. D Beatty 1 00 Miss Hillman 25 N E. Brownlee 1 00 James Pratt 1 00 Robert Graham 1 00

A.Titus , 5 00

J . C. Brennan 4 00 J. D. Wallis 1 00 R. J. Mills 4 00 W. H. Cluff 4 00 Mary Porter 100 S. Fee 1 00 Mrs. Stansfield 1 00 W. C. Perking 2 00 Samuel Dyde 2 00 James L. Fullerton I 00 N. Marks 2 00 J. Johnston 2 00 S. Piddington 2 00 F. Macrae 1 50 Thomas McKay 10 00 T. B. Hudson 5 00 A. Selwyn 2 05 W. Buckingham 5 00 C. S. Poole 1 00 W. Jackson 1 00 J. Rogers 1 00

A. Jacques 1 00 A. T 1 00 Miss Busby 1 00

W . Wilson 1 CO

E . Cockburn 1 00 George Andrews 1 00 Hugh Cairns 1 00 William Lawrence 50 Selina Jacques-Cartier 50 A. Stafiord 1 00 Mrs. H. Evans 1 00 Mrs. Fellowes 5 00 J. R. Stitt 5 00 Miss Loney 25 Mrs. Williams 100 A. S. McNutt 2 00 Edward Petit 1 00 William H. Hawkins 1 00 Samuel Fee 1 00

A . Anderson 50 John Sorley 55 J. Laggatt 1 0U J. B. Wood 1 00

Carried Forward $134 10 $811 25- 21

Brought Forward $134 10 $811 25 Collected by Z. Wilson in Gloucester.

Nov. John Pulski 1 00 Robert Hopkins 2 00 Charles Taylor 4 00 Patrick Cassedy 100 Alex. Robillard 100 Sundries 3 00 12 00 J. Langton 10 00 Mrs. Langton 10 00 G. W. Wicksteed 20 00 John Dunlop 5 00 193 10 Dec. James Ballantyne, for 1877 5 00

Thomas C . Bramley " 12 00 George Hurdman 5 00 H. W. G., per letter 4 00 William Hopkins 5 00 A Friend 25 00 A. McKechney 100 J. B. Carr 1 00 W. McComb 50 James T. Sutton 5 00 Ebenezer Brown 2 00

Mary A . Huson 50 Thomas Hastey 1 00 Rankin Davidson 50 T. Lynton 50 McLeod Stewart 5 00 Donald Mason 5 00 Edward Botterell, senior 10 00 John Hudson 50 Mrs. H. O'Meara 1 00 Hiram Robinson 4 00 Nicholas L : nk 2 00 W. H. Tracey 2 00 H. V. Noel 50 00 C. H. Pinhey 10 00 George B. Fisher 1 00 J. W. H. Dobier 1 00 Satchell Bros 10 00 Herman Thorbahu 5 00 €. J. E. Thompson 100 P. Hood 1 00

J . Byrne , 1 00 T. J. Crozier 1 00 F.Rogers 100 R. Tunstall 1 00 Mrs Fraser I 00 Rosina Smith 1 00 W. D. Jones 1 00 G. B Hall 5 00 Smith & Co 2 00 G. H. Taylor 150 Edward Scbolfield 5 00 Abraham Pratt 1 00

Carried Forward $198 00 $1004 35 22

Brought Forward $1 98 00 $1004 $5- Wilson k Orr 2 00 G. T. 0. Elwell 5 00 E. A. Perry 4 00 1877. 200 W> Jan. Johnny McDowell, (news boy) 1 00 M. Cameron, Cumberland 1 00

Mrs. Pilson 1 00 Isaac Moore 10 00 Charles V. Noel 10 00 Major Fraser, Fitzroy 8 00 H. Keeley 1 00 P. J. Highland 1 00 W. A. Lloyd 5 00 James Rochester 10 00

Collected by Mrs . Upton of Ladies in Gloucester 2 20 Jonathan Francis 5 00 William Cousens 5 00 John Pennock 5 00 Andrew Mann 5 00 J. D. Laflamme, North Winchester 4 00 Donald McLachlin 2 00 Alex. Workman 5 00 J. P. Featherston 5 00 Alex. Mutchmor 5 00 Hugh Stalker 5 00 Thomas Patterson 5 00 Zachariah Wilson 5 00 106 20

APPENDIX B. $1319 55 Oity Church Collections.

April (187G) Rev. H. Pollard, St. John's Church (Church of England 70 46 Nov. « Dr. Jones, St. Albans' Church " " 32 78 " H. Pollard, St. John's Church " " 60 00 Jan. (1877.) " Archdeacon Lauder, Christ Church « " 45 99 Nov. (1876) " W. Armstrong, Daly Street, Presbyterian Church 40 00 •' D. M. Gordon, St. Andrew " " 125 00 " W. Moore, Bank Street " " 60 4* Jan. (1877) " — Farries, Knox Church " u 30 00 " F. Codd, Catholic Apostolic Church 16 06 " W. J. Hunter, Dominion Methodist Church Ill 53

APPENDIX C. $582 28 1876 Country Church Collections.

Feb. Rev. , Nepean, Presbyterian Church 6 50 Aug. " James Simpson, Island Locks, Presbyterian Church 8 OT Nov. « J. Ciombie, Smith's Falls, " « 26 00 " , Burritt's Rapids, Church of England 5 0C " A. Cooke, Pakenham, « « 6 00 " W. H. Naylor, Shawville, « •« 2 00 " T. Garrett, Bearbrook, « >' 2 00 " J. C. Robinson, Aylmer « « 7 00 Jan. 1877 " J. A. Morris, Renfrew, " » 4 00 •' F. Oliver, Pakenham, Methodist Church 4 60 " W.English, " « « 6 00 " W. S. Jamieson, Carp " il 9 00 " W. Newton, Grenville, « « 2 60

$83 6T 23

APPENDIX I). Donations- 1876. Feb'y 28. -Arnprior Curlers $5 00 Dr. Grant 41 12 46 12 March 9.— City of Ottawa, Royal Black Preceptory No. 227, per T. W. Kenny 100 00 G. W. Wickstead 30 00 G. W. Monk 50 00 180 00 April -Elliott Temple, per P. LeSueur 5 00 May 7. -St. Andrew Society, Almonte 50 00 "June -School Teachers (Public Schools, Ottawa) Enterta'nt. 51 85 David Moore 100 00 L. O. L Township of Mash am 15 00 166 85 July 11. -VV. Davis & Sons 50 00 24. -Joshua Ellard 35 00 85 00 August -Jonathan Francis 50 On Nor. -Jonathan Francis 50 00 W. Hamilton, St. Paul street 6 00 Thos. Patterson, balance of Sadler testimonial 8 00 J. Stewart, Reeve of Goulburn 4 26 George Hodgson 3 00 A. S. Woodburn 10 00 1877. si 26 January. •Rideau Division Sons of Temperance 45 03 Mrs. Upton, balance of monies collected of ladies in Gloucester and Long Island, left after purchase of Christmas Dinner for Hospital 2 20 A. Rowe, proceeds of Rev. C. Clarke's lecture in Opera House 75 38 Collection at Rev. Charles Clarke's Sermon in Knox Church, Ottawa 122 40 245 01

$900 24

APPENDIX E. Pay Patients. 1876. February.—Amount House Surgeon paid to Treasurer $35 50 March " i: « 42 00 April « " " .... 172 00

; May <• < " 38 50 July « " " 30 80

August <• « « 8 00 September « « « 60 00 October " " " 40 25

November " '< " 54 80 December « " « 33 00 Jan. (1877) « " " ^17 15

$552 00 « 1 1 1 '<


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APPENDIX II. Fuel. 1876. Feb. Paid James Woodburn for 18 cords hardwood at $3 $54 00 1877.

Jan. « Alex. Mcintosh for 90 tons Coal at $6 . 48 583 20 " » " 30 cords Hardwood at $3.35 100 50

$737 70

APPENDIX I. Drugs. 1876. Mar. 9. Paid J. P. Featherston, account for 1875 94 70 " W.A.Lloyd 47 01 May 4. •' « « 71 13

; June 7. < » » 32 78 " John Roberts, account for 1875 45 35 July 5. « W.A.Lloyd 27 84 Aug. 2. " " " 18 83 Sept 6. « <* '« 20 04 « Oct. " » „ 40 50

ft (< Nov. '« 9 68

; Dec. « < '« 34 97 1877.

Jan. " « « ; 22 88

325 66 Total for 1875 140 05

$465 71

APPENDIX K. Napery 1876. June Paid Georire May for T. R. Sheets 6 15 Aug. " Elliott & Hamilton 13 04 « Allan, McKinnon & McMorran 6 26 Jan « Allan, McKinnon k McMorran 1 30

$26 75

APPENDIX L. Furniture, 1876 March. Pa d H. Meadows, for sundries 27 50 June George Sadler 89 00 Aug. George Hay 96 43 Rowe & Erratt 15 50 Sept. Esmonde Bros 6 50 Hugh Hinds 8 10

$243 03 26

APPENDIX M. Coal Oil. 1876. March. Paid Shaw & Co $14 00

June . "J. Throwbridge 5 25 " J.Roberts 4 20 July. " J. Throwbridge 5 25 Sept. " " 3 50 Oct. " u 5 25 Nov. " " 8 00 Dec. " " 8 00 1877. Jany. " " 10 00

$63 48


1 Stationery, Printing and Advertising ,

March 14. Paid James Hope, lor Stationery 3 75 14. < l I. B. Taylor, Times advertising 14 82 April 6. « Bill Stamps 105 6. " J. Durie & Son, for Stationery 26 75 6. " I. B. Taylor, Times advertising 36 09 8. " Free Press Co., for advertising 32 48 22. " Ontario Gazette 1 50 Aug. 2. " A. S. Woodburn, Printing, &c 99 75 Sept. 8. " Free Press Printing Annual Report & advertising 57 25 8. " I. B. Taylor, for advertising 15 10 Nov. 8. " « printing 2 00

$290 54

APPENDIX O. V/ater Rate. 1876. Feb. Paid for quarter ending March 31 51 09 May. " " « June 30 5109 July. " « « Sept. 30 5109 Nov. " " « Dec. 31. 5109

$204 36

APPENDIX P. Coffins and Funerals.

May. Paid S. Rogers 9 00 June. " " 9 00 Sept. « u 7 50 Oct. " " 4 50 Nov. " " 4 50 1877. Jan. " u 4 50

$39 00 . . .


APPENDIX Q, Insurance. 1876. Feb. Paid $18 00

April Phoenix Insurance Company t 50 00 » « « No. 1,708 15 63 « « " « 459 15 63 Aug. " « « « 1,483,142 2 20 North British Insurance Co. " 704,942 25 00 iEtna Insurance Company " 5,841 25 00 Nov, " " « 3 years 50 00 « « « « 50 00

$251 76

APPENDIX P. Officers Salaries and Servants Wages. Paid Secretary, W. Cousens $200 00 " House Steward, Geo. Sadler, to June, 1876 218 77 " House Surgeon, Dr. E. Chaffey, from July to date 284 75 503 52 11 Head Nurse, Mrs. Spicer, to June 7, 1876 103 34 " Matron, Mrs . E. Goodeson, from July 1, 1876, to date 1 40 00 243 34 (; Nurse, 1st assistant 114 00 " " 2nd " 7195 " Housemaid 92 36 " Kitchenmaids 96 47 " Cook 66 00 " Laundress 121 40 < ! Janitor 17 65

$1526 69

APPENDIX S. Miscellaneous Expenses Feb. o Paid by House Steward for House Expenses 60 Mar. 8. " II. S. Montgomery 1 25 13. « A. Titus 2 00 •' T. S. Savney 10 00 " by House Steward for sundries 6 50 Apl. 5. « « n « 7 55 6. « Bill Stamps, &c 2 55 May 4. '• by House Steward for sundries 8 85 June 7. « « ft u 27 40 24. li Paul liOdz for making Box Drain 20 55 July 7. " Bill Stamps 81

8 . « G. Gibson for labor on drain 25 00 " House Stewart for sundries 16 95 Aug. 2. " T. S. Savney for splints 7 00 " W . Morris for sweeping chimnies 9 50 " House Surgeon for sundries 13 29

" J . Trowbridge for oil 1 75

Carried Forward $161 55 28

Brought Forward $161 55

Sept. 6 . Paid House Surgeon for sundries 7 90 Oct. 4. " Bill Stamps 81 Nov. 8. " House Surgeon, House expenses 25 18 " W. Upton for trees 18 00 " J. B. Michaelson for crockery 4 15 (; Alex. Workman, sundries as per account 89 80

Dec . 6 . " House Surgeon, house expenses 11 90

319 29 1877. Jan. To interest on discount of Notes 247 14

$566 43

APPENDIX T. Building Account.

April Paid balance of architects, account 800 00 Aug. " 1st instalment of mortgage to Metropolitan Building Society 749 05 " Nov. W . Hamilton, for repairs 14 96 1877. Jan. " Metropolitan Building and Savings Sosiety, second instalment 720 25

$2284 26 ...... 29


From February ~[st, 1876, to January 31st, 1877.

Mrs. D. M. Gordon, on behalf of Ladies of St. f 1 doz. night dresses. Andrew's Church \ 6 chemises. 3 pairs f of socks

i \ 2h yds. Tweed. %r inj j n . Mrs . Edward Perkins { -_l „„„. 1 pr. pants.

^ 2 flannel shirts. Women's Christian Association, per Mrs. E. f 2 Flannel Shirts.

Perkins \ 1 pr. Mocassins. Robert Thompson, per Mrs. E. Perkins 1 pr. pants. Thomas Reynolds, Esq 1 fresh salmon. f 45 yds. cotton. Hon. Mrs. Littleton, and Mrs. (Col.) Cham- J 6 women's cotton dressing gowns. " berlain { 15 men's "

[ 3 men's cotton jackets.

W . H. Shaver 1 brl apples. sack corn meal {11 " oatmeal 2 « flour. Inspector of Markets 8 lbs butter, 3 bags potatoes Amos Rowe 1 pr. boots. Mrs N. Link 1 pr. slippers.

Mrs . W . Young 2 parcels clothes, 1 do. old linen. Mrs. VV. Upton 1 parcel old linen George Storey 1 quarter beef. 2 turkeys, 2 geese 3 fowls and Mrs/ Upton," collected from the following f ,„, . , -r i i m cash as per Statement in LadiesT in Gloucester and LongT Island :- ^ j Subscription List :-

Mrs. James Smith, of Gloucester 50 . Cash subscribed $5 70 " " Samuel Evans 50 Purchased by Mrs. Upton, 2 tur- " " Enoch Walkley 2 00 keys, $2.00; 2 geese, 90c ; 3 " " H.O.Wood 100 fowls, 60c 3 50 " " .1 ames Seeveright 1 00 " " Francis Hardy 45 Balance paid to Treasurer $2 20 " '• J.Hardy 2!

$1 70

Mrs. Freeman 1 goose

Mrs. Upton > 2 doz. eggs. The Ladies of St. Albans' Church 5 dressing gowns.

Mrs. W. F . Whitcher 1 goose and a bkt. of groceries Mayor Waller 1 side of beef. 2 r sli ers l^woollen P ' PP Miss Yielding° \ > ^ \ yarn, 1 parcel sundries. Mrs. Johnston, Richmond Road Illuminated texts and tracts 1 roast of beef. Alex. Burritt 1 " " John Rochester . . 1 Mrs. James Rochester 2 turkeys. Mrs. John Hill 1 turkey.

Denis Conway 1 quart cream, 3 do . milk. A member of the Women's Christian Association. 9 flannel shirts. . . .


Robert Hinton, Nepean. and the Misses Lang and f The wool and the knitting, Green \ 10 pairs socks. The Ladies of Emanuel Church 2 parcels of cake. Citizen Publishing Co The Daily Citizen for the year 1376. Times do. : The Daily Times « Miss Wicksteed 1 parcel sundries

,1 . McLaughlin 3 bags potatoes and 1 do. turnips. McGarity & Thompson 7 barrels of apples.

Mrs . Harrington Parcel of clothing. II. V. Noel, Esq « « G. W. Wicksteed, Esq 2 vols. Illustrated London News.

J. W. Russell & Co. . . . 4£ doz. pairs woollen socks.

Mrs . A . Rowe 10 yds sheeting.

Mrs. A . E. Lethbridge 2 trunks of clothing

Mrs . Sceveright 3 cords Hemlock. {14 night shirts. 4 " dresses. 6 pillow slips.

Annual Subscriptions Beceived since Closing Annual Account.

Thomas McGarity $5 00 Rev. D. M. Gordon 10 00 Chas. Magee 5 00 Richard Bishop 5 00 William Mills 5 00 W. H. Traccy 5 00 John Hill 5 00 Robert Cummings 5 00 George May 5 00 John Dune* 5 00 George Hay 10 00 T. W. Kenney 5 00 Amos Rowe 5 00 Mrs. McKay, Rockliffe 10 00 Thos. C. Keefer 5 00 John Roberts 5 00 Elliott & Hamilton 10 00 Blyth k Kerr 5 00 Archibald Graham 2 00 G. Neelin 1 00

Mrs . Hurley 25 Geo. Hutchison 4 00 S. Shoolbrcd 5 00 J. It. Crawford 2 00 R. A. Bradley 2 00 Thos. P. Nellis 2 00 8. A. Borbridge 5 00 J. Ralph i 00 F. Williams 1 00 John Shepherd 5 00 H. H. Williams 5 00 James Buchanan 5 00 McGarity & Thompson 10 00 William Garland 1 00 J. B. Haney 1 00 Mavion Moore $1 00 W. G. Workman 2 00 W. Chalmers 3 00 W. G. Thompson 50 Mrs. N. Link, balance collected Rev. Charles Clarke's Lecture 1 00

« Grant Powell « « ' « 2 00 " W.Young l( " " 100 Graves Bros 5 00 P. Lglow 100 J. B. Michaelson 5 00

Donations received after closing Account. King Street Methodist Church, Christian and Literary Society, per T. W. Kenny 70 00 Evangelical Alliance, per Rev. W. J. Hunter 43 00
