
Visitor Center & Surrounding Trails – Fall (mid-July thru November)  In appropriate habitat  Varies with migration  Varies with weather patterns

Acadian Flycatcher Altamira Oriole* American Goldfinch American Kestrel American Redstart American Robin Ash-Throated Flycatcher Baltimore Oriole Bewick’s Wren Black Vulture Black-And-White Warbler Blackburnian Warbler Black-Chinned Hummingbird Black-Crested Titmouse Blue Bunting Blue Grosbeak Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher Blue-Headed Vireo Brewer’s Blackbird Bronzed Cowbird Brown Thrasher Brown-Crested Flycatcher Brown-Headed Cowbird Buff-Bellied Hummingbird* Canada Warbler Carolina Wren Cedar Waxwing Chestnut-Sided Warbler Clay-Colored Sparrow Clay-Colored Common Ground-Dove Common Nighthawk Common Pauraque* Cooper’s Couch’s Kingbird* Crested Caracara Curve-Billed Thrasher Eastern Meadowlark Eastern Phoebe Eastern Screech-Owl Eastern Wood-Pewee European Starling Golden-Fronted Woodpecker Great Crested Flycatcher Great Horned Owl Great Kiskadee* Greater Roadrunner Great-Tailed Grackle Green Jay* Green Parakeet Groove-Billed Ani* Harris’s Hawk Hermit Thrush Hooded Oriole House Sparrow House Wren Inca Dove Indigo Bunting Killdeer Ladder-Backed Woodpecker Lark Sparrow Least Flycatcher Lincoln’s Sparrow Loggerhead Long-Billed Thrasher* Magnolia Warbler Merlin Mourning Dove Mourning Warbler Nashville Warbler Northern Bobwhite Northern Cardinal Northern Mockingbird Olive Sparrow* Orange-Crowned Warbler Orchard Oriole Osprey Ovenbird Plain Chachalaca* Purple Martin Pyrrhuloxia Red-Winged Blackbird Rock Pigeon Ruby-Crowned Kinglet Rufous Hummingbird Rufous-Backed Robin Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher Sharp-Shinned Hawk Summer Tanager Tropical Parula Turkey Vulture Verdin Vermilion Flycatcher Western Meadowlark Western Tanager White-Eyed Vireo White-Tailed Hawk White-Tailed Kite White-Throated Sparrow White-Tipped Dove* White-Winged Dove Wilson’s Warbler Winter Wren Wood Thrush Yellow Warbler Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker Yellow-Rumped Warbler Yellow-Throated Warbler