PRESENT: Council Members Cllr. S. Main (Chair) Cllr. K. Aldridge Cllr. A. Asaka Cllr. G. Breeze Cllr. G. Curd Cllr. T. Dixon Cllr. R. Lowe Cllr. J. O’Sullivan Cllr. B. Reeves Cllr. K. Rivers Cllr. J. Woodley

APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: District Cllrs. S. Taylor and I. Curbishley

IN ATTENDANCE: County Cllr. Pieter Montyn, Sgt. Jon Chapman, PCSO Rose Bainbridge, Mrs. Joyce Griffith (Clerk) and fifty seven members of the public.

15.193 Declarations of Interest None.

15.194 Minutes of the last meeting The minutes of the meeting held on 12 November were confirmed by the Council as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

15.195 Matters Arising from the last meeting. None.

15.196 The Council received further information from HeartSpace regarding their request for funding. The Council proposed that it offer Bracklesham Barn free of charge for its sessions for 12 weeks. HeartSpace thanked the Council but would have to think about it and get back to the Council with a decision.

15.197 15/03867/FUL | Change of use from C2 (residential institution) to a flexible use of C2 and a hostel. | Stone Harbour Limited Earnley Concourse Clappers Lane Earnley West PO20 7JN. The Council received many comments and concerns from the public attending the meeting. Proposed by Cllr. Breeze, seconded by Cllr. Woodley the Council agreed to support Earnley Parish Council in its objection to this application raising the following concerns: Lack of footways Unsuitable road access Unlit road Sewage capacity Too far to bus route Too far from local amenities Adverse effect on tourism – we understand that the produces 50% of the tourism revenue in The small economic benefit versus the adverse effect on our tourism leaves us in a negative situation. Historically the Concourse housed up to 100 residents, 200 is over intensive use of the property and will have a detrimental impact on residents due to the comings and goings.


Safeguarding matters

15.198 Public Questions. None

15.199 Reports from County Councillor Pieter Montyn County Cllr. Pieter Montyn reported that he has raised the question of safeguarding at WSCC as a matter of priority with regard to the Earnley Concourse’s plan to house asylum seekers He has also asked Highways to carry out a full survey of the roads and the impact of the proposed use.

15.200 Finance. 15.200.1 Cllr. Main had agreed and signed the bank reconciliation prior to the meeting. 15.200.2 The Council received a statement of the current financial position. 15.200.3 The Council received the following list of previously agreed payments withdrawn since the November meeting.

PARISH COUNCIL £ Wittering Walk Office rent 425.00 BT Office phone 114.29 Konica Minolta Photocopier hire 48.35 BT Broadband 48.60 Konica Minolta Photocopy charges 48.92 West Manhood Venturers Charitable Donation 1860 250.00 Village Lunch Club Charitable Donation 1861 100.00 & Wittering Scouts Charitable Donation 1862 50.00 Birdham & Wittering Scouts Charitable Donation 1863 50.00 BBCA Charitable Donation for Little Ducklings 1864 100.00 Witterings Twinning Association Charitable Donation 1865 100.00 Arun & Chichester CAB Charitable Donation 1866 100.00 CDC Donation for Manhood Peninsula Partnership 1867 100.00 Allotment Ass. Charitable Donation 1868 200.00 East Ashling Nurseries Christmas Tree 1871 190.00 S Main Chairman's Allowance 1873 125.00 TOTAL 2,050.16

BRACKLESHAM BARN BT B Barn phones- 2 lines (Alarm line & land line) 55.30 BT B Barn mobile broadband 20.40 Portsmouth Water Water 17.00 Eon B Barn electricity 246.19 Eon B Barn gas 274.27 O2 B Barn mobile 15.84 CDC REVS Rates 516.00 D Gill Refund damage deposit 1869 50.00 R Buckland Refund damage deposit 1870 150.00 C Howard Refund for Christmas Bazaar table 1872 15.00 Cash Float for Jazz Jingle 1874 500.00 TOTAL 1,860.00


15.200.4 Proposed by Cllr. Breeze seconded by Cllr. Curd the following payments totalling £13,427.47 were agreed by the Council.

PARISH COUNCIL Joyce Griffith Clerks salary 1875 1,331.07 Lucy Wright Clerk's assistant's salary 1876 565.25 HMRC Staff tax and NIC 1877 2,579.82 Andrew Griffith Handyman contract November 15 1878 600.00 Andrew Griffith Grass cutting November 15 1878 392.84 Action in Rural Sussex Neighbourhood Plan consultancy (rCOH) 1879 4,230.00 SSE Pavilion electricity 1880 18.14 Travis Perkins Handyman supplies and heater 1881 101.50 Staples Stationery 1882 120.40 Cash Petty Cash 1883 377.39 Portsmouth Water Pavilion water 1884 57.69 Wittering Walk Office electricity 1885 187.80 TOTAL 10,561.90

BRACKLESHAM BARN Susan Moon Barn Manager salary 1886 1,123.00 Lucy Wright Barn Cleaning 1876 420.77 Detect Fire & Security Alarm call out charge 1887 91.80 Detect Fire & Security CCTV & alarm maintenance & monitoring 1887 1,074.00 Dyno-rod Blocked drain call-out 1888 156.00 TOTAL 2,865.57

PETTY CASH SUMMARY Filmbank Hire of film 99.60 Asda Stock for cinema 66.06 Asda Stock for cinema 52.44 Co op Stock for indoor market 10.90 Lidl Soap 4.74 Barry Lettis Window cleaning 45.00 Barry Lettis Exterior cleaning 90.00 Tesco Xmas market stock 4.10 Tesco Xmas market stock 4.55 TOTAL 377.39

15.200.5 Receipts for the period 25.10.15 to 25.11.15

PARISH COUNCIL - INCLUDING PRECEPT Donation 9.00 Grant for Neighbourhood Planning 8,000.00 VAT repayment 1,812.60 Reimbursement for xmas lights 528.00 TOTAL 10,349.60 BRACKLESHAM BARN Regular hirer income 1,060.50 Wedding income 700.00 One-off hirer income 635.00 Refundable deposits 400.00 Events run by PC (including VAT to be deducted) 447.90 Repayment of electricity overcharge 22.81 TOTAL 3,266.21


15.200.6 Next year’s budget. The Council agreed to review salaries and structure.

15.200.7 The Council received details and on proposal by Cllr. Asaka, seconded by Cllr. Lowe the Council agreed that the completed Annual Return be available for the auditors on the 13 June 2016 and this date is adopted as the commencement date.

15.200.8 The National Assoc. of Local Councils is working on the establishment of a ‘sector led body’ to procure audit for smaller authorities for the 2017/18 financial year. The new body will be responsible for procuring audit services for smaller authorities – this is all parish and town councils and internal drainage boards with an income of less than £6.5m – and for the management of these audit contracts for a period of five years. The Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 required that from 2017 smaller authorities will appoint auditors through a ‘sector led body’ or opt out of such arrangements and appoint auditors locally. Proposed by Cllr. Asaka, seconded by Cllr. Lowe the Council agreed not to opt-out of the new arrangements for procuring audit services for 2017/18 financial year and beyond.

15.201 Local Business Alliance Despite the terrible weather the Christmas Festival raised a substantial amount of funds for the LBA. A total of 57 children visited Santa’s Grotto and the fairground was very popular. A special thanks to Cllr. Woodley who was there from 7am to 7pm and to Cllr. Lowe who spent hours stewarding the road closure.

15.202 Christmas Lights and tree The failure of lights is not down to the Parish Council. The contractors are aware and have been working on the lights in order to get them working for Christmas. The new boas on the lamp posts were incompatible with electrics within the columns in E. Wittering and this will be rectified. Lindsay Nugent in Kings Bookshop has been a great help in helping the Clerk sort this problem out. Cllr. Woodley thanked Andrews Ground Maintenance and the Clerk’s husband for installing the Christmas tree. The Chair suggested that next year a Christmas Lights Committee should deal with all Christmas light matters and not the Parish Office.

15.203 Neighbourhood Plan Awaiting final pre-submission draft for approval.

15.204 Bracklesham Barn and Park The Clerk reported that the Jazz Jingle on Saturday 12 December had almost sold out and was expected to be a very good evening.

15.205 Youth and Community Building Expecting to have a further meeting with architect in the New Year.

15.206 Urgent matters that the Chairman wishes to bring to the attention of the Council. None.

Signed______Chairman Date______