October 17, 2008

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October 17, 2008 MASSAC H USETTS 18 Tishrei 5769 Vol. X - Issue XVI www.jvhri.org October 17, 2008 Akko riots: Breast cancer a sign of survivor shares Arab-Jewish her story troubles Israeli exp ert warns The fear, and then hope, m oft inderbox in Akko testingfor BRCA BYMARY KoRR BY LESLIE SUSSER Senior Contributing Writ,r ]TA Staff Writer PRO\ 'IDE, CE - For Barrington JERUSALEM OTA) - The resident 1 faxi.ne Richman, genetic rioting in the mixed Jewish­ screening fur the BRCAl and 2 gene Arab city of Akko, which mut.a.tions wa truly the "gift of life." erupted after an Arab man -he was first diagnosed with breast drove through a Jewish neigh­ cancer 23 years ago, at age 43. Twelve borhood on Yorn Kippur, shows years later. she was again diagnosed just how combustible Arab­ with breast cancer, in the other breast, Jewish relations in Israel are. .utcr a biopsy of a cyst revealed cancer Yet after four successive cells m the fluid. She again underwent nights of clashes, in which rampaging Arabs stoned hunpectorny, fullowed by radiation. Photo by Mary Karr Jewish-owned shops and cars A chance attendance at a lecture on MAXINE RICHMAN AND HER DAUGHTER, WENDY RICHMAN LEVINSON, spoke about as Jewish mobs torched Arab gene c rest:mg and health insurance sev­ genetic testing at the hereditary cancer forum held last week. eral years ago proved to be enlightening. homes, there was no sign of "I wa< so mi<informed. I thought the Hadassah, NCJW holdforum on genetic screening the violence spreading to other BRCA gene only passed down from the mixed-ethnic cities such as maternal side. There was no history of BvMARvKoRR The information was especially relevant Haifa, Jaffa, , azareth or Lod. oncer on mv mother's side," she said. Senior Contributing Writer for those of Ashkenazi (E astern E uro­ Nor did the currentJewish­ But she bmed a father can pass it down pean) descent, who are at a signifi cantly Arab tensions appear likely to A fu rum on hereditary breast and to h1 children as well, and there was elevated risk of breast and ovarian cancer reach the proportions they did ovarian cancer (HBOC) and genetic c.a.ocer on her father's <ide of the family. due to a mutation, or alteration, in either following October, 2000, when screening was held last week at an In 2006, her doctor advised her to get of two genes: BRCAl and BRCA2. Israeli police shot 12 Israeli event organized by the Rhode Island tested for the BRCA gene. H er test was The presenters included Dr. Robert D . Arabs and a visitor from the chapters of H adassah and the National positive. he carried the BRCAl mutation. L egare, medical director of the C ancer \ Vest Bank in clashes across C ouncil of Jewish Women (NCJW). See GENES. Page 8 See FORUM, Page 8 See VIOLEN CE, PAGE 24 A very frank Barney Frank 'Quarterback ' of O'Reilly hurled at him during an appearance on his show the rescue package previous week. O'Reilly branded Fran k a "coward" who was not talks about bailout, "manly" enough to .,dmit culpa­ b1lit:y in the sub-pnme mortgage blame, and a new mel tdown, a, well as trouble, .,t .l\ .. ). New D eal Fannie J\ 1ae and Freddie lac • Didn't you ,ay, in 200'.\, BvMARl KoRR th,11 Fann;c and Fr ·dJ,c Srnror Co11trthut1ng ll'nta l,; lac wl:rc nnt in :.1 cri1.;1, .. t.lj{C ~.. ~Laa... PROV! DE ' i - It wJ< three O'Rcilh h.,d ch.,llcnisc.! the ,.•. ,r > l h,irm.,n oft he l fnq rin,n ' -- I' '·- / One-on-one with Leonard Nimoy .. · ·, ' PAGE 2 Jewish Voice & Herald October 17, 2008__ _______________ Local actor reveals: your inspiration my nose was broken Shalansky: W ell, I have met and motivation for fo r real. The set and many. But, the most interest­ "parents made him becoming an actor? props are all real. The ing was definitely Al Pacino. I Shalansky: My sad thing is that the ER met him when he came into the watch Jackie Gleason" motivation? My set at Warner Studios restaurant where I bartended in inspiration? Laugh­ is more of a function­ New York. He's nuts, funny, but Bv D AHLIA N EEMAN ing! I loved laughing ing hospital than most definitely an interesting char­ Special to The Voiu & Herald growing up. I started inner-city hospitals in acter. It just must be so hard to J'HOUGH he's making kids at school the United States. be someone like Al - you can't ot yet a household laugh and that was V&H· How long did it go anywhere without some­ A ame, Providence's better than my algebra take to make you up to look body screaming at you. That's ave Shalansky has homework. It stuck like you'd been beaten up? enough to make anybody crazy. achieved success that many "Hol­ with me and became Shalansky: Two V&H· Growing up in Provi­ lywood wannabes" only dream of. quite infectious. hours, and my make- dence, could you roer have imagined Shalansky, son of Len and Ruby But, honestly, my up job was basic. One that one day you would have parts Shalansky, grew up in Providence, parents, especially my person in that episode in movies and telroiswn shows? graduated from Boston Univer­ father, influenced my had a compound arm Shalansky: I always had the sity's School of Dramatic Arts, taste - he made me fracture - his call time drive and the tenacity to make and moved to New York, before watch Jackie Gleason was for 5:00 a.m. on it. I would visit my Grandma winging his way west to Los and all the greats the set. I was so not Celma in Hollywood, Florida Angeles, his current residence. like Marlon Brando. envious of that! and would pretend that I was With roles in commercials and I had a major film V&H· What was visiting Hollywood, Califor­ such television shows as Bones, and television influ­ it like working on nia. I always had the bug. ER, NCIS, Gilmore Girls, and ence as a child. But I Gilmore Girls? V&H: Is there a big Jewish others, Shalansky recently fin­ think, at the end of Shalansky: Hard. It community in Hollywood? ished shooting a film, Greta, with the day, that I was was my first television Shalansky. There is a huge Hilary Duff and Ellen Burstyn. born with something. gig; that show had such Jewish community in Hollywood. Classical High School fresh­ It may be a cliche, I a special rhythm. It was I mean: DreamWorks Picrures: man and admitted fan, Dahlia know, but it's true. Photo courtesy of Dave Shalansky very, very difficult to get SKG: Spielberg, Katzenberg V&H: Howdid the pacing and speed and Geffen? Enough said. eeman, interviewed Shalan­ a gig with the Lyric Opera of you get started in your career? that they all spoke. I'm not a 15 V&H · I.s there a movie or TV sky, now age 35, by email. The Boston. I got paid S400 for What was the first part you had? year old girl and I don't speak at show that you will appear in soon! Voice & Herald thought a bit of three weeks of work and I just I was studying I am humor and Hollywood fantasy Shalansky: thought it was amaz- Shalansky: at Boston University and it was looking forward might brighten these tough ing. I played a "super" Christmas break. I needed a to the release of days of economic turmoil. (a non-singing role) in job while all of my friends went "The ER set at Warner Studios is more Greta. But, I am Voiu & Herald: What was the opera, Carmen. to the Bahamas and I landed of a functioning hospital than most also producing my V&H: When you own pilot right were filming ER, what inner-city hospitals in the United now. lt"s called were the props like? Fitz & Slade. md Shalansky: Amazing! States." Brown students study Zionism we're pitching They really have their ---------------------- it to networks Lehman-Wilzig and T ami act together over there. Born in the US.A. as we speak. made aliyah in O ctober, They've been on the air for what? the rate most young kids speak Cross your fingers. and living in 1977, after he was offered an Fourteen seasons? They have the these days. I t was difficult. But academic position in Israel. best make-up artists around. I it taught me the most valu- Form.ore infannutiOn on Israel, professor Since that time, they have took pictures of myself - when I able lesson: Learn your lines! Shalansky's carur, dxck oul resided in Petach Tikva, looked in the mirror, I thought V&H: Who was the most inter­ www.dauah,lhlnsk).com. enlightens students a suburb ofTel Aviv. The l!Sting celebrity you haw roer met? about Israeli issues fo rmer chairman of the Israel Bv N ANCY K.JRSCH [email protected] CANDLE LIGHTING TIMES QUOTE OF THE WEEK: chusterman Vis­ For Greater ing Scholar with "I was so misinformed. I thought the BR AJ rown University's Rhode Island rogra.m in Judaic gene only passed down from the maternal idc. n Studies for the 2008-2009 Oct . 17 5:41 academic year, Pmfcs<or Sam Oct. 24 5:30 Lchman-\V1L11g traveled laYine Richman om< 7,000 miles from his Oct .
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