
best strategy games 2017 pc free download 15 Best Strategy Games for PC You Must Play. Strategy games is one category of games that almost everyone enjoys playing. Firstly, they are a lot of fun to play and it’s one game category, where you are in total control of the game. Secondly, there are a ton of great strategy games available on PCs, so you never have shortage of great strategy games. So, if you are someone who is looking for some new real time strategy (RTS) games, or a unique experience when it comes to strategy games or just the best strategy games out there for PCs, we have you covered. Here are 15 best strategy games for PC you must play: The Best Strategy Games for PC (RTS Games) 1. Command and Conquer: Generals. Released back in 2003, Command and Conquer: Generals is still considered one of the best strategy games out there . Command and Conquer is just like other Real-Time Strategy (RTS) games with a focus on building your base, gathering resources, and building an army to defend against your enemies and attack your enemies when required. However, Command and Conquer lets you play the single-player mode as the three sides which include China, USA, and The GLA (Global Liberation Army), with each faction offering unique missions and interactions. The multiplayer mode lets you test your mettle against other players from around the world in skirmishes or you can try your hand at custom games. Command and Conquer: Generals requires you to think one step ahead of your enemies all the time. For $9.99, you can get all the Command and Conquer titles through Origin. 2. World in Conflict. Another great real-time strategy game that lets you experience a hypothetical World War III where the Soviet Union has led a surprise attack on the USA. You get to enjoy being the commander of the army and control everything from the resources to the battle strategies. You can play as the USA and defend against the Soviet surprise attack or you could take control of the attackers and destroy the USA and claim control over the globe. Experience actual towns and cities of USA, USSR, and parts of Europe engaged in an unending war. You can team-up with friends in the multiplayer mode and devastate your enemies with the power of multiple minds. World in Conflict is one of the best warfare strategy games that shows you what could have happened if the Cold War had erupted into something bigger. 3. XCOM 2. XCOM 2 is a fairly popular and well-received sequel to the award-winning strategy game, XCOM: Enemy Unknown. It’s considered one of the deepest strategy games out there in the market with unique gameplay elements. XCOM 2 is a turn-based strategy game where you are the last of the Earth’s remaining defenders against the Aliens . Aliens have already invaded and conquered earth, the XCOM have been defeated. You are now living in hiding trying to assemble the XCOM force to stand for humanity and banish the aliens from the homeworld. The game requires stealth tactics along with warfare and combat. You will need to steal the enemy’s resources, build your forces, hire mercenaries, and crush the alien forces entirely to save the world. 4. Warcraft III. A classic by Blizzard. The game that changed the foundations of the Warcraft universe. The game which gave birth to the MOBA genre namely “DoTA” and others inspired by it. Warcraft III has one of the richest and immersive stories you will ever experience in a Real-Time strategy game. You will be introduced and able to control iconic Warcraft characters that include, but not limited to Arthas (Pre-Lich King), Illidan The Betrayer, Grommash Hellscream, Uther, and many others. In this game, you control different characters and their forces to save the land of Azeroth from the Burning Legion’s invasion. Control iconic characters and defeat the looming shadows of the Legion and other evil forces lurking in the darkness. 5. Total War: Warhammer. Total War: Warhammer is an epic strategy game with a huge focus on building an Empire and colossal battles in the fantasy world of Warhammer. Command one of the 5 races from the Warhammer world and build your empire from the ground up. Each race comes with their unique empire elements, battle units, and play style, so choose one that suits your battle style. Take your battles to the skies with ferocious dragons, wyverns, and magnificent griffons in mesmerizing aerial combat. Use elemental powers and powerful storms to aid you in battle and lay waste to your enemy’s empire. 6. Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines. A classic real-time tactical game that puts you in charge of a group of commandos who are on a mission to defeat the Nazi forces during the World War II. This game is not like other strategy games where you gather resources, build armies, and attack your enemies instead in this game you get a group of commandos on each level with each commando sporting a special set of unique skills that can be used on each level to pass by the enemy soldiers undetected. On each level, you must go undetected and carry out your mission. This involves distracting the enemy soldiers with a pack of cigarettes, a radio, or just a good old punch to the throat. If you want to test your patience and tactics then this is the perfect game for you. 7. Age of Empires II. The most popular strategy game out there. If you think that Assassin’s Creed teaches you history then you will find that Age of Empires actually lets you relive history in all its might and glory . Age of Empires was a great success, however, Age of Empires II went beyond that and became the most popular title in the entire series. The game offers great campaigns with some of the most influential historical figures like Joan of The Arc, Attila the Hun, and even The Great Genghis Khan. You get to play each character’s storyline and help them achieve in the game what they have achieved in the real life. If you want a true real-time strategy game with a focus on world’s history then give this game a try. 8. Rise of Nations. Another game published by Microsoft Studios, the same publisher behind Age of Empires. Rise of Nations is like an Age of Empires clone which actually spans all history and delves into the future of around 18 different nations of the world. Instead of making Knights and Frigates, you get to upgrade your entire nation to the modern world where you have to attack helicopters, submarines, and even nuclear bombs to devastate your enemies. Rise of Nations also lets you build the actual wonders of the world which include, but not limited to The Taj Mahal, Eiffel Tower, and more. If you want to play a strategy game that actually depicts your current world then Rise of Nations is the perfect choice for you. 9. V. If you are into turn-based strategy games then ’s Civilization V is the latest game from the flagship turn-based strategy series. You have the chance to become the supreme leader of the world and see it thrive . You can see the world evolve from the primitive dawn of the man to the modernized space age. Discover newer technologies and evolve your civilization to become the most powerful in the entire world. Go toe-to-toe against some of the great leaders of history and show them your might in warfare. You can even go up against other players in multiplayer mode to see who has the most powerful civilization in the world. Amazing graphics, deep gameplay, and great mechanics make it one of the best strategy games out there in the market. 10. Company of Heroes 2. A game set in the World War II timeline where you get to relive this historic war in all its might and glory. The game thrives upon unique features that make it one of the top RTS games out there . It’s not just about building the largest army and unleashing it upon the enemy instead you have to focus on your unit placement and counters to each thing. You won’t be at an advantage sending a group of riflemen to destroy a tank because the game employs soft and hard counters to keep the gameplay a bit realistic. You will have to make the most tactical decisions in the game if you want to win the battle. You can also test your mettle against other players from around the world in all-out multiplayer mode. Company of Heroes 2 is a perfect war RTS for anyone who enjoy tactical decision-making. 11. Total War: Rome 2. It doesn’t matter if you are a student of Roman history or just a fan of medieval warfare, Total War: Rome 2 will let you follow in the footsteps of great Roman dictators or you can just follow your own ideas and conquer the entire European continent one by one with a bit of Africa and the Middle East on the side. However, don’t use this game to learn history because the A.I would sometimes act wonky and do stuff that didn’t really happen in real life. If you want to enjoy the Roman political system and building your army from the ground up to establish control over the entire continent then this game will let you do just that. You will have to think one step ahead of your enemies if you want to conquer their lands. 12. Starcraft. Three of the most powerful races are on a path to all-out war against each other to show their domination in the entire universe. Starcraft is the top competitive real-time strategy games that supposedly brought eSports scene to the forefront. In this game, the multiplayer mode is the real deal where you can go head-to-head against other players in an all-out intergalactic war. Gather resources, build an army, and destroy the enemy base. It sounds simple, but the game requires you to be tactically and mechanically sound to carry out the actions. Story mode lets you experience the game from the perspective of each race involved with a deep and intriguing storyline. If you prefer a highly demanding yet rewarding RTS then Starcraft is definitely a must play game. 13. Stronghold: Crusader. The direct sequel to the hit Stronghold game, Stronghold: Crusader brings you to a journey to the Arabian lands where you face newer weaponry and brave warriors. The game throws you into the chaotic battles of the Crusade with a gruesome A.I. that will not rest until you are wiped off the map. Relive and experience the mighty crusades of Richard The Lionheart and Saladin The Syrian Sultan when they lead their armies into the battles. Live the first, second, and the third crusade and reshape history in this amazing strategy game. Choose your side of the crusade and get ready to attack or defend against your enemies in this epic historical clash. 14. Empire Earth. The graphics may not seem as hot by today’s standards but Empire Earth is a classic that allows you to see humanity evolve and thrive from primitives to the technologically advanced. You get to control the destiny of humanity through more than 500,000 years of human history. You get to research new weaponry, buildings, and units as your civilization evolves. You must keep in mind that you have to stay ahead of time, you might be very successful in one age only to see yourself crushed in the next by technologically advanced enemies. So in order to keep winning, you must keep your civilization evolving constantly and changing with the times. Enjoy exhilarating battles and control more than 200 unique units in battles to devastate your enemies. 15. Age of Mythology. If you love Age of Empires then you will be glad to know that Age of Mythology is also published by the same studio, Microsoft. This game is like Age of Empires set in the mythical old world where gods intervene in the affairs of the man and mythical creatures like Cyclopes and minotaurs are used in battles to crush the enemy. Use your armies to level enemy towns and if your forces are not enough then you can call upon the gods to aid you in battle who can rain meteors of destruction or summon lightning storms to wipe your enemies off the face of Earth . The Best Strategy Games for PC You Can Play. Well, these are some of the best strategy games for PC you can play. So, polish your brains because you will require a lot of thinking and nerves of steel to play through these strategy games. Also, don’t forget to let us know what are your favorite strategy games on PC in the comments section below. GamesBeat Rewind 2017: the 10 best strategy games. The competition is fiercer than ever. Learn the many options for funding, and what investors are looking for. Where does your enterprise stand on the AI adoption curve? Take our AI survey to find out. 2017 was a strange, though good, year for strategy games. After the sensational 2016, with five major releases and some fascinating indie games, this was always likely to be a consolidation year. So while we didn’t see too much new and exciting to blow strategy players away, we did get a bunch of improvements and enhancements to existing games in the form of sequels, expansions, and mods. Good? Sure, but perhaps not the explosion of amazement that gaming at large had in 2017. So here’s my top 10 for the year, bearing in mind that this was a period of subtle enhancement more than a period of bold strides forward. Side note: Due to professional conflicts I am unable to include Sega’s Dawn of War 3 and Total War: Warhammer 2. You can read some reviews and decide if they’re worthy of inclusion for yourself. Also, my lack of a Nintendo Switch prevented a full play of Mario + Rabbids, which I enjoyed in preview. (Although I suspect it’s more of a hyper-tactical RPG like Divinity: Original Sin 2, so I possibly wouldn’t include it here anyway.) But these exceptions leaves us with a strong group of games this year, and here are the most worthy. Honorable Mentions: the city-builders. Above: Kingdoms and Castles. There are two kinds of city-builders. There’s the kind that are a pool of math you can dive into, pulling out blueprints and using protractors to create the ideal set of industrial suburbs without excess pollution. (That’s Cities: Skylines, which itself received a couple of interesting expansions this year.) And then there’s the kind where you chill out, put on a podcast or three, and make cute or shiny buildings pop up, defend against some Vikings, and waste a few happy hours. That’s Aven Colony and Kingdoms & Castles, in quite different ways — the former deceptively simple, the latter deceptively tough. All three of these games seemed quite fun, I just didn’t quite make enough time with each to confidently include them. 10. Europa Universalis 4: Mandate of Heaven. Above: Europa Universalis 4: Mandate of Heaven (Steam) EU4 is the best grand strategy game on the market, and has been pretty much since its release … over four years ago. It’s also been a difficult game to make expansions for, since it already starts with every country in the world being playable. Yet Paradox keeps finding ways with its expansion packs to tweak EU4 just enough to maintain interest. Mandate of Heaven, the biggest of their three expansions this year, adds even more of an ebb and flow to a game already built to simulate that by dividing it into four eras, with bonuses to chase and Golden Ages to trigger. It’s just enough to keep the game feeling fresh after, uh, 542 hours of play. 9. Endless Space 2. Above: Endless Space 2 (Steam) As tired as I am of the, well, endless attempts to try to iterate on Master of Orion, games like Endless Space 2 demonstrate just why the theme is so appealing. Wildly diverging empires, like interdimensional vampires and trees whose roots extend from system to system, are the chief appeal of this space 4X game, and empires even have more interesting choices of internal factions, with different races and political parties. Meanwhile, a clever interface and technological progress web helping mitigate some of the genre’s key annoyances. Amplitude did a wonderful job of supporting and expanding Endless Space 2’s predecessor, Endless Legend, but things haven’t gone so well for ES2 yet, with some big early proponents casting a side-eye at recent updates. 2018 should be better. 8. Oxygen Not Included. Above: Oxygen Not Included (Steam) The survival-strategy genre is poised to explode into the mainstream the way that roguelikes did a few years ago. The key thing they’re missing? They need to look and feel good, the way that Dwarf Fortress and RimWorld, and excellent as they are at generating stories, just don’t feel. Klei’s Oxygen Not Included may be the turning point. It came out in Early Access this Spring in an already-promising state, and has steadily been adding new mechanics. Look for it to be higher on this list next year, if all goes well. 7. Battlestar Galactica: Deadlock. Above: Battlestar Galactica: Deadlock (Steam, Matrix Games) All right, raise your hand if you saw this coming: First, that a Battlestar Galactica game would be released in the year of our Twelve Lords of Kobol 2017, and then, that it’s actually quite good? Another tactical management game, Black Lab Games’ Deadlock has a very XCOM-like strategic layer combined with its own fast, fun turn-based ship-to-ship combat system. It’s a pretty remarkable success at making the most of a great license for what’s clearly a game on a tight budget, much like BSG itself was a great show on a tight budget. If you missed the words “DRADIS contact,” this was made for you. 6. Tooth and Tail. Above: Tooth and Tail (Steam, GOG, PlayStation 4) The dream of cracking the real-time strategy genre for a console audience has been alive almost as long as the genre itself, with varying success. Pocketwatch Games’ Tooth and Tail is one of the most successful attempts, simplifying the genre down to its bare bones in order to keep it fast and accessible to controller play. But that’s not really what gets it stuck in your head. The story of a Russian Revolution-style civil war in an animal kingdom, based on stronger animals devouring weaker, is enthusiastically creepy in a way that ends up serving the game overall. 5. Ultimate General: Civil War. Above: Ultimate General: Civil War (Steam) I am more conflicted about Ultimate General: Civil War than any other game this year. I was tremendously excited when it came out in Early Access in late 2016, seeming like it would be my dream of game of a detailed, accessible Civil War battle engine. But Game-Labs’ development on it focused more on a single-player campaign that I didn’t care about instead of making the battles more varied and fun, or adding multiplayer. It’s still a blast to play slightly less well-covered battles like Chickamauga and Chancellorsville as well as Gettysburg and Antietam, and I enjoyed my time with the game overall. I’m just permanently stuck with the dream of what might have been. 4. Battle Brothers. Above: Battle Brothers (Steam, GOG) Beyond XCOM itself, it was a great year for tactical management games (or XCOM-likes), primarily this little gem of a dark fantasy game from Overhype Studios. Controlling a small mercenary company on a shoestring budget in a world headed toward an apocalypse is like catnip, and Battlebros’ goofy/violent aesthetic stylings and simple, effective tactical combat only enhanced its pull. Only a lack of continued support (Battle Sisters, nooo) and a slight undercurrent of medieval meanness held this one back. 3. XCOM 2: War of the Chosen. Above: XCOM 2: War of the Chosen (Steam, PlayStation 4, Xbox One) XCOM 2, already an impressive game, received not one but two effective expansions this year. Firaxis’ official expansion, meanwhile, went about upgrading the base game’s resistance leader fantasy in a totally different, more colorful way. Adding resistance factions — with their own hero units — fleshed out the world and gave players more options in fantastic ways. Meanwhile, the addition of new enemy leaders, the Chosen, fleshed out the plot. This didn’t address all of the difficulty and motivational issues with the vanilla XCOM 2 game, but it still helped make a good game that promised more into a great game with a few aspects I wish were a little better. 2. XCOM 2: Long War 2. Above: XCOM 2: Long War 2 (Steam) Long War 2 was a sequel to a major mod for the first XCOM, given official promotion by Firaxis, a rare feat. Pavonis Interactive’s goal in The Long War’s is to shift XCOM from more of a tactical RPG, where you have increasingly powerful elite squads, to a wargame, where you’ve got dozens of troops, many of whom will be casualties. Long War 2 dives into the fantasy of being the resistance commander, pushing the player to make hard decisions about which aspect of rebelling against the aliens will be most successful. The XCOM 2 interface, sadly, isn’t built to manage that level of depth, which is the only thing keeping my most-played game of the year off the top spot. It gets the nod above the official expansion, only because I like its class system slightly better. 1. Steel Division: Normandy ’44. Above: Steel Division: Normandy ’44 (Steam) I had several options for the top slot — games I perhaps played more, or games I perhaps talked up more. But it’s Eugen Systems’ Steel Division: Normandy ’44 that best captures what I want to say about strategy games in 2017. This is an astonishing achievement: a ridiculously detailed, hardcore wargame that plays like an accessible RTS. It’s a game where you play very specific tanks and squads in the hedgerows of Normandy, but it also feels like a metaphor for World War II strategy and tactics overall. Sending a group of tanks bursting through a hedgerow to turn the flank of an enemy, only to find a nest of anti-tank guns and be driven back until you can get air support, sounds like it should be an abstract concept — but here it’s directly literal. No strategy game I played this year made me think that a genre had shifted quite so much as Steel Division did for the tactical wargame. Top 10 Best Turn Based Strategy Games for PC 2018. Strategy games are a crucial element of PC gaming and it seems incomplete without some really good Turn based Strategy titles. No matter its RTS or Turn based Strategy games , the unique line-up of characters, their abilities, environments and all the amazing plots are what actually attract the players. There are many wonderful Turn based Strategy titles that offer all the above-mentioned features in a wonderful manner. Games like Total War: Warhammer, Master of Orion, Atlas Reactor, Shock Tactics, and Civilization VI are some of the greatest sensations in this particular genre. Based on your interest in Turn-based Strategy games, we’ve compiled a list of some of the best Turn-based Strategy Games for PC . Best Turn Based Strategy Games. Hopefully, the following list would help shorten up your effort of finding some of the Best Turn based Strategy Games for PC. Let’s have a look- 1. Total War: Warhammer. The first entrant on best Turn-based Strategy games for PC niche is the remarkable Total War: Warhammer. This particular Turn based Strategy title offers a brilliant combination of TBS and Real-time tactics elements. Developed by Creative Assembly, Total War: Warhammer offers a similar gameplay to the other games in Total War series. You’ll see Factions in the game identical to the ones in Games Workshop’s Warhammer Fantasy series. Unlike previous total War series games, Total War: Warhammer offers a futuristic setting. As the tenth title in total War series, this particular title is the very first to make its path to Total War: Warhammer Trilogy. The gameplay is designed on the basis of both the Kingdoms and Campaigns. This includes controlling the armies, managing the whole cities, and engaging in Real-time tactics by taking part in Skirmishes, and sieges of a bigger scale. While playing the game, you can control anyone of the several Factions, based upon various types of Units, Characters, and their unique abilities. The factions include Humans, Orcs, Dwarves, Goblins, and the Undead. With a great setting, powerful backstory, revamped visuals, and mechanics, Total War: Warhammer is a critically acclaimed and one of the best Turn based Strategy games that you can play this year. You can have the game for PC from the Official Website or Steam. Top 15 Best RTS (Real Time Strategy) Games for 2020. Real Time Strategy games have had a huge fan following since their inception. The USP of such games is that there is no specific way to complete a mission. The players themselves have to devise strategies and plan out their approach to ensure victory. There are numerous RTS games out there that have received critical acclaim. But, what about the games that are hitting stores in this year? Take a look below at the best RTS games for 2020. Best RTS Games. Check out the list below for the best Real time strategy games. 1. Total War: Arena. Total War: Arena is the upcoming free-to-play Team-based real time strategy game from The Creative Assembly. The game is in closed alpha and closed beta stage now, and will be released soon. Total War: Arena mixes genres such as multiplayer online battle arena and real-time strategy together and features 10vs10 (PvP) battles. Each player can control up to 3 different units of warriors, each led by a historic commander. With the redesigned multiplayer mechanics, team-based gameplay, and powerful backstory, Total War: Arena is one of the best RTS games to play this year. So, do you want to discover the authentic stories of world’s most courageous Heroes? Are you ready to take on the Epic Hero battles? Well, you must be, because Total War: Arena is going to release on Steam soon. 2. Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak. The prequel to Homeworld is finally here after 17 long years. But it is definitely worth the wait. Set in the dying world of Kharak, players must join Rachel S’jet to uncover the mystery surrounding an anomaly which could be the answer to Kharak’s restoration. Survive the desert by making meaningful choices regarding resources, fleets and technology research. Take part in different combat styles that need to be changed depending on the environment. Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak offers both Single and Multiplayer modes and lets you enjoy an authentic story. With all the massive and ever changing environments, Tactical Combat, improved mechanics and a wit challenging gameplay, Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak is truly one of the best RTS games to play. Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak is available to play on Windows PC and Mac OS X via Steam. 3. Soldiers: Arena. Soldiers: Arena reinvents the gameplay with its innovative approach to the Real-time Tactics and Strategy genres. It offers a gameplay influenced by three of the all-time popular games Soldiers: Heroes of World War 2, Faces of War, and Men of War. Set during the bloodiest periods of history, the World War II, Soldiers: Arena allows players to take control of the different nations each with their own tanks, infantry, vehicles and various types of weapons. It is one of the best real-time strategy games and features a highly interactive environment wherein almost anything can be destroyed or set on fire. Arena also has an advanced AI in the game which makes for a very realistic battle experience. With a variety of different elements combined, Soldiers: Arena offers Direct Control mode, beautiful atmosphere, and realism, unique Modular damage system, Advanced system AI, and a Conceptual user interface as its most promising features. You can have Early Access to the game’s content on Steam. Relive the most historic and violent period that mankind has ever witnessed on PC. 4. Battlefleet Gothic: Armada. Battlefleet Gothic: Armada is a Single and Multiplayer Real-time by Tindalos Interactive. The game is set in Warhammer 40K universe and allows you to embark on a journey of surreal space exploration. Released in April 2016, Battlefleet Gothic: Armada, pits together Chaos, Eldar, Orks and the Imperium against each other in epic space battles. Each of the four factions has their own skills and strengths that need to be explored deeply to become victorious. The main highlight of the game is the plethora of customizations that are available for the ship as well as upgrades for the crew and captain. The ship’s weaponry, defense systems, and sub-systems must be carefully taken care of so as to be prepared for an attack anytime. With a variety of amazing upgrades, beautifully portrayed events, a powerful backstory, Battlefleet Gothic: Armada is one of the best RTS games to play this year. Do try it out for an epic Strategy, Combat, and objective-oriented experience. Battlefleet Gothic: Armada is available to play on PC via Steam. 5. Total War: Warhammer. Total War: Warhammer is Creative Assembly’s brilliant take on the Turn-based Tactics and RTS genre. It offers a combination of Total War Series’ gameplay and Factions from Warhammer Fantasy series games. This innovative amalgamation makes the Total War: Warhammer stands out as one of the most rewarding titles of this particular genre. It also features a huge game world filled with all kinds of monsters, warriors, and heroes. Warhammer is the 10th installment in the Total War series and players can control any of the four factions – the Empire, the Greenskins, the Dwarfs or the Vampire Counts. Warhammer brings back the tried and tested elements of the previous games like city-building, unit-building and diplomacy settings. However, there are a huge number of animations and over 30 different types of skeletons and body types added to the game as customization options for characters. For all those who’ll love to see TBS and RTS altogether, Total War: Warhammer would really be a massively entertaining. Total War: Warhammer is available to play on Windows PC and Mac OS X. Also Check: Upcoming PS4 Games. 6. Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty. Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty is a Militaristic Sci-Fi Real-time Strategy video game by none other than the popular Blizzard Entertainment. It’s a direct sequel to the 1998’s groundbreaking StarCraft video game. The story of Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty revolves around three distinct races of beings. These races include Terrans, Protos, and Zergs. Set four years after the events of StarCraft: Blood War, the game centers around a Terran character named as Jim Raynor. It focuses on the exploits of Raynor against Dominion. Packed with both new and old features, characters, and a story similar to the previous games, Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty offers variety in game content. From epic battles to colonizing the regions, dethroning the powerful rivals to controlling a whole civilization, Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty is a remarkable RTS game to play. Furthermore, the game offers beautifully crafted visuals, enhanced mechanics and an immersive gameplay to enjoy. Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty is available to play on Mac OS X and Windows PC. 7. Ashes of the Singularity. Ashes of the Singularity is a Multiplayer Real-time Strategy video game by Oxide Games. It’s a Standalone title in the series followed by an expansion pack named as Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation. This expansion pack adds up a bit more detail to the game such as more troop units, maps, skills, structures, and several new upgrades to the game interface. It offers 16 players co-op multiplayer experience with PvP, exploration, and resource generation aesthetic. Boasting to be the first ever native 64-bit RTS game, Ashes of the Singularity features maps of unprecedented size and amazing details. Players can build huge armies, research on new technology and destroy anyone who stands against them. The most intriguing part of the game is that it requires a minimum of 4 cores from the CPU. It helps develop the most complex strategies by the AI. It is surely going to hit players with a different level of challenge they have never been into in RTS games. With a variety of innovative features, beautiful visual details, and a remarkably addictive gameplay, Ashes of the Singularity is worthy of being part of the best RTS games niche. It’s available for Microsoft Windows only. 8. Cossacks 3. Cossacks 3 reinvents the classic Cossacks Franchise and offers an incredible RTS experience. The game follows the lead of 2001’s Classic and proves its worth as the best remake of an RTS game ever. With the typical Cossacks games formula, Cossacks 3 takes you back to a historic era between the 17 th and 18 th centuries. It offers 12 playable nation types, 70 different types of troop units, over a hundred new technologies to discover, hundreds of different types of historic structures, and brings back some old features as well. Cossacks 3 offers support for up to eight players for PvP combats with revamped core mechanics and a mix-up of old school and new features. Exploration, Customization options, thousands of content mods, vivid graphics, and an immersive gameplay, Cossacks 3 is a whole new package of next-gen RTS gaming. Furthermore, Cossacks 3 offers Randomly Generated game maps, 5 single-player campaigns, DLCs (Downloadable Content), loads of cool upgrades and an addictive gameplay to enjoy. Cossacks 3 is available to play on Windows PC only. Do try it out as one of the best RTS games and enjoy the ultimate fun. 9. Offworld Trading Company. Offworld Trading Company is a Sci-Fi Single and Multiplayer Real-time Strategy (RTS) video game. Set on Planet Mars, Offworld Trading Company offers a versatile content made up with the amalgamation of features such as Building, Management, and exploration. This might be one of the most unique real-time strategy games on the list because it doesn’t have any form of combat. Offworld Trading Company comes from the lead designer of Civilization IV, Soren Johnson. It allows players to dig into the untapped resources of the red planet, Mars. Players have to manipulate the market and research about new technologies to drive the opponents out of business and become the supreme leader. The market is real-time and is driven by the actions of the players. The game doesn’t have any form of combat and handling money carefully is the key to success. For all those who love Strategy games with Sci-Fi elements, non-violent gameplay, hardcore PvP battles, Offworld Trading Company would definitely prove as a great entertainer. Offworld Trading Company can be played on Windows PC and Mac OS X platforms. 10. Warcraft 3. Warcraft 3 is a Fantasy Real-time Strategy video game. This remarkable title is the direct sequel to the popular Warcraft: Orcs and Humans. Set in the Fictional Universe of Warcraft 3 offers both Single and Multiplayer play. The game focuses on two major races known as Humans and Orcs. The Single-player campaign is based on the events of the original StarCraft. The Multiplayer play allows you to brawl against the fellow players instead of matches against the game AI. The gameplay of Warcraft 3 follows the standard formula as the previous games in the series. The inclusion of multiple environments such as Mountains, rivers, cliffs, seas and other great features makes this particular game one of the best RTS games of all times. Exploration and resource collection are the two most important elements of the game. Building settlements, defenses and forging weapons created with the resources such as gold, lumber, Food, etc. lets you enjoy the game in detail. Warcraft 3 offers a variety of different troop units, amazing upgrades for both characters and equipment, and lets you enjoy a well-written story. You can enjoy playing Warcraft 3 on Windows PC and Mac OS X based systems. 11. Supreme Commander. Supreme Commander is an immersive RTS (Real-time Strategy) video game by Gas Powered Games. It’s a spiritual successor to the popular Total Annihilation released back in 1997. The game is focused on using Bipedal giant battle mechs called Armored Command Units or ACUs. The primary objectives of the game are to build bases, upgrading the units to higher tech tiers and conquering the enemies. In addition, Supreme Commander offers three main factions that the players can choose between. The Three factions include Cybran Nation, United Earth Federation, and Aeon Illuminate. Supreme Commander offers a variety of missions including the Skirmishes that can be set on a variety of victory conditions. Various objectives are assigned to players in the very start of the missions. The game has a limited number of Campaign missions. Once the player is able to finish a mission and completes all the objectives, the map expands. Freedom of exploration, plenty of room for the gameplay and objective-based play, are among the most noticeable elements of the game. 12. Age of Empires 3. Age of Empires 3 is one of the best Real Time Strategy video games available in the market globally. It offers tons of factions for the players to choose between. In addition, 14 different empires are also part of the game and players are free to choose any one of them to build and reign over. Unlike most of the RTS games on this list, Age of Empires 3 features locations based on real life countries and also the historical military units. Players can start the game with one civilization, go through the dark ages, research new technologies and build new trade routes. Building massive armies, training them, waging wars against the opponents and defending your own settlements are some of the most prominent objectives of Age of Empires 3. If you want a game that’s based on more realism than any other you see circling around over the web, Age of Empires 3 will probably be your best choice. It’s indeed one of the best RTS games to play. 13. Company of Heroes. Company of Heroes will probably strike you as an oldie as compared to the other games on the list of best RTS games. It’s an award-winning RTS game that features a World War 2 era setting. The Relic Entertainment did a really good job by focusing more on the game’s realism. That is why you’ll see a lot of historical references to the game. You’ll see plenty of historical locations and armies from the past as well. In addition, the game offers beautiful graphics, advanced combat mechanics, tons of playable factions, and multiplayer play. The ragdoll physics makes it even more interesting and probably one of the best RTS games you’ll ever play. It isn’t much of a heavy strategy game unlike others and allows you to easily master and enjoy its gameplay. Company of Heroes is an amazing World War 2 era game that offers way more realism than any other made on this subject. So, do try it out if you haven’t yet. It’ll amaze you with all the stuff it has to offer. 14. Stronghold. Stronghold or also referred to as Stronghold HD is a historically rich Real-Time Strategy video game by Firefly Studios. The main focus of the game remains on exploration, conquest, and expansion of the world by military means. Economic strategy, development, research, and defense are some of the most prominent elements of the game. It offers both Military and Economic campaigns in order to let you fully enjoy a realistic experience of a Strategy game. It’s set in a medieval era in Britain around the year 1066. As a lord of the kingdom, it is your duty to stabilize the economy in the region, create and train a massive military to defend your kingdom. Invade, and destroy the enemy strongholds, and complete the missions with all the objectives. Stronghold offers various game modes, and lets you have full control over the kingdom. Developing skills, re-conquer the lost lands and keep on growing until all the neighboring barbarian kingdoms are part of your massive kingdom. 15. Star Wars: Empire at War. For all those who love Real-time Strategy games but they want a more familiar setting, Star Wars: Empire at War will definitely interest them greatly. With a Star Wars theme, the game offers a movie like an experience and uses locations from Star Wars movies as well. This, in turn, makes the game more interesting. It features the main campaign mode in which players can choose from the Rebel Alliance to the Star Wars empire. Players will face scenarios such as protecting the emperor, destroying the mega weapon Death Star. Players can choose a totally different faction as well and complete the campaign based on the objectives specifically provided for that particular faction. Star Wars: Empire at War also offers the Skirmish mode and it greatly resembles the classic RTS elements with a unique twist. You have the liberty to simply stick to a land or go traveling in the space and be part of the massive battles. As one of the most unique and challenging RTS games, Star Wars: Empire at War will definitely be worth your time. Do try it out. Hope you liked our list of best real time strategy games. If you think there are better RTS games and we skipped them, drop us a comment below and we will check them out. The Best Strategy Games Of 2017 By Score On PS4, Xbox One, PC, And Switch. Across a multitude of genres, there were plenty of high-quality games to play in 2017. For strategy fans, the year offered several games with complex systems that were as rewarding as they were mechanically substantial. Whether you were looking for real-time strategy, turn-based strategy, or any sub-genre in-between, there was a game for you. In this gallery, GameSpot is taking a look back at some of the best strategy games from this year that got a score of 7 or above on GameSpot. Click forward to see 2017's best-reviewed strategy games. For more on the best games by score on other big genres, check out our individual features highlighting the best sports games, best action- adventure games, best fighting games, best shooters, and best RPGs. If you want to see our choices for the best games of 2017, check out our Game of the Year 2017 Top 10 List. And make sure to check out all our Best of 2017 features, detailing GameSpot's picks for 2017's best games.