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Golden Lines Golden Lines A student publication of St. Pius X Catholic High School Vol 55 Issue 6 St. Pius X Catholic High School 2674 Johnson Road NE Atlanta, Georgia 30345 404.636.3023 May 5, 2017 OPINIONS St. Pius says farewell to five fantastic faculty members MEGAN MITTELHAMMER visit the grandchildren in Min- Editor-in-Chief neapolis and relax more at the Counselor and Director of lake,” she said. Admissions Mr. Chuck Byrd, Mrs. Walts said will miss math teacher Mrs. Gray Walts assisting the water polo team, and English teacher Mr. Eddie and she is happy that she was Smith will retire from St. Pius able to witness a state champi- X after a combined 82 years onship win in her final season. A definitive list of cafeteria at the school, while counselor While she is excited to be- rules is discussed on page 2 Dr. Meredith Miller and Span- gin this new chapter in her ish teacher Mrs. Jennifer Cahill life, Mrs. Walts will never be look to turn the page on a new too far away from the St. Pius NEWS chapter in their lives. gates. Mr. Byrd came to St. Pius 40 “I hope to go to lots of years ago as a college counselor games in the future and sub in and has spent the past 17 years math when I can,” she said. as the Director of Admissions. On the other side of cam- Even to this day, he says he still pus in the English hallway, calls his job “a hobby.” room 210 will lose a lot of fake As Director of Admissions, ivy, the birds will lose someone Mr. Byrd has consistently set to feed them every day and records over the last 10 years students and faculty will lose “Once a Golden Lion, Want to hear your favorite always a Golden Lion” artist in concert this summer? for prospective student applica- probably the biggest practical Check page 5 to see if they tions. With help from Associate jokester on campus. St. Pius will say goodbye to five faculty members this made our list. Admissions Director Mrs. Terry Serving as an English teach- school year who have a combined 100+ years of experi- Sides, Mr. Byrd helped to or- er for 13 years and a football ganize Morning of the Arts, the coach for 10, “Coach Smith” ence as Golden Lions. FEATURES Shadow Program and Open certainly has put a smile on House. everyone’s face at St. Pius with New PE & Fine Arts courses Mr. Byrd also coached boys’ his witty sense of humor. tennis for 35 of his 40 years at “What most people do not highlight curriculum changes the school. One of his favorite know [about me],” Mr. Smith memories from working at St. said with a smile, “is that I MATTHEW FRANCIS both juniors and seniors. Pius included coaching many have not been getting paid for Staff Writer “The decision to open AP generations of St. Pius tennis teaching and coaching here. There are several new cur- Euro and AP Psych to juniors players. It has taken me 13 years to riculum changes for the 2017- was made in order to allow Learn everything there is to “Scott Jones ‘74 was on my pay Mr. Spellman back all the 2018 school year. The large- more students more AP course know about our favorite nurse, first tennis team. His son, Park- money I borrowed from him scale changes will be featured options in the junior year. Be- Mrs. Owens, on page 8 er, was on my last team in 2014, during our days together at in the Physical Education cause both AP Psychology and and lead us to the State Cham- The University of Georgia.” and Fine Arts departments as AP European History were pionship. It was a great way to Like Mr. Byrd and Mrs. well as minor additions to the courses that were originally SPORTS go out,” Mr. Byrd said. Walts, Mr. Smith is beyond Foreign Language and Social designed by the College Board As he prepares to retire, Mr. thankful for his time at St. Studies departments. for students to take sopho- Byrd said he will miss many as- Pius. There are new and exciting more, junior year, or senior pects about St. Pius, but he is “I look up every day at the classes such as the Men’s En- year, we felt that we could also looking forward to the fu- sky and clasp my hands to- semble, which will allow male serve more students by open- ture. gether when I leave each day, students to share their amaz- ing up these two classes,” so- “[I will miss] the great feel- and I thank the good Lord for ing voices with the student cial studies department head ing that I have every day when allowing me this opportunity body. Ms. Kristin Kramer said. I drive to St. Pius to be with to teach, coach and be a part The foreign language de- The fine arts department Read about Atlanta’s newest people I love and admire,” Mr. of something this wonderful. partment will now offer Latin will begin the new Men’s Vo- sports team, Atlanta United, Byrd said, but he admitted he is It has truly been a blessing for III CP for those students look- cal Ensemble in the fall. The and its dedicated fans also looking forward to “travel- me -- more than I deserve,” he ing to take a fourth year lan- class is open to male students, on page 10 ing year-round with my wife said. guage elective. grades 9-12, who wish to sing and spending more time with “I came here hoping to “Latin III CP will give stu- in an ensemble setting. No au- CENTERSPREAD my grandkids.” make an impact on this school dent who aren’t on an AP level dition is required to enter the Math teacher Mrs. Gray and its students, but this school the option to continue their class. Students will be given a Walts has taught at St. Pius since and its students have certainly education for Latin,” foreign solid foundation in the basics 1988. made a bigger impact on me,” language teacher Mr. Matthew of singing, music reading and “I will really miss St. Pius: Mr. Smith continued. Wineski said. vocal production for the stage the students, parents, adminis- In addition to Mr. Byrd, The social studies depart- and ensemble performance. tration, colleagues, close friends the counseling office will also ment is going to open AP Psy- Multiple styles of musical and the feeling of family and lose Dr. Meredith Miller, who chology to both juniors and genres and languages will be community,” Mrs. Walts said. will continue her career as seniors, while removing Psy- explored including pop, folk, As far as her plans for retire- Upper School Counselor at chology CP from the course classical, Broadway, jazz and Check out this year’s senior ment, Mrs. Walts wants “to trav- The Westminster Schools next catalog. AP Modern European vocal a cappella. Prerequisites predictions on pages 6 and 7 el with my husband, play more year. History will be offered again include a love for singing, the with the grandchildren here, continued on pg. 3 next year, and will be open to continued on pg. 4 Golden Lines 2 opinionsMay 5, 2017 Golden Lines What We Think... The 2016-2017 school year was... interesting St. Pius X Catholic Well folks, the 2016-2017 ery one of Mr. Barwick’s lunch High School school year is coming to an table sit-ins or quirky hallway 2674 Johnson Road, NE end. Although each year seems comments. Atlanta, Georgia 30345 to go by faster than the last, “I feel like even though 404-636-3023 phone this one seemed to slip from he’s only been here for a year, 404-633-8387 fax our grasp a bit more quickly he’s already a hallmark of the than most. Perhaps this is due school,” said senior Sarah Mar- to the fact that we as Ameri- shall. cans, Atlantans and members Bentley also seemed to Editors-In-Chief of St. Pius X could not catch a cause some concern at first for Taylor Corley break from constant exhilara- some students and even some Megan Mittelhammer tion. teachers. There was always some- “I left some sparklers in the Staff Writers thing crazy going on, from back of my desk at school,” said Carolina Benoit the Olympics and the election theology teacher Mrs. Amy Rose Brewster to the Falcons and the I-85 Williams. “I thought I might Two things Atlanta seemed to rely heavily on this year Sophie Burnett Matthew Francis bridge collapse. be fired if he caught me.” were our beloved I-85 bridge and our monstrous lead Will Galvin On the St. Pius campus After just a few visits from in the Super Bowl. Unfortunately, both came crashing Jill Gilbert alone we were hit with Mr. the drug dog crew, though, Liam Hardy Barwick, Bentley, boys’ bas- Bentley’s visits became as rou- down. Photo courtesy of Twitter Riley Luckmann ketball state finals and prob- tine as a Mr. Kelly afternoon cided to come out. Although who represented everything Henry Queen Brennan Quinn ably the highest rate of teacher announcement. Mr. Barwick there was a nationwide scare that is wrong with politics to- Sarah Van Duser pregnancies in the school’s his- announced in our most recent with reports of “creepy clown day. tory. As Fr. Michael would say, assembly that “after 20 visits, sightings,” the clowns that I After what felt like 24-hour Adviser “there must have been some- there were no alerts as a result speak of are the two that ran coverage for months, Clinton Ashley Curlette thing in the air.” Whether the of illegal drugs on campus.” for president.
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