Protection Situation Updates February 2021 Context update/overview: The general security situation during the reporting period is characterized by significant civil unrest. In North, South and East , popular demonstrations against deteriorating economic situation and suspension of school studies have turned into violence and riots, which prompted the authorities to take some security measures1. Compared to the month of January, the frequency of inter-communal violence and factional fighting has decreased in Darfur. However, conflict and tension a) between Masalit and Arab communities continued in until they signed a cessation of hostilities agreement on 13 February, b) between Falata and Massalit in Graida locality of forced unknown number persons to flee to Yassin locality of East and some localities of South Darfur. Furthermore, as a result of clashes in east Jabal Mara, around 200 households were displaced to Shangil Tobaya in . Increased intercommunal violence and presence of armed persons in uniform were also observed in .

Emerging protection trends/reported incidents and related analysis: West Darfur: Following the agreement on cessation of hostilities between representatives of Arab and Masalit communities on 13 February 2021, the security situation in El is reported to be relatively stable. The 14-days ultimatum by the Arab Sit-in Committee for the Government to meet their demands expired on 28 February and no blockades or sit-ins was observed/reported, daily activities in town have resumed as normal. The displaced IDPs continue to be staying in public buildings and government institutions. Incidents of killing and sporadic attacks continued in other parts of West Darfur. A statement by the “Committee of Victims of the Krinding Massacre and other parts of Darfur”, expressed their unhappiness with the cessation of hostilities agreement, requested that perpetrators of crimes be brought to justice and a deployment of international forces for their protection.

North Darfur: Safety concerns, fear and tensions in different localities due to mobilization of armed Arab groups were reported by different CBPNs. Reportedly, these groups are behind violent incidents and threats targeting IDPs and local population. The Protection Sector has shared such information with relevant authorities and advocated for the deployment of protective patrolling. At Sortony IDP gathering site, nine armed nomads shot at two IDPs and robbed them. It is reported that the nomads threatened more attacks against IDPs. While the security situation in the return villages of Tawila locality is reported as moderately calm, some incidents of crop destruction were reported, while the community conflict resolution committee was successful in resolving the situation in some locations.

East Darfur: On 13 February, community leaders in El Neem IDP camp reported tension and crowdedness at the water point in Zone B. This incident led to the fighting of two IDPs and resulted in a hand injury. Furthermore, it is reported that the displacement of persons from Gereida locality of South Darfur to Malwi village in Yasin locality has significantly increased in February. If the situation in Gereida continues as it is, the number of IDPs will likely increase further in Yassin locality.

South Darfur: The situation is reported to be calm during the reporting month and humanitarian actors worked in a coordinated manner to respond to the needs of displaced households (232 from Gereida to Dereige camp, 267 households to Nyala town and 178 households from East Jabal Marra to Otash camp). The security situation in the areas of displacement remained unpredictable due to the evolving situation in EJM. IDPs continued arriving in Mershing, and to avoid possible risks, women are fetching water and firewood in groups instead of individuals.

Central Darfur: Few incidents outside Zalingei town related to random shootings, misunderstanding with the Nomads on land disputes, sexual abuses and assaults are reported. Presence of armed forces of movements signatory to JPA in military uniforms was observed in Zalengi town, however, after the Governor’s intervention they left the town. Peaceful demonstrations took place in Zalingei due to deteriorating economic situation. In response, the government deployed security and police forces to control the situation.

Protection response: Protection Sector followed the security developments causing displacement in different Darfur states, kept the Sector’s members and government counterparts informed of the situation, called the monthly PWG meetings, during which main protection concern and cases were discussed and decision on the level and type of intervention made. One of the

1In North Darfur, the State Security Committee opened a comprehensive investigation into the violent events, in which more than 50 private vehicles were destroyed, two police vehicles were damaged and burned and at least six government institutions were burned and destroyed. In Nyala, South Darfur, many shops have been damaged as a result of violence and looting. The governor of South Darfur declared the state of emergency and a curfew in the city of Nyala, for two days. In , following the violent demonstrations in Ed Daien, Bahr el Arab and Abu Jabra, the State security committee decided the closure of six entry points to town and kept only 04 entry points open for traffic. Supporters of SPLM-N Abdel Aziz Al Hilu and community members of Al Abassiya, South Kordofan disrupted an event after they allegedly observed one of the delegates addressing them belong to defeated NCP Government. No damages/injuries were reported. 1

topics discussed was related to concerns on access to affected population in some parts of West, South and .

The Protection Sector and partners conducted daily protection monitoring activities in the temporary gathering points of IDPs in El Geneina town and affected localities of West Darfur. IDPs of all age and gender groups were consulted and their protection concerns heard. The needs of the most vulnerable individuals were identified and communicated for intervention purposes. PFA, PSS, ES/NFIs, dignity kits, food items were distributed, including the provision of access to various services. The Protection Sector in North Darfur participated in an inter-agency mission to Kutur area of Shangil Tobaya, assessing the situation of IDPs who fled violence in East Jabal Mara. Approximately 2,750 families, the majority of which are women and children, took shelter in a school. Urgent needs include ES/NFIs, food and psychosocial support for SGBV survivors through timely response that is currently considered by different actors. The GBV Subsector is coordinating the distribution of dignity kits and PEP kits with a national partner, alongside training for midwives, while the CP Subsector coordinates the provision of education materials with the MoE. The Protection Sector partners, CBPNs and VRRC conducted returnee monitoring in Umjaras village of Tawila locality. They also verified the vulnerabilities of 257 PSNs in Korma village (95) and in Kebkabya and Sarafaya (162) and planned a clothing distribution.

Following the successful piloting of a Key Informant Interview protection monitoring tool in a number of Darfur states, the Protection Sector is planning to digitalize its use by relevant partners. The findings will inform the response programs. CBI for shelter was distributed to 310 IDP families in Al-neem IDP camp of East Darfur. Protection awareness sessions on GBV, FGM and Child Rights have taken place in some IDP camps, targeting adolescents in schools.

The protection and ES/NFIs sectors lead agency attended two meetings a) called by the Director General of the Ministry of Social Affairs (MOSA) of North Darfur and b) by HAC Commissioner of West Darfur. Participants highlighted and agreed on the need to enhance coordination among UN agencies, INGOs and MOSA, particularly with regard to distribution of ES/NFIs.

In South Darfur, the sector partners assessed the needs of the IDPs and provided assistance in Dereje, Majook, Otash IDP camps of Nyala, 8 villages of Greida and concerned villages of east Jabal Mara. UNFPA distributed 288 dignity kits at Dereje IDP camp. The GBV Subsector planned identification of beneficiaries for dignity kits in Sheik Annur and Majuak of Nyala town and identification of partners for target distribution in Gereida and Tulus localities. Protection monitoring was conducted in Mershing (hotspot locality), during which the partners met and discussed with all stakeholders. Birth certificate is reported as one of the main concerns, as many children born out of wedlock are yet to be registered. A total of 38 registered children are still waiting to receive their documents, many do not possess the SDG 800 to pay the fee for the certificate. A need for increased sensitizations on COVID-19, social distancing and mitigation measures was reported.

Central Darfur continued to receive IDPs in Jabal Mara due to fighting between the two SLA factions which resulted in displacement of thousands of IDPs at Manabo, Kairo, Keya and other villages. One partner registered and verified 2,000 households for support through provision of NFIs (1000 packages by DRC in Manabo, 1000 by UNHCR/NCA). There are also around 600 newly displaced households waiting for registration and verification. The A-HCT is planning to support 3,000 households as people are still moving to Jabal Mara areas. A survivor of rape case, reported by CBPN in Nertiti, was referred to the hospital and reported to GoS police. In this respect UNHCR, UNFPA, Youth PEER, Government ministries and WR discussed the GBV gaps in the Southern corridor of Jabal Mara and agreed on action points to enhance the GBV response.

Protection partners (WR, TDO and NCA) conducted protection monitoring missions in affected areas of Golo. In Rokero, WR facilitated registration of 708 PSNs for civil documentation. They will receive certificates after completion of registration by the civil registry office. TDO completed 6 community support projects. HAC informed that the SLA/AW in Jabal Mara have allowed NGOs to handover the completed projects and provision of humanitarian services in their controlled areas.

On 10 February, the Protection Sector lead agency donated 34 laboratory and medical equipment, delivery beds, mattresses, among others to Kadugli Referral Hospital worth over $118,000, to contribute to the improvement of delivery of health services for refugees, IDPs and local population in South Kordofan.

Government response: In response to the intercommunal violence and insecurity, the government of Sudan has deployed security forces to West Darfur, Gereida locality of South Darfur and concerned areas of East and North Darfur. In order to so settle the


ongoing conflicts in West Darfur, the government delegation aimed to finalize the cessation of hostilities agreement with both parties in El Geneina. The government also sent a delegation to Gereida locality to bring an end to hostilities. In West Darfur, HAC distributed NFIs to the affected population. West and South Darfur HAC and MOSW also participated in some field activities. The state MoSW deployed social workers to provide PSS in the affected areas of Darfur. Local authorities closely monitored the situation of IDPs and to the extent possible, advocated for deployment of security forces to deescalate and prevent a deterioration of the situation, especially in East Corridor of South Kordofan, Jabal Mara, West and South Darfur.

Gaps, recommendations, and key advocacy points:

• The state PWG members need to increase their interactions and interventions with the existing CBPNs, peaceful co-existence and conflict resolution networks and other structures to strengthen the early warning system in the affected areas. The state level POC committees to plan/increase patrolling/rotations of deployed forces in some of the hotspot areas.

• To mitigate the protection risk of women and girls, charcoal distribution by aid agencies is recommended in most of the hotspot areas across Darfur. In order to meet their daily needs, women are forced to go to collect firewood and encounter SGBV risks.

• NGOs who have received funding for accepted projects should immediately deploy their staff in the field and donor organizations to monitor.

• Protection and humanitarian actors continued facing access difficulties in certain parts of West, South, North and Central Darfur states, hindering protection services and delivery of humanitarian assistance. • The lack of proper communication networks poses a challenge to remote protection monitoring in some of the hotspots of West, Central and North Darfur. As a lasting solution, it is suggested to have a local partner able to do protection monitoring based in hotspots to ensure protection by presence.

• Outstanding and complex issues include HLP, DDR, lack of permanent presence of law enforcement institutions in conflict areas and a lack of compensation that are remaining as the main challenges.

• Newly displaced IDPs in Central Darfur are in urgent need of ES/NFI, Health, Nutrition, WASH, and Protection services, which was not delivered due to access constraints. Basic needs - ES/NFI, Health, Nutrition, WASH to IDPs in Zalingei camps are persisting problems and have been repeatedly reported by IDPs.
