Curriculum Vitae Michael Eriksen Benros, MD, PhD Born: April 5, 1979, , . Address: 123, 2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark Email: [email protected] Orcid ID: 0000-0003-4939-9465

Current position: Head of Research, Mental Health Centre , Copenhagen University Hospital, Denmark

Education: 2013 June: PhD, Aarhus University, thesis on ”Autoimmunity, infections, and cancer as clues to the etiology of schizophrenia and mood disorders” (June 19, 2013). 2010 Jan “B-authorization” to conduct independent medical practice 2007 June: MD, Aarhus University

Positions 2017 Nov – cont: Head of Research, Biological and Precision Psychiatry, Mental Health Centre Copenhagen, Copenhagen University Hospital 2015 Sept – 2017 Nov: Senior Researcher, Head of research program, Mental Health Centre Copenhagen, Copenhagen University Hospital 2013 June – 2015 Aug: Postdoc, Research program leader, Mental Health Centre Copenhagen, Copenhagen University Hospital 2013 June – cont: MD, Mental Health Centre Copenhagen and , and Neurological Department, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen University Hospital 2010 Feb -2013 May: PhD fellowship, National Centre for Register-based Research, University of Aarhus 2008 Sept- 2009 July: Research assistant, National Centre for Register-based Research, University of Aarhus 2007 Sept – 2010 Jan: MD, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Department of Internal Medicine, ER, General Practice, Copenhagen University Hospital 2006 Feb - 2007 Jan: Pre-graduate Research Fellow, University of Aarhus

Fellowships 2003 – 2004 Scholarship, Faculty of Medicine, Bologna University, Italy 1999 – 2000 Scholarship, Faculty of Human sciences, University of Lisbon, Portugal

Academic awards and honors 2019-: Scientific Advisory Board (SAB), Fondation FondaMental, French Ministery of Research 2018: Medal of Honor for Research by “Selskabet for Klinisk og Anvendt Terapi” 2017: Sapere Aude Research Leader award recipient, Independent Research Fund Denmark 2017-: Board member, Psychiatric Immunology Section, World Psychiatric Association 2016: Young Investigator Award from Schizophrenia International Research Society. 2013: Young Investigator Award, International Society of Schizophrenia Research. 2013: Knud Pontoppidan price by the Danish Psychiatric Society 2010: First price at the annual Research Day for Psychiatry, Capital Region, Denmark 2010: Price winner at the annual Research Day for Copenhagen University Hospital.

Commissions of trust Reviewer for The National Institute for Health Research (UK), The Welcome Trust (UK), >28 journals including JAMA, BMJ, Lancet Psychiatry, American Journal of Psychiatry, Molecular Psychiatry, Biological Psychiatry. Editorial Board member of “Frontiers of Psychiatry” and “Neurology, Psychiatry and Brain Research”. Contributing member of the Research Network “iPSYCH”, the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, and the Danish Psychiatric Association.

Leadership Head of research program since 2013 on psychiatric and somatic comorbidity at Mental Health Centre Copenhagen, Copenhagen University Hospital. Have been daily leader for 3 post.doc, 5 PhD students, 7 research year students and 5 Master Students. Certified leader course from IMPLEMENT consultancy. 2005-2007 founding president of Danish Psychiatric Society for Medical Students. Since 2017 executive board member of the Psychiatric Immunology Section, World Psychiatric Association. Since 2018 co-PI of the DanFunD Research collaboration.

Teaching and supervision Supervision of 3 post.doc, 5 PhD students and 7 Research-Year Students, and 5 Master students. >400 hours of pre and postgraduate teaching.

Research grants Received funding as a PI amounting to a total of 32.556.050 DKK and as co-PI amounting to 6.000.000 DKK from the Independent Research Fund Denmark (PI: 4.4 mil DKK), Lundbeckfonden (PI: 12.5 + 10 mil DKK), Capital Region of Denmark Psychiatry (PI: 2.1 mil DKK), Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (co-PI: 6. mil DKK) and smaller grants from amongst other Copenhagen University, GLA and Lundbeckfonden.

Selected lectures: Invited speaker for: COMMON THREADS: POST-INFECTIOUS AUTOMMUNE DISEASES OF THE BRAIN (USA, 2018), Expert Meeting in Psychiatric Immunology (Germany, 2012, 2016, 2018), World Congress of Psychiatry (Germany, 2017, Portugal 2019), European Conference on Schizophrenia Research (Germany, 2015, 2019), World Congress on Biological Psychiatry (Japan, 2013), Molecular Psychiatry Meeting (USA, 2013), Congress of the International Society for NeuroimmunoModulation (Germany, 2011), World Conference on Psychiatric Genetics (Denmark, 2014), International Congress on Schizophrenia Research (USA, 2011, 2013, 2018).

Major international collaborations Close collaboration with many international experts, here among: Prof. Robert Yolken, Johns Hopkins University, US. Prof. Angela Vincent, University of Oxford, UK. Prof. Iris Sommer, University Medical Centre Utrecht. Prof Steve McCarrol, Broad Institute. Prof. Marion Leboyer, University of Paris, FR. Prof. Teodor Postolache, University of Maryland, US.

Scientific focus My research interests are focused on biological causes for mental illness and aiming at personalized treatment, with particular focus on physical diseases and immune-related factors contribution to the mental illness. I have been at the forefront of the emerging field of psychiatric immunology through several landmark papers highlighting the association between immune-related factors and mental illness, through combining register data with biological data on genetics and environmental etiological factors with the aim of discovering biological meaningful targets for intervention.

Publications: 126 publications since 2009, including 77 original papers, 6 reviews, 4 book chapters, 2 editorial, H-index 25, citations 2590 (google scholar). 22 as first author, 18 as second author and 16 as last author in major journals, including JAMA (IF 51), Lancet Psychiatry (IF 18), JAMA Psychiatry (IF 16), Am J Psychiatry (IF 13), Biol Psychiatry (IF 11), Schizophr Bull (IF 8) and Int J Cancer (IF 7).