2016 Contributors Published on OSCE - ODIHR (https://hatecrime.osce.org)

2016 Contributors [1]

2016 regional contributors

Anti-Defamation League (ADL) [2] European Association of Jehovah's Christian Witnesses / Jehovah’s Witnesses [3] ILGA-Europe (European Region of the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association) [4] Kantor Center for the Study of Contemporary European Jewry, Tel Aviv University [5] Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians in Europe (OIDAC) (Dokumentationsarchiv der Intoleranz [6]gegen [6] Christen) [6] OSCE Mission in Kosovo [7] Organization "Racism Watch" (ORIW) (Organisation «Racisme Islamophobia Watch») [8] Siyaset Ekonomi ve Toplum Araştırmaları Vakfı (SETA) (Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research – SETA) [9] Transgender Europe (TGEU) [10] United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), UN Refugee Agency [11]

2016 national contributors


"Նոր Սերունդ" Մարդասիրական ՀԿ-ների ("New Generation" Humanitarian Non-Governmental Organization) [12] Pink Armenia [13]


Antidiskriminierungsstelle Steiermark (Anti-Discrimination Office Styria) [14] Dokumentations- und Beratungsstelle Islamfeindlichkeit und Antimuslimischer Rassismus (Documentation Center Islamophobia and Antimuslim Racism Austria) [15] Forum [16]gegen [16] Antisemitismus (Forum against Antisemitism) [16] ZARA - Zivilcourage und Anti-Rassismus-Arbeit (ZARA - Civil Courage and Anti-racism Work) [17]


Center of Equal Rights Expertise [18]


Antisemitisme.be [19]

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Misija OSCE-a u Bosni [20]i [20] Hercegovini (OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina) [20] Sarajevski Otvoreni Centar (Sarajevo Open Center) [21]


Българският хелзинкски комитет (Bulgarian Helsinki Committee) [22] User login Page 1 of 8 2016 Contributors Published on OSCE - ODIHR (https://hatecrime.osce.org) Мюсюлманско изповедание Главно мюфтийство (Office of Grand Mufti in Bulgaria) [23]


B'nai Brith Canada [24] National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM) [25]


Centar za mirovne studije (CMS) (Centre for Peace Studies) [26] Documentu – Centar za suočavanje s prošlošću (Documenta - Center for Dealing with the Past) [27] GONG [28] Inicijativa mladih za ljudska prava – Hrvatska (Youth Initiative for Human Rights Croatia - YIHR Croatia) [29] Kuća ljudskih prava Zagreb (Human Rights House Zagreb - HRH Zagreb) [30] Srpsko narodno vijeće (SNV) (Serb National Council - SNV) [31]


Det Jødiske Samfund [32]i [32] Danmark-AKVAH (The Jewish Community in Denmark - AKVAH) [32]


Migrant Tales [33]


Collectif contre l'Islamophobie en France (CCIF) (Association Against ) [34] Ligue Internationale Contre le Racisme et l'Antisémitisme (LICRA) (International League Against Racism and Anti-Semitism) [35] L'Observatoire de la Christianophobie (Observatory of Christianophobia – OC) [36] SOS homophobie (SOS Homophobia) [37]


საქართველოს ახალგაზრდა იურისტთა ასოციაციის წესდება (Georgian Young Lawyers' Association - GYLA) [38] Heinrich Böll Stiftung (Heinrich Böll Foundation - HBF) [39] ადამიანის უფლებების სწავლებისა და მონიტორინგის ცენტრმა (EMC) (Human Rights Education and Monitoring Center) [40] "ქალთა ინიციატივების მხარდამჭერი ჯგუფი" (WISG) (Women's Initiatives Supporting Group - WISG) [41]


Amadeu Antonio Stiftung (Amadeu Antonio Foundation) [42] East German Hate Crime Counselling Projects 2014 Beratungsstelle für Opfer rechter Straf- und Gewalttaten Region Anhalt, Bitterfeld, Wittenberg (Counselling Service for Victims of Right-wing Criminal Offences or Violent Acts in the Region Anhalt, Bitterfeld, Wittenberg) [43] ezra [44] LOBBI [45] Mobile Beratung für Opfer rechter Gewalt (Mobile Counselling Service for Victims of Right-wing Motivated Violence) [46]

User login Page 2 of 8 2016 Contributors Published on OSCE - ODIHR (https://hatecrime.osce.org) North Rhine Westphalia (OBR) Opferperspektive (Victims' Perspective) [47] RAA Sachsen, Opferberatung (RAA Saxony, Advisory Office for Victims of Hate Crimes) [48] ReachOut [49] VBRG - Verband der Beratungsstellen für Betroffene rechter, rassistischer und antisemitischer Gewalt e.V. (Association of Counseling Centers for Right, Racist and Anti-Semitic Violence) [50] Inssan [51] MANEO [52] Recherche- und Informationsstelle Antisemitismus (RIAS) (Department for Research and Information on Anti-Semitism – RIAS) [53] Verein für Demokratische Kultur in Berlin e.V. (Association for Democratic Culture in Berlin - VDK Berlin) [54] Zentrum für Internationale Friedenseinsätze (ZIF) (Center for International Peace Operations - ZIF) [55]


Batı Trakya Azınlığı Yüksek Tahsilliler Derneği (Western Thrace Minority University Graduates Association) [56] Avrupa Batı Trakya Türk Federasyonu (Federation of Western Thrace Turks in Europe) [57] Ελληνικό Παρατηρητήριο των Συμφωνιών του Ελσίνκι (Greek Helsinki Monitor) [58] Δίκτυο Καταγραφής Περιστατικών Ρατσιστικής Βίας (Racist Violence Recording Network - RVRN) [59]


Tett és Védelem Alapítvány (TEV) (Action and Protection Foundation) [60]


European Network Against Racism – Ireland (ENAR Ireland) [61]


Associazione 21 luglio (Association 21 July) [62] Lunaria [63] Osservatorio antisemitismo (Observatory on anti-Semitism) [64]


Кыргыз Индиго (Kyrgyz Indigo) [65] Shah Ayim Network


Latvijas Cilvēktiesību centrs (Latvian Centre for Human Rights) [66]


Nacionalinė LGBT Teisių Organizacija (Lithuanian Gay League - LGL) [67] VšĮ "Europos žmogaus teisių fondas" (European Foundation of Human Rights - EFHR) [68]

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

User login Page 3 of 8 2016 Contributors Published on OSCE - ODIHR (https://hatecrime.osce.org) Хелсиншки комитет за човекови права на Република Македонија (Helsinki Committee for Human Rights of the Republic of Macedonia) [69]


OSCE Mission to Moldova [70] Centrul de informaţii "GenderDoc-M"/Центр информации «ГендерДок-М» (Information Center "GenderDoc-M") [71] Comunitatea Evreiască din Republica Moldova/Еврейская Oбщина Pеспублики Молдова (Jewish Community of the Republic of Moldova) [72]


Centrum Informatie en Documentatie Israel (CIDI) (Israel Information and Documentation Centre) [73] COC Nederland (COC Netherlands) [74] Stichting Platform Islamitische Organisaties Rijnmond (SPIOR) (Foundation Platform Islamic Organizations Rijnmond - SPIOR) [75] Turks Forum Nederland (Turkish Forum Netherlands)


Stopp Diskrimineringen (Stop Discrimination) [76]


Instytut na rzecz Kultury Prawnej Ordo Iuris (Ordo Iuris Institute for Legal Culture) [77] Kampania Przeciw Homofobii (KPH) (Campaign Against Homophobia) [78] Lambda Warszawa (Lambda Warsaw) [79] Open Dialog Foundation [80] Stowarzyszenie "Nigdy Więcej" ("Never Again" Association) [81]

Russian Federation

Информационно-аналитический центр «СОВА» (Center for Information and Analysis "SOVA") [82] Комитет «Гражданское содействие» (Civic Assistance Committee) [83] Российская ЛГБТ-сеть (Russian LGBT Network) [84] Coming Out Moscow Protestant Chaplaincy (MPC) [85]


Misija OEBS-a u Srbiji (OSCE Mission to Serbia) [86] Regionalni Centar za Manjine (RCM) (Regional Centre for Minorities - RCM) [87] Savez Jevrejskih Opština Srbije (SJOS) (Federation of Jewish Communities in Serbia - SJOS) [88]


Islamic Foundation in Slovakia [89]


Islamska skupnost v Republiki Sloveniji (Islamic Community in Slovenia) [90]

User login Page 4 of 8 2016 Contributors Published on OSCE - ODIHR (https://hatecrime.osce.org) Spain

Federación Estatal de Lesbianas, Gais, Transexuales y Bisexuales (FELGBT) (State Federation of Lesbian, Gay, Transgender and Bisexual People) [91] Gabinet d'Estudis Socials (GES) (Cabinet of Social Studies) [92] Observatorio de delitos de odio contra las personas sin hogar - Hatento (Observatory of hate crimes against homeless persons - Hatento) [93] Observatorio para la Libertad Religiosa y de Conciencia (OLRC) (Observatory for Freedom of Religion and Conscience) [94] Unión de Comunidades Islámicas de España (Union of Islamic Communities of Spain) [95]


Riksförbundet för homosexuellas, bisexuellas och transpersoners rättigheter (RFSL) (Swedish Federation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Rights) [96]


Beratungs Netz Für Rassismus Opfer (Consultation Network for the Victims of Racism) [97] Coordination Intercommunautaire Contre l'Antisémitisme et la Diffamation (CICAD) (Intercommunity Co-ordination against Anti-Semitism and Defamation) [98] Schweizerischer Israelitischer Gemeindebund (SIG) / Fédération suisse des communautés israélites (FSCI) (Swiss Federation of Jewish Communities - SIG) [99]


Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (HFHR) [100] International Partnership for Human Rights (IPHR) [101]


London Legal Group Protestan Kiliseler Derneği (Association of Protestant Churches) [102]


Антифашисткий комитет Украины (Antifascist Committee of Ukraine) ГO «Антифашистська Правозахисна Ліга» (Antifascist Human Rights Legal League) Еврейская конфедерация Украины (Jewish Confederation of Ukraine) [103] Еврейский Фонд Украины (Jewish Foundation of Ukraine - JFU) [104] Правозахисний ЛГБТ Центр «НАШ СВІТ» (Nash Svit LGBT Human Rights Center) [105] Moscow Patriarchate, Ukrainian Orthodox Church

United Kingdom

Community Security Trust (CST) [106] Faith Matters, Tell MAMA (Measuring Anti-Muslim Attacks) campaign [107] International Human Rights Commission, Swedish Office [108] Galop [109]

United States

Ephesus Initiative [110]

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Links [1] https://hatecrime.osce.org/2016-contributors [2] http://www.adl.org/ [3] http://www.jw.org/en/ [4] http://www.ilga-europe.org/ [5] http://kantorcenter.tau.ac.il/ [6] http://www.intoleranceagainstchristians.eu/ [7] http://www.osce.org/mission-in-kosovo [8] http://www.oriw.org/ [9] http://setav.org/en [10] http://www.tgeu.org/ [11] http://www.unhcr.org/ [12] http://ngngo.net/ [13] http://www.pinkarmenia.org/ [14] http://www.antidiskriminierungsstelle.steiermark.at/ [15] https://www.dokustelle.at/ [16] http://www.fga-wien.at/ [17] http://www.zara.or.at/ [18] http://www.rounasc.info/ [19] http://www.antisemitisme.be/ [20] http://www.osce.org/mission-to-bosnia-and-herzegovina [21] http://www.soc.ba/ [22] http://www.bghelsinki.org/ [23] http://www.grandmufti.bg/ [24] http://www.bnaibrith.ca/ [25] http://www.nccm.ca/ [26] http://www.cms.hr/ [27] https://www.documenta.hr/en [28] http://www.gong.hr/ [29] http://yihr.hr/ [30] http://www.kucaljudskihprava.hr/ [31] http://snv.hr/ [32] http://www.mosaiske.dk [33] http://www.migranttales.net/ [34] http://www.islamophobie.net/ [35] http://www.licra.org/ [36] http://www.christianophobie.fr/ [37] https://www.sos-homophobie.org/ [38] http://www.gyla.ge/ [39] http://ge.boell.org/ [40] http://emc.org.ge/ [41] http://women.ge/ka/en [42] http://www.amadeu-antonio-stiftung.de/ [43] http://www.opferberatung-dessau.de/index.php [44] http://www.ezra.de/ [45] http://www.lobbi-mv.de/ [46] http://www.mobile-opferberatung.de/ [47] http://www.opferperspektive.de/ [48] http://www.raa-sachsen.de/ [49] http://www.reachoutberlin.de/ [50] http://verband-brg.de/ [51] http://www.inssan.de/ User login Page 6 of 8 2016 Contributors Published on OSCE - ODIHR (https://hatecrime.osce.org) [52] http://www.maneo.de/ [53] https://www.report-antisemitism.de/#/home [54] http://www.mbr-berlin.de/uber-uns/tragerverein/ [55] http://www.zif-berlin.org [56] http://www.btaytd.com/ [57] https://www.abttf.org/ [58] https://greekhelsinki.wordpress.com/ [59] http://rvrn.org/category/english/ [60] http://tev.hu/en/ [61] http://enarireland.org/ [62] http://www.21luglio.org/ [63] http://www.lunaria.org/ [64] http://www.osservatorioantisemitismo.it/ [65] http://indigo.kg/ [66] http://cilvektiesibas.org.lv/lv/ [67] http://www.lgl.lt/ [68] http://en.efhr.eu/ [69] http://www.mhc.org.mk/ [70] http://www.osce.org/mission-to-moldova [71] http://gdm.md/en [72] http://www.jcm.md/ [73] http://www.cidi.nl/ [74] https://www.coc.nl/ [75] http://www.spior.nl/ [76] http://www.facebook.com/stoppdiskrimineringen [77] http://www.ordoiuris.pl/ [78] http://www.kph.org.pl/ [79] http://lambdawarszawa.org/ [80] http://en.odfoundation.eu/ [81] http://www.nigdywiecej.org/ [82] http://www.sova-center.ru/en/ [83] http://refugee.ru/en/ [84] http://www.lgbtnet.ru/en [85] http://www.mpcrussia.org/ [86] http://www.osce.org/mission-to-serbia [87] http://www.minoritycentre.org/ [88] http://www.savezscg.org/ [89] https://www.islamonline.sk [90] http://www.islamska-skupnost.si/ [91] http://www.felgtb.org/ [92] http://www.gabinet.com/ [93] http://hatento.org/ [94] http://www.libertadreligiosa.es/ [95] http://www.ucide.org/ [96] http://www.rfsl.se/ [97] http://www.network-racism.ch/ [98] http://cicad.ch/ [99] http://www.swissjews.ch/ [100] http://www.hfhr.pl/en/ [101] http://iphronline.org/en/ [102] http://www.protestankiliseler.org/eng/ [103] http://www.jewukr.org/ [104] http://www.jew-fund.kiev.ua/ [105] http://gay.org.ua/en/ [106] http://www.thecst.org.uk/ [107] https://tellmamauk.org/ [108] http://www.sg-ihrc.org/ [109] http://www.galop.org.uk/ [110] http://theephesusinitiative.com/ User login Page 7 of 8 2016 Contributors Published on OSCE - ODIHR (https://hatecrime.osce.org)

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