Chicken 65 Roll Recipe

Ingredients for Chicken 65 Roll Recipe

400 gms Chicken

2 Tsp Paste

2 Tsp Lemon Juice

Salt to Taste

1/2 Tsp Garam Masala Powder

1 Tbsp Red Chilli Powder

1/2 Cup Wheat flour

1/2 Cup All Purpose Flour

1/2 Tsp Salt

1 Tsp Oil

2 Tbsp Mayonnaise

1 Tbsp Curd

Salt To Taste

1 Tbsp Green

1 Tbsp Cornflour

1 Tbsp Oil

10-12 Garlic Cloves

1/2 Inch Ginger

1 Green Chilli

2 Tbsp Oil

6 Dried Red Chillies

10-12 Curry Leaves

4 Tbsp Schezwan Sauce

1 Tsp Vinegar

1/2 Tsp Soya Sauce

1/4th Tsp Black Pepper Powder 1 Tbsp Ketchup

1/4th Cup Water

1 Sliced Capsicum & 1 Sliced Onion

Few spring Onion Leaves

Steps for Chicken 65 Roll Recipe

1. Marinate 400gms chicken cubes with Ginger Garlic Paste, Lemon Juice, Salt, Garam Masala Powder and Red Chilli Powder. Cover and keep it aside for 30 minutes.

2. For we have taken All Purpose Flour, Wheat Flour, pinch of salt and oil. After kneading, cover the dough with moist cloth for at least 30 minutes.

3. For Mayonnaise Sauce- Mix Mayonnaise, Curd, Salt and Green Chutney (Green chutney includes lemon juice so need to add separately).

4. In marinated Chicken, add 1Tbsp corn flour. Meanwhile we have heated oil. Once the oil is heated, put the marinated Chicken in it and sear for 3-4 minutes on high flame. Cover and let it cook for 4-5 minutes on low flame until chicken is tender.

5. Now take 10-12 Garlic Cloves 1/2 Inch Ginger and 1Green Chilli chop everything. Again heat oil in the other pan. Add the chopped ingredients and sauté it for a minute on low flame.

6. Add Dried Red Chillies and 10-12 Curry Leaves again sauté it for a minute until garlic turns into golden colour.

7. Now lastly increase the flame add Schezwan Sauce, Vinegar, Soya Sauce, Black Pepper Powder, Ketchup and allow the sauces to sizzle. Add 1/4th cup water, , Capsicum and Onion in the sauces on low flame. Mix everything well on low flame and make sure that it does not dry up completely (No extra salt was added as all the sauces include salt).

8. Let the Chicken cook for 5 minutes so all the flavours are well combine and off the flame. Make thin Parathas and put it on the hot pan.

9. Fill the Saucy Chicken, Mayonnaise sauce, Sliced onions, Few chopped spring onion and pinch of Masala on the Parathas.

10. Roll them and now they are ready to serve with Evening tea.

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