Congressional Record—House H9552
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H9552 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 16, 2018 receive the essential care they earned, As a senior member of the Armed the President, took it upon himself to mail allowing them to continue to live inde- Services Committee, he defended Hill pipes bombs to perceived enemies of the pendently in our community. Air Force Base, as well as the impor- President, including two former Presidents and I am thankful to the leadership of tance of U.S. military needs. the news desk of the Cable News Network Selfridge, including General John Slo- Jim accomplished much without ever (CNN). cum, the 127th Wing and Selfridge Air succumbing to arrogance. He was a Mr. Speaker, the current President of the National Guard Base commander, for good man, a fine leader, and a cher- United States has disgraced his office on nu- working hard to bring this resource to ished man. He will be missed. merous occasions, most recently this past southeast Michigan and Selfridge, and f weekend when he refused to visit a cemetery ensuring that veterans in this area get in France where Americans gave their lives to the best possible care. b 1115 defend freedom in World War I because he f RESPECT WHITE HOUSE PRESS did not want to get wet in the rain. EXTEND THE NATIONAL FLOOD CORPS But it is beneath the dignity of his office for INSURANCE PROGRAM the President to deride the free and inde- (Ms. JACKSON LEE asked and was pendent press, which the Framers knew was (Mr. CRIST asked and was given per- given permission to address the House indispensable for a functioning democracy and mission to address the House for 1 for 1 minute and to revise and extend enshrined its protection in the First Amend- minute.) her remarks.) ment to the U.S. Constitution, a protection that Mr. CRIST. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, every President takes and oath to preserve, urging action to extend the National today the court has affirmed the value protect, and defend. Flood Insurance Program. of the First Amendment and provided The President reserves his most special and If Congress fails to reauthorize the the credentials back to CNN reporter pointed derision for African American women NFIP by November 30, millions of Jim Acosta. members of the media who do their jobs and homeowners will be unable to obtain or It is unfortunate that since taking have the temerity to ask him questions regard- renew their flood coverage; housing office, the President has treated mem- ing his actions or the policies of his adminis- markets will grind to a halt; and fami- bers of the press differently than did tration. lies will be left at risk of financial ruin his predecessors. The President con- So it came as no surprise that in the after- should a flood occur. stantly disparages the fourth estate as math of the 2018 midterm elections, in which Congress must put this uncertainty fake news, derides the press as the to rest. Policyholders need stability. his party was routed and lost control of the enemy of the people, and routinely sin- House of Representatives, the President re- Our housing markets need stability. gles out individual members of the American families also need stability. fused to answer questions put to him by three press. great and highly respected African American I urge my colleagues to bring to the It is fortunate that no injury has yet floor, and to pass, the reauthorization woman reporters: April Ryan of the Urban come, because last month the Trump American Urban Radio Networks and CNN; of the National Flood Insurance Pro- zealot in Florida, inspired by his devo- gram as soon as possible. Abby Phillip of the Washington Post; and tion to the President, took it upon Yamiche Alcindor of the Public Broadcasting f himself to mail pipe bombs to per- System (PBS). HONORING JAMES V. HANSEN ceived enemies of the President, in- Instead, the President derided April Ryan as (Mr. BISHOP of Utah asked and was cluding two former Presidents, the a ‘‘loser,’’ called Abby Phillip ‘‘stupid,’’ and ac- given permission to address the House news desk of the Cable News Network, cused Yamiche Alcindor of racism when she for 1 minute and to revise and extend Secretaries of State, Attorneys Gen- asked him about his claim to be a ‘‘nation- his remarks.) eral, and Congresspeople. alist.’’ Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, The President seems to reserve his Let us be very clear: the questions asked of this week, my State lost a friend and a most special and pointed derision for the President were pointed, timely, and rel- statesman. James V. Hansen, Utah’s African-American women members of evant; they were not dumb, racist or stupid. longest serving Member of this body, the media. In particular, April Ryan of They may have made the President uncom- passed away on Wednesday. My condo- the American Urban Radio Networks fortable but it is not the role of the media to lences go out to his wife, Ann, as well and CNN; Abby Phillip of The Wash- make public officials feel comfortable, espe- as the rest of the Hansen family. ington Post; and Yamiche Alcindor of cially one who lashes out because he clearly During his 22 years of service in the the Public Broadcasting System. In- feels the legal, ethical and political walls clos- House, Jim became the first Utahn in stead, the President derided April Ryan ing in on him. history to assume the responsibilities as a loser; called Abby Phillip stupid; The President’s misconduct conduct is con- of a full committee chairman. In 1997, and accused Yamiche Alcindor of rac- sistent with his pattern and practice of rou- Jim was chosen to be chair of the infa- ism when she asked him about his tinely disparaging African American criticism— mous Ethics Committee, where former claim to be a nationalist. especially from females. Leader Armey said: ‘‘It is one of the Let us be very clear. The questions The American people see the President’s most extraordinary trusts that a body asked of the President were pointed, unmistakable pattern of disrespectful and abu- could put in another person.’’ In 2001, timely, and relevant. They were not sive treatment of African American women Jim was named chairman of the Nat- dumb, racist, or stupid. members of the White House Press Corps; ural Resources Committee. They were protected by the First they do not like it, they see through it, and He was a trailblazer, not just for Amendment, and I ask the President to they know that these flailing attacks say more Utah, but for me. I followed him into stand for the First Amendment and about this President than it does about the the State legislature; as Speaker of the stand against racism. three very able, highly respected, and fearless House in Utah; as a Member of this Since taking office, the President has treat- African American women journalists. body; also as a chairman of the West- ed members of the press differently than did I call upon the President to cease and de- ern Caucus, which Jim founded; and, fi- his predecessors. sist his disrespectful treatment of all journalists nally, as chairman of the Resources The President constantly disparages the in general, and of African American women Committee. Fourth Estate as ‘‘fake news,’’ derides the journalists in particular. I will be forever grateful for the time press as the ‘enemy of the people,’ and rou- f he took to mentor me in each and tinely singles out for verbal abuse individual every one of these roles. His impact on members of the press. HONORING THE LIFE OF OFFICER my life and many others cannot be Although this conduct by the President is JARED WILLIAM FRANKS overstated. rude, childish, and unbecoming of the leader (Mr. WALKER asked and was given As chairman of the Resources Com- of a great nation, we are fortunate that it has permission to address the House for 1 mittee, Jim prioritized wise use of pub- not yet resulted in physical injury or harm to minute.) lic lands while developing sound energy any member of the press. Mr. WALKER. Mr. Speaker, it has policies and passing numerous con- I say fortunate because last month, a Trump been said, ‘‘The bravest are surely servation bills. zealot in Florida, inspired by his devotion to those who have the clearest vision of VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:33 Nov 16, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K16NO7.024 H16NOPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE.