
Acta Astronautica Vol. 47, No. 10, pp. 735–744, 2000 ? 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved Printed in Great Britain www.elsevier.com/locate/actaastro PII: S0094-5765(00)00111-9 0094-5765/00/$ - see front matter


BRADLEY C. EDWARDS Los Alamos National Laboratory, Mail Stop D436, Los Alamos, NM 87544, USA

(Received 23 November 1999; revised version received 2 March 2000)

Abstract—The was ÿrst proposed in the 1960s as a method of getting into space. The initial studies of a space elevator outlined the basic concept of a cable strung between and space but concluded that no material available at the time had the required properties to feasibly construct such a cable. With the discovery of nanotubes in 1991 it is now possible to realistically discuss the construction of a space elevator. Although currently produced only in small quantities, carbon nanotubes appear to have the strength-to-mass ratio required for this endeavor. However, fabrication of the cable required is only one of the challenges in construction of a space elevator. Powering the climbers, surviving micrometeor impacts, lightning strikes and low-Earth– debris collisions are some of the problems that are now as important to consider as the production of the cable. We consider various aspects of a space elevator and ÿnd each of the problems that this endeavor will encounter can be solved with current or near-future . ? 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved

1. INTRODUCTION 2. CABLE FABRICATION In the exploration and use of space there is cur- In 1991 the ÿrst carbon nanotubes were made rently only one system that can deliver payloads [6]. These structures have promise of being the to their destinations, rockets. However, during strongest material yet discovered (Table 1). This the ÿrst decades of the space age, 1960s and strength combined with the low density of the 1970s, an alternative means of getting to space material makes it critically important when con- was proposed, a space elevator [1–5]. The basic sidering the design of a space elevator. concept is to string a cable from the Earth’s sur- The tensile strength of carbon nanotubes has face to an altitude beyond been theorized and simulated to be 130 GPa (35; 800 km altitude). The competing forces of (see Table 1) compared to steel at ¡ 5 GPa and at the lower end and outward centrifugal at 3:6 GPa. The density of the carbon nan- acceleration at the farther end keep the cable un- otubes (1300 kg=m3) is also lower than either steel der tension and stationary over a single position (7900 kg=m3) or Kevlar (1440 kg=m3). The critical on Earth (Fig. 1). Theoretically, the cable could importance of these properties is seen in that the be constructed 144; 000 km long and would be taper ratio of the cable is extremely dependent on balanced in equilibrium [5]. However, placing a the strength-to-weight ratio of the material used. at the far end of a shorter cable, (In our discussions the taper ratio refers to the once the Earth end is anchored, would simplify cross-sectional area of the cable at geosynchronous construction and give the same stability. The compared to the cross-sectional area of the cable cable would be tapered such that it is thickest at Earth. A taper in the cable is required to pro- at the point of highest tension (geosynchronous vide the necessary support strength.) For example, orbit) and thinnest where the tension is the lowest based on Pearson’s [5] work and operating at the (at the ends) [5]. This cable, once deployed, can breaking point, the taper ratio required for steel be ascended by mechanical means to Earth or- would be 1:7 × 1033; for Kevlar the ratio would be bit. If a climber proceeds to the far end of the approximately 2:6 × 108; and for carbon nanotubes cable it would have sucient energy to escape the ratio is 1.5. Since the mass of the cable, to from Earth’s gravity well simply by separating ÿrst order, is proportional to the taper ratio, carbon from the cable. The space elevator thus has the nanotubes dramatically improve the feasibility of capability in theory to provide easy access to producing the cable for a space elevator. In our Earth orbit and most of the planets in our solar discussions below we will implement a safety fac- system [5]. tor of two. This means that at all points the cable

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Fig. 1. Basic space elevator design: the basic space elevator concept and the e ective acceleration as a function of position for an object stationary above a point on Earth. Positive accelerations are directed toward Earth while negative accelerations are directed away from Earth. The plot is based on Eqn. (2) from reference [3].

Table 1. Properties of carbon nanotubes Theory Measured Density 1300 kg=m3 — Tensile strength 130 GPa† — Melting temp. 7800◦C‡ — Resistivity — 1 × 10−4 cm§ Young’s modulus 630 GPa† 1800 Gpak

†Reference [7]. Fig. 2. Illustration (not to scale) of a ribbon cable with ‡Reference [8]. micrometeor damage and an additional ribbon epoxied §Reference [9]. to right edge. kReference [10]. This design would also imply that the minimum will have twice the strength needed to support nanotube length that would allow construction of the cable below it and the suspended mass of the the cable is about 4 mm. One processing tech- climber. nique has produced several square centimeters of Due to meteor impact considerations (see straight, parallel, tightly packed, nanotubes 50 m Section 4.1) we believe that a ribbon-type, long at rates of 120 m=h [12]. A second produc- epoxy=nanotube-composite design for the cable is tion process has produced a tangled web of nan- optimal (Fig. 2). A ribbon for our discussions is a otubes 10 mm × 50 mm in less than 30 min [13]. cable that is much smaller in one cross-sectional dimension than the other. The ÿlling factors of 3. SPACE ELEVATOR DEPLOYMENT standard composite materials are 60% ÿbers to In considering the deployment of a space eleva- 40% epoxy [11]. To further reduce the mass of tor we can break the problem into three largely the epoxy component in the cable it can be con- independent stages: (1) deploy a minimal cable, (2) structed with alternating sections of composite increase this minimal cable to a useful capability, and bare nanotubes. To insure that the nanotubes and (3) utilize the cable for accessing space. are secure in the epoxy the composite sections must be much longer than the individual nanotube 3.1. Initial cable deployment ÿbers and thick. This would imply a design that has composite segments of 100 m or greater in Based on previous and on-going work, there are length separated by sections of bare nanotubes three ÿxed design components that we will adopt millimeters to centimeters in length. This would for our discussions. First, our space elevator de- allow the construction of a composite cable with sign will be based on carbon nanotube technol- less than 2% of its mass being epoxy. ogy as stated above. Second, our cable design will Space Elevator 737

Table 2. FortÃe mass breakdown Mass (kg) Mass (kg) for initial cable SC Structures 56 300 Payload 74 5000 Power 36 50 Att. control 14 50 Command 6 15 Comm. 3 10 Thermal 15 20 Total 204 5445 Total w=o payload 130 445

Fig. 3. Deployment of a space elevator: (a) unspooling of an initial cable from a spacecraft in geosynchronous orbit. Ends of a spooled cable are deployed upward and downward. (b) Once the initial cable is deployed and anchored the spacecraft moves upward. (c) After the spacecraft reaches the far end of the cable it acts as a counterweight. Climbers can now be attached to the cable and ascend. (d) A useful cable is realized after successive climbers reach the far end of the cable and increase the cable’s overall lift capability.

Fig. 4. Taper proÿle and mass distribution. The diameter be tapered as presented by Isaacs et al. [2] and taper proÿle and relative masses are shown for a cable Pearson [5]. Third, deployment of the initial cable extending up to the given radius from Earth center. will be from geosynchronous orbit [2]. Deployment of the initial cable will entail plac- ing a spacecraft carrying a spooled cable in geosyn- quired to deploy the cable in a controlled method, chronous orbit. The cable will be on two spindles and join cable segments on orbit. For a baseline, a such that each end can be deployed separately, one spacecraft such as FortÃe can be used [14]. FortÃeisa end downward toward Earth (pulled by gravity) small mission with roughly the size and capabilities and the second upward (pulled by outward cen- that are required here for the spacecraft bus. The trifugal acceleration, Fig. 3). Once both ends are primary di erence is the payload mass. Aspects of fully extended, the end at Earth is retrieved and an- the FortÃe mission that match with our discussion chored. After the cable is anchored the spacecraft include the carbon composite space frame, solar bus that has been at geosynchronous orbit moves power, basic attitude control, communications and outward along the cable to become the counter- command systems. The mass breakdown for FortÃe weight at the far end of the cable. This will com- can be seen in Table 2. If we start with this base- plete deployment of a stable, small, initial cable line we can make a crude estimate of what would under tension. The details of this deployment are be available and required for the spacecraft we are the topic of our next section. examining. The largest uncertainty and mass is in Since the problem we are discussing is the fea- the support structures for the cable. The spindles sibility of constructing a space elevator we will on which the cable is stored will need to support constrain ourselves to using current or near-future a 5000 kg cable during launch (see below). With technology. Selecting the largest (US) launch ve- proper orientation to the maximum launch forces hicle available, a Titan IV=Centaur, it is possible this support may be a simple design. If a larger to place a 5500 kg payload into geosynchronous support structure is required the initial cable would orbit. The payload in this case consists of a ca- need to be reduced in length and slightly in capa- ble, its deployment mechanism, and a spacecraft bility as can be determined from Fig. 4. bus. The spacecraft will require only low commu- Since we will also need a countermass once the nication rates, loose attitude control and low-power cable is deployed we will retain the spent Centaur requirements. The deployment system will be re- upper stage (3440 kg). With the Titan IV=Centaur 738 B. C. Edwards launch envelope of 5500 kg we ÿnd that we can de- counterweight. For our 528 kg climber this implies ploy a nanotube ribbon that is 1:5 m by 5 cm at 42 kW average mechanical power and the ascent Earth and tapering to 1:5 mby11:5 cm at geosyn- to the 0:1 g point will be 116 h. If a climber is sent chronous (Fig. 4) with a total length of 117; 000 km up the cable every 116 h and increases the cable and a total mass of 5000 kg. This cable has the ca- strength by 1.5% then the lifting capability of the pability of supporting a 132 kg climber. Cable seg- cable would double every 232 days. ments can be launched individually and combined For the locomotive system our design is based on-orbit allowing a larger climber capability. As an on a simple DC electric motor with a variable example, in the following discussions four Titan transmission attached to a set of rollers to pull the IV=Centaur launches will be used as a baseline for climber up the ÿber. O -the-shelf electric motors deploying an initial cable where climbers of 528 kg have mechanical power to mass ratios of 566 W=kg each can be utilized within our factor of two safety and can be 91.7% ecient in converting DC elec- margin. trical to mechanical energy [15]. Thus, the motor part of the climber would have a mass of 75 kg and require 46 kW of input electrical power for the 3.2. Climbing stage 42 kW of climbing power. The next stage is to increase this minimal cable There are two feasible power delivery systems: to a useful capability. During this stage climbers (1) microwave power beaming, and (2) laser power will ascend the cable and deploy additional cables beaming. as they climb. The climbers must be able to carry the entire additional ÿber and spool it out as they 3.2.1. Microwave power beaming. Several studies climb. have been conducted on the beaming of power Using the same length as in the initially de- from space using microwaves [16,17]. These ployed cable, the counterweight to cable mass split studies have looked at frequencies of 2.4, 35 and is 212 kg for the counterweight and 316 kg for the 94 GHz primarily and utilize dish, at or phased cable. With this mass the cable would be 1:5 × array transmitting and receiving antenna [16,18]. 694 m and add 7:96 kg to the lift capability of If we consider our speciÿc situation of beaming the initial cable. This is a 1.5% increase in the lift power to space and not from space in these same capability of the cable. Climbers can be sent up terms we start with the equation when the previous climber has reached the 0:1g P A A point (13; 000 km altitude). The travel time of a r = r t ; P d22 climber before the next climber initiates its ascent is t critical for two competing reasons. First, the travel where Pr is the power received, Pt is the power time is inversely proportional to the climbing power transmitted, Ar is the area of the receiving antenna, required. Second, the initial cable has a ÿnite life At is the area of the transmitting antenna, d is the (see Section 4.1) so climbers must strengthen the distance between the transmitting and receiving cable quickly. As an example, we will examine a antenna and  is the wavelength. A low-mass re- climber that will satisfy both of these requirements ceiving antenna is required so we will select a 2 ascending to geosynchronous orbit with a 1 week baseline 3 m diameter area (Ar =7m), 50 kW travel time. delivered to an altitude of 15,000 km (for the initial To climb the cable to geosynchronous in 1 week climber, 40 times this for the ÿnal climbers), and a requires an average of 80 W=kg of mechanical phased array transmitting antenna of 1 × 106 m2 climbing power. The simplest system design has (1 km2). Including rectenna eciency (50% a constant power and variable speed transmis- [18,19]) and transmission eciency (30% [17]) sion. With constant power the climber’s ascent we ÿnd we will need 1:7 × 105, 792, and 110 MW, speed will change dramatically from 37 km=hat going to the transmitters for 2:4( =12:5cm), the ground to over 10; 000 km=h before geosyn- 35 ( =8:6 mm), and 94 ( =3:2 mm) GHz, re- chronous orbit. The time determining velocity is spectively, for the ÿrst climbers. This system is that below the 0:1 g point before the next climber easily expandable as required and the transmitted begins its ascent. For this reason no velocities power is inversely proportional to the transmitting above 200 km=h will improve the construction antenna area. A frequency of 94 GHz is preferable time of the cable in our scenario so none will be from the numbers above. Considerable e ort has used in our discussion. Beyond geosynchronous gone into developing rectifying antenna at 35 GHz the climber will “fall” to the far end of the cable for use as lightweight receivers. These rectennas without additional power where it will become a have 50% total eciency [18] and similar results Space Elevator 739 should be achievable at 94 GHz [19]. The mass of on the power beaming system and overall system the rectenna would be comparable to lightweight design. solar panels at 33 kg for a 50 kW receiver [19]. After 250 climbers (40 months) have been sent A possible alternative microwave beaming system up the cable with incrementally increasing cable is to utilize a maser as proposed by Caplan [20]. payloads, the cable would be capable of supporting Microwaves at frequencies above 10 GHz a 20,000 kg climber (13,000 kg payloads) in route are readily absorbed by water vapor, so care- to Earth orbit or any space location within the orbit ful high-altitude site selection is required (see of Saturn every 5 days. This payload mass is 2.4 Section 4.6). times the launch capability of the Titan IV=Centaur to geosynchronous. 3.2.2. Laser power beaming. One system that has been proposed for use with conventional 3.3. Utilization stage utilizes large diode laser arrays [21]. Kwon’s [21] concept utilizes 2000–5 W diodes in a large-scale The primary use of an initial 20,000 kg cable ampliÿer array operating at 800 nm. The simula- may be to place spacecraft into low-Earth through tions of this expandable system show that 80% of geosynchronous . The recurring costs of this the transmitted power can be delivered intoa3m system would be the cost of the climber to trans- diameter area at 10,000 km (ignoring atmospheric port the payload. Additional cables of comparable blooming, see below and Section 4.6). This power capacity could be produced every 232 days using could be received by tuned solar cells that have this ÿrst cable and “shipped” to other sites along the been demonstrated to operate with 59% eciency equator by dragging the lower end of the cable. In and 82% ÿlling factor at 826 nm with maximum 3.5 years the capacity of any individual 20,000 kg 6 power densities of 54 W=cm2 [22]. Based on con- cable could be built up to 1 × 10 kg. In addition, ventional solar cells the mass of the receiver would as pointed out by Pearson [5], spacecraft could be be 21 kg (7 m2 at 3 kg=m). The delivery system launched to the and all but the furthest plan- would require some additional work to keep the re- ets simply by being released from the end of the quired receiver area from expanding with the nec- cable at the appropriate time. essary increase in power. Thermal control of the receiving solar panels would also be required to 4. SPECIFICS OF THE SYSTEM DESIGN maintain the quoted performance. The atmospheric 4.1. Micrometeorite impacts on cable distortion in the laser transmission would be 2 rad froma6kmaltitude location. This distortion would One of the primary concerns for the durability of seriously degrade the power transmission (2 rad a space elevator is the destruction of the cable by corresponds to 20 m at 10,000 km) so adaptive micrometeorite impacts and low-Earth-orbit debris. optics would be required. We have used the micrometeorite uxes com- After accounting for the mass of the cable, mo- piled by Manning [23] to calculate the frequency tors and power receiver we have 104 kg (out of of impacts on cables with their largest dimen- 212 kg), for the structures, transmission and rollers, sion being 36 m, 1 and 5 cm. We will assume control, and remainder of the climber. This is a that micrometeors will destroy areas larger than tight mass budget but should be feasible in a sim- their cross-sectional area and pass through the ple system that may require no communications, no ribbon cable. From Figs. 5 and 6 we can see that attitude control, not be required to survive a violent Earth-to-space cables with maximum dimensions launch, and have a very basic set of instructions. of less than several centimeters will be destroyed With the continuous power that is beamed to within weeks. Thus, the cable must be intimately the climbers heat will be generated in both the bundled (a composite) to survive the large num- power receiving system and in the locomotion sys- ber of small micrometeors yet have at least one tem. This power will be up to 32 W=kg if the laser cross-sectional dimension greater than 5 cm to sur- beaming system is used. This does not include fric- vive long enough for reinforcing cables to be put tional a ects, solar heating or other parasitic heat- in place. The best alternative for the initial cable ing sources. isa5cm× 1:5 m or greater aspect ratio ribbon. A new power generation facility would also be With this ribbon, meteors up to 1 cm can pass required in the region where the power beaming through the ribbon with roughly a 25% strength system is located. This could be any of several degradation at any point (Fig. 2). Meteors larger sources (oil, hydroelectric, wind, solar, etc.) but than 2 cm (one impact per 10 yr) could destroy would need to supply up to 4 GW, depending the ribbon. The rate at which the degradation of 740 B. C. Edwards

Table 3. LEO collision avoidance Tracking Time between Size of accuracy required movement (m) cable movement required (m) 1000 12 h 1000 100 5 days 100 10 50 days 10 1 50 days 10

spacecraft hitting the cable on any random orbit is 5 × 10−8 or 2:6 × 10−4=yr in orbit for each indi- vidual space craft. This is not a signiÿcant threat for LEO spacecraft considering orbital lifetimes of a few years but depending on the number of LEO spacecraft to be launched in the upcoming years it Fig. 5. Impacts per week average for various particle could limit the lifetime of the space elevator. With and cable dimensions. Based on meteor ux data [21] 8000 LEO objects 10 cm in diameter or larger it and LEO debris data [22]. would be expected that the cable would be hit once every year. One method to reduce the possibility of collision is to make the anchor end of the ca- ble movable and actively avoid collisions. A 100 m movement of the anchor would translate into a comparable movement at low-Earth orbit with some time delay. LEO objects with orbit inclina- tions of ¿ 30◦ are currently tracked by NORAD. Since there are LEO objects with orbit inclinations of ¡ 30◦ that could jeopardize the cable a new object tracking network would be required. Radar and advanced tracking methods [24,25] can pro- vide position information with hundreds of meters accuracy for most objects of interest. This tracking would allow minimal movement to avoid impacts by LEO objects (see Table 3).

4.3. Radiation damage of cable The segment of the cable in Earth’s radiation Fig. 6. Plot of impacts per week versus the ratio of maxi- belts will experience less than 3 Mrad=yr (en- mum cable dimension to the size of the impacting object. If the object is one-half the maximum cable dimension ergetic electrons and protons) [26]. Studies of the cable will be severed. Objects with diameters up to epoxy=carbon ÿber composites (epoxy=nanotube and beyond one-quarter the maximum dimension of the composites would be expected to be comparable) cable may sever it. Based on meteor ux data [21] and have found them to be radiation hard to greater LEO debris data [22]. than 104 Mrad [27,28] which would allow them to survive more than 1000 years in the expected environment. the ÿbers occurs determines how quickly climbers Atomic oxygen poses a more serious space envi- must ascend the cable to increase its size. Once ronment problem for the cable. Atomic oxygen ero- the size reaches many centimeters in its largest sion of epoxy=carbon ÿber composites have been cross-sectional dimension degradation is minimal. seen at rates of 1 m=month in low-Earth orbit [29]. A suggested solution is to coat the compos- ite with a material resistant to atomic oxygen [29]. 4.2. Low-Earth-orbit spacecraft impacts on cable Possible candidates include aluminum and ceramic. If we assume a collisional cross-section for a Thin layers of these protective coatings (100s of A) low-Earth orbiting spacecraft of2mweÿndthe would be required on the cable only for altitudes chances of an individual low-Earth-orbit (LEO) where the atomic oxygen ux is high. Space Elevator 741

4.4. Cable heating by magnetic-ÿeld-induced One consideration for location of the cable is for electrical currents power transmission to the climbers. At altitudes above 6 km [30] the absorption of microwaves Heating of the cable can be produced by passage (0–300 GHz) due to water is negligible and trans- through the local magnetic ÿelds. The potential in- mission is above 90% for a large fraction of the duced along the cable can be expressed as 0–300 GHz range. This reduction of water and E = B(r)v(r); total atmosphere would also reduce the atmo- where E is in V=m, B(r) the magnetic ÿeld, spheric thermal-blooming for laser transmission and v(r) the velocity of the cable relative to if that system is selected. Human operation of the magnetic ÿeld. For radii (r) ¡ 10rEarth, a power beaming station at these altitudes be- −4 3 3 comes dicult so a lower altitude of 5 km may B(r) ∼ 0:35 × 10 rEarth=r and v(r)isap- proximately zero. However, if we assume the be required. Optimally, the power beaming station worst possible case where the magnetic ÿeld is would be located within 10 s of km of the anchor ÿxed and the cable is rotating with the Earth point to allow for line of sight transmission at the (v(r) = 463r=rEarth m=s) we get potentials from lower altitudes (a smaller power beaming station 0:00026 V=mat10rEarth to 0:016 V=m at Earth’s can be located at the anchor point to initiate the surface. At distances of greater than 10rE, the climb). cable is in the interplanetary magnetic ÿeld dur- A second consideration for the anchor location is ing the day (Bave ∼ 6 nT and Bmax ∼ 80 nT) general weather considerations. The jet streams and and is in the Earth’s magnetosphere at night severe storms (cyclones) may damage the cable. (Fig. 1). This corresponds to a maximum potential Based on wind force calculations by Pearson [5] we of 0:00068 V=m at the far end of the cable. With ÿnd that the total wind loading on the initial cable a minimum resistance of 0:4 =m we have a max- in the worse case (face on to the ribbon and max- imum of 0:0064 W=m of heating occurring near imum wind velocity for cyclone) is 1:25 × 106 N. the Earth end of the cable and 1 W at the far This force is sucient to overload the cable and end. The cable would quickly radiate this level of possibly damage it. However, by selecting an equa- heating away into space. torial site we avoid both the jet streams and cyclonic storms. 4.5. Natural frequency and oscillations in the cable A third consideration for the anchor location is the frequency of lightning strikes. Since the cable Initial work on the oscillations induced by the will create a conductive path from the atmosphere Moon, the motion of climbers and Earth’s atmo- to the ground it could be a conduit for lightning. sphere have been discussed in Pearson [5] and the The high electrical currents produced in a lightning problems associated with each appears to be avoid- strike, if run through the cable, would destroy the able. cable through extreme heating. Lightning strikes The ÿrst longitudinal vibration period of the are prevalent across the surface of Earth with two proposed cable (taper of 2.3) would be approx- possibly useful exceptions: (1) high elevation sites, imately 10 h based on Pearson’s [5] calcula- and (2) ocean sites. The only study of lightning tions which is close to the excitation period of strikes as a function of underlying ground eleva- the Moon. Variations in the counterweight lo- tion that extended above 4 km [31] shows that the cation and active damping at the anchor of this frequency of lightning strikes decreased at higher mode can be used to eliminate this oscillation elevations and found only one cloud-to-ground problem. lightning strike above 5 km over a 13-year pe- The ÿrst lateral oscillation mode has a period of riod. A note of caution, however, this study was approximately 47 s [5] which prohibits climbers conducted in Alaska which is very di erent from traveling at a constant 5 km=s (18; 000 km=h). This equatorial locations in terms of climatology. How- is not a problem in our proposed scenario. ever, on global lightning distribution maps [32] a general anti-correlation between the frequency of 4.6. Deployment locations lightning strikes and ground elevation can be seen The anchor location of the cable must be near the in relation to the Andes, Himalayas, Alps, moun- equator but no hard limits on the latitude tolerance tains of eastern Africa, and Rocky mountains. have been found. Anchor locations o the equator It has also been observed that lightning strikes will place a constant out-of-plane force on the cable (intracloud and ground to cloud) are much less and counterweight and an additional time-variant prevalent over particular ocean areas [32]. One force when climbers are on the cable. notable location near the equator with the lowest 742 B. C. Edwards

4.7. Risks of severed cables and malfunctioning climbers In several cases discussed it is possible that the cable may become severed. Independent of where the cable severs, the lower end will fall back to Earth. If the break is caused by a low-Earth or- bit object then several hundred kilometers of ca- ble will fall near and east of the anchor point and the upper segment of the cable will be thrown out of Earth orbit. If the break occurs at the far end of the cable, the entire cable will fall back toward Earth eastward of the anchor point. However, since epoxy used in composites can disintegrate at 120◦C the ribbon can be designed to separate in the at- mosphere on re-entry leaving only small segments of individual 1 m diameter ÿbers millimeters in length to fall to the ground. The environmental im- pact of 200; 000 kg of small ÿbers spread out over the planet still needs to be examined. One possi- ble solution to reduce the risk of losing the cable to this circumstance would be to shorten the cable and use a larger counterweight once the initial ca- ble is up and in place. This would reduce the impact cross-section of the cable above goesynchronous orbit by a factor of 3. The down side of this tactic is to reduce the ease of launching spacecraft out of Earth orbit. Another problem could occur if a climber were to seize during its ascent. If this were to occur at a low altitude (possibly up to 1000 km depending on cable safety margin) the cable could be reeled in until the climber is retrieved and then the ca- ble would be allowed to oat back out to its nom- inal position. Above the lower altitudes the cable could not be reeled in far enough without risking Fig. 7. Topographic maps of the regions near Quito, breakage. Above the 0:7g (1400 km) point a sec- Ecuador (upper map) and Western Africa (lower map) ond climber without payload could be sent up to where good anchor points are located. Maps are a prod- release the malfunctioning climber and carry it to uct of the USGS website. beyond geosynchronous orbit where it could be re- leased. Between LEO and 0:7g the cable may be oated out suciently for the seized climber to be occurrence of lightning is in the eastern Paciÿc o above the 0:7g point and a second climber can then the coast of Ecuador. A second smaller region is be sent up to retrieve it. located o the Tanzanian coast.

Ignoring tesseral harmonic perturbations, opti- 5. CONCLUSIONS mal land locations appear to be in Ecuador, or pos- sibly several mountain sites in Kenya and Tanza- The space elevator has tremendous potential for im- nia (Fig. 7). However, because of the problem with proving access to Earth orbit, space and the other lightning a oating anchor site in the Paciÿc o the planets. When originally proposed this potential ap- northwest coast of South America may be prefer- peared to be in the distant future constrained by able while the corresponding power beaming sta- the lack of viable materials. Carbon nanotubes with tion would be located in Ecuador’s coastal moun- theoretical strength-to-mass ratio sucient for con- tains. Further detailed studies of the distribution of struction of the space elevator are now being pro- lightning strikes are required before a ÿnal site se- duced in small quantities and work is proceeding lection can be made. to fabricate longer nanotubes in greater quantity. Space Elevator 743

As this work proceeds a space elevator will be- 14. Thompson, T. C., Grastataro, C., Smith, B. G., come viable. The feasibility of the space eleva- Krumweide, G. and Tremblay, G., Development of tor then hinges on the other aspects of its design, an all-composite spacecraft bus for small programs. In Proceedings from The Eighth Annual construction, deployment and utilization. We have AIAA=USU Conference on Small Satellites, Logan, presented the various aspects of the space elevator UT, 1994. along with the problems and possible solutions as- 15. Donnally, J., Paciÿc Scientiÿc, private sociated with each. In our examination we found communication. none of the possible problems unsolvable with cur- 16. Brown, W. C. and Eves, E. E., Beamed microwave power transmission and its application to space. rent or near-future technology but further, detailed IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and studies are required. Techniques, 1992, 40(6), 1239. 17. Glaser, P. E., An overview of the solar power Acknowledgements—The author would like to thank his satellite option. IEEE Transactions on Microwave colleagues Richard Epstein (LANL), Xuan-Min Shao Theory and Techniques, 1992, 40(6), 1230. (LANL), Brad Cooke (LANL), Je Bloch (LANL), 18. Koert, P. and Cha, J. T., Millimeter-wave technology Ed Fenimore (LANL), Robert Roussel-Dupre (LANL), for space power beaming. IEEE Transactions on Ronald Lipinski (Sandia National Laboratory), Peter Microwave Theory and Techniques, 1992, 40(6), Koert (Advanced Power ), Rich Blakely 1251. (Lockheed Martin), Audrey Clark (Composite Op- 19. Koert, P., APTI, private communication. tics, Inc.), Michael Edwards (Motorola), Bennett Link 20. Caplan, M., Valentini, M., Verhoeven, A., Urbanus, (Montana State) and Dave Rohweller (TRW-Astro W. and Tulupov, A., Extrapolation of the FOM Aerospace) for their very helpful and insightful discus- 1MW free-electron MASER to a multi-megawatt sions. 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