Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day,

No. 1.

THURSDAY, 16th OCTOBER, 1902. Notice of Motion (Unopposed) :— l. Mb. Shoppee : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing the number of police stations rented by the Government, the locality, rent, and capital value of each, and also- the' gross amount paid in rent for the same.

Notices of' Motion :— /. Mr. Irvine : To move, That Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday in each week during the present Session be the days on which this House shall meet for the despatch of business, and that Four o clock be the hour of meeting on each day; that Government Business shall take precedence of all other business ; and that no fresh business, except the postponement of business on the Notice-paper, be called on after half-past Ten o clock. r r >

!. Mr. Irvine : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill relating to charging public officers for- rent of public buildings used by them for residence. g ° P C® S t0T

" Mth'pSS*i^° Tt6’ Thn h!t,haVe 1!aV.® t0ubri^ in a Bil1 to Provide for the reduction, until' ' the thirtieth day of June, One thousand nine hundred arid three; of the reimbursement of expenses- payable to Members of the Legislative Assembly and the salaries or pay of certain public officers. 1 M.?' Sf/Ef.SAT° move> That he have leave to bring in a Bill to provide for the reduction, until the thirtieth day of June; One thousand nine hundred and three, ofthe salaries or pay of Kesponsible Ministers of the Crown and certain officers under The Constitution Act or Part IX of The Constitution Act Amendment Act 1890, or whose salaries or pay are provided for by special appropriations. r J f 5 Endowment1 T°‘ m°Ve’ That he haVe leave t0 bring in a Bill to reduce for one year the municipal'

6 “ *Bia *:“*h™ th= »* 7! FulTZ'im! le ‘“Ve *° br‘“S in * Bil1 ,0 ,urth“ —« «“>

8. : T° m°Ve’ *hat he have leave t0 bring iu a Bill to further amend the Trust Funds Act

9. Tr°Vei '5i,llatA h® have jeave,t0 bri°g in a Bill to revive and continue the Factories ana onops Act 1896 and the Acts amending the same. ' 10. Mr. Murray : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill to amend Part III. of the Police Regulation Act 1390 with regard to future appointees. ir. ■Mb. Bent To move; That he have leave to bring in a Bill to provide for the abolition' of local rates- on certain lines of railway. ° 12. M,^?fAE0NEr To mo™, That he have leave to bring in a Bill to legitimize children by registration under the Registration of Births Deaths and Marriages Acts. 13. Mr. Bailes : To move, That he have leave' to bring in a Bill to abolish tied houses. 14. Mr B°wser : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill to prevent the pollution of rivers and * other water-courses with sludge. ' r 15. Mm‘0JRBNrWITH :-,.T° mov?’ be have leave t0 brmg in a Bill to settle industrial disputes by means ot conciliation and arbitration. r ' (220 copies.) 2

16. Mb. Boyd : To move, That ho have leave to bring in a Bill to abolish voters’ certificates and for other purposes. 17. Mr. McGregor : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill to amend the Justices Act. 18. Mr. Fink : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill to provide for the admission te practise in Victoria of legal practitioners admitted to practise in the courts of other States of the Commonwealth on terms of reciprocity. 19. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That all servants of the State be paid fortnightly. 20. Sir Samuel Gillott : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill to provide for the restriction of transfer of debentures held by the Melbourne Tramways Trust. 21. Mr. W. A. Hamilton : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill to amend the Wills Act 1890. 22. Mr. Smith : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill to abolish all fees paid for education at the Melbourne University. 23. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill to exempt justices of the peace from liability to serve as jurors. Orders of the Day :— 1. Land Tax Act 1890 Amendment Bill—Message from His Excellency the Governor—To be considered in Committee. 2. Mallke Land Account Bill—Message from His Excellency the. Governor— To be considered in Committee. 3. Treasury Bonds Bill—Message from His Excellency the Governor—To be, considered in Committee. 4. Treasury Bonds Bill (No. 2)—Message from His Excellency the Governor—To be considered in Committee. 5. Education Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Message from His Excellency the Governor—To be considered in Committee. 6. Trading Stamps Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 7. Supply—To be considered in Committee. 8. Ways and Means—To be considered in Committee.

TUESDAY, 21st OCTOBER. ■Questions. 1. Mr. Bowser : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey if he will throw open to owners of starving stock in the State the Crown lands in Gippsland at a nominal rental. 2. Dr. Grattan Wilson : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Agriculture— 1. Is he aware that the disease known as Anthrax has broken out in several districts of the State, ' the probable source being imported bone meal. 2. Will he take steps to prevent the introduction of, such bone meal and other likely sources of infection into the State until they have been sterilized by means of superheated steam. 3. Will he render every assistance to settlers and others whose stock have been affected and in the areas of infection, so that they may have their stock rendered immune by inoculation, and to this end have an expert brought from New South Wales free of expense to settlers. 4. Will he take immediate steps to prevent the spread of the disease in the State as the matter is one of great urgency to stock-owners, and also ou the general ground of public health, the disease being communicable to human beings and extremely fatal. 3. Mr. Bailes : To ask the Honorable"the Minister of Mines if he will give the House an intimation as to when he will introduce his amending Mines Bill dealing with the amendments in the tributing clauses of the existing Act, as agreed upon by a conference of delegates from the Mine-owners’ Association and Miners’. Association, presided over, by the ex-Minister of Mines, the Honorable J. B. Burton. 4. Mr. Prendergast : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if it is the intention of his Department to increase the hours of labour of signalmen. 5. Mr. Lbvien : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Agriculture if he will arrange that1 recognised duly qualified persons may travel free on the railways, in order that farmers desiring to have their stock inoculated may be saved the cost of the' long railway journeys necessary.

6. Mr. Prendergast : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways— 1. Has he seen.'the following statement in the press of the 14th instant :—“ On. Saturday night a ,;%9pmotive;6ngine-driver, driving important mixed trains into Bendigo, finished work after being on,'duty for'l 12; hours for that week ! During the same week another driver dropped down in the Bendigo running shed. A doctor was summoned, who pronounced the case to be one of exhaustion from overwork. Many other drivers were during the same week worked from 12 to 23 hours without rest, and several had to resort to all kinds of subterfuge to get away for a few hours’ rest between the trains they were compelled to run. Trains were kept at the station over an hour late waiting for men to run them—mind you, not waiting for fresh men from home, but for men to come in off their trips to go out again.” 2. Are these statements true ; if so, what does he intend to do to remedy the evils disclosed. i


Notice of Motion :— 1. Mr. E. H. Cameron : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill to provide by pumping for the supply of water from Long Lake to part of the Eastern Mallee.

■Contingent on consideration of the Sessional Order appointing the Days and Hours of Meeting :— ' 1. Mr. Maloney : To move, as an amendment, That the words “ each day ” be omittedwith a view to insert in place thereof the words “Tuesday and Wednesday, and that Ten o’clock be the hour of meeting on Thursday,” and that the following words be added to the. resolution, viz.:—“on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and the sitting shall close at Six o’clock on Thursday.”

THOS. G. WATSON, > D. GILLIES, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Speaker.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 15th OCTOBER, 1902. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 1. .

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 1. Trading Stamps Bill—[11 |.


By Authority; Robt. Si'Brain,-Government Printer, Melbourne,


Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 2.

TUESDAY, 21st OCTOBER, 1902.

1. Mr. Bowser : To ask tho Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands 'and Survey if he will throw open to owners of starving stock in the State the Crown lands in Gippsland at a nominal rental.

2. Dr. Gratton Wilson : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Agriculture— 1. Is he aware that the disease known as Anthrax has broken out in several districts of the State the probable source being imported bone meal. ’ 2. Will he take steps to prevent the introduction of such bone meal and other likely sources of infection into the State until they have been sterilized by means of superheated steam. 3. Will he render every assistance to settlers and others whose stock have been affected and in the areas of infection, so that they may have their stock rendered immune by inoculation, and to this end have an expert brought fiom New South Wales free of expense to settlers. 4. Will he take immediate steps to prevent the spread of the disease in the State as the matter, is one of great urgency to stock-owners, and also on the general ground of public health, the disease being communicable to human beings and extremely fatal.

3. Mr. Bailes : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Mines if he will give the House an intimation as to when he will introduce his amending Mines Bill dealing with the amendments in the tributing clauses of the existing Act, as agreed upon by a conference of delegates from the Mine-owners’ Association and Miners’ Association, presided .over by the .ex-Minister of Mines, the "Honorable J. B. Burton.

4. Mr. Prendergast : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if it is the intention of his Department to increase the hours of labour of signalman.

5. Mr. Levien : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Agriculture if he will arrange that recognised duly qualified persons may travel free on the railways, in order that farmers desiring to have their - stock inoculated may be saved the cost of the long railway journeys necessary.

6. Mr. Prendergast : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways^— , 1. Has he seen the following statement in the press of the 14th instant “ On Saturday ni^ht a locomotive engine-driver, driving important mixed trains into Bendigo, finished work after being on duty for 112 hours for that week ! During the same week another driver dropped down in . the Bendigo running shed. A doctor was summoned, who pronounced the case to be one of exhaustion from overwork. Many other drivers .were during the same week worked from 12 to 23 hours without rest, and several had to resort to all kinds of subterfuge to get away for a few hours’ rest between the trains they were compelled to run. Trains were kept at the station over an hour late waiting for men to run them—mind, you, not waiting for fresh men from home, but for men to come in off their trips to go out again.” 2. Are these statements true ; if so, what does he intend to do to remedy the evils disclosed. (220 copies.) . ." 6

7. Mr. W arde : To •ask the Honorable the Premier— 1. Is it his intention to bring in a Bill to amend the Constitution Act in the direction of reducing the payment in salary atfd'pen'sioirfo' any person appointed in future to the position of a Judge , of the Supreme Court. 2. If he. has not considered the position, will he bring the matter before the House previous to any further appointment.

8. Mr. McDonald : To ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary if his attention has been called to the case, as reported in the Argus newspaper of the 16th October instant, of a man suffering from - - scarlet fever who was denied admission to the various 'hospitals if so, what Action dbes he propose to meet such cases in future...... " - - -

Notices of Motion (Unopposed) :— 1. Mr. Shopper : To move, That there be laid before this. House a return showing the number of police “tations, rented by the Government, the locality, rent, and capital value of eachj and also the gross amount paid in rent for the same.

2. Mr. Grose : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. -The number of yearly passes issued to traders doing £2,000 worth of business with the Railway Department. 2. The number of passes at half rate issued to people doing £1,000 worth of business. 1 3- The value of coupons for railway travelling issued to people doing up to £500 and £250 in business respectively. 1 4. The total of the rebates granted during the past twelve months. 5. The value of the tickets issued at half fare to the press.

Government Business. • ' Notices of Motion:— 1. Mr. E. H. Cameron : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill to provide by pumping for the-supply of water from Long Lake to part of the Eastern Mallee. i 2. Mr. McKenzie : To move, That this House do now resolve itself into a Committee of the whole to consider the expediency of amending the Land Tax Act 1890.

3. Mr. Kirton : To move, That he .have leave to Ining in a Bill to confirm the union in Victoria of.the Wesleyan Methodist Church, the Primitive Methodist Church, the Bible Christian Church, and the . - United Methodist Free Churches ; to deal with the properties in Victoria of the said- uniting churches, and to assimilate the Trusts thereof ; to vest the 'said properties in the United Church under the name of The Methodist Church of Australasia ; to give certain powers to the Victoria and I asm.inia Conference of the Methodist Church of Australasia ; to amend The Victorian Wesleyan Methodists' Act 1887, and for other purposes.

Orders of the Day:— ^ 1. Factories and Shops Acts Continuance Bill—Second reading. 2.1 Mem hers and Public Service Retrenchment Bill—Second reading. 3. Ministers’ and Officers’ Salaries Retrenchment Bill—Second reading. 4. Municipal Endowment Reduction Bill—Second reading. 5. Mallfe Land Account Bill—Second reading. | d. Treasury Bonds Bill—Second reading. 7. Victorian Loans Redemption Fund Act 1898 Amendment Bill—Second reading. K. Trust Funds Act 1897 further Amendment Bill—Second reading. 9. Public Buildings Rent Bill—Second reading. " 10. Treasury Bonds Bill (No. 2)—Second reading. .11. Debentures Destruction Bill—Second reading. 12. Police Assurance Bill—Second reading. 13. Education Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 14. Local Railway Rates Abolition Bill—Second reading. ; •15. Supply—To be considered in Committee. 16. Ways and Means—To be considered in Committee.

General Business. . ' ■ Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, the office of State Governor should be abolished.

2. Mr. Sangster : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill to restrict ,security to the mortgaged property.

3. Mr. Argyll : To move, That the Honorable Member for Collingwood, Mr. William David Beazley, ; be appointed Chairman of Committees of this House.

4. Mr. Mackey : lo move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill to rectify some anomalies in the law relating to women.

, 5. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill relating to election expenses. Orders op the Day: — 1. .Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 2. Lied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second leaning. 3. .Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading. 4. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading 5- Voters Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second reading. 6. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. j 7. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 8. Melbourne Tramways Trust "Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Gillott)—Second reading. 9. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 10. Melbourne University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 11. Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 12. Fortnightly Payment of State Servants—Resumption of debate on the question—“That all servants of the State be paid fortnightly.”

- THOS. G. WATSON, D. GILLIES, ■Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Speaker,

PARLIAMENTARY" PAPERS ISSUED 16th OCTOBER, 1902. Marriage Bill—[12].

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 2. Factories and Shops Continuance Bill—[3]. .Ministers and Special and other Appropriations Retrenchment Bill—[5], Members and Public Service Retrenchment Bill—[61. Trust Funds Bill (No. 2)—[7], Police Regulation Bill—[14]. Municipal Endowment Reduction Bill—[16]. ■Government Buildings Rent Bill—‘[17]. Cancelled Debentures Bill—[18]. Victorian Loans Redemption Fund Bill—[19]. Treasury Bonds Bill—[21], .Mallee Land Account Bill—[22],

By Authority: Robt. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne. r) LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 3.

WEDNESDAY, 22nd OCTOBER, 1902. Questions.

-1. Mr. Bowser: To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey if he will rental.°^en °™“ °' “"’"S “ th° S* ,1= Crown Led, in Gipp.iTaS ...mtetil

2. Dr. Oration Wilson : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Agriculture— L Is he aware that the disease known as Anthrax has broken out in several districts of the State t probable source being imported bone meal, * 2. Will he take steps to prevent the introduction of such bone meal and other likely sources of m ectmn into the State until they have been sterilized by means of superheated steam a llT T !Very ass‘stanc1° to sert,e[s and others whose stock have been affected and in the areas of infection, so that they may have their stock rendered immune by inoculation and 4 Will hA 6,D2 haT6 aD,eXpCrt brought from New So“th Wales free of expense to settlers. 4. Will he take .mmediate steps to prevent the spread of the disease in the State as the matter is one of great urgency to stock-owners, and also on the general ground of public health the disease being communicable to human beings and extremely fatal. ^ *

3. Mr. Levien : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Agriculture if he will «mnoo fi - . , duly qualified persons may travel free on the railways,fn order thl^farmers desirin^to f°C°g"‘Se.d stock inoculated may be saved the cost of the long Railway /ourneys neceslry! " 8 ^

4‘ ! aS^„the Honorable the Premier if it is his intention to re-enact the Wa°-es Attachment Act th,s Session ; ,f so, w,ll he mform the House if he will introduce it at an early date o. Mr. Warde : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways__ 1. How many hours per day do engine-drivers and firemen work. ‘ 2. Has the Railway Department issued instructions that the daily-paid staff may be worked six or seven days per week but only be paid for.five days. J F 7 U 3. What is the allowance for travelling expenses for twelve hours to (a) Inspectors (b) Eiwine- dr.yers and by what amount is it proposed to be reduced in each case. W ° 4. What will be the effect of the percentage reductions and the five days’ work regulation on the wages of a fireman receiving 8s. 6d. per day, or £133 per annum. reflation on the

•6. Mr. Andrews: To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways— 1. Has the Railway Department been offered an invention to prevfent the escape of sparks from locomotives wh,ch,t is claimed will also result in a saving 0? 20 per cent The consumption

2. If so, what steps does he propose to take to test economy. this important invention in tho interests of

7. Mr. Warde : To ask the Honorable the Attorney-General__ L ^Maag1s!'.rt'cs,.1CCS 'i,rG t0 (a) SuPreme Court Judges, (l>) County Court Judges, (c) Police. 2. Whi,7, of the Judg'es (Supreme and County Court) have received leave of absence durino- the nast six years ; on what terms, and for what periods. g tlle past 3. Are allowances and leave of absence part of the contract between the Slate and the Judges. (220 copies.) 10 4 8. Mr. Hutchinson : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey if he will at once take steps to place the large area of closed roads, for which no rent is now paid, at the disposal of those who are looking for pasture for their starving stock from the drought stricken districts.

9. Mr. Andrews : To ask the Honorable the Minister of .Water Supply— 1. W hat officers (temporary or permanent) have been appointed to the Geelong branch of his Department from outside the district during the past twelve months, and what prior experience have such officers had in the Department 2. What temporary employes have been dismissed from the Geelong branch during the same' period ; what are their ages, and what prior experience have they had.

10. Mr. Gavan Duffy : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railwaysif railway employes who are to get only five days’ work in the week will have; one clear day ofi duty, or. broken, time. -

Government Business. Notice of Motion :— 1. Mr. Kirton : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill to confirm the union in Victoria of the Wesleyan Methodist Church, the Primitive -Methodist Church, the Bible Christian Church, apd the United Methodist Free Churches ; to deal with the - properties in Victoria of the said uniting churches, and to assimilate the Trusts thereof ; to vest the said properties in the United Church under the name of The Methodist Church of Australasia ; to give certain powers to the Victoria and Tasmania Conference of the Methodist Church of Australasia ; to amend The Victorian Wesleyan Methodists’ Act 1887, and for other purposes.

Orders of the Day:— 1. Supply—To be considered in Committee. 2. Ways and Means—To be considered in Committee. 3. Members and Public Service Retrenchment Bill—Second reading. 4. Ministers’ and Officers’ Salaries Retrenchment Bill—Second reading. 5. Municipal Endowment Reduction Bill—Second reading. 6. Mallkb Land Account Bill—Second reading. 7. Treasury Bonds Bill—Second reading. 8. Victorian Loans Redemption Fund Act. 1898 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 9. Trust Funds Act 1897 further Amendment Bill—Second reading. 10. Public Buildings Rent Bill—Second reading. 11. Treasury Bonds Bill (No. 2)—Second reading. 12. Debentures Destruction Bill—Second reading. 13. Local Railway Rates Abolition Bill—Second reading. 14.. Eastern Mai.lee Water Supply Bill—Second reading. General Business. Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, the office of State Governor should be abolished.

2. Mr. Sangster : To move, That ho have leave to bring in a Bill to restrict security to the mortgaged property.

3. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill to rectify some anomalies in the law relating to women.

4. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill relating to election expenses. 5. Mr. Gatr : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill relating to actions against the Com­ missioner of Railways as a carrier of passengers. 6. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of free railway passes, half-fare tickets, and all other travelling concessions granted by ihe Railway Department to each of the leading daily and weekly metropolitan and country newspapers for the year ending 30th September, 1902. 2. The cash value of same.

Orders of the Day :— 1. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading." 2. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reaning. 3. Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading.' 4. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. 5. Voters” Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second reading. 6. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 7. Legal ‘Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 8. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Gillott)—Second reading. 9. Wills Act 1899 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 10. Melbourne University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. Ill Jurors. Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 12. Fortnightly Payment of State Servants—Resumption of debate on the' question—“ That all servants of the State be paid fortnightly.” 11

TUESDAY, 28th OCTOBER. Government Business.

Notice of -Motion :— 1. Me. McKenzie : To move, That this House do now resolve itself into a Committee of the whole to consider the expediency of amending the Land Tax Act 1890.

THOS. G. WATSON, . D. GILLIES, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Speaker.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED SINCE 16th OCTOBER, 1902. Minutes of the Proceedings of the Legislative Council. Nos. 1 and 2. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 2. University Bill—[9], Trading Stamps Bill—[11 |. (To Members of Council only.) Insolvency Bill—[13]. Coroners Bill—[23].

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 3. Education Bill—[15]. Supply Bill—[39], Members and Public Service Retrenchment Bill.—Amendments to be proposed in Committee by Mr. McDonald and Mr. McKinnon. (To Members only.) Regulations under various Acts of Parliament.—Extracted from the Government Gazette of loth October. 1902. No. 22. '

By Authority: Robt. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne.


Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 4.

THURSDAY, 23rd OCTOBER, 1902. Government Business.

Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. Irvine : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill to provide for the Reform of The . Constitution of Victoria. 2. Mr. Irvine : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill to amend the Public Service Acts. 3. Mr. Taverner : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill to indemnify the councillors of various municipalities for borrowing moneys by overdrafts on bankers for the purposes of their municipalities contrary to the provisions of the Local Government Act 1890.

Orders of the Dat :— , ■ 1. Members and Public Service Retrenchment Bill—To be further considered in Committee. 2. Ministers’ and Officers’ Salaries Retrenchment Bill—Second reading. 3. Municipal Endowment Reduction Bill—Second reading. 4. Mallee Land Account Bill—Second reading. 5. Treasury Bond's Bill—Second reading. 1 u. Victorian Loans Redemption Fund Act 1898 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 7. Trust Funds Act 1897 further Amendment Bill—Second reading. 8. Public Buildings Rent Bill—Second reading. 9. Treasury Bonds Bill (No. 2)—Second reading. j 10. Debentures Destruction Bill—Second reading. 1 11. Local Railway Rates Abolition Bill—Second reading. : 12. Eastern Mallee Water Supply Bill—Second reading. 13. Methodist Union Bill—Second reading. 14. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. 15. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee. ■

General Business. Notices of Motion :—

1. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, the office of State Governor should be abolished. <

2 Mr. Sangster : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill to restrict security to the mortgaged • property. 3.. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill to rectify some anomalies in the law relating to women.

4. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill relating to election expenses. 5. Mr. Gair : To move, That lie have leave to bring in a Bill relating to actions against the Com­ missioner of Railways as a1 carrier of passengers.

6. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— ' 1. The number of free railway passes, half-fare tickets, and all other travelling concessions granted by the Railway Department to each of the leading daily and weekly metropolitan and country newspapers for the year ending 30th September, 1902. 2. The cash value of same.

7. Mil Andrews : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill to amend the._Public Service and • Railways Acts, by preventing any new appointments for five years except with the consent of both Houses of Parliament. (220 copies.) 14

Orders of the Day — 1. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 2. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailee)^—Second leaning. 3. Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading. 4. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. 5. Voters’ Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second reading. 6. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 7. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 8. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Gillott)—Second reading. 9. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 10. Melbourne University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 11. Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 12. Fortnightly Payment of State Servants—Resumption of debate on the question—“That all servants of the State be paid fortnightly.”

TUESDAY, 28th OCTOBER. Questions. 1. Mr. Max Hirsch : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey if he will inform the House— 1. The number of horses and cattle for which grazing has so far been provided by the Starving Stock Committee. ' 2. The number of horses and cattle on the Committee’s list still unprovided for. 3. The number of horses and cattle which can be accommodated on land on the Committee’s list and as yet unallotted. 2. Mr. Bowser : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey if he will throw open to owners of starving stock in the State the Cro'vn lands in Gippsland at a nominal rental. 3. Mr. Hickford : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways— 1. Whether it is the intention of the Railway Department to abolish the half-fare vouchers in respect of all servants of the Department; and, if so, when. 2. How long the half-fare vouchers have been in existence. 3. Whether there is any contract or statutory right entitling the servants of the Department to these half-fare vouchers. 4. Does he not consider half-fare vouchers reasonable, especially in view of the reductions already made. 4. Mr. Maloney : To ask the Honorable the Premier whether, in handing over the Government House rent free to the Federal Government, it was intended or contemplated by the Government that the State servants • should be interfered with, providing they performed their duties satis, factorily. / 5. Mr. Field : To ask the Honorable the Premier if he will state what amount of rent is paid for the offices in London occupied by the Agent-General and staff.

Government Business. Notice of Motion :— 1. Mr. McKenzie : To move,' That this. House do now resolve itself into a Committee of the whole to consider the expediency of amending the Land Tax Act 1890.

TUESDAY, 4th NOVEMBER. Question. 1. Mr. Bailf.s : To ask the Honorable the Premier if it is his intention 'to re-enact the Wages Attachment Act this Session ; if so, will he inform the House if he will introduce it at an early date. THOS. G. WATSON, D. GILLIES, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. ■ Speaker.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 22nd OCTOBER, 1902. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 3. Factories and Shops Continuance Bill—[3]. (To Members of Council only.) Police Regulation Bill—[M l- (To Members of Council only.) Education Bill—[15] (To Members of Council only.) Licensing Amendment Bill—[41].

Notices"of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 4. Treasury Bonds Bill—[25].

ISy Authority: ltolit. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne. t—:, yaG set to esatraG .pfiksm JwidT—jjiH TvttsiiD'niHTajl acr/aarl ousniT a ha ssssmsM „i guides LnooaB—jjiS tkhmhmshthIT fCitaAjA^ 'saaoiaaO qtia ’ asssie.-mM S .■giufc^a-j Liiooiffe—jj?a MOZTOu'djJri TiKaj

TIj T?-EA tTCTI OI jAA T 11’TTT V’a^ Ij „V— .3 'A- ^Q,W1 <1 ®s UK'^- a. >:va y:M ' j1 Aa &30: Lneoe6=—uJifl «im

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No 5. i

TUESDAY, 28th OCTOBER, 1902. - Questions. 1. Mb. Max Hirsch : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey if he will inform the House— - 1. The number of horses and cattle for which grazing has so far been provided by the Starving Stock Committee. 2. The number of horses and. cattle on the Committee’s list still unprovided for. 3. The number of horses and cattle which can be accommodated on land on the'Committee’s list and as yet unallotted. 2. Mr. Hickford : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways— 1. Whether it is the intention of the Railway Department to abolish the half-fare vouchers in respect of all servants of the Department; and, if so, when. 2. How long the half-fare vouchers have been in existence. 3. Whether there is any contract or statutory right entitling the servants of the Department to these half-fare vouchers. 4. Does he not consider half-fare vouchers reasonable, especially in view of the reductions already made. 3. Mr. Maloney : To ask the Honorable the Premier whether, in handing over the Government House rent free to the Federal Government, it was intended or contemplated by the Government that the State servants should be interfered with, providing they performed their duties satis­ factorily. 4. Mr. Lawson : To ask the Honorable the Premier if the Government, before confirming the appoint­ ment of an Auditor-General, will give the House an opportunity of expressing its opinion as to the advisability of amending section 6 of Act No. 1768, and of fixing the salary and emoluments of the new Auditor-General. 5. Mr. Field : To ask the Honorable the Premier if he will state what amount of rent is paid for the offices in London occupied by the Agent-General and staff.

Government Business.

Notices of Motion:— 1. Mr. Irvine : To move, That he. have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to provide for the Reform of The Constitution of Victoria.” 2. Mr. Shiels : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled ” A'Bill to sanction the issue and application of certain sums of Money available under Loan Acts for Railways.’' 3. Mr. Shiels : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to sanction the issue and application of certain sums of Money available under Loan Acts for Public Works and other purposes• ' 4. Mr. Shiels : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to sanction the issue and application of certain sums of Money available under Loan Acts for Water Supply in Country Districts and for other purposes." ~ 5. Mr. McKenzie : To move, That this House do now resolve itself into a Committee of the whole to consider the expediency of amending the Land Tax Act 1890. (220 copies.) 16

Orders of the Dat:— 1. Members and Public Service Retrenchment Bill—Third reading.' ' 2. Ministers’ and Officers’ Salaries Retrenchment Bill—Second reading 3. Municipal Endowment Reduction Bill—Second reading. 4. Malleb Land Account Bill—Second reading. . 5. Treasury Bonds :Bill—Second reading. 1 ' ,* ■ v ; 6. Victorian Loans Redemption Fund-Act 1898 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 7. Trust Funds Act 1897 further Amendment Bill—Second reading. 8. Public Buildings Rent Bill—Second reading. 9. Treasury Bonds Bill (No. 2)—Second reading. - 10. Debentures Destruction Bill—Second reading. 11. Local Railway Rates Abolition Bill—Second reading. 12. Eastern Mallee Water Supply Bill—Second reading. 13. Methodist Union Bill—Second reading. 14. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. < 15. Municipal Overdrafts Indemnity Bill—Second reading. 16. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. 17. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee. General Business. Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, the office of State Governor should be abolished. 2. Mr. Sangsteb : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to restrict Security to the Mortgaged Property." 3. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to rectify some Anomalies in the Law relating to Women.*' 4. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill'relating to Election Expenses'' 5. Mr. Gair : -To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill relating to Action* , against the Commissioner of Railways as a Carrier of Passengers.” 6. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of free railway passes, half-fare tickets, and all other travelling concessions granted by the Railway Department to each of the leading daily and weekly metropolitan and country newspapers for the year ending 30th September, 1902. 2. The cash value of same. 7. Mr. Andrews : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the Public Service and Railways Acts by preventing any New Appointments for Five Tears except with the consent of both Houses of Parliament.” -

8. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of voters’ certificates used in each electorate at the late election. 2. For what candidates were the certificates used.’ 3. How did the certificates affect the return of present Members of Parliament. Orders of the Day :— 1. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 2. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reaning. 3. Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading. 4. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. 5. Voters’ Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second reading. 6. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 7. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 8. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Gillott)—Second reading. 9. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 10. Melbourne University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 11. Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 12. Fortnightly Payment of State Servants—Resumption of debate on the question—“That all servants of the State be paid fortnightly.”

TUESDAY, 4th NOVEMBER. Question. 1. M r. Bailes : To ask the Honorable the Premier if it is his intention to re-enact the Wages Attachment Act this Session ; if so, will he inform the House if he will introduce it at an early date. THOS. G. WATSON, D. GILLIES, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Speedier.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 23rd OCTOBER, 1902. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 5. Methodist Union Bill- [43].

Ity Authoiity ltotsT. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.-.- • V VV> ' If, , : r.V /v

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 6.

WEDNESDAY, 29th OCTOBER, 1902. Question. L Mlt ’L T° aSk th°- H.onorabl° the Minister of Bail ways whether the discontinuance of the woikmen s concessions in fares to and from Newport is to apply to apprentices ; if so, will he in, view of the low wages these lads get, disallow the annulling of the privilege. ’

'Government Business.

Notices of Motion :— L : T° mov,e» Tb»t tbo following Members form the Library Committee of the Legislative ssembly during the present Session, with power to confer with the Committee of the Legislative rvmn!f11' b,peaker’ ^r’ Gavaa Du£fy’ Mr- Fi,,k> Mr- Madden, and Mr. Shiels ; and that the Committee have leave to sit on days on which the House does not meet.

2. Mu. Irvine : To move. That the following Members form the Standing Orders Committee durine the- present Session Mr. Speaker, Mr. Beazley, Mr. Bent, Mr. Bromley", Mr. Gair, Sir Samuel Giflott CnrmmrHVCShMr'iIrVlne’ Mr" Ma;:k,nnon- Sir Alexander Peacock, and Mr. Trenwith ; and that the Committee have leave to sit on days on which the House does not meet; five to be the quorum. 3. Mr. Irvine : To move, That the following Members form the Parliament Buildings Committee of the ^ f f J6 ApS l1,7 du”ng ‘ho present Session, with power to confer with the Committee of Trn L<;=>'slatlv® Counci. Mr. Speaker, Mr. Craven, Mr. Graham, Mr. Taverner, and Mr Trenwith ; and,that tho Comnuttie have leave to sit on days on which the House does not meet. 4" MlVsRmn E.i-U0 e°Vei Thxr tHu f°ll0W™g Members form the Printing Committee during the present Session . Mi. Speaker, Mr. Bowser, Mr. Bromley, Mr. Downward, Mr. Giose, Mr. A. Harris, Mr D,Th0IP McCutdieon, Mr. McGregor, Mr. McKenzie, Mr. Prendcrgast. and Mr. Sterry ; and that the Committee have leave to sit on days on which the House does not meet, and to report the minutes of evidence from time to time ; three to be the quorum. P o. M LelwitKn IrT' iThnt ll? fol]owing Members form the Refreshment Rooms Committee of the Tefr simile r - y C Mng« 1(1 prescat Sess,on> w,th Power t0 confer with tho Committee of tho Legis ative Council:-Mr. Bennett, Mr. Brown, Mr. Gair, Mr. Kerr, and Mr. McBride • and that the Committee have leave to sit on days on which the House does not meet. ti. ME,ul™nt s° ™°VC’ TMat n 6 ^°lio"’'ng Members form the Committee of Public Accoums during Smith Mr w'll-Mr' ®.Ci,zley> ;Vlr- Duggan, Mr. Fink, Mr. Max Hirsch, Mr. McKenzie, m£ omitn, and Mr. Williams ; thiee to be the quorum. 9 7. Mr Irvine : To move, That the following Members be appointed Members of the Parliamentary and M^gWard™‘UCe °" Railvvays>:-Mr- C,aven> Mr- Graham, Mr. Grose, Mr. McBride, Mr. Smith,

Orders of the Day:— 1. Municipal Endowment Reduction Bill—Second reading 2. 1 uiiLic Buildings Rent Bill—Second reading, 3. Debentures Destruction Bill—Second reading. 4. Municipal Overdrafts Indemnity Bill—Second reading. • o. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second read in v. 6. Treasury Bonds Bill (No. 2)—Second reading. 7. Methodist Union Bill—Second reading. 8. Local Railway Rates Abolition Bill—Second reading. Eastern Mallee Water Supply Bill—Second reading. 10. Marriage Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 11. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. 12. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee, (220 copies } 18 II ' , r , ' | ■ ' General Business. \ i 11 < : * ' .■ ■ ' 1 Notices op Motion :— 1. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, the office of State Governor should be abolished. 2. Mr. Sangsteb : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to restrict Security to the Mortgaged Property."

3. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to remove some Anomalies in the Law relating to Women." 4. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill relating to the Limitation of Election Expenses'' o. Mr. Gair : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill relating to Actions against the Commissioner of Railways as a^Carrier of Passengers.” 6. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of free railway passes, half-fare tickets, and all other travelling concessions granted by the Railway Department to each of the leading daily and weekly metropolitan and country newspapers for the year ending 30th September, 1902. 2. The cash value of same. 7. Mr. Andrews : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the Public Service and Railways Acts by preventing any New Appointments for Five Years except with the consent of both Houses of Parliament.” 8. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of voters’ certificates used in each electorate at the late election. 2. For what candidates were the certificates used. 3. How did the certificates affect the return of present Members of Parliament. 9. Mr. Shotpee : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing all mini ig leases, with areas, in the Ballarat Division, together with the following particulars :— 1. Date of issue. 2. To whom issued. 3. By whom now occupied. 4. Leases in which labour covenants are being complied with. 5. Cases in which labour covenants are not complied with, and the reasons. 6. In leases in which labour covenants are being complied with, how many (

Orders op the Day :— 1. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. * 2. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reaning. 3. Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading. 4. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. 5. Voters’ Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second reading. 6. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 7. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 8. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Gillott)—Second reading 9. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 20, Melbourne University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 11. Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. ,12. Fortnightly Payment of State Servants—Resumption of debate on the question—“That all servants of the State be paid fortnightly.”

THURSDAY, 30th OCTOBER. Government Business, Notice of Motion :— 1. Mr. Irvine: To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to provide for the Reform of The Constitution of Victoria

Orders of the Day :— 1. Constitution Reform Bill—Message from His Excellency the Governor—To be considered in Committee. 2. Railway Loan Application Bill—Second reading. 3. Public Works Loan Application Bill—Second reading. 4. Water Supply Loans Application Bill—Second reading. 19

TUESDAY, 4th NOVEMBER. Questions. 1. Mr. Bailbs : To ask the Honorable the Premier if it is his intention to re-enact the Wages Attachment Act this Session ; if so, will he inform the House if he will introduce it at an early date. ' 2. Mr. Maloket : To ask'the Honorable the Minister of Railways— 1. If he will state whether the Government has suffered any loss through alterations being made in the works at the new Flinders-street • Station, .and whether any works have been erected, pulled down, and re-erected. 2. If so, will he state the amount of the loss so caused ; and 3. Does he know who is responsible. Government Business. Notice of Motion :— 1. Mr. McKenzie : To move, That this House do now resolve itself "into a Committee of the whole to - consider the expediency of amending the Land Tax Act 1890.

THOS. G. WATSON, D. GILLIES, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Speaker.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED SINCE 23rd OCTOBER, 1902. Minutes of the Proceedings of the Legislative Council. Nos. 3 and 4. •Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 4. ’ ' . Members and Public Service Retrenchment Bill—[6]. (To Members of Council enlv.l Transfer of Land Bill—[8]. Factories and Shops Continuance Bill.—Amendments to be proposed by the Hon. T. C. Harwood. (To Members of Council only.) " v

Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly. Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 6. Weekly Report of Divisions. No. 1. Marriage Bill—[12]. (To Members only.) Municipal Overdrafts (Indemnity) Bill—[3lJ. Members and Public Service Retrenchment Bill.—Amendment to be proposed after Third Reading. (To Members only.) ° Municipal Endowment Reduction Bill.—Amendments to be proposed in Committee. (To Members only.) Report of the Victorian Railways Commissioner for.the Year ending 30th June, 1902. No. 10.


Uy Authority: IIobt. S. Bkain, Go\eminent l’iinter, Melbourne.


Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 7.

THURSDAY, 30th OCTOBER, iyuz. Notice of Motion (Unopposed):__ h HUTV •1-° m7e’ Tbat there be laid before tbis House a return showing the number of S e,ach («» Pilots and river pilots) who have participated in the pilotage dues collected during 1901, and the amount received by each of them. pilotage dues Government Business. v Notices of Motion :— L t0 briDg iD a Bm intitUl6d “Ami ^ideforthe

2. Mb. Irvine : To move, That the House, at its .rising, adjourn until Wednesday next. 3. Mr. Irvine: To move. That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to amend the Defences and Discipline Act 1890.’ ” 6 u 0 amena tnt

■ Orders "of the Dat:__ o' SUPPLY—■l'0 be further considered in Committee. , , Public Buildings Rent Bill—Consideration of Report. 3. Treasury Bonds Bill (No. 2)—Second reading. 4. Debentures Destruction Bill—Second read in". 5. Municipal Overdrafts Indemnity Bill—Second reading 6. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading 7. CommUtee?N EBF0RM B,ll^-Message from His Excellency the Governor-To be considered in '

8. Railway Loan Application Bill—Second reading. id wLIC 70rks Boan Application Bill—Second reading. 10. Water Supply Loans Application Bill—Second reading. 11. Methodist Bnion Bill—Seconcl reading. 12. Local Railway Rates Abolition Bill—Second reading. • Eastern Mallee Wat'er Supply Bill—Second reading. 14. Marriage Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading lo. Ways and Means-To be further considered in Committee. °* General Business. . Notices of Motion :__ h Y : T° Th“‘> “ ,hg "I'1'1’™ 01 H»“». «-= of State Governor should

'*• »l“”;Jp”;”;""' “ *° bri"S * Bm intituled “A BUI to r,Uriel Sec.rily

3. te«u“ve 10 briDg in *Bm M‘",ga *-**“ - —«

luZn'iSXe.f"- b™e “ * Bill intituled -A Bill relaUn, to ,t,

5. ,e,ve '» bri"e 1" * Bill intituled "A B.ll relati.e to deli,,,, against the

7. Mr. Andrews : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to amend the Public Service and Hailtoays Acts by preventing any New Appointments for Five Years except with the consent of both Houses of Parliament.”

8. Mr. Prendergast s To move, That there be laid before this-House a return showing— 1. The number of voters’ certificates used in each electorate at the lale election. 2. For what candidates were the certificates used. 3. 'How did the certificates affect the return of present Members of Parliament. 9. Mr. Shoppee : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing all mini lg leases, with areas, in the Ballarat Division, together with the following particulars :— 1. Date of issue. 2. To whom issued. 3. By whom now occupied. 4. Leases in which labour covenants are being complied with. 5. Cases in which labour covenants arc not complied with, and the reasons. 6. In leases in which labour covenants are being complied with, how many (a) contract, (b) wages men, (c) tributers, are engaged. 7. In all cases where effective work has been suspended, the date of such suspension. 10. Mr. Maloney : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled '• A Bill to prevent the Evasion of Probate Duties by Entail Settlement or otherwise.” ' 11. Mr. Hall : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to revoke the Procla­ mation as a Public Road of certain Land vn the Town of Benalla and to vest such Land in the Country Fire Brigades Board.'1

Orders of the Day :— 1. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading ■ 2. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 3. Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading. 4. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. 5. Voters’ Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second leading. " 6. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 7. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 8. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Gillott)—Second reading' 9. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 10. Melbourne University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 11. Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 12. Fortnightly Payment of State Servants—Resumption of debate on the question—“ That all servants of the State be paid fortnightly.” , ■ 13. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. >

TUESDAY, 4th NOVEMBER. Questions. 1. Mr. Bailes : To ask the Honorable the Premier if it is his intention to re-enact the Wages Attachment . Act this Session ; if so, will he inform the House if he will introduce it at an early date. 2. Mr. Maloney : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways— 1. If he will state whether the Government has suffeied any loss through alterations being made in the works at the new Flinders-street Station, and whether any works have been erected, pulled down, and rercrected. 2. If so, will he state the amount of the loss so caused ; and ' ' 3. Does he know who is responsible. 3. Mr. W. A. Hamilton : To ask the Honorable the Treasurer— 1. Whether he has noticed that the Acting Prime Minister had stated, in answer to a question by Sir John Quick, M.P.,. that the Federal Government will favorably consider the question of taking over portions of the States’ debts, as they fall due, if asked by any State to do so. 2. In view of the fact that a £5,000,000 loan falls due on 1st January, 1904, will the Honorable - the Treasurer take the necessary legislative steps requesting the Federal Government to take over this loan. 4. Mr. Grose : To ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary— 1. Whether the Government contemplates the introduction of reforms with regard to the identifica­ tion of criminals ; and 2. Has the question of introducing the Bertillon system in some form received consideration. Government Businqps. ■ Notice of Motion :—- 1. Mr. McKenzie : To move, That this House do now resolve, itself into a Committee of the whole to consider the expediency of amending the Land Tax Act 1890.

THOS. G. WATSON, ' D. GILLIES, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Speaker. PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 29th OCTOBER, 1902. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 5. Factories and Shops Continuance Bill—[3].' (To Members of Council only.) Municipal,Endowment Reduction Bill—[16]. (To Members of Council only.)

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day, No. 7." Government Buildings Rent Bill—[17]. (To Members only.) Public Service Bill—[27]. Long Lake Water Supply Bill—[29]. Licensing Amendment Bill—[41]. (To Members only.)


By Authority: Robt. S, Brain, Govcrnmc:: lldb:


Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. S.


2. Me. Maloney : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways— L "V* rate.W!Jethei’ tl'e,.Govcrilmon(, has suffered any loss through alterations bein-r made . . ;,S I"™,“fl,."e°“eS"cie”S 2. It so. will he state the amount of the loss so caused : and o. .Uoes he know who is responsible.

3. Mr. W. A. Hamilton : To ask the Honorable the Treasurer— '• "fjoto'Q” k0'^Mp,tlh‘I".wti;g,Prr?.M,U",e' “ *» » °00> 00° loan falls due on 1st January. 1904, will the Honorable oveerTZToanr. ake ^ Ie=islative stePs jesting the'Federal Goveiime^t to tS’e

4. Me. Grose: To ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary— L "“'I -'»™» 'Vi-'. reS»,d .. lho idcnlifica-

2. Has the question of introducing the Bertillon system in some form rccciyed consideration

*■ M-"-,trkm^l,?„\;X™r™yteewSCT “ h° ',i“ P"ViJe *» -«¥■ « -ho Sw. shall

7. Me. Hay Kibkwood : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Mines- '

Government Business. Notices of Motion:— '• ,o bri°B b -Biu ‘».h»io >li(

con^Mhe^e^^ iuto' a Committee of the "'hole

(220 copies.) 26

Orders of tiie Day :— Public Buildings Rent Bill—Consideration of Report. Treasury Bonds Bill (No. 2)—To be further considered in Committee. Debentures Destruction Bill—Second reading. Municipal Overdrafts Indemnity Bill—Second reading. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. Constitution Reform Bill -Message from' His Excellency the Governor—To be co.isu.erod m Committee. 7. Railway Loan Application Bill—Second reading. 8. Public Works Loan Application Bill—Second reading. 9. Water Supply Loans Application Bill—Second reading. 10. Methodist Cnion Bill—Second reading. ' 11. 'Local Railway Rates Abolition Bill—Second rending. 12. Eastern Mallei: Water Supply Bill—Second reading. 13. Marriage Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 14. Defences and Discipline Act 1890 Amendment Bill^—Second reading. 15. Supply—To be farther considered in Committee. 16. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee, General Business. Notices of Motion:— • 1. Mr. Toutcher : To move, Unit, in the opinion of this House, the office of State Governor should be abolished. 2. Mr. Sangster : To move, That ho have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to restrict Security to the Mot tgaged Property” 3. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to remove some A nowcihes in the Iiaw relating to Women.’ 4. Mr. Mackey : To move. That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A'Bill relating to the ^Limitation of Election Expenses.” 5. Mu. Gair : To move, That he liaxe leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill relating to Actions against the Commissioner of Railways as a Carrier of Passengers. 6 Mr Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1 ’ The number of free railway passes, half-faro tickets, and all other travelling concessions granted by ihe Railway Department to each of the leading daily and weekly metropolitan and country newspapers for the year ending 30th September, 1902. 2 The cash value of same. - Mr Andrews : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Billto amend the Public .Set vice and Railways Acts by preventing any New Appointments /or Five Years except with the consent of both Houses oj Parho/ffient. 8. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing — 1. Tho number of voters’ certificates used in each electorate at the late election. 9. For what candidates were the certificates used. 3. How did the certificates affect the return of present Members of 1 arliament. o Mr Shopper • To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing all mining leases, with area-, in the Ballarat Division, together with the following particulars :— Date of issue. ' ' ■ To whom issued. By whom now occupied. Leases in which labour covenants are being complied with. Cases in which labour covenants are not complied with, and the reasons. In leases in which labour covenants are being complied with, how many (a) contract, lb) wages men, (c) uibuter's, are engaged. ' lu all cases where effective work has been suspended, the date of such suspension. ii; iua,.- i>l., ____ , That he have leave to bring in ^a Bill intituled “ A Bill to prevent the 10. Mr. Mal' ney To move, Evasion oj Probate Duties by Entail Settlement or otherwise 11 Mr IIai l : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to revoke the Frocla- ‘ motion as a Public Iload of certain Land m the Town oj Benalla and to vest such Land m the Country Lire Brigades hoard.” 12. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, a tax on. the unimproved value of laud should be levied as follows :— For every £1 sterling of the unimproved value of land a tax of Id. .. , Where the unimproved value of auy person’s land does not exceed £1,MO the °^ner8^. ® allowed an exemption of £500 ; but where such value exceeds £l,o00 the exemption , shall diminish by £1 for every £2 that such value increases, so that no exemption is allowable when a value of £2,500 is reached. , ,• Where the unimproved value of any owner’s land ,is £5,000 or over a graduatcd tax O addition to the ordinary tax of Id. in the £1) at the rate of £d. in the £1 hom £o,000 to , £10,000, rising at the rate of £d. in the £1 up to 2d. in the ±1 where such unimproved value is £210,000 or over. 27

Orders of the Dat :— 1. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 2. Tied Hodses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 3. Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—;Second reading. 4. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. Voters’ Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second reading. 6. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 7. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 8. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Gillott)—Second reading 9. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 10. Melbourne University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 11. Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 12. Fortnightly Payment of State Servants—Resumption of debate on the question—“That all servants of the State be paid fortnightly.” ■ 13. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(frotn Council)—Second reading.

• THURSDAY, 6th NOVEMBER. General Business. Notice of Motion :— 1. Mr. Menzies : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to repeal the ‘ Gold Buyers Act 1901.’ ”

THOS. G. WATSON, D. GILLIES, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly Speaker.

MEETING- OF SELECT COMMITTEE. Wednesday, 12th November. Library (Joint)—at three o’clock.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 30th OCTOBER, 1902. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 6.

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 8. Railway Local Rates Abolition Bill—[36], Marriage Bill.—Amendment to be proposed in Committee by Mr. Maloney. (To Members only.) Public Service Bill.—New Clause A to be proposed in Committee by Mr. Andrews. (To Members only.) Report of Royal Commission for inquiiing into and reporting on the Numerous Amendments required in the Law relating to Local Government. No. 2. Final Report of Royal Commission on Management of the Railway Department, &c. No. 5.


By Authority,: Robt. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne.


Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 9.


Government Business. Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. Murray : To move, That the Royal Commission appointed on the 9th April, 1900, to inquire into and report on the numerous amendments required in the Law relating to Local Government having incurred certain liabilities beyond the amount of the maximum expenditure already authorized, the House authorizes the payment to such Commission of a further sum of £38 14s. Id. in discharge of the liabilities so incurred.

2. Mr. Murray : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to provide for the Collection of Statistics”

Orders of the Day :— 1. Methodist Union Bill—Second reading. 2. Railway Loan Application Bill—Consideration of Report. 3. Public Wores Loan Application Bill—Second reading. 4. Water Supply Loans Application Bill—Second reading. 5. Eastern Mallee Water Supply Bill—Second reading. . . . 6. Defences and Discipline Act 1890 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 7. Local Railway Rates Abolition Bill—Second reading. 8. Marriage Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 9. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. 10. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee.

General Business. Notices of Motion:— 1. Mr. Menzies : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to repeal the * Gold Buyers Act 1901.’ ”

2. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That, in tho opinion of this House, the office of State Governor should be abolished. .) 3. Mr. Sangster : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to restrict Security to the Mortgaged Property.” y

4. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to remove some Anomalies m the Law relating to Women

5. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill relating to the Limitation of Election Expenses.” (220 copies.) 30

6. Mr. G-air : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill relating to Actions against the Commissioner of Railways as a Carrier of Passengers.” 7. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of free railway passes, half-fare tickets, and all other travelling concessions granted by the Railway Department to each of the leading daily and weekly metropolitan and country newspapers for the year ending 30th September, 1902. 2. The cash,value of same. 8. Mr. Andrews : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the Public Service and Railways Acts by preventing any New Appointments for Five Tears except with the consent of both Houses of Parliament” 9. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of voters’ certificates used in each electorate at the late election. 2. For what candidates were the certificates used. 3. How did the certificates affect the return of present Members of Parliament. 10. Mr. Shoppee : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing all mining leases, with areas, in the Ballarat Division, together with the following particulars :— - ' 1. Date of issue. 2. To whom issued. ‘ 3. By whom now occupied. 4. Leases in which labour covenants are being complied with. 5. Cases in which labour covenants are not complied with, and the reasons. 1 6. In leases in which labour covenants are being complied with, how many (a) contract. (6) wages men, (c) tributers, are engaged. 7. In all cases where effective work has been suspended, the date of such suspension. 11. Mr. Maloney : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to prevent the Evasion of Probate Duties by Entail Settlement or otherwise.’’ 12. Mr. Hall : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to revoke the Procla­ mation 'as a Public Road of certain Land in the Town of Benalla and to vest such Land in the Country Fire Brigades Board.” 13. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That, in the opinion of 'this House, a tax on the unimproved value of land should be levied as follows :— For every IT sterling of the unimproved value of land a tax of Id. Where the unimproved value of any person’s land does not exceed £1,500 the owner shall be allowed an exemption of £500 ; but where such value exceeds £1,500 the exemption shall diminish by £1 for every £2 that such value increases, so that no exemption is allowable when a value of £2,500 is reached. Where the unimproved value of any owner’s' land is £5,000 or over a graduated tax (in v . .. addition to the ordinary tax of Id. in the £1) at the rate of Jd. in the £1 from £5,000 to £10,000, rising at the rate of ^d. in the £1 up to 2d. in the £1 -where such unimproved value is £210,000 or over. • - 14. Mr. Prendergast: To move, That he have leave to biing in a Bill intituled “A Bill to legalize the Totalizator.”

Orders ok the Day :— 1. Legitimation of Children Bi;ll—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 2. Tied Hotses Abolition Hill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. . 3. Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading. 4. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. 5. Voters’ Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second reading. 6. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 7. Legal. Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 8. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Gillott)—Second reading 9. Wills Act 1899 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W."A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 1 10. Melbourne University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 11. Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 12. Fortnightly Payment of State’ Servants—Resumption of debate on the question—“That all servants of the State be paid fortnightly.” 13. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.

TUESDAY, 11th NOVEMBER. Questions. ’ 1. Mr. Maloney : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways— 1. If he will state whether the Government has suffered any loss through alterations being made , in the works at the new Flinders-street" Station, and whether any works have been erected, pulled down, and re-erected." . 2. If so, will be state the amount of the loss so caused ; and ' '3. Does he know who is responsible. 31

2. Mr. Hat Kirkwood : To ask the Honorable the Minister of, Mines— - 1. If he will have an extended survey of the three main lines of reef made north of the Moon mines, Eaglehawk, on the Garden Gully, Hustler’s, and Victoria' reefs, as it is now very difficult to ; - , trace them in the scrubby country. " 1 , 2. Can a diamond drill be spared for the purpose of prospecting for the alluvial lost leads of gold north of Myers Flat, Sydney Flat, and Sebastian which are all trending north-west towards the Loddon River. " 3. Mr. Andrews : To ask the Honorable the Treasurer— 1. If any Inspecting Officers have been appointed, as provided by Act 1768, section 11 ; if so, how many. 2. Have such officers within twelve months of appointment obtained either the certificate of the Companies Auditors’ Board or the certificate of some society or institute of accountants recognised by such Board as provided by the said section. 3. Has the recently appointed Auditor-General obtained either of the above-mentioned certificates ; if not, was his Appointment subject to his obtaining one of, such certificates within twelve months. 4. Mr. Bowser : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if, in view of the fact that the revenue from the Wangaratta to Whitfield narrow-gauge railway last year is stated at £5,048, and the interest on capital cost at £1,155, he will inform the House what profit was made by the Depart­ ment on the working of the line. 5. Mr. Prendrrgast : To ask the Honorable the Premier— 1. If he is aware that a compact exists between certain newspapers and the Eastern Extension Australasia and ,China Telegraph Company for the purpose of obtaining control at certain low rates over telegraphic items of news from the Old World. 2. Will he, in the interests of this State, recommend that the Pacific Cable authorities shall make items of news available at a cheap rate for publication in order to prevent the present monopoly. 6. Mr. Smith : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways— 1. If the sums of £192,587, £80,808, and £163,326 accurately represent the shortage or deficiency in the Railway accounts for the years 1900, 1901, and 1902 respectively. 2. Is it a fact that large sums properly belonging to working expenses have been charged to capital. 3. Did Mr. Reid, ex-Rail way Accountant, and now Auditor-General, protest against presenting the accounts in such a manner; if so, will the Honorable the Minister supply copies of such protests. 4. Will he also supply copies of the Commissioner’s replies to such protests.

7. Mr. Levien : To ask the Honorable the Minister for Agriculture if he will inform the House as to the intentions of the Government regarding the Maffra Beet Sugar Factory.

8. Mr.'Watt: To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if he will, before any appointment to the vacant position of Railway Accountant is made or confirmed, consider the advisability of requesting two expert commercial accountants to investigate the bookkeeping methods of the Department, with a view to the complete re-organization of the existing system, and the presentation of an annual balance-sheet showing proper capital, depreciation, and profit and loss accounts.

•Government Business. Notices of Motion:— 1. Mr. Irvine : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to provide Jot the Reform of The Constitution of Victoria.” 2. Mr. McKenzie : To move, That this House do now resolve itself into a Committee of the whole to consider the expediency of amending the Land Tax Act 1890.

Orders of the Day :— 1. Municipal Overdrafts Indemnity Bill—Thiid reading. 2. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. 3. Constitution Reform Bill—Message from His Excellency the Governor—To be considered in 1 Committee. THOS. G. WATSON, D. GILLIES, Glerk of the Legislative Assembly. Speaker.

MEETING OF SELECT COMMITTEE. Wednesday, 12th November. Library (Joint)—at three o’clock. PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED SINCE 30th OCTOBER, 1902.' Minutes of the Proceedings of the Legislative Council. Nos. 5, 6, and 7; Coroners Bill.—Amendment to be proposed by the Honorable T; C. Harwood. (To Members of Council only.)

Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly. Nos. 7, 8j and 9. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 9. Weekly Report of Divisions. No. 2. Water Supply Loans Application Bill—[32]. • Statement showing proposed.Loan Expenditure for Water Supply. Railway Loan Application Bill—[33]. Statement showing proposed Loan Expenditure for Victorian Railways. Public Works Loan Application Bill—[34], Statement showing proposed Loan Expenditure for Public Works. Defences Bill—[40].

By Authority: Robt. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLYo

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

« No. 10.



1. Mr. Maloney : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways— 1. If he will state whether the Government has suffered any loss through alterations being made in the works at the new Flinders-street Station, and whether any works have been erected, pulled down, and re-erected. 2. If so, will he state the amount of the loss so caused ; and 3. Does he know who is responsible.

2. Mr. Hay Kirkwood : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Mines— 1. If he will have an extended survey of the three main lines of reef made north of the Moon mines, Eaglehawk, on the Garden Gully, Hustler’s, and Victoria reefs, as it is now very difficult to trace them in the scrubby country. 2. Gnu a diamond drill be spared for the purpose of prospecting for the alluvial lost leads of gold north of Myers Flat, Sydney Flat, and Sebastian which are all trending north-west towards the Loddon River.

3. Mr. Andrews : To ask the Honorable the Treasurer— 1. If any Inspecting Officers have been appointed, as provided by Act 1768, section 11 ; if so, how ' many. 2. Have such officers within twelve months of appointment obtained either the certificate of the Companies Auditors’ Board or the certificate of some society or institute of accountants recognised by such Board as provided by the said section. 3. Has the recently appointed Auditor-General obtained either of the above-mentioned certificates ; - „ if not) was his appointment subject to his obtaining one of such certificates within twelve months.

4. Mr. Prendkrgast : To ask the Honorable the Premier— 1. If lie is aware that a compact exists between certain newspapers and the Eastern Extension Australasia and China Telegraph Company for the purpose of obtaining control at certain low rates over telegraphic items of news from the Old World. 2. Will he, in the interests of this State, recommend that the Pacific Cable authorities shall make items of news available at a cheap rate lor publication in order to prevent the present monopoly.

5. Mr. Smith : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways— 1. If the sums of £192,587, £80,808, and £163,326 accurately represent the shortage or deficiency in the Railway accounts for.the years 1900, 1901, and 1902 respectively. ' 2. Is it a fact that large sums properly belonging to working expenses have been charored to capital. ° 3. Did Mr. Reid, ex-Railway Accountant, and now Auditor-General, protest against presenting the accounts in such a manner; if so, will the Honorable the Minister supply copies of °uch protests. 4. Will he also supply copies of the Commissioner’s replies to such protests. (220 copies.) .YJIIM388A 3,7 IT A,181-OS J :

6. Mr. Levien : To ask the Honorable the Minister for Agriculture if he will inform the House as to the intentions of the Government regarding the Matfra Beet Sugar Factory.

7. Mr. Watt : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if he will, before any appointment to the vacant position of Ra il way' A'ccoimtarntrisurad e"or confirmed, consider the advisability of requesting two expert commercial accountants to investigate the bookkeeping methods of the Department, with a view to, the complete re-organization of the existing system, and the presentation of an annual balance-sheet showing proper capital, depreciation, and profit and loss accounts.

8. Mr. Williams : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways when he intends to proceed with the improvements to the Castlemaine Railway Station authorized by the Railway Loan Application Act 1901 (Item 10 of Schedule). ' • ‘ ' 9. Mr. Lawson : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if he will inform the House whether increments will be paid this year to railway servants earning less than £125 per annum. 10. Mr. Field : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if he is aware that station-masters, who have been in the lowest grades of that class for upwards of fourteen years at,a salary of £130 to £150' per annum, with quarters, fuel, light, and water, have received notice that from the 1st November, 1902, they will have to provide fuel, light, and water at their own expense. 11. Mr. Mackinnon : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Agriculture— 1. How many inspectors have been appointed under section 17 of the Vegetation Diseases Act 1896 2. What, persons are eligible for such inspectorships. 3. Is it a fact that persons appointed aro devoid of practical experience. 4. For what reason are the trained students of the Government Horticultural School ineligible for such inspectorships.

Government Business. Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. Irvine : To move, That lie have leave to bring in a Bill intiluled “A Bill to provide Jot the Reform of The Constitution of Victoria

2. Mr. McKenzie : To move, That this House do now resolve itself into a Committee of the whole to consider the expediency of amending the Land Tax Act 1890.

Orders of the Day:— 1. Water Supply Loans Application Bill—Second reading. 2. Eastern Mallee Water Supply Bill—Second reading. 3. Municipal Overdrafts Indemnity Bill—Third reading. 4. Local Railway Rates Abolition Bill—Second reading. 5. Marriage Acr 1900 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 6. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. 7. Constitution Reform Bill—Message from His Excellency the Governor—To be considered in Commiticc 8. Statistics Collection Bill—Second reading. 9. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. 10. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee.

General Business. , Notices ok-.Motion:— 1. Mr. Mknzh- s : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to repeal the ‘ Gold Buyei s Act 1901.’ ”

2. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That, in tlio opinion of this House, the office of State Governor should ,be abolished.

3. Mr. Sangster : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to restrict Security to 'the Mortgaged Property.”

4. Mr. Macicey : To,move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to remove some Anomalies m the Law relating to Women.”

5. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill relating to the Limitation of Election Expenses.”

6. Mr. G'atr : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill, intituled “A Bill relating to Actions .against the Commissioner of Railways as a Carrier of Passengers ”

7. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of free railway passes, half-fare tickets, and all other travelling c.once-=ions granted by' the Railway Department to "each of the leading daily and weekly metropolitan and country newspapers for the year ending 30th September, 1902. 2. The cash value of same. 35 now io :dlto-' tzto/inzioi Mp wNDcREWS : T°m°v®< That he have leav©-t6ybriQg'\inj a,Bni:fihtitiile(],--“'v4 'Bill:td'amend,J'the ■m 'Fin *•* *» , v n'jfiZvrjcp’ ;^-nV.u ,:ji vr.n.iM ->;]* ,*■, 3,!i IJ "Y~. TI •» T—. ■ • - - , —- ' I ’ _ r1 ■ T 1 . 1 1 I ait'. ' ^Rl Pbexdergast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing — .'. Li-The^humber of voters’ certificates used in each electorate at the laic c'lcc'tionA iS ^ L' ^ 1 O ' n. __J ! J _ i__ .1 .•/> - r . . i". - l Z;3,Z?Eor what candidates were the certificates used. Vv.VZtx ■ 'to v 3.‘ How did the cei tificates affect the return of present Members of Parliament. -to. MwitVH°PPE^ 1 1° p°ue’ Tl^- t.h.eie be laid before ,llis House a return showing all mining leases, with areas, in the Ballarat Division, togethei with the following particulars , 1. Date, of issue. 2. To whom issued. 3. By. whom now occupied. 4. Leases in which labour covenants are being complied with. 5. Cases in which labour covenants are not complied with, and the reasons. 6. In leases in which labour covenants are being complied with, how many (a) contract. ■(b) wages men, (c) tnbuters, are engaged. 7. In all cases where effective work has been suspended, the date of such suspension. 11. Ms. Maloney; To move, Jliat he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled A Bill to prevent the Kxasion oj Probate Duties by Entail Settlement or otherwise 12. Me. Hall : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to revoke the Procla­ mation as a Public Road of certain Land m the Town of Benalla and to vest such Land in the Country Tire JtSnqaaes Hoard. a ’3- Wat'tefcS‘‘‘ •»*** ‘h" H0-"’“ *h» -ImP-ved v1„, o,

lor every ,f 1 sterling of the unimproved value of land a tax of Id. Where the unimproved value of any person’s land does not exceed £1,500 the owner shall be allowed a-n exemption of £500 ; but where such value exceeds £1,500 the exemption shaU diminish by £1 for every £2 that such value increases, so that no exemption is -allowable when a value of £2,500 is reached. Where the unimproved value of any owner’s land is £5,000 or over a graduated tax (in ’I-io nnn 0r(1'Ty tax of ,ld' ,n the £1) at the rate of id. in the £1 from £5,000 to £10,00°, rising at the rate .of £d. in the £1 up to 2d. in the £1 where such unimproved value is £210,000 or over. . ^ 14, MJ;e 1 T° ™°Ve’ That he have Ieave t0 bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to legalize

Orders ok thk Day:— 1. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading 2. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 3. Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading. 4. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. 5. Voters’ Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second leading.^ 6. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 7. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 8. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Gillott)—Second reading 9. Wills Act 1899 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 10. Melbourne University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 11. Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading.

12. Fortnightly Payment of State Servants—Resumption of debate on the question—“ Tint nil servants of the State be paid fortnightly.” 13. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 12th NOVEMBER. Question. 1. Mr. W. A* Hamilton : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways— Has he noticed the statement in the Bendigo Independent newspaper of Monday, the 3rd November instant, to the effect that casual labourers were sent from Melbourne to Bendigo to clean engines, and ihat local labour was thereby ignored, and further that the men sent up would have to be paid 4s. per day expenses in addition to their ordinary waves. . 2. Has he noticed the further statement in the same paper on the following dav that these men M ere taken to Bendigo and classed as “ permanent ” casuals or some similar name, and that although taken from their homes in Melbourne they were not to be'lpaid the 4s. per day for expenses. , * , 36

CONTINGENT NOTICE OF MOTION. Upon-a Motion for going into Gvm'mittee of Supply— . ' 1; Mr. Bailes : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Government, in - the interests of the mining industry, should appoint a Director of Mining.

THOS. G. WATSON, D. GILLIES, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Speaker.

MEETINGS OF SELECT COMMITTEES. Wednesday, 12th November. Library (Joint)—at three o’clock. Refreshment Rooms (Joint)—at three o’clock.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 6th NOVEMBER, 1902. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 10. Railway Loan Application Bill—[33]. (To Members only.) Regulations under various Acts of Parliament. Extracted from Government Gazette of 29th October, 1902. No. 23. )

' Sy Authoiity: Kult. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 11.


Questions. 1. Mb. Levien : To ask the Honorable the Minister for Agriculture if he will inform the House as to the intentions of the Government regarding ihe Maffra Beet Sugar Factory.

2. Mr. Field : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if he is aware that station-masters, who have been in the lowest grades of that class for upwards of fourteen years at a salary of £130 to £150 per annum, with quarters, fuel, light, and water, have received notice that from the 1st November, 1902, they will have to provide fuel, light, and water at their own expense. 3. Mb. Mackinnon : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Agriculture__ 1. How many inspectors have been appointed under section 17 of the Vegetation Diseases Act 1896. » 2. What persons are eligible for such inspectorships. 3. Is it a fact that persons appointed are devoid of practical experience. 4. For what reason are the trained students of the Government Horticultural School ineligible for such inspectorships. °

4. Mb. W. A. Hamilton : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways— 1. Has he noticed the statement in the Bendigo Independent newspaper of Monday, the 3rd November instant, to the effect that casual labourers were sent from Melbourne to Bendigo to clean engines, and that local labour was thereby ignored, and further that the men sent up would have to be paid 4s. per day expenses in addition to their ordinary wages. 2. Has he noticed the further statement in the same paper on the following dav that these men were taken to Bendigo and classed as “ permanent ” casuals or some similar name, and that although taken from their homes in Melbourne they were not to be paid the 4s. per day for expenses. r J

5. Mb. J. Cameron : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey if, in view of the rapid encroachment of rabbits from the reserves in East Gippsland, he will grant loans to the settlers there to enable them to fence with rabbit-proof netting.

6. Mb. Kerb : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways— 1. What branches of the railway service have been retrenched one day per week, and the number of hands affected by such retrenchment. 2. Does he intend to place all branches of the service on the same footing. 7. Mr. Duggan : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways whether he has determined that on and after the 1st November instant privilege railway fares to miners shall be discontinued : and if so, has he issued instructions to that effect.

8. Mr. Smith : To. ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if he will inform the House why the men employed in the Existing Lines Branch of the Railway Department have not received payment for the overtime worked by them up to the 20th October last.

Government Business. Notices of Motion:— 1. Mr. Irvine : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to provide for ihe Reform of The Constitution of Victoria.”

2. Mb. McKenzie : To move, That this House do now resolve itself into a Committee of the whole to consider the expediency of amending the Land Tax Act 1890. (220 copies.) 38

Orders of the Day 1. Water Supply Loans Application Bill—Second reading. 2. Eastern Mallek Water Supply Bill—Second reading. 3. Local Railway Rates Abolition Bill—To be further considered in Committee. 4. Marriage Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 5. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. 6. Constitution Reform Bill—Message from His Excellency the Governor—To be considered in Committee. 7. Statistics Collection Bill—Second reading. .8., Supply—To be further considered in Committee. ' - 9. Ways and Means—To bo further considered in Committee.

General Business.

Notices of Motion :—

1. Mr. Menziks : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to repeal the ‘ Gold Buyers Act 1901.’ ”

2. Mr. Toutcher : To move, 'I liat, in the opinion of this House, the office of State Governor should be abolished.

3. Mr. Sangster : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to restrict Security to the Mortgaged Property.”

4. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring- in a Bill intituled “A Bill to remove some Anomalies in the Law i elating to Women.”

o. Mr. Mackey : To move. That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill relating to the Limitation of Election Expenses''

6. Mr. Gair : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill relating to Actions against the Commissioner of Railways as a Carrier of Passengers.”

7. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of free railway passes, half-fare tickets, and all other travelling concessions granted bv the Railway Department to each of the leading daily and weekly metropolitan and country newspapers for the year ending 30th September, 1902. 2- The cash value of same. ■

8. Mr. Andrews : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the Public Service and Railways Acts by preventing any New Appointments for Five Years except with the consent of both Houses of Parliament.”

9. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of voters’ certificates used in each electorate at the late election. 2. For what candidates were the certificates used. 3. How did the certificates affect the return of present Members of Parliament.

10. Mr. Shoppee : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing all mining leases, with areas, in the Ballarat Division, together with the following particulars :— 1. Date of issue. 2. To whom issued. 3. By whom now occupied. 4. Leases in which labour covenants are being complied with. 5. Cases in which labour covenants are not complied with, and the reasons. 6. In leases in which labour covenants are being complied with, how many (g) contract. (6) wages men, (c) tributers, are engaged. 7. In all cases where effective work has been suspended, the date of such suspension.

11. Mr. Maloney: To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled '■ A Bill to prevent the Evasion of Probate Duties by Entail Settlement or otherwise.” 12. Mr. Hall : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to revoke the Procla­ mation as a Public Road of certain Land in the Town of Benalla and to vest such Land in the Country Fire Brigades Board.'’

13. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, a tax on the unimproved value of land should be levied as follows :— For every £1 sterling of the unimproved value of land a tax of Id. Where the unimproved value of any person’s land does not exceed £1,500 the owner shall be allowed an exemption of £500 ; but where such value exceeds £1,500 the exemption shall diminish by £1 for every £2 that such value increases, so that no exemption is allowable when a value of £2,500 is reached. Where the unimproved value of any owner’s land is £5,000 or over a graduated tax (in addition to the ordinary tax of Id. in the £1) at the rate of £d. in the £1 from £5,000 to £10,000, rising at the rate of £d. in the £1 up to 2d. in the £1 where such unimproved value is £210,000 or over.

14. Mr. Prendergast: To move, That he have leave to biing in a Bill intituled “A Bill to legalize the Totalizator.” '39

Orders of the Day:— 1. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 2. Tied Horses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 3. Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading. 4. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. .5. Voters Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second reading. 6. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 7. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 8. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Gillott)—Second reading 9. wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 10. Melbourne University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 11. Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Brendergast)—Second reading. 12. Fortnightly Payment of State Servants—Resumption of debate on the question,—“ That all servants of the State be paid fortnightly.” 13. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.

CONTINGENT NOTICE OF MOTION. Upon a Motion for going into Committee of Supply— Bailes : To move,.That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Government, in the interests of the mining industry, should appoint a Director of Mining.

THOS. G. WATSON, D. GILLIES, ■Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Speaker.

' MEETINGS OF SELECT COMMITTEES. Wednesday, 12th November. Library' (Joint)—at three o’clock. Refreshment Rooms (Joint)—at three o’clock.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED SINCE 6th NOVEMBER, 1902. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. , No. 7. ■Government Buildings Rent Bill—[17]. (To Members of Council only.) •Cancelled Debentures Bill—[18]. (To Members of Council only.) Treasury Bonds Bill (No. 2)—[25]. (To Members of Council only.) Railway Loan Application Bill—[33]. (To Members of Council only.) Public Works Loan Application Bill—[34], (To Members of Council only.) Defences Bill—[40].; (To Members of Council only.) Methodist Union Bill—[43]. (To Members of Council only.) Insolvency Bill. New Clause A to be proposed by the Hon. G. Godfrey. (To Members of Council only.^

Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly. Nos. 10 and 11. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 11. Statistics Collection Bill—[4].

By Authority: Robt. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne.


Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 12.


Notice of Motion (Unopposed):— 1. Mr. C. Hamilton : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing__ 1. All sums which have been paid in bonuses to railway officials during the past three years, l. lo what officials, and for what purposes, the bonuses in question have been paid.

-Government Business. OitiJKiis ok the Day :— 1. Water Supply Loans Application Bill—Second reading--Resumption of debate. 2. Eastern Malleh Water Supply Bill—Second reading. 3. Marriage Acr 1900 Amendment Bill—(from Couhcil)—Consideration of Report. ' CCommittTee°N REF0™ B,LL-McssaSe from His Excellency the Governor-To be considered in,

. 5- Statistics Collection Bill—Second reading. 6. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. ■ • 7. Coroners Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 8. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. 6 9. Wats and Means—To be further considered in Committee,

UJeneral Business. Notices op Motion :— L ^Buye^Act igop'”076’ That h° have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill tovepeal the ‘ Gold

Mr. Toutcher To move, That, in the opinion of this House, the office of State Governor should be abolished. 3. Mr. Sangster : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to restrict Security to the Mortgaged Property.” 4. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to remove some Anomalies m the Law relating to Women”

o. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill relating to the Limitation of Election Expenses.” 6. Mr. Gair : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill relating to Actions against the Commissioner of Railways as a Carrier of Passengers.” Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. .The number of free railway passes, half-fare tickets/and all other travelling eoncessioi granted y the Railway Department to,each of the leading daily and weekly metropolitan an country newspapers for the year ending 30th September, 1902. 2- The cash value of same. 8‘ Mp„/tNDvEWS : T°,m,?VG,’ That he have leave -bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to amend the l ubiic isei vice and. Railways Acts by preventing any New Appointments for Five Tears except with the consent of both Houses oj Parliament." F

9. Mu. Prendekgast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of voters’ certificates used in each electorate at the lale election. I1 or what candidates were i he certificates used. 3. How did the certificates affect the return of present Members of Parliament. (220 copies.) 42

10. Mr. Shoppbe : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing all mining leases, with areas, in the Ballarat Division; together with the following particulars :— 1. Date of issue. 2. To whom issued. 3. By whom now occupied. 4. Leases in which labour covenants are being complied with. 5. Cases in which labour covenants are not complied with, and the reasons. 6. In leases in which labour covenants are being complied with, how many (a) contract. (6) wages men, (c) tribliters, are engaged. 7. In all cases where effective work has been suspended, the date of such suspension.

11. Mr. Maloney : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to prevent the Evasion oj Probate Duties by Entail Settlement or otherwise.’'

12. Mr. Hall : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to revoke the Procla­ mation as a Public Road oj certain Land m the Town oj Benalla and to vest such Land in the Country Fire Bmqades Board.'’

13. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That, in the opinion of this Houso, a tax on the unimproved value of land should be levied as follows :— For eyery £1 sterling of the unimproved value of land a tax of Id. Where the unimproved value of any person’s land does not exceed £1,500 the owner shall be allowed an exemption of £500 ; but where such value exceeds £1,500 the exemption shall diminish by £1 for eveiy £2 that such value increases, so that, no exemption is allowable when a value of £2,500 is reached. ' Where the unimproved value of any owner’s land is £5,000 or, over a. graduated tax (in addition to the ordinary tax of Id. in the £1) at the rate of Jd. in the £1 from £5,000 to . £10,000, rising at the rate of ^d. in the £1 up to 2d. in the £1 where such unimproved value is £^10,000 or over.

14. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to legalize the Totalizator."

Orders ok the Day:— 1. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. - 2. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 3. Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading. 4. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. 5. Voters’ Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second reading. 6. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 7. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 8. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Gillott)—Second reading 9. Wills Act 1899 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 10. Melbourne University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 11. Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 12. Fortnightly Payment of State Servants—Resumption of debate on the question—“ That, all servants of the State be paid fortnightly.” 13. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.

TUESDAY, 18th NOVEMBER. Questions. x 1. Mr Bailes : To ask"the Honorable the Premier— 1. Has the Honorable the Minister of Public Instruction intimated that the Education Department will establish schools in sparsely populated country districts, oil the condition that the residents in the locality provide the teacher with board and residence, or agree to the payment of a small sum towards the expense of educating their children. 2. If ilie Honorable the Minister ot Public Instiuction has so intimated, is this not an infringement of the free and compulsory principles 'of the Education Act."

2. Mr. C. Hamilton : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Mines if he will inform the House whether he intends, in view of the present depressed state of the mining industry on the Sebastopol Plateau, to take any steps to have the Plateau drained.

3. Mr. Beazley : To ask the Honorable the Premier if he is aware that Mr. Topp, the Public Service Commissioner,' has been asked to accept the position of Electoral Commissioner for Victoria under the Commonwealth ; and, if so, does he approve of Mr. Topp’s acceptance of the position.

Government Business. Order of the Day :— 1. Constitution Reform Bill—Second reading. 43

TUESDAY, 25th NOVEMBER. Government Business. Notice of Motion :— L M„r‘ ^cKenzie : To move, That this House do now resolve itself into a Committee of the whole to consider the expediency of amending the Lcmd Tax Act 1890.

CONTINGENT NOTICE OF MOTION. Upon a Motion for going into Committee of Supply— 1. Mr. Bailbs : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Government, in the interests of the mining industry, should appoint a Director of Mining.

THOS. G. WATSON, D. GILLIES, Clerk oj the Legislative Assembly. Speaker.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 12th NOVEMBER, 1902. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 8. ' Municipal Overdrafts (Indemnity) Bill—[31], (To Members of Council only.) Ii.ctones and Shops Continuance Bill.—Amendments made by Legislative Council. How dealt with by Legislative Assembly. (To Members of Council only.),

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No 12 Marriage Bill—[12]. (To Members only.) Coroners Bill—[23], (To Members only.) Savings Banks.—Statements and Returns for'the Year ended 30th June, 1902. No. 11.

By Authority Ro:;t. S. Chain. Government Printer, Melbourne. r i , LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day,

No. 13.

TUESDAY, 18th NOVEMBER. 1902. Qitestions. 1. " Mr. Bailes : To ask the Honorable the Premier— 1. Has the Honorable the Minister of Public Instruction intimated that the Education Department will establish schools in sparsely populated country districts, on the condition that the residents in'the locality provide the teacher with board and residence, or agree to the payment of a small sum towards the expense of educating their children. 2. If the Honorable the Minister of Public Instruction has so intimated, is this not an infringement of the free and compulsory principles of the Education Act. 2. Mr. Bbazlby : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Public Works whether he has obtained ‘ sufficient information to enable him to deal with the Question of removing the nuisance existing at Dight’s Falls. ' • 8

3. Mr. C. Hamilton : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Mines if he will inform the House whether he intends, in view of the present depressed state of the mining industry on the Sebastopol Plateau, to take any steps to have the Plateau drained.

4. Mr. Beazley : To ask the Honorable the Premier if he is aware that Mr. Topp, the Public Service Commissioner, has been asked to accept the position of Electoral Commissioner for Victoria under the Commonwealth ; and, if so, does he approve of Mr. Topp’s acceptance of the position.

Government Business. Orders op the Day :— 1. Eastern Malle e Wajter Supply Bill—Third reading. 2. Statistics Collection Bill:—Consideration of Report. 3. Marriage Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Consideration of Report. 4. Water Supply Loans Application Bill—Second reading—Resumption, of debate. 5. Constitution Reform Bill—Second reading. 6. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. 7. Coroners Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 8. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. 9* Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee.

General Business. Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. Menzies : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled "A Bill to repeal the ‘ Gold Buyers Act 1901.’”

2. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, the office of State Governor should be abolished.

3 Mr. Sangster : To move,' That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to restrict Security to the Mortgaged Property.”

4. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have .leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to remove some Anomalies in the Law relating to Women.” (220 copies.) 46

5. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill relating to the Limitation of Election Expenses." 6. Mr. Gair : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill relating to Actions against the Commissioner of Railways as a Carrier of Passengers.” 7. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of free railway passes, half-fare tickets, and all other travelling concessions granted by the Railway Department to each of the leading daily and weekly metropolitan and country newspapers for the year ending 30th September, 1902. 2. The cash value of same. 8. Mr. Andrews : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled tir A Bill to~ amend • the Public Service and Railways Acts by preventing any Neur Appointments for 'Five Years except with the consent of both Houses of Parliament.” 9. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of voters’ certificates used in-each electorate at the late election. 2. For what candidates were the certificates used. 3. How did the certificates affect the return of present Members of Parliament. 10. Mr. Shoppee : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing all mining leases, with areas, in the Ballarat Division, together with the following particulars.:— 1. Date of issue. 2. To whom issued. 3. By whom now occupied. 4. Leases in which labour covenants are being complied with. 5. Cases in which labour covenants are not complied with, and the reasons. 6. In leases in which labour covenants are being co,mplied with, how many (a) contract, (b) wages men, (c) tribliters, are engaged. 7. In all cases where effective work has been suspended, the date of such suspension. 11. Mr. Maloney : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to prevent the Evasion of Probate Duties by Entail Settlement or otherwise." 12. Mr. Hall : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to revoke the Procla­ mation as a Public Road of certain Land vn the Town of Benalla and to vest such Land in the Country Fire Brigades Board.” 13. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, a tax on the uuitnproved Value of land should be levied as follows :— For every £1 sterling of the unimproved value of land a tax of Id, Where the unimproved value of any person’s land does not exceed £1,500 the owner shall be allowed an exemption of £500 ; but where such value exceeds £1,500 the exemption shall diminish by £1 for every £2 that such value increases, so that no exemption is allowable when a value of £2,500 is reached. Where the unimproved value of any owner’s land is £5o000 or over a graduated tax (in addition to the ordinary tax of Id. in the £1) at the rate of £d. in the £1 from £5,000 to £10,000, rising at the rate of jd. in the £1 up to 2d. in the £1 where such unimproved value is £210,000 or over. 14. Mr. - Prendergast : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to legalize the Totalizator.”

Orders ok the Day :— 1. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 2. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 3. Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading. 4. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. 5. Voters’ Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second reading. 6. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 7. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 8. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Gillott)—Second reading 9. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 10. Melbourne University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 11. Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 12. Fortnightly Payment of State Servants—Resumption of debate on the question—“ That all servants of the State be paid fortnightly.” 13. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.

TUESDAY, 25th NOVEMBER. Government Business, Notice of Motion :— 1. Mr. McKenzie : To move, That this House do now resolve itself into a Committee of the whole to consider the expediency of amending the Land Tax Act 1890. 47

. CONTINGENT NOTICE OF MOTION. Upon a Motion for going into Committee of Supply— 1. Mr. Bailes To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Government, in the interests of the mining industry, should appoint a Director of Mining.

THOS. G. WATSON, D. GILLIES, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Speaker.

MEETINGS OF SELECT COMMITTEES. Tuesday, 18/A November. Library (Joint)—at three o’clock. Wednesday, 19/A November. ______Refreshment Rooms (Joint)—at three o’clock.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 18th NOVEMBER, 1902; Notices of Motion and1 Orders of the Day. No. 13. Statistics Collection Bill—(To Members only.) The Constitution Bill—[26J. Bank Liabilities and Assets.—Summary of Sworn Returns for the Quarter ended 30th June, 1902. No. 4.


By Authority; Robt. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne ’I




Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 14.

WEDNESDAY, 19th NOVEMBEE, 1902. Questions.

1. Mr. Craven : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if he will allow travelling sheen to graze upon the railway reserves between Wodonga and Tallangatta on Sundays. 2. Mr. Mackey : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways— 1. Is it a fact that the Honorable the Minister has been advised by his responsible officers that, exclusive of a charge for interest on cost of construction of the railways, the cost of carrying Victorian coal hardly exceeds gd. per ton per mile. ° 2. Is it a fact that,under the contracts for the supply of New South Wales coal to the railways, wharfage dues amounting to Is. per ton are remitted to the contractors, and no charge made for the corresponding service rendered by the Harbor Trust. 3. Are wharfage dues remitted in the case of the supply of New South Wales coal to the City Council, the Metropolitan Board of Works, and other public bodies. 4. Will the Honorable the Minister make to the contractors for the supply of Victorian coal a concession equal in value to that made by the remission of wharfage dues in the case of tlis supplies of New South Wales coal.

■Government Business. Orders of the Day:— 1. Factories and Shops Acts Continuance Bill—Message from the Council—To be considered. 2. Water Supply Loans Application Bill—Second reading—Resumption of debate. 3 Constitution Reform Bill—Second reading. 4. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. 5. Coroners Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 6. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. 7. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee.

General Business. Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. Menzies : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to repeal the ‘ Gold Buyers Act 1901.”’

2. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, the office of State Governor should 06 abolished, -

3. Mr. Sangster : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to restrict Security to the Mortgaged Property.” 3

4. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to remove some Anomalies in the Law relating to Women”

5. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill relating to the Limitation of Election Expenses."

6. Mr. Gair : To move. That he have leave to bring 'in a Bill intituled “ A Bill relating to Actions against the Commissioner of Railways as a Carrier of Passengers” 7. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of free railway passes, half-fare tickets, and all other travelling concessions granted by the Railway Department to each of the leading daily and weekly metropolitan and country newspapers for the year ending 30th September, 1902. 2. The cash value of same. (220 copies ) isi-n/T If $ 1 JL j

f 8. Mr. Andrews : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the Public Service and Railways Acts by preventing any New Appointments for Five Years except with the consent of both Houses oj Parliament.”

9. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing — 1. The number of voters’ certificates used in each electorate at the late election." 2. For what candidates were the certificates used.

1. Date of issue. 2. To whom issued. 3. By whom now occupied. 4. Leases in which labour covenants are being complied with. 5. Cases in which labour covenants are not complied with, and the reasons. 6. In leases in which labour covenants are being complied with, how many (a) contract, (6) wages men, (c) tributers, are engaged. 7. In all cases where effective work has been suspended, the date of such suspension. II. Mr. Maloney : To move, That he have leave to bring 'in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to prevent the Evasion of Probate Duties by Entail Settlement or otherwise.”

12. ' Mr. Hall : To move, That- he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to revoke the Procla-' motion as a Public Road of certain Land in the Town of Benalla and to vest such Land in the Country Fire Brigades Board."

13. Mr. Toutcher-: To move, T-hat,' in the opinion of this House, a tax on the unimproved value of land should be levied as follows :— For every £1 sterling of the unimproved value of land a tax of Id. " Where the unimproved value of any person’s land does not exceed £1,500 the-owner shall be allowed an exemption of £500 ; but where such value exceeds £1,500 the exemption shall diminish by £1 for every £2 that such value increases, so that no exemption is allowable when a value of, £2,500 is reached. Where the unimproved value of auy owner’s land is £5,000 or over a graduated tax (in addition to the ordinary tax of Id. in the £1) at the rate of Jd. in the £1 from £5,000 to £10,000; rising at the rate of ^d. in the £1 up to 2d. in the £1 where such unimproved value is £210,000 or over. 14. Mr., Prendergast : To move, That- he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill'to legalize the Totalizator.”

Orders of the Day :— ' 1. Legitimation of Children Bill-—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 2. Tied Hodses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 3. Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading. . 4: Conciliation, and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second.reading. 5. Voters’ Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second‘reading.. 6. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 7. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr..Fink)—Second reading.. 8. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Gillott)—Second reading; 9. Wills Act |Mm') Amendment Bill—(Mr.. W. A. Hamilton)—Secondireading. ' , 10. Melbourne University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading, 11. Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 12. Fortnightly Payment of State Servants—Resumption of debate on the question—“'That alii servants of the State be paid fortnightly.” 13. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.

TUESDAY, 25th NOVEMBER. Question. 1. Mr. Grose : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if he will inform the House as.to the amount of the rebates allowed during the past two years at Ballarat, Stawell, andNhill. Gpvernment Business. Notice of Motion :— ,1. Mr.,McKenzie : To move, That this House do now resolve itself into a Committee of the whole- to consider the expediency of amending the Land Tax Act 1890.

CONTINGENT NOTICE OF MOTION. Upon a Motion for going into Committee of Supply— . 1. Mr.. Bailes: To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Government, in the interests of the mining industry, should appoint a Director of Mining. THOS. G. WATSON, 0 D. GILLIES, Clerk Of the Legislative Assembly. ‘ Speaker. . 51 MEETING OF SELECT COMMITTEE. Wednesday, 19tk November. Refreshment Rooms (Joint)—at three o’clock.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED SINCE 13th NOVEMBER, 1902. Minutes of the Proceedings of the Legislative Council. Nos. 8 and 9. JNotices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 9. Statistics Collection Bill—[£]. (To Members of Council only.) Long Lake Water Supply Bill—[29]. (To Members of Council oily.) Railway Local Rates Abolition Bill—[86]. (To Members of Council only.) Marriage Bill.-Amendments made by the Legislative Assembly. (To Members of Council only.)

Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly. Nos. 12, 13, and 14, Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 14. . Factories and Shops Continuance Bill.-Amendments made by the Legislative Council. How dealt with by the Legislative Assembly. How dealt with by the Council. (To Members only.)

By Authority: Robt. S. Brain, Government Printer, M«1hnnm0| 1


\ F


Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day

No. 15.


Notice op Motion (Unopposed):—

1. Mr. Duggan : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing__ 1. Area of surplus railway lands. 2. Where such lands are situate. 3. Present capital value of such lands. 4. Present rental value of such lands. 5. The amount paid by the Railway Department in each case for such lands.

. Government Bustness.

Orders of the Day :— 1. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. 2. Constitution Reform Bill—Second reading. 3. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. 4. Coroners Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading, o. Ways and Means—To bo further considered in Committee.

>General Business. ,

Notices of Motion :—'■ 1' 1901°’”OVe’ That he ilaTe leave t0 bring in a Bil1 intituled “ A Bill to repeal the « Gol

2’ Mbe abonJheTR = T° m°Ve’ in the °Pinion of this House, the office of State Governor shouh

3' he h*Ve ‘“TO “> brln* ta * BiU ™ "> ratrM SW.,

4' *° br,°g in * b,u '“•i,"ied ■‘Asiu»—»»—

3' kive *“b™6 in *sm “a b<» »<*<

6. Mr. Gatr : To movei That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill relating to Actions against Ithe CommiS8io?ier of Hallways as 'a Carrier of Passengers?1 * 7. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing__ ’ L ^ lU^eri°f ?a88e8’ baIf"fare ticket8> »nd all other travelling concessions granted by the Railway Department to «mh of the leading daily and weekly metropolitan and countiy newspapers for the year ending 30th September, 1902. V * 2. The’cash value of same.

8’ WS = TjTTv That ,he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to amend the a. * ** *»».«»*<««

S. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing- 1. The number of voters’ certificates used in each electorate at the late election. 2. f or What candidates were the certificates used. 3. How did the certificates affect the return of present Members of -Parliament. (220 copies) 54

10. Mr. Shopper : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing all mining leases, with areas, in the Ballarat Division, together with the following particulars :— 1. Date of issue. 2. To whom issued. 3. By whom now occupied. 4. Leases in which labour covenants are being complied with. 5. Cases in which labour covenants are not complied with, and the reasons. 6. In leases in which labour covenants are being complied with, how many (a) contract. (6) wages men, (c) tribnters, are engaged. 7. In all cases where effective work has been suspended, the date of such suspension. -II. Mr. Maloney : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to prevent' the Evasion of Probate Duties by Entail Settlement or otherwise.’' 12. Mr. Hall : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to revoke the Procla­ mation as a Public Road of certain Land m the Town of Benalla and to vest such Land in the Country Tire Brigades Board.'’ 13. Mr. Tootcher : To move,-That, in the opinion of this House, a tax on the unimproved value of land should be levied as follows :— For every £1 sterling of the unimproved value of land a tax of Id. Where the unimproved value of any person’s land does not exceed £ 1,500 the owner shall be allowed an exemption of £500 ; but where such value exceeds £1,500 the exemption shall diminish by £1 for every £2 that such value increases, so that no exemption is allowable when a value of £2,500 is reached. Where the unimproved value of any owner’s land is £5,000 or over a graduated tax (in addition to the ordinary tax of Id. in the £1) at the rate of Jd. in the £1 from £5,000 to £10,000, rising at the rate of £d. in the £1 up to 2d. in the £1 where such unimproved value is £210,000 or over. 14. Mr. Prendergast: To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to legalize the Totalizator.” . ! 15. Mr. Bailes : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to provide for the Admission of certain Law Clerks to practise as. Barristers and Solicitors.”

16. Mr. Duggan: To move, That, in the opinion, of this House, no sale of surplus railway lands by public auction or by private contract should be authorized.

Orders of the Day :—

1. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 2. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second.reading. 3. Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading. 4. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. 5. Voters’ Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second reading. 6. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 7. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 8. Melbourne Tramways' Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Gillott)—Second reading , 9. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 10. Melbourne University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 11. Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 12. Fortnightly Payment of State Servants—Resumption of debate on the question—“ That all servants- of the State be paid fortnightly.” 13. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.


1. Mr. Duggan : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Public Works if it is a fact that an inspector of fisheries is stationed at Laanecoorie, on the Loddon River ; if so, .what remuneration does such inspector receive, and what purpose is he supposed to serve. 2. Mr. McDonald : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if he will inform the House— 1. If it is a,,fact that, a number of locomotives which have been called in for boiler examination according to regulations are still'running. 2. If it is true that a number of crank axles that have been reported on are still in running. 3. What amount has been paid in wages to drivers, firemen,, and guards while waiting for -. , locomotives' to enable them to go out with their trains. < . 3. Mr. Maloney : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey what is the area of mallee land held under block leases which will revert to the Crown in December, 1903, as , provided for in the Mallee Pastoral' Leases Act 1883.

4. Captain Chirnside : To ask the Honorable (the .Commissioner of Crown Lands, and Survey if any portion of the Metropolitan Farm is ^available, for starving stock. • .f*., 55

5. Sir Samuel Gillott : To ask the Honorable the Premier— 1. Whether his attention has been directed to the fact that postage is now being demanded -by the Postal Department upon certain notices relating to Public Health, which are required by the Health Act 1890 to be sent to the Board of Public Health or to Municipal Councils, and which ' section 299 of that Act provides shall be forwarded by post free of charge. 2. Whether he will communicate with the Commonwealth Government, with a view to such arrangements being made as will permit of such notices being forwarded by post free of charge as formerly.

Government Business. Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. McKenzie : To move, That this House do now resolve itself into a Committee of the whole to consider the expediency of amending the Land Tax Act 1890.

2. Mr. McKenzie : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the ‘ Land Act 1901.”’

WEDNESDAY, 26th NOVEMBER. ■Question. 1. Mr. Grose : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if he will inform the House as to the amount of the rebates allowed during the past two years at Ballarat, Stawell, and Nhill.

CONTINGENT NOTICE OF MOTION. Upon a Motion for going into Committee of Supply— 1. Mr. Bailbs : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Government, in the interests of the mining industry, should appoint a Director of Mining. > THOS. G. WATSON, D. GILLIES, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Speaker.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPER ISSUED 19th NOVEMBER, 1902. .Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 15.

By Authority: Robt. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne, s l Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 16.


1. Me. Duggan : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Public Works if it is-a fact that an inspector of fisheries is stationed at Laanecoorie, on the Loddon River ; if so, what remuneration does such inspector receive, and what purpose is he supposed to serve.

2. Mb. McDonald : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if he will inform the House__ 1. If it is a fact that a number of locomotives which have been called in for boiler examination according to regulations are still running. 2. If it is true that a number of crank axles that have been reported on are still in running. 3. What amount has been paid in wages to drivers, firemen, and guards while waiting for locomotives to enable them to go out with their trains. 1 ° 3‘ MnR;fiQMfL0NnY :,T°,a®k,!ho Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lauds and Survey what is the area of mallee land held under block leases which will revert to the Crown in December 1903 as provided for in the late Mr. Tucker’s Mallee Pastoral Leases Act 1881b ’ ’ BS

4. Captain Chirnside : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey if any portion of the Metropolitan Farm is available for starving stock. J

5. Sir Samuel Gillott : To ask the Honorable the -Premier— 1. Whether his attention has been directed to the fact that postage is now being demanded by the Postal Department upon certain notices relating to Public Health, which are required by the Health Act 1890 to be sent to the Board of Public Health or to Municipal Councils, and which section 299 of that Act provides shall be forwarded by post free of charge. 2. Whether he will communicate with the Commonwealth Government” with a view to such arrangements being made as will permit of such notices being forwarded by post free of charge as formerly. J F

6. Mr. Bromley : To ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary if he will take action to introduce a Bill to provide for general licences being issued to street hawkers, which will enable them to vend their goods in any district without having to pay additional licence-fees.

Notice of Motion (Unopposed):— , 1. Mr. Duggan: To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing__ 1. Aren of surplus railway lands. 2. Where such lands are situate. 3. Present capital value of such lands. 4. Present rental value of such lands. 5. The amount paid by the Railway Department in each case for such lands.

Government Business. ■ Notices of Motion :— L Mr. Irvine : To move, That, during the remainder of the Session, the House shall meet on Friday in addition to the present days of sitting; that four o’clock shall be the hour of meeting on that . day; that Government Business shall have precedence of all other business ; and that no fresh o’clock83’ 6XCept th° P°Stp0nemunt of business on the Notice-paper, be called on after half-past-ten

2. Mr. McKenzie : To move, That this House do now resolve itself into a Committee of the whole to consider the expediency of amending the Land Tax Act 1890. 3‘ m0Ve’ That h° have leave t0 brinS in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the

4' M.">o®!ro^LT;,,i89b(i!"!,e h“™10 b"“g 11 *Bm “ a *■«" ««»■* a.

(220 copies.) 58

(Judges of the Day:— 1. Constitution Reform Bile—Second reading—Resumption of debate. 2. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. 3. Coroners Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 4. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. 5. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee.

General Business. - , Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. Menzies : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to repeal the 1 Gold Buyers Act 1901.”’ 2. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, the office of State Governor should be abolished. 3. Mr. Sangster : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to restrict Security to the Mortgaged Propeity." 4. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to remove some Anomalies in the Law relating to Women.’' 5. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill relating to the Limitation of Election Expenses." 6. Mr. Gair : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill relating to Actions against the Commissioner of Railways as a Carrier of Passengers.” ■ 7. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— ' >■ 1. The number of free railway passes, half-fare tickets, and all other travelling concessions granted by the Railway Department to each of the leading daily and weekly metropolitan and country newspapers for the year ending 30th September, 1902. 2- The cash value of same. 8. Mr. Andrews : To move, That he have leave to bring in, a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the Public Service and Railways Acts by preventing any New Appointments for Five Tears except with the consent of both Houses of Parliament.” 9. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1 1. The number of voters’ certificates used in each electorate at the late election. 2. For what candidates were the certificates used. 3. How did the certificates affect the return of present Members of Parliament. 10. Mr. Shoppee : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing all mining leases, • with areas, in the Ballarat Division, together with the following particulars :— 1. Date of issue. ' 2. To whom issued. 3. By whom now occupied. 4. Leases in which labour covenants are being complied with. 5. Cases in which labour covenants are not complied with, and the reasons.' ^ • 6. In leases in which' labour covenants are being complied with, how many (a) contract.. (b) wages men, (c) tributers, are engaged. 1 • 7. In all cases where effective work has been suspended, the date of such suspension. 11. Mr. Maloney : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to prevent the Evasion of Probate Duties by Entail Settlement or otherwise.’’ 12. Mr. Hai.l : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to revoke the Procla­ mation as a Public Road of certain Land tn the Town oj Benalla and to vest such Land in the Country Eire Brigades Board.'’ 13. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That, in the opinion of this House,"a tax on the unimproved value of land should be levied as follows :— • For every £1 sterling of the unimproved value of land a tax of Id. Where the unimproved value of any person’s land does not exceed £ 1 ,o00 the owner shall be _ allowed an exemption of £500 ; but where such value exceeds £1,500 the exemption shall diminish by £1 for every £2 that such value increases, so that no exemption is allowable when a value of £2,500 is reached. Where the unimproved value of any owner’s land is £5,000 or over a graduated tax (in addition to the ordinary tax of Id. in the £1) at the rate of Jd. in the £1 from £5,000 to £10,000, rising at the rate of £d. in the £1 up to 2d. in the £1 where such unimproved value is £210,000 or over. 14. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to legalize the Totalizator.” 15. Mr.Baii.es: To move, That he .have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to provide for fher Admission of certain Law_ Clerks to practise as Barristers and Solicitors.” 16. Mr. Duggan: To move, That, in the opinion of this House, no sale of surplus railway lands by public auction or by private contract should be authorized. 59

Orders of tub Day :— 1. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 2. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 3. Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading. 4. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. 5. Voters’ Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second reading. 6. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 7. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading.' 8. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Gillott)—Second reading 9. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 10. Melbourne University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 11. Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 12. Fortnightly Payment of State Servants—Resumption of debate on the question—“ That all servants of the State be paid fortnightly.” 13. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 26th NOVEMBER. Question. 1. Mr. Grose : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if he will inform the House as to the amount of the rebates allowed during the past two years at Ballarat, Stawell, and Nhill.

CONTINGENT NOTICE OF MOTION. Upon a Motion for going into Committee of Supply— 1. Mr. Bailes : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Government, in the interests of the mining industry, should appoint a Director of Mining. THOS. G. WATSON, D. GILLIES, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Speaker.

MEETING- OF SELECT COMMITTEE. Wednesday, 26th November. Parliament Buildings (Joint)—at three o’clock.


Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 16. The Constitution Bill— Amendment to be moved by Mr. Bromley on Second Reading of Bill. (To Members only.) Amendments to be proposed in Committee by Mr. Maloney. (To Members only.) Amendments to be proposed in Committee by Mr. W. A. Hamilton and Mr. Watt. (To Members- only.)

By Authoiity: Uobt. S, lii:un, Lo\eminent Printer, Melbourne.


Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 17.

WEDNESDAY, 26th NOVEMBER, 1902. Questions.

1. Mb. Duggan : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Public Works if it is a fact that an inspector of fisheries is stationed at Laanecoorie, on the Loddon River ; if so, what remuneration does such inspector receive, and what purpose is he supposed to serve.

2. Mr. Maloney : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lauds and Survey what is the area of mallee land held under block leases which will revert to the Crown in December, 1903, as- provided for in the late Mr. Tucker’s Mallee Pastoral Leases' Act 1883. 3. Mr. Max Hirsch : To ask the Honorable the Attorney-General— 1. Is he,aware that the Melbourne Tramway and Omnibus Company has reduced rates on certain­ lines with the- avowed object of competing with the railways of the State, thus institutiqg a system of differential rates. 2. Will he, in view of this fact, take steps to make use of section 26 of The Melbourne Tramway and Omnibus Company s Act 1883, which confers upon Parliament the power to revise the rates of that company.

4. Mr. Shoppee : To ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary if his attention has been drawn to the return laid upon the Table of the House in regard to the rents paid by the Government for Police stations, ranging in some cases from 12 per cent, to 21" per cent, on the capital value ; if so, from the facts disclosed in the return will the Government take steps- to alter the present arrangements for renting such buildings. 5. Mr. Lawson : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Mines if he will inform the House what is delaying the issue of the geological'- survey maps of the Castlemaine district, and if he will have the maps published as soon as possible. Notice op Motion (Unopposed):— 1. Mr. Shoppee : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing all mining leases,, with areas, in the Ballarat Division, together with the following particulars :—° ° 1. Date of issue. _ 2. To whom issued. ; , . 1 3. By whom now occupied. 4. Leases in which labour covenants are being complied with. 5. Cases in which labour covenants are not complied with, and the reasons. 6. In leases in which labour covenants are being complied with, how many (a) contract.. (b) wages men, (c) tributers, are engaged. 7. In all cases where effective work has been suspended, the date of such suspension.

Government Business. Notice of Motion :— 1. Mr. Murray: To move, That ^he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the ‘Lunacy Act 1690.”’ Orders of the Day :— 1. Constitution Reform Bill—Second reading—Resumption of debate. 2. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. 3. Coroners Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(fiom Council)—Second reading. 4. Land Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. . 5. Police Offences Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—Second reading; 6. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. ° 7. Ways and Means—To bo further considered in Committee. (22) copies.) 62

General Business. Notices op Motion :— ]. Mr. Menzies : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled u A Bill to repeal the ‘ Geld Buyers Act 1901.”’ 2. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, the office of State Governor should be abolished. 3. Mr. Sangster : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill -intituled “A Bill to restrict Security to the Mortgaged Property.” 4. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a" Bill intituled “ A Bill to remove some Anomalies in the Law relating to Women.” ,5. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill relating to the Limitation of Election Expenses.” 6. Mr. Gair : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill relating to Actions against the Commissioner of Railways as a Carrier of Passengers.” 7. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of free railway passes, half-fare tickets, and all other travelling concessions granted by the Railway Department to each of the leading daily and weekly metiopolitan and country newspapers for the year ending 30th September, 1902. 2. The cash value of same. 8. Mr. Andrews : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the Public Service and Railways Acts by preventing any New Appointments for Five Years except with the consent of both Houses of Parliament.” 9. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of voters’ certificates used in each electorate at the laie election. 2. For what candidates were the certificates used. ' 3. How did the certificates affect the return of present Members of Parliament.

10. Mr. Maloney : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled *• A Bill to prevent the Evasion of Probate Duties by Entail Settlement or otherwise.” ' ,

■ 11. Mr. Hall : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to revoke the Procla- . motion as a Publie Road of certain Land m the Town of Benalla and to vest such Land in the Country Fire Brigades BoardP

. 12. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, a tax on the unimproved value of laud should be levied as follows :— For every £1 sterling of the unimproved value of land a tax of Id. Where the unimproved value,of any person’s land does not exceed £1,500 the owner shall be allowed an exemption of £500 ; but where such value exceeds £1,500 the exemption « shall diminish by £1 for every £2 that such value increases, so that no exemption is allowable when a value of £2,500 is reached. Where the unimproved value of any owner’s land is £5,000 or over a graduated tax (in addition to the ordinary tax of Id. in the £1) at tho rate of jjd. in the £1 from £5,000 to £10,000, rising at the rate of ^d. in the £1 up to 2d. in the £1 where such unimproved value is £210,000 or over.

13. Mr. Prendergast: To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to legalize , ’ the Totalizator.”

14. Mr. Bailes : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to provide for the Admission of certain Law Clerks to practise as Barristers and Solicitors.”

15. Mr. Duggan: To move, That, in the opinion of this House, no sale of surplus railway lands by public auction or by private contract should be authorized.

Orders op the Day :— 1. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 2. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. „ - > 3. Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading. 4. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. 5. Voters’ Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second reading. 6. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. I 7. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 8. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Gillott)—Second reading 9. Wills Act 1849 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 10. Melbourne University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)-—Second reading. 11. Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 12. Fortnightly Payment of State Servants—Resumption of debate on the question—“That all servants of the State be paid fortnightly.” 13. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 63

TUESDAY, 2nd DECEMBER. -Question. 1. Me. Grose : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if he will inform the House as to the amount of the rebates allowed during the past two years at Ballarat, Stawell, and Nhill. •Government Business. Notice of Motion:— 1. Mr. McKenzie : To move, That this House do now resolve itself into a Committee of the whole to consider the expediency of amending the Land Tax Act 1890.

CONTINGENT NOTICE OF, MOTION. Upon a Motion for going into Committee of Supply— 1. Mr. Bailes : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Government, in the interests of the mining industry, should appoint a Director of Mining. THOS. G. WATSON, D. GILLIES, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Speaker.

MEETING OF SELECT COMMITTEE. Wednesday, 26th'November. Parliament Buildings (Joint)—at three o’clock.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED SINCE 20th NOVEMBER, 1902. Minutes of the Proceedings of the Legislative Council. No. 10. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 10. Water Supply Loans Application Bill—[32]. (To Members of Council only.) Education Bill.—New Clause A to be proposed by the Hon. J. Balfour. (To Members of Council only.)

Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly. Nos. 15, 16, and 17. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 17. The Constitution Bill— Amendments to be proposed in Committee by Mr. McDonald. (To Members only.) New Clause L to be proposed in Committee by Mr. Field. (To Members only.)


By Authority: Rout. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne, 1 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. 1-> llf/Mi'/v hj t ,-d mill jIiji.i ■■ } 1 • -< r- r<:/ 51

- py >nr . ‘ ri‘l / 11rr. j-V > n-v! '’J.! *■- J ! ki'' ',r(;l li'-i' yl‘- by ! '( 1 Ju'' I "/.'l — ------L-CLT------•’------L£—!—1. -- too f yi, . , ' !v'r'r T"° f< ''to-'i'iXi.! ('Or,v (, i,, . nil,> i, nt>J x Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 18.


Government Business.

Orders of the Dat 1. Constitution Reform Bill—Second reading—Resumption of debate. 2. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. 3. Coroners Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 4. Land Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 5. Police Offences Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—Second reading. 6. Lunacy Act 1890 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 7. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. 8. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee.

General Business.

Notices of Motion :—

1. Mr. Menzies : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ AlBill to repeal the ‘ Gold ^ Buyers Act 1901.”’ ,

2. Mr. Toutcher :■ To move, That, in the opinion of this House, the office of State Governor should be abolished. >

3. Mr. Sangster : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to restrict Security to the Mortgaged Property."

4. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to remove some Anomalies in the Law relating to Women."

o Mr.Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill relating to .the Limitation of Election Expenses''

€. Mr. Gair : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill relating to Actions against the Commissioner of Railways as at Carrier of Passengers.",

• ■ Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of free railway passes, half-fare tickets, and all other travelling concessions granted by the Railway Department to each of the leading daily and weekly metropolitan and country newspapers for the year ending 30th September, 1902. ' 2. The cash value of same.

8. Mr. Andrews : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to amend the Public Service and Railways Acts by preventing any New Appointments /or Five Yeais except with the consent of both Houses of Parliament."

5. Mn. Peenduugast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of voters’ certificates used in each electorate at the, late election. 2. For what candidates were the certificates used. 3. How did the certificates affect the return of-present Members of Parliament.

10. Mr. Maloney : To move, That he have, leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill'to prevent the Evasion of Probate Duties by Entail Settlement or otherwise."-

11. Mr. Hall : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to revoke the Procla­ mation as a Public Road of certain Land %n the Town of Benalla and to vest such Land in the Countru Fire Brigades Board." . J ' . (220 copies)

l . .66, , , i ' ‘ ^ ^ _ «. 1 ■ , , ; 12. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, a tax on the unimproved value of laud should be levied as follows :— For every £ 1 sterling of the unimproyed value of land a tax of Id. , Where the unimproved value of any person’s land does not exceed £ 1,500 the owner shall be allowed an exempt! bn~6f£50(J~; hut whefe sucH-value exceeds £1,500 the exemption shall diminish by £1 for every £2 that such value increases, so that no exemption is- allowable when a value of £2,500 is reached. Where the unimproved value of any owner’s land is £5,000 or over a graduated tax (in addition to the ordinary, tax of Id. in the £1) at the rate of ^d. in the £1 from £5,000 to £10,000, rising at the rate of ^d. in the £l up to 2d. in the £1 where' Such unimproved value is £210,000 or over. 13. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to legalize the Totalizator.” 14. Mr. Bailes : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to provide for the- Admission of certain Law Clerks to practise as Barristers and Solicitors.”

15. Mr. Duggan : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, no sale of surplus railway lands by public auction or by private contract should be authorized. Orders of the Day :— 1. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 2. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 3. Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading. ' 1 4. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. 5. Voters’ Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second reading:' • 6. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 7. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 8. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Gillott)—Second reading 9. Wills Act 189'.) Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 10. Melbourne University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 11. Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 12. Fortnightly Payment of State Servants—Resumption of debate on the question—“That all servants of the State be paid fortnightly.” 13. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.

FRIDAY, 28th NOVEMBER. ■Questions. 1. Mr. Lawson : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Mines if he will inform the House what is- delaying the issue of the geological survey maps of tho Castlemaine district, and if he will have ,the maps published as soon as possible.

2. Mr. Keast : 'To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Public Works whether it is a fact that the two Government inspectors who audit municipal accounts are paid £1,600 for their work, and that the whole of ibis-money is taken out of the reduced municipal subsidy, thereby making the second, third, and fourth class shires pay the cost of inspection of accounts of the cities, towns, and boroughs.

TUESDAY, 2nd DECEMBER. •Questions. 1. Mr. Grose : To ask tho Honorable the Minister of Railways if he will inform the House as to the- amount of the rebates allowed during the past two years at Ballarat, Slawell, and Nhill.

2. Mr. Max Hirsch : To ask the Honorable the Attorney-General— 1. Is he aware that the Melbourne Tramway and Omnibus Company has reduced rates on certain lines with the avowed object of competing with the railways of the State, thus instituting a system of differential rates. 2. Will he, in view of this fact, take steps to make use of section 26 of The Melbourne Tramway and Omnibus Company’s Act 1883, which confers upon Parliament the power to revise the rates of that company. Government Business. Notice of Motion :— 1. Mr. McKenzie : To move, That this House do now resolve itself into a Committee of the wholejto consider tho expediency of amending the Land Tax Act 1890.

WEDNESDAY, 3rd DECEMBER... Question. 1; Mr. Duggan : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Public Works if it is a fact that an inspector of fishciies is stationed at Laanccoorie, on the Loddon River ; if so, what remuneration does such inspector receive, and wh it purpose is he supposed to serve. 67

CONTINGENT NOTICES OF MOTION. Upon a Motion for going into Committee of Supply— 1. Mr. Bailes : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Government, in the interests of the mining industry, should appoint a Director of Mining.

2. Mr. Sterry : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable, in the interests of the future advancement and development of the mining industry, that the Honorable the Minister of Mines should, at the earliest possible date, bring in an amending Mines Bill to repeal or amend the unworkable sections of the Mines Act 1897 relating to tributing. '

THOS. G. WATSON, D. GILLIES, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Speaker.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 26th NOVEMBER, 1902. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 11.

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 18. The Constitution Bill.—Amendments to be proposed in Committee by Mr. Tucker. (To Members- only.)

By Authority: Robt. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne. vi'i'.V'jw 40 *-*r-i in';-/, rz/:oai i' • )

l.il .<■’ f;lt O ,v^i; • 1 l r- ‘'fri I . i. j - i ■j -n!.' c/i >' -J ) .oil -ihl.l !«. .-!0,. liqo >;1 ■! .iV.'i i ,, - ‘t’ , v,.

\ Me. SPEAKER takes the Chair at Eleven o’clock. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day,

No. 19.

FRIDAY, 28th NOVEMBER, 1902. Questions. 1. Mb. Lawson : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Mines if he will inform the House what is delaying the issue of the geological survey maps of tho Castlemaine district, and if he will have the maps published as soon as possible.

2. Mr. Keast To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Public Works whether it is a fact that the two Government inspectors who audit municipal accounts are paid £1,600 for their work, and , that the whole of this money is taken out of. the reduced municipal subsidy, thereby making the second, third, and fourth class shires pay the cost of inspection of accounts of the cities, towns, and boroughs. *3. Mr. Bailes : To ask the Honorable the Treasurer if it is a fact that the compositors in the Government Printing Office are working overtime, for which they receive1 time and a quarter ; if so, will he give instructions that the practice of working overtime shall cease, and that some of the unemployed compositors shall be taken on.

Notice op Motion (Unopposed) :■— 1. Mr. Mackey: To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing according to the ’ latest census— ° 1. The number of adult males in each electorate. 2, The number of adult females in each electorate.

Government Business. Notices of Motion :— *1. Mr. Bent : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to authorize the clearing of Railway Lands hy Fire at any time.'’ *2. Mr. Irvine : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A BUI relatinq to the Necropolis, Spring Vale.” Orders op the Day :— 1. Constitution Reform Bill1—Second reading—Resumption of debate. 2. Coroners Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading o. Lunacy Act 1890 Amendment Bill—Second reading. ° 4. Land Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 5. Public ‘Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. 6. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. 7. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee.

General Business.

Notices of .Motion

1. Mr. Mknziks : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to'upeal the ‘ Gold' - Buyers Act 1901.”’ r

2. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, the office of State Governor' should be abolished.

3. Mr. Sangster : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled ‘A Bill to restrict Security to the Mortgaged Property." 4. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to remove some Anomalies ,in the Law relating to Women." j 5. Mr. Mackey : To*move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A B‘ll relating to the Limitation of Election Expenses * Notifications to which'an asterisk (*) is prefixed appear for the first time. (660 copies.) 70-

6. Mr. Gair : To move, That he have leave to bring in a. Bill intituled “A Bill relating to Actions against the Commissioner of Railways as a Carrier of Passengers.” k , 7. Mr. Tucker : To move]'That there'be'laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of free railway passes, half-fare tickets, and all other travelling concessions granted by the Railway Department to each of the leading daily and weekly metropolitan and country newspapers for the year ending 30th September, 1902. 2. The cash value of same.

8. Mr. Andrews : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the .Public Service and Railways Acts by preventing any New Appointments for Five Years except with the consent of both Houses of Parliament.”

9. Mr. Pkendekgast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of voters’ certificates used in each electorate at the late election. 2. For what candidates were the certificates used. 3. How did the certificates affect the return of present Members of Parliament. 10. Mr. Maloney : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “• A Bill to prevent the - Evasion of Probate Buties by Entail Settlement or otherwise.” ,

11. 'Mr. Hall : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to revoke the Procla­ mation, as a Publie Road of certain Land m the Town of Benalla and to vest such Land in the Country Fire Brigades Board

12. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, a tax on the unimproved value of • land should be levied as follows For every £1 sterling of the unimproved value of land a tax of Id. Where the unimproved value of any person’s land does not exceed £1,500 the owner shall be allowed an exemption of £500 ; but where such value exceeds £1,500 the exemption shall diminish by £1 for every £2 that such value increases, so that no exemption is allowable when a value of £2,500 is reached. Where the unimproved value of any owner’s land is £5,000 or over a graduated tax (in addition to the ordinary tax of Id. in the £1) at the rate of ^d. in the £1 from £5,000 to £10,000, rising at the rate of ^d. in the £1 up to 2d. in the £1 where such unimproved value is £210,000 or over. 13. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to legalize the Totalizator.”

14. ’ Mr. Bailes : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to provide for the Admission of certain Law Clerks to practise as Barristers and Solicitors.”

15. Mr. Duggan: To move, That, in the opinion of this House, no sale of surplus railway lands by public auction or by private contract should be authorized.

Orders of the Day :— 1. Legitimation op Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 2. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 3. Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading. 4. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. 5. Voters’ Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second reading. 6. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 7. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 8. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Gillott)—Second reading 9. Wills Act 1899 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 10. Melbourne University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 11. Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 12. Fortnightly Payment of State Servants—Resumption of debate on the question—“That all servants of the State, be paid fortnightly.” ' o 13. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.

TUESDAY, 2nd DECEMBER. Questions. 1. Mr. Grose : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if he1 will inform the House as to the amount of the rebates allowed during the past two years at Ballarat, Stawell, and Nhill. 2. Mr. Max Hirsch : To ask the Honorable the Attorney-General— , 1.. Is he aware that the Melbourne Tramway and Omnibus Company has reduced rates on certain „ lines with the avowed object of competing with the railways of the State, thus instituting a system of differential rates. 2. Will he, in view of this fact, take steps to make use of section 26 of The Melbourne Tramway and Omnibus Company’s Act 1883, which confers upon Parliament'the power to revise the rates of that company. Government Business. Notice of Motion :— 1. Mr. McKenzie : To move, That this House do now resolve itself into a Committee of the whole to consider the expediency of amending the Land Tax Act 1890. 71

WEDNESDAY, 3rd DECEMBER. Question. L Mr. Duggan : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Public Works if it is a fact that an inspector of fisheries is stationed at Laanecoorie, on the Loddon Biver ; if so, what remuneration does such inspector receive, and what purpose is he supposed to serve.

CONTINGENT NOTICES OF MOTION. Upon a Motion for going into Committee of Supply— 1. Mr. Bailes : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Government, in, the interests of the mining industry, should appoint a Director of Mining.

2. Mr. Sterry : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable, in' the interests of the future advancement and development of the mining industry, that.the Honorable the Minister of Mines should, at the earliest possible date, bring in an amending Mines Bill to repeal or amend the unworkable sections of the Mines Act 1897 relating to tributing.

THOS. G. WATSON, D. GILLIES, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Speaker.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 27th NOVEMBER, 1902. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 19. The Constitution Bill— New Clauses U, V, and W. to be proposed in Committee by Mr. Malonev. (To Members only ) Amendments to be proposed in Committee by Mr. Ashworth. (To Members only.)

By Autiionty: Uout. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne. / / LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day,

No. 20.

TUESDAY, 2nd DECEMBER, 1902. Questions.

* “.»«Gr.v-»*•

3. Mr. Max Hirsch : To ask the Honorable the Attorney-General__ 1. Is he aware that the Melbourne Tramway and Omnibus Company has reduced rates on perMb. taftar 01 oompe““8 "i,h •"= •* - »*. 2‘ WlUJ‘eV m.,vie" of this fact, take steps to make use of section 26 of The Melbourne Trainman :?2r,**p.vw ,“83''vb“eoBfer‘»*»*“•«•">»• «»r<.w«,r,2!

Government Business. .

Notice of Motion :—

1. Mr. McKenzie : To move, That this House do now resolve itself into a Commirteo nf „ 1 , consider the expediency of amending the Land Tax Aet 1890. ° ° °f tho wno,° t0

Orders of the Day :— 1. Constitution Reform Bill—Second reading—Resumption of debate. 2. Coroners Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading 3. Lunacy Act 1890 Amendment Bill—Second readiim. • 4. Land Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading.” 5. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading b. Kail way Lands Clearing Bill—Second reading. ° o Vale Necropolis Bill—Second reading, 8. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. "• Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee.

General Business.

Notices of Motion :__ MZ%er*X^9^”°V^ Tlmt ^ haV6 l6ave t0 b,iDe in a EiJl intituled ‘'A Bill to repeal tie ‘ Gold

2' MbRe abolisThedER ' T° ^ “ tLe °pini°n °f this Hoilse> the office of State Governor should

MtR' ti^ZglffeJpZell^ *“ ^ W t0 bri"g fa a Bil1 intitulcd Bil1 » restrict Security

4' ^ArininWoLlT ^ briDg hl “ BU1 intUu'eJ ™ ~ ~

IeaV° t0 briDg iD a Bil1 ™ relating to the

(220 copies.) Zj _ t 1‘ L % . *■ I - * - * 1 * ’ 6. Mr. Gatr : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill relating to Actions. against the Commissioner of Railways as a Carrier of Passengers.”

7. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of free railway passes, half-fare tickets, and all other travelling concessions granted , . bv the Railway Department to each of the leading daily and weekly metiopolitan and countiy newspapers for the year ending 30th September, 1902. 2. The cash value of same.

8.. Mr. Andrews : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend' the Public Service and Railways Acts by preventing any New Appointments for Five Years except With the consent of both Houses of Parliament.”

9. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That there''be laid before this House a return showing 1. The number of voters’ certificates used in each electorate at the late election. 2. For what candidates were the certificates used: 3. How did the certificates affect the return of present Members of Parliament.

10. Mr. Maloney : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to prevent the Evasion of Probate Duties by Entail Settlement or otherwise.”

11. Mr. Hall : To move, That lie have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to revoke the Procla- • motion as a Public Road of certain Land in the Town of Benalla and to vest such Land in the Country Fire Brigades Board.'3

12. Mr. Toutciikr : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, a tax on the unimproved value of land should be levied,as follows :— For every £1 sterling of the unimproved value of land a tax of Id. . Where the unimproved value of any person’s'land does not exceed £1,500 the owner shall be allowed an exemption of £500 ; but where such value exceeds £l,o0() the exemption 1 shall diminish by £1 for eveiy £2 that such value increases, so that no. exemption is allowable when a value of £2,500 is reached. x , . Where.' the unimproved value of any owner’s land is £5,000 or over a graduated tax - (in addition to the ordinary tax of Id. in the £1) at the rate of jjd. in the £1 from £5,000 to £10,000, rising at the.rate of £d. in the £1 up to 2d. in the £1 where such unimproved value is £210;000

' 14. Mr."Baii.es : "To move, That he have' leave to bring, in a Bill intituled “A Bill to provide for the Admission of certain Law Clerks to practise as Barristers and Solicitors.”

15. Mr. Duggan: To move, That, in the opinion of this House, no sale of surplus railway lands by public auction or by private contract should be authorized. ,

Ordhrs ok.tub'Day:—"

1. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 2. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. r , 3. Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading., 4. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. 5. Voters’ Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second reading. 6. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 7. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading.. 8. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Gillott)—Second reading. - 9. Wills Act 1899 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 10. Melbourne University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 11. Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 12. Fortnightly Payment of State Servants—Resumption of debate on the question—“ That all servants of the State be paid fortnightly.” 13. Licensing Act 1890 Aiiendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. ,

WEDNESDAY, 3rd DECEMBER. , Question. , ’ • • 1. Mr. Duggan : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Public Works if it is a fact that an inspector of fisheries is stationed at Laanecoorie, on the Loddon River ; if so, what remuneration does such inspector receive, and what purpose is he supposed to serve. . 7o

CONTINGENT NOTICES OF MOTION. -Upon a Motion for going into Committee of Supply— 1. Mr. Bailes: To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Government, in the interests of the mining industry, should appoint a Director of Mining. 2. Mr. Sterry : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable^ in the interests of the future advancement and development of the mining industry, that the Honorable the Minister of Mines should, at the earliest possible date, bring in an amending Mines'Bill to repeal or amend the unworkable sections of the Mines Act 1897 relating to tributing.

THOS. G. WATSON, D. GILLIES, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. ( Speaker.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 28th NOVEMBER, 1902. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 19. - Railways Lands Clearing Bill—[53], 'The Constitution Bill— Amendments to.be proposed in Committee by Mr. Toutcher. • (To Members only.) Amendment to be proposed in Committee by Mrl Bowser. (To Members only.)

By Authority: Rout. S. Brain, Government l’iinter, Melbourne.


Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 21.

WEDNESDAY, 3rd DECEMBER, 1902. ■Questions. \ 1. Me. Duggan : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Public Works if it is a fact that an inspector of fisheries is stationed at Laanecoorie, on the Loddon River ; if so, what remuneration does such inspector receive, and what purpose is he supposed to serve.

2. Mr. Ramsay : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if it is a fact that certain men are, or have been, employed by-him for the purpose of bringing him secret information as to the working of the Department; if so— (o) How many men are so employed; (6) What are their names and addresses. (c) What qualifications have they for railway administration. (d) What remuneration are they receiving, and what allowance for expenses. (e) Were they appointed to the Service through the proper channel," viz., the Selection Board ; if not, by whom, and under what Act, were they appointed. (f) Does he intend to continue this system of railway administration. ’ .

Government Business.

Orders of the Day :— 1. Factories and Shops Acts Continuance Bill—Amendments of Legislative Council and re­ commendations of Free Conference thereon—To be considered. 2. Constitution Reform Bill—Second reading—Resumption of debate. 3. Coroners Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 4. Lunacy Act 1890 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 5. Land Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 6. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. 7. Railway Lands Clearing Bill—Second reading. 8. Spring Vale Necropolis Bill—Second reading. 9. Insolvency Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 10. University Act- 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 11. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. 12. Ways ,and Means—To be further considered in Committee.

General Business.

Notices' of Motion

1. Mr. Menzies : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled u A Bill to repeal the ‘ Gold Buyers Act 1901.”’ ‘

2. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, the office of State Governor should be abolished.

3. Mr. Sangster : To move, That ho have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to restrict Security to the Mortgaged Property (220 copies.) 78

4. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he- have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to remove some Anomalies m the Law relating to Women,”

o. Mr. Mackey : To move. That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill relating to the Limitation of Election Expenses.” 3

6. Mr. G-air : To move. That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill relating to Actions against the Commissioner of Railways as a Carrier of Passengers.”

7. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of free railway passes, half-fare tickets, and all other travelling concessions granted by the Railway Department to each of the leading daily and weekly metiopolitan and country newspapers for the year ending 30th September, 1902. 2. The cash value of same.

8. Mr. Andrews : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to amend the lublic ^service and Railways Acts by preventing any New Appointments for Five Years except with the consent of both Houses of Parliament,”

9. Mr.. Trendsrgast: To move. That there be laid before this House a return showing- 1. The number of voters’ certificates used in each electorate at the late election. 2. Tor what candidates were the certificates used. 3. How did the certificates affect the return of present Members of Parliament.

10. Mr. Maloney : To move, That he have leaVe tb bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to prevent the ■ Evasion of Probate Duties by Entail Settlement or otherwise.”

11. Mr. Hall : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to revoke the Procla­ mation as a Publie Road of certain Land in the Town oj Benalla and to vest such Land in the Country Lire Brigades Board, 9 » J

12. Mr. Ioctcher: To move, That, in the opinion of this House, a tax on the unimproved value of. laud should be levied as follows :— For every £1 sterling of the unimproved value of land a tax of Id. Where the unimproved value of any person’s land does not exceed £1,500 the owner shall be liVi- a.n. exemPtion °f £500 ; but where such value exceeds £1,500 the exemption shall diminish by £1 for eveiy £2 that such value increases, so that no exemption is allowable when a value of £2,500 is reached. Where the unimproved value of any owner’s land is £5,000 or over a graduated tax (in addition to the ordinary tax of Id. in the £1) at the rate of |d. in the £1 from £5,000 to ±10,000, rising at the rate of £d. in the £1 up to 2d. in the £1 where such unimproved value is £210,000 or over.

13. Mr. Prendergast: To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to legalize the Totalizator. a

14. Mr. Bailes: To move. That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to provide for the Admission of certain Law Clerks to practise as Barristers and Solicitors.”

15. Mr. D.uggan: To move, That, in the opinion of this House, no sale of surplus railway land= by public auction or by private contract should bo'authorized. 1

Orders ok the Day :— «

1. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second readin"'. 2. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 3. Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading. ° 4. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading 5. Voters’ Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second reading." 6. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading • 7- ^EGAL Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 8. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Gillott)—Second reading. 9. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 10. Melbourne University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 11. Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 12. Fortnightly Payment of State Servants—Resumption of debate on the question—“That all servants of the State be paid fortnightly.” ' 13. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading

„ TUESDAY, 9th DECEMBER. Government Business. < Notice of Motion ::—

1. Mr. McKenzie : To move, That this House do now resolve itself into a Committee of the whole to consider the expediency of amending the Land Tax Act 1890.

\ A 79

CONTINGENT NOTICES OF MOTION. Upon a Motion for going into Committee of Supply— ' a. Mr. Bailes : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Government, in the interests of the mining industry, should appoint a Director of Mining.

2. Mr. Sterry : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable, in the interests of the future advancement and development of the mining industry, that the Honorable the Minister of Mines should, at the‘earliest possible date, bring in an amending Mines Bill to repeal or amend the unworkable sections of the Mines Act 1897 relating to tributing.

THOS. G. WATSON, D. GILLIES, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Speaker.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED SINCE 28th NOVEMBER, 1902. Minutes of the Proceedings of the Legislative Council. Nos. i 1 and 12. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 12.

Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly. Nos. 18, 19, 20, and 21, Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. ' No. 21. University Bill.—[9], (To Members only.) Insolvency Bill.—[13]. (To Members only.) The Constitution Bill.—Amendments to be proposed in Committee by Mr. Lawson. (To Members only.)


By Authority: Robt. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne.

/ r






Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 22.

THURSDAY, 4th . Government Business.

Orders of the Day :—

1. Constitution Reform Bill-t-To be further considered in Committee.

2. Coroners Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second -eadtng

3. Lunacy Act 1890 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 4. Land Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 5. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. 6. .Railway Lands Clearing Bill—Second reading. 7. Spring Vale Necropolis Bill—Second reading.

8. Insolvency Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 9. University Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 10. Patents Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 11. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. 12. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee.

General Business.

Notices of Motion :—

1. Mr. Menzies : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to repeal the ‘ Gold Buyers Act 1901.’ ”

2. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, the office of State Governor should." be abolished.

3. Mr. Sangster : To move, That ho have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to restrict Security to the Mortgaged Property

4. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to remove some Anomalies in the Law relating to Women.”

5. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill relating to the Limitation of Election Expenses.”

6. Mr.- Gair : To move. That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill relating to Actions against the Commissioner oj Railways as a Carrier of.Latsenriers.”

7. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of free i ail way passes, half-faro tickets, and all other travelling concessions granted by the Railway Department to each of the leading daily and weekly motropolitan-and country newspapers for the year ending 30th September, 1902. 2. T he cash value of same. (220 copies.) €. Mr. Andrews : To move, That lie have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the Public Seri ice and Railways Acts by preventing any New Appointments for Five Years except with the consent 'of both Houses of Parliament.”

■9. Mr. Prendergast-: To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of voters’ certificates used in each electorate at the late election. 2. For what candidates were the certificates used. 3. How did the certificates affect the return of present Members of Parliament. 10. Mr. Maloney : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to prevent the Evasion of Probate Duties by Entail Settlement or othei wise.”

11. Mr. Hall : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to revoke the Procla­ mation as a Public Road oj certain Land m the Town of Benalla and to veil such Land in the Country. Tire Brigades Board.'*

12. Mr. 1 outcher : To move. That, in the opinion of this House, a tax on the unimproved value of laud should be levied as follows :— For every £1 sterling of the unimproved value of land a tax of Id. Where the unimproved value of any person’s land does not exceed £1,500 the owner shall be allowed au exemption of £500 ; but where such value exceeds £1,500 the exemption shall diminish by £1 for every £2 that such value increases, so that no exemption is allowable when a value of £2,500 is reached. Where the unimproved value of any owner’s land is £5,000 or over a graduated tax (in addition to the ordinary tax of Id. in the £1) at the rate of |d. in the £1 from £5,000 to £10,000, rising at the rate of ^d. in the £1 up to 2d. in the £1 where such unimproved value is £210,000 or over.

13. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A BUI to legalize the Totalizator.”

14. Mr. Baii.es : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to provide for the Admission of certain Law Clerks to practise as Barristers and Solicitors.”

15. Mr. Duggan: To move, That, in the opinion of this House, no sale of surplus railway lands by public auction or by private contract should be authorized.

Orders ok the Day :— 1. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 2. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. ° 3. Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading. 4. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. 5. Voters’ Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second reading.^ 6. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 7. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 8. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Gillott)—Second,reading. 9. Wills Act 1899 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 10. Melbourne University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 11. Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. ° 12. Fortnightly Payment of State Servants—Resumption of debate on the question—“That ail servants of the State be paid fortnightly.” 13. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.

FRIDAY, 5th DECEMBER. ■Question. 1. Mr. Keast : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Water Supply— 1. Is he aware that the whole of the Commissioners of the Carrum Irrigation Trust are going to resign owing to the action of the Government in refusing to re vote the sum of £171 to that Trust. 2. If so, will the Government give this matter further consideration.

TUESDAY, 9th DECEMBER. Government Business. Notice of Motion :— ' '

1. Mr. McKenzie : To move, That this House do now resolve itself into a Committee of the whole to consider the expediency of amending the Land Tax Act 1890. 83

CONTINGENT NOTICES OF MOTION. Upon a Motion for going into Committee of Supply— L MAJ' f,AfILESf: T(?+f°Ve’ Tha?’ f the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Government, in tbe interests of the mining industry, should appoint a Director of Mining. 2‘ MfnhirIB^RY 1 T° ™°Ve’, T]llat’,in the opinion of this House, it is desirable, in the interests of the Mines anJ development^of the mining industry, that the Honorable the Minister of Mines should, at the earliest possible date, bring in an amending Mines Bjll to repeal or amend the unworkable sections of the Mines Act 1897 relating to tributing.

THOS. G. WATSON, W. D. BEAZLEY, •Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Deputy- Speaker.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED Bud DECEMBER, 1902. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 13.

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 22. Patents Bill—[42]. (To Members only.) Lunacy Bill—[57].

By Authority: Rout. S. Brain, government Printer, Melbourne. -» 1 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day,

No. 23.


Question. 1. Mr. Kbast : To a-k the Honorable the-Minister of Water Supply— 1. Is he aware that the whole of the Commissioners of the Carrum Irrigation Trust are going to resign owing to the action of the Government in refusing to re vote the sum of £171 to that Trust. 2. If so, will the Government give this matter further consideration. Government Business. Notice of Motion :— 1. Mr. McKenzie : To move, Thai this House do now resolve itself into a Committee of the whole to consider the expediency of amending the Land Tax Act 1890.

Orders of the Dat :— 1. Constitution Reform Bile—To be further considered in Committee. 2. Coroners Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 3. Lunacy Act 1890 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 4. Land Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 5. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. 6. Railway Lands Clearing Bill—Second reading. 7. Spring Vale Necropolis Bill—Second reading. ■ 8. .Insolvency Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. y. University Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 10. Patents Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 11. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. 12. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee.

General Business. Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. Menzies : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to repeal the ‘ Gold Buyers Act 1901.’ ” 2. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, the office of State Governor should be abolished. 3. Mr. Sangster : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to restrict Security to the Mortgaged Property 4. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to remove some Anomalies in the Law relating to Women.*' 5. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill relating to the __-Limitation of Election Expenses'' 6. Mr. Gair : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill relating to Actions against the Commissioner of Railways as a Carrier of Passengers.” 7. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of free railway passes, half-fare tickets, and all other travelling concessions granted ' by the Railway Department to each of the leading daily and weekly metropolitan and country newspapers for the year ending 30th September, 1902. 2. The cash value of same. (220 copies.) 86

8. Mr. Andrews : To move, That -he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the . Public Service and Railways Acts by preventing any New Appointments for Five Tears except with the consent of both Houses of Parliament.” 9. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of voters’ certificates used in each electorate at the late election. 2. For what candidates were the certificates used. 3. How did the certificate's affect the return of present Members of Parliament. 10. Mr. Maloney : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to prevent the Evasion of Probate Duties by Entail Settlement or otherwise.” 11. Mr. Hall : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to revoke the Procla­ mation as a Public Road of certain Land in the Town of Benalla and to vest such Land in the Country Fire Briqades Board.” 12. Mr. Todtcber : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, a tax on the unimproved value of land should be levied as follows :— .For every £1 sterling of the unimproved value of land a tax of Id. Where the unimproved value of any person’s land does not exceed £1,500 the owner shall be allowed an exemption of £500 ; but where such value exceeds £1,500 the exemption shall diminish by £1 for every £2 that such value increases, so that no exemption is allowable when a value of £2,500 is reached. Where the unimproved value of any owner’s land is £5,000 or over a graduated tax (in addition to the ordinary tax of Id. in the £1) at the rate of |d. in the £1 from £5,000 to £10,000, rising at the rate of £d. in the £1 up to 2d. in the £1 where such unimproved value is £210,000 or over. > 13. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to legalize the Totalizator.” 14. Mr. Bailes : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to provide for the Admission of certain Law Clerics to practise as Barristers and Solicitors.” 15. Mr. Duggan : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, no sale of surplus railway lands by public auction or by private contract should be authorized.

Orders of the Day :— 1. ' Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 2. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 3. Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading. , 4. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. 5. Voters’ Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second reading. 6. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 7. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 8. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Gillott)—Second reading. 9. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 10. Melbourne University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 11. Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 12. Fortnightly Payment OF' State Servants—Resumption of debate on the question—“That all servants of the State be paid fortnightly.” 13. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.

CONTINGENT NOTICES OF MOTION. Upon a Motion for going into Committee of Supply— 1. Mr. Bailes : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Government, in the interests of the mining industry, should appoint a Director of Mining. 2. Mr. Sterry : To move, That,' in the opinion of this House, it is desirable, in the interests of the future advancement and development of the mining industry, that the Honorable the Minister of Mines should, at the earliest possible date, bring in an amending Mines Bill to repeal or amend the unworkable sections of the Mines Act 1897 relating to tributing.

THOS. G. WATSON, W. D. BEAZLEY, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. ‘ Deputy-Speaker,

PARLIAMENTARY PAPER ISSUED 4th DECEMBER, 1902. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 23.

By Authority: Robt. &. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day,

No. 24.

WEDNESDAY, 10th DECEMBER, 1902. Questions. 1. Mr. Maloney : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways whether officials holding high positions are treated the same as the lower-paid railway employes in having to p^y full fares for railway travelling other than on official business. 2. Mr. Lawson: To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey if he will inform the House if he is proceeding with the work of consolidating the Regulations under the Land Act 1901; and, if so, when he expects the work to be completed. 3. Mr. Maloney : To ask the Honorable the Treasurer if he will inform the House what is the total annual amount paid by the State to pensioners who reside'outside Victoria.

4. Mr. McDonald : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Water Supply if it is a fact that in the contract for the Waranga Basin the minimum wage has been varied from 7s. per day to 6s.'per day.

5. Mr. Maloney : To ask the Honorable the Premier if it is intended to remove from this building to the Spring-street Parliament House; if so, will he give the House an opportunity of expressing an opinion before the removal takes place. Government Business. Orders of the Day 1. Constitution Reform Bill—To be further considered in Committee. 2. Coroners Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading 3. Lunacy Act 1890 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 4. Land Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 5. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. 6. Railway Lands Clearing Bill—Second reading. 7. Spring Vale Necropolis Bill—Second reading. 8. Insolvency Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 9. University Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 10. Patents Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 11. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. 12. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee. General Business. Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. Menzies : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to repeal the * Gold Buyers Act 1901.’ ” 2. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, the office of State Governor should be abolished. 3. Mr. Sangster : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “d Bill to restrict Security to the Mortgaged Property.” 4. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to remove some Anomalies in the Law relating to Women.” 5. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill relating to the Limitation of Election Expenses.” 6. Mr. Gair : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill relating to Actions against the Commissioner of Railways as a Carrier of Passengers.”

7. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of free railway passes, half-fare tickets, and all other travelling concessions granted by the Railway Department to each of the leading daily and weekly metropolitan and country newspapers for the year ending 30th September, 1902. 2. The cash value of same. » 8. Mr. Andrews : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the Public Service and Railways Acts by preventing any New Appointments for Five Years except with the consent of both Houses of Parliament.”

9. Mr. Prendergast ; To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of voters’ certificates used in each electorate at the late election. 2. For what candidates were the certificates used. 3. How did the certificates affect the return of present Members of Parliament. (220 copies.) 88

10. Mr. Maloney : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to prevent the Evasion of Probate Duties by Entail Settlement or otherwise.’' 11. Mr. Hall : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to revoke the Procla­ mation as a Public Road of certain Land in the Town of Benalla and to vest such Land in the Country Fire Brigades ■Board.”

12. Mr. Todtcher : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, a tax on the unimproved value of land should be levied as follows :— For every £1 sterling of the unimproved value of land a tax of Id. Where the unimproved value of any person’s land does not exceed £ 1,500 the owner shall be allowed an exemption of £500 ; but where such value exceeds £1,500 the exemption shall diminish by £1 for every £2 that such value increases, so that no exemption is allowable when a value of £2,500 is reached. Where the unimproved value of any owner’s land is £5,000 or over a graduated tax (in addition to the ordinary tax of Id. in the £1) at the rate of Jd. in the £1 from £5,000 to £10,000, rising at the rate of ^d. in the £1 up to 2d. in the £1 where such unimproved ! value is £210,000 or over. 13. Mr. Prendergast: To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to legalize 'the Totalizator.” 14. Mr. Bailes : To move, That he have" leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to provide for the Admission of certain Law Clerks to practise as Barristers and Solicitors.” 15. Mr. Duggan: To move, That, in the opinion of this House, no sale of surplus railway lands by public auction or by private contract should be authorized.

Orders ©f the Day :— 1. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 2. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 3. Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading. 4. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. 5. Voters’ Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second reading. 6. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 7. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 8. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Gillott)—Second reading. 9. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 10. Melbourne' University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 11. Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 12. Fortnightly Payment of State Servants—Resumption of debate on the question—“ That all servants of the State be paid fortnightly.” 13. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.

TUESDAY, 16th DECEMBER. . Government Business. Notice of Motion :— 1. Mr. McKenzie : To move, That this House do now resolve itself into a Committee of the whole to consider the expediency of amending the Land Tax Act 1890.

CONTINGENT NOTICES OF MOTION. Upon a Motion for going into Committee of. Supply— > 1. Mr. Bailes: To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Government, in the interests of the mining industry, should appoint a Director of Mining.

2. Mr. Sterry : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is. desirable, in the interests of, the future advancement and development of the mining industry, that the Honorable the Minister of Mines should, at the earliest possible date, bring in an amending Mines Bill to repeal or amend the unworkable sections of the Mines Act 1897 relating to tributing.

THOS. G. WATSON, . W. D. BEAZLEY, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Deputy-Speaker.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED SINCE 4th DECEMBER, 1902. Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly. Nos. 22, 23, and 24. Notices of Motion and Orders of'the Day. No. 24. Weekly Report of Divisions. No. 3. e Necropolis, Spring Vale, Bill—[35]. Land Bill—[54]. he Constitution Bill.—New Clause AA to be proposed by Mr, Irvine. (To Members only.) Regulations under various Acts of Parliament. Extracted from the Government Gazette of 3rd December, 1902. No. 25. (To Members only.)

By Authority: Robt. S. Brain, Government Printer,• Melbourne. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 25.

THURSDAY, 11th DECEMBER, I9UL Government Business. Orders of the Day:— 1. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. 2. Constitution Reform Bill—To be further considered in Committee. 3. Coroners Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second readfng. 4. Lunacy Act 1890 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 5. Land Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 6. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. 7. Railway Lands Clearing Bill—Second reading. 8. Spring Vale Necropolis Bill—Second reading. 9. Insolvency Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 10. University Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 11. Patents Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. > 12. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee.

General Business. Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. Menzies : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to repeal the ‘ Gold Buyers Act 1901.’” 2. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, the office of State Governor should be abolished. 3. Mr. Sangster : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to restrict Security to the Mortgaged Property?' 4. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to remove some Anomalies in the Law relating to Women?' , ' ' 5. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill relating to the Limitation of Election Expenses." ' . 6. Mr. Gair : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill relating to Actions against the Commissioner of Railways as a Carrier of Passengers.” 7. Mr. Tucker : .To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of free railway passes, half-fare tickets, and all other travelling concessions granted by the Railway Department to each of the leading daily and weekly metropolitan and country newspapers for the year ending 30th September, 1902. 2. The cash value of same. 8. Mr., Andrews : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the Public Service and Railways Acts by preventing any New Appointments for Five Years except with the consent of both Houses of Parliament.” 9. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of voters’ certificates used in each electorate at the late election. 2. For what candidates were the certificates used. ' 3. How did the certificates affect the return of present Members of Parliament. 10. Mr. Maloney : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to prevent the Evasion of Probate Euties by Entail Settlement or otherwise.” 11. Mr. Hall : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to revoke the Procla­ mation as a Public Road of certain Land in the Town of Benalla and to vest such Land in the Country Lire Brigades Board.• ‘ (220 copies.) . L . 90

12. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, a tax on the unimproved value of laud should be levied as follows :— hor every £1 sterling of the unimproved value of land a tax of Id. Where the unimproved value of any person’s land does not cxueed £1,500 the owner shall be allowed an exemption of £500 ; but where such value exceeds £1,500 the exemption shall diminish by £1 for every £2 that such value increases, so that no exemption is allowable when a value of £2,500 is reached. Where the unimproved value of any owner’s land is £5,000 or over a graduated tax (in addition to the ordinary tax of Id. in the £1) at the rate of £d. in the £1 from £5,000 to ' £ 10,000, rising at the rate of gd. in the £1 up to 2d. in the £1 where such unimproved value is £210,000 or over.

13. Mr. Prendergast: To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to leqalize the Totalizator.

14. Mr. Bailes: To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to provide for the Admission of certain Law Clerics to practise as Barristers and Solicitors.” ' ' 15. Mr. Duggan: To move, That, in the opinion of this House, no sale of surplus railway lands by public auction or by private contract should be authorized.

Orders op the Dat :— 1. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second read in", ■ 2. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 3. Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—:Second reading. ° 4. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading 5. Voters’ Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—,Second reading." 6. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading • 7. Legal Practitioners Beciprocitt Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second' reading. 8. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Giilott)—Second reading 9. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reauino-. 10. Melbourne University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading , 11. Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. ° ' 12. Fortnightly Payment of State Servants—Resumption of debate on the question—“ Thai" ail servants of the State be paid fortnightly.” 13. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.

FRIDAY, 12th DECEMBER. ~ Question. ' ■ ■ - ' 1

1. Mr. McDonald : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Water Supply if it is a fact that in the , contract for the Waranga Basin the minimum wage has been varied from 7s.:per day to 6s.- per day.

TUESDAY, 16th DECEMBER. Government Business. ■Notice of'Motion :— 1. Mr. McKenzie : To move, That this House do now resolve itself into a Committee of the wnole to consider the expediency of amending the Land Tax Act 1890.'

CONTINGENT NOTICES OF MOTION. Upon a Motion for going into Committee of Supply— 1. Mr. Bailes: To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Government, in the interests of the mining industry, should appoint a Director 'of Mining. 2. Mr. Sterry : To move, That, in the, opinion of this House, it’ is desirable, in the interests of the future advancement and development of the mining industry, that the Honorable the Minister of Mines should, at the earliest possible date, bring in an amending Mines Bill to repeal or amend the unworkable sections of the Mines Act 1897 relating to tributing. . •

THOS. G. WATSON, W. D. BEAZLEY, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. , ' • Deputy-Speaker.

■ MEETING OF SELECT COMMITTEE. Thursday, \\th December. Public Accounts—at seven o'clock. , PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 10th DECEMBER, 1902. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 25. Tied Houses Bill—[55], Registration of Births Deaths and Marriages Bill—[56]. Statistical Register of State of Victoria for 1901__ : Part II.—Interchange. No. 1. Part III.—Production. No. 3. Census of Victoria, 1901.—Part I.—Inhabitants and Houses. No. 6. Charitable Institutions—Report of Inspector for Yeariended 30th June, 1902. No. 7. 1 Statistical Register of State of Victoria for 1901.—Part IV.—Finance,' &c. No. 8. Ihirty-eighth Report of Board for Protection of Aborigines. No 12 “d "0 E-P»

Hamilton Waterworks Trust.—Additional Loan of £900. No. 15.


By Authority: Robt. S. Bkazx, Government Printer, Melbourne.

Mr. SPEAKER takes the Ciiair at Eleven o'clock.


Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 26

FRIDAY, 12th DECEMBER, 1902. Questions. 1. Mr. McDonald : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Water Supply if it is a fact that in the contract for the Warauga Basin the minimum wage has been varied from 7s. per day to (is. per day.

*2. Mr., McGregor : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Mines— 1. What are bis reasons for abolishing the Monthly Mining Reports, containing gold yield, quantity of quartz crushed, yield per ton, &c. 2. How many geological mining surveyors are employed in the Mining Department. 3. What becomes of the reports and surveys after they are made.

Government Business. Notices of Motion :— *1. Mr. Irvine : To move, That the House, at its rising, adjourn until Tuesday next, at four o’clock, at the Parliament House situate in Spring-street.

*2. Mr. Bent : To move, That, the question of connecting the Western Districts of Victoria with Mildura and the Darling River by means of a railway from Hopetoun to a suitable point on the through line to Mildura, now1 in course of construction, be referred to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Railways for consideration and report.

Orders of the Day:— 1. Constitution Reform Bill—To be further considered in Committee. 2. Coroners Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second loading. 3. Lunacy Acr 1890 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 4. Land Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 5. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. 6. Railway Lands Clearing Bill—Second reading. . Spring Vale Necropolis Bill—Second reading. u. Insolvency Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 0. University Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading 10. Patents Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 11. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. 12. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee.

General Business. Notices of Motion :— 1. Mk.Menzies : To move, That he have leave tobiing in a Bill intituled “A Bill to repeal the ‘ 0old Buyers Act 19012”

2. Mr. Toutcher : To move, '1 hat, in the opinion of this House, the office of State Governor should be abolished.

3. Mr. Sangster : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to restrict Secuiity to the Mortgaged Property.”

4. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to remove some Anomalies in the Law 1 elating to Women2’ 5. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill relating to the Limitation of Election Expenses

6. Mr. Gair : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill relating to Actions against the Commissioner of Railways as a Carrier of Passengers.”

7. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of free i ail way passes, half-fare tickets, and all other travelling concessions granted by the Railway Department to each of the leading daily and weekly metropolitan and country newspapers for the year ending 30th September, 1902. 2. The cash value of same. * Notifications to which an asterisk (*) is prefixed appear for the first time u, (660 copies.) 94

8. Mr. Andrews : To move, That he have leave to bring in a liill intituled “ A Bill to amend the Public Service and Railutays Acts by preventing any New Appointments for Five Years except with the consent of both Houses (if Parliament.”

9. ,Mu. Prendeiigast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of voters’ certificates used in each electorate at the late election. 2. For what candidates were the certificates used. u. -How did the cei tifienteo affect the return of present Members of Parliament.

10. Mr. Maloney : To mo\e, That he have'leave to bring in a Bill intituled '• A Bill to prevent the Evasion of Probate Duties by Entail Settlement or otherwise.”

11. Mr. Hall : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to revoke the Procla­ mation as a Public Road of certain Land m the Town of Benalla and to vest such 'Land in the Country Fire Brigades Board.” 12. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, a tax on the unimproved value of land should be levied as follows :— For every £1 sterling of the unimproved value of land a tax of Id. Where the unimproved value of any person’s land does not exceed £1,500 the owner shall be allowed an exemption'of £500 ; but' wheie such value exceeds £1,500 the exemption shall diminish by £1 for every £2 that such value increases, so that no exemption is allowable when a value of £2,500 is reached. Where the unimproved value of any owner’s land is £5,000 or over a graduated tax (in ' addition to the ordinary tax of Id. in the £1) at the rate of Jd. in the £l from £5,000 to £10,000, rising at the rate of ^d. in' the £1 up to 2d. in the £1 where such unimproved value is £210,000 or over. 13. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to legalize ■ the Totalizator.” 14. Mr.-Baii.es: To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to provide for the Admission of certain Law Clerks-to practise as Barristers and Solicitors.”

15. Mr. Duggan; To move, That, in the opinion of this House, no sale of - surplus railway lands by public auction or by private contract should be authorized. "*16. Mr. Watt : To move, That the question of the re-organization of the accounts of the Railway Department be referred to the Committee on Public Accounts for consideration and report, with a view to the presentation of an annual .balance-sheet framed on business principles. *17. Mr. G-air : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the Meat Supervision Act.”

Orders of the Day :— 1. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 2. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. , 3. Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading. 4. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. 5. Voters’ Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second reading. 6. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 7. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 8. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Gillott)—Second reading. 9. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 10. Melbourne University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 11. Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 12. F’ortnightly Payment of State Servants—Resumption of debate on the question—“That all servants of the State be paid fortnightly.” 13. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.

TUESDAY, 16tii DECEMBER. 6- - , Government Business. Notice of Motion :— V 1. Mr. McKenzie : Td move, That ibis House do now resolve itself into a Committee of the whole to consider the expediency of amending the Land Tax Act 1890. in (, -'•"V THOS. G. WATSON, ‘ W. D. BEAZLET, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Deputy-Speaker.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPER ISSUED 11th DECEMBER, 1902. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 26.

By Authority: Robt. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 27.

TUESDAY, 16th DECEMBER, 1902. 1Questions.. ^ r, Me. McGregor : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Mines— 1. What are hig reasons for abolishing the Monthly Mining Reports, containing gold yield, quantity of quartz crushed, yield per ton, &c. 2. How many geological mining surveyors are employed in the Mining Department. 3. What becomes of the reports and surveys after they are made.

Government Business. Notices of Motion:— 1. Mr. McKenzie : To move, That this House do now resolve itself into a Committee of the whole to consider the expediency of amending the Land Tax Act 1890.

2. Mr. Bent: To move, That the question of connecting the Western Districts of Victoria with Mildura and the Darling River by means of a railway from Hopetoun to a suitable point on the through line to Mildura, now in course of construction, be referred to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Railways for consideration and report.

Orders of the Day :— 1. Constitution Reform Bill—To be further considered in Committee. 2. Coroners Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 3. Lunacy Act 1890 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 4. Land Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 5. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. 6. Railway Lands Clearing Bill—Second reading. 7. Spring Vale Necropolis Bill—Second reading. 8. Insolvency Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 9. University Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 10. Patents Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 11. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. 12. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee.

•General Business. Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. Menzies : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to repeal the ‘ Gold Buyers Act 1901.’ ”

2. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That in the opinion of this House, the office of State Governor should be abolished.

•3. Mr. Sangster : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to restrict Security to the Mortgaged .Property.'”

4. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leavej to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to remove some Anomalies in the Law relating to Women.”

5. Me. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill relating to the Limitation of Election Expenses."

6. Mr. Gair : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill relating to Actions against the Commissioner of Railways as a Carrier of Passengers.”

7. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of free railway passes, half-fare tickets, and all other travelling concessions granted by the Railway Department to each of the leading daily and weekly metropolitan and country n ™ewsp,aperv*r-*eLvLl„ , 2. JLne cash value of same. ' • (220 copies.) 8 Mi:. Andrews : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the I'nblic Service and Hallways Acts by preventing any New Appointments for Five 'Years except with the. consent of both Houses of Pailiament."

9. Mr. Prendergast : To move. That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of voters’ certificates used in each electorate at the late election. 2. For what candidates were the certificates used. - 1 3. How did the certificates affect the return of present Members of Parliament. { > s , f e

10. Mr. Maloney : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to prevent the , Evasion of Probate Duties by Entail Settlement or otherwise.”

11. Mr. Hall : To move, That he have leave to biing in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to revoke the Procla­ mation as a Public Road, of certain Land'tn the Town of Benalla and to vest such landm the Country Fire Brigades Board.”

12. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That in the opinion of this House, a tax on the unimproved value of land should be levied as follows :— For every £1 sterling of the unimproved value of land a tax of Id. Where the unimproved value of any person’s land does not exceed £1,500 the owner shall be allowed an exemption of £500 ; but where such value exceeds £1,500 the exemption shall diminish by £1 for every £2 that such value increases, so that no exemption is allowable when a value of £2,500 is reached. ' 'VA::.A Where the unimproved value of any owner’s land is £5,000 or over a graduated ; tax (in addition to the ordinary tax of Id. in the £1) at the rate of £d..in the £1 from £5,000 to £10,000, rising at the rate of id. in the £1 up to 2d. in the £1 where such ’ unimproved value is £210,000 or over. s ,

13. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to legalize the Totalizator.” * / i ^ "**1 14. Mr. Bailes : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to provide for'the Admission of-certain Law Clerks to practise as Barristers and Solicitors.” ' '' ' '

' 15. Mr. Duggan : To move, That in the opinion of this House, no sale of surplus railway lands* by public auction or by' private contract should be authorized. '• 16. Mr. Watt : To move, That the question of the re-organization of the accounts of the Railway Department' be referred to the Committee of Public Accounts for consideration.and report, with a view to the presentation of an annual balance-sheet framed on1 business principles." .

17. Mr. Gair : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the Meed Supervision Act.” .a. , i r.'i :

Orders of the Day:— ’ ", 1. Legitimation op Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 1 ' ’ 1.■■■:’ : 2. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. ■1 1 ’" l" 1 • -> . 3. Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading. , , '• 1 ‘ ' ’ 4. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwitli)—Second reading. 1 " o. Voters’ Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second reading. ' *' 1 6. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. f - v 7. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. > ' - : 8. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Gillott)—Second'reading.’" 9. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. _ ■s - - • '' r 1 ; - 10. Melbourne University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second residing'. 1 11. Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 12. Fortnightly Payment of State Servants—Resumption of debate on the question—“ That, 'all servants of the State be paid fortnightly.” , ^ . ( , 13. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading, ' *

THOS. G. WATSON, w:’d;beazley, ■Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Deputy-Speaker. ou Cs ---Q

V =.

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 27. ^ -> -1-K ",C .'.Cl'.v.u

- vv f X ; 'i iA s ;i A & . .hfvc'O ‘.iA

c-'l" : kp’O’j'i b'i'.L'M’! fill brur (''ijikifp rl' V! T‘ By Authority: Robt.* S: 1Brain, Government 'Printer, Melbourne." "Lit orlT LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Bay.

No. 28'.

WEDNESDAY, 17th DECEMBER, 1902. Questions. 1. Mr. Max Hirsch : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey if he will inform the House— 1. At what date the Boards for the distribution of seed wheat will enter upon their functions. 2. How many such Boards does he propose to appoint. 3. If 1)6 has any objection to lay upon the Table of the House the instructions which will bo given to such Boards.

2. Mr. A. Harris : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey— 1. When does he intend to throw open the Noojee, Toorongo, and Fumina Crown lands. 2. Will he try and make them available so that ring-barking and some scrub-cutting may be done at the proper time this season. 3. Will he have plans of these lands supplied free of cost and forwarded te applicants, as promised by the late Minister of Lands. 4. Has he yet considered the desirability of making part of the proposed Toorongo State Forest available for selection. o. When does he intend to proceed with the construction of roads in these localities. 6. Could not the lands in the parish of Noojee East (which embrace the Loch Biver Valley) where the roads are surveyed be made available at once. 3. Mr. Max Hirsch : To ask the Honorable the Premier— 1. Is he aware that, though valuable concessions have been made to Messrs. Cobb and Co., mail contractors in Queensland, by the Postmaster-General on account of the drought, all concessions have been refused to mail contractors in the drought-stricken areas of Victoria, though, repeatedly asked for. 2. Will the Premier request the Federal Government to make concessions similar to those granted! to Messrs. Cobb and Co. to those mail contractors in Victoria who are similarly affected by the drought. J

Government Business. Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. Bent: To move, That the question of connecting the Western Districts of Victoria with Mildura and the Darling River by means of a railway from Hopetoun to a suitable point on the through line to Mildura, now in course of construction, be referred to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Railways for consideration and report. °

2. Mr. Irvine : To move, That the House, at its rising, adjourn until to-morrow, at half-past threo- o’clock.

Orders of the Day :— 1. Constitution Reform Bill—Consideration of Report. 2. Coroners Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 3. Lunacy Act 1890 Amendment Bill—Second reading. ° 4. Land Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 5. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. I 6. Railway Lands Clearing Bill—Second reading. 7. Spring Vale Necropolis Bill—Second reading. 8. Insolvency Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. * . 9. University Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 10. Patents Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 11. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. 12. W4Y6 and Means—To be further considered in Committee. General Business* Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. Menzies : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to repeal the ‘ Gold Buyers Act 1901.’” 1 (220 copies.)

/ 98

2‘ Mbo abolished K = T° m°Ve’ That in tlle °P!nion of this House, the office of State Governor should

*• he>" “ b“" “ •BiU “A Biu “ <***• &"•>

4. Mr. Mackey : To move. That lie have leave'to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to remove some Anomalies in the Law relating; to Women”

5. Mr. Mackey : To move. That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill relating to the Limitation of Election Expenses.” 3

6. Mr. G-air: To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill relating to Actions against the Commissioner of Railways as a Carrier of Passengers ”

7. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— L T^e "Um^er1of fre® railw»y Passes, half-fare tickets, and all other travelling concessions granted by the Railway Department to each of the leading daily and weekly metropolitan and country newspapers for the year ending 30th September, 1902. 2. The cash value of same.

8. Mr. Andrews : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the Labile service and Railways Acts by preventing any New Appointments for Five Years except with the consent of hath Souses of Parliament.”

9. Mr. PIiendergast : To move, Tbat there be laid before this House a return’ showing_ 1. The number of voters’ certificates used in each, electorate at the late election. 2. For what candidates were the certificates used. 3. How did the certificates affect the return of present Members of Parliament. 10. Mr. Maloney : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to prevent the Evasion of Probate Duties by Entail Settlement or otherwise." 11. Mr. Hall : To move. That he have leave to bring in a BUI intituled « A Bill to revoke the Procla- "firl0Brigades Bolrd"d °^Certam Land in the Town °f and to vest such hmd in the Country

12. Mr. Toutcher: To move, That in the opinion of this House, a tax on the unimproved value of land should be levied as follows :— For every £1 sterling of the unimproved value of land a tax of Id. Where the unimproved value of any person’s land does not exceed £1,500 the owner shall be allowed an exemption of £500;; but where such value exceeds £1,300 the exemption s all diminish by £1 for every £2- that such value increases, so that no exemption is allowable, when a value, of £2,500' ia reached.. Where the unimproved: value of any owner’s land is £5,000' or over a graduated tax (in addlti°n t0„the ordinary tax of Id. in the £1) at the rate of M. in the £t from- £5,000 to £10*000, rising at the rate of jfd>. futile £’l up. to. 2d. in the £1 where such unimproved value is £2lOjOOQi or over. 13’ M

14. Mr. Bailes : To move. That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled u A Bill to provide for the Admission of certain Law Clerks to practise as Barristers and Solicitors.” lo. Mr., Duggan : To. move, That in the opinion of this House, no sale of surplus railway lands bv public auction or by private contract should1 be authorized. 16. Mr. Watt : To move, That the question of the re-organization of the accounts of the Railway JJepa^tment be referred to tile Committee of Public Accounts for consideration and' report, with a view to the presentation of an annual balance-sheet framed on business principles. 17. Mr. Gair : To move. That ho have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ 4 Bili to. amend Section Six of the ‘ Meat Supervision Act 1900.’ ”

Orders of tiie Day :—

1. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr Maloney.)—Second read in {• cllED Houses Abolition Bill— (Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. ° o. Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading. 4. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading o. Voters Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second rea.lhw. ° 6. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 7. -Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading 8. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Gillottj—Second reading. 9. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)-Sccoud reading. 10. Melbourne University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)-Second reading. • "URORS Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 12. I-ortnightly Paymknt of State Servants Resumption of debate on the question—li That all servants of the State be paid fortnightlyP 13. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading, 99

TUESDAY, 23rd DECEMBER. Government Business. - Notice of Motion :— 1. Mr. McKenzie : To move, That this House do now resolve itself into a Committee of the whole to consider the expediency of amending the Land Tax Act 1890.

THOS. Cr. WATSON, W. D. BEAZLEY, Cierk of the Legislative Assembly. Deputy-Speaker.

MEETING OF SELECT COMMITTEE. Wednesday, 17 th ■December. Library (Joint)—at three o’clock. <

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED SINCE 12th DECEMBER, 1902. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 14. Education Bill—[15], (To Members of Council only.) Ballaarat Court House Land Bill—[58].

Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly. Nos. 25, 26, 27, and 28. Notices, of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 28. Weekly Report of Divisions. No. 4. The Constitution Bill—[26]. (To Members only.) Melbourne Tramways Trust Bill—[64], Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—[66], The Constitution Bill.-Amendments to be proposed by Mr. Tucker on Consideration of Report or after* • Third Reading. (To Members only.) Land Bill— J t ■ New Clauses A, B C, and D to be proposed in Committee by Mr. Duggan. (To Members only.) New Clause F to be proposed in Committee by Mr. A. Harris. (To Members onlv ■) ' v V r' aUSe t0 be ProPoacd by Mr. Keogh. (To Members only.) New Clause G to be proposed in Committee by Mr. Keogh. (To Members only )

By Authority:' Hour. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne.


Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day,

No. 29.

THURSDAY, 18th DECEMBER, 1902. •Government Business. Notice op Motion:—- I, Mr. Bent: To move, That the question of connecting the Western Districts of Victoria with 1 Mild lira and the Darling River by means of a railway from Hopetoun to a suitable point on the through lino to Mildura, now in course of construction, be referred to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Railways for consideration and report.

Orders of the Day :— 1. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. 12. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee. 3. Coroners Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 4. Lunacy Act 1890 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 5. Land Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. ■6. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. 7. Railway Lands Clearing Bill—Second reading. 8. Spring Vale Necropolis Bill—Second reading. 9. Insolvency Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 10. University Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. II. Patents Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.

General Business. Notices of Motion :— ]. Mr. Menzies : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to repeal the ‘ Gold Buyers Act 1901.’ ”

2. Mr. Toctcher : To move, That in the opinion of this House, the office of State Governor should be abolished. 3. Mr. Sangster : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to restrict Security to the Mortgaged Property.'1

4. Mr. Mackey: To move, That he have leave'to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to remove some Anomalies in the Law relating to Women.”

■5. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill relating to the Limitation of Election Expenses.” ■6. Mr. Gair : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill relating to Actions against the Commissioner of Railways as a Carrier of Passengers.” 7. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before‘this House a return showing— 1. The number of free railway passes, half-fare tickets, and all other travelling concessions granted by the Railway Department to each of the leading daily and weekly metropolitan and country newspapers for the year ending 30th September, 1902. 2. The cash value of same. 8. Mr. Andrews : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the Public Service and Railways Acts by preventing any New Appointments for Five Years except with the consent of both Mouses of Parliament.”

9. Mr. Prendergast : To move. That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of voters’ certificates used in each electorate at the late election. 2. For what candidates were the certificates used. 3. How did the certificates affect the return of present Members of Parliament. 10. Mr. Maloney : To move, That he have leave to bring in 'a Bill intituled “A Bill to prevent the Evasion of Probate Duties by Entail Settlement or otherwise.”

11. Mr. Hall : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to revoke the Procla­ mation as a Public Road of certain Land in the Town of Benalla and to vest such land in the Country Fire Brigades Board.” (220 copies.) 102

12. Me. Toutcher : To move, That in the opinion of this House, a tax on the unimproved value of land should be levied as follows For every £T sterling of the unimproved value of land a tax of Id. Where the unimproved value of any person’s land does not exceed £1,500 the owner shall be allowed an exemption of £500 ; but where such value exceeds £1,500 the exemption shall diminish, by .£1 for every £2 that such value increases, so that no exemption is ... .. allowable.when.a value of £2,500 is reached.. _ . Where the unimproved value of any owner’s land is £5,000 or over a 'graduated tax (in addition to the ordinary tax of Id. in the £1) at the rate of ^d. in the £1 from £5,000 to £10,000, rising at the rate of £d. in the £1 up to 2d. in the £1 where such unimproved value is £210,000 or "over. 13. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to legalize the Totalizator.” 14. Mr. Bailes : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to provide for the Admission of certain Law Clerks to practice as Barnstirs and Solicitors'’

15. Mr. Doggan : To move, That in-the opinion of this House, no sale of surplus railway lands by public auction or by private contract should be authorized.

16. Mr. Watt : To move, That the question of the re-organization of the accounts of the Railway Department be referred to the Committee of Public Accounts for consideration and report, with a view to the presentation of an annual balance-sheet framed on business principles. 17. Mr. G-air : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend Section, Six of the ‘ Meat Supervision Act 1900.’ ” ,

Orders of the Day :— ■■ 1. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr Maloney)—Second reading. 2. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 3. Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading. 4. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwitli)—Second reading. 5. Voters’ Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second reading. 6. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Sec md reading. 7. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 8. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir- Samuel Gillott)—Second reading. 9. IV ills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 10. Melbourne University (Abolition of Ff.es) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 11. Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 12. Fortnightly Payment of State Servants—Resumption of debate on the question—“ That all servants of the State be paid fortnightly.” 13. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.

TUESDAY, 23rd DECEMBER. Government Business. - 1 Notice of Motion :— z 1. Mr. McKenzie : To move, That this House do now resolve itself into a Committee of the whole to consider the expediency of amending the Land Tax Act 1890.

THOS. G. WATSON, ' W. D. BEAZLEY, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. . ' Deputy-Speaker.

PARLIAMENTARY PARERS ISSUED 17tii DECEMBER, 1902. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 29. Land Bill.—Amendment and New Clause H to be proposed in Committee by Mr. Duggan. (To Members only.) Constitution Statute.—Statement of Expenditure under Schedule D to Act 18 & 19 Viet., Cap. 55, during the Year 1931-2. No. 14. (Rc-issue.)


By Authority: Robt. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne, Mr. SPEAKER takes the Chair at Eleven o’clock. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY,

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 30.

FRIDAY, 19th DECEMBER, 1902. •Question. *1. Mr. Grose : lo ask tho Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey if he will inform the House as to the total cost to the State for the past twelve months ot maintaining the Metropolitan Botanical Gardens and Parks. Government Business. Notice op Motion:— 1, Mr. Bent: To move, That the question of conuesting the Western Districts of Victoria with Mildura and the Darling River by means of a railway from Hopetoun to a suitable point on the through line to Mildura, now in cour-e of construction, be referred to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Railways for consideration and report.

Orders op the Day :— 1. Patents Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 2. University Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 3. Coroners Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading 4. Insolvency Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. ° 5. Lunacy Act 1890 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 6. Spring Vale Necropolis Bill—Second reading. 7. Railway Lands Clearing Bill—Second reading. 8. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. 9. Land Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. *10. Transfer of Land Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. *11. Ballaarat Court House Land Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. ~*12. Education Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Amendment of tho Legislative Council—To be considered. 13. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. 14. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee. ■General Business. '■■■ Notices of Motion:— 1. Mr. Mexzies : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to repeal the ‘ Gold Buyers Act 1901.’ ”

2. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That in the opinion of this House, the office of State Governor should be abolished.

3. Mr. Sangster : To move, That lie have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to restrict Security to the Mortgaged Property.'’

4. Mr. Mackey: To move, That he have leave'to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to remove some Anomalies in the Law relating to Women.”

5. Mr. Mackey : To move, That ho have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill relating to the Limitation of Election Expenses.”

■6. Mr. Gair : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill relating to Actions ' against the Commissioner of Railways as a Carrier of Passengers.” 7. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of free railway passes, half-fare tickets, and all other travelling concessions granted by the Railway Department to each of the leading daily and weekly metropolitan and country newspapers for the year ending 30th September, 1902. 2. The cash value of same.

S. Mr. Andrews : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the Public Service and Railways Acts by preventing any New Appointments for Five Years except with the consent of both Mouses of Parliament.”

9. Mr. Prendergast : To move. That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of voters’ certificates used in each electorate at the late election. 2. For what candidates were the certificates used. 3. How did the certificates affect the return of present Members of Parliament. * Notifications to which an-asterisk (*) is prefixed appear for the first time. (660 copies.) 101

10. Mi:. Mxloykx;: To move, Tint lie Inve leave to lung i.i a Bill intitule! “A Bill to prevent the Evasion oj Probate Duties by Entail Settlement or otherwise.”

11. Mi:. Hall : To move, Tint he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled '■ A Bill to nevoke the Procla­ mation as a Public Road of certain Land in the.Town of Be nulla and to vest such landin the Country Fire Brigades Board."

12. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That in the opinion of this House, a tax on the unimproved value of- land should be levied as follows :— For every £1 sterling of (he unimproved value of land a tax of Id. Where the unimproxed value of any person’s land does not exceed £1,500 the owner shall be allowed an exemption of £500 ; but xvhere such value exceeds £1,500 the exemption shall diminish by £1 for every £2 that such value increases, so that no exemption is alloxvable xvheu a xalue of £2,500 is reached. Where the unimproved value of-any oxvner’s land is £5,000 or over a graduated tax (in addition to the ordinary tax of Id. in the £1) at the rate of ^d. in the £1 from £5,000 tos £10,000, rising at tnc rate of £d. in the £1 up to 2d. in the £1 where such unimproved value is £210,000 or over.

13. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to legalize the Totalizator.”

14. Mr. Bailes : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to provide for the' Admission of certain Lam Clerks to practice as Barnstt rs and Solicitors.”

15. Mr. Duggan : To move, That in the opinion of this House, no sale of surplus railway lands by public auction or by private contiact should be authorized.

16. Mr. Watt: To move, That the question of the re-organization of the accounts of the Railxvay Department be referred to the Committee of Public Accounts for consideration and report, with a viexv to the presentation of an annual balance-sheet framed on business principles. 17. Mr. Gair : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend Section Six of the ‘ Meat Supervision Act 1900.’ ”

Orders of the Day :—

1. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr Maloney)—;Second reading. 2. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second leading.1 3. Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading. 4. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. 5. Voters’ Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second reading. 6. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Sec md reading” 7. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 8., Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Gillotf)—Second reading 9. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 10. Melbourne University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second°reading. 11. Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 1 'x 12. Fortnightly Payment of State Servants—Resumption of debate on the question—“ That all servants of the State be paid fortnightly.” 13. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.

TUESDAY, 23rd DECEMBER. ■Government Business. 1 Notice of Motion :—

1. Mr. McKenzie : To move, That this House do now resolve itself into a Committee of the whole to consider the expediency of amending the Land Tax Act 1390.

THOS. G. WATSON, W. D. BEAZLEY, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Deputy-Speaker.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 18tu DECEMBER, 1902. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 15. The Constitution Kill—[26]. (To Members of Council only.) Administration and Probate Bill—[28]. (To Members of Council only.)

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 30. Transfer of Land Bill—[8] (To Members only.) Ballaaral Court House Land Bill—[58], (To Members only.)

By Authority: Robt. S. Brain, Gox'ernmcnt Printer, Melbourne. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 31.

TUESDAY, 20th JANUARY, 1903. Question. 1. Mr. Grose : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey if he will inform the House as to the total cost to the State for the past twelve months of maintaining the Metropolitan Botanical Gardens and Parks.

Government Business. Notices of Motion — 1 Mr. Bent: To move, That the "question of connecting the Western Districts of Victoria with Mildura and the Darling River by means of a railway from Hopetoun to a suitable point on the through line to Mildura, now in course of construction, be referred to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Railways for consideration and report. 2. Mr. McKenzie : To move, That this House do now resolve itself into a Committee of the whole to consider the expediency of amending the Land Tax Act 1890.

Orders of the Day :— ‘ 1 , 1. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. _ 2. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee. 3. Patents Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 4> University Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 5. Coroners Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 6. Insolvency Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 7. Lunacy Act 1890 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 8. Spring Vale Necropolis Bill—Second reading.' 9. Railway Lands Clearing Bill—Second reading. 10. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. 11. Land Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 12. Transfer of Land Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 13. Education Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Amendment of the Legislative Council—To be considered.

General Business. Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. Menzies : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to repeal the ‘ Gold BuyersAct 1901.’”

2. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That in the opinion of this House, the office of State Governor should be abolished. 3. Mr. Sangster : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to restrict Security to the Mortgaged Property.”- , . 4. Mr. Mackey : To move,' That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to remove some Anomalies in the Law relating to Women.” 5. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill relating to the Limitation of Election Expenses.” ' 6. Mr. Gair : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill relating to Actions against the Commissioner of Railways as a Carrier of Passengers.”

7. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of free railway passes, half-fare tickets, and all other travelling concessions granted by the Railway Department to each of the leading daily and weekly metropolitan and country newspapers for the year ending 30th September, 1902. 2. The cash value of same. 8. Mr. Andrews : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the Public Service and Railways Acts by preventing any New Appointments for Five Tears except with the consent of both Houses of Parliament.” (350 copies.) 106-

9. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of voters’certificates used in each electorate at the late election. 2. For what candidates were the certificates used. 3. How did the certificates affect the return of present Members of Parliament. 10. Mr. Maloney : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to prevent the Evasion of Probate Duties by Entail Settlement or otherwise."

'll.' Mr. Hall : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill' intituled “ A Bill to revoke the Procla­ mation as a Public Road of certain Land in the Town of Benalla and to vest such land in the Country Fire Brigades Board.”

12. Mb. Toutcher : To move, That in the opinion of this House, a tax on the unimproved value of land should be levied as follows :— For every £1 sterling of the unimproved value of land a tax of Id. Where the unimproved value of any person’s land does not exceed £1,500 the owner shall be allowed an exemption of £500 ; but where such value exceeds £1,500 the exemption shall diminish by £1 for every £2 that such value increases, so that no exemption is allowable when a value of £2,500 is reached. Where the unimproved value of any owner’s land is £5,000 or over a graduated tax (in addition to the ordinary tax of Id. in the £1) at the rate of £d. in the £1 from £5,000 to £10,000, rising at the rate of £d. in the £1 up to 2d. in the £1 where such unimproved value is £210,000 or over.

13. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to legalize the Totalizator."

14. Mr. Bailes : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled1 “ A.Bill to provide far the Admission of certain Law Clerks to practise as Barristers and .Solicitors.”

15. Mr. Duggan1: To move, That in the-opinion of this House, no sale of'surplus railway lands by public auction or by private contract should be authorized.

16. Mr. Watt : To move, That the question of the re-organization of the accounts of the Railway Department be referred to the Committee of Public Accounts for consideration and report, with a view to the presentation of an annual balance-sheet framed on business principles. 17. Mr. Gair : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A. Bill to amend Section Six of the ‘ Meat Supervision Act 1900.’ ”

Orders of the Day :— 1. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 2. Tied Houses! Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes),—Second reading. 3. Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading. 4. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwitli)—Second- reading., 5. Voters’ Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr., Boyd)—Second, reading. 6. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 7. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr., Fink)—Second reading. 8. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures BilLt—(Sir Samuel Gillott)—Second reading. 9. Wills Act 1890. Amendment Bill—(Mr. W-., A. Hamilton)—Second.reading. 10.,,Melbourne University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 11. Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast.)—Second reading. 12. Fortnightly Payment of State Servants—Resumption of debate on the 'question—“ That all servants of the State be paid fortnightly.” 13. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.-

THOS. G. WATSON, W. Di BEAZLET, Clerk, of the Legislative-. Assembly. Deputy-Speaker..

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 19th DECEMBER; 1902’. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 31. ' Education Bill.—Amendment made by the Legislative Council. (To Members only.)

By Authority: Robt. S. Brain, Government. Printer, Melbourne.', LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY,

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day,

No. 32.

WEDNESDAY, 21st JANUARY, 1903. Questions. 1. Mr. Grose : To ask tho Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey if he will inform the House as to the total cost to the State for the past ^welve months of maintaining the Metropolitan Botanical Gardens and Parks.

2. Mr. Bailes : To ask the Honorable the Treasurer if it is intended to include mining companies in the proposal to collect the Income Tax from dividend-paying companies in the State ; if so, will the receivers of dividends from mining companies have to include such dividends in their Income Tax schedules. 3. Mr. Prendergast : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey— 1. Is he aware that some blocks of land have, during his tenure of. office, been let under section 187 of the Land Act 1901 for grazing purposes at an absurdly low rental, while starving stock owners ha^e been re-leasing the laud from the State lessees at an enormously increased price. • 2.' Does he consider it wise to permit speculative jobbers to get .grazing licences for land which they immediately sublet. 4. Mr. Graves : To ask the Honorable the Treasurer— . 1. Will he inform the House how many additional officers will be required in the Income Tax Office under the new proposals ; and 2. What percentage will the total cost of collection be of the estimated receipts.

Government Business.

Orders of the Day :— 1. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. 2. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee. 3. Patents Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 4. University Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 5. Coroners Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 6. Insolvency' Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 7. Lunacy Act 1890 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 8. Spring Vale Necropolis Bill—Second reading. 9. Railway Lands Clearing Bill—Second reading. 10. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. 11 Land Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. , 12. Transfer of Land Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 13. Education Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Amendment of the Legislative Council—To be considered.

General Business. Notices of Motion :— 1 ■ 1. Mr’. Menzies : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to repeal the 1 Gold Buyers Act 1^01.’ ”

2. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That in the opinion of this House, the office of State Governor should be abolished. ■ 3. Mr. Sangster : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to restrict Security, to the Mortgaged Property.'’

4. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to remove some Anomalies in'the Law relating to Women.”

5. Mr. Mackey: To move, That ho have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill, relating to the Limitation of Election Expenses.” x 1 (220 conics.) 108

6. Me. Gate : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill relating to Actions against the Commissioner of Railways as a Carrier of Passengers.” 7. Mb. Tuckeb : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of free railway passes, half-fare tickets, and all other travelling concessions granted by the Railway Department to each of the leading daily and weekly metropolitan and country newspapers for the year ending 30th September, 1902. 2. The cash value of same. 8. Mb. Andbews : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the Public Service and Railways Acts by preventing any New Appointments for Five Tears except with the consent of both Houses of Parliament.” 9. Mb. Pbendebgast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of voters’ certificates used in each electorate at the late election. 2. For what candidates were the certificates used. 3. How did the certificates affect the return of present Members of Parliament. 10. Mb. Maloney : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to prevent the Evasion of Probate Duties by Entail Settlement or otherwise.” 11. Mb. Hall : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to revoke the Procla­ mation as a Public Road of certain Land in the Town of Benalla and to vest such landin the Country Fire Brigades Board.”

12. Mb. Toutcher : To move, That in the opinion of this House, a tax on the unimproved value of land should be levied as follows :— For every £1 sterling of the unimproved value of land a tax of Id. Where the unimproved value of any person’s land does not exceed £1,500 the owner shall be allowed an exemption of £500 ; but where such value exceeds £1,500 the exemption shall diminish by £1 for every £2 that such value increases, so that no exemption is allowable when a value of £2,500 is reached. , Where the unimproved value of any owner’s land is £5,000 or over a graduated tax (in addition to the ordinary, tax of Id. in the £1) at the rate of £d. in the £1 from £5,000 to ■ £10,000, rising at the rate of £d. in the £1 up to 2d. in the £1 where such unimproved value is £210,000 or over. 13. Mb. Pbendebgast : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to legalize the Totalizator.” 14. Mb. Bailes : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to provide for the Admission of certain Law Clerks to practise as Barristers and Solicitors.”

15. Mb. Duggan : To move, That in the opinion of this "House, no sale of surplus railway lands by public auction or by private contract should be authorized. 16. Mb. Watt : To move, That the question of the re-organization of the accounts of the Railway Department be referred to the Committee of Public Accounts for consideration and report, with a view to the presentation of an annual balance-sheet framed on business principles.

17. Mb. Gair : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend Section Six of the ‘ Meat Supervision Act 1900.’ ”

Obdebs of the Day :— 1. Legitimation of Childben Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 2. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 3. Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading. 4. Conciliation and Abbitbation Bill—(Mr. Trenwitli)—Second reading. 5. Voters’ Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second reading. 6. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 7. Legal Pbactitioxers Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. ' ' 8. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Gillott)—Second reading. 9. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 10. Melbourne University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 11. Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 12. Fortnightly Payment of State Servants—Resumption of debate on the question—“ That all servants of the State be paid fortnightly.” 13. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.

TUESDAY, 10th FEBRUARY. Government Business. Notice of Motion:— 1. Mr. McKenzie : To move, That this House do now resolve itself into a Committee of the whole to consider the expediency of amending the Land Tax Act 1890. TH0S. G. WATSON, W. D. BEAZLEY, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Deputy-Speaker.

I 109

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED SINCE 23rd DECEMBER, 1902. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 17.

Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly. Nos. 29, 30, 31, 32. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 32. Weekly Report of Divisions. No. 5. Land Bill. Amendments and New Clauses J and K to be proposed by Mr. Livingston. (To Members only.) Estimates of the Revenue and Expenditure for the year ending 30th June, 1903. B.—No. 14. Report from Parliamentary Standing Committee on Railways on Land in Fumina District, &c. C.—No. 1. (To Members and Departments.) Census of Victoria— Part II.—Ages. No. 21. Part III.—Birthplaces and Allegiance. No. 24. Report of Inter-State Royal Commission on River Murray, &c. (To complete issue. To Members only.)- Regulations under various Acts of Parliament.—Extracted from Government Gazettes of 24th December, 1902, and 31st December, 1902. Nos. 27 and 28. (To Members only.)

By Authority: Ron. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne. r



Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day,

No. 33.

THURSDAY, 22nd JANUARY, 1903. Government Business. Orders of the Day :— 1. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. 2. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee. 3. Patents Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 4. University Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 5. Coroners Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 6. Insolvency Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 7. Lunacy Act 1890 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 8. Spring Vale Necropolis Bill—Second reading. 9. Railway Lands Clearing Bill—Second reading. 10. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. 11. Land Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 12. Transfer of Land Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 13. Education Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Amendment of the Legislative Council—To be considered ,

General Business. Notices of Motion :— ]. Mr. Menzies : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to repeal the ‘ Gold Buyers Act 1901.’ ” 2. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That in the opinion of this House, the office of State Governor should be abolished. 3. Mr. Sangster : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to restrict Security to the Mortgaged Property.” 4. Mr. Mackey : To move, Thdt lie have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to remove some Anomalies in the Law relating to Women.” 5. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill relating to the Limitation of Election Expenses." 6. Mr. Gair : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A' Bill relating to Actions against the Commissioner of Railways as a Can-ier of Passengers.”

7. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of free railway passes, half-fare tickets, and all other travelling concessions granted by the Railway Department to each of the leading daily and weekly metropolitan and country- newspapers for the year ending 30th September, 1902. 2. The cash value of same. 8. Mr. Andrews : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the Public Service and Railways Acts by preventing any New Appointments for Five Tears except with the consent of both Houses of Parliament." 9. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of voters’ certificates used in each electorate at the late election. 2. For what candidates were the certificates used. 3. How did the certificates affect the return of present Members of Parliament. (220 copies.) 112

10. Me. Maloney : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled 11A Bill to prevent the Evasion of Probate Duties by Entail Settlement, or otherwise.”

11. Mr. Hall : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to revoke the Procla­ mation as a Public Road of certain Land in the Town of Benalla and to vest such landin the Coymtry Fire Brigades Board.”

12. Me. Toutcher : To move, That in the opinion of this House, a tax on the unimproved value of land should be levied as follows :— For every £1 sterling of the unimproved value of land a tax of Id. Where the unimproved value of any person’s land does not exceed £1,500 the owner shall be allowed an exemption "of £500 ; but where such value exceeds £1,500 the exemption shall diminish by £1 for every £2 that such value increases, so that no exemption is allowable when a value of £2,500 is reached. Where the unimproved value of any owner's land is £5,000 or over a graduated tax (in addition to the ordinary tax of Id. in the £1) at the rate of £d. in the £1 from £5,000 to £10,000, rising at the rate of -§d. in the £1 up to 2d. in the £1 where such unimproved value is £210,000 or over.

13. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to legalise the Totalizator.”

14. Mr. Bailes : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to provide for the Admission of certain Law Clerks to practise as Barristers and Solicitors.”

lo. Mb. Duggan : To move, That in the opinion of this House, no sale of surplus railway lands by public auction or by private contract should be authorized.

16. Mr. Watt : To move, That the "question of the re-organization of the accounts of the Railway Department be referred to the Committee of Public Accounts for consideration and report, with ‘a view to the presentation of an annual balance-sheet framed on business principles. 17. Mr. G-air : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend Section Six of the * Meat Supervision Act 1900.’ ”

Orders of the Day :—' 1. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 2. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 3. Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading. 4. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwitli)—Second reading. 5. Voters’ Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second reading. 6. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 7. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 8. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Gillott)—Second reading. 9. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 10. Melbourne University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 11. Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 12. Fortnightly Payment of State Servants—Resumption of debate on the question—“ That all servants of the State be paid fortnightly.” 13. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.

FRIDAY, 23rd JANUARY. Questions. 1. Mr. Grose : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey if he will inform the House ns to the total cost to the State for the past twelve months of maintaining the Metropolitan Botanical Gardens and Parks.

2. Mr. Bailes : To ask the Honorable the Treasurer if it is intended to include mining companies in the proposal to collect the Income Tax from dividend-paying companies in the State ; if so, will the receivers of dividends from mining companies have to include such dividends' in their Income Tax schedules.

3. Mr. Prendergast : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey— 1. Is he aware that some blocks of land have, during his tenure of office, been let under section 187 of the Land Act 1901 for grazing purposes at an absurdly low rental, while starving stock owners have been re-leasing the land from the State lessees at an enormously increased price. 2. Does he consider it wise to permit speculative jobbers to get grazing licences for land which they immediately sublet.

4. Mr. Graves : To ask the Honorable the Treasurer— 1. Will he inform the House how many additional officers will be required in the Income Tax Office under the new proposals ; and 2- What percentage will the total cost of collection be of the estimated receipts. TUESDAY, 10th FEBRUARY. Government Business. Notice op Motion:— 1. Mb. McKenzie : To move, That this House do now resolve itself into a Committee of the whole to •consider the expediency of amending the Land Tax Act 1890. THOS. G. WATSON, W. D. BEAZLEY, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Deputy-Speaker.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 21st JANUARY, 1903. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 18. '

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 33.

By Authority: Ro'r. S. Bbain, Government Printer, Melbourne. \

.J Mb. SPEAKER takes the Chaib at Eleven o’clock.


Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 34.

FRIDAY, 23rd JANUARY, 1903.

Questions. 1. Me. Grose : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of. Crown Lands and Survey if he will inform the House as to the total c'ost to the State for the past twelve months of maintaining the Metropolitan Botanical Gardens and Parks.

2. Mb. Bailes : To ask the-Honorable the Treasurer if it is intended to include mining companies in the proposal to collect the Income Tax from dividend-paying companies in the State ; if so, will the receivers of dividends from mining companies have to include such dividends in their Income Tax schedules.

3. Mb. Pbendergast : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey— . 1. Is he aware that some blocks of land have, during his tenure of office, been let under section 187 of the Land Act 1901 for grazing purposes at an absurdly low rental, while starving stock owners have been re-leasing the land from the State lessees at an enormously increased price. 2. Doe's he consider it wise to permit speculative jobbers to get grazing licences for land which they immediately sublet.

4. Mb. Graves : To ask the Honorable the Treasurer— 1. Will he inform the House how many additional officers will be required in the Income Tax Office under the new proposals ; and 2. What percentage will the total cost of collection be of the estimated receipts.

Government Business. Notice of Motion :— *1. Mr. McKenzie: To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to provide for the Purchase of Seed Wheat.”

Orders of the Day :— . " 1. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. 2. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee. 3: Patents Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 4. University Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. ' 5. Coroners Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 6. Insolvency Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. ‘ 7. Lunacy Act 1890 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 8. Spring Vale Necropolis Bill—Second reading. 9. Railway Lands Clearing Bill—Second reading. 10. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. 11. Land Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. ■ 12. Transfer of Land Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 13. Education Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Amendment of the Legislative Council—To be considered. *14. Colac Public Library Site Sale Bill.—Message from His Excellency the Governor—To be considered in Committee. , * Notifications to which an asterisk (*) is prefixed appear for the first time. * (660 copies.) , ', 116

General Business. Notices of Motion:— 1. Mr. Menzies : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to repeal the ‘ Gold Buyers Act 1901.’ ” 2. Mr. Todtchek : To move, That in the opinion of this House, the office of State Governor should be abolished. 3. Mr. Sangster : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to restrict Security to the Mortgaged Property'’ .4. Mr: Macket : To move, That lie have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to remove some Anomalies in the Law relating to Women.” 5. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill relating to the Limitation of Election Expenses." 6. Mr. Gair : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill relating to Action* against the Commissioner of Railways as a Cari'ier of Passengers.” 7. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of free railway passes, half-fare tickets, and all other travelling concessions granted by the Railway Department to each of the leading daily and weekly metropolitan and country newspapers for the year ending 30th September, 1902. 2. The cash value of same. 8. Mr. Andrews : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the Public Service and Railways Acts by preventing any New Appointments for Five .Tears except with the consent of both Mouses of Parliament.” 9. Mr. Prendergast : To move. That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of voters’ certificates used in each electorate at the late election. 2. For what candidates were the certificates used. 3. How did the certificates affect the return of present Members of Parliament. 10. Mr. Maloney : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to prevent the Evasion of Probate Duties by Entail Settlement or otherwise.” 11. Mr. Hall : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to revoke the Procla­ mation as a Public Road of certain Land in the Town of Benalla and to vest such land in the Country Fire Brigades Board.” 12. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That in the opinion of this House, a tax on the unimproved value of land should be levied as follows :— For every £1 sterling of the unimproved value of land a tax of Id. Where the unimproved value of any person’s land does not exceed £1,500 the owner shall be allowed an exemption of £500 ; but where such value exceeds £1,500 the exemption shall diminish by £1 for every £2 that such value increases, so that no exemption is allowable when a value of £2,500 is reached. Where the unimproved value of any owner’s land is £5,000 or over a graduated tax (in addition to the ordinary tax of Id. in the £1) at the rate of ^d. in the £1 from £5,000 to £10,000, rising at the rate of £d. in the £1 up to 2d. in the £1 where such unimproved value is £210,000 or over. 13. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to legalize the Totalizator.” 14. Mr. Bailes : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to provide for the Admission of certain Law Clevis to practise as Barristers and Solicitors.” 15. Mr. Duggan : To move, That in the opinion of this House, no sale of surplus railway lands by public auction or by private contract should be authorized. 16. Mr. Watt : To move, That the "question of the re-organization of the accounts of the Railway Department be referred to the Committee of Public Accounts for consideration and report, with a view to the presentation of an annual balance-sheet framed on business principles. 17. Mr. Gair : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend Section Six of the ‘ Meat Supervision Act 1900.’ ”

Orders of the Day :— 1. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. ' 2. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 3. Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading. 4. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwitli)—Second reading. 5. Voters’ Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second reading. 6. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr, McGregor)—Second reading. 7. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 8. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Gillott)—Second reading. 9. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 10. Melbourne University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 11. Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 12. Fortnightly Payment of State Servants—Resumption of debate on the question—“ That all servants of the State be paid fortnightly.” 13. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 117

TUESDAY, 10th FEBRUARY. Government Business. Notice of Motion :— - 1. Mb. McKenzie : To move, That this House do now resolve itself into a Committee of the whole to consider the expediency of amending the Land Tax Act 1890. THOS. Gl. WATSON, W. D. BEAZLEY, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. ' Deputy-Speaker.

MEETING OF SELECT COMMITTEE. Tuesday, 27 th January. . Printing—at three o’clock.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 22nd JANUARY, 1903. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 19. Constitution Reform Bill—Amendments and New Clauses A, B, C, to be proposed by the Hon. Walter S. Manifold. (To Members of Council only.)

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 34. Juries Bill—[68].

I ‘

By Authority: Ro r. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne. r






Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day,

No. 35.

TUESDAY, 27th JANUARY, 1903.


1. Mr. A. Harris : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey— 1. Will he indicate the first roa.ds that are to be made in the Xoojee East, Fumina, and Toorongo country. 2. Is it intended to improve any of the main road approaches leading to these parishes. 3. Have any steps been taken to throw open any of the site reserved for the Toorongo State Forest. ' . °

Notice of, Motion (Unopposed,) :—

1. Mr. Boyd : To move, That there belaid before this House a return showing the following information in connexion with Mining Boards :— 1. Number of members on each Board. 2. Occupation of each member. 3. Fee paid to each member. 4. Salary paid to secretary of each Board. 5. Rent paid annually by each Board. 6. Total travelling expenses. 7. Printing expenses. 8. Election expenses in each division for the past five years (each year separate). 9. Any other expenses in connexion with the maintenance of these Boards. 10. Details of duties the Boards are called upon ■ to perform in reference to leases and ; • exemptions under labour covenants. 11. What fees, have been received by the Boards for reporting to the Minister of Mines under ; the Mining Development Acts, or for reports on applications or suspensions of labour covenants. - 12. The number of persons who voted at each election of members of Mining Boards at the last five elections.

Government Business. .

Orders of the Day j-—

1. Administration and Prorate Acts Amendment Bill (No. 2)—Second reading. - 2. Supply—To b6 further considered in Committee. 3. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee. 4. Seed and Fodder Advances Bill—Second reading. 5. Colac Public Library Site Sale Bill.—Message from His Excellency the Governor—To be considered in Committee. 6. Patents Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 7. University Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 8. Coroners Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 9. Insolvency Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. ° / •, 10. Lunacy Act 1890 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 11. Spring Vale Necropolis Bill—Second reading: 12. Railway Lands Clearing Bill—Second reading. 13. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. 14. Land Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 15. Transfer of Land Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 16. Education Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Amendment of the Legislative Council—To be considered. 220 copies.) - - 1*20

General Business. Notices of Motion :— ]. Mr. Menzies : To move, That JieJia.Ya_leave.to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to repeal the ‘ Gold Buyers Act 1901.’ ”

2. Mr. 1 odtciier : To move, That in the opinion of this House, the office of State Governor should be abolished.

3. Mr.-Sangster To,move, That he haveTeave'to bring in .a Bill intituled'" A'Bill tore strict Security' " '■to ihe Mortgaged Property?^ " ' ' _ J 7 . ' j. J .

4- Mr. Mackey : To move, That lie have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to remove some Anomalies in the Law relating to Women.”

5. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill relating to the Limitation of Election Expenses.”

6. Mr. Gatr : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill relating to Actions against the Commissioner of Railways as a Carrier of Passengers.” 7. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of free railway passes, half-fare tickets, and all other travelling concessions granted by the Railway Department to each of the leading daily and weekly metropolitan and country newspapers for the year ending 30th September, 1902. 2. The cash value of same. -

8. Mr. Andrews : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the Public Service and Railway<> Acts by preventing any New Appointments for Five Years except with the consent of both Houses of Parliament.” 9. Mr. Prendergast : To move. That there be laid before this House a return showing— . , J. The number of voters’certificates used in each electorate at the late election. 2. For what candidates were the certificates used. 3. How did the certificates affect the return of present Members of Parliament. 10. Mr. Maloney : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to prevent the Evasion of Probate Duties by Entail Settlement or otherwise.” 11. Mr. Hall : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to revoke the Procla­ mation as a Public Road of certain Land in the Town of Benalla and to vest such landin the Country Fire Brigades Board.”

12. Mr. ToutcHEr : To move, That in the opinion of this House, a tax on the unimproved value of land should be levied as follows :— For every £1 sterling of the unimproved value of land a tax of Id. Where the unimproved value of any person’s land does not exceed £1,500 the owner shall be allowed an exemption of £500 ; but- where such value exceeds £1,500 the exemption shall diminish by £1 for every £2 that such value increases, so that no exemption is allowable when a value of £2,500 is reached. Wrhere the unimproved value of any owner’s land is £5,000 or over a graduated tax (in addition to the ordinary tax of Id. in the £1) at the rate of £d. in the £1 from .£5,000 to "£10,000, rising at the rate of £d. in the £1 up to 2d. in the £1 where such unimproved value is £210,000 or over. 13. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to legalize ihe Totalizator.” '

14- Mr. Bailrs : To move, That ho have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to provide far the Admission of certain Law Clerks to practise as Barristers and Solicitors.” In. Mr. DuCgan : To move, That in the opinion of this House, no sale of surplus railway lands by public auction or by private contract should be authorized. 16. Mr. Watt : To move, That the question of the re-organization of the accounts of the Railway Department be referred to the Committee of Public Accounts for consideration and report, with A view to the presentation of an annual balance-sheet framed on business principles. . t 17. Mr. Gair : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend Section Six of the ‘ Meat Supervision Act 1900.’ ”

Orders of the Day :— 1. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 2. -Tied Hocses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second- reading. 3. Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading. 4. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwitli)—Second reading. 5. Voters’ Certificates-Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second reading. 6. Justices Acts Amendment "Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 7. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 8. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Gillott)—Second reading. 9. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 1 " 10. Melbourne University (Abolition of. Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 11. Jurors Exemption Bill— (Mr Prendergast)—Second reading. 12. Fortnightly Payment of State Servants—Resumption of debate on the question—“ That all!" sonants of the State be paid fortnightly.” - 13. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—‘(from Council)—Second reading. ( ' • : • TUESDAY, 10th FEBRUARY. Government Business. Notice of Motion:— 1. Mb. McKenzie : To move, That this House do now resolve itself into a Committee of the whole to- consider the expediency of amending the Land Tax Act 1890.

THOS. G. WATSON, W. D. BEAZLET, Cleric of the Legislative Assembly. ■ Deputy-Speaker.

MEETINGS OF SELECT COMMITTEES. Tuesday, 27th January. Printing—at three o’clock. Wednesday, 28th January. Library (Joint)—at half-past three o’clock.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 23rd JANUARY, 1903. Minutes of the Proceedings of the Legislative Council. Nos. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20.

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 35.

By Authority: Ro r. S. Bkain, Government Printer, Melbourne, r



Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day,


m No. 36.

WEDNESDAY, 28th JANUARY, 1903. Questions. 1. Mr. Gavan Duffy : To ask the Honorable the Premier if he has any objection to lay upon the Table of the House all papers in connexion with the purchase of a block of land at Seymour East , by the Education Department. 2. Mr. Grose : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey whether he is in a position to inform the House as to when the Acting Conservator of Forests is likely to be relieved of his duties as secretary of the Royal Commission on the Factories and Shops Acts.

Government Business. Notice of Motion :— • - , . 1. Mr. Irvine : To move, That a Select Committee be appointed to inquire into and report upon the charges made by the Honorable Member for Melbourne North against the Hqporable Member for Anglesey, as Minister of Lauds, in the administration of the Lands Department, as reported in Hansard of the 27th January instant, such Committee to consist of Mr. Bennett, Mr. Bowser, Mr. J. Cameron, Mr. Gavan Duffy, Mr. Duggan, Mr. J. Harris, and, Mr. Madden, with power to send for persons, papers, and records, to sit oh days on which the House does not meet, and to report the minutes of evidence from time to time; five to be the quorum.

Orders of the„ Day s— • 1 1. Administration and Probate Acts Amendment Bill (No. 2)—Second reading. 2. .Supply—To be further considered' in Committee. , 3, Ways, and Means—To be farther considered in Committee. 4. Seed and Fodder Advances Bill—Second reading. 5. Colac Public ' Library Site Sale Bill.—Message from His Excellency the Governor—To be considered in Committee. ■ , ■* " . 6. Patents Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. ■ 7. University Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second, reading: 8. Coroners Act 1890 further' Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 9. Insolvency Bill—(from Council);—Second reading. 10. Lunacy Act 1890 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 11. Spring Vale Necropolis Bill—Second' reading. i 12 Railway Lands Clearing Bill—Second reading. 13. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. 14 Land Act 1901 Amendment Bill;—Second’ reading.. 1 15. Transfer of Land Act 1)890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 16. Education Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Amendment of the Legislative Council—To be considered.,

General Business. - • Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. Menzies : To move, That he have leave to bring in a'Bill intituled “A Bill to repeal the ‘ Gold Buyers Act 1901.’ ” 2r Mr. Toutcher : To move, That in thesopinion of this House, the office of State Governor should be abolished. 3. Mr. Sangster : To move, That he have leave to bring ip a Bill intituled “ A Bill to restrict, Security to the Mortgaged Property.'’ 4. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave1 to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to remove some Anomalies in the Law relating to Women.” 5. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill relating to the Limitation' of Election Expenses.” (220 copies.) 124

6. Mr. Gair : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill relating to Actions against the Commissioner of Bailway s as a Carrier of Passengers.” 7. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of free railway passes, half-fare tickets, and all other travelling concessions granted by the Railway Department to each of the leading daily and weekly metropolitan and country newspapers for the year ending 30th September, 1902. 2. The cash value of same. 1

8. Mr. Andrews : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the. Public Service and Railways, Acts by -preventing any New Appointments for Five Years except with the consent of both Houses of Parliament.” ' " 9. Mr. Prendergast : To move. That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of voters’ certificates used in each electorate at the late election. 2. For what candidates were the certificates used. , ' 3. How did the certificates affect the return of present Members of Parliament.

10. Mr. Maloney : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill'to prevent the Evasion of Probate Duties by Entail. Settlement or otherwise.”

11. Mr. Hall : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to revoke the Procla­ mation as a Public Road of certain Land in the Town of Benalla and to vest such landm the Country Fire Brigades Board.”

12. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That in the opinion of this House, a tax on the unimproved value of land should be levied as follows :— For every £1 sterling of the unimproved value of land a tax of Id. Where the unimproved value of any person’s land does not exceed £1,500 the owner shall be allowed an exemption of £500 ; but where such value exceeds £1,500 the exemption shall diminish by £1 for every £2 that such value increases, so that no exemption ie allowable when a value of £2,500 is reached. Where the unimproved value of any owner’s land is £5,000 or over a graduated tax (in addition to the ordinary tax of Id. in the £1) at the rate of £d. in the £1 from £5,000 to £10,000, rising at the rate of -J-d. in the £1 up to 2d. in the £1 where such unimproved value is £210,000 or over.

13. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That he have leave to, bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to legalize the Totalizator.”

.14. Mr. Bailes : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to provide for the Adndssion of certain Law Clerks to practise as Barristers .and Solicitors.”

15. Mr. Duggan : To move, That in the opinion of this House, no sale of surplus railway lands by public auction or by private contract should be authorized.

16. Mr. Watt : To move, That the question of the re-organization of the accounts, of the Railway Department be referred to the Committee of Public Accounts for consideration and report, with a view to the presentation of an annual balance-sheet framed on business principles.

17. Mr. Gair : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend Section Six of the ‘ Meat Supervision Act 1900.’ ” - , i Orders of the Day :— 1. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr., Maloney)—Second reading. 2. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 3. Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading. 4. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwitli)—Second reading. 5. Voters’ Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second reading. 6. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 7. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 8. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Gillott)—Second reading. 9. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 10. Melbourne University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 11. Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 12. Fortnightly Payment of State Servants—Resumption of debate on the question—“ That all servants of the State be paid fortnightly.” 13. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading,

TUESDAY, 1,0th FEBRUARY. Government Business.

' Notice of Motion :— 1. Mr. McKenzie : To move, That this House do now resolve itself into a Committee of the whole to consider the expediency of amending the Land Tax Act 1890.

, THOS. G. WATSON, W. D. BEAZLEY, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Deputy-Speaker. . 125 ■ MEETING OF SELECT COMMITTEE. Wednesday, 28th January. Library (Joint)—at half-past three o’clock.


Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 20. _

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 36. Seed Advances Bill—[59]. Seed Advances Bill.—Amendments and New Clause A to be proposed in Committee by Mr. Hirscb. (To- Members only.)

By Authority: Rori. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne,.


Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 37.

THURSDAY, 29th JANUARY, 1903. Government Business. , Notice of Motion 1. Mr. Bent : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “■ A Bill to provide for the further Appointment' of an Acting Victorian Railways Commissioner."

Orders of the Day :— 1. Administration and Probate Acts Amendment Bill (No. 2)—Second reading. 2. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. 3. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee. 4. Colac Public Library Site Sale Bill.—Message froin His Excellency the Governor—To be considered in Committee. , , 5. Patents Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. x 6. University Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 7. Coroners Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 8. Insolvency, Pill—(from Council)—Second reading. 9. Lunacy Act 1890 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 10. Spring Vale Necropolis Bill—Second reading. 11. Railway Lands Clearing Bill—Second reading. 12. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. 13. Land Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 14. Transfer-of Land Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 15. Education Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Amendment of the Legislative Council—To be considered-

General Business. x Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. Menzies : To move, That’he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill, to .repeal the ‘ Gold' Buyers Act 1901.’ ” 2. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That in the opinion of this House, the office of State Governor should be abolished. 3. Mr. Sangster : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to restrict Security to the Mortgaged Property.” 4. Mr. Mackey: To move, That lie have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to remove some Anomalies in the Law relating to Women.”

5. Mr. Mackey: To move. That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill relating to the Limitation ’of Election Expenses.” 6. Mr. Gair : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill relating to Actions against the Commissioner of Railways as a Carrier, of Passengers.” 7. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of free railway passes, half-fare tickets, and all other travelling concessions granted by the Railway Department to each of the leading daily and weekly metropolitan and country- newspapers for the year ending 30th September, 1902. 2. The cash value of same.

8. Mr. Andrews : To move, That he have Jeave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the Public-Service and Railways Acts by preventing any New Appointments for Five Years except with, the consent of both Mouses of -Parliament.” 9. Mr. Prendergast : To move. That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of voters’ certificates used in each electorate at the late election: 2. For what candidates were the certificates used. 3. How did the certificates affect the return of present Members of Parliament. (220 copies.) w T

TV ^ jL!. L I: ll L/llS. dd A !?1 ili 10. Ms. Maloney : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to prevent the Evasion of Probate Duties by Entail Settlement or otherwise."

11. Mr. Hall : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to revoke the Procla­ mation as a Public Road of certain Band' in the Town of~ Benatla and to vest such land in the Country Fire Brigades Board.”

12. Me. Toutcher : To move, That in the opinion of this House, a tax on the unimproved value of la^d should fye levied as follow^:— , T . 1 ; Fbf every £1 sterling of the uhimjiroved value of Fapd a. tax of Id- .. ^ '■ " J Where the unimproved value of any person’s land does not exceed £1,500 the owner shall be allowed an exemption of £500 ; but where such value exceeds £1,500 the exemption shall diminish by £1 for every £2 that such value increases, so that no exemption is ■ allowable when a value of £2,500 is reached. Where the unimproved value of any. owner’s land is £5,000 or over a graduated tax (in addition to the ordinary tax of Id. in the £1) at the rate of ^d. in the £1 from £5,000 to £10,000, rising at the rate of £d. in the £1 up to 2d. in the £1 where such unimproved value is £210,000 or over.

13. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to legalize the Totalizator."

14. Mr. Bailes : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to provide for the Admission of certain Law Clerks to practise as Barristers and Solicitors.” 15. Mr. Duggan : To move, That in the opinion of this House, no sale of surplus railway lands by public auction or by private contract should be authorized.

16. Mr. Watt : To move, That the question of the re-organization of the accounts of the Railway Department be referred to the Committee of Public Accounts for consideration and report, with a view to the presentation of an annual balance-sheet framed on business principles.

17. Mr. Gair : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend Section Six of the ‘ Meat Supervision Act 1900.’ ”

18. Mr. Keogh : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled " A Bill to amend the ‘ Pounds Act 1890.’ ”

Orders op the Day :— 1. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr Maloney)—Second reading. 2. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 3. Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading. 4. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. 5. Voters’ Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second reading. 6. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 7. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 8. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Gillott)—Second reading. 9. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 10. Melbourne University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 11. Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast.)—Second reading. 12. Fortnightly Payment of State Servants—Resumption of debate on the question—“ That all servants of the State be paid fortnightly.” 13. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.

FRIDAY, 30th JANUARY. Questions. 1. Mr. Toutcher : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Mines if a survey is how being made by a Mr. Bradford, and a report prepared by that gentleman, of the respective gold-fields of the State ; if so, whether Ararat is included among such fields; and, if not, why.

2. Mr. Anstey : To ask the Honorable the Premier— 1. If he will inform the House if any Members of the Legislative Council or of the Legislative Assembly are indebted to the Lands Department for arrears of land rents; if so, what are their names. 2. If any Members are so indebted, will he state the individual amounts owing and the length of time such arrears have been accumulating. 3. If any Members of the Legislative Council or of the Legislative Assembly have had their arrears of rent remitted ; if so, what are their names. 4. If any such rents were remitted, will he state the amounts of such remissions.

TUESDAY, 3rd FEBRUARY. Question. 1. Mr. Grose : To "ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey whether he is in a position to inform the House as to when the Acting Conservator of Forests is likely to be relieved of his duties as secretary of the Royal Commission on the Factories and Shops Acts. 129

TUESDAY,. 10th FEBRUARY. Government Business. Notice of Motion :— - 1. Mr. McKenzie : To move, That this House do now resolve itself into a Committee of the whole to ' consider the expediency of amending the Land Tax Act 1890.

THOS. G. WATSON, , W. D. BEAZLEY, ' Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Deputy-Speaker.

MEETING OF SELECT COMMITTEE. Thursday, 29th January. Administration of the Lands Department with reference to Grazing Licences—at eleven o’clock, in the South Library.


Minutes of the" Proceedings of the Legislative Council. No. 21. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 21.

Votes and Proceedings' of the Legislative Assembly. Nos. 33, 34, 35, and 36. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 37. Administration and Probate Bill—[74].

By Authority: Rot. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne, f btJ- LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 38.

TUESDAY, 3rd FEBRUARY, 1903. Questions. 1. Mr. Toutcher : To ask the Honorable the Minister of. Mines if a survey is now being made by a 1 Mr. Bradford, and a report prepared by that gentleman, of the respective gold-fields of the State ; if so, whether Ararat is included among such fields; and, if not, why. 2. Mr. Anstby : To ask the Honorable the Premier— 1. If he will inform the House if any Members of the Legislative Council or of the Legislative Assembly are indebted to the Lands Department for arrears of land rents; if so, what are their names. 2. If any Members are so indebted, will he state the individual amounts owing and the length of time such arrears have been accumulating. 3. If any Members of the Legislative Council or of the Legislative Assembly have had their arrears of rent -remitted ; if so, what are their names. ' 4. If any such rents were remitted, will he state the amounts of such remissions. 3. Mr. Grose : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey whether he is in a position to inform the House as to when the Acting Conservator of Forests is likely to be relieved of his duties as secretary of the Royal Commission on the Factories and Shops Acts. 4. Mr. Graham : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Water Supply when he proposes to give an official answer to the petition sen^ in by the Shepparton and Numurkah Shire Councils for the formation of the Eastern Goulburn Irrigation Trust, such petition being lodged on the 6th March, 1902, reported favorably upon by Mr. Dethridge on the 24th June, and commented on by the Assistant Engineer in Chief on the 26th July last.

5. Mr. Maloney : To ask the Honorable the Premier if, in order that the public may understand the responsibility of witnesses giving evidence before Parliamentary Select Committees, he will state’ what punishment, if any, can be meted out to any witness, not being sworn, who may make false statements.

- 6. Mr. Tucker; Toask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if itfis the intention of the Govern­ ment to pay increments now due to members of the clerical staff in his Department whose earnings are less than £125 per annum ; if so,-when will such increments be available for payment. Government Business. Orders of the Day :— 1. Administration and Probate Acts Amendment Bill (No. 2)—Consideration of Report. 2. Acting Victorian Railways Commissioner Bill—Second reading. . 3. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. 4. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee. 1 5. Colac Public Library Site Sale Bill.—Message from His Excellency the Governor—To be considered in Committee. 6. Patents Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 7. University Act 1890 Amendment Bill'—(from Council)—Second reading. 8. Coroners Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 9. Insolvency Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 10. Lunacy Act 1890 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 11. Spring Vale Necropolis Bill—Second reading. 12. Railway Lands Clearing Bill—Second reading. 13. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. 14. Land Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 15. Transfer of Land Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from,Council)—Second reading. 16. Education Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Amendment of the Legislative Council—To bo considered. General Business. , Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. Menzies : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to repeal the ‘ Gold Buyers Act 1901.’ ”

• 2. Mr. Ioutcher : To move, That in the opinion of this House, the office of State Governor should be abolished. (220 copies.) ,132

3. Me. Sangster : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to restrict Security to the Mortgaged Property.”

4. Mr. Macket : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to remove some Anomalies in the Law relating to Women.” 5. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill relating to the Limitation of Election Expenses.” 6. Mr. Gair : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill relating to Actions against the Commissioner of Railways as a Carrier of Passengers.”

7. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number'of free railway passes, half-fare tickets, and all other travelling concessions granted by the Railway Department to each of the leading daily and weekly metropolitan and country newspapers for the year ending 30th September, 1902. 2. The cash value of same’.

8. Mr. Andrews : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the Public Service and Railways Acts by preventing any New Appointments for Five Tears except with the consent of both Houses of Parliament.”

9. Mr. Prendergast : To move. That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of voters’ certificates used in each electorate at the late election. 2. For what candidates were the certificates used. 3. How did the certificates, affect the return of present Members of Parliament.

10. Mr. Maloney : To" move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to prevent the Evasion of Probate Duties by Entail Settlement or otherwise.”

11. Mr.'Hall : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to revoke the Procla­ mation as a Public Road of certain Land in the Town of Benalla and to vest such land in the Country'. Fire Brigades Board.”

12. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That in the opinion of this House, a tax on the unimproved value of land should be levied as follows :— For every £1 sterling of the unimproved value of land a tax of Id. Where the unimproved value of any person’s land does not exceed £1,500 the owner shall be allowed an exemption of £500 ; but where such value exceeds £1,500 the exemption shall diminish by £1 for every £2 that such value increases, so that no exemption is allowable when a value of £2,500 is reached.- • Where the unimproved value of any owner’s- land is £5,000 or over a graduated tax (in . addition to the ordinary tax of Id. in the £1) at the rate of^d. in the £1 from £5,000 to £10,000, rising at the rate of £d. in the £1 up to 2d. in the £1 where such unimproved value is £210,000 or over.

13. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to legalize , the Totalizator.” 14. Mr. Bailes : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to provide for the Admission of certain Law Clerks to practise as Barristers and Solicitors.” ■ 15-. Mr. Duggan : To move, That in the opinion of this House, no sale of surplus railway lands by public nuciion or by private contract should be authorized. ‘ 16. Mr. Watt : To move, 1 hat the question of the re-organization of the accounts of the Railway Department be referred to the Committee of Public Accounts for consideration and report, with a view to the presentation of an annual balance-sheet framed on business principles. 17. Mr. Gair : To move, That lie have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend Section Six of the ‘ Meat Supervision Act 1900.’ ” 18. Mr. Keogh : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the ‘Pounds Act 1890.’ ”

Orders of the Day :— 1. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr Maloney)—Second reading. 2. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. - i , 3. Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading. 4. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr.’Trenwitli)—Second reading., 5. Voters’ Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second reading. 6. Justices Acts Amendment ‘Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 7. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. • 8. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Gillott)—Second reading. 9. A\ ills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 10. Melbourne University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 11. Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 12. Fori nightly Payment of State Servants—Resumption of debate on the question—“That, all servants of the State be paid fortnightly.” 13. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading,

/ \


TUESDAY, 10th FEBRUARY. Government Business. Notice of Motion:— 1. Mr. McKenzie : To move, That this House do now resolve itself into a Committee of the whole to consider the expediency of amending the Land Tax Act 1890.

THOS. G. WATSON, , W. D. BEAZLET, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Deputy-Speaker.

MEETING OF SELECT COMMITTEE. Tuesday, 3rd February. Administration of the Lands Department with Reference to Grazing Licences—at ten o’clock, in the South Library. ■

• PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 29th JANUARY, 1903. Minutes of the Proceedings of the Legislative Council. No. 22. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 22. Seed Advances Bill—[59]. (To Members of Council only.) Constitution Reform Bill.—New Clause (D) to be proposed by the Hon. T. H. Payne. (To Members of , Council only.) ,

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 38. Acting Victorian Railways Commissioner Bill—[75]. Statistical Register of State of Victoria for 1901— Part V.—Vital Statistics, &c. No. 9. Part VI.—Law, Crime, &c. No. 16. Euroa Waterworks Trust.—Application for an Additional Loan of £7,000. No. 17. Loddon United Waterworks Trust.—Application for Additional Loan of £100. No. 19. Yarrawonga Urban Waterworks Trust.—Additional Loan of £300. No. 20. Bank Liabilities and Assets.—Summary of Sworn Returns for Quarter ended 30th September, 1902. No. 18.



By Authority: Robt. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne* s


Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 39.

Question,. WEDNESDAY, 4th FEBRUARY, 1903. ,

L ; T° a?k, the Honorable the Minister of Railways if he will inform the House what raiLy^acridenLrWindsot"omeiyWeaL?grrtme't ^ U°mPensatioQ to Pers01is i-'jm-ed by the

, 2. Mr. McDonald : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Water Supply—

2. Could not the work have been given to the men direct without the intervention of a middleman:

Government Business.

Notices of Motion :— L M intit,llod BUlrelatin°tothe

3- iDtitUled ^toLegal

4' MRr'Jway ‘station'7o’ m^towanir Bdghton Teach^bT “f ‘1° from thc St- Hilda Committee on Railways fi^nridSS^ml^fc ' ^ t0 ^ Parliamentary Sending

Orders of the Day :—

1. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee. 2.. Supply—To be further considered in Committee SSL S‘”5 S‘“ B,11-M”s*se from Hi, 6*, ,he be

4. Patents Bill (from Council)—Second reading. 5. University Act 1890 Amendment BiLL-(from Council)—Second reading f P™c,AbU1^ Council) Second

8. Lunacy Act 1890 Amendment Bill—Second reading 9. Spring Vale Necropolis Bill—Second reading. 10. Railway Lands Clearing Bill—Second reading. 11. Rublic Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. 12. Land Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 13. Iransfer of Land Act 1890 Amendment Btlt__ffrnm Pmmnii\ o* i 14. Education Act 1901 Amendment B,LL-Amendment of the Legislative CoTncU-To^c considered.

General Business.

Notices of Motion :—

L M5«^?HcH90^°’ ™°Ve’ That h6 hBVe leaV6 to bring in a Bil1 intituled “A Bill to repeal the ‘ Gold

2' Mbe ImT : T° m°Ve’ That " th0 °Pinion of this House, office of State Governor should

3‘ h0 liavc leave to bring in a Bi!i intituicd “a im to reM s*™®

4' :°/,',y V,*'fJUo’'°aV° t0 b,il,g i,, a 15,11 i,lfitl,lcd “A Hill to remove some

°" Mzi,«WmnKyz^°c/™rS^J.» haVe lGiUC ,0 bH,,gi,,a !1H1 iR,itulcd “A Bil1 relating to the

(220 copies). 136

6. Mr. Gair : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill relating to Action,s against the Commissioner of Railways as a Carrier. of Passengers.

7 Mr Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1 The number of free railway passes, half-fare tickets, and all other travelling concessions granted by the Railway Department to each of the leading daily and weekly metropolitan and country newspapers for the year ending 30th September, 1902. 2. The cash value of same. . 8 Mr Andrews • To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend, the ' ^Public Service and Railways Acts by preventing any New Appointments for Five 1 ears except with the consent of both Houses of Parliament.”

9. Mr. Prendergast : To move. That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of voters’ certificates used in each electorate at the late election. 2. For what candidates were the certificates used. „ ^ .. 3: How did the certificates affiect the return of present Members of Pailiamout.

10 Mr Maloney : To move, That he have leave to bring ma Bill intituled “A Bill to prevent the Evasion of Probate Duties by Entail Settlement or otherwise. 11 Mr Hall • To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to revoke the Procla- mation as a Public Road of certain Land in the Town of Benalla and to vest such land in the Country Fire Brigades Board.” 12. Mr. Toutcher : To .move, That in the opinion of this .House, a tax on the unimproved value of land should be levied as follows :— For every £1 sterling of the unimproved value of land a tax of Id. wL,e tho unimproved v.lue ol .up p«W. land doe. ».t «ceed f ,»0C allowed an exemption of £500 ; but where such value exceeds £l,o00 the “emptam ' shall diminish by £1 for every £2 that such value increases, so that no exemption is allowable when a value of J£2,o00 is reached. Where the unimproved value of any owner’s land is £5,000 or over pn£f'1™ £5 000 to addition to the ordinary tax of Id. in the £1) at the rate of £d in the £1 from £o,000 to £10,000, rising at the rate of £d. in the £1 up to 2d. in the £1 where such unimproved value is £210,000 or over.,

Mr. Prendergast : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill tdlegahze 13. the Totalizator.” Mr Bailfs : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to provide for the 14. Admission of certain Law Clerics to practise as BarnsUrs and Solicitors.

Mr. Duggan : To move, That in the opinion of this House, no sale of surplus railway lands by 15. public auction or by private contract should be authorized. 16 Mr Watt • To move, That the question of the re-organization of the accounts of the ^dway Department be referred to the Committee of Public Accounts lor consideration and report, with a view to the presentation of an annual balance-sheet framed on business principles. 17. Mr. Gair : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amerid Section Six of the ‘ Meat Supervision Act 1900.’ ” To move; That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled A Bill to amend the ‘ Pounds 18. Mr. Keogh Act 1890.’ ” 19. Mr. Brown: To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to further amend the ‘ Dairying Companies Act 1900.’ 20 Mr Anstey : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing 1 The names of all persons indebted to the Lands Department for nr. ears of- land rents the individual amounts owing, and the length of time-such arrears have been accumulating, asiat 2. Th^names ^aUpersons who have had their arrears of rents remitted during-the last two years, and the amounfof such remissions.

Orders of the Day :— 1. Legitimation of Children Bill-(Mt Maloney)-Second reading, 2. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 3. ' Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading. , ' 4. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith) Second reading. 5 Voters’ Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second reading. 6. Justices Acts Amendment Bill-(Mr. McGregor)-Second reading. 7 Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink) Second reading. 8. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures BiLL-(Sir Samuel Gillott)-Second reading. 9 Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton) Second reading. 10‘ Melbourne University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 11. Jurors Exemption Bill-(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. That 12. Fortnightly Payment of State Servants—Resumption of debate on the question lhat all servants of the State be paid fortnightly. .,,0 3 a- 13. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading,

I 137

TUESDAY, 10th FEBRUARY. ■Question. I. Mb. Maloney : To ask the Honorable the Premier if, in order that the public may understand the responsibility of witnesses giving eividence before Parliamentary Select Committees, he will state what punishment, if any, can be, meted out to any witness, not being sworn, who may make false statements.

■Government Business. Notice of Motion:— , 1. Mb. McKenzie : To move, That this House do now resolve itself into a Committee of the whole to consider the expediency of amending the Land Tax Act 1890.

THOS. Gi. WATSON, W. D. BEAZLEY, Cleric of the Legislative Assembly. Deputy-Speaker.

MEETING OF SELECT COMMITTEE. Wednesday, 4th February. Administeation of the Lands Depabtment with Befebbnce to Grazing Licences—at eleven o’clock, in the South Library.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED SINCE 29th JANUARY, 1903. Minutes of the Proceedings of the Legislative Council. No. 23. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 23. Constitution Reform Bill— Amendments and New Clauses, AA and BB to be proposed by Hon. J. M. Davies. (To Members of Council only.) Amendments to be proposed by Hon. A. Wynne, &c. (To Members of Council only.) Amendment to be proposed by the Hon. W. Orr. (To Members of Council only.)

Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly. Nos. 37, 38, and 39. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 39. Weekly Report of Divisions. No. 6.


By Authority: Robt. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne. t LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY,

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day,

No. 40..


Notice op Motion {Unopposed) :— 1. Mr, Anstet : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The names of all persons indebted to the Lands Department for arrears of land rents, the individual amounts owing, and the length of time such arrears have been accumulating, as at date 31st December, 1902. 2. The names of all persons who have had their arrears of rents remitted during the last two years, and the amount of such remissions. Government Business. Orders of the Day :— , 1. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. 2. Supply—Resolutions to be reported. 3. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee. 4. Colac Public Library Site Sale Bill.—Message from His Excellency the Governor__To be considered in Committee. 5. Patents Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 6. University Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. - 7." Coroners Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading 8. Insolvency Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. ° 9. Lunacy Act 1890 Amendment Bill—Second .reading. 10. Spring Vale Necropolis Bill—.Second reading. 11. Railway Lands Clearing Bill—Second reading. 12. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. I 13. Land Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 14. Transfer of Land Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 15. Education Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Amendment of the Legislative Council—To be considered. General Business. Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. Menzies : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to repeal the 1 Gold Buyers Act 1901.’” 7

• -Toutcher : To move, That in the opinion of this House, the office of State Governor should be abolished.

3. Mr. Sangster : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to restrict Security to the Mortgaged Property.”

4. Mr. Mackey: To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled «A Bill to remove some Anomalies in the Law relating to Women”

5. Mr. Mackey: To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill relating to the - Limitation of Election Expenses'' •

6. Mr. Gair : To move, That he have leave to,bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill relating to Actions i against the Commissioner of Railways as a Carrier of Passengers” 7. Mr. Iucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— The number of free railway passes, half-fare tickets, and all other travelling concessions granted by the Railway Department to each of the leading daily and weekly metropolitan and country newspapers for the year ending 30th September, 1902. J 2. The cash value of same.

8. Mr. Andrews: To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the Public Service and Railways Acts by preventing any New Appointments for Five Tears except with ; the consent of both Houses of Parliament.” • , •^Ri Trendergast : To move. That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of voters’ certificates used in each electorate at the late election. i 2. For what candidates were the certificates used. 3. How did the certificates affect the return of present Members of Parliament. (220 copies. ■ 140

10. Mr. Maloney : To move, That he have leave to bring in a1 Bill intituled “ A Bill to prevent the Evasion of Probate Duties by Entail Settlement or otherwise." 11. Mr. Hall : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to revoke the Procla- . 1 mation as a Public Road of certain Land in the Town of Benalla and to vest such land in the Country Fire Brigades Board” 12. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That in the opinion of this House, a tax on the unimproved value of land should be levied as follows :— For every £1 sterling of the unimproved value of land a tax of Id. Where the unimproved value of any person’s land does not exceed £1,500 the owner shall be allowed an exemption of £500 ; but where such value exceeds £1,500 the exemption ' shall diminish by £1 for every £2 that such value increases, so that no exemption is- allowable when a value of £2,500 is reached. Where the unimproved value of any owner’s land is £5,000 or over a graduated tax (in addition to the ordinary tax of Id. in the £1) at the rate of ^d. in the £1 from £5,000 to- £10,000, rising at the rate of id. in the £1 up to 2d. in the £1 where such unimproved value is £210,000 or over. 13. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to legalize- the Totalizator.” 14. Mr. Bailes : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to provide for the Admission of certain Law Clerks to practise as Barristers and Solicitors.” 15. Mr. Duggan : To move, That in the opinion of this House, no sale of surplus railway lands by public auction or by private contract should be authorized. 16. Mr. Watt : To move, That the question of the re-organization of the accounts -of the Railway . Department be referred to the Committee of Public Accounts for consideration and report, with a. view to the presentation of an annual balance-sheet framed on business principles. 17. Mr. G-air : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend Section Six df the * Meat Supervision Act 1900.’ ” 18. Mr. Keogh : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the ‘ Pounds Act 1890.’ ” 1 19. Mr. Brown : To move, That he have leave to bring in. a Bill, intituled,“A Bill, to further amend the ‘ Dairying Companies Act 1900.’ ” i p - -•'» < cc# ■1 .'. • 0 Orders of the Day :— 7 1. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 2. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 3. Sludge Bill—(Mr.. Bowser)—Second reading. 4. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. 5. Voters’ Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second reading. 6. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 7. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 8. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Gillott)—Second.reading. 9. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 10. Melbourne University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 11. Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 12. Fortnightly Payment of State Servants—Resumption of debate on the question—“ That all­ servants of the State be paid fortnightly.” 13. Licensing Act 1890 Amendmen l Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.

FRIDAY, 6th FEBRUARY. Questions. 1. Mr. Keogh : To ask the Honorable the Premier if it is the intention of the Government to bring ini a Bill this Session to stop the. adulteration of beer.

2. Mr. Bailes : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Mines and Water Supply if he is aware of the impure condition of the water supplied to the citizens of Bendigo ; if so, will he take the necessary steps to remedy the evil. 3. Mr. Keogh : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Public Works when his Department will allocate the £59,371 promised by the Honorable the Treasurer to the 4th, 5th, and 6th class- shires in his. interim Budget Statement (reported in Hansard of 5th August, 1902),

• , 4. Mr. Mackey : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Agriculture:— 1. If he will inform the House what steps, if any, are being taken by the Government in regard ■ to the contracts about to be entered into by the British Government for the supply of meat to- tiie Army in South Africa, particularly in view of the steps taken by the Governments of New South Wales, South Australia, and New Zealand to secure for those States these contracts,. and the numerous consequential trade benefits that would accrue therefrom. 2. What steps, if any, the Government are taking to forward the trade of this State with South Africa in regard to butter, dairy produce generally, live stock, agricultural produce, and other - 1 lines produced or manufactured in Australia. 141

TUESDAY, 10th FEBRUARY. Questions. ' ' . 1. Mr. Maloney : To ask the Honorable the Premier if, in order that the public may understand the- responsibility of witnesses giving evidence before Parliamentary Select Committees, he will state what punishment, if any, can be meted out to any witness, not being sworn, who may make false statements. 2. Mb. McGregor : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Mines— 1. If there is any conflict between the provisions of the Mining Development Act 1896 and the Mining Development Act 1897 as to the priority of claims for wages due to workmen in cases of mortgages to the Government. 2. If, in the opinion of the Attorney-General, the provisions of the two Acts are in conflict, will the Minister of Mines have the 1897 Act amended, making it perfectly clear that wages are a first charge.

Government Business. j Notice of Motion :—

1., Mr. McKenzie : To move, That this House do now resolve itself into a Committee of the whole to- consider the expediency of amending the Land Tax Act 1890.

Orders 'of the Day :—

, 1. Railway Accident Fund and Railways Stores Suspense Account Bill—Second-reading. 2. Mallee Land Account Bill (No. 2)—Second reading. 3. Administration and Probate (Legal Charges) Bill—Second reading. 4. Income Tax Bill—Second reading.

THOS. G. WATSON, W. D. BEAZLEY, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. ~ , Deputy-Speaker.

MEETINGS OF SELECT COMMITTEES. Thursday, 5th February. Administration of the Lands Department with Reference to Grazing Licences—at four o’clock, in the South Library. 1 Tuesday, \0th February. Printing—at three o’clock. Wednesday, 1 \th February. Parliament Buildings (Joint)—at three o’clock.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 4th FEBRUARY, 1903. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 24. Acting Victorian Railways Commissioner Bill—[75], (To Members of Council only.)

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 40. Report of the Council of Judges under Section 33 of the Supreme Court Act 1890. No. 22. Report of Proceedings taken under the Land Acts and the Wattles Act 1890 during Year ending 31st December, 1901. No. 23.


By Authority: Rout. S. Bums, Government Printer, Melbourne. \ LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day,

No. 41.

TUESDAY, 10th. FEBRUARY, 1903. Questions. 1. Mr. Keogh : To ask the Honorable the Premier if it is the intention of the Government to bring in a Bill this Session to stop the adulteration of beer.

• 2. Mr. Baii.es : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Mines and Water Supply if he is aware of the impure condition of the water supplied to the citizens of Bendigo ; if so, will he take the necessary steps to remedy the evil.

3. Mr. Keogh : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Public Works when his Department will allocate the £59,371 promised by the Honorable the Treasurer to' the 4th, 5th, and 6th class shires in his interim Budget Statement (reported in Hansard of 5th August, 1902). 4. Mr. Macket : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Agriculture:— 1. If he will inform the House what steps, if any, are being taken by the Government in regard to the contracts- about to be entered into by the British Government for the supply of meat to the Army in South Africa, particularly in view of the steps taken by the Governments of New South Wales, South Australia, and New Zealand to secure for those States these contracts, and the numerous consequential trade benefits that would accrue therefrom. 2. What steps, if any, the Government are taking to forward the trade of this State .with South Africa in regard to butter, dairy produce generally, live stock, agricultural produce, and other lines produced or manufactured in Victoria. ,

5. Mr. Malonet : To ask the Honorable the Premier if, in order that the public may understand the responsibility of witnesses giving evidence before Parliamentary Select Committees, he will state what punishment, if any, can be meted out to any witness, not being sworn, who may make false statements. 1

6. Mr. McGregor : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Mines— 1. If there is any conflict between the provisions of the Mining Development Act 1896 and tho Mining Development Act 1897 as to the priority of claims for wages due to workmen’ in cases of mortgages to the Government. 2. If, in the opinion of the Attorney-General, the provisions of the two Acts are in conflict, will the Minister of Mines have the 1897 Act amended, making it perfectly clear that wages are a first charge.

7. Mr. Prendbrgast : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways__ 1. If it is a fact that a large quantity of coal unusable for locomotive purposes has been purchased by him for the Railway Department; if so, will he inform the House__ ' 2. From whom the coal was purchased, 3. How many tons were purchased. 4. What price per ton was paid. r- 5. Has the Department resolved to sell the coal.

Government Business. Notice of Motion :— 1. Mr. Taverner: To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to revoke the ' Permanent Reservation and Grant of certain Land at St. Arnaud.’’

Orders of the Day :—< 1. Supply—To be further considered in Committee, 2. Supply—Resolutions to be reported. 3. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee. 4. Income Tax Bill—Second reading. 5. Colac Public Library Site Sale Bill.—-Message from His' Excellency the Governor—To be considered in Committee. 6. Patents Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 7. University Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 8. Coroners Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading 9. ' Insolvency Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. ° (220 copies.) 144 ___ . ...

10. Lunacy Act 1890 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 11. Spring Vale Necropolis Bill—Second reading. 12. Railway Lands Clearing Bill—Second reading. 13. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. 14. Land Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 15. Transfer of Land Act..) 890 Amendment. Bill^—(from-CoUncil)—Second reading.- - - 16. Education Act 19Q i. AmSndment Bill-‘-Amendment of-the Legislative Council—To be considered. 17. Railway Accident Fund and Railways Stores Suspense Account Bill—Second reading. 18. Mallee Land Account Bill (No. 2)—Second reading. 19. Administration and Probate (Legal Charges) Bill—Second reading. General Business. Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. Menzies : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to repeal the ‘ Gold Buyers Act 1901.’ ”

2. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That in the opinion of this House, the office of State Governor should, be abolished. ^ . 3. Mr. Sangster : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to restrict Security to the Mortgaged Property.'’ 4. Mr. Mackey : To move, That lie have leave to bring in a Bill intituled u A Bill to remove some Anomalies in the Law relating to Women.”

5. Mr.. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill relating to the Limitation of Election Expenses.”

6. Mr. Gair : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill relating to Actions against the Commissioner of Railways as a Carrier of Passengers.” 7. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of free railway passes, half-fare tickets, and all other travelling concessions granted by the Railway Department to each of the leading daily and weekly metropolitan and country newspapers for the year ending 30th September, 1902. 2. The cash value of same.

8. Mr. Andrews : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled se A Bill to amend the Public Service and Railways Acts by preventing any New Appointments for Five Years except with the consent of both Souses of Parliament.”

9. Mr. Maloney : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to prevent the Evasion of Probate Duties by Entail Settlement or otherwise.” 10. Mr. Hall : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to revoice the Procla­ mation as a Public Road of certain Land in the Town of Benalla and to vest such land in the Country Fire Brigades Board.”

11. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That in the opinion of this House, a tax on the unimproved value of land should be levied as follows :— For every £1 sterling of the unimproved value of land a tax of Id. ' Where the unimproved value of any person’s land does not exceed £1,500 the owner shall be allowed an exemption of £500 ; but where such value exceeds £1,500 the'exemption shall diminish by £1 for every £2’that such value increases, so that no exemption is allowable when a value of £2,500 is reached. Where the unimproved value of any owner’s land is £5,000 or over a graduated tax (in addition-to the ordinary tax of Id. in the £1) at the rate of ^d. in the £1 from £5,000 to £10,000, rising at the rate of £d. in the £1 up to 2d. in the £1 where such unimproved value is £210,000 or over. 12. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A' Bill to legalize the Totalizator.”

13. Mr. Bailes : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to provide for the Admission of certain Law Clerks to practise as Barristers and Solicitors 14. Mr. Duggan : To move, That in the opinion of this House, no sale of surplus railway lands by public auction or by private contract .should be authorized. 15. Mr. Watt : To move, That the question of the re-organization of the accounts of the Railway Department be referred to the Committee of Public Accounts for consideration and report, with a view to the presentation of an annual balance-sheet framed on business principles. ‘ - 16. Mr. Gair : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend Section Six of the ‘ Meat Supervision Act 1900.’ ”

17. Mr. KfcOGH : To move, That he hove leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the ‘ Pounds Act 1890.’ ” , , , ' 18. Mr. .Brown : To move,. That he have leave tobring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to further amend the 1 Dairying Companies Act 1900.’ ”.

19. Stji. M*ackey : To move, That ho have leave to bring in a-"Bill intituled ZABill to provide for the Registration of the Brands of Cattle and th^.Earmttrkp of Sheep and for other purposes.” 145

20. Mb. Prendergast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return, tabulated as follows, of , - the cattle and sheep carried on the Victorian-railways at-Starvation Stock Kates :—

Owners’ Names or Stock Carried. Name of Person who makes District from which Declaration that he was unable to * Stock came. Destination. pay ordinary freight. Sheep. Cattle.

Orders op the Day :— 1. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 2. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 3. Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading. 4. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. 5. Voters’ Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second reading. 6. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 7. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 8. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures JBill—(Sir Samuel Gillott)—Second reading. ■ 9. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 10. Melbourne University (Abolition op Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 11. Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 12. Fortnightly Payment of State Servants—Resumption of debate on the question—“ That all servants of the State be paid fortnightly.” ( 1 ' 13. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.

THOS. G. WATSON, ■ W. D. BEAZLET, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly, Deputy-Speaker,

MEETINGS OF SELECT COMMITTEES. Tuesday, 10th February. Printing—at three o’clock. Wednesday, 11 th February. j Parliament Buildings (Joint)—at three o’clock.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 5th FEBRUARY, 1903. . Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 25. Constitution.Reform Bill.—New Clauses (G) and (H) to be proposed by the Hon. W. L. Baillieu. (To- Members of Council only.) !

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 41. i

By Authority: Root. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne.


Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day,

No. 42.’

WEDNESDAY, 11th FEBRUARY, 1903. Questions.

1. Mr. Bailes : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Mines and Water Supply,if he is aware of the impure condition of the water supplied to the citizens of Bendigo ; if so, will he take the necessary steps to remedy the evil.

2. Mr. McGregor : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Mines— 1. If there is any conflict between the provisions of the Mining Development Act 1896 and the Mining Development Act 1897 as to the priority of claims for wages due to workmen in cases of mortgages to the Government. 2. If, in the opinion of the Attorney-General, the provisions of the two Acts are in conflict, will the Minister of Mines have the 1897 Act amended, making it perfectly clear that wa^es are a first charge. °

3. Mr. Smith : To ask the Honorable the Treasurer— 1. If he is aware that the Twenty-fourth Annual Report of the Actuary for Friendly Societies, laid before Parliament on the 22nd January last, has not yet been issued to the several Friendly Societies ; if so, will he give the reason for the delay. 2. In view of the great value and importance of such Report to Friendly Societies, will he give the necessary directions to have it issued as usual.

4. Mr. Langdon : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Water Supply whether he is aware that considerable dissatisfaction exists as to the distribution of the waters of the Loddon River ; if so, , what action does he propose taking to see that such waters are fairly and equitably allocated.

Government Business. • Orders of the Day :— 1. Income Tax Bill—Second reading. 2. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. 3. Supply—Resolutions to be reported. 4. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee. 5. Colac Public Library Site Sale Bill.—Message from His Excellency the Governor—To be considered in Committee. 6. Patents Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 7. University Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 8. Coroners Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 9. Insolvency Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 10. Lunacy Act 1890 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 11. Spring Vale Necropolis Bill—Second reading. 12. Railway Lands Clearing Bill—Second reading. 13. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. 14. Land Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 15. Transfer of Land Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 16. Education Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Amendment of the Legislative Council—To°be considered. 17. Railway Accident Fund and Railways Stores Suspense Account Bill—Second reading! 18. Mallee Land Account Bill (No. 2)—Second reading. ' 19. Administration and Probate (Legal Charges) Bill—Second reading. 20. St. Arnaud Land Bill—Second reading.

General Business. Notices of Motion :— I._Mr. Menzies : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to repeal the ‘ Gold Buyers_ Act 1901'.’ ” (220 copies.) 148 vT" L 2. Mr. Tootcher :'To -move,- Thuit '‘ihtlieopinibn'ofthis House, thLe office of StateGovernor should bo abolished. ,-

3. Mr. Sangster : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to restrict Security to the Mortgaged Property." . , ,

4. Mr. Mackey : To move, That lie have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to remove some Anomalies in the Law relating to Women."

,5. Mb..Mackey,-: To-move, That he have, leave to bring'ip a Bill intituled u.A_Bill relating to the, Limitation of Election Expenses." " ...... - > i '

6. Mr. GtAir : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill relating to Actions against the Commissioner of Railways as a Carrier of Passengers.”

7. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of free railway passes, half-fare tickets, and all other travelling concessions granted - by the Railway Department to each of the leading daily and weekly metropolitan and country newspapers for the year ending 30th September, 1902. 2. The cash value of same.

8. Mr. Andrews : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to 'amend the Public Service and Railways Acts by preventing any New Appointments for Five Years except with the consent of both Houses of Parliament."

9. Mr. Maloney : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to prevent the Evasion of Probate Duties by Entail Settlement or otherwise."

10. Mr. Hall : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to revoke the Procla­ mation as a Public Road of certain Land in the Town of Benalla and to vest such land in the Country Fire Brigades Board.” '

11. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That in the opinion of this House, a tax on the unimproved value of , land should be levied as follows :— For every £1 sterling of the unimproved' value of land a tax of Id. Where the unimproved value of any person’s land does not exceed £1,500 the owner shall be allowed an exemption of £.500 ; but where such value exceeds £1,500 the exemption shall diminish by £1 for every £2 that such value increases, so that no exemption is allowable when a value of £2,500 is reached.' Where the unimproved value of any owner’s laud is £5,000 or over a graduated tax (in . . addition to the ordinary tax of Id. in the £1) at the rate of £d. in the £1 from £5,000 to £10,000, rising at the rate of fd. in the £1 up to 2d. in the £1 where such unimproved value is £210,000 or over.

12. Mr. Prexdergast : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A, Bill to legalize the Totalizator.”

13. Mr. Bailes : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to provide for the Admission of certain Law Clerks to practise as Barristers and Solicitors.”

14. Mr. Duggan : To moVe, That in the opinion of this House, no sale of surplus railway lands by public auction or by private contract should be authorized. 15. Mr. Watt: To move, That, the question of the re-organization of the accounts of the Railway Department be refetred to the Committee of Public Accounts for consideration and report, with a view to the presentation of an annual balance-sheet framed on business principles. 16. Mr. GtAir : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend Section Six of the ‘ Meat Supervision Act 1900.’ ” 17. Mr. Keogh : To move, That lie have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amendthe 1 Pounds ■ Act 1890.’ ” 18. Mr. Brown : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to further amend the. ‘ Dairying Companies Act 1900.’ ” - 19. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave, to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill'to provide for the Registration of the Brands of Cattle and the Earmarks of, Sheep, and for other purposes.”' 20. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That there be laid before this House, a retur.n, tabulated as follows, of the cattle and sheep carried'on the Victorian railways at Starvation Stock Rates :—

Owners’ Names or Stock Carried., Name of Person who makes District from which Destination. Declaiation that he was unable to Stock came. paj oidinary freight. Sheep. * Cattle.

, ) . ' w ' 149

Orders of the Day :— 1. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 2. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 3. Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading. 4. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwitli)—Second reading. 5. Voters’ Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second reading. 6. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 7. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 8. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Gillott)—Second reading. 9. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 10. Melbourne University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. > 11. Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 12. Fortnightly Payment of State Servants—Resumption of debate on the question—“ That all servants of the State be paid fortnightly.” 13. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading,

TUESDAY, 17th FEBRUARY. Questions. 1. Mr. Keogh : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Public Works when his Department will allocate the £59,371 promised by the Honorable the Treasurer to the 4th, 5th, and 6th class shires in his interim Budget Statement (reported in Hansard of 5th August, 1902),

2. Mr. Maloney : To ask the Honorable the Premier if, in order that the public may understand the responsibility of witnesses giving evidence before Parliamentary Select Committees, he will state what punishment, if any, can be meted out to any witness, not being sworn, who may make false statements. THOS. G. WATSON, W. D. BEAZLEY, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Deputy-Speaker.

MEETINGS OF SELECT COMMITTEES. Wednesday, 11 th February. Administration of the Lands Department with Reference to Grazing Licences— at twelve o’clock, in the South Library. Parliament Buildings (Joint)—at three o’clock, in the Legislative Council Committee Room

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED SINCE 5th FEBRUARY, 1903. Minutes of the Proceedings of the Legislative Council. Nos. 24, 25, and 26. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 26.

Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly. Nos. 40, 41, and 42. > Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No 42. * Weekly Report of Divisions. No. 7. Income Tax Bill—[38]. Transfer of Land Bill 1902.—New Clauses to be proposed in Committee by Mr. W. A. Hamilton. (To- Members only.) • Rules under Division VII. of the Companies Act 1896.—Return by Prothonotary of Business of Court. No. 26. Finance, 1901-2.—The Treasurer’s Statement of Receipts and Expenditure, year ending 30th June, 1902 accompanied by Report of Auditor-General, &c. A—No. 1.

By Authority: Robt. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne.


Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 43.

THURSDAY, 12th FEBRUARY, 1903. . Government Business. Orders of the Day 1. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. • 2. Income Tax Bit l—Second reading—Resumption of debate. 3. Supply—Resolutions to be reported. 4. Ways and Means—To be luither considered in Committee. 5. Colac Punt ic Library Site Sale Bill.—Message from His Excellency the Governor—To be considered in Committee. 6. Patents Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. . 7. University Act 1N90 Amendment Kill—(from Council)—Second reading. 8. Coroners Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 9. Insolvency Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 10. Lunacy Act 1890 Amendment Bill—Second reading. T1. Spring Vale Necropolis Bill—Second reading. 12. Railway Lands Clearing Bill—Second reading. 13. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. 14. Land Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 15. Transfer of Land Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 16. Education Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Amendment of the Legislative Council—To be considered. 17. Railway Accident Fund and Railways Stores Suspense Account Bill—Second reading. 18. Mallee Land Account Bill (No. 2)—Second reading. ,19. Administration and Prorate (Legal Charges) Bill—Second reading. 20. St. Arnaud Land Bill—Second reading. general Business. Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. Toutchf.r : To move, That in the opinion of this House, the .office of State Governor should be abolished. ' 2. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— ' 1. The number of free railway passes, half-fare tickets, and all other travelling concessions granted by the Railway Department to each of the leading daily and weekly metropolitan and country newspapers for the year ending 30th September, -1902. 2. The cash value-of same.

3. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That in the opinion of this House, a tax on the unimproved value of land should be levied as follows :— For every £1 sterling of the unimproved value of land a tax of Id. Where the unimproved value of any peison’s land does not exceed £1,500 the owner shall be- allowed an exemption of £500 ; but where such value exceeds £1,500 the exemption , shall diminish by £1 for every £2 that such value increases, so that no exemption is- allowable when a value of £2,500 is reached. Where the unimproved value of any owner’s land is £5,000 or over a graduated tax (in addition to the ordinary tax of Id. in the £1) at the rate of jd. in the £1 from £5,000 to- £10,009, rising at the rate of |d. in the £1 up to 2d. in the £1 where such unimproved -value is £210,000 or over.

4. Mr. Duggan : To move, That in the opinion of this House, no sale of surplus railway lands by public auction or by private contract should be authorized.

, 5. Mr. Watt : To move, That the question of the re-organization of the accounts of the Railway Department be refeired to the Committee of Public Accounts for consideration anil report, with a. view to the presentation of an annual balance-sheet framed on business principles. (220 copies.) 152

43. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return, tabulated as follows, of the cattle and sheep carried on the Victorian railways at Starvation Stock Kates :—

Owners' Names or Stock Carried. Name of Person who makes District from which Declaration that he was unable to Stock came. Destination. pay ordinary freight. Sheep. ' Cattle.


Orders of the Day :— 1. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr'Maloney)—Second reading. 2. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. . ■3. Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading. 4. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwitli)—Second reading. 5. Voters’ Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second reading. 6. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 7. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 8. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Gillott)—Second reading. 9. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 10. Melbourne University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 11. Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. • 12. Fortnightly Payment of State Servants—Resumption of debate on the question—“ That all servants of the State be paid fortnightly.” 13. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading,

FRIDAY, 13th FEBRUARY. Questions. 1. Mr. Tucker : To ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary if, upon the decease of a patient, it is the duty of the lunatic asylum officials, or is there any regulation in force instructing such officials, to immediately notify the relatives ; if so, why has this custom been departed from in the case of Mrs. A. Wilkinson, who died on Sunday last at the Ballarat Asylum ; and, if not, will he make such arrangements as will itMire that a notification will be sent in future to the relatives of deceased persons.

2. Mr. Keogh : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Health— 1. If he is aware that upwards of a thousand infants die annually in the State of Victoria from the effect of unwholesome milk. 2. Does the Honorable the Minister intend to take any action to prevent the sale of unwholesome -milk.

TUESDAY, 17tii FEBRUARY. •Questions. . 1. Mr. Keogh : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Public Works when his Department will allocate the £59,371 promised by the Honorable the Treasurer to the 4th, 5th, and 6th class shires in his interim Budget Statement (reported in Hansard of 5th August, 1902),

2. Mr. Maloney : To ask the Honorable the Premier if, in order that the public may understand the responsibility of witnesses giving evidence before Parliamentary Select Committees, he will state what punishment, if any, can be meted out to any witness, not being sworn, who may make false statements.

•General Business, Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. Menzies : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to repeal the ‘ Gold Buyers Act 1901.’ ” 2. Mr. Sangster : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to restrict Security to the Mortgaged Property.'’

3. Mr. Mackey: To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to remove some Anomalies in the Law relating to Women.” 4. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill relating to the Limitation of Election Expenses.”

-5. Mr. Gair : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill relating to Actions against the Commissioner of Railways as a Carrier of Passengers.” 153

-6. Mr. Andrews : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the , Public Service and Hallways Acts by ■preventing any New Appointments for Five Years except with the consent of both Souses of Parliament.” '7. Mr. Maloney : To move, That he have leave to bring' in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to prevent the Evasion of Probate Duties by Entail Settlement or otherwise.” 8. Mr. Hall : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to revoke the Procla-. motion as a Public Road of certain Land in the Town of Benalla and to vest such land in the Country Fire Brigades Board." 9. Mr. Prbndergast : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to legalize the Totalizator.” 10. Mr. Bailes : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to provide for the Admission of certain Law Clerks to practise as Barristers and Solicitors.” 11. Mr. ■ GtAIR : To move, That he have leave to bring in a1 Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend Section Six of the ‘ Meat Supervision Act 1900.’ ” -12. Mr. Keogh : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the 1 Pounds Act 1890.’ ” " 13. Mr. Brown : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to further amend the ‘ Dairying Companies Act 1900.’ ” 14. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to provide for the Registration of the Brands of Cattle and the Earmarks of Sheep and for other purposes.”

THOS. G. WATSON, . . W. D. BEAZLEY, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Deputy-Speaker. MEETING OF SELECT COMMITTEE. Wednesday, 18tA February. Printing—at half-past two o’clock.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 11th FEBRUARY, 1903. Minutes of the Proceedings of the Legislative Council. No. 27. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 27.

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 43.

By Authority: Robt. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne.


Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 44.

TUESDAY, 17th FEBRUARY, 1903. Questions. 1. Mb. Tucker : To ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary if, upon the decease of a patient, it is the , duty of the lunatic asylum officials, or is there any regulation in force instructing such officials, to immediately notify the relatives ; if so, why has this custom been departed from in the case of Mrs. A. Wilkinson, who died on Sunday last at the Ballarat Asylum ; and, if not, will he make . such arrangements as will insure that a notification will be sent in future to the relatives of deceased 'persons.

2. Mb. Keogh : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Health— 1. If he is aware that upwards of a thousand infants die annually in the State of Victoria from the effect of unwholesome milk. 2. Does the Honorable the Minister intend to take any action to prevent the sale of unwholesome milk.

3. Mr. Bowser : To ask the Honorable the Treasurer if Dairy Companies should be compelled to bear the (in some cases) heavy expense of furnishing returns to the Income Tax Commissioner for Income Tax purposes of amounts paid to suppliers and shareholders.

4. Mb. Toutcheb : To ask the Honorable the Premier, as the leader of the House, and therefore the custodian of its honour, integrity, reputation, and dignity, and also in the best interests of the credit of the State of Victoria, what action he purposes taking in regard to the Keport of,the Select Com­ mittee on the mal-administration of the Lands Department by the Honorable M. K. McKenzie while Minister for Lands.

5. Mr. Maloney : To ask the Honorable the Premier if the Government intend to cancel all the irregular acts of the late Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey, and forfeit or cancel such licences or leases which were the subject-matter of the inquiry by a Select Committee of this House. 1

6. Mb. Keogh : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Public Works when his Department will allocate the £59,371 promised by the Honorable the Treasurer to the 4th, 5th, and 6th' class shires in his interim Budget Statement (reported in Hansard of 5th August, 1902),

7. Me. Gbaham : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Public Health if he will give directions for copies of the Milk Supervision Bill, drafted by Dr. Gresswell, Chairman of the Board of Public Health, to be - placed upon the table of the Library for the use' of Honorable 'Members whose constituents are likely to be affected by the proposed legislation.

8. Mr. Maloney : To ask the Honorable the Premier if, in order that the public may understand the responsibility of witnesses giving evidence before Parliamentary Select Committees, he will state what punishment, if any, can be meted out to any witness, not being sworn, who- may make false statements.

9. Mr. Graham : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey if he proposes to have the whole of the reports of the Seed and Fodder Boards placed in his.,hands before any distribution of the amount voted takes place. „ (220 copies.) ' , ' " 156 \

Government Business.

Orders of the Dat :—

1. Income Tax Bill—To be further considered in Committee. 2. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. 3. Supply—Resolutions to be reported. 4. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee. o. Colac Public Library Site Sale Bill.—Message from His Excellency the Governor—To be considered in Committee. 6- Patents Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 7. University Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 8. Coroners Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from .Council)—Second reading.- 9. Insolvency Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 10. Lunacy Act 1890 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 11. Spring Vale Necropolis Bill—Second reading. 12. Railway Lands Clearing Bill—Second reading. 13. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. 14. Land Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 15. Transfer of Land Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 16. Education Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Amendment of the Legislative Council—To be considered. 17. Railway Accident Fund and Railways Stores Suspense Account Bill—Second reading. 18. Mallee Land Account Bill (No. 2)—Second reading. 19. Administration and Probate (Legal Charges) Bill—Second reading. 20. St. Arnaud Land Bill—Second reading.

General Business.

Notices of Motion :—

1. Mr. Menztf.s : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to repeal the 1 Gold Buyers Act 1901.’” ,

2. Mr. Sangster : To move; That he have leave to bring in a Bill- intituled “ A Bill to restrict Security , to the Mortgaged Property

3. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have' leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to remove some Anomalies in the Law relating to Women.”

4. Mr. Mackey : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill relating to the Limitation of Election Expenses.”

5. Mr. Gair : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill relating to Actions' against the Commissioner of Railway s as a Carrier of Passengers.”

6. Mr. Andrews : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the Public Service and Railways Apts by preventing any New Appointments for Five Tears except with the consent of both Houses of Parliament.”

7. Mr. Maloney : To move; That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to prevent the Evasion of Probate Duties by Entail Settlement or otherwise.”

8. Mr. Hall : To move, That'he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to revoke the Procla­ mation as a Public Road of certain Land in the Town of Benalla and to vest such land in the Country Fire Brigades Board.”

9. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to legalize- the Totalizator.” 1

10. Mr. Bailes : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to provide for the Admission of certain Law Clerks to practise as Barristers and Solicitors.” 11. Mr. Gair : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend Section Six of the ‘ Meat Supervision Act 1900.’” 12. Mr. Keogh : To move, Thht ne 'nave leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the ‘ Pounds Act 1890.’ ” 13. Mr. Brown : "To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to further amend the ‘ Dairying Companies Act 1900.’”

14. Mr. Mackey : To move, That-he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to provide for the Registration of the Brands: of Cattle and the Earmarks of Sheep and for other purjposes.”

■15.- Mr. Toutcher: To move, That in the opinion of this House, the office of State,Governor should-, be abolished. ....

16. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of free railway passes, half-fare tickets, and all other travelling concessions granted by the Railway Department to each of the. leading daily and weekly metropolitan and country- newspapers for the year ending 30th September, 1902; , i 2. The cash value of same. 157

17. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That in the opinion of this House, a tax on the unimproved value of land should be levied as follows :— For every £1 sterling of the unimproved value of land a tax of'Id. Where the unimproved value of any person’s land does not exceed £1,500 the owner shall be allowed an exemption of £500 ; but where such' value exceeds £1,500 the exemption • ■ shall diminish by £1 for every £2 that such value increases, so'that no exemption is allowable when a value of £2,500 is reached. Where the unimproved value of any owner’s land is £5,000 or over a graduated tax (in addition to the ordinary tax of Id. in the £1) at the rate of £d. in the £1 from £5,000 to £10,000, rising at the rate of id. in the £1 up to 2d. in the £1 where such unimproved value is £210,000 or over.

18. Mr. Ddggan : To move, That in the opinion of this House, no sale of surplus railway lands by public auction or by private contract should be authorized.

19. Mr. Watt : To move, That the question of the re-organization of the accounts of the Railway Department be referred to the Committee of Public Accounts for consideration and report, with a view to the presentation of an annual balance-sheet framed on business principles.

20. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return, tabulated as follows, of the cattle and sheep carried on the Victorian railways at Starvation Stock Rates :—

Owners’ Names or1 . Stock Carried. Name of Person who makes District from whio Declaration that he was unable to Stock came. Destination. pay ordinary freight. Sheep. , Cattle.

■ , ■

21. Mr. Hickford : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— If The names of the school districts in which rent is paid for accommodation for State school scholars. 2. The amount paid in each case. 3. The names of the persons who receive such rent.

22. Mr. Gair : To move, That there bedaid before this House a return showing the number of passengers that travelled from North Fitzroy railway station to Preston for the year 1902, and the amount of revenue derived therefrom.

Orders of the Day :— \ , 1. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 2. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(fir. Bailes)—Second reading. 3. Sludge Bin—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading. 4. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwitli)—Second reading. 5. Voters’ Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second reading. 6. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 7. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mri Fink)—Second reading. 8. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Gillott)—Second reading. 9. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 10. Melbourne University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 11. Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 12. Fortnightly Payment of State Servants—Resumption of debate on the question—“ That all servants of the State be paid fortnightly.” 13. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading, •

THOS. G. WATSON, W. D. BEAZLET, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. ' Deputy-Speaker. MEETINGS OF SELECT COMMITTEES. Wednesday, \&th February. Printing—at half-past two o’clock. Library (Joint)—at half-past three o’clock.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 12th FEBRUARY, 1903. Constitution Reform Bill—[26]. (To Members of Council only.)

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 44. Income Tax Bill.—Amendments to be proposed in Committee by Mr. W. A. Hamilton. (To Members only.)

By Authority: Robt. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne,


$ Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day,

No. 45.


Questions. 1. Mr. Watt: To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways how many of the 536 engines reported to be in existence on the 30th June last year are, in the opinion of the Chief Mechanical Engineer, in proper working order.

2. Mr. Maloney: To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if he will inform the House what- he is prepared! to do to remove the present hawker trouble in Swanston-street. 3. Mr. Keast : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways when the local rate on the Gembrook and Warburton railways will be abolished. 4. Mr. Todtcher : To ask the Honorable the Premier, as the leader of the House, and therefore the custodian of its honour, integrity, reputation, and dignity, and also in the best interests of the credit of the State of Victoria, what action he purposes taking in regard to the Report of the Select Com­ mittee on the mal-administration of the Lands Department by the Honorable M. K. McKenzie while Minister for Lands. :

Government Business. ' Notice ok Motion:—

' 1. Mr., Irvine: To move, That the consideration of the Report from the Select Committee upon the- Administration of the Lands Department with Reference to Grazing Licences be made an Order'of the Day for Tuesday next.

Orders of the Day :—

1. Income Tax Bill—To be further considered in Committee. 2. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. 3. Supply—Resolutions to be reported. 4. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee. 5. Colac Public Library Site Sale Bill.—Message from His Excellency the Governor—To be- considered in Committee. 6. Patents Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 7. University Act 1890 Amendment Bill—:(from Council)—Second reading. - 8. Coroners Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 9.. Insolvency Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 10. Lunacy Act 1890 Amendment Bill—Second reading. v 11. Spring Vale Necropolis Bill—Second reading. ' 12. Railway Lands Clearing Bill—Second reading. 13. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. ’ e 14. Land Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. If. Transfer of Land Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 16. Education Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Amendment of the Legislative Council—To bo considered; 17. Railway Accident Fund and Railways Stores Suspense Account Bill—Second reading. 18. Mallee Land Account Bill (No. 2)—Second reading. 19. Administration and Probate (Legal Charges) Bill—Second reading. 20. St. Arnaud Land Bill—Second reading. (C20 copies.) " / I

, 160

General Business.

Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. Toctcher: To move, That in the opinion of this House, the office of State Governor should be abolished.

2. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before'this House a return showing— 1. The number of free railway passes, half-fare tickets, and all other travelling concessions granted by the Railway Department to each of the leading daily and weekly metropolitan and country * newspapers for the year ending 30th September, 1902. 2. The cash value of same.

3. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That in the opinion of this House, a tax on the unimproved value of land should be levied as follows :— For every £1 sterling of the unimproved value of land a tax of Id. Where the unimproved value ot any personas land does not exceed £1,500 the owner shall be allowed an exemption of £500 ; but where such value exceeds £1,500 the exemption shall diminish by £1 for every £2 that such value increases, so that no exemption is allowable when a value of £2,500 is reached. Where the unimproved value of any owner’s land is £5,000 or over a graduated tax (in addition to the ordinary tax of Id. in the £1) at the rate of ^d. in the £1 from £5,000 to £10,000, rising at the rate of £d. in the £1 up to 2d. in the' £1 where such unimproved value is £210,000 or over.

4. Mr. Duggan : To move, That in the opinion of this House, no sale of surplus railway lands by public auction or by private contract should be authorized.

. 5. Mr. Watt : To move, That the question of the re-organization of the accounts of the Railway Department be referred to the Committee of Public Accounts for consideration and report, with a view to the presentation of an annual balance-sheet framed on business principles.

6. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return, tabulated as follows, of the cattle and sheep carried on the Victorian railways at Starvation Stock Rates :—

Owners' Names or Stock Carried. Name of Person who makes District from which , Declaration that he was unable to Stock came. Destination. pay ordinary freight. Sheep. Cattle.


• 7. Mr. Hickford : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The names of the school districts in which rent is paid for accommodation for State school scholars. . 2. The amount paid in each case. 3. The names of the persons who receive such rent.1

8. Mr. Gair : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing the number of passengers that travelled from North Fitzroy railway siation to Preston for the year 1902, and the amount of 1 revenue derived therefrom.

9. Mr.-J. Cameron : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to amend the Law relating to the Recent Possession of Stolen CattleP

Orders of the Day :— 1. Gold Buyers Act 1901 Repeal Bill—(Mr. Menzies)—Second reading. 2. Mortgage Limitation Bill—(Mr. Sangster)—Second reading. 3. Women’s Disabilities Removal Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 4. Election Expenses Limitation Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 5. Railway Passengers’ Actions Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 6. Government Appointments Prevention Bill—(Mr. Andrews)—Second reading. 7. Probate Duties Evasion Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 8. Benalla Public Road Revocation Bill—(Mr. Hall)—Second reading. 9. Totalizator Bill—(Mr: Prendergast)—Second reading. - 10. Law Clerks Admission Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 11. Meat Supervision Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading'. 12. tPouNDS Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Keogh)—Second reading. 13. Dairying Companies Act 1900 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Brown)—Second reading. 14. Registration of Brands Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 15. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 16. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 17. Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading. . 18. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwitli)—Second reading. 19. Voters’ Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second reading. T <


20. Justices Acts Amendment ■ Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. ' 21. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 22. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Gillott)—Second reading. • 23. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 24. Melbourne University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 25. Jurors Ex-emption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 26. Fortnightly Payment of State Servants—Resumption of debate on the question—“ That all servants of the State he paid fortnightly.” 27. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment-Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.

THOS. G. WATSON, W. D. BEAZLEY, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. ' ■ ' Deputy-Speaker.

MEETINGS OF SELECT COMMITTEES. Wednesday, 18th February. Printing—at half-past two o’clock. Library (Joint)—at half-past three o’clock. ’Tuesday, 24th February. Parliament Buildings (Joint)—at half-past three o’clock.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED SINCE 12th FEBRUARY, 1903. ■Constitution Reform1 Bill.—New Clause to he proposed by the Hon. Agar Wynne. (To Members of Council only.)

Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly. Nos. 43, 44, and 45. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 45. Weekly Report of Divisions. No. 8. Income Tax Bill— New Clause to be proposed' in Committee by Mr. Mackey. (To Members only.) Amendment to be proposed in Committee by Mr. Swinburne. (To Members only.)

By Authority: Robt. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne.


Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day,

No. 46.

THURSDAY, 19th FEBRUARY, 1903. "Government Business. Notice of Motion :— 1. Mr. Bent : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill lofurthtr amend the ‘ Health Act 1890.’ ”

Orders of the Day :— 1. Income Tax Bill—Consideration of Report. 2. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. 3. Supply—Resolutions to be reported. 4. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee. 5. Colac Public Library Site Sale Bill.—Message from His Excellency the Governor—To be considered in Committee. 6. Patents Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 7. University Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 8. Coroners Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 9. Insolvency Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 10. Lunacy Act 1890 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 11. Spring Vale Necropolis Bill-t Second reading. 12. Railway Lands Clearing Bill—Second reading. 13. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. 14. Land1 Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 15. Transfer of Land Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 16. Education Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Amendment of the Legislative Council—To be considered. 17. Railway Accident Fund and Railways Stores Suspense Account Bill—Second reading. 18. Mallee Land Account Bill (No. 2)—Second reading. 19. Administration and Probate (Legal Charges) Bill—Second reading. • 20. St. Arnaup Land Bill—Second reading.

General Business.

Notices of Motion :— ( 1. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That in the" opinion of this House, the office of State Governor should be abolished.

2. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing—- 1. The number of free railway passes, half-fare tickets, and all other travelling concessions granted by the Railway Department to each of the leading daily and weekly metropolitan and country newspapers for the year ending 30th September, 1902. 2. The cash value of same. (220 copies.) ,164

3. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That in the opinion of this House, a tax on the unimproved value of land should be levied as follows :— For every £1 sterling of the unimproved value of land a tax of Id. Where the unimproved value of any person’s land does not exceed £1,500 the owner shall be allowed an exemption of £o00 ; but where such value exceeds £1,500 the exemption shall diminish by £1 for every £2 that such value increases, so that no exemption is- allowable when a value of £2,500 is reached. ^ here the unimproved value of any owner’s land is £5,000 or over a graduated tax (in addition to the ordinary tax of Id. in the £1) at the rate of £d. in the £1 from £5,000 to £10,000, rising at tne rate of £d. inthe £l up to 2d. in the £1 where such unimproved- , value is £210,000 or over.

4. Mr. Duggan : To move, That in the opinion of this House, no sale of surplus railway lands by public auction or by private contract should be authorized.'

5. Mr. Watt : To move, That the question of the re-organization of the accounts of the Railway Department be referred to the Committee of Public Accounts for consideration and report, with a., view to the presentation of an annual balance-sheet framed on business principles.

6. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return, tabulated as follows, of the cattle and sheep carried on the Victorian "railways at Starvation Stock Rates :—

Owners’ Names or Stock Carried. Name of Person who makes District from which Declaration that he was unable to Stock came. Destination. i ay ordinary freight. Sheep. Cattle. *

- ■ ■

7. Mr. Hickford : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The names of the school districts in which rent is paid for accommodation for State school scholars. 2. The amount paid in each case. 3. The names of the persons who receive such rent.

8. Mr. G-air : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing the number of passengers that travelled from North Fitzroy railway station to Preston for the year 1902, and the amount of revenue derived therefrom.

9. Mr. J. Cameron- : To. move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to'amend the- Law relating to the Recent Possession of Stolen Cattle.”

Orders of the Day :—

1. Gold Boyers Act 1901 Repeal Bill—(Mr. Menzies)—Second reading. 2. Mortgage Limitation Bill—(Mr. Sangster)—Second reading. 3. Women’s Disabilities Removal Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 4. Election Expenses Limitation Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 5. Railway Passengers’ Actions Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 6. Government Appointments Prevention Bill—(Mr. Andrews)—Second reading. 7. Probate Duties Evasion Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 8. Benalla Public Road Revocation Bill—(Mr. Hall)—Second reading. 9. Totalizator Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 10. Law Clerks Admission Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 11. Meat Supervision Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 12. Pounds Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Keogh)—Second reading. 13. Dairying Companies Act 1900 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Brown)—Second reading. 14. Registration of Brands Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 15. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 16. Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading. 17. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. 18. Voters’ Certificates.Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second reading.' 19. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. - 20. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 21. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Gillott)—Second reading. 22. Wills Act 1890 Amendment. Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 23. Melbourne University ^Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 24. Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 25. Foktxigii ily Payment of State Servants—Resumption of debate on the question—11 That alL servants of the State be paid fortnightly.” 26. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading, 165

FRIDAY, 20th FEBRUARY. Questions. 1. Mr. Toutcher : To ask the Honorable the Premier, as the leader of the House, and therefore the custodian of its honour, integrity, reputation, and dignity, and also in the best interests of the credit of the State of Victoria, what action he purposes taking in regard to the Report of the Select Com­ mittee on the mal-administration of the Lands Department by the Honorable M. K. McKenzie while- Minister for Lands.

2. Mr. Warde : To ask the Honorable the Premier— 1. Has he been informed that it is the intention of one of the Supreme Court Judges to retire. 2. Will he give Parliament an opportunity of discussing the advisability of filling such vacancy before any appointment is made, as there is reported to be a great falling-off in the number of cases brought before the Supreme Court.

3. Mr. Prendergast : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Labour if he will inform the House when that portion of the Tinsmiths Board determination agreed to by the Conference of both Houses will be gazetted.

4. Mr. Mackinnon : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey— 1. How much, if anything, is owing to his Department for rent, distinguishing the amounts which are in arrears for two years, one year, and six months respectively. 2. What steps does he intend to take to collect these arrears.

TUESDAY, 24th FEBRUARY. Question. 1. Mr. Shoppee : To ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary if he will amend the Act relating to public holidays by eliminating two days, viz., the “ Melbourne Cup” and the “Royal Agricultural! Show ” days when applied to places outside a radius of 25 or 30 miles from Melbourne.

Government Business. Orders of the Day:— L Administration of the Lands Department with Reference to Grazing Licences__ Report of Select Committee—To be considered. 2. Constitution Reform Bill—Amendments of the Legislative Council—To be considered.

General Business. Order of the Day :— 1. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading.

THOS. G. WATSON, W. D. BEAZLEY, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Deputy-Speaker.


Tuesday, 24tA February. Parliament Buildings (Joint)—at half-past three o’clock. Wednesday, 25th February. . Printing—at half-past two o’clock.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 18th FEBRUARY, 1903. Notices'of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 46. Income Tax Bill—[38]. (To Members only.) Constitution Reform Bill.—Amendments of the Legislative Council. (To Members only.)

By Authority: Robt. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne.

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day, No. 47.

TUESDAY, 24th FEBRUARY, 1903. ■Questions. ]. Mr. Toutcher : To ask the Honorable the Premier, as the leader of the House, and therefore the custodian of its honour, integrity, reputation, and dignity, and also in the best interests of the credit of the State of Victoria, what action he purposes taking in regard to the Report of the Select Com­ mittee on the mal-administration of the Lands Department by the Honorable M. K. McKenzie while Minister for Lands.

2. Mr. Warde : To ask the Honorable the Premier— 1. Has he been informed that it is the intention of one of the Supreme Court Judges to retire. 2. Will he give Parliament an opportunity of discussing the advisability of filling such vacancy before any appointment is made, as there is reported to be a great falling-off in the number .of cases brought before the Supreme Court.

■3. Mr. Prendbrgast : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Labour if he will inform the House when that portion of the Tinsmiths Board determination agreed to by the Conference of both Houses will be gazetted. 4. Mr. Mackinnon : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey— 1. How much, if anything, is owing to his Department for rent, distinguishing the amounts which are in arrears for two years, one year, and six months respectively. 2. What steps does he intend to take to collect these arrears.

-5. Mr. Shoppee : To ask. the Honorable the Chief Secretary if he will amend the Act relating to public holidays by eliminating two days, viz., the “ Melbourne Cup” and the “Royal Agricultural Show ” days when applied to places outside a radius of 25 or 30 miles, from Melbourne.

■6. Mr. Boyd : To ask the Honorable the Premier— 1. If his attention lias been called to a paragraph in the Argus newspaper' of 13th February instant, which states that the Fisheries Commissioners of Tasmania intend to close the Cray fisheries in Bass Straits against Victorian fishermen by stopping the practice of laying basket pots ; if so, will he inform the House if the Fisheries Commissioners have power to do so. 2. Will he take steps to protect Victorian interests. *

7. Mr. Grose : To ask the Honorable the Premier— 1. If he will inform the House whether any determination has been arrived at as to the future disposal of Mallee lands. 2. Will he give the House full information with reference to the whole question, and allow an opportunity of discussing it. Qdvtrnment Business. Orders of the Day :— 1. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. 2'. Ways' and Means—To be further considered in Committee. 3. Administration of the Lands Department with Reference to Grazing Licences— Report of Select Committee—To be considered. 4. Supply—Resolutions to be reported. ‘ [ 5. Railway Accident Fund and Railways Stores Suspense Account Bill—Second reading. ■6. Mallee Land Account Bill (No. 2)—Second reading. 7. Constitution Reform Bill—Amendments of the Legislative Council—To be considered. 8. Colac Public Library Site Sale Bill.—Message from His Excellency the Governor—To be considered in Committee. 9. Patents Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 10. University Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—-Second reading. - 11. Coroners Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 12. Insolvency Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 13. Lunacy Act 1890 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 14. Spring Vale Necropolis Bill—Second reading. 15. Railway Lands Clearing Bill—Second reading. 16. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. 17. Land Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 18. Transfer of Land Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 19. Education Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Amendment of the Legislative Council—To be considered. 20. Administration and Probate (Legal Charges) Bill—Second reading. _ 21. St. Arnaud Land Bill—Second reading. 22. Health Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—Second reading. 1 (220 copies.) 168

General Business. • Notices of Motion

1. Mr. Ioutcher: To" move, That in the opinion of this House, the office of State Governor should be abolished.

2. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of free railway passes, half-fare tickets, and all other travelling concessions granted by the Railway Department to each of the leading daily and weekly metropolitan and country newspapers for the year ending 30th September, 1902. 2. The cash value of same.

3. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That in the opinion of this House, a tax on the unimproved value of land should be levied as follows :— For every £1 sterling of the unimproved value of land a tax of Id. Where the unimproved Value of any person’s land does not.exceed £1,500 the owner shall be allowed an exemption of £500 ; but where such value exceeds £1,500 the exemption shall diminish by £1 for every £2 that such value increases, so that no exemption is allowable when a value of £2,500 is reached. Where the unimproved value of any owner’s land is £5,000 or over a graduated tax (in addition to the ordinary tax of Id. in the £1) at the rate of £d. in the £l from £5,000 to £10,000, rising at the rate of -gd. in the £1 up to 2d. in, the £1 where such unimproved value is £210,000 or over.

4. Mr. Duggan : To move, That in the opinion of this House, no sale of surplus railway lands by public auction or by private contract should be authorized.

5. Mr. Watt: To move, That the question of the re-organization of the accounts of the Railway Department be referred to the Committee of Public Accounts for consideration and report, with a view to the presentation of an annual balance-sheet framed on business principles.

6. Mr. Prendkrgast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return, tabulated as follows, of the cattle and sheep carried on the Victorian railways at Starvation Stock Rates :—

Owners' Names or - Stock Carried. Name of Person who makes .District from which Declaration that he was unable to Stock came. Destination. j ay ordinary freight Sheep. Cattle.


7. Mr. Hickford : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The names of the school districts in which rent is paid for accommodation for State school! scholars. 2. The amount paid in each case. 3. The names of the persons who receive such rent.

8. Mr. Gair : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing the number of passengers that travelled from North Fitzroy railway station to Preston for the year 1902, and the amount of revenue derived therefrom.

9. Mr. J. Cameron : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to amend the Law relating to the Recent Possession of Stolen Cattle.’'

10. Mr. McGregor: To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to further amenet ' the ‘ Justices Act 1890.’”

Orders of the Day :— 1. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr, Maloney)—Second reading. 2. Gold Buyers Act 1901 Repeal Bill—(Mr. Menzies)—Second reading. 3. Mortgage- Limitation Bill—(Mr. Sangster)—Second reading. 4. Women’s Disabilities Removal Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 5. Election Expenses Limitation Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 6. Railway Passengers’ Actions Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 7. Government Appointments Prevention Bill—(Mr. Andrews)—Second reading. 8. Probate Duties Evasion Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 9. Benalla Public Road Revocation Bill—(Mr. Hall)—Second reading. 10. Totalizator Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 11. Law Clerks Admission Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. , 12. Meat Supervision .Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 13. Pounds Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Keogh)—Second reading. 14. Dairying Companies Act 1900 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Brown)—Second reading:. 15. Registration of Brands Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 16. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 17. Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading. 169

18. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwitli)—Second reading. 19. Voters’ Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second reading. 20. Justices Acts Amendmf.nt Bill—(Mr. McGiegor)—Second reading. 21. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 22. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Gillott)—Second reading. 23. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 24. Melbourne University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 25. Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 26. Fortnightly Payment of State Servants—-Resumption of debate on the question—“ That all servants of the State be paid fortnightly.” 27. Licensing- Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.

THOS. G. WATSON, W. D. BEAZLEY, Cleric of the Legislative Assembly. Deputy-Speaker.


Tuesday, 24th February. Public Accounts—at half-past two o’clock. Parliament Buildings (Joint)—at half-past three o’clock. Wednesday, 25th February. Printing—at half-past two o’clock. Refreshment Rooms (Joint)—at three o’clock.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 19th FEBRUARY, 1903. Minutes of the Proceedings of the Legislative Council. No. 29.

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 47. Gold Buyers Bill—[52], Wills Bill—[67].

By Authority: Robt. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne.



Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 48.

WEDNESDAY, ,25th FEBRUARY, 1903. Questions.

1. Mr. Duggan : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Mines if he will inform the House when Mr. Bradford’s report on the mineral resources of Inglewood, Tarnagulla, Moliagul, and Dunolly, recently prepared by that gentleman, will be printed and made available.

2. Mr. Sangster : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if, in view of the fact that several employes in the Railway Department who have insured their lives for £300, and whose salaries (through percentage reductions and shortening of working time) have been reduced below the amount on which they are required to insure for that sum, he will allow such employes to surrender £100, so that they may have to pay premiums on £200 only.

Government Business. Orders of the Day ;— 1. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. 2. Supply—Resolutions to be reported. 3. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee. 4. Cpnstitution Reform BiLL—Amendments of the Legislative Council—To be considered. . 5. Railway Accident Fund and Railways Stores Suspense Account Bill—Second reading. 6. Mallee Land Account Bill (No. 2)—Second reading. 7. Colac Public Library Site Sale Bill.—Message from His Excellency the Governor.—To be considered in Committee. 8. Patents Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 9. University Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 10. Coroners Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. ;11, Insolvency Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. . ■1 - '12. Lunacy Act 1890 Amendment Bill—Second reading. J3- .Srring Vale Necropolis Bill-t-Second reading. ;14. Railway Lands Clearing Bill—Second reading. 15. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. •16. Land Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 17. Transfer of Land Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council).—Second reading. 18. Education Act 1901 Amendment Billt—Amendment of the Legislative Council—To be considered. 19. Administration and Probate (L^gal Charges) Bill—Second reading. 20. St. Arnaud Land Bill—Second reading. 21. Health Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—Second reading.

General Business. Notices of Motion :—

1. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That in the opinion of this House, the office of State Governor should be abolished.

2. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing—• 1. The number of free railway passes, half-fare tickets, and all other travelling concessions granted by the Railway Department to each of the leading daily and weekly metropolitan and country newspapers for the year ending 30th September, 1902. 2. The cash value of same. (220 copies.) -172

3. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That in the opinion of this House, a tax on the unimproved value of land should be levied as follows :— For every £1 sterling of the unimproved value of land a tax of Id. Where the unimproved value of any person’s land does not exceed £1,500 the owner shall 1)6' allowed an exemption of £500 ; but where such value exceeds £1,500 the exemption shall diminish by £1 for every £2 that such value increases, so that no exemption is allowable when a value of £2,500 is reached. ^ hero the unimproved value of any owner’s land is £5,000 or over a graduated tax (in addition to the ordinary tax of Id. in the £1) at the rate of £d. in the £1 from £5,000 to £10,000, rising at tne rate of ^d. in the £1. up to 2d. in the £1 where such unimproved value is £210,000 or over. (

4. Mr. Dcggan : To move, That in the opinion of this House, no sale of surplus railway lands by public auction-or by private contract should be authorized.

5. Mr. Watt : To move, That .the question of the re-organization of the accounts of the Railway Departnient be referred to the Committee of Public Accounts for consideration and report, with a view to the presentation of an annual balance-sheet framed on business principles.

6. Mr. Prevdergast lo move, That there be laid before this House a return, tabulated as follows, of the cattle and sheep carried on the Victorian railways at Starvation Stock Rates :—

, Owners’Names or Stock Carried. Name of Person who makes District from which Declaration that he was unable to Stock came. . Destination pay ordinary freight Sheep. Cattle.


7. Mr. Hicicford : To move, 1 hat there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The names of the school districts in which rent is paid for accommodation for State school scholars. ' i 2. The amount paid in each case. 3. The'names of the persons who receive such rent.

8. Mr. Gair : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing the number of passengers that travelled from North Fitzroy railway station to Preston for the year 1902, and the amount of revenue derived therefrom. 1

9. Mr. J. Cameron : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to amend the Law relating to the Recent Possession of'Stolen Cattle.” '

10. Mr. McGregor: To move, 1 hat he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to further amend the ‘ Justices Act 1890.’”

11. Mr. Swinburne : To move, That there be laid before this House a return (with reference to.Paper No. 23, page 45, distributed by the Honorable the Treasurer when delivering his Budget Speech, from which it appears that at the end of the financial year1 1897—8 the amount of overdue instal­ ments^ on account of lands selected was £743,014 ; and that in 1898-9 this was reduced to £709, <94, the decrease being said.to have been caused by payments in reduction of- arrears and omission of amounts previously included in error, and of arrears now due to the Mallee Land , Fund), showing :— 1. (

12. Mr. Shoppee : To move, That he have leave'to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the Act -relating to Public Holidays by eliminating the general holiday for the Royal Agricultural Show day when applied to places outside a radius of 3Cfimiles from Melbourne LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 48.

WEDNESDAY, 25th FEBRUARY, 1903. Questions.

1. Mr. Duggan : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Mines if he will inform the House when Mr. Bradford’s report on the mineral resources of Inglewood, Tarnagulla, Moliagul, and Dunolly, recently prepared by that gentleman, will be printed and made available.

2. Mr. Sangster : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if, in view of the fact that several employes in the Railway Department who have insured their lives for £300, and whose salaries (through percentage reductions and shortening of working time) have been reduced below the amount on which they are required to insure for that sum, he will allow such employes to surrender £100, so that they may have to pay premiums on £200 only.

Government Business.

Orders of the Day :— 1. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. 2. Supply—Resolutions to be reported. 3. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee. ■ 4. Constitution Reform Bill=t-Amendments of the Legislative Council—To be considered. 5. Railway Accident Fund and Railways Stores Suspense Account Bill—Second reading. 6. Mallee Land Account Bill (No. 2)—Second reading. 7. Colac Public Library Site Sale BiLL.^-Message from His Excellency the Governor:—-To be considered in Committee. 8. Patents Bill—(from Council)-^Second reading. 9. University Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 10. Coroners Act 1890 'further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second rending. ill. Insolvency Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. . , "1' 12. Lunacy Aqr 1890 Amendment Bill—Second reading. J3. .Spring Vale Necropolis Bill—Second reading. ;14. Railway Lands Clearing BiLL-r-Second reading. 15. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. 16. Land Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 17. Transfer of Land Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council),—Second reading. 18. Education Act 1901 Amendment Billt—Amendment of the Legislative Council—To be considered. 19. Administration and Probate (L^gal Charges) Bill—Second reading. £0. St. Arnaud Land Bill—Second reading. 21. Health Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—Second reading.

General Business.

Notices of Motion :—

1. Mr. Toutcher: To move, That in the opinion of this House, the office of State Governor should be abolished.

2. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing—• 1. The number of free railway passes, half-fare tickets, and all other travelling concessions granted by the Railway Department to each of the leading daily and weekly metropolitan and country newspapers for the year ending 30th September, 1902. 2. The cash value of same.- (220 copies.) -172

3. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That in the opinion of this House, a tax on the unimproved value of land should be levied as follows :— For every £1 sterling of the unimproved value of land a tax of Id. Where the unimproved value of any person’s land does not exceed £1,500 the owner shall 'be allowed an exemption of £500 ; but where such value exceeds £1,500 the exemption shall diminish by £1 for every £2 that such value increases, so that no exemption is allowable when a value of £2,500 is reached. here the unimproved value of any owner’s land is £5,000 or over a graduated tax (in addition to the ordinary tax of Id. in the £1) at the rate of £d. in the £1 from £5,000 to £10,000, rising at tne rate of ^d. in the £1. up to 2d. in the £1 where such unimproved value is £210,000 or over. (

4. Mr. Duggan : To move, That in the opinion of this House, no sale of surplus railway lands by public auction'or by private contract should be authorized.

5. Mr. Watt : To move, That .the question of the re-organization of the accounts of the Railway Department be referred to the Committee of Public Accounts for consideration and report, with a view to the presentation of an annual balance-sheet framed on business principles.

6. Mr. Prevdkrgast 1 o move, That there be laid before this House a return, tabulated as follows, of the cattle and sheep carried on the Victorian railways at Starvation Stock Rates :— • . Owners’ Names or Stock Carried. Name of Person who makes District from which Declaration that he was unable to Stock came. Destination. pay ordinary freight • Sheep. Cattle.

7. Mr. Hickkord : To move, 1 hat there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The names of the school districts in which rent is paid for accommodation for State school scholars. ' , 2. The amount paid in each case. 3. The’names of the persons who receive such rent.

8. Mr. Hair : To move, That there be' laid before this House a return showing the number of passengers that travelled from North Fitzroy railway station to Preston for the year 1902, and the amount of revenue derived therefrom.

9. Mr. J. Cameron : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to amend the Law relating to the Recent Possession of Stolen Cattle'

10. Mr. McGregor: To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to further amend the ‘ Justices Act 1890.’”

11. Mr. Swinburne : To move, That there be laid before this House a return (with reference to Paper No. 23, page 45, distributed by the Honorable the Treasurer when delivering his Budget Speech, from which it appears that at the end of the financial year 1897—8 the amount of overdue instal­ ments^ on account of lands selected was £743,014 ; and that in 1898-9 this was reduced to £709, <94, the decrease being said.to have been caused by payments in reduction of arrears and omission of amounts previously included in error, and of arrears now due to the Mallee Land , Fund), showing :— 1. (a) Amount of payments made that year in reduction of arrears. ^6) Amounts omitted which had been previously included in error. 1 (c) Amount of arrears due to the Mallee Land Fund. (a) How did the errors referred to in (6) occur, and what is their nature. 2. Specify amounts received on account of arrears in' 1899-1900, 1900-1, and 1901-2 ; also amount of outstanding arrears on expired grazing area leases deducted, and amount deducted for classification of certain lands in course of alienation prior to 1st Julv. 1899. J 3. Of the amounts outstanding and overdue at the end of financial year 1901-2, £402,116— (a) How much has been collected up to date. (b) How much can be collected before 30th. June next. (c) How much is due on selections which have complied with the conditions. (d) Give a tabulated statement showing the number of selections and the number of unpaid instalments thereon, making up the above-named amount.

12: Mr. SnorPEE : To move, That he have leave1 to bring in a-Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the Act • ,relahng to Public Holidays by eliminating the general■ holiday for the Royal Agricultural Show day ivlien applied to places outside a radius' of 3(Tmiles from Melbourne.” 173

Orders of the Day :—' 1. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 2. Gold Buyers Act 1901 Repeal Bill—(Mr. Menzies)—Second reading. 3. Mortgage Limitation Bill—(Mr. Sangster)—Second reading 4. Women’s Disahilities Removal Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 5. Election Expenses Limitation Bii.l—(Mr. Mackey;—Second reading. 6. Railway Passengers’ Actions Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 7.. Government Appointments Prevention Bill—(Mr. Andrews)—Second reading. 8. Probate Duties Evasion Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 9. Benalla Public Road Revocation Bill—(Mr. Hall)—Second reading. 10. Totalizator Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 11. Law Clerks Admission Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 12. Meat Supervision Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 13. Pounds Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Keogh)—Second reading. 14. Dairying Companies Act 1900 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Brown)—Second reading. 15. Registration of Brands'Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 16. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 17. Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading. 18. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwitli)—Second reading. 19. Voters’ Certificates Abolition .Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second reading. 20. JTustices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 21. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. • 22. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Gillott)—Second reading. 23. Wills. Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 24. Melbourne University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 25. Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading.' 26. Fortnightly Payment of State Servants—Resumption of debate on the question—“ That all servants of the State bo paid fortnightly.” 27. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading,

TUESDAY, 3rd MARCH. Questions.

1. Mr. Grose: To ask the Honorable the Premier— ~ 1. If he will inform the House whether any determination lias been arrived at as to the future disposal of Mallee lands. 2. Will he give the House full information wiih reference to the whole question, and allow an opportunity of discussing it.

2. Mr Maloney : To ask the Honorable the Minister'of Railways if he, can inform the House how much was paid as compensation for land used for railway purposes between Lilydale and Warbur- ton ; what has been the cost of law expenses ; and what will be the cost of repaying the loan which has been raised to pay for the track for this railway.

THOS. G. WATSON, W. D. BEAZLEY, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Deputy-Speaker,

MEETINGS OF SELECT COMMITTEES. Wednesday, 25th February. Printing—at half-past two o’clock. Refreshment Rooms (Joint)—at three o’clock.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED SINCE 19th FEBRUARY, 1903. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 28. Income Tax Bill—[38]. (To Members of Council only.)

Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly. Nos. 46, 47, and 48. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 48. Weekly Report of Divisions. No. 9. Pounds Bill—[85], Report from Select Committee upon Administration of Lands Department with Reference to Grazing Licences, &c. D.—No. 1.

By Autiioi ity: Rout. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne. I LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day,

No. 49.


Government Business. \ , - Orders of the Day :— 1. Supply—To be further considered in Committee. 2. Supply—Resolutions to be reported. 3. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee. 4. Railway Accident Fund and Railways Stores Suspense Account Bill—Second reading. 5. Mallee Land Account Bill (No. 2)—Second reading. 6. Colac Public Library Site Sale Bill.—Message from His Excellency the Governor—To be considered in Committee. 7. Patents- BiLL-r-(from Council)—Second reading. 8. University Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 9. Coroners Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 10. Insolvency Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 11. Lunacy Act 1890 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 12. Spring Vale Necropolis Bill—Second reading. • • 13. Railway Lands Clearing Bill—Secopd reading, 14. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading, 15. Land Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 16. Transfer of Land Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. , 17. Education Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Amendment of the Legislative Council—To be considered 18. Administration and Probate (Legal Charges) Bill—Second reading, 19. St. Arnaud" Land Bill—Second reading. 20. Health Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—Second reading.

General Business.

• Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That in the opinion of this House1, the office of State Governor should he abolished.

•2. Mr. Tucker,: To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of free Tailway passes, half-fare tickets,"and all other travelling concessions granted by the Railway Department to each of the leading daily and weekly metropolitan and country newspapers for the year ending 30th September, 1902. 2. The cash value of same. (220 copies.) 176

3. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That in the opinion of this House, a tax on the unimproved value of land should be levied as follows :— For every £1 sterling of the unimproved value of land a tax of Id. Where the unimproved value of any person’s land does not exceed £1,500 the owner shall be allowed an exemption of £500; but where such value exceeds £1,500 the exemption shall diminish by £1 for every £2 that such value increases, so that no exemption is allowable when a value of £2,500 is reached. Where the unimproved value of any owner’s land is £5,000 or over a graduated tax (in addition to the ordinary tax of Id. in the £1) at the rate of |d. in the £1 from £5,000 to £10,000, rising at tne rate of ^d. in the £1 up to 2d. in the £1 where such unimproved value is £210,000 or over.

4. Mr. Duggan : To move, That in the opinion of this House, no sale of surplus railway lands by public auction or by private contract should be authorized.

5. Mr. Watt : To move, That the question of the re-organization of the accounts of the Railway Department be referred to the Committee of Public Accounts for consideration and report, with a view to the presentation of an annual balance-sheet framed on business principles.

6. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return, tabulated as follows, of the cattle and sheep carried on the Victorian railways at Starvation Stock Rates :_ ’

Owners’ Names or Stock Carried. Name of Person who makes District from which Declaration that he was unable to Stock came. Destination. pay ordinary freight. Sheep. Cattle.

7. Mr. Hickfoud : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The names of the school districts in which rent is paid for accommodation for State school scholars. 2. The amount paid in each case. 3. The names of the persons who receive such rent. —

8. Mr. Gair : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing the number of passengers that travelled from North Fitzroy railway station to Preston for the year 1902, and the amount of revenue derived therefrom.

9. Mr. J. Cameron : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the Law relating to the Recent Possession of Stolen Cattle.’'’

10. Mr. McGregor: To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to further amend the ‘ Justices Act 1890.’”

11. Mr. Swinburne : To move, That there be laid before this House a return (with reference to Paper No. 23, page 45, distributed by the Honorable the Treasurer when delivering his Budget Speech, from which it appears that at the end of the financial year 1897—8 the amount of overdue instal­ ments on account of lands selected was £743,014 ; and that in 1898-9 this was reduced to £709,794, the decrease being said to have been caused by payments in reduction of arrears and omission of amounts previously included in error, and of arrears now due to the Mallec Land Fund), showing :— 1. (a) Amount of payments made that year in reduction of arrears. (b) Amounts omitted which had been previously included in error. (c) Amount of arrears due to the Mallee Land Fund. (rt) How did the errors referred to in (b) occur, and what is their nature. 2. Specify amounts received on account of arrears in 1899-1900, 1900-1, and 1901-2; also- amount of outstanding arrears on expired grazing area leases deducted, and amount deducted for classification of certain lands in course of alienation prior to 1st July. ' 1899. 3. Of the amounts outstanding and overdue at the end of financial year 1901-2, £402,116— (a) How much has been collected up to date. (b) How much can be collected before 30th June next. (c) How much is due on selections which have complied with the conditions. (

12. Mu. Shoppee : To move, That he" have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the Act relating to Publ.c Holidays ly eliminating the general holiday for the Royal Agricultural Show dag when applied to places outside'a radius of 30 miles from Melbourne.” 17 7

Orders of the Day :— 1. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 2. Gold Buyers Act 1901 Repeal Bill—(Mr. Menzies)—Second reading 3. Mortgage Limitation Bill—(Mr. Sangster)—Second reading. 4. Women’s Disabilities Removal Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 5. Election Expenses Limitation Bii.l—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 6. Railway Passengers’ Actions Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 7. Government Appointments Prevention Bill—(Mr. Andrews)—Second reading. 8. Probate Duties Evasion Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 9. Benalla Public Road Revocation Bill—(Mr. Hall)—Second reading. ' 10. Totalizator Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 11. Law Clerks Admission Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 12. Meat Supervision Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 13. Pounds Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Keogh)—Second reading. 14. Dairying Companies Act 1900 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Brown)—Second reading. 15. Registration of Brands Bill—(Mr.- Mackey)—Second reading. 16. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading.' 17. Sludge Bill^-(Mt. Bowser)—Second reading. 18. Conciliation and,Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. 19. Voters’ Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second reading. 20. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 21. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity BiLL-5-(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 22. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Gillott)—Second reading. 23. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 24. Melbourne University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 25. Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast.)—Second reading. 26. Fortnightly Payment of State Servants—Resumption of debite on' the question—“ That all servants of the State be paid fortnightly.” 27. Licensing ,Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.

TUESDAY, 3rd MARCH. Questions. 1. Mr. Grose : To ask the Honorable the Premier— 1. If he will inform the House Whether any determination has been arrived at as to the future- disposal of Mallee lands. 2. Will he give the House full information wiih reference to the whole question, and allow an opportunity of discussing it. » , 2. Mr Maloney : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if he can inform the House' how much was paid as compensation for land used for railway purposes between Lilydale and Warbur- ton ; what has been the cost of law expenses ; and what will be the cost of repaying the loan which has been raised to pay for the track for this railway.

THOS. G. WATSON, W. D. BEAZLEY, ClerL of the Legislative Assembly. Deputy-Speaker.

MEETING OF SELECT COMMITTEE. Wednesday, i.th March. Public Accounts—at half-past two o’clock.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 25th FEBRUARY, 1903. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 29.

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 49. Railways Bill—[61]. . . Mallee Land Account Bill—[70], Railway Passengers’ Actions Bill—[88].

By Authority: Robt. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne,


Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day,

No. 50.

TUESDAY, 3rd MARCH, 1903. Questions. 1. Mr. Grose: To ask the Honorable the Premier— 1. If he will inform the House whether any determination has been arrived at as to the future disposal of Mallee lands. 2. "Will he give the House full information with reference to the whole question, and allow an opportunity of discussing it. •

2. Mr. A. Harris : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey— 1. If in giving effect to his policy of lands settlement, he will take steps to have the lands that are made available, and such areas as are open for application at present, described, and lists thereof published in the press from time to time, and will he also cause such lists to be exhibited at railway stations and post-offices. 2. Has the Minister decided to supply to intending settlers inexpensive land maps, showing the areas available for settlement.

3. Mr. Maloney : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if he can inform the House how much was paid as compensation for land used for railway purposes between Lilydale and Warbur- ton ; what has been the cost of law expenses ; and what will be the cost of repaying the loan which has been raised to pay for the track for this railway.

4. Mr. A. Harris : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Mines if he will inform the House— 1. What is the cause of the delay in accepting tenders 405 and 516, for track cutting, at Mount Useful. 1 '' • 2. When will tenders be accepted.

5. Mr. Prendergast : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey if he has any objection to lay upon the Table of the House all papers connected with the leasing of the Murrabit Timber Reserves.

6. Mr. A. Harris : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey when the appointed officers of his Department will inspect and furnish the desired additional report upon the Jands to be served by the Walhalla Railway. /

Government Business. Orders of the Day :— 1. Supply—Resolutions to be reported. 2. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee. 3. Railway Accident Fund and Railways Stores Suspense Account Bill—Second reading. 4. Mallee Land Account Bill (No. 2)—Second reading. 5. Colac Public Library Site Sale Bill.—Message from His Excellency the Governor—To be considered in Committee. Patents Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 7. University Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 8. Coroners Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading 9. Insolvency Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 10. Lunacy Act 1890 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 11. Spring Vale Necropolis Bill—Second reading. 12. Railway Lands Clearing Bill—Second reading. 13. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. 14. Land Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. ic" ^RANSiBR 0F Land Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 16. Education Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Amendment of the Legislative Council—To be considered 17. Administration and Probate (Legal Charges) Bill—Second reading. 18. St. Arnaud Land Bill—Second reading. 19. Health Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—Second reading. (220 copies.) 180

General Business. Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. Tootcheii : To move, That in the opinion of this House, the office of State Governor should be abolished.

2. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of free railway passes, half-fare tickets, and all other travelling concessions granted1' by the Railway Department to each of the leading daily and weekly metropolitan and country newspapers "for the year ending 30th September, 1902. 2. The cash value of same.

3. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That in the opinion of this House, a tax on the unimproved value of land should be levied as follows :—- For every £1 sterling of the unimproved value of land a tax of Id. Where the unimproved value of any person’s land does not exceed £1,500 the owner shall be allowed an exemption of £500 ■; but where such value exceeds £1,500 the exemption shall diminish by ,£1 for every £2 that such value increases, so that no exemption is allowable when a value of £2,500 is reached. Where the unimproved value of any owner’s land is £5,000 or over a graduated tax (in addition to the ordinary tax of Id. in the £1) at the rate of £d. in the £1 from £5,000 to- £10,000, rising at the rate of ^d. in the £1 up to 2d. in the £1 where such unimproved value is £210,000 or over.

4. Mr. Duggan : To move, That in the opinion of this House, no sale of surplus railway lands by public auction or by private contract should he authorized.

5. Mr. W'att : To move, That the question of the re-organization of the accounts of the Railway Department be referred to the Committee of Public Accounts for consideration and report, with a view to the presentation of an annual balance-sheet framed on business principles.

6. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return, tabulated as follows, of the cattle and sheep carried on the Victorian railways at Starvation Stock Rates :—

Owners’ Names or Stock Carried. Name of Person who makes District from which Declaration that he was unable to Stock came. Destination. pay ordinary freight. Sheep. Cattle.'

7. Mr. Hickford : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The names of the school districts in which rent is paid for accommodation for State school* scholars. 2. The amount paid in each case. 3. The names of the persons who receive such rent.

8. Mr. Gair : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing the number of passengers- ihat travelled from North Fitzro'y railway station to Preston for the year 1902, and the amount of' revenue derived therefrom. -

9. Mr. Swinburne- : To move, That there be laid before this House a return (with reference to Paper No. 23, page 45, distributed by the Honorable the Treasurer when delivering his Budget Speech, from which it appears that at the end of the financial year 1897-8 the amount of overdue instal­ ments on account of lands selected was £743,014 ; and that in 1898-9 this was reduced to £709,794, the decrease being said to have been caused by payments in reduction of arrears and omission of amounts previously included in error, and of arrears now due to the Mallee Land Fund), showing :— 1. (a) Amount of payments made that year in reduction of arrears. (6) Amounts omitted which had been previously included in error. (c) Amount of arrears due to the Mallee Land Fund. (d) How did the errors referred to in (6) occur, and what is their nature. 2. Specify amounts received on account of arrears in 1899-1900, 1900-1, and 1901-2; also amount of outstanding arrears on expired grazing area leases deducted, and amount deducted for classification of certain lands in course of alienation prior to 1st'July. 1899. ' .. 31 3. Of the amounts outstanding and overdue at the end of financial year ,1901-2, £402,116—7 (a) -How much has been collected up to date. (5) How much .can be collected before 30th June next. , i. - ' (c) How much is due on selections which have complied with the conditions. (rf) Give a tabulated statement showing the number of selections and the number of unpaid, instalments thereon, making up the above-named amount. 131

Orders of the Day :— 1. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr, Maloney)—Second reading. 2. Gold Buyers Act 1901 Repeal Bill—(Mr. Menzies)—Second reading. 3. Mortgage Limitation Bill—(Mr. Sangster)—Second reading. 4. Women’s Disabilities Removal Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 5. Election Expenses Limitation Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 6. Railway Passengers’ Actions Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 7. Government Appointments Prevention Bill—(Mr. Andrews)—Second reading. 8. Probate Duties Evasion Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 9. Benalla Public Road Revocation Bill—(Mr. Hall)—Second reading. 10. Totalizator Bill—(Mr. Prcndcrgast)—Second reading. 11. Law Clerks Admission Bill—(5lr. Bailes)—Second reading. 12. Meat Supervision Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 13. Pounds Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Keogh)—Second reading. 14. Dairying Companies Act 1900 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Brown)—Second reading. 15. Registration of Brands Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 16. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 17. Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading. > 18. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwitli)—Second reading. 19. Voters’ Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second reading. 20. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 21. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. , 22. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Gillott)—Second reading. 23. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 24. Melbourne University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 25. Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 26. Fortnightly Payment of State Servants—Resumption of debate on the question—“ That all servants of the State be paid fortnightly.” 27. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment.Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.

WEDNESDAY, 4th MARCH. General Business, Orders of the Day:— 1. Justices Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—{Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 2. Stolen Cattle (Recent Possession) Bill—{Mr. J. Cameron)—Second reading. 3. Public Holidays Law Amendment Bill—{Mr. Shoppee)—Second reading. THOS. G. WATSON, W. D. BEAZLEY, Cleric of the Legislative Assembly. Deputy-SpeqJier,

MEETING OF SELECT COMMITTEE. Wednesday, 4th March. Public Accounts—iat half-past two o’clock.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 26th FEBRUARY, 1903. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 30. Constitution Reform Bill—Amendments made by Legislative Council. How dealt with by Legislative.- Assembly. (To Members of Council only.)

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 50. Legal Profession Practice Bill—[89].

By Authority: Root. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne.


Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 51.

WEDNESDAY, 4tii MARCH, 1903. tyiiestiqns, 1. Mr. A. Harris : To ask the Honorable the Treasurer— 1. What time it is intended to give to taxpayers to prepare their Income Tax Schedules this year. 2. Will he fix as late a date as possible for the lodging of the Schedules, in view of the new provisions of the Act and the alterations in the tax.

2. Mr. Keogh: To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lauds and Survey if it is his intention to go on with the Land Apt 1901 Amendment Bill, introduced by Mr. McKenzie, or to go on with any part of the amendment this Session.

3. Mr, A. Harris : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey, if ho will favorably consider the advisability of inserting in the Land Act 1901 Amendment Bill a clause providing an extended time for applicants to seek for the reclassification of their areas. 4. Mr, PitKNDERGAST : Tq ask the Honorable the Attorney-General— 1. If his attention has been directed to certain charges made against the Examiners of Patents in the Age newspaper of 2nd February, 1903. 2. If so, have steps been taken to ascertain the correctness or otherwise of the said charges. 3. In view of the serious nature of the charges, does he intend to hold an open public inquiry into the administration of the Patents Act and the conduct of the Patents Office. 5. Mr. Langdon : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Land's and Survey whether, as reported in the public press, the average amounts allotted to applicants under the Seed and Fodder Act at the undermentioned places has been as follows, viz.:— Nhill, £40 to each applicant, Wycheproof, £37 to each applicant, Boort, £27 to each applicant ; if so, will he state upon what basis the Boards have made their recommendations.

Notice op Motion (Unopposed)j—. 1. Mr. Prendergast : To move, That there be laid before this House a return, tabulated as follows, of the cattle and sheep carried on the Victorian railways at Starvation Stock Bates ’

Owners* Names or Stock Carried. Name of Person who makes District from which Declaration that he was unable to Stock came. Destination. 1 ay ordinary freight. Sheep. Cattle.

Government Jiusiness.

Notice ok Motion;—.

1. Mr. E. H. Cameron: To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Hill to further amend the ‘ Mildura Irrigation Trusts Act 1895 ’ and for other purposes.” (220 cbpies.) 184

Orders of the Day :— 1. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee. 2. Railway Accident Fund and Railways Stores Suspense Account Bill—Second reading. 3. Mallee Land Account Bill (No. 2)—Second reading. 4. Colac Public Library Site Sale Bill.—Message from His Excellency the Governor—To be considered in Committee. 5. Patents Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 6. University Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 7. Coroners Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 8. Insolvency Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 9. Lunacy Act 1890 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 10. Spring Vale Necropolis Bill—Second reading. }.l. Railway Lands -Clearing Bill—Second reading. 12. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. 13. Land Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 14. Transfer of Land Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 15. Education Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Amendment of the Legislative Council—To be considered 16. Administration and Probate (Legal Charges) Bill—Second reading. 17. St. Arnaud Land Bill—Second reading. 18. Health Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—Second reading. General Business. Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That in the opinion of this House, the office of State Governor should be abolished.

2. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of free railway passes, half-fare tickets, and all other travelling concessions granted by the Railway Department to each of the leading daily and weekly metropolitan and country newspapers for the year ending 30th September, 1902. 2. The cash value of same.

3. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That in' the opinion of- this House, a tax on the unimproved value of land should be levied as follows :— For every £1 sterling of the unimproved value of land a tax of Id. Where the unimproved value of any person’s land does not exceed £1,500 the owner shall be allowed an exemption of £500 ; but where such value exceeds £1,500 the exemption shall diminish by £1 for every £2 that such value increases, so that no exemption is allowable when a value of £2,500 is reached. Where the unimproved value of any owner’s land is £5,000 or over a graduated tax (in addition to the ordinary tax of Id. in the £1) at the rate of ^d. in the £1 from £5,000 to , £1Q,000, rjsi-ng at the rate of id. in the £1 up to 2d. in the £1 where such unimproved value is £210,000 or over. 4. Mr. Duggan : To move, That in the opinion of this House, no sale of surplus railway lands by , public auction or by private contract should be authorized. ’5. Mr. Watt : To move, That the question of the re-organization of the accounts of the Railway Department be referred to the Committee of Public Accounts for consideration and report, with a view to the presentation of an annual balance-sheet framed on business principles. 6. Mr. Hickford : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The names of the school districts in which rent is paid for accommodation for State school scholars. 2. The amount paid in each case. 3. The names of the persons who receive such rent. 7. Mr. Gair : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing the number of passengers that travelled from North Fitzroy railway station to Preston for the year 1902, and the amount of revenue derived therefrom. 8. Mr. Swinburne : To move, That there be laid before this House a return (with reference to Paper No. 23, page 45, distributed by the Honorable the Treasurer when delivering his Budget Speech, from which it appears that at the end of the financial year 1897-8 the amount of overdue instal­ ments on account, of lands selected was £743,014 ; and that in 1898-9 this was reduced to £709,794, the decrease being said to have been caused by payments in reduction of arrears and omission of amounts previously included in error, and of arrears now due to the Mallee Land Fund), showing :— 1. (a) Amount of payments made that year in reduction of arrears. (6) Amounts omitted which had been previously included in error. (c) Amount of arrears due to the Mallee Land Fund. (d) How did the errors referred to in (6) occur, and what is their nature. , . 2. Specify amounts received on account of arrears in 1899—1900, 1900-1, and 1901-2 ; also amount of outstanding arrears on expired grazing area leases deducted; and amount deducted for classification of cert&in lands in course of alienation prior to 1st July,. 1 ' ' ' 1899. ■ 185

3. Of the amounts outstanding and overdue at the end of financial year 1901-2, £402,116— (a) How much has been collected up to date. . (l>) How much can be collected before 30th June next. _ , (c) How much is due on selections which have complied with the conditions. (d) Give a tabulated statement showing the number of selections and the number of unpaid instalments thereon, making up the above-named amount. 9. Mr. Graves : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The total-area of land occupied by the Labour Colony at Leohgatha. , 2. The approximate present unimproved value of this area. 3. The approximate present improved value of this area. . •'[ 4. The total debt of this labour colony to the State to date. 5. The present annual cost of this establishment to the State. 6. The average number per annum of labour colonists maintained on this area. - . 7. The number of ‘ the paid staff employed to maintain and manage this area. , t>- 8. Who have been the responsible manager or managers under the Crown. , - .

Orders of the Day :— 1. Justices Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregoi)—Second reading. 2. Stolen Cattle (Recent Possession) Bill—(Mr. J. Cameron)—Second reading. 3. Public Holidays Law Amendment Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—Second reading. 4. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 5. Gold Buyers Act 1901 Repeal Bill—(Mr. Menzies)—Second reading 6. Mortgage Limitation Bill—(Mr. Sangstor).—Second reading. 7. Railway Passengers’ Actions Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 8. Government Appointments Prevention Bill—(Mr. Andrews)—Second reading 9. Probate Duties Evasion Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 10. Benalla Public Road Revocation Bill—(Mr. Hall)—Second reading. 11. Totalizator Bill—(Mr. Preudergast)—Second reading. 12. Law Clerks Admission Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 13. Meat Supervision Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 14. Pounds' Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Keogli)—Second reading. 15. Dairying Companies Act 1900 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Brown)—Second reading. 16. Registration of Brands Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. • 17. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 18. Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading. 19. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. 20. Voters’ Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second reading. 21. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 22. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 23. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Gillott)—Second reading. 24. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 25. Melbourne University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 26. Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 27. Fortnightly Payment of State Servants—Resumption of debate on the question—“ That all servants of the State be paid fortnightly.” 28. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading,

THURSDAY, 5th MARCH. General Business. Orders of the Day:-*- 1/ Women’s Disabilities Removal Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 2. Election Expenses Limitation Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading.

TUESDAY, 10th MARCH, Question. 1. Mr. A. Harris: To ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary if he will submit to the Cabinet the ' suggestion made by the Honorable Member for Richmond (Mr. Trenwith) that the Conciliation and Arbitration Bill be made a Government measure, and inform the House of the decision of the Cabinet.

CONTINGENT NOTICE OF MOTION. Upon a Motion for going into Committee of Ways and Means— 1. Mr. Bromley : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Museums and Art Gallery should be open to the public on Sundays, provided that no employe shall be required to work seven days per week or on any Sunday against his conscience.

THOS. G. WATSON, ' W. D. BEAZLEY, Cleric of the Legislative Assembly. ' m Deputy-Speaker. 186 ' MEETING'OF SELECT COMMITTEE. Thursday, 5 tk March. Public Accounts—at half-past two o’clock. ,

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED SINCE 26th FEBRUARY, 1903. Minutes of the Proceedings of the Legislative Council. Nos. 30, 31, and 32.

Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly. Nos. 49, 50, and 51. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 51.’ Probate Charges Bill—[77]'. Royal Agricultural Show Day Bill—[90]. Election Expenses Bill—[91]. Meat Supervision BilhrTr[93]. Legal Profession Practice Bill—.[94], Lunacy Bill.—New Clause to be proposed by Mr. Murray. (To Members only.)


By Authority: Root. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne^ LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 52.

THURSDAY, 5th MARCH, 1903.

Government Business. Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. Taverner : To move, That lie have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill relating to the selection and purchase of Grown Lands.”

2. Mr. Murray : To move, That the Royal Commission appointed on the 8th January, 1902, to inquire into and report upon the question of handling grain or other produce in bulk or otherwise, having incurred liabilities to the amount of the maximum expenditure fixed by Order in Council, and not yet having concluded their inquiry, the House concurs in the expenditure by such Commission for the purposes of their inquiry and report of a further sum of £30.

3. Mr. Taverner : To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to revoke the permanent reservation of certain Crown Land in the County of Polwarth, Toun of Colac.”

Orders of the Day :— 1. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee. 2. Mallee Land Account Bill (No. 2)—Second reading. 1 3. Colac Public Library Site Sale Bill.—Message from His Excellency the Governor—To be considered in Committee. 4. Patents Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 5. University Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 6. Coroners Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 7. Insolvency Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 8. Lunacy Act I 890 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 9. Spring Vale Necropolis Bill—Second reading. 10. Railway Lands Clearing Bill—Second reading. 11. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. « 12. Land Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 13. Transfer of Land Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 14. Education Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Amendment of the Legislative Council—To be considered 15. Administration and Probate (Legal Charges) Bill—Second reading. 16. St. Arnaud Land Bill—Second reading. 17. Health Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—Second reading. 18. Mildura Irrigation Trusts Act 1895 further Amendment Bill—Second reading. General Business. Notices of Motion :— - 1. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That in the opinion of this House, the office of State Governor should be abolished.

2. Mr. Tucker : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of free railway passes, half-fare tickets, and.all other travelling concessions granted by the Railway Department to each of the leading daily and weekly metropolitan and country newspapers for the year ending 30th September, 1902. , 2. The cash value of same. (220 copies.) 188

o. Mr. Toutcher : To move, That in the opinion of this House, a tax on the unimproved value of land should be levied as follows :— For every £1 sterling of the unimproved value of land a tax of Id. Where the unimproved value of any person’s land does not exceed £1,500 the owner shall be allowed an exemption of £500 ; but where such value exceeds £1,500 the exemption shall diminish by £1 for every £2 that such value increases, so that no exemption is allowable when a value of £2,500 is reached. Where the unimproved value of any owner’s land is £5,000 or over a graduated tax (in addition to the ordinary tax of Id. in the £1) at the rate of £d. in the £1 from £5,000 to- £10,000, rising at tne rate of ^d. in the £1 up to 2d; in the £1 where such unimproved value is £210,000 or over.

4. Mr. Duggan : Fo move, That in the opinion of this House, no sale of surplus railway lands by public auction or by private contract should be authorized.

5. Mr. Watt : To move, That the question of the re-organization of the accounts of the Railway Department be referred to the Committee of Public Accounts for consideration and report, with a view to the presentation of an annual balance-sheet framed on business principles. 6. Mr. Hickford : Fo move, Fhat there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. Fhe names of the school districts in which rent is paid for accommodation for State school scholars. 2. The amount paid in each case. 3. The names of the persons who receive such rent.

<. Mr. G-air : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing the number of passengers that travelled from North Fitzroy railway station to Preston for the year 1902, and the amount of revenue derived therefrom.

8. Mr. Swinburne : To move, That there be laid before this House a return (with reference to Paper No. 23, page 45, distributed by the Honorable the Treasurer when delivering his Budget Speech, from which it appears that at the end of the financial year 1897—8 the amount of overdue instal­ ments on account of lands selected was £743,014 ; and that in 1898-9 this was reduced to £709,794, the decrease being said to have been caused by payments in reduction of arrears and omission of amounts previously included in error, and of arrears now due to the Mallee Land Fund), showing :— 1. (a) Amount of payments made that year in reduction of arrears. (6) Amounts omitted which had been previously included in error. (c) Amount of arrears due to the Mallee Land Fund. (d) How did the errors referred to in (5) occur, and what is their nature. 2. Specify amounts received on account of arrears in 1899-1900, 1900-1, and 1901-2 ; also- amount of outstanding arrears on expired grazing area leases deducted, and amount deducted for classification of certain lands in course of alienation prior to 1st July, 1899. 3. Of the amounts outstanding and overdue at the end of financial year 1901-2, £402,116— («) How much has been collected up to date. (5) How much can be collected before 30th June next. (o) How much is due on selections which have complied with the conditions. (d) Give a tabulated statement showing the number of selections and the number of unpaid instalments thereon, making up the above-named amount.

Orders of tub Day :— 1. Women’s Disabilities Removal Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 2. Election Expenses Limitation Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 3. Justices Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 4. Stolen Cattle (Recent Possession) Bill—(Mr. J. Cameron)—Second reading. 5. Public Holidays Law Amendment Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—Second reading. 6. Legitimation of Children Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 7. Gold Buyers Act 1901 Repeal Bill—(Mr. Menzies)—Second reading 8. Mortgage Limitation Bill—(Mr. Sangster)—Second reading. 9. Railway Passengers’ Actions Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 10. Government Appointments Prevention Bill—(Mr. Andrews)—Second reading. 11. Probate Duties Evasion Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 12. Benalla Public Road Revocation Bill—(Mr. Hall)—Second reading. 13. Totalizator Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 14. Law Clerks Admission Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 15. Meat Supervision Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 16. Pounds Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Keogh)—Second reading. 17. Dairying Companies Act 1900 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Brown)—Second reading- 18. Registration of Brands Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 19. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 20. Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading. 21. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwitli)—Second reading. 22. Voters’ Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second reading. 23. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 24. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 25. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Gillott)—Second reading.- 189

26. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton),—Second reading 27. Melbourne University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 28. Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendcrgast)—Second reading.- , . 29. Fortnightly Payment of State Servants—Rzsumntion of debate on the question—“ That all servants of the State be paid fortnightly.” 30. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—-Second reading.

FRIDAY, 6th MARCH. Questions. 1. Mr. Graves : To ask the Honorable the Premier if, in view of the provisions of The Parliamentary Witnesses Oaths Act 1^71 (34 and 35 Viet., Ch. 83), which enables the House of Commons and any Committee thereof to administer Oaths to witnesses, he will invite the Standing Orders Committee to consider and report upon the expediency of similarly empowering this House and any Committee thereof to examine witnesses on Oath.

2. Mr. Swinburne : To ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary— 1. If it is a fact that, as compared with the New York State Lunatic Asylums of some ten years ago, our metropolitan asylums of Kew and Yarra Bend to-day have, on the average, only one- half the number of medical officers, two-thirds the number of attendants, and two-thirds of the number of employes generally ; that the attendants are very inadequately trained, and never removed for inefficiency; that the.medical officers are underpaid and unprovided with necessary instruments, books, and journals ; that the asylums are without any special provision for curable cases; that mechanical restraint was last year practised up to the enormous amount of some 30,000 hours in each asylum ; that In place of open doors the policy of locks and keys is still in vogue, and that more than half the patients practically never see the outside of enclosed exercise yards. 2. If it is a fact that, as compared with more modern asylums, our metropolitan asylums still keep- all patients locked up all night long ; have no women in attendance on the male sick wards ; and in place of a staff of trained hospital nurses each asylum has only one trained nurse and an untrained matron for some 800 patients. 3. If it is a fact that at present the Yarra Bond Asylum has only one medical officer and the Kew Asylum an acting superintendent, an acting medical officer, and an acting matron.

TUESDAY, 10th MARCH. Questions. 1. Mr. A. Harris : To ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary if he will submit to the Cabinet the- suggestion made by the Honorable Member for Richmond (Mr. Trenwith) that the Conciliation and Arbitration Bill be made a Government measure, and inform the House of the decision of the Cabinet.

2. Mr. LaNgdon : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey -whether, as reported in the public press, the average amounts allotted to applicants under the Seed and Fodder , . Act at the undermentioned places has been as follows, viz.:— Nhill, £40 to each applicant, Wycheproof, £37 to each applicant, Boort, £27 to each applicant ; if so, will he state upon what basis the Boards have made their recommendations.

CONTINGENT NOTICE OF MOTION. Upon a Motion for going into Committee of Ways and Means—- 1. Mr. Bromley : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Museums and Art Gallery should be open to the public on Sundays, provided that no employe shall be required to work seven days per week or on any, Sunday against his conscience.

THOS. G. WATSON, W. D. BEAZLEY, Cleric of the Legislative Assembly. Deputy-Speaker.

MEETING OF SELECT COMMITTEE. Thursday, bth March. Public Accounts—^at half-pastTwe o’clock. ' ' . .. 190

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 4th MARCH, 1903. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 31.

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 52. Benalla Fire Brigade Station Land Bill—[44]. Mortgage Limitation Bill—[95]. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill,—Amendments to bo proposed in Committee by Mr. Fink. (To Members only.)

By Authority: Rom. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne, LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY,

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 53.

TUESDAY, 10th MARCH, 1903.


1. Mb. Grates : To ask the Honorable the Premier if, in view of the provisions of The Parliamenta/ry Witnesses tOaths Act 1871 (34 and 35 Viet., Ch. 83), which enables the House of Commons and any Committee thereof *to administer Oaths to witnesses, he will invite the Standing Orders Committee to consider and report upon the expediency of similarly empowering this House and any Committee thereof to examine witnesses on Oath.

2. Mb. Swinbobnb : To ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary— 1. If it is a fact that, as compared with the New York State Lunatic Asylums of some ten years ago, our metropolitan asylums of Kew and Yarra Bend to-day have, on the average, only one- half the number of medical officers, two-thirds the number of attendants, and two-thirds of the number of employes generally ; that the attendants are very inadequately trained, and never removed for inefficiency; that the medical officers are underpaid and unprovided with necessary instruments, books, and journals ; that the asylums are without any special provision for curable cases; that mechanical restraint was last year practised up to the enormous amount of some. 30,000 hours in each asylum ; that in place of open doors the policy of locks and keys is still in vogue, and that more than half the patients practically never see the outside of enclosed exercise yards. 2. If it is a fact that, as compared with more modern asylums, our metropolitan asylums still keep all patients locked up all night long ; have no women in attendance on the male sick wards ; and in place of a staff of trained hospital nurses each asylum has only one trained nurse and an untrained matron for some 800 patients. 3. If it-is a fact that at present the Yarra Bend Asylum has only one medical officer and the Kew Asylum an acting superintendent, an acting medical officer, and an acting matron.

-3. Mb. A. Harris : To ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary if he will submit to the Cabinet the suggestion made by the Honorable Member for Richmond (Mr. Trenwith) that the Conciliation and Arbitration Bill be made a Government measure, and inform the House of the decision of the Cabinet.

4. Mr. Langdon : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey whether, as reported in the public press, the average amounts allotted to applicants under the Seed and Fodder Act at the undermentioned places has been as follows, viz.:— Nhill, £40 to each applicant, Wycheproof, £37 to each applicant, Boort, £27 to each applicant; if so, will he state upon what basis the Boards have made their recommendations.

-5. Mb. Graham: To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey if he has any objection to lay upon the Table of this House a copy of the instructions issued to the Seed and Fodder Boards previous to their visiting the drought-stricken districts. (220 copies.) 192

6. Mr. Elmslie : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Public Health if he will inform the House—- 1. What amount of money was received by the trustees of the St. Kilda Cemetery for grave- decorations and repairs in the years.1900, 1901, and 1902. 2. What number of graves were transferred, since the closing of the cemetery ; to whom were they transferred ; and when did the last transfer take place. 3. Were 80 graves sold to one person in one lot ;i if so, what was the price paid, and how many of such graves were re-sold and transferred since the closing of the cemetery.

7. Mr. Prendergast: To ask the Honorable the Premier whether it is the intention of the Govern-- ment to increase the minimum wage for unskilled labour from six to seven shillings per day in future contracts in connexion with the construction of waterworks for the dry areas in the north:

Government Business. Notices of Motion :— 1. Mr. Irvine: To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill relating to the United Church of England and Ireland in Victoria.’'

2. Mr. Shiels: To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill relating to Receipts of Income Tax during July and August One thousand nine hundred and three’’

Orders of the Day :— 1. Mallee Land Account Bill (No. 2)—Second reading. 2. Colac Public Library Site Sale Bill.—Message from His Excellency the Governor—To be- considered in Committee. 3. Patents Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. • 4. University Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 5. Coroners Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 6. Insolvency Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.- 7. Lunacy Act 1890 Amendment Bill—Second reading. , 8. Spring Vale Necropolis Bill—Second reading. 9. Railway Lands Clearing Bill—Second-reading. 10. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. 11. Land Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. ,12. Transfer Of (Land' Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 13. Education Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Amendment of the Legislative Council—To be considered.. 14. Administration and Probate (Legal Charges) Bill—Second reading. 15. 'St. Arnaud Land Bill—Second reading. 16. Health Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—Second reading. 17. Mildura Irrigation Trusts Act 1895 further Amendment Bill—Second reading. 18. Crown Lands Selection and Purchase Bill—Second reading. • - - 19. Colac Land Reserve Revocation Bill—Second reading. 20. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee.

General Business.

Orders of the Day :— 1. Women’s Disabilities Removal Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—To be further considered in Committee. 2. Election Expenses -Limitation Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—To be further considered in Committee. 3. Justices Act 1890 fu.rther Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 4. Public Holidays Law Amendment Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—To be further considered in Committee. - 5. Gold Buyers Act 1901 Repeal Bill—(Mr. Menzies)—Second reading. 6. Mortgage Limitation Bill—(Mr. Sangster)—Second reading. 7. Railway Passengers’ Actions Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 8. Government Appointments Prevention Bill—(Mr. Andrews)—Second reading. 9. Probate Duties Evasion Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 10. Benalla Public Road Revocation Bill—(Mr. Hall)—Second reading. 11. Totalizator Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 12. Law Clerks Admission Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 13. Meat Supervision Act 1900 Amendment - Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 14. Pounds Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Keogh)—Second reading. 15. Dairying Companies Act 1900 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Brown)—Second reading. 16. Registration of Brands Bill—(Mr/Mackey)—Second reading. 17. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 18. Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading. 19. Conciliation and Arbitration, Bill—(Mr. Trenwitli)—Second reading. 20. Voters’ Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second reading. 21. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 22. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 23. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Gillott)—Second reading. ,24. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 25. Melbourne University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 26; Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. ,27. Fortnightly Payment of State Servants—Resumption of debate on the question—“ That alL servants of the State be paid fortnightly.” 28. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 193

THURSDAY, 12th MARCH. General Business.. Notice of Motion :— 1. Mr. Swinburne : To move, That there be laid before this House a return (with reference to Paper No. 23, page 45, distributed by the Honorable the Treasurer when delivering his Budget Speech, from which it appears that at the end of the financial year 1897-8 the amount of overdue instal­ ments on account of lands selected was £743,014 ; and that in 1898-9 this was reduced to £709,794, the decrease being said to have been caused by payments in reduction of arrears and omission of amounts previously included in error, and of arrears now due to the Mallee Land Fund), showing— 1. (a) Amount of payments made that year in reduction of arrears. (6) Amounts omitted which had been previously included in error. (c) Amount of arrears due to the Mallee Land Fund. (d) How did the errors referred to in (6) occur, and what is their nature. 2. Specify amounts received on account 'of arrears in 1899-1900, 1900-1, and 1901-2 ; also amount of outstanding arrears on expired grazing area leases deducted, and amount deducted for classification of certain lands in course of alienation prior to 1st July, 1899. ^ 3. Of the amounts outstanding and overdue at the end of financial year 1901-2, £402,116— (а) How much has been collected up to date. (б) How much can be collected before 30th June next. (c) How much is due on selections which have complied with the conditions. (d) Give a tabulated statement showing the number of selections and the number of unpaid instalments thereon, making up the above-named amount.

Order of the Day :— 1. Stolen Cattle (Recent Possession) Bill—(Mr. J. Cameron)—Second reading.

THURSDAY, 2nd APRIL. General Business. Order of the Day:— 1. Office of State Governor—Resumption of debate on the question—“ That an humble Address be presented to His Majesty the King praying that on the expiration of the present Governor’s term of office the question of the necessity of appointment of future State Governors for Victoria be taken into consideration.”

CONTINGENT NOTICE OF MOTION. Upon a Motion for going into Committee of Wags and Means— 1. Mr. Bromley : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Museums and Art Gallery should be open to the public on Sundays, provided that no employ^ shall be required to work seven days per week or on any Sunday against his conscience.

THOS. G. WATSON, - W. D. BEAZLET, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Deputy-Speaker,

MEETINGS OF SELECT COMMITTEES. Tuesday, KkA March. Refreshment Rooms—at seven o’clock. Public Accounts—at seven o’clock. • Wednesday, \\th March. Printing (Joint Sub-Committee)—at'half-past two o’clock.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 5th MARCH, 1903. Minutes of the Proceedings of the Legislative Council. No. 33. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 32. Railways Bill—[61]. (To Members of Council .only.) Trustee Companies Bill—[76].

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 53. Mildura Irrigation Trusts Bill—[79].

By Authority: Rout. S. Beaut, Government Printer, Melbourne. 1 •.'« ,

f f


Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 54

WEDNESDAY, lira MARCH, 1903.

1. Mb. Langdon : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey whether, as reported in the public press, the average amounts allotted to applicants under the Seed and Fodder Act at the undermentioned places has been as follows, viz.: Nhill, £40 to each applicant, Wycheproof, £37 to each applicant, Boort, £27 to each applicant ; if so, will he state upon what basis the Boards have made their recommendations.

Mb. Bailes : To ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary ' 1. If his attention has been directed to an article in the Bendigo Independent newspaper of 7th March instant, referring to the wanton neglect of the body of a miner named Quentin Renant, who was killed in the Clarence mine on1 the 5th March. Will he cause inquiries to be made as to the cause of that neglect. _ Will he give the necessary instructions so that such a state of affairs shall not occur again.

3. Mr. A. Harris : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways 1. If his attention has been called to the serious loss, delay, and inconvenience to consignors of hay and chaff at the Sale railway station, owing to insufficient trucks, the want of tarpaulins, &c., and absence of suitable platform and shed accommodation ; if so, will he take speedy steps to obviate similar complaints by ordering suitable provision to be made for the care and carnage of the class of produce referred to. , c , 2. Have steps been taken to insure a more speedy despatch of goods from Melbourne to Sale, and their delivery by train thereat.

4. Mr. Thomson : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey if he has any objection to lay upon the table of the Library— 1. The contract, valuations, and papers in connexion with the purchase of the Farrington Estate. 2. The Annual Report—posted up to date—on the Closer Settlement system. 3. A statement showing the amount of stock available for the purchase of properties under the Closer Settlement system.

5. Mr. Malonet : To ask the Honorable the Attorney-General 1. If it is a fact that Mr. G. H. Neighbour, K.C., the present Commissioner of Patents, has in various important matters given decisions and rulings reversing or modifying the former Patent Office practice under and the interpretation of the Patents and Trade Marks Acts and Rules, and that the influence of such decisions has been to expedite public business. . 2. If it is a fact that many such decisions have never been published, and that full opportunities tor knowing promptly of such decisions and rulings, and also of like important decisions of the Honorable the Attorney-General, have not been given to inventors, patentees, patent agents, solicitors entitled to practise before the Patents Office, or to the public generally (in whatever part of the State resident), to guide such persons in the proper transaction of patent and trade mark business, and in the understanding of patent and trade mark practice. 3. Will the Honorable the Attorney-General take steps to have promptly published in the Official List issued weekly by the Patents Office particulars of such rulings and decisions somewhat as is done by the United States Commissioner of Patents in the Official Gazette of his office. Government Business.

Orders of the Day :— 1. Colac Public Library Site Sale BiLL.-Message from His Excellency the Governor—To bo considered in Committee. .. ____ 2. Railways Commissioners Appointment Bill—Message from His Excellency the Governor To be considered. 3. Income Tax Receipts Bill—Second, reading. 4. Churcii of England Bill—Second reading. . 5. Patents Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. . . 6. University Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. (220 copies.) 196 Tp''.' l!,/ ft '“"v ...... «JJ,4JL44Jf.a^cif ;i. 4 r, ,(( A. lA V 1 ! A , ; -- - ; ■ ; i 7. Coroners Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—SecoUd reading 8. Insolyenct Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. ° 9. Lunacy Act 1890 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 10. Spring Vale Necropolis Bill—Second'reading. ~ 11. Railway Lands Clearing Bill—Second reading. 12. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. 13. Laud Act? 190p Amendment Bill—Second reading. , \14. Transfer of Land"Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. " 15. Education Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Amendment of the Legislative Council—To be considered 16. Administration and Promate (Legal Charges) Bill—Second reading. 17. St. Arnaud Land Bill—Second reading. 18. Health Act 1890 fur i her Amendment Bill—Second reading. 19. Milduiia Irrigation Trusts Act 1895 further Amendment Bill—Second reading. 20. Crown Lands Selection and Purchase.Bill—Second reading. 21. Colac Land Reserve t Revocation Bill—Second reading. 22. Ways and Means—-To be'further considered in Committee. General Business.

Orders of the Day :—

1. Women’s Disabilities Removal Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—To be further considered in Committee. 2. Election Expenses Limitation Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—To be further considered in Committee. ' 3- Justices Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 4. Public Holidays Law Amendment Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—To be further considered in Committee, o. Gold Buyers Act 1901 Repeal Bill—(Mr. Menzies)—Second reading. 6. Mortgage Limitation Bill—(Mr. Sangster)—Second reading. 7. Railway Passengers’ Actions Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 8. Government Appointments Prevention Bill—(Mr. Andrews)—Second reading. 9. Probate Duties Evasion Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 10. Benalla Public Boad Revocation Bill—(Mr. Hall)—Second reading. 11. Totalizator Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 12. Law Clerks Admission Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 13. Meat Supervision Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 14. Pounds Act 1890 Amendment Biel—(Mr. Keogh)—Second reading. 15. Dairying Companies Act 1900 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Brown)—Second reading. 16. Registration of Brands Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 17. Lied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 18. Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading. 19. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. * 20. Voters’ Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second reading. 21. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 22. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 23. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Gil Lott)— Second reading. 24. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 25. Melbourne University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 26. Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 27. Fortnightly Payment of State Servants—Resumption of debate on the question—u That all servants of the State bn paid fortnightly.” 28. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading,

THURSDAY, 12th MARCH. General Business.

Notice of Motion :—

1. Mr. Swinburne : J?o move, That there bo laid before this House a return (with reference to Paper No. 23, page 45, distributed by the Honorable the Treasurer when delivering his Budget Speech, from which it appears that at the end of,the financial year 1897—8 the amount of overdue instal­ ments on account of lands selected r was £743,014 ; and that in 1898—9 this was reduced to £709,794, the decrease being said to have been caused by payments in reduction of arrears and omission of, amounts previously ■ included in error, and of arrears now due to the Mallee Land Fund), showing— 1. (a) Amount of payments made that, year in reduction of arrears. , (6) Amounts omitted which had been previously included in error. (c) Amount of arrears due to the Mallee Land Fund. ; (d) How did the errors referred to in (5) occur, and what is their nature. 2., Specify amounts received- on account of arrears in 1899-1900, 1900-1, and 1901-2 ; also amount of outstanding arrears on expired grazing area leases deducted, and amount deducted for classification of certain lands in course of alienation prior to 1st Julv. 1899. ” 3. Of the.amounts outstanding and overdue at the end of financial year 1901-2, £402,116__ (а) How much has been collected up to date. (б) How much can be collected before 30th June next. (c)- How. much is dlie on selections which have complied with the conditions.. (<0 Give a tabulated statement showing the number of selections and the number of unpaid instalments thereon, making up the above-named amount. Order of the Day :—

2. Stolen Cattle (Recent Possession) Bill—(Mr. J. Cameron)—Second reading. ‘ ^ 197

, VU JV'KiA?A _4r,j TUESDAY:,:;17th;MARGH. y .-J.\ t I'T'JI Questions. , - ' •' ‘ I r. -i i *v- nifi[tcr»0- ! I I, 1. Mb. A. Harris : To ask the Honorable the Chief -Secretary^ ’ f.r the information of Honorable Members, any communications he may have received. 2. Mb. A. Harris : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Mines— L ^Mount'selm/wfrl17 ^ e*ploratioa of the auriferous country between Blackwall and Ms Dentr ment h« in J16Wt L g t™cI^s to aid prospectors ; if so, when will an officer of o WM? jUePartment be instructed to proceed with the examination. about iiZZthtrTiV°Tn'd^S' -ra(;k N°,: 47 fr0m its ilmction with track No. 7, starting Ei^ a d*““ °f ^ smiles, a!

WEDNESDAY, 18th MARCH. Question.

1. Mr. Kirkwood : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey— 1. If any reduction by selection within the areas of the following State timber reserves, viz., ™ WAliafd ?S9%no 16,800 wr o 5 Nerring’ 1’100 acres ! Ellesmere and Axedale, 18,000 Kimhnlt^ q S’ 2,5°° T®8 : Wellfford and Sandhurst, 3,580 acres ; Lyall, 28,000 acres ; Kimbolton 9,000 acres ; Ravenswood, 2,820 acres, has been made since July, 1888: if so to what extent (in acres). J ’ 2' 1 Botrd6 any supervision made for the protection of the timber in these forests by the Forests

3' JSfm6theaminesUng beiDg planted> or intended to be planted, with a view of future supply


THURSDAY, 2nd APRIL. General Business. Order op the Day :— 1. Office of Sun GovEjtxdn-Besumption of debate on the question-" That an humble Address of officentbd H+‘S Maiefvty the King pf y'nS that °n the expiration of the present Governor’s term of office the question of he necessity of appointment of future State Governors for Victoria be taken into consideration.”1

CONTINGENT NOTICE OF MOTIQN. Upon a Motion for going into Committee of Ways and Means— m0V6’ That) in the option of this House, it is desirable that the Museums and Art wo klvl? °P6n the pubHc on Sundays> Provided that no employ^ shall be required to work seven days per week or on any Sunday against his conscience.

THOS. G. WATSON, W. D. BEAZLEY, Cleric of the Legislative Assembly. Deputy-Speaker.

MEETINGS OF SELECT COMMITTEES. Wednesday, Wth March. Printing (Joint Sub-Committee)—at half-past two o’clock. Library (Joint)—at half-past three o’clock. Refreshment Rooms (Joint)—at seven o’clock. Thursday, 12 th March. Public Accounts—at a quarter-past four o’clock. 198

PARLIAMENTARY, PAPERS - ISSUED SINCE 5th MARCH, 1903. Minutes of the Proceedings of the Legislative Council. No. 34. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 33.' ...... ' ■"' ' -•' Registration of Births Deaths and Marriages Bill—[56], (To Members of Council only.)

Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly. Nos. 52, 53, and 54. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 54. Weekly Report of Divisions. No. 10. Land Bill—[81]. Recent Possession Bill—[82]. Iucome Tax Receipts Bill—[92]. tt . ,, ... Constitution Reform Bill.—Amendments made by the Legislative Council. How dealt with (To. Members only.) Spring Vale Necropolis Bill— New Clause to be proposed in Committee by Mr. Boyd. (To Members only.) New Clause to be proposed in Committee by Mr. Hickford. (To Members only.)

By Authority: Bout. S. Brain. Government Printer, Melbourne. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY,

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day,

No. 55.

THURSDAY, 12th MARCH, 1903. Government Business. Obders of the Day :— 1. Constitution Reform Bill—Message from the Legislative Council—To be considered. 2. Railways Commissioners Appointment Bill—Second reading. 3. University Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 4. Coroners Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 5. Lunacy Act 1890 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 6. Mildura Irrigation Trusts Act 1895 further Amendment Bill—Second reading. 7. Insolvency Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 8. Spring Vale Necropolis Bill—Second reading. 9. Railway Lands Clearing Bill—Second reading. 10. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. 11. Land Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 12. Transfer of Land Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 13. Education Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Amendment of the Legislative Council—To bo considered. 14. -Administration and Proiiate (Legal Charges) Bill—Second reading. 15. St. Arnaud Land Bill—Second reading. i 16. Health Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—Second reading. 17. Colac Public Library Site Sale Bill—Second reading. 18. Crown Lands Selection and Purchase Bill—Second reading. 19. Colac Land Reserve Revocation Bill—Second reading. 20. Ways and Mean's—To be further considered in Committee.

General Business. Notice of Motion 1. Mr. Swinburne : To move, That there be laid before this House a return (with reference to Paper No. 23, page 45, distributed by the Honorable the Treasurer when delivering his Budget Speech, from which it appears that at the end of the financial year 1897-8 the amount of overdue instal­ ments on account of lands selected was £743,014 ; and that in 1898-9 this was reduced to £709,794, the decrease being said to have been caused by payments in reduction of arrears and omission of amounts previously included in error, and of arrears now due to the Mallee Land Fund), showing— 1. (a) Amount of payments made that year in reduction of arrears. (6) Amounts omitted which had been previously included in error. (c) Amount of arrears due to the Mallee Land Fund. (d) How did the errors referred to in (6) occur, and what is their nature. 2. Specify amounts received on account of arrears in 1899-1900, 1900-1, and 1901-2; also- amount of outstanding arrears on expired grazing area leases deducted, and amount deducted for classification of certain lands in course of alienation prior to l’it"July,. 1899. 3. Of the amo’tints outstanding and overdue at the end of financial year 1901^2, ’£402,116— (a) How much has been collected up to date. '(6)' How much dan be collected before 30th June ne'xt. (c) 'How’much is'due on selections which halve'c'omplied with the conditions.- (rf) Give a tabulated, statement showing the number of selections and the number of unpaid instalments thereon, making up the above-named amount. (220'copies.) 200

Ordbbs of the Day :— 1. Stolen Cattle (Recent Possession) Bill—(Mr. J. Cameron)—Second reading. 2. Women’s Disabilities Removal Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—To be further considered in Committee. 3. Election Expenses Limitation Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—To be further considered in Committee. 4. Justices Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. .5. Public Holidays Law Amendment Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—To be further considered in Committee 6. Gold Buyers Act 1901 Repeal Bill—(Mr. Menzies)—Second reading. 7. Mortgage Limitation Bill—(Mr. Sangster)—Second reading. 8. Railway Passengers’ Actions Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 9. Government Appointments Prevention Bill—(Mr. Andrews)—Second reading, 10. Probate Duties Evasion Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 11. Benalla Public Road Revocation Bill—(Mr. Hall)—Second reading. 12. Totalizator Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 13. Law Clerks Admission Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 14. Meat Supervision Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 15. Pounds Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Keogh)—Second reading. 16. Dairying Companies Ac r 1900 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Brown)—Second reading. 17. Registration of Brands Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 18. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 19. Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading. 20. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. 21. Voters’ Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second reading. 22. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 23. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 24. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Gillott)—Second reading. 25. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 26. Melbourne University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 27. Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 28. Fortnightly Payment of State Servants—Resumption of debate on the question—“ That all servants of the State be paid fortnightly.” 29. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.

FRIDAY, 13th MARCH. Questions. ' 1. Mr. Thomson : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey if he has any objection to lay upon the table of the Library— 1. The contract, valuations, and papers in connexion with the purchase of the Farrington Estate. 2. The Annual Repoit—posted up to date—on the Closer Settlement system. 3. A statement showing the amount of stock available for the purchase of properties under the Closer Settlement system. 2. Mr. Malqney : To ask the Honorable the Attorney-General— 1. If it is a fact that Mr. G. H. Neighbour, K.C., the present Commissioner of Patents, has in/ various important matters given decisions and rulings reversing or modifying the former Patent Office practice under and the interpretation of the Patents and Trade Marks Acts and Rules, and that the influence of such decisions has been to expedite public business. 2. If it is a fact that many such decisions have never been published, and that full opportunities for knowing promptly of such decisions and rulings, and also of like important decisions of the Honorable the Attorney-General, have not been given to inventors, patentees, patent agents, solicitors entitled to practise before the Patents Office, or to the public generally (in whatever part of the State resident), to guide such persons in the proper transaction of patent and trade mark business, and in the understanding of patent and trade mark practice. 3. Will the Honorable the Attorney-General take steps to have promptly published in the Official List issued weekly by the Patents Office particulars of such rulings and decisions somewhat as is done by the United States Commissioner of Patents in the Official Gazette of his office. 3. Mr. Bromley : To ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary if he will inform the House if officers of police on ariiving at the age of 60 years have been called upon to undergo a strict medical exami­ nation in accordance with his intention expressed on the occasion of the deputation of members of the force when protesting against the extension of the retiring age to 65 years ; if not, will he state why such intention has not been carried out.

' TUESDAY, 17th MARCH. Questions. 1. Mr. A. Harris : To ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary— 1. If his attention has been called to the incompleteness of the Statistics of the Victorian Manu­ facturers, issued from the Government Statist’s Office, and to the injustice done to Victorian interests by the unfavorable comparisons in consequence as against the State of New South Wales ; if so, what action does he propose to take to remedy the unsatisfactory state of affairs* in question.' 2. Has he any objections to lay upon the table of the Library, for the information of Honorable Members, any communications he may have received. 201

2. Mb. Langdon : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey whether, as reported in the public press, the average amounts allotted to applicants under the Seed and Fodder Act at the undermentioned places has Seen as follows, viz.:— Nhill, £40 to each'applicant, Wycheproof, £37 to each applicant, Boort, £27 to each applicant ; , if so, will he state upon what basis the Boards have made their recommendations.

3. Mr. A. Harris : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Mines— ’ 1.. If he will give authority for the exploration of the auriferous country between Blackwall and Mount Selma, with a view to cutting tracks to aid prospectors ; if so, when will an officer of his Department be instructed to proceed with the examination. 2. Will he give authority for re-clearing track No. 47 from its junction with track No. 7, starting about 2^ miles from Icy Creek (Fumina) to the Tyers River, a distance of about 18 miles, as, it traverses good gold-bearing country.

WEDNESDAY, 18th MARCH. Question. 1. Mr. Kirkwood : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey— 1. If any reduction by selection within the areas of the following State timber reserves, viz., Kamarooka and Egerton, 16,$00 acres ; Nerring, 1,100 acres ; Ellesmere and Axedale, 18,000 acres ; Wellsford, 2;500 acres ; Wellsford and Sandhurst, 3,580 acres ; Lyall, 28,000 acres ; Kimbolton, 9,000 acres ; Ravenswood, 2,820 acres, has been made since July, 1888 ; if so, to what extent (in acres). 2. Is there, any supervision made for the protection of the timber in these forests by the Forests Board. , 3. Is there any young timber being planted, or intended to be planted, with a view of future supply for the mines.

THURSDAY, 2nd APRIL: ■General Business. Order of the Day:— 1. Office of State Governor—Resumption of debate on the question—“ That an humble Address be presented to His Majesty the King praying that on the expiration of the present Governor’s term of office the question of the necessity of appointment of future State Governors for Victoria be taken into consideration-”

CONTINGENT NOTICE OF MOTION. Upon a Motion for going into Committee of Ways and Means— 1. Mr. Bromley : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Museums and Art Gallery should be open to the public on Sundays, provided that no employ^ shall be required to work seven days per week or on any Sunday against his conscience.

THOS. G. WATSON, W. D. BEAZLEY, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Deputy-Speaker.

MEETING- OF SELECT COMMITTEE. Thursday, 12 th March. Public Accounts—at a quarter-past four o’clock.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 11th MARCH, 1903 Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 34. Mallee Land Account Bill—[70], (To Members of Council only.) Income Tax Receipts Bill—[92]. (To Members of Council only.) -Church of England Bill—[96]. (To Members of Council only.)

"Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 55. Health Bill—[84]. Church of England Bill—[96]. Victorian Railways Commissioners Bill—[97]. , Royal Agricultural Show Day Bill.—Amendments to Be proposed by Mr. Shoppee. (To Members only.) Report of Royal Commission appointed to investigate and report on operation of Factories and Shops Law of Victoria. No. 30.

By Authority: Robt. S. Brain, Government Printer, .Melbourne : ,!> LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day,

r' No. 56.

TUESDAY, 17th MARCH, 1903. •Questions.

1. Mr.. Thomson : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner-of Crown Lands and Survey if he has any ,, . objection to lay upon the table of the Library—■ 1. The contract, valuations, "and papers in- connexion with the purchase of the Tarrineton Estate. ■ , - -56 2. The Annual Report—posted up to date—on the Closer Settlement, system. 3. A statement showing the amount of stock available for the purchase of properties under the Closer Settlement system. - " 1 ■'

2. Mb. Maloney : To ask the Honorable the Attorney-General— ...... 1 •'* I. If it is a fact that Mr. G-. H. Neighbour, K.C., the present Commissioner of Patents, has in various important matters given decisions and rulings reversing or modifying the former Patent' Office practice under and the interpretation of the Patents and Trademarks Acts and Rules, and that the influence of such decisions has been to expedite public business. ■ . 2. If it is a fact that many such decisions have never been published, and that full opportunities for knowing promptly of such decisions and rulings, and also of like important decisions of the Honorable the Attorney-General, have not been given to inventors, patentees, patent agents, solicitors entitled to practise before the Patents Office, or to the public generally (in whatever part of the State resident), to guide such persons in the proper transaction'of patent and trade mark business, and in the understanding of patent and trade mark practice. 3. Will the Honorable the Attorney-General take steps to have promptly published in the Official List issued weekly by the Patents Office particulars of such rulings and decisions somewhat as is done by the United States Commissioner of Patents in the Official Gazette of his office.

-3. Mr. .Bromley To ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary if he will inform the House if officers of f -. ,P°lice o'1 arriving at the age of 60 years have been called upon to undergo a strict medical exami­ nation in accordance with his intention expressed on the occasion of the deputation of members of the force when protesting against the extension of the retiring age to 65 years ; if not will he state why such intention has not been carried out. ?

-4,-Mil. A. Harris : To* ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary— . 1. If his attention has been called to the incompleteness of the Statistics of the Victorian Manu­ facturers, issued from the Government Statist’s Office, and to the injustice done to Victorian , , interests by the unfavorable comparisons in consequence as against the State of New South Wales ; if so, what action does he propose to take to remedy the unsatisfactory state'of affairs in question. * ’ J 2. Has he any objections tq lay upon the table of the Library, for the information of Honorable Members, any communications he may have received.

5. Mr. Langdon : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands, and Survey whether as reported in the public press, the average amounts allotted to applicants under the Seed and Fodder Act at the undermentioned places has been as follows, viz.:_ - ' Nhillj «£40 tq each applicant, . •• Wycheproof, £37 to each applicant, • . , Boort, £27 to each applicant; ■ if so, will he state upon what basis the Boards have made their recommendations. (220 copies.) /' ,'204 1

6. Mr. A. Harris : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Mines— 1. If he will give authority for the exploration of the auriferous country between Blackwall and Mount Selma, with a view to cutting tracks to aid prospectors ; if so, when will an officer of his Department be instructed to proceed with the examination. 2. Will he give authority for re-dearmg- -track No. 47“ from its" junction with track No. 7, starting about 2g- miles from Icy Creek (Fumina) to the Tyers River, a distance of about 18 miles, as- it traverses good gold-bcai ing country. 7. Mr. Maloney . To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways— 1- If junior clerks in the Railway Department who were appointed five years ago under 'section 76’ of the Railways Act, No. 1135, are entitled‘to a minimum salary of £40 .per annum, With annual increments of £10 until they reach £70, and two further annual increments of £15, bringing their salary up to £100 per annum. 2. If he is aware that there are clerks in the Railway Department who were appointed under that Act who, after five years’ service, receive only £85 per annum ; if so, when does he intend to- pay the overdue increments and so fulfil the provisions of the Act referred to.

Government Business.

Orders of the Day :— 1. Railways Commissioners Appointment Bill—Second reading. 2. University Act 1890 Amendment Bill—^(from Council)—Second reading. 3. Coroners Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 4. Lunacy Act 1890 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 5. Milduka Irrigation Trusts Act 1895 further Amendment Bill—Second reading. 6. Insolvency Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 7. Spring Vale Necropolis Bill—Second reading. 8. Railway Lands Clearing Bill—Second reading. 9. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. 10. Land Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 11. Transfer of Land Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 12. Education Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Amendment of the Legislative Council—To be considered. 13. Administration and Prorate (Legal Charges) Bill—Second reading. 14. St. Arnaud Land Bill—Second reading. 15. Health Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—Second reading. 16. Colac Public Library Site Sale Bill—Second reading. 17. Crown Lands Selection and Purchase Bill—Second reading. 18. Colac Land Reserve Revocation Bill—Second reading." 19. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee.

General Business. Notice of Motion :— 1. Mr. Swinburne : To move, That there be laid before this House a return (with reference to Paper No. 23, page 45, distributed by the Honorable the Treasurer when delivering his Budget Speech, from which it appears that at the end of the financial year 1897-8 the amount of overdue instal­ ments on account of lands selected was £743,014 ; and that in 1898-9 this was reduced to £709,794, the decrease being said to have been caused by payments in reduction of arrears and- omission of amounts previously included in error, and of arrears how due to the Mallee Land Fund), showing— 1. (a) Amount of payments made that year in reduction of arrears. (b) Amounts omitted which had been previously included in error. (c) Amount of arrears due to the Mallee Land Fund. (d) How did the errors referred to in (6) occur, and what is their nature. 2. Specify amounts received on account of arrears in 1899-1900, 1900-1, and 1901-2 ; also- amount of outstanding arrears on expired grazing area leases deducted, and amount deducted for classification of certain lands in course of alienation prior to 1st July, 1899. 3. Of the amounts outstanding and overdue at the end of financial year 1901-2, £402,116—.' (a) How much has been collected up to date. (5) How much can be collected before 30th June next. (c) How much is due on selections which have complied with the conditions. (d) Give a tabulated statement showing the number of selections and the number of unpaid1 instalments thereon, making up the above-named amount.

Orders of the Day :— 1. Stolen Cattle (Recent Possession) Bill—(Mr. J. Cameron)—Second reading. 2. Women’s Disabilities Removal Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—To be further considered in Committee. 3. Election Expenses Limitation Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—To be further considered in Committee. 4. Justices Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 5. Public Holidays Law Amendment Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—To be further considered in Committee.-- 6. Gold Buyers Act 1901 Repeal Bill—(Mr. Menzies)—Second reading. 7. Mortgage Limitation Bill—(Mr. Sangster)—Second reading. 8. Railway Passengers’ Actions Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 9. Government Appointments Prevention Bill—(Mr. Andrews)—Second reading. 205

10. Probate Duties Evasion Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 11. Benalla Public Boad Revocation Bill—(Mr. Hall)—Second reading. 12. Totalizator Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 13. Law Clerks Admission Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 14. Meat Supervision Act 1900 Amendment-Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 15. Pounds Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Keogh)—Second reading. 16. Dairying Companies Act 1900 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Brown)—Second reading, 17. Registration of Brands Bill-—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 18. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. - 19. Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading. ' _ 20. Conciliation, and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. 21. Voters’ Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second reading. 22. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 23. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 24. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Gillott)—Second reading. 25. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 26. Melbourne University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 27. Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast.)—Second reading. 28. hoRTNiGHTLY Payment of State Servants—Resumption of debate on the question—“ That all servants of the State be paid fortnightly.” , 29. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading,


1. Mr. Kirkwood : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey— 1. If any reduction by selection within the areas of the following State timber reserves, viz., Kainarooka and Egerton, 16,800 acres ; Herring, 1,100 acres ; Ellesmere and Axedale, 18,000 acres ; Wellsford, 2,500 acres ; Wellsford and Sandhurst, 3,580 acres ; Lyall, 28,000 acres Kimbolton, 9,000 acres; Ravenswood, 2,820 acres, -has been made since July, 1888 ; if so, to what extent (in acres). . 2. Is there any supervision made for the protection of the timber in these forests by the Forests’ Board. 3. Is there any young timber being planted, or intended to be planted, with a view of future supply for the mines.

THURSDAY, 2nd APRIL. General Business. x Order of the Day;— 1. Office of State Governor—Resumption of debate on the question—“That an humble Address- be presented to His Majesty the King praying that on the expiration of the present Governor’s,term; of office the question of the necessity of appointment of future State Governors for Victoria be taken into consideration ”

CONTINGENT NOTICE OF MOTION. Upon a Motion for going into Committee of Ways and Means— 1. Mr. Bromley : To move, That, ip the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Museums and Art Gallery should be open to the public on Sundays provided that no employe shall be required to- work seven days per week or on any Sunday against his conscience.

THOS. G. WATSON, W. D. BEAZLEY, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Deputy-Speaker.

MEETING OF SELECT COMMITTEE. Wednesday, 18 ih March. Printing—at three o’clock.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 12th MARCH, 1903. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 35.

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 56.

By Authority; Rout. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne. I EOS

• giiwavi L:1c^5',-~(xonotfj]vC /J'u)—jj>[[ v.oKiAVl'f siTroU c'S'novl —('ir.H aK}—.Miff rim’ij-.oo-; *si oaotf r-j in j’f ; 'j.tnLj'.a'; buooec' — i viO—r-.T.tiii potw ■ ..TaT ',r fjtfos'st— wo-astic- ■.j'it'.iiV 77/. Jf .'gruiVoi bttor-;>8— (v/-r'» a1 £- rj;; T-.T'-.-tr^-T-r L\ VO.l; va,1 ;n'r,;v;r;:fw tv .,1E'„ (ilvn'-tj1, .■',!/.} -----rjrti '[’T.'-ri, u s:rv,y {AH',1. v>:\ ■•:; ri'"'n —(c-.vO’iO vl^}— -.i,.ziSL i vs. !,:o .7 ■>CvC. ’i v A '-■’u (I A', t j-.i .;-nir’r:3ri Jo.jI'I aVJ '— 1.7ri i- \/ "t,r-i , ; -IC ■a--— . ‘ -• .■ i » i ' s LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day,

No. 57.

WEDNESDAY, 18th MARCH, 1903. Questions. ■ <

1. Mr. Thomson : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey if he has any objection to lay upon the table of the Library— 1. The contract, valuations, and papers in connexion with the purchase of the Tarrington Estate. 4 2. The Annual Report—posted up to date—on the Closer Settlement system. 3. A statement showing the amount of stock available for the purchase of properties under the Closer Settlement system.

2. Mr. Maloney : To ask the Honorable the Attorney-General— I. If it is a fact that Mr. G. H. Neighbour, K.C., the present Commissioner of Patents, has in various important matters given decisions and rulings reversing or modifying the former Patent Office practice under and the interpretation of the Patents and Trade Marks Acts and Rules, and that the influence of such decisions has been to expedite public business. 2. If it is a fact that many such decisions have never been published, and that full opportunities for knowing promptly of such decisions and rulings, and also of like important decisions of the Honorable the Attorney-General, have not been given to inventors, patentees, patent agents, solicitors entitled to practise before the Patents Office, or to the public generally (in whatever part of the State resident), to guide such persons in the proper transaction of patent and trade mark business, and in the understanding of patent and trade mark practice. 3. Will the Honorable the Attorney-General take steps to have promptly published in the Official List issued weekly by the Patents Office particulars of such rulings and decisions somewhat as is done by the United States Commissioner of Patents in the Official Gazette of his office.

3. Mr. Bromley : To ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary if he will inform the House if officers of police on arriving at the age of 60 years have'been called upon to undergo a strict medical exami­ nation in accordance with his intention expressed on the occasion of the deputation of members of the force when protesting against the extension of the retiring age to 65 years ; if not, will he state why such intention has not been carried out.

4. Mr. A. Harris : To ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary— 1. If his attention has been called to the incompleteness of the Statistics of the Victorian Manu- , facturers, issued from the Government Statist’s Office, and to the injustice done to Victorian interests by the unfavorable comparisons in consequence ns against the State of New South Wales ; if so, what action does he propose to take to remedy the unsatisfactory state of affairs in question. 2. Has he any objections to lay upon the table of the Library, for the information of Honorable Members, any communications he may have received.

•5. Mr. Langdon : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey whether, as reported in the public press, the average amounts allotted to applicants under the Seed and Fodder Act at the undermentioned places has been as follows, viz.:— Nhill, £40 to each applicant, Wycheproof, £37 to each applicant, Boort, £27 to each applicant ; if so, will he state upon what basis the Boards have made their recommendations.

•6. Mr. A. Harris : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Mines— L If he will give autlioriiy for the exploration of the auriferous country between Blackwall and Mount Selma, with a view to cutting tracks to aid prospectors ; if so, when will an officer of / his Department be instructed to proceed with the examination. 2. Will he give authority for re-clearing track No. 47 from its junction with track No. 7, starting , tabout 2^ miles from Icy Creek (Fumina) to the Tyers River, a distance of about 18 miles, as it traverses good gold-beaiing country. ( (220 copies.) 208

7. Mr. Maloney : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways— 1. If junior clerks in the Railway Department who were appointed five years ago under section 70 of the Railways Act, No. 1135, are entitled to a minimum salary of £40 per annum, with ' annual increments of £10 until they reach £70, and two further annual increments of £15, bringing their salary up to £100 per annum. 2. If he is aware that there are clerks in the Railway Department who were appointed under that Act who, after five years’ service, receive only £85 per annum ; if so, when does he intend to pay the overdue increments and so fulfil the provisions of the Act referred to. 8. Mr. Kirkwood : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey— 1. If any reduction by selection within the areas of the following State timber reserves, viz., Kamarooka and Egerton, 16,800 acres ; Nerring, 1,100 acres ; Ellesmere and Axed ale, 18,000 acres ; Wellsford, 2,500 acres; Wellsford and Sandhurst, 3,580 acres ; Lyall, 28,000 acres ; Kimbolton, 9,000 acres ; Ravenswood, 2,820 acres, has been made since July, 1888 ; if so, to what extent (in acres). 2. Is there any supervision made for the protection of the timber in these forests by the Forests Board. 3. Is there any young timber being planted, or intended to be planted, with a view of future supply for the mines. 9. Mr. J. Harris : To ask the Honorable the Premier— 1. If it is a fact that a practice which, is contrary to the regulations in force in the Public Service- has been adopted in the Education Department with regard to the granting of leave on account of illness. 2. If it is a fact that officers with over twenty years’ service, who have found it necessary to apply,. say, for one month’s leave through sickness have been allowed only two weeks’ leave, or less, with pay, and have had to take the balance without any pay, whilst in all other Departments , ’ full pay is granted in such cases for the whole of such period, in accordance with the regula­ tions ; "if so, will he give instructions for the regulations to be observed in the Education. Department as in the other Departments. Government Business. Orders op the Day ;— , 1. ^Railways Commissioners Appointment Bill—Second reading. 2. University Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 3. Coroners Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 4. Lunacy Act 1890 Amendment Bill—Second reading. f 5. Mildura Irrigation Trusts Act 1895 further Amendment Bill—Second reading. 6. Insolvency Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 7. Spring Vale Necropolis Bill—Second reading. 8. Railway Lands Clearing Bill—Second reading. 9. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. 10. Land Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 11. Transfer of Land Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 12. Education Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Amendment of the Legislative Council—To be considered.. 13. Administration and Pro hate (Legal Charges) Bill—Second reading. 14. St. Arnaud Land Bill—Second reading. 15. Health Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—Second reading. 16. Colac Public Library Site Sale Bill—Second reading. 17. Crown Lands Selection and Purchase Bill—Second reading. , 18. Colac Land Reserve Revocation Bill—Second reading. 19. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee. General Business. Notice of Motion :— 1. Mr. Swinburne : To,move, That there be laid before this House a return (with reference to Paper No. 23, page 45, distributed by the Honorable the Treasurer when delivering his Budget Speech, from which it appears that at the end of the financial year 1897-8 the amount of overdue instal­ ments on account of lands selected was £743,014 ; and that in 1898-9 this was reduced to ' £709,794, the decrease being said to have been caused by payments in reduction of arrears and omission of amounts previously included in error, and of arrears now due to the Mai lee Land 1, Fund), showing-r- 1. (a) Amount of payments made that year in reduction of arrears. (6) Amounts omitted which had been previously included in error. (c) Amount of arrears due to the Mallee Land Fund. (d) How did the errors referred to in (6) .occur, and what is their nature. 2. Specify amounts received on account of arrears in 1899-1900, 1900-1, and 1901-2 ; also , amount of outstanding arrears on .expired grazing area leases deducted, and amount deducted for classification of certain lands in course of alienation prior to 1st July, 1899. 3. Of the amounts outstanding and overdue at the end of financial year 1901-2, £402,116— (a) How much has been collected up to date. (b) How much can be collected before 30th June next. (c) Ho>v much is due on selections which have complied with the conditions. (d) Give a tabulated statement showing the number of selections and the number of unpaid# instalments thereon, making up the above-named amount. 209

Orders of the Day :— 1. Stolen Cattle (Recent Possession) Bill—(Mr. J. Cameron)—Second reading. 2. Women’s Disabilities Removal Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—To be further considered in Committee. 3. Election Expenses Limitation Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—To be further considered in Committee. 4. Justices Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 5. Public Holidays Law Amendment Bill—(Mr. Slioppee)—To be further considered in Committee, 6. Gold Buyers Act 1901 Repeal Bill—(Mr. Menzies)—Second reading. 7. Mortgage Limitation Bill—(Mr. Sangster)—Second reading. 8. Railway Passengers’ Actions Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 9. Government Appointments Prevention Bill—(Mr. Andrews)—Second reading, 10. Probate Duties Evasion Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 11. Benalla Public Road Revocation Bill—(Mr. Hall)—Second reading. 12. Totalizator Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 13. Law Clerks Admission Bill—(Mr. .Bailcs)—Second rending. 14. Meat Supervision Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 15. Pounds Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Keogh)—Second reading. 16. Dairying Companies Act 1900 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Brown)—Second reading. 17. Registration of Brands Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 18. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 19. Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading. 20. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. 21. Voters’ Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second reading. 22. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 23. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 24. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Gillott)—Second reading. 25. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 26. Melbourne University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 27. Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 28. Fortnightly Payment of State Servants—Resumption of debate on the question—“ That all servants of the State be paid fortnightly.” 29. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.

THURSDAY, 2nd APRIL. General Business. Order of the Day :— 1. Oifice of State Governor—Resumption of debate on the question—“ That an humble Address be presented to His Majesty the King praying that on the expiration of the present Governor’s term of office the question of the necessity of appointment of future State Governors for Victoria be taken into consideration ”

CONTINGENT NOTICE OF MOTION. Upon a Motion for going into Committee of Ways and Means— 1. Mr. Bromley : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Museums and Art- Gallery should be open to the public on Sundays, provided that no employ^ shall be required to work seven days per week or on any Sunday against his conscience.

THOS. G. WATSON, W. D. BEAZLEY, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Deputy-Speaker, MEETINGS OF SELECT COMMITTEES. Wednesday, 18 th March. Library (Joint)—at half-past three o’clock. Thursday, 19th March. Printing—at half-past two o’clock. Parliament Buildings (Joint)—at half-past three o’clock.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED SINCE 12th MARCH, 1903. Minutes of the Proceedings of the Legislative Council. Nos. 35, 36, and 37. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 36.

Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly. Nos. 55, 56, and 57. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 57. Weekly Report of Divisions. No. 11. St. Arnaud Land Bill—[71]. Colac Library Bill—[72]. Colac Market Land Bill—[73].

By Authority: Bolt. S, Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne.


Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day,

No. 58.

THURSDAY, 19th MARCH, 1903. Government Business. Orders of the Dat :— 1. Railways Commissioners Appointment Bill—Second reading. 2. University Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 3. Coroners Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 4. Lunacy Act 1890 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 5. Mildura Irrigation Trusts Act 1895 further Amendment Bill—Second reading. 6. Insolvency Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 7. Spring Vale Necropolis Bill—Second reading. 8. Railway Lands Clearing Bill—Second reading. 9. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. 10. Land Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 11. Transfer of Land Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 12. Education Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Amendment of tho Legislative Council—To be considered. 13. Administration and Prorate (Legal Charges) Bill—Second reading. 14. St. Arnaud Land Bill—Second reading. 15. Health Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—Second reading. 16. Colac Public Library Site Sale Bill—Second reading. 17. Crown Lands Selection and Purchase Bill—Second reading. 18. Colac Land Reserve Revocation Bill—Second reading. 19. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee. General Business. Notice of Motion :— 1. Mr. Swinburne : To move, That there ho laid before this House a return (with reference to Paper No. 23, page 45, distributed by the Honorable the Treasurer when delivering his Budget Speech, from which it appears that at the end of the financial year 1897-8 the amount of overdue instal­ ments on account of lands selected was £743,014 ; and that in 1898-9 this was reduced to £709,794, the decrease being said to have been caused by payments in reduction of arrears and omission of amounts previously included in error, and of arrears now due to the Mallec Land Fund), showing— 1. (a) Amount of payments made that year in reduction of arrears. (6) Amounts omitted which had been previously included in error. (c) Amount of arrears due to tho Mallee Land Fund. (d) How did the errors referred to in (6) occur, and what is their nature. 2. Specify amounts received on account of arrears in 1899-1900, 1900-1, and 1901-2 ; also amount of outstanding arrears on expired grazing area leases deducted, and amount , deducted for classification of certain lands in course of alienation prior to 1st July, 1899. 3., Of the amounts outstanding and overdue at the end of financial year 1901-2, £402,116— (а) How much has been collected up to date. (б) How much can be collected before 30th June next. (c) How much is due on selections which have complied with the conditions. (d) Give a tabulated statement showing the number of selections and the number of unpaid instalments thereon, making up the above-named amount.

Orders of the Day :— 1. Stolen Cattle (Recent Possession) Bill—(Mr. J. Cameron)—Second reading. 2. Women’s Disabilities Removal Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—To be further considered in Committee. 3. Election Expenses Limitation Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—To be further considered in Committee. 4. Justices Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 5. Public Holidays Law Amendment Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—To be further considered in Committee, 6. Gold Buyers Act 1901 Repeal Bill—(Mr. Menzies)—Second reading. 7. Mortgage Limitation Bill—(Mr. Sangster)—Second reading. 8. Railway Passengers’ Actions Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 9. Government Appointments Prevention Bill—(Mr. Andrews)—Second reading. (220 copies.) 212

10. Probate Duties Evasion Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 11. Benalla Public Boad Revocation Bill—(Mr. Hall)—Second reading. 12. Totalizator Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 13. Law Clerks Admission,Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 14. Meat Supervision Act^ 1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 15. Pounds Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Keogh)—Second reading. 16. Dairying Companies Act 1900 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Brown)—Second reading. 17. Registration of Brands Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 18. Tied Houses Abolition, Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. ' • 19: Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading. - - 20. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. 21. Voters’ Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second reading. 22. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 23. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 24. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Gillott)—Second reading. 25. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 26. Melbourne University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 27. Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 28. Fortnightly Payment of State Servants—Resumption of debate on the question—“ That all servants of the State be paid fortnightly.” 29. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading,

FRIDAY, 20th MARCH. Questions. 1. Mr. Thomson : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey if he has any" objection to lay upon the table of the Library— 1. The contract, valuations, and papers in connexion with the purchase of the Tarrington ■ Estate. 2. The Annual Report—posted up to date—on the Closer Settlement system. 3. A statement showing the amount of stock available for the purchase of properties under the Closer Settlement system.

2. Mr. Maloney : To ask the Honorable the Attorney-General— 1. If it is a fact that Mr. G. H. Neighbour, K.C., the present Commissioner of Patents, has in< various important matters given decisions and rulings reversing or modifying the former Patent Office practice under and the interpretation of the Patentsand Trade Marks Acts and Rules, and- that the influence of such decisions has been to expedite public business. 2. If it is a fact that many such decisions have never been published, and that full opportunities for knowing promptly of such decisions and rulings, and also of like important decisions of the- Honorable the Attorney-General, have not been given to inventors, patentees, patent agents^ solicitors entitled to practise before the Patents Office, or to the public generally (in whatever part of the State resident), to guide such persons in the proper transaction of patent and trade mark business, and in the understanding of patent and trade mark practice. - , 3. Will the Honorable the Attorney-General take steps to have promptly,published in the OffieiaT List issued weekly by the Patents Office particulars of such rulings and decisions somewhat as is done by the United States Commissioner of Patents in the Official Gazette of his office.

3. Mr. Bromley : To ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary if he will inform the House if officers of" • police on arriving at the age of 60 years have been called upon to undergo a strict medical exami­ nation in accordance with his intention expressed on the occasion of the deputation of members of , the force when protesting against the extension of the retiring age to 65 years ; if not, will he- state why such intention has not been carried out.

4. Mr. A. Harris : To ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary— 1. If his attention has been called to the incompleteness of the Statistics of the Victorian Manu­ facturers, issued from the Government Statist’s Office, and to the injustice done to Victorian interests by the unfavorable comparisons in consequence as against the State of New South ■ Wales ; if so, what action does he propose to take to remedy the unsatisfactory state of affair s- in question. i 2. Has he any objections to lay upon the table of the Library, for the information of Honorable- Members, any communications he may have received.

5. Mr. Langdon : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey whether, as • reported in the public press, the average amounts allotted to applicants under the Seed and Fodder Act at the undermentioned places has been as follows, viz.:— Nhill, £40 to each applicant, Wycheproof, £37 to each applicant, Boort, £27 to each applicant ; if so, will he state upon what basis the Boards have made their recommendations.

6. Mr. A. Harris : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Mines— ' ■ . 1. If he will give authority for the exploration of the auriferous country between Blackwall and: Mount Selma, with a view to cutting tracks to aid prospectors ; if so, when will an officer of his Department be instructed to proceed with the examination. 2. Will he give authority for re-clearing track No. 47 from its junction with track No. 7, starting about 2)t miles from Icy Creek (Fumina) to the Tyers River, a distance of about 18 miles, as- it traverses good gold-bea:ing country.

/ 213 i

7. Mr. Maloney : To ask the Honorable the Minister of I? ail ways— 1. If junior clerks in the Railway Department who were appointed five years ago under section 70 of the Railways Act, No. 1135, are entitled to a minimum salary of £40 per annum, with annual increments of £10 until they reach £70, and two further annual, increments of £15, bringing their salary up to £100 per.annum. 2. If he is aware that there are clerks in the Railway Department who were appointed under that Act w ho, after five years’ service, receive only £85 per annum ; if so, when does he intend to ' pay the overdue increments and so fulfil the provisions of the Act referred to. 8. Mr. Kirkwood : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey— 1. If any reduction by selection ivithin the areas of, the following State timber reseives, viz., Kamarooka and Egerton, 16,800 acres ; Nerring, 1,100 acres ; Ellesmere and Axedale, 18,000 acres; Wellsford, 2,500 acres ; Wellsford and Sandhurst, 3,580 acres ; Lyall, 28,000 acres ; Kimbolton, 9,000 acres ; Ravenswood, 2,820 acres, has bceu made since July, 1888 ; if so, to what extent (in acres). 2. Is there any supervision made for the protection of the timber in these forests by the Forests . . Board. 3. Is there,any young timber being planted, or intended to be planted, with a view of future supply for the mines. J

9. Mr. J. Harris : To ask the Honorable the Premier— 1. If it is a fact that a practice which is contrary to the regulations in force in the Public Service has been adopted in the Education Department with regard to the granting of leave on account of illness. 2. If it is a fact that officers with over twenty years’ service, who have found it necessary to apply, say, for one month’s leave through sickness have been allowed only two weeks’ leave, or less, with pay, and have had to take the balance without any pay, whilst in all other Departments full pay is granted in such cases for the whole of such period, in accordance with the regula­ tions ; if so, will he give instructions for the regulations to be observed in the Education Department as in the other Departments.

TUESDAY, 24th MARCH. Questions. 1. Mr. Graham : To ask the Honorable the Treasurer if he will take steps to have the time within which farmers, orchardists, vignerons, and dairymen have to send in their Income Tax schedules- extended from the 31st March until the end of next month, so as to give them time to prepare their schedules.

2. Mr. Anstey : To ask the Honorable the Treasurer if any of the loans floated by the State of Victoria have included provision for a sinking fund ; if so, will "he state— (a) The amount of loan. (b) The date of flotation. (c) The amount to be provided as a sinking fund.

THURSDAY, 2nd APRIL. General Business. Order of the Day ;— 1. Office of State Governor—Resumption of debate on the question—“ That an humble Address- be presented to His Majesty the King praying that on the expiration of the present Governor’s term of office the question of the necessity of appointment of future State Governors for Victoria be taken into consideration ”

CONTINGENT NOTICE OF MOTION. Upon a Motion for going into Committee of Ways and Means— 1. Mr. Bromley : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Museums and Art Gallery should be open to the public on Sundays, provided that no employ^ shall be required to work seven days per week or on any Sunday against his conscience.

THOS. G. WATSON, W. D. BEAZLEY, Cierk of the Legislative Assembly. Deputy-Speaker. MEETINGS OF SELECT COMMITTEES. Thursday, 19Z& March. Printing—at half-past two o’clock. Parliament Buildings (Joint)—at half-past three o’clock.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 18th MARCH, 1903. Minutes of the Proceedings of the Legislative Council. No. 38. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 37.

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Dnv. No. 58. Crown Lands Selection and Purchase Bill.—New Clause to he proposed by Mr. Livingston. (To Members

By Authority: Robt. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne.


Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 59.

TUESDAY, 24th MARCH, 1903. Questions. 1. Mr. Thomson : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey if ho has any objection to lay upon the table of the Library— J 1. The contract, valuations, and papers in connexion with the purchase of the Tamilctom Estate. , ° 2. The Annual Report—posted up to date—on the Closer Settlement system. 3. A statement showing the amount of stock’ available for the purchase of properties under the Closer Settlement system. 2. Mb. Maloney : To ask the Honorable the Attorney-General— 1. If it is a fact that Mr. G. H. Neighbour, K.C., the present Commissioner of Patents, has in various important matters given decisions and rulings reversing or modifying the former Patent Office practice under and the interpretation of the Patents and Trade Marks Acts and Rules, and that the influence of such decisions has been to expedite public business! 2. If it is a fact that many such decisions have never been published, and that full opportunities for ■ knowing promptly of such decisions and rulings, and also of like important decisions of the- Honorable the Attorney-General, have not been given to inventors, patentees, patent agents solicitors entitled to practise before the Patents Office, or to the public generally (in whatever part of the State resident), to guide such persons in the proper transaction of patent aud trade mark business, and in the understanding of patent and trade mark practice. 3. Will the Honorable the Attorney-General take steps to have promptly published in the Official List issued weekly by the Patents Office particulars of such rulings and decisions somewhat as is .done by the United States Commissioner of Patents in the Official Gazette of his office. 3. Mr. Bromley To ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary if. he will inform the House if officers of . police on arriving at the age of 60 years have been called upon to undergo a strict medical exami­ nation in accordance with his intention expressed on the occasion of the deputation of members of the force when protesting against the extension of the retiring age to 65 years ; if not will he state why such intention has not been carried out. ? 4, Mr. A. Harris : To ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary— 1. If his attention has been called to the incompleteness of the Statistics of the Victorian Manu­ facturers, issued from the Government Statist’s Office, and to the injustice done -to, Victorian interests by the unfavorable comparisons in consequence as against the State of New South Wales ; if so, what action does he propose to take to remedy the unsatisfactory state of affairs m question. . J 2. Has he any objections to lay upon the table of the Library, for the information of Honorable Members, any communications he may have received. 5. Mr. Langdon : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey whether' as reported in the public press, the average amounts allotted to applicants under the Seed and Fodder Act at the undermentioned places has been as follows, viz.:_ Nhill, £40 to each applicant, Wycheproof, £37, to each applicant, Boort, £27 to each applicant; if so, will he state upon what basis the Boards have made their recommendations. : Mr. A. Harris : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Mines— ' 1. Will^ivc autJlorily f01' *1510 * exploration* * * of the auriferous country between Blackwall and Mount Selma, with a view lo cutting trucks to aid piospectois ; if so, when will an officer of Ins Department be instructed to pioceod with the examination. 2. Wd! he give authority for re-clearing track No. 47 from its junction with track No. 7, starting about 25 miles from Icy Creek (Fumina) to the Tyers River, a distance of about 18 miles, a! it traverses good gold-bcai ing country. (220 copies.) ' 216

7. Mr. Maloney : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways— 1. If junior clerks in the Railway Department who were appointed five years ago under section 70 of the Railways Act, No. 1135, are entitled to a minimum salary of £40 per annum, with annual increments of £10 until they reach £70, and two further annual increments of £15, bringing their salary up to £100 per annum. 2. If he is aware that there are clerks in the Railway Department who were appointed under that Act who, after five years’ service, receive only £85 per annum ; if so, when does he intend to pay the overdue increments and so fulfil the provisions of the Act referred to.

8. Mr. Kirkwood : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands ami Survey— 1. If any reduction by selection within the areas of the following State timber reseives, viz., Kamarooka and Egerton, 16,800 acres ; Nerring, 1,100 acres ; Ellesmere and Axedale, 18,000 acres ; Wellsford, 2,500 acres ; Wellsford and Sandhurst, 3,580 acres ; Lyall, 28,000 acres ; Kimbolton, 9,000 acres; Ravens wood, 2,820 acres, has been made since July, 1888 ; if so, to what extent (in acres). 2. Is there any supervision made for the piotection of the timber in these forests by the Forests Board. 3. Is there any young timber being planted, or intended to he planted, with a view of future supply for the mines.

9. Mr. J. Karris : To ask the Honorable the Premier— 1. If it is a fact that a practice which is contrary to the regulations in force in the Public Service has been adopted in the Education Department with regard to the granting of leave on account of illness. 2. If it is a fact that officers with over twenty years’ service, who have found it necessary to apply, say, for one month’s leave through sickness have been allowed only two weeks’ leave, or less, with pay, and have had to take the balance without any pay, whilst in all other Departments full pay is granted in such cases for tlm whole of such period, in accordance with the regula­ tions ; if so, will he give instructions for the regulations to he observed in the Education Department as in the other Departments.

10. Mr. Graham : To ask the Honorable the Treasurer if he will take steps to have the time wjthin which farmers, orchnrdists, vigneron®, and dairymen have to send in their Income Tax schedules extended from the 31st March until the end of next month, so as to give them time to prepare their schedules. 11. Mr. Billson : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if he will, at an early date, remit to the Railways Standing Committee the question of the direct railway line, via Fitzroy, to the Northern Suburbs, in compliance with,a promise he gave to a recent deputation on the question.

12. Mr. Anstey : To ask the Honorable the Treasurer if any of the loans floated by the State of Victoria have included provision for a sinking fund ; if so, will he state— (а) The amount of loan. (б) The date of flotation. (c) The amount to be provided as a sinking fund.

13. Mr. Bii-lson : To ask the Honorable the Premier if, in view of the decision given by the Supreme Court and the Full Court in the cases of Milleru. The King, and Bond v. The King, on Section 19 of the Public Service Act No. 1721, the Government will accept the verdict and make provision for the payment of salary due from 27th December, 1900, to 28th Fcbruaiy, 1901, to the officers affected.

14. Mr. Ramsay : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Public Works if, in view of the urgent necessity for a new' graving dock of sufficient, capacity to accommodate any vessel trading to'the port of Victoua, he will remit the question of constiuctiug such a dock to the Railways Standing Committee for inquiry and report.

•Government Business. Orders of the Day :— 1. Railways Commissioners Appointment Bill—Second reading. 2. University Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 3. Coroners Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. ' 4. Lunacy Act 1890 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 5. Milduha Irrigation Trusts Act 1895 further Amendment Bill—Second.reading. 6. Insolvency Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 7. Spring Vale Necropolis Bill—Second reading. 8. Railway Lands Clearing ‘Bill—Second leading. 9. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. 10. Land Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 11. Transfer of Land Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 12. Education Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Amendment of the Legislative Council—To be considered. ’ 13. Administration and Prorate (Legal Charges) Bill—Second reading. 14. St. Arnaud Land Bill—Second reading. 15. Health Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—Second reading. 16. Colac Public Library Site Sale Bill—Second reading. ’ t 17. Crown Lands Selection and Purchase ‘Bill—Second reading. 1 / 18. Colac Land Reserve Revocation Bill—Second reading.' ' ■ 1 1 19. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee. 217

•General Butiness. Orders op the Day :— 1. Stolen Cattle (Recent Possession) Bill—(Mr. J. Cameron),—Second reading. 2. Women’s Disabilities Removal Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—To be further considered in.Committee. 3. Election Expenses Limitation Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—To be further considered in Committee. 4. Justices Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor):—Second reading. 5. Public Holidays Law Amendment Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—To be further considered in Committee. 6. Gold Buyers Act 1901 Repeal Bill—(Mr. Menzies)—Second reading. 7. Mortgage Limitation Bill—(Mr. Sangster)—Second reading. 8. Railway Passengers’ Actions Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 9. Government Appointments Prevention Bill—(Mr. Andrews)—Second reading. 10. Probate Duties Evasion Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 11. Benalla Public Road Revocation Bill—(Mr. Hall)—Second reading. 12. Totalizator Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 13. Law Clerks Admission Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 14. Meat Supervision Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 15. Pounds Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Keogh)—Second reading. 16. Dairying Companies Act 1900 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Brown)—Second reading. 17. Registration of Brands Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 18. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 19. Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading. 20. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwitli)—Second reading. 21. Voters’ Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second reading. 22. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 23. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 24. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Gillott)—Second reading. 25. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 26. Melbourne University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 27. Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 28. Fortnightly Payment of State Servants—Resumption of debate on the question—“ That all servants of the State be paid fortnightly.” 29. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 1

THURSDAY, 2nd APRIL. General Business. Order of the Day :— . 1. Office of State Governor—Resumption of debate on the question—“ That an humble Address be presented to His Majesty the King praying that on the expiration of the present Governor’s term of office the question of the necessity of appointment of future State Governors for Victoria be taken into consideration ”

CONTINGENT NOTICE OF MOTION. " Upon a Motion for going into Committee of Ways and Means— 1. Mr. Bromley : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Museums and Art Gallery should be open to the public on Sundays, provided" that no employe shall be required to work seven days per week or on any Sunday against his conscience. THOS. G. WATSON, W. D. BEAZLEY, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Deputy-Speaker. .

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 19th MARCH, 1903. Minutes of the Proceedings of the Legislative Council. No. 39. ■ • Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 38.

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 59. Report from the Committee of Public Accounts. "D.—No. 2.

By Autho.ity: Itori. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne.


Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day,

No. 60.

WEDNESDAY, 25th MARCH, 1903. Questions. 1. Mr. Thomson : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey if he has any objection to lay upon the table of the Library— 1. The contract, valuations, and papers in connexion with the purchase of the Tarrington Estate. 2. The Annual Report—posted up to date—on the Closer Settlement system. 3. A statement showing the amount of stock available for the purchase of properties under the Closer Settlement system. 2. Mr. Maloney : To ask the Honorable the Attorney-General— I. If it is a fact that Mr. G. H. Neighbour, K.C., the present Commissioner of Patents, has in various important matters given decisions and rulings reversing or modifying the former Patent Office practice under and the interpretation of the Patents and Trade Marks Acts and Rules, and that the influence of such decisions has been to expedite public business. 2. If it is a fact that many such decisions have never been published, and that full opportunities for knowing promptly of such decisions and rulings, and also of like important decisions of the Honorable the Attorney-General, have not been given to inventors, patentees, patent agents, solicitors entitled to practise before the Patents Office, or to the public generally (in whatever part of the State resident), to guide such persons in the proper transaction of patent aud trade mark business, and in the understanding of patent and trade mark practice. 3. Will the Honorable the Attorney-General take steps to have promptly published in the Official List issued weekly by the Patents Office particulars of such rulings and decisions somewhat as is done by the United States Commissioner of Patents in the Ojjicial Gazette of his office. 3. Mr. Bromley : To ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary if he will inform the House if officers of police on arriving at the age of 60 years have been called upon to undergo a strict medical exami­ nation in accordance with his intention expressed on the occasion of the deputation of members of the force when protesting against the extension of the retiring age to 65 years ; if not, will he state why such intention has not been carried out. 4. Mr. A. Harris : To ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary— 1. If his attention has been called to the incompleteness of the Statistics of the Victorian Manu­ facturers, issued from the Government Statist's Office, and to the injustice done to Victorian interests by the unfavorable comparisons in consequence as against the State of New South Wales ; if so, what action does he propose to take to remedy the unsatisfactory state of affairs in question. 2. Has he any objections to lay upon the table of the Library, for the information of Honorable Members, any communications he may have received. 5. Mr. Langdon : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey whether, as reported in the public press, the average amounts allotted to applicants under the Seed and Fodder Act at the undermentioned places has been as follows, viz.:— Nhill, £40 to each applicant, Wycheproof, £37 to each applicant, Boort, £27 to each applicant ; if so, will he state upon what basis the Boards have made their recommendations. 6. Mr. A. Harris : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Mines— 1. If he will give authority for the exploration of the auriferous country between Blackwall and Mount Selma, with a view to cutting tracks to aid prospectors ; if so, when will an officer of his Department be instructed to proceed with the examination. 2. Will he give authority for re-clearing track No. 47 from its junction with track No. 7, starting about 2-^-miles from Icy Creek (Fumina) to the Tyers River, a distance of about 18 miles, as it traverses good gold-bearing country. 7. Mr. Maloney : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways— 1. If junior clerks in the Railway Department who were appointed five years ago under section 70 of the Railways Act, No. 1135, are entitled to a minimum salary of £40 per annum, with annual increments of £10 until they reach £70, and two further annual increments of £15, bringing their salary up to £100 per annum. 2. If he is aware that there are clerks in the Railway Department v ho were appointed under that Act who, after five years’ service, receive only £85 per annum ; if so, when docs lie intend to pay the overdue increments and so fulfil the provisions of the Act referred to. (220 copies.) \f ^ l; |T | y t-fi i. '220' T f 2 < $ ■U. LA jL* a b. Li <_ A .•(„uk 'nx ■■ « /■ j, ! _

8. Mr. Kirkwood : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey— 1. If any reduction by selection xvitHin"the' areas of the following State timber reserves, viz., Kamarooka and Egerton, 16,800 acres ; Herring, 1,100 acres ; Ellesmere and Axedale, 18,000 ^ —r acres ;. Wellsford, 2,500 acres Wellsford and Sandhurst, 3,580 acres ; Lyall, 28,000 acres ; •fl'yk 1 Kimbqlton, 9;000 jicres ; ,Rayenswood,'»2'820, acres,dias'jbeen'made qirice J.uly,-1888 ; if -so, to what extent (in acres). 2. Is there any supervision made for the protection of the timber in these forests by the Forests Board. »' ■ 3. Is there any young timber being planted, or intended to be planted, with a view of future supply for the mines. 9. Mr. J. Harris : To ask the Honorable the Premier— 1. If it is a fact that a practice which is contrary to the regulations in force in the Public Service has been adopted in the Education Department with regard to the granting of leave on account of illness. 2. If it is a fact that officers with over twenty years’ service, who have found it necessary to apply, •say, for one month’s leave through sickness have been allowed only two wecks’-leave, or less, with pay, and have had to take the balance without any pay, whilst in all other Departments full pay is granted in such cases for the whole of such period, in accordance with the regula­ tions ; if so, will he give instructions for the regulations to be observed in the Education Department as in the other Departments. 10. Mr. Graham : To ask the Honorable the Treasurer if he will take steps to have the time within which farmers, orchardists, vigneron=, and dairymen have to send in their Income Tax schedules extended from the 31st March until the end of next month, so as to give them time to prepare their schedules. 11. Mr. Billson : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if he will, at an early date, remit to the Railways .Standing Committee the question of the direct railway line, via Fitzroy, to the Northern Suburbs, in compliance with a promise he gave to a recent deputation on the question.

12. Mr. Anstey : To ask the Honorable the Treasurer if any of the loans floated by the State of Victoria have included provision for a sinking fund ; if so, will'he state— (a) The amount of loan. (b) Tho date of flotation. (c) The amount to be provided as a sinking fund. 13. Mr. Billson : To ask the Honorable the Premier if, in view of the decision given by the Supreme Court and the Full Court in the cases of Miller v. The King, and Bond v. The King, on Section 19 of the Public Service Act No. 1721, the Government will accept the verdict and make provision for the payment of salary due from 27th December, 1900, to 28th February, 1901, to the officers affected. 14. Mr. Ramsay : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Public Works if, iu view of the urgent necessity for a new graving dock of sufficient capacity to accommodate any vessel trading to the port of Victoria, he will remit the question of constructing such a dock to the Railways Standing ' Committee for inquiry and report. 15. Mr. Prendergast : To ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary if he has any objection to lay upon the table of the Library all the papers iu reference to the recent prosecution of a woollen mill employer in Geelong.

16. Mr. Tucker: To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways— 1. If it is a fact that engineers, boilermakers, and others who have been engaged full-time in the construction of new locomotives at the Newport Workshops have, during the time of such employment, put in their accounts for wages as half-time at new work, and half-time at repairs. 2. Is such workmen’s labour paid for or valued at a lower rate for repairing than at new work ; if so, what is the difference per cent.

Government Business. Orders of the Day :— 1. Railways Commissioners Appointment Bill—Second reading. 2. University Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 3. Coroners Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 4. Lunacy Act 1890 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 5. Mildura Irrigation Trusts Act 1895 further Amendment Bill—Second reading. 6. Insolvency Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 7. Spring Vale Necropolis Bill—Second reading. 8. Railway Lands Clearing Bill—Second reading. 9. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. 10. Land Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 11. Transfer of Land Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 12. Education Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Amendment of tho Legislative Council—To be considered. 13. Administration and Prorate (Legal Charges) Bill—Second reading. 14. St. Arnaud Land BiLL-^Second reading. 15. Health Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—Second reading. 16. Coi.ac Public Library Site Sale Bill—Second reading. 17. Crown Lands Selection and Purchase Bill—Second reading. 18. Colac Land Reserve Revocation Bill—Second reading. 19. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee. 221

General Business. Orders of the Day s—' • 1. Stolen Cattle (Recent Possession) Bill—(Mr. J. Cameron)—Second reading. 2. Women’s Disabilities Removal Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—To be further considered in Committee. 3. Election Expenses Limitation Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—To be further considered in Committee. 4. Justices Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. McG-regor)—Second reading. 5. Public Holidays Law Amendment Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—To be further considered in Committee. 6. Gold Buyers Act 1901 Repeal Bill—(Mr. Menzies)—Second reading. 7. Mortgage Limitation Bill—(Mr. Sangster)—Second reading. 8. Railway Passengers’ Actions Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 9. Government Appointments Prevention Bill—(Mr. Andrews)—Second reading. 10. Probate Duties Evasion Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 11. Benalla Public Road Revocation Bill—(Mr. Hall)—Second reading. 12. Totalizator Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 13. Law Clerks Admission Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 14. Meat Supervision Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 15. Pounds Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Keogh)—Second reading. 16. Dairying Companies Act 1900 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Brown)—Second reading. 17. Registration of Brands Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 18. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 19. Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading. 20. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwitli)—Second reading. 21. Voters’ Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second reading. 22. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 23. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 24. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Gillott)—Second reading. 25. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 26. Melbourne University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 27. Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 28. Fortnightly Payment of State Servants—Resumption of debate on the question—“ That all \ servants of the State be paid fortnightly.” 29. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.

THURSDAY, 2nd APRIL. General Business. Order of the Day:— 1. Office of State Governor—Resumption of debate on the question—“ That an humble Address be presented to His Majesty the King praying that on the expiration of the present Governor’s term, of office the question of the necessity of appointment of future State Governors for Victoria ba taken into consideration ”

CONTINGENT NOTICE OF MOTION. Upon a Motion for going into Committee of Ways and Means— 1. Mr. Bromley : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Museums and Art Gallery should be open to the public on Sundays, provided that no employ^ shall be required to work seven days per week or on any Sunday against his conscience.

THOS. G. WATSON, W. D. BEAZLET, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Deputy-Speaker.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED SINCE 19th MARCH, 1903. Minutes of the Proceedings of the Legislative Council. No. 40. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 39. Trustee Companies Bill—[76]. (To Members of Council only.) Trustee Companies Bill.—Amendment to be proposed by the Hon. J. Bell. (To Members of Council only.).

Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly. Nos. 58, 59, and 60. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 60. Joint Report from Printing Committees of Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly. D.__No. 3.

By Authority: Rout. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne.


Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 61.

' THURSDAY, 26th MARCH, 1903. Government Business. Orders of the Day :— 1. Ways and Means—To be further considered in Committee: 2. Railways Commissioners Appointment Bill—Second reading. 3. University Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 4. Coroners Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second readin". 5. Lunacy Act 1890 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 6. Mildura Irrigation Trusts Act 1895 further Amendment Bill—Second reading. 7. Insolvency Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 1 ° 8. Spring Vale Necropolis Bill—Second reading. 9. Railway Lands Clearing Bill—Second reading. .10. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. . 1 11. Land Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 12. Transfer of Land Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. , 13. Education Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Amendment of the Legislative Council—To be considered. 14. Administration and Probate (Legal Chauges) Bill—Second reading. 15. St. Arnaud Land Bill—Second reading. 16. Health Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—Second reading. 17. Colac Public Library Site Sale Bill—Second reading. 18. Crown Lands Selection and Purchase Bill—Second reading. 19. Colac Land Reserve Revocation Bill—Second reading.

General Business. Orders of the Day :— 1. Stolen Cattle (Recent Possession) Bill—(Mr. J. Cameron)—Second reading 2. Women’s Disabilities Removal Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—To be further considered in Committee. 3. Election Expenses Limitation Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—To be further considered in Committee.- , 4. Justices Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. o. Public Holidays Law Amendment Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—To be furthei considered in Committee, 6. Gold Buyers Act 1901 Repeal Bill—(Mr. Menzies)—Second reading. 7. Mortgage Limitation Bill—(Mr. Sangster)—Second reading. 8. Railway Passengers’ Actions Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 9. - Government Appointments Prevention Bill—(Mr. Andrews)—Second reading. 10. Probate Duties Evasion Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 11. Benalla Public Road Revocation Bill—(Mr. Hall)—Second reading. 12. Totalizator Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 13. Law Clerks Admission Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 14. Meat supervision Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 15. Pounds Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Keogh)—Second reading. ' 16. Dairying Companies Act 1900 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Brown)—Second reading. 17. Registration of Brands Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. °" 18. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 19. Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading. 20. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwitli)—Second reading. 21. Voters’ Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second reading. 22. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Sec-nd reading. 23. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 24. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures. Bill—(Sir Samuel Gillott)—Second reading .25. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Wi^A- Hamilton)—Second reading. | ° 26. Melbourne University (Abolition of 'Fkbs)"i’Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second”reading. I 27. Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 28. Fortnightly Payment of State Servants—Resumption of debate on the question—“ That all sen ants of the State be paid fortnightly.” 29. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. (220 copies.) 224

FRIDAY, 27th MARCH. Questions. 1. Mr. Thomso^ : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey if ho has any objection t

2. Mr.' Maloney : To ask the Honorable the Attorney-General— 1. If it is a fact that Mr. G. H. Neighbour, K.C., the present Commissioner of Patents, has in various important matters given decisions and rulings reversing or modifying the former Patent Office practice under and the interpretation of the Patents and Trade Marks Acts and Rules, and that the influence of such decisions has been to expedite public business. 2. If it is a fact that many such decisions have never been published, and that full opportunities for knowing promptly of such decisions and rulings, and also of like important decisions of the Honorable the Attorney-General, have not been given to inventors, patentees, patent agents, solicitors entitled to practise before the Patents Office, or to the public generally (in whatever part of the State resident), to guide such persons in the proper transaction of patent and trade mark business, and in the understanding of patent and trade mark practice. 3. Will the Honorable the Attorney-General take steps to have promptly published in the Official List issued weekly by the Patents Office particulars of such rulings and decisions somewhat as is done by the United States Commissioner of Patents in the Official Gazette of his office.

3. Mr. Bromley : To ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary if he will inform the House if officers of police on arriving at the age of 60 years have been called upon to undergo a strict medical exami­ nation in accordance with his intention expressed on the occasion of the deputation of members of the force when protesting against the extension of the retiring age to 65 years ; if not, will he state why such intention has not been carried out.

4. Mr. A. Harris : To ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary— 1. If his attention has been called to the incompleteness of the Statistics of the Victorian Manu­ facturers, issued from the Government Statist’s Office, and to the injustice done to Victorian interests by the unfavorable comparisons in consequence as against the State of New South Wales ; if so, what action does he propose to take to remedy the unsatisfactory state of affairs in question. 2. Has he any objections to lay upon the table of the Library, for the information of Honorable- Members, any communications he may have received.

5. Mr. Langdon : To ask the Honorable , the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey whether, as- reported in the public press, the average amounts allotted to applicants under the Seed and Fodder Act at the undermentioned places has been as follows, viz.:— Nh ill, £40 to each applicant, ■, Wycheproof, £37 to each applicant, Boort, £27 to each applicant; ‘ if so, will he state upon what basis the Boards have made their recommendations.

6. Mr. A. Harris : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Mines— 1. If he will give authority for the exploration of the auriferous country between Blackwall and Mount Selma, with a view to cutting tracks to aid prospectors ; if so, when will an officer of his Department be instructed to proceed with the examination. 2. Will he give authority for re-clearing track No. 47 from its junction with track No. 7, starting about 2\ miles from Icy Creek (F'umina) to the Tyers River, a distance of about 18 miles, as- it traverses good gold-beaiing country.

7. Mr. Maloney : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways— 1. If junior clerks in the Railway Department who were appointed five years ago under section 70 of the Railways Act, No. 1135, are entitled to a minimum salary of £40 per annum, with' annual increments of £10 until they reach £70, and two further annual increments of £15, bringing their salary up to £100 per annum. 2. If he is aware that there are clerks in the, Railway Department who were appointed under that Act who, after five years’ service, receive only £85 per annum ; if so, when does he intend to- pay the overdue increments and so fulfil the provisions of the Act referred to.

8. Mr. Kirkwood : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey— 1. If any reduction by selection within the areas of the following State timber reserves, viz., Kamarooka and Egerton, 16,800 acres ; Nerring, 1,100 acres ; Ellesmere and Axedale, 18,000 acres; Wellsford, 2,500 acres ; Wcllsford and Sandhurst, 3,580 acres ; Lyall, 28,000 acres ; Kimholton, 9,000 acres ; Ravenswood, 2,820 acres, has been made since July, 1888 ; if so, to what extent (in acres). 2. Is there any supervision made for the protection of the timber in these forests by the Forests- Board. 3. Is there any youug timber being planted, or intended to be planted, with a view of future supply for the mines. 225

9. Mb. J. Harris ,To ask the Honorable the Premier— • 1. If it is a fact that a practice which is contrary to the regulations in force m the Public Service has been adopted in' the Education Department with regard to the granting of leave on account of illness.. ■ 2. If it is a fact that officers with over twenty.years’ service, who have found it necessary to apply, say, for one month’s leave through sickness have been allowed only two weeks’ leave, or less, with pay, and have had to take the balance "without any pay, whilst in. all other Departments full pay is granted in such cases for the whole of. such period, in accordance with the Regula­ tions ; if so, will he give instructions for the regulations to be observed in the Education Department as in the other Departments.

10. Mr. Graham : To ask the Honorable the Treasurer if he will take steps to have the time within which farmers, orchardists, vignerons, and dairymen have to send in their Income Tax schedules extended from the 31st March until the end of next month, so as to give them time to prepare their schedules.

11. Mr. Billson : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if he will, at an early date, remit to the Railways Standing Committee the question of the direct railway line, via Fitzroy, to the Northern Suburbs, in compliance with a promise he gave to a recent deputation on the question. 12. Mr. Anstey : To ask the Honorable the Treasurer if any of the loans floated by the State of Victoria have included provision for a sinking fund ; if so, will he state— (а) The amount of loan. (б) The date of flotation. (c) The amount to be provided as a sinking fund.

13. Mr. Billson : To ask the Honorable the Premier if, in view of the decision given by the Supreme Court and tho Full Court in the cases of Miller v. The King, and Bond v. The King, on Section 19 of the Public Service Act No. 1721, the Government will accept the verdict and make provision for the payment of salary due from 27th December, 1900, to 28th February, 1901, to the officers affected. 14. Mr. Ramsay : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Public Works if, in view of the urgent necessity for a new graving dock of sufficient capacity to accommodate any vessel trading to the- port of Victoria, he will remit the question of constructing such a dock to the Railways Standing Committee for inquiry and report.

15. Mr. Prendergast : To ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary if he has any objection to lay upon the table of the Library all the papers in reference to the recent prosecution of a woollen mill employer in Geelong.

16. Mr. Tucker: To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways— 1. If it is a fact that engineers, boilermakers, and others who have been engaged full-time in the construction of new locomotives at the Newport Workshops have, during the time of such employment, put in their accounts for wages as half-time at new work, and half-time at repairs. 2. Is such workmen’s labour paid for or valued at a lower rate for repairing than at new work ; if so, what is the difference per cent.

17. Mr. Livingston: To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey__ 1. If ho proposes to make any alteration in the present system of managing the labour colony of Leongatha. 2. Does he intend to subdivide and sell the 800 acres now constituting the colony. 3. Will he lay the whole of his proposals before the House before taking any action. 18. Mr. Shoppee: To ask the Honorable the Attorney-Gene al if he will introduce a Bill'next Session- to deal with the excessive rates of interest charged by money lenders and companies.

19. Mr. Bowser : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Mines if he will send experts from his Depart­ ment to inspect and report on tho areas within the Beechwofih District classed auriferous on the Land Act maps, and which are not likely to be required for mining purposes, with a view to ascer­ taining what lands may be made available for settlement under Part I., Division 3, Land Act 1901.

THURSDAY, 2nd APRIL. General Business. Order of the Day:— 1. Office of State Governor—Resumption of debate on the question—“That an humble Address be presented to His Majesty the King praying that on the expiration of the present Governor’s term of office the question of the necessity of appointment of future State Governors for Victoria be taken into consideration.”

CONTINGENT NOTICE OF MOTION. Upon a Motion for going into Committee of Ways and Means— 1. Mr. Bromley : To move, That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable that the Museums and Art Gallery should bo open to the public on Sundays, provided that no employe shall be required to woik seven days per week or oil any Sunday against bis conscience. THOS. G. WATSON, W. D. BEAZLEY, Clerk oj the Legislative Assembly.; , ■ . Deputy-Speaker. 226


Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 40.

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 61. Royal Agricultural' Show Day Bill.—Amendments to be proposed by Mr. Shoppee. (To Members only.)




By Authority: Robt. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day:

No. 62.

TUESDAY, 31st MARCH, 1903. ■Questions.

1. Mr. Thomson : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey if he has any objection to lay upon the table of the Library— 1. The contract, valuations, and papers in connexion with the purchase of the Tnrrington Estate. 2. The Annual Report—posted up to date—on the Closer Settlement system. 3. A statement showing the amount of stock available for the purchase of properties under the Closer Settlement system.

2. Mr. Maloney : To ask the Honorable the Attorney-General— 1. If it is a fact that Mr. G. H. Neighbour, K.C., the present Commissioner of Patents, has in various important matters given decisions and rulings reversing or modifying the former Patent Office practice under and the interpretation of the Patents and Trade Marks Acts and Rules, and that the ^influence of such decisions has been to expedite public business. 2. ^ If it is a fact that many such decisions have never been published, and that full opportunities for knowing promptly of such decisions and rulings, and also of like important decisions of the Honorable the Attorney-General, have not been given to inventors, patentees, patent agents, ■ solicitors entitled to practise before the Patents Office, or to the public generally (in whatever part of the State resident), to guide such persons in the proper transaction of patent and trade mark business, and in the understanding of patent and trade mark practice. 3. Will the Honorable the Attorney-General take steps to have promptly published in the Official List issued weekly by the Patents Office particulars of such rulings and decisions somewhat as is done by the United States Commissioner of Patents in the Official Gazette of his office.

3. Mr. Bromley : To ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary if he will inform the House if officers of police on arriving at the age of 60 years have been called upon to undergo a strict medical exami­ nation in accordance with his intention expressed on the occasion of the deputation of members of the force when protesting against the extension of the retiring age to 65 years ; if not, will he state,why such intention has not been carried out.

4. Mr. A. Harris : To ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary— 1. If his attention has been called to the incompleteness of the Statistics of the Victorian Manu­ facturers, issued from the Government Statist’s Office, and to the injustice done to Victorian interests by the unfavorable comparisons in consequence as against the State of New South Wales ; if so, what action does he propose to take to remedy the unsatisfactory state of affairs in question. 2. Has he any objections to lay upon the table of the Library, for the information of Honorable Members, any communications he may have received. ,

5. Mr. Langdon : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey whether, as reported in the public press, the average amounts allotted to applicants under the Seed and Fodder Act at'the undermentioned places has been as follows, viz.:— Nhill, £40 to each applicant, Wycheproof,.£37 to each applicant, Boort, £27 to each applicant; if so, will he state upon what basis the Boards have made their recommendations.

C. Mr. A. Harris : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Mines— • 1. If he will give authority for the exploration of the auriferous country between Blackwall and Mount Selma, with a view to cutting tracks to aid prospectors ; if so, when will an officer of his Department be instructed to proceed with the examination. 2. Will he give nutlioiiiy for re-clearing track No. 47 from its junction with track No. 7, starting about 24 miles from Icy Creek (Fumina) to the Tyers River, a distance of about lb miles, as it traverses good gold-beat ing country. (220 copies.) 228

7. Mr. Maloney : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways— 1. If junior clerks in the Railway Department who were appointed five years ago under "section 70 of the Railways Act, No. 1135, are entitled to a minimum salary of £40 per annum,' with annual increments of £10 until they reach £70, and two further annual increments of £15, bringing their salary up to £100 per annum. 2. If he is aware that there are clerks in the Railway Department who were appointed under that Act who, after five years’ service, receive only £85 per annum ; if so, when does he intend to pay the overdue increments and so fulfil the provisions of the Act referred to.

' 8. Mr; Kirkwood : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey— 1. If any reduction by selection within the areas of the following State timber reseives, viz., Kamarooka and Egerton, 16,800 acres ; Nerring, 1,100 acres ; Ellesmere and Axedale, 18,000 acres ; Wellsford, 2,500 acres ; Wcllsford and Sandhurst, 3,580 acres ; Lyali, 28,000 acres ; Kimbolton, 9,000 acres ; Ravenswood, 2,820 acres, has been made since July, 1888 ; if so, to what extent (in acres). 2. Is there any supervision made for the protection of the timber in these forests by the Forests Board. 3. Is there any young timber being planted, or intended to be planted, with a view of future supply for the mines.

5. Mr. J. Harris : To ask the Honorable the Premier— 1. If it is a fact that a practice which is contrary to the regulations in force in the Public Service has been adopted in the Education Department with regard to the granting of leave on account of illness. 2. If it is a fact that officers-with over twenty years’ service, who have found it necessary to apply, say, for one month’s leave through sickness have been allowed only two weeks’ leave, or less, with pay, and have had to take the balance without any. pay, whilst in all other Departments full pay is granted in such cases for the whole of such period, in accordance with the regula­ tions ; if so, will he give instructions for the regulations to be observed in the Education Department as in the other Departments.

10. Mr. Graham : To ask the Honorable the Treasurer if he will take steps to have the time within which farmers, orchardists, vignerony and dairymen have to send in their Income Tax schedules extended from the 31st March until the end of next month, so as to give them time to prepare their schedules.

11. Mr. Billson : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if he will, at an early date, remit to the Railways Standing Committee the question of the direct railway line, via Fitzroy, to the Northern Suburbs, in compliance with a promise he gave to a recent deputation on the question.

12. Mr. Anstey : To ask the Honorable the Treasurer if any of the loans floated by the State of Victoria have included provision for a sinking fund ; if so, will he state— (а) The amount of loan. (б) The date of flotation. (c) The amount to be provided as a sinking fund.

13. Mr. Billson : To ask the Honorable'the Premier if, in view of the decision given by the Supreme Court and the Full Court in the cases of Miller v. The King, and Bond v. The King, on Section 19 of the Public Service Act No. 1721, the Government will accept the verdict and make provision for the payment of salary due from 27th December, 1900, to 28th February, 1901, to the officers affected.

14. Mr. Ramsay : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Public W orks if, iu view of the urgent necessity for a new graving dock of sufficient capacity to accommodate any vessel trading to the port of "Victoiia, he will remit the question of constructing such a dock to the Railways Standing Committee for inquiry and report.

15. MA. Prendergast : To ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary if he has any objection to .lay upon the table of the Library all the papers in reference to the recent prosecution of a woollen mill employer in Geelong.

36. Me. Tucker: To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways 1. If it is a fact that engineers, boilermakers, and others who. have been engaged full-time in the construction of new locomotives at the Newport Workshops have, during the time of such employment, put in their accounts for wages as half-time at new work, and half-time at repairs. ' . . , .„ 2. Is such workmen’s labour paid for or valued at a lower rate for repairing than at new work ; it go, what is the difference per cent.

.17. Mr. Shofpee: To ask the Honorable the Attorney-General if he will introduce a Bill next Session to deal with-the excessive rates of interest charged by money lenders and companies.

18. Mr. Bowser : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Mines if he will send experts from his Depart­ ment to inspect and report on the areas within the Beechworih District classed auriferous on the Land Act maps, and which are not likely to be required for mining purposes, with a view to ascer­ taining what lands may be made available for settlement under Part I., Division 3, Land Act 1901.

19. Mr. Prendergast : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if any engines of the A A class are' to be constructed in the new lot for which tenders have been called by the Department; if so, who is responsible for the recommendation to construct this class of engine. 229

20. Sir Samuel Gillott : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Mines whether.it is his intention to take any, and if so what, steps to prevent the pollution and silting up of the River Ynrra through the discharge of sludge therein by persons engaged in sluicing operations now being 'carried on at the Upper Yarra. 21. Mr. Prendergast : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways if he is aware of the long hours engine-drivers in the Department are compelled to work; if so, how does he propose to remedy this evil. Government Business. ' • Orders of the Day :— 1. Constitution Reform Bill—Amendments of the Legislative Council and Recommendations of the Free Conference thereon—To be considered. 2. University Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 3. Coroners Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. i 4. Lunacy Act 1890 Amendment Bill—-Second reading. 5. Mildura Irrigation Trusts Act 1895 further Amendment Bill—Second reading. 6. Insolvency Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 7. Spring Vale Necropolis Bill—Second reading. 8. Railway Lands Clearing Bill—Second reading. 9. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. 10. Land Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 11. Transfer of Land Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 12. Education Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Amendment of the Legislative Council—To be considered. 13. Administration and Probate (Legal Charges) Bill—Second reading. 14. St. Arnaud Land Bill—Second reading. 15. Health Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—Second reading. 16. Colac Public Library Site Sale Bill—Second reading. 17. Crown Lands Selection and Purchase Bill—Second reading. 18. Colac Land Reserve Revocation Bill—Second reading. General Business. Orders of the Day :— 1. Stolen Cattle (Recent Possession) Bill—(Mr. J. Cameron)—Second reading. 2. Women’s Disabilities Removal Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—To be further considered in Committee. 3. Election Expenses Limitation Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—To be further considered in Committee. 4. Justices Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 5. Public Holidays Law Amendment Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—To be further considered in Committee, 6. Gold Buyers,Act 1901 Repeal Bill—(Mr. Menzies)—Second reading. 7. Mortgage Limitation Bill—(Mr. Sangster)—Second reading. 8. Railway Passengers’ Actions Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 9. Government Appointments Prevention Bill—(Mr. Andrews)—Second reading. 10. Probate Duties Evasion Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 11. Benalla Public Road Revocation Bill—(Mr. Hall)—Second reading. 12. Totalizator Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 13. Law Clerks Admission Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 14. Meat Supervision Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 15. Pounds Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Keogh)—Second reading. 16. Dairying Companies Act 1900 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Brown)—Second reading 17. Registration of Brands Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 18. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 19. Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading. - 20. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. • 1 21. Voters’ Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second reading. 22. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 23. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 24. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Gillott)—Second reading. 25. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 26. Melbourne University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 27. Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 28. Fortnightly Payment of State Servants—Resumption of debate on the question—“ That all servants of the State be paid fortnightly.” 29. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.

THURSDAY, 2nd APRIL. General Business.

Order of the Day :—

1. Office of State Governor—Resumption of debate on the question—“That an humble Address be presented to His Majesty the King praying that on the expiration of the present Governor’s term of office the question ot the necessity of appointment of future State Governors for Victoria bo taken into consideration ”

TH0S. G. WATSON, . - W. D. BEAZLEY, Cleric of the Legislative Assembly, . 1 Deputy-Speaker. 230 v MEETING OF SELECT COMMITTEE. Tuesday, 31s/ March.

Library (Joint)—at half-past three o’clock.


Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 41.

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 62. Census of Victoria, 1901— Part IV.—Religions. No. 25. Part V.—Conjugal Condition. No. 27.


By Authority: Robt. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY,

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 6,°,.

WEDNESDAY, 1st APRIL, 1903. Questions. 1. Mb. Maloney : To ask the Honorable the Attorney-General— 1. If it is a fact that Mr. G. H. Neighbour, K.C., the present Commissioner of Patents, has in various important matters given decisions and rulings reversing or modifying the former Patent Office practice under and the interpretation of the Patents and Trade Marks Acts and Rules, and that the influence of such decisions has been to expedite public business. 2. If it is a fact that many such decisions have never been published, and that full opportunities for knowing promptly of such decisions and rulings, and also of like important decisions of the Honorable the Attorney-General, have not been given to inventors, patentees, patent agents, solicitors entitled to practise before the Patents Office, or to the public generally (in whatever part of the State resident), to guide such persons in the proper transaction of patent and trade mark business, and in the understanding of patent and trade mark practice. 3. Will the Honorable, the Attorney-General take steps to have promptly published in the Official List issued weekly by the Patents Office particulars of such rulings and "decisions somewhat as is done by the United States Commissioner of Patents in' the Official Gazette of his office.

2. Mb. Watt: To ask the Honorable the Attorney-General if he will give early attention to the present haphazard method of compiling the jury list, so that jurors’ duties may be distributed more equally amongst those eligible.

3. Mr. Graves :. To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey— 1. If the roads indicated on plans of Noojee and Fumina lands which are to be made available next week for selection will be graded and formed. 2. Will he have such roads indicated as roads to be formed and graded for the information of selectors.

4. Mb. Watt : To ask the Honorable the Premier if he purposes taking any steps to empower the Committee of Public Accounts to conduct investigations of public expenditure during the recess, as requested in its last Report.

o. Mr. Graves : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey, if his attention has been called to the article in the Age newspaper of the 23th ult., page 4, entitled “Circumlocu­ tion regarding the Lands Department ” ; if so, will he cause inquiry to be made to have the many , complaints therein referred to remedied.

6. Mr. W. A. Hamilton : To ask the Honorable the Treasurer if he will direct the Commissioner of Income Tax, when he is sending out assessment notices, to show thereon how the amount of tax arrived at is made up; as, for instance, so much for income from property, and so much from personal exertion, and not as has been done in former years, when a notice has been sent stating the amount of tax ^without giving any particulars thereof. 7. Mr. Hickford : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey— 1. If he is aware that a Select Committee of the Legislative Council recommended on the 17th December, 1901, as follows :—(1) That an agricultural lease, without special reservations, should be granted to Mr. Abraham Dabsclieck on the most favorable terms the statutes and the regulations ^of the Department permit. (2) 1 hat Mr. Abraham Dabscheek be granted the sum of £25() for the purpose of removing tramways, repairing fences, and burning off the debris in the Ti Iree and Monkey gullies, and for other damage to the property. 2: Does he intend to carry out the recommendations as aforesaid.

8. Mr. Anstey: To ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary why some men in his Department are put off at 60 )ears of age and others kept on for many years over that age.1

9. Mr. Bailes: To ask the Honorable the Attorney-General if, in.view of the facts adduced at the inquest on the body of the late Quentin Renant, a miner, who was accidentally killed in the Clarence Mine at Eaglehawk, that the body was in a condition reflecting the greatest disci edit on a civilized community, and the fact that the inquest was not commenced until nearly 30 hours after the uiifoi tunate miner had met his death, will he" cause instructions to be issued to all Coroners that for the future, in cases of fatal mining accidents, the inquest shall be opened on the day' the accident occurs, so that the relations can obtain possession of the body for interment. (220 copies.) 232

10. Me. Anstet : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Railways — 1. If ho will state what is the total amount expended for the purchase of land for railway purposes. 2. Has the Minister any objection to lay upon the Table of the House a monthly statement setting forth the receipts and working expenses of the Department. 3. Has the Minister’s attention been called to the following report in the Herald newspaper of 27th March ult.:—“The rate of premium he proposed is : Apprentices following the engineer- . ing course at. the Melbourne University to be required to pay a premium of £50, and to be1 entitled to remain at the Workshops for ,a period of three years ; all other premium apprentices to pay a premium of £100. The Minister has approved of the report and states that he will carry the proposals into effect as soon as possible.” 4. Is the report correct ; if so, why does he draw a distinction between those from the University and those individually following an engineering course in other places. 11. Me. A. Harris : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Agriculture— 1. If he has any objection to state what has been done in the way of making soil surveys, and what, his intentions arc re the publication of maps showing the difference of soils throughout the State, and when such maps are likely to be available. , 2. In the event of there being any difficulty in publishing such maps, will he confer with the Honorable the Minister of Mines, with the object of utilizing any geological maps that may . be issued by showing thereon the different character of the soils by means of figures, and a key thereto, embracing the information obtained from the Agricultural' Department. 12. Mb. Prendergast : To ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary if it is a fact that seven female clerks have been dismissed from the Observatory; if so, what reason has been given for the dismissals.

Government Business. Notices of Motion :— 1. Mb. E. H. Camebon : To mo\e, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “ A Bill to amend the Water Acts so far as they relate to-the Condah Swamp Lands.”

2. Mb. Bent : To move, That the question of connecting the main Gippsland railway and the Great Southern line, by means of a railway starting at a point near Traralgon, be referred to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Railways for consideration and report.

3. Mb. Shiels : To move, That the Report of the Printing Committee on the question of Parliamentary Printing be now taken into consideration. ,

Obdebs of the Day :—

- 1. Admtni stb ation and Pit on ate (Legal- Charges) Bill—Second reading. 2. Univebsity Act 1890 Amendment Hill—(from Council)—Second reading. 3. Cobonebs Act 1890 fuktheb Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. 4. Spbing Vale Necbopolis Bill—Second reading. 5. Milduba Irrigation Tbcsts Act 1895 further Amendment Bill—Second reading. 6. Insolvency Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.

■ 7. Lunacy Act 1890 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 8. Railway Lands Clearing Bill—Second reading. . , 9. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. .. , .10. Land Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. i > 11. Transfer of Land Act 1890 Amendment Bill—;(from Council)—Second reading. 12. Education Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Amendment .of the Legislative Council—To be considered. 13. St. Arnaud Land Bill—Second reading. 14. Health Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—Second reading. 15. Colac Pubiic Library Site^Sale Bill—Second reading.

16. Crown £ands Selection And Purchase Bill-—Second reading. 17. Colac Land Reserve Revocation Bill—Second reading.

General Business. Obdebs of the Day :— , 1. Stolen Cattle (Recent Possession) Bill—(Mr. J. Cameron)—Second reading. ,, 2. Women’s Disabilities Removal Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—To be further considered in Committee. 3. Election Expenses Limitation Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—To be further considered in Committee. 4. Justices Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 5. Public Holidays Law Amendment Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—To be further considered in Committee, 6. Gold Buyers Act 1901 Repeal Bill—(Mr. Menzies)—Second reading. 7. Mortgage Limitation Bill—(Mr. Sangster)—Second reading. 8. Railway Passengers’ Actions Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 1 ’ 9. Government Appointments Prevention Bill—(Mr. Andrews)—Second reading. 10. ‘ Probate Duties Evasion Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 11. Benalla Public Road Revocation Bill—(Mr. Hall)—Second reading. 12. Totalizator Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 13. Law Clerks Admission Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 14. ' Meat Supervision Act. 1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gairj—Second reading. 15. Pounds Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Keogh)—Second reading. 16. Dairying Companies Act 1900 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Brown)—Second reading. 233

17. Registration op Br'ands Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 18. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 19. Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading. 20. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. 21. Voters’ Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second reading. 22. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 23. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 24. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Gillott)—Second readme. 25. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 26. Melbourne University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 27. Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 28. Fortnightly Payment of State Servants—Resumption of debate on the question—“ That all servants of the State be paid fortnightly.” 29. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading.

THURSDAY, 2nd APRIL. General Business. Order of the Day :— ' 1. Office of State Governor—Resumption of debate on the question—“That an humble Address be presented to His Majesty the King praying that on the expiration of the present Governor’s term ot office the question of the necessity of appointment of future State Governors for Victoria be taken into consideration.”

THOS. G. WATSON, W. D. BEAZLEY, Cierlc of the Legislative Assembly. Deputy.Speaker.


Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 42. The Constitution Bill—[26]. As it will be presented for Royal Assent if Recommendations of Free * Conference are agreed to by both Houses of Parliament. (To Members of Council only ) Registration of Births Deaths and Marriages Bill-[56]. (To Members of Council only.) Victorian Railways Commissioners Bill—[97]. (To Members of Council only.) Railways Commissioners Appointment Bill.—Amendments to be proposed by the Honorable William Cain (To Members of Council only.)

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 63. The Constitution Bill—[26]. (To Members only.) Constitution Reform Bill.—Amendments made by the Legislative Council. How dealt with Recommendations of Free Conference. (To Members only.) Education.—Report of Minister of Public Instruction for 1901-2. No.' 28.

By Authority: Robt. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne



Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day.

No. 64.

THURSDAY, 2nd APRIL, ,1903. Government Business. > Notice of Motion :— 1. Mb. Irvine: To move, That he have leave to bring in a Bill intituled “A Bill to amend the ‘ Unlawful Assemblies Act 1890.’ ”

Orders of the Day 1. Spring Vale Necropolis Bill—To be further considered in Committee. 2. Mildura Irrigation Trusts Act 1895 further Amendment Bill—Second reading. 3. Insolvency Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. . 4. Lunacy Act 1890 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 5. Railway Lands Clearing Bill—Second reading. 61 Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. 7. Land Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 8. Transfer of Land Act 1890 Amendment Bi^-l—(from Council)—Second reading. 9. Education Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Amendment of the Legislative Council—To be considered. 10. St. Arnaud Land Bill—Second reading. 11. Health Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—Second reading. 12. Colac Public Library Site Sale Bill—Second reading. 13. Crown Lands Selection and Purchase Bill—Second reading. 14. Colac Land Reserve Revocation Bill—Second reading. 15. Water Acts Amendment (Condah Swamp-;Lands) Bill—Second reading. 16. Yea Race-course Reserve Sale Bill—Second reading.

General Business. Orders of the Day :— \ 1. Office of State Governor—Resumption of debate on the question—“ That an humble Address be presented to His Majesty the King praying that on the expiration of thd present Governor’s termi of office the question of the necessity of appointment of future State Governors for Victoria be taken into consideration ” 2. Stolen Cattle (Recent Possession) Bill—(Mr. J. Cameron)—Second reading. 3., Women s Disabilities Removal BiLL-^(Mr. Mackey)—To be further considered in Committee. 4. Election Expenses Limitation Bill-—(Mr. Mackey)—To be further considered in Committee. 5. Justices Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. 6. Public Holidays Law Amendment Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—To be further considered in Committee. 7. Gold Buyers Act 1901 Repeal Bill'—(Mr. Menzies)—Second reading. 8. Mortgage Limitation Bill—(Mr. Sangster)—Second reading. 9. Railway Passengers’ Actions Bill;—L(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 10. Government Appointments Prevkntion Bill—(Mr. Andrews)—Second reading. 11. Probate Duties Evasion Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 12. Benalla Public Road Revocation Bill—(Mr. Hall)—Second reading. 13. Totalizator Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 14. Law Clerks Admission Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 15. Meat Supervision Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 16. Pounds Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Keogh)—Second reading. _ 17. Dairying Companies Act 1900 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Brown)—Second reading. ' 18. Registration of Brands Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading.^ 19- Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 20. Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading. K . 21. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr.-Trenwith)—Second reading. - 22. Voters’ Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second reading. (220 copies.) 236

23. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading 24. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading.' 25. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Gillott)—Second reading 26. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading 27. Melbourne University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second°reading. 28. Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 29. Fortnightly Payment of State Servants—Resumption, of debate on the question—“ That ail servants of the State bn paid fortnightly.” 30. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second readme.

FRIDAY, 3rd APRIL. Questions. 1. Mr. Watt : To ask the Honorable the Attorney-General if lie will give earl v attention to the present haphazard method of compiling the jury list, so that jurors’ duties may be distributed more equally amongst those eligible. u j

2. Mr. Hickford : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey__ 1. If he is aware that a Select Committee of the Legislative Council recommended on.the 17th December, 1901, as follows :—(l) That an agricultural lease, without special reservations, should be granted to Mr. Abraham Dabscheck on the most favorable terms the statutes and the regulations of the Department pern,it. (2) That Mr. Abraham Dabscheck be granted the ^J11. . rA0,1" the PurP°se of removing tramways, repairing fences, and burning off the debris in the Ti Tree and Monkey gullies, and for other damage to the property. 2. Does lie intend to carry out the recommendations as aforesaid. 3. Mr. A. Harris : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey— 1. If he will, in order to give intending selectors a reasonable opportunity of securing land and saving expense, make the whole of the available lands in Fumina, Toorongo, Noojee, and wm?0'!?6 ®ast’ area 30,000 to 40,000 acres, open for selection at (he same time. %■ JL‘‘I the plans of the parishes named be ready and issued before Easter. : 6. Wi 1 he have the roads from the nearest railway stations to the land to bo selected shown on'the plans. W2and*e alS° ll8Ve prmte(1 0n the Plans information for selectors showing the way to reach the

o. Will he place on the plans the conditions of selection to bo applied to the areas alluded to.

4. Mr. Watt: To ask the Honorable the Premier if he purposes taking any steps to empower the Committee of Public Accounts to conduct investigations of public expenditure during the recess, as requested in its last Report. 8 ’ 5. Mr. A. Harris : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Agriculture_ 1. If he has any objection to state what has been done in the way of making soil surveys, and what his intentions are re the publication of maps showing the difference of soils throughout the State, and when such maps are likely to be available. 2. In the event of there being any difficulty in publishing such maps, will he confer with the Honorable the Minister of Mines, with the object of utilizing any geological maps that may be issued by showing thereon the different character of the soils by means of figures, and a key thereto, embracing the information obtained from the Agricultural Department. 6. Mr. Billson : To ask the Honorable the Premier if the following statement, published in the Arqus newspaper of Monday, 22nd September last, still represents the policy puisued by the Government witb regard to the granting of increments or subdivisional promotions, namely :— “ The practice we propose to adopt is that twice every year, once when the Estimates are , being framed,-and once six months later, these subdivisional promotions in each branch of each Department will be considered. The merits of the various officers who are not entitled, but qualified under-the law—I lay stress on that, not entitled, but merely qualified —to receive these increments, will come into competition with others. Before they receive these rises the merits of these officers will be duly weighed by the permanent heads of the Departments and the Minister, and only those who have shown due diligence-and even conspicuous diligence^—shall be allowed these increments ” 7. Mr. A. Harris : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Public Works if he will state what is the cause of the delay in proceeding with the Neerim East to Fumina road, as recommended by the btandmg Committee on Railways, and when will the same be started ; as the lands to be made available cannot be thrown open until the roads are completed. THOS. G. WATSON, w D BEAZLEY, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Deputy-Speaker.

. .MEETING of select committee. Thursday, 2nd April. Refreshment Rooms (Joint)—at seven o’clock. 237

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 1st APRIL, 1903. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 43. 1 Probate Charges Bill—£77]. (To Members of Council only.) Coroners Act 1890 Further Amendment Bill.—Amendments of the Legislative Assembly. (To Members of Council only.) v Trustee Companies Bill.—New Clause to be proposed by the Hon. A. Wynne. (To Members of-Council only.) Railway Inquiry Board.—Epitome of Evidence as to a Board of Direction or Control. C 1. (To Members of Council only.) x Parliamentary Printing.—Joint Report from Printing Committees of Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly. D 1, (To Members of Council only.)

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 64. Water Bill—[65]. Dairying Companies Bill—[78]. Crown Lands Selection and Purchase Bill.—New Clauses to be proposed by Mr. Graves. (To Members only.) x Health Act ^890bFm-ther Amendment Bi!l.—Amendments to be proposed in Committee by Mr. Mackey.

Authority; Robt. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne.

Mb. SPEAKER takes the Chair at Eleven* o’clock. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

.Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day,

No. 65.

FRIDAY, 3rd APRIL, 1903. Questions. 1. Mr. Watt : To ask the Honorable the Attorney-General if he will give early attention to the present haphazard method of compiling the jury list, so that jurors’ duties may be distributed more equally amongst those eligible. t

2. Mb. Bickford : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey— 1. If he is aware that a Select Committee of the Legislative Council recommended on the 17th December, 1901, as follows :—(1) That an agricultural lease, without special reservations, should be granted to Mr. Abraham Dabscheck on the most favorable terms the statutes and the regulations of the Department permit. (2) That Mr. Abraham Dabscheck be granted the sum of £250 for the purpose of removing tramways, repairing fences, and burning off the 1 debris in the Ti Tree and Monkey gullies, and for other damage to the property. 2. Does he intend to carry out the recommendations as aforesaid. 3. Mr. A. Harris : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey— 1. If he will, in order to give intending selectors a reasonable opportunity of securing land and saving expense, make the whole, of the available lands in Fumina, Toorongo, Noojee, and Noojee East, area 30,000 to 40,000 acres, open for selection at the same time. 2. Will the plans of the parishes named be ready and issued before Easter. 3. Will he have the roads from the nearest railway stations to the land to be selected shown on the plans. 4. Will he also have printed on the plans information for selectors showing thq way to reach the ■ land. 5. Will he place on the plans the conditions of selection to be applied to the areas alluded to. 4. Mr. Watt: To ask the Honorable the Premier if he purposes taking any steps to empower the Committee of Public Accounts to conduct investigations of public expenditure during the recess, as requested in its last Report.

5. Mr. A. Harris : To ask the Honorable the Minister of Agriculture— 1. If he has any objection to state what has been done in the way of making soil surveys, and what his intentions are re the publication of maps showing the difference of soils throughout the State, and when such maps are likely to be available.’ 2. In the event of there being any difficulty in publishing such maps, will he confer with the Honorable the Minister of Mines, with the object of utilizing any geological maps that may' be issued by showing thereon the different character of the soils by means of figures, and a key thereto, embracing the information obtained from the Agricultural Department. 6. Mb. Billson : To ask the Honorable the Premier if the following statement, published in the Argus newspaper of Monday, 22nd September last, still represents the policy pursued by the Government with regard to the granting of increments or subdivisional promotions, namely :— “ The practice we propose to adopt is that twice every year, once when the Estimates are being framed, and once six months later, these subdivisional promotions in each branch of each Department will be considered. The merits of the various officers who are not entitled, but qualified under the law—I lay stress on that, not entitled, but merely qualified —to receive these increments, 'will come into competition with others. Before they receive these rises the merits of these officers will be duly weighed by the permanent heads of the Departments and the Minister, and only those who have shown due diligence—and even conspicuous diligence—shall be allowed these increments.” 7. Mr. A. Harris : To ask the Honorable the Commissioner of Public/Works if he will state what is the cause of the delay in proceeding with the Neerim East to Fumina road, as recommended by the Standing Committee on Railways, and when will the same be started; as the lands to be made available cannot be thrown open until the roads are completed. *8. Mr. Malonet : To ask the Honorable the Chief Secretary if he can inform the House what is the total amount received by the authorities of the Melbourne General Cemetery up to 31st December. 1902. r * Notifications to which an asterisk (*) is prefixed appear for the first time. (660'copies.) r


■Government Business. ~ ° Orders of the Day r— 1. Insolvency Bill—(from Council)—To bo further considered in Committee. • 2. Crown Lands Selection and Purchase Bill—Second loading. 3. Health Act 1890 fhkiiier Amendment Bill—Second leading. 4. Lunacy Act 1890 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 5. Railway Lands Clearing Bill—Second reading. 6. Public Service Acts Amendment Bill—Second reading. 7. Land Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Second reading. 8. Transfer of Land Act 18d0 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading. , 9. Education Act 1901 Amendment Bill—Amendment of the Legislative Council—To be considered. 10. St. Arnaud Land Bill—Second reading. 11. Colac Public Library Site Sale Bill—Second reading. 12. Colac Land Reserve Revocation. Bill—Second reading. 13. Water Acts Amendment (Condah Swamp Lands) Bill—Second reading. 14. Yea Race-course Reserve Sale Bill—Second reading. ■*15. Unlawful Assemblies Act 1890 Amendment Bill—Second reading.

General Business. Notice of Motion :— *1. Mr. Billson : To move, That there be laid before this House a return showing— 1. The number of officers in the Public Service who have been deemed qualified to receive increments or subdivisional promotions since the Government took offi.ee. 2. How many of such officers have been recommended for subdivisional promotions, by the permanent head. 3. How many of such officers have been allowed such promotions during the same period.

Orders of the Day :— 1. Office of State Governor—Resumption of debate on the Question—“ That an humble Address be presented to His Majesty the King praying that on the expiration of the present Governor’s term of office the question of the necessity of appointment of future State Governors for Victoria be taken into consideration ” 2. Stolen Cattle (Recent Possession) Bill—(Mr. J. Cameron)—Second reading. 3. Women’s Disabilities Removal Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—To be further considered in Committee. 4. Election Expenses ■ Limitation Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—To be further considered in Committee. 5. Justices Act 1890 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. McGregor)—Second reading. •6. Public Holidays Law Amendment Bill—(Mr. Shoppee)—To be further considered in Committee, 7. Gold Buyers Act 1901 Repeal Bill—(Mr. Menzies)—Second reading. 8. Mortgage Limitation Bill—(Mr. Sangster)—Second reading. 9. Railway Passengers’ Actions Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 10. Government Appointments Prevention Bill—(Mr. Andrews)—Second reading. 11. Probate Duties Evasion Bill—(Mr. Maloney)—Second reading. 12. Benalla Public Road Revocation Bill—(Mr. Hall)—Second reading. 13. Totalizator Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 14. Law Clerks Admission Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. 15. Meat Supervision Act 1900 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Gair)—Second reading. 16. Pounds Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. Keogh)—Second reading.' 17. Dairying Companies Act 1900 further Amendment Bill—(Mr. Brown)—Second reading. 18. Registration of Brands Bill—(Mr. Mackey)—Second reading. 19. Tied Houses Abolition Bill—(Mr. Bailes)—Second reading. "j 20. Sludge Bill—(Mr. Bowser)—Second reading. 21. Conciliation and Arbitration Bill—(Mr. Trenwith)—Second reading. 22. Voters’ Certificates Abolition Bill—(Mr. Boyd)—Second reading. 23. Justices Acts Amendment Bill—(Mr, McGregor)—Second reading. '* 24. Legal Practitioners Reciprocity Bill—(Mr. Fink)—Second reading. 25. Melbourne Tramways Trust Debentures Bill—(Sir Samuel Gillott)—Second reading. 26. Wills Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(Mr. W. A. Hamilton)—Second reading. 27. Melbourne University (Abolition of Fees) Bill—(Mr. Smith)—Second reading. 28. Jurors Exemption Bill—(Mr. Prendergast)—Second reading. 29. Fortnightly Payment of State Servants—Resumption of debate on the question—“ That all servants "of the State be paid fortnightly.” 30. Licensing Act 1890 Amendment Bill—(from Council)—Second reading,

THOS. G. WATSON, " W. D. BEAZLEY, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Deputy-Speaker.

PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ISSUED 2nd APRIL, 1903. Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 44. Mildura Irrigation Trusts Bill—[79]. (To Members of Council only.)

Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day. No. 65. Unlawful Assemblies and Processions Bill—[51 ]. Yea Race-course and Public Recreation Reserve Land Bill—[105],

By Authority: RoiiT. S. Brain, Government Vi inter. Mv.l)uui nc