The L0ndon Gazette, October 31, 1902
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6942 THE L0NDON GAZETTE, OCTOBER 31, 1902. In the Matter of a Deed of Assignment for the benefit of In the High Court of Justice.—In Bankruptcy. Creditors, executed on the 5th day of August, 1902, In the Matter of a Bankruptcy Petition filed the 24th day and registered on the 12th day of August, 1902, ' of October, 1902. by THOMAS JOHN EDWARDS, of the Miskin To GREAME FENTON WALLACE, late of No. 34, Co-operative Society, Tower-buildings, Glyngwyn- Duke-street, St: James's, and a member of the street, Miskin, Mountain Ash, Grocer, Draper, &c., Junior Conservative Club, Nos. 43 and 44, Albe- trading as " T. J. Edwards and Co." marle-street, both- in the county of London, but whose present residence the Petitioning Creditor is fTlHE creditors of the above named Thomas John unable to ascertain, a Lieutenant in His Majesty's JL Edwards who have not already sent in their Army. claims are required, on or before the. 14th day of npAKE notice, that a Bankruptcy Petition has been November, 1902, to send in their names and addresses, _L presented against you to this Court by Alfred •and the particulars of their debts or claims to me the Barnett (carrying on business as H. A. Barlow), of undersigned Charles Edwin Dovey, of Gordon-chambers,. No. 9<*, Regent-street, in .the county of London, Bill 31« Queen-street, Cardiff, in the county of Glamorgan,. Discounter, and .the Court has ordered that the pub- Chartered Accountant, the Trustee under the same lication of 'this notice in.the London Gazette and in deed, or in default whereof excluded from, the Daily Telegraph newspapers shall be deemed to be the benefit of the First and Final Dividend about to be. service of the Petition upon you; and further take declared.—Dated this 27th day of October, 1902. notice that the said Petition will be heard at this Court on the 13th day of November, 1902, ab 11.30 CHAS. E. DOVEY, Trustee. o'clock in the forenoon, on which day you are required to appear, and if you do not appear the Court may make a Receiving Order against you in your absence. The Petition can be inspected by you on application at In the Matter of a Deed of Assignment for the this Court.—Dated 29th day of October, 1902. benefit of Creditors, executed on the. 23rd day of JAMES R. BROUGHAM, Registrar. April, 1902,. and registered op the 29th day of April, HENRY MOORE, 26, Regent-street, -Waterloo- 1902, by DAVID JONES, of 8.9, Woodville-road, place, 8.W., Solicitor for the above named Cardiff, Grocer and Wine and Spirit Merchant. Petitioning Creditor. rflHE creditors of the above named David Jones, who JL have not already sent in their claims, are requested, In the High Court of Justice.—In Bankruptcy. on or before the,November, 1902, to send- In the. • Master of a Bankruptcy Petition, filed.the in their names and addresses, and the particulars of[ 10th day .of September; 1902. their debts or claims, to me, the undersigned, John; To BERTHELP NATHANS.OHN, of Portland Ho.use, Jenkins David, of 67, Queen-street, Cardiff, in the- Basingh.all-street, in the city of .London. county of Glamorgan, Incorporated Accountant, the rr^AKE notice,, that .a Bankruptcy Petition has been Trustee under the.said deed, or in-default whereof, they J. presented against you to this Court by James will be,exclnded from the First and Final Dividend about Stratten .Thompson, of 7, Copthall-conrt, in the city of to te declared.—Dated .the 29th day of October, 1902. London, .Stockbroker, and the Court has ordered that J. J: DAVID, Trustee. the publication. of this notice in the London Gazette and in the " Financial Times " and " Daily Telegraph " newspapers shall be deemed to be service of the Petition 'upon, you.; and further take notice, that the said Petition will be beard at this Court on the In the Matter of a Deed of Assignment for the benefit of November, 1902, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, on of Creditors, executed on the ninth day of August,* which day yon are required to appear, and if you do 1901, by EDWABD FREDERICK GLEIM AND. not appear the Court may make a Receiving Order LUCIANO BRETTANER, carrying on business in against you, in your absence. The Petition .can be co-partnership as Shippers, at 20, Quay-street, Man- inspected by you on application :at this .Court.—Dated chester, under, the style or firm .of " Gleim, Brettaner 29th day of October, 1902. and Co." JAMES R. BROUGHAM, Registrar. firiHE creditors of the above named Edward Frederick JL Gleim and Luciano Brettaner-who have not In the High Court of Justice.—In Bankruptcy. already sent in their claims under the above mentioned In the Matter of a Bankruptcy Petition filed the 29th deed, are required, on or before the 18th day of November, day of October, 1902. 1902,, to send in their names and.addresses .and the To ALFRED JAMES MARGETTS, lately carrying on particulars of. their debts or claims to John George business as a Tailor, at No. 146, Fenchurch-street, in Lit ton, of No. 42, Spring-gardens,. in the city of the city of London, but the present residence or place Manchester, or Algernon Osmpn.d Miles, of No. 28, King- of business of the debtor, the Petitioners are unable street, Cheapside, in the city, of London, Chartered to ascertain. Accountants, the Trustees under the same deed, otherwise AKE notice, that, a Bankruptcy Petition has been they excluded from participating in the Dividend T presented against you to this Court by Everett, intended to be declared.—Dated this 29th day of Clear .and Co., of 7, Savile-row, in the county of London, October, 1902. Woollen Warehousemen, and the Court has ordered that the publication of this notice in the London Gazette ADDLESHAW, WARBURTON, and CO., 15, and in the "Daily Telegraph" newspaper, sball be Norfolk-street, Manchester, Solicitors for the deemed to be service of the Petition upon you; and said Trustees. further take notice, that the said Petition will be heard at this Court on the 19th day of November, 1902, at 12 o'clock at noon, on which day you are required to appear, and if you do .not appear the Court may make In the Matter, of a Deed of Assignment for the benefit a Receiving Order against you in your absence. The of Creditors, executed on the 24th day of July, 1902, Petition can be inspected by you en application at this by WILLIAM.COKFEY (trading as Henry Coffey Court.—Dated 30th day of October. 1902. and Sons), at.No. 50, High-street, in the city of Man- E. E. LINE LATER, Registrar. chester, Manufacturer, and residing at Tatton-road South, Heaton Chapel, in the county of Lancaster. HE creditors of the above. named William Coffey T w.ho have not already sent in their claims are re- quired, on or before the first day of December, 1902, to The Bankruptcy Acts, 1883 and 1890. send in their names and addresses, and the particulars In the County Court of Kent, holden at Canterbury. of their debts or claims, to. Andrew Archer Gillies, of In Bankruptcy. No. 25 of 1899. 46, Brown-street, in the city of Manchester, Chartered Re ABDIEL H ANH AM, of Graveney Vicarage, Graveney, Accountant, or Joseph Schofield, of 33, Mosley-street, Kent, Clerk in Holy Orders. in the said city of Manchester, Incorporated Accountant, OTICE is hereby given, that an Order was, on the the joint Trustees under the said deed, or in default N 24th day of October, 1902, made by the Board of thereof they will be excluded from the benefit of the Trade, under the powers conferred upon them by the Dividend proposed to be declared.—Dated this 24th day. Bankruptcy Acts, 1883 and 1890, removing Daniel of October, 1902. Horton, of 6, Newton-road, Faversham, from the office of Trustee of the .property of the said Abdiel Hanham, FIELD and CUNNINGHAM, 5, John Dalton- a Bankrupt.—Dated this 24th day of October 1902. street, Manchester, Solicitors, for the above By the Board of Trade, named Trustees E. HOUGH, Inspector in Bankruptcy..