DRAFT ITINERARY **Itinerary is Subject to Change**

MONDAY JULY 11 – ARRIVAL INTO Please note: If you are checking in on Monday July 11, you will likely not have access to your room until 6:00p.m.

! Please arrive at the Westin Winter Garden Hotel by 11:00am to drop off luggage and pick up important mission materials. Those participants that arrive in Paris earlier in the day may drop off their luggage earlier, but are expected back at the hotel by 11:00am. ! Depart for Opening program at 12:00pm & lunch at Salon Hoche ! Memorial service at the Hyper Cacher, the kosher supermarket where four were killed during the terror attacks in January of 2015 ! Afternoon program with OSE (Oeuvre de Secours aux Enfants), the largest Jewish welfare organization in Paris, together with the Trauma Coalition and JDC ! Dinner event with Jewish community residents and leaders focusing on challenges facing the Jewish community today

Overnight, Westin Hotel, Paris

TUESDAY JULY 12 – PARIS ! Concurrent morning workshops featuring “Major Gifts Fundraising” and “Understanding the Overseas Picture” ! Visit Sarcelles, a Paris suburb where Jews and Muslims live in fragile harmony ! Lunch at Le Jardins du Pont Neuf with guest speaker, Mr. Gilles Clavreul, InterMinistrial Delegate for the Fight against Racism and Anti-Semitism ! Political meeting with Foreign Dignitaries [To Be Confirmed] ! Goodbye Ceremony with new French Olim at the Lucien De Hirsch School ! Evening at leisure in Paris

Overnight, Westin Hotel, Paris

WEDNESDAY JULY 13 – PARIS / ISRAEL ! Workshop on Relationship-based Fundraising: Cultivation & Stewardship ! Depart for Israel on El Al 320 ! Upon arrival into Israel, festive evening with IDF soldiers and

Overnight, David Intercontinental Hotel,

THURSDAY JULY 14 – TEL AVIV ! Morning: “Challenges Facing Israel Today” with Alon Ben David, Channel 10 ! Visits with beneficiary agencies ! An evening of music, dancing and fun with MASA and Birthright participants at the Eretz Israel Museum

Overnight, David Intercontinental Hotel, Tel Aviv

FRIDAY JULY 15 – ! Memorial Service at Sarona Market ! Discussion regarding Civil Society in Israel and how to frame these opportunities for supplemental giving at the Hartman Institute ! Lunch and workshop at Goldstein Youth Village and Farm ! “Bringing it Home: Sharing Your Story” Workshop ! Kabbalat Shabbat at the Davidson Center featuring Kippa Live ! Festive Shabbat dinner

Overnight, David Citadel Hotel, Jerusalem

SATURDAY JULY 16 – SHABBAT IN JERUSALEM ! Optional Shabbat services at local synagogues ! Optional Walking Tours ! Lunch and best practices discussion ! “Giving Jewishly” lead by Rabbi David Landes, Director of Pardes ! Poolside Havdalah ! Evening at leisure in Jerusalem

Overnight, David Citadel Hotel, Jerusalem

SUNDAY JULY 17 – ISRAEL / EN ROUTE ! Breakfast at hotel ! Campaign Program ! Free time ! Farewell reception at Castel Winery

Transfers to airport for return flights to USA