Prolonged Remission Maintenance in Acute Myeloid Leukaemia
544 BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL 27 AUGUST 1977 the thrush in our patient. Liver function tests during con- tion of the support given by the staff of The Royal Free Hospital and valescence showed no evidence of liver damage. the various health departments. In the early stage of the illness facilities were not available for Br Med J: first published as 10.1136/bmj.2.6086.544 on 27 August 1977. Downloaded from conducting haematological or biochemical studies safely, so efforts were concentrated on establishing the virological diagnosis; in the late stage of the illness, when provision had References been made for routine tests,16 they were not required for the 1 Martini, G A, Postgraduate Medical Jfournal, 1973, 49, 542. management of the patient, though they proved useful for 2 Gear, J S S, et al, British Medical,Journal, 1975, 4, 489. assessing the extent of damage during convalescence. For- 3Weekly Epidemiological Record, 1976, 51, 325. tunately there was no bleeding and the use of prophylactic 4Simpson, D, personal communication, 1977. heparin was not considered to be necessary. 5 Johnson, K M, et al, Lancet, 1977, 1, 569. 6 Bowen, E T W, et al, Lancet, 1977, 1, 571. Once the haemoglobin and white blood cell levels had returned " Pattyn, S, et al, Lancet, 1977, 1, 573. to normal plasmapheresis was performed to obtain a supply of 8 Emond, R T D, Postgraduate Medical Journal, 1976, 52, 563. convalescent serum. 9 British Medical Journal, 1976, 1, 64. 10 Bowen, E T W, British J7ournal of Experimental Pathology, 1969, 50, 400.
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