Neurobiology and Key points principles of addiction C Initial drug use is driven by reward and pleasure through the mesolimbic pathway. and endoge- and tolerance nous play a key role in positive

Samuel Turton C As addiction develops, there is a shift from the ventral to the Anne Lingford-Hughes dorsal . Negative reinforcement through withdrawal symptoms, craving and motivates continued drug use. Excitatory , glutamate and noradrenaline Abstract () have increasing importance Substances of abuse dysregulate key brain systems involved in moti- C Tolerance is cause by adaptations leading to reduced sensi- vation, reward, decision-making and memory. As drug use evolves tivity of systems targeted by particular into a compulsive addiction, there are adaptations in these systems, of abuse to maintain a homeostatic balance. Withdrawal mediated by a number of different neurotransmitters. The mesolimbic symptoms are associated with these neuroadaptations dopaminergic pathway plays a central role in the pleasurable and pos- itive reinforcing effects of drugs. As an individual becomes addicted, C Pharmacotherapy for addiction includes substitution medica- there is a shift away from this positive reinforcement to the compul- tion such as , and that target neuro- sive, habitual drug-seeking behaviours driven, for example, by crav- transmission systems involved in reward, such as ings or withdrawal symptoms. Although the potential for addiction is and common with all drugs of abuse, the underlying mechanisms, neuro- transmission systems and adaptations vary between drugs. This re- view focuses on the neurobiology of addiction and tolerance for alcohol, , opioids and . dopamine system have generally proved ineffective at treating addiction.1 Other neurotransmitters, for example the endogenous Keywords Addiction; alcohol; ; dependence; neuro- biology; ; ; tolerance opioid system, are likely to be equally important in pleasure and reward as in drug use and addiction.2 As the associative pairing between drug-related cues and a rewarding response develops, this reinforces further drug use, leading to adaptive neuronal and behavioural changes. With Introduction continued repeated use, there is a shift in neuronal control of drug Substances of abuse dysregulate key brain systems involved in use behaviour from the ventral striatum to the dorsal striatum. Drug , reward, decision-making and memory. The dopa- use becomes compulsive and habitual, driven by the negative minergic mesocorticolimbic ‘reward’ pathway plays a key role in reinforcement of withdrawal and associated negative . the reward of classical natural hedonic activities such as food and Finally, there is the development of anticipation and craving, which sex, and the motivation to pursue these behaviours. The neuro- play a key role in and the reinstatement of drug use.3,4 transmitter dopamine has long been regarded as playing a central role as the of reward and addiction to sub- Tolerance and withdrawal stances of abuse. However, the degree of its central role may vary depending on the substance of abuse. For example, it has been For many drugs of abuse, continual drug use results in tolerance. harder to demonstrate robust increases in dopamine with This is particularly evident for alcohol and opiates, although less and in humans, and medications that block the so for stimulants. Such tolerance is driven by neuroadaptive changes in which receptors activated by the drug are down- regulated or exhibit reduced sensitivity to return brain function to a homeostatic balance. Abrupt cessation of the drug results in Samuel Turton MB ChB is a Clinical Research Fellow working with the process of withdrawal because there is no longer the input Professor Anne Lingford-Hughes at the Centre for needed to maintain the homeostatic balance, and opponent Neuropsychopharmacology, Imperial College London, UK, and processes are initiated. The exact underpinning neurobiology of completing a PhD investigating the role of endogenous opioids in tolerance and withdrawal varies because of the range of neuro- alcohol addiction. Competing interests: none declared. transmitter systems involved in the of many Anne Lingford-Hughes PhD BM BCh FRCPsych is Professor in substances of abuse (Table 1). Addiction Biology, Imperial College London and Consultant at Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust, UK. She trained in at The Bethlem and Maudsley Hospitals and Vulnerability to addiction Institute of Psychiatry and her research focuses on using Although many people try drugs experimentally, only a small and pharmacological challenges to characterize the neurobiology of addiction, particularly and proportion progress to addiction. Genetic predisposition may addiction. Competing interests: she has received funding for play a contributory factor in the development of addiction. research, and honoraria for talks and chairing from . Dopamine receptors have been implicated in predisposition to

MEDICINE 44:12 693 Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUG DISORDERS

Main neurotransmitter changes in the different stages of drug use

Risk factors and vulnerability for addiction

C Liking: low dopamine D2 availability C Liking: high mu availability C Anxiety: low g-aminobutyric acid (GABA) function (particularly for alcohol) Maintenance and neuroadaptation C Reduced dopaminergic tone C Reduced GABA (mainly for alcohol) C Dysregulated mu to kappa tone C Increased activity

Table 1 addiction, with higher D2 (DRD2) receptor levels reported in a study of non-addicted individuals with a family history of alcoholism. Reduced dopamine receptor levels were reported in individuals who found the effects of methyl- phenidate ‘pleasurable’. Preclinical literature suggests that addi- tional factors such as social hierarchy and may determine DRD2 receptor levels and subsequent con- Figure 1 sumption. Associations have also been shown between varia- tions in g-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A-subtype receptor (GABRA2, GABRG2) and an increased risk of alcohol and dependence. opioid receptors have been demonstrated in alcohol and cocaine These studies illustrate that vulnerability to addiction is likely addiction. Kappa opioid receptors are associated with , to be complex and influenced by multifactorial environmental and is the endogenous . Thus, mu and kappa and genetic factors. Large longitudinal cohort studies such as the have opposite effects, with of kappa receptors Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) and reducing the pleasurable effects associated with mu stimulation. IMAGEN are collecting data to better understand the genetic and Delta opioid receptors are important in analgesia and have en- developmental factors that predispose to alcohol and drug kephalins as the endogenous agonist. There is evidence that delta addiction. receptors may modulate the rewarding effects of drugs, but their role in addiction is poorly understood. Neurobiology of addiction As addiction develops, the modulation of the by excitatory neurotransmitter pathways increases. Mesolimbic dopaminergic neurones in the There are several well-defined theories regarding neurobiological project to brain regions including the and changes as drug use develops from compulsive to impulsive use. amygdala. GABA-ergic interneurones have a key inhibitory or In general, glutamatergic projections from the ‘braking’ effect on these dopaminergic neurones. A range of and other limbic areas to the nucleus accumbens are strength- inhibitory receptors, including mu opioid, CB1 and ened, and cellular adaptations can be observed in the anterior nicotinic, regulate GABA-ergic activity, in turn modulating the , both key regions in addiction (Figure 1). mesolimbic reward dopaminergic neurones. Therefore, when Noradrenergic (norepinephrinic) neurotransmission in the these inhibitory receptors are activated (e.g. by release of amygdala may also play an increasing role in stress and anxiety endogenous by alcohol or stimulants, or by con- behaviours associated with addiction. sumption of opioids or cannabis), the GABA-ergic neuronal in- hibition of the dopaminergic neurone is reduced. The resulting fi phasic firing of the dopaminergic mesolimbic results in increased Neurobiology associated with speci c drugs of abuse dopamine concentrations in the nucleus accumbens or ventral Alcohol striatum. Given the central role of the mesolimbic dopaminergic Alcohol impacts on a broad range of neurotransmitter systems, system, it is not perhaps surprising that similarities in these other and different effects can be attributed to the activation of modulators have been found in a variety of addictions. different receptors. Alcohol is a positive of As mentioned above, recent research has highlighted the the GABA-A receptor, enhancing receptor function in response to importance of other neurotransmitters, such as endogenous endogenous GABA, an inhibitory neurotransmitter. , opioids, in reward and addiction. Endogenous opioid receptors sedation and anxiolysis are mediated primarily through this consist of three subtypes: mu, kappa and delta. The endogenous GABA-A activity. Additionally, alcohol acts acutely as an antag- agonist at the mu opioid receptor is b-endorphin, which has onist at N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) glutamate receptors, euphoric and effects. Changes in the availability of mu thereby reducing excitatory glutamatergic neurotransmission.

MEDICINE 44:12 694 Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUG DISORDERS

Dysregulation of the NMDA receptor system is thought to un- Over time, neuroadaptations occur to counteract the continual derpin alcohol-related memory impairments. depression of the system. Chronic activation of the GABA-ergic Alcohol increases b-endorphin release in the ventral system by alcohol results in a reduction in GABA-A receptor tegmental area and nucleus accumbens, although the mechanism function. This probably contributes primarily to tolerance to by which this occurs is not understood. In the ventral tegmental alcohol. Conversely, chronic consumption of alcohol results in area, b-endorphin stimulation of the mu opiate receptors reduces an upregulation of NMDA receptors to compensate for the the GABA ‘brake’ on the mesolimbic dopaminergic neurones, continued reduction in NMDA receptor function (Table 2). increasing their activity. b-Endorphin release in the nucleus accumbens also modulates dopaminergic activity. Opioid recep- Benzodiazepines tor antagonist medications such as nalmefene and naltrexone Benzodiazepine-binding sites are part of the GABA-A receptor block the mu opiate receptor to reduce the pleasurable and complex and act to boost opening of the chloride channel by rewarding effects of alcohol. GABA and thus inhibition, resulting in anxiolysis and sedation.

Drugs of abuse: their pharmacology and that of their pharmacotherapy

Drug Primary target Main effects/ Other actions Clinical pharmacotherapy5 transmitters

Opiates , heroin, Mu opioid ? Dopamine Kappa and delta Methadone e full agonist , etc. receptors opioid receptors e partial Noradrenaline agonist and antagonist Naltrexone e full antagonist and e

a2- receptor Stimulants

Cocaine DAT [ Dopamine Local anaesthetic effects 5HT2C receptor by disrupting voltage-gated agonist (preclinical) sodium channels [ Dopamine Glutamate, [ b-Endorphin (DRD3) [ Dopamine [ NA/5HT Nicotinic ACh [ Dopamine Nicotine e replacement receptor e partial Alcohol GABA [ GABA-A function, [ b-Endorphin Benzodiazepines e GABA-A Glutamate Y Glutamate Many other systems positive allosteric modulator e GABA-B agonist e reduced NMDA and glutamate activity Naltrexone, nalmefene e opioid receptor antagonists Benzodiazepines GABA-A [ GABA-A function [ Dopamine e GABA-A antagonist GHB GABA-B [ GABA function Baclofen GHB receptor

Cannabis CB1 receptors ? Dopamine ? Opioids Others MDMA/ecstasy 5HT transporter [ 5HT [ Dopamine

(SERT) Weak 5HT1 and

5HT2 agonist /PCP NMDA Y Glutamate

LSD 5HT2 receptor 5HT2 agonist D2 receptor agonist

5HT, 5-hydroxytryptamine; ACh, ; DAT, dopamine transporter; DRD3, dopamine D3 receptor; GABA, g-aminobutyric acid; GHB, g-hydroxybutyrate; NA, noradrenaline; NMDA, N-methyl-D-aspartate; PCP, .

Table 2

MEDICINE 44:12 695 Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUG DISORDERS

There are six different subtypes of the GABA-A receptor, specific Some drugs of abuse have both stimulant and hallucinogenic functions being associated with particular subtypes (e.g. anx- properties. For instance, ecstasy (methylenedioxymethamphet- iolysis with a2 and a3). Finding which subtype is involved in ) increases the release of serotonin and blocks the seroto- abuse potential has been a clinical goal, and research suggests nin transporter. Users of ecstasy may experience visual possible involvement of the a1 and a5 subtypes. Of all the drugs but maintain a sense of reality, which is different of abuse, an increase in mesolimbic dopaminergic activity has from that caused by drugs with greater hallucinogenic activity been less easy to demonstrate with benzodiazepines. such as lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), which induces states of altered perception. A Opioids The pleasurable and rewarding effects of morphine and heroin are KEY REFERENCES primarily caused by their agonism of the mu opioid receptor. This 1 Nutt DJ, Lingford-Hughes A, Erritzoe D, Stokes PR. The dopamine receptor is also responsible for analgesia and respiratory depres- theory of addiction: 40 years of highs and lows. Nat Rev Neurosci sion. Chronic opioid consumption is associated with development 2015; 16: 305e12. of tolerance to its wide range of effects. Tolerance develops at 2 Berridge KC, Kringelbach ML. Pleasure systems in the brain. different rates; for example, tolerance to the euphoriant effects 2015; 86: 646e64. occurs rapidly, driving further opioid use. However, tolerance to 3 Koob GF, Volkow ND. Neurocircuitry of addiction. Neuro- opioid effects on respiration or constipation appears more slowly psychopharmacol 2010; 35: 217e38. and is incomplete. Understanding the differential rates of tolerance 4 Everitt BJ, Robbins TW. From the ventral to the dorsal striatum: is important, given the risk of respiratory depression and death devolving views of their roles in drug addiction. Neurosci Biobehav from opiate overdose in individuals following withdrawal, but the Rev 2013; 37(9 Pt A): 1946e54. mechanism is currently poorly understood. 5 Lingford-Hughes AR, Welch S, Peters L, Nutt DJ. Evidence-based In addition to using opioid substitute treatment, opioid with- guidelines for the pharmacological management of substance drawal symptoms can be treated with non-opioid . abuse, harmful use, addiction and : recommendations Excessive arousal and symptoms are caused by from BAP. J Psychopharmacol 2012; 26: 899e952. increased noradrenergic function, and can be ameliorated with a2-adrenergic agonists, such as lofexidine and clonidine, which reduce noradrenergic activity.

Stimulants Definitions e derived using the World Health Organi- Stimulants, such as cocaine, amphetamine and methamphet- zation International Classification of (ICD-10) amine are the only drugs of abuse to directly target the dopamine Dependence: When use of a substance becomes a higher priority system by blocking dopamine transporters, therefore preventing than other behaviours that once had greater value. Descriptive dopamine reuptake into the nerve terminal. also characteristics include: a strong or craving to use the increase dopamine release. Chronic stimulant use is associated substance, difficulties in controlling substance-taking behaviour, a with a reduction in dopaminergic function. Although much focus withdrawal, tolerance (see below), neglect of alternative pleasures or has been placed on dopamine as a key neurotransmitter in interests and substance use despite clear evidence of harmful stimulant addiction, other systems, including endogenous opi- consequences. For more details see oids as described above, are also likely to be important. Mice that terminology/ICD10ClinicalDiagnosis.pdf. lack dopamine transporters still self-administer cocaine, sup- Tolerance: the process by which chronic drug use results in a need to porting a compensatory role for alternative transmitters such as increase the drug dose to maintain the original pharmacological effect. serotonin and noradrenaline.

MEDICINE 44:12 696 Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.