Game Evaluation Project CIS 487/587 FALL 2007 Dr. Bruce R. Maxim

Written By Patrick Habib September 24, 2007 BIOSHOCK PC


• Generally, the music for this game is eerie and scary since the genre of the game is a survival horror.

• This game’s sound and music definitely enhance the game’s feel and involvement of the player inside the game. HACKING • Hacking is used to help your character in many aspects of the game. Hacking is done by solving these various types of puzzles as shown below. It begins with most squares are covered. After clicking them to uncover them, you must reroute the water to the correct ending position. If you fail, you lose a significant amount of life or lose your chance to achieve something for good.

Hacking can be used to • Get Cheaper Health • Make Items Cheaper and Reveal New Item For Sale • Program Drone Machines to aid you with unwanted enemies • Open Safes Full of weapons and money GAME REVIEW • Game Review • Bioshock is probably one of the best pc games I have ever played. The story line draws in the user to play more and more. Throughout the game, diaries can be found and listened to reveal more about Rapture City’s and it’s incidents. Since this game is the latest and greatest of it’s kind, it offers great graphics. The realistic water effects implemented in the game really enhance the feel of the player’s setting. The incorporation of plasmid secondary weapons is an added bonus to the game and makes game play really fun.

My Overall Rating 9.5/10

• Other people who have reviewed BIOSHOCK BioShock has received "universal acclaim" from critics and has been reviewed very highly. It is described by the developers as a "spiritual successor" to their previous title 2.. At Game Rankings, BioShock holds an average review score of 96% for the Xbox 360, making it the highest rated Xbox 360 game released to date and the 7th highest rated game of all time, and 96% for the PC, making it the highest rated PC game released to date and the 8th highest ranked game of all time. The game has been cited as having an "inescapable atmosphere,“ "inconceivably great plot" and "stunning soundtrack and audio effects." The game play and combat system have been praised for being smooth and open-ended. • What is the appropriate audience for this game? This game definitely requires a mature audience over the age of 18 due to the graphic nature of the game and violent dialogue. References

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