Extensions of Remarks

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Extensions of Remarks June 7, 1990 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 13425 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS A SALUTE TO PARTICIPANTS IN GEORGIA WINS BICENTENNIAL CONFEDERATION OF CUBAN THE JOBS FOR OHIO'S GRADU­ COMPETITION UNIVERSITY PROFESSIONALS ATES[JOGJPROGRAM IN EXILE HON. BEN JONES HON. ILEANA ROS-LEHTINEN HON. LOUIS STOKES OF GEORGIA OF FLORIDA OF OHIO IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, June 7, 1990 Thursday, June 7, 1990 Thursday, June 7, 1990 Mr. JONES of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I rise Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, it is with Mr. STOKES. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to today to commend 35 seniors and one ex­ great pleasure that I come before you today bring to the attention of my colleagues an ex­ traordinary teacher from Clarkston High to recognize the contributions of a group of in­ citing and very beneficial program which has School in Clarkston, GA who recently compet­ tellectuals who have been keeping the tradi­ proven successful in my congressional district ed in the National Bicentennial Competition on tion of Cuban academia alive while in exile and throughout the State of Ohio. The Jobs the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. from their native island home. for Ohio's Graduates [JOG] Program operates Rebecca Chambers is the kind of teacher The Confederation of Cuban University Pro­ in 14 Ohio cities. This unique school-to-work who brings great honor to her profession. Be­ fessionals was an organization which existed program assists high school seniors in devel­ sides the rigorous curriculum of advanced in the Republic of Cuba to provide assistance oping valuable job skills. These skills include placement American Government, Ms. Cham­ and guidance to those of the professionals employment interviews, decisionmaking, public bers spent about 60 hours of class time class. speaking, and telephone techniques. More im­ teaching constitutional history and theory. The After the Cuban Revolution, the group re­ portantly, the program instills in our youth the students should also be commended for formed in exile in Miami, FL, not only to con­ confidence, determination, and incentive that spending over 100 hours outside of class tinue their service to those professionals is necessary to enter the competitive job reading and researching constitutional law. which had escaped Castro's tyranny, by help­ market. The students worked after school almost daily ing them acquire the necessary licenses to JOG is the largest consistently applied throughout March and April in preparation for practice their profession in the United States, youth employment program in the country. Re­ the contest. Then, in what little spare time but also to fight for the cause of Cuban liberty. cently, the Cleveland Regional Competitions they had, they raised the money needed for The confederation recently initiated a new board of directors: Engineer Ernestine Abreu, for JOG were held. I am pleased to take this the trip, almost $23,000. president; Dr. Ram6n de Ia Cuesta, vice presi­ opportunity to commend and congratulate the The culmination of their efforts was a few dent; Architect Carlos I. Bertot, secretary; En­ schools and students who participated in the weeks ago, when the competition took place gineer Jose Morcate, vice Secretary; Mr. competitions. In particular, I want to congratu­ here in Washington. Forty-three State teams Oscar Cedeno C.P.A., treasurer; Dr. Manuel late T errelle Howard, the State winner of the participated and the team from Georgia won Perez Martinez, vice treasurer; Dr. Fernando competition. the Southeastern Regional Award, designating Soto, director; Dr. Rolando Espinosa, director; Mr. Speaker, it is good to know that the them No. 1 out of the 11 Southeastern teams. Dr. Roberto Rodriguez, director. JOG program is enjoying tremendous success The students were given 10 minutes to im­ Mr. Speaker, I applaud these men and the in the State of Ohio and throughout the press the august panel of constitutional ex­ other members of the Confederation of Cuban Nation. It is a much needed and positive vehi­ perts, and were judged on their understanding University Professionals in their commitment cle for our youth. of history, their knowledge of constitutional to preserving the Cuban scholarly pursuits. It CLEVELAND REGIONAL COMPETITIONS FOR JOBS applications, their ability to link answers to is my sincere hope that one day, in the near FOR OHIO'S GRADUATES contemporary issues, and their ability to work future, the chains of communism which have Cleveland Heights High School: Karen as a team in concert. oppressed the people of Cuba will soon be Bundy, Kathryen DeMoss, Brandon Ed­ Clarkston's success speaks well for the broken. When that day comes, it will partly be wards, Chavae Moon, Sean Patterson, and Georgia Department of Education, the Clark­ due to the heroic efforts of organizations such Lucretia Payne. ston community which supported their efforts, as the Confederation of Cuban Professionals Shaw High School: Melina Exsentico, and the school administrators who cultivated in Exile. Markeisha Carmichael, Ladona Jackson, interest in this competition, but above all, this Donita Lovelace, Aaron Ross, and Bernard achievement reflects upon the excellence of Wren. TROY SHEAFFER TO BE AWARD­ Jane Addams Business Careers Center: Ms. Chambers and her students. These stu­ ED THE EAGLE SCOUT AWARD Curtis Bloodworth, Hallye Gordon, Angela dents have shown scholarship, dedication, Kemp, Watenna Lauderdale, Fawn Rozar, and perseverance that sets a shining example and Janeen Sanders. for our State and will serve them well in all HON. GEORGE W. GEKAS Health Careers High School: Jeffrey their future endeavors. OF PENNSYLVANIA Dean, Oscalane Dickerson, Sonja Jones, I congratulate them for their achievement IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Nicholas Parries, Janent Spivey, and Sher­ and for reflecting so well upon their school Thursday, June 7, 1990 onda Williams. and the Fourth District of Georgia. Aviation High School: Terrene Howard, Mr. GEKAS. Mr. Speaker, I would like to Cedric Little, Jermaine McKee, Audrey draw the attention of my colleagues to a R ~ ce, June LaShonda Stone, and Robin young man from my congressional district who Thomas. will soon be awarded the Eagle Scout Award. Troy Sheaffer is a resident of Selinsgrove, PA. For the past 7 years Scouting has been an integral part of his life. As a Cub Scout he earned the Arrow of Light, and the God and Family Award. As a Boy Scout he attended e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. 13426 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS June 7, 1990 summer camp each of the last 4 years. He EXCLUDING THE DISABLED A TRIBUTE TO SIDNEY J. was selected to participate in Brown Sea II Before Congress passes the sweeping BROWN leadership training and was part of the group Americans With Disabilities Act it might at the National Boy Scout Jamboree at Fort consider the unintended consequences of its most recent efforts to help the disabled. HON. C. THOMAS McMILLEN A.P. Hill, VA, last summer. He will also join the Amendments to the Fair Housing Law OF MARYLAND contingent that is going to Philmont Scout passed in 1988 mandated that all multifam­ Ranch in New Mexico this year. ily housing units built in this country from IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Troy has been inducted into the Order of now on must be accessible to the handi­ Thursday, June 7, 1990 capped. Several groups representing the dis­ the Arrow. He has received the World Conser­ Mr. McMILLEN of Maryland. Mr. Speaker, I vation Award, the 50-mile canoe patch, the abled warn that the new rules are so expen­ sive that many disabled people will be would like to take the opportunity to congratu­ Mile Swim Award, and the Historical Trails priced out of the housing market complete­ late Mr. Sidney J. Brown for his efforts on Award. He has earned a total of 44 merit ly. behalf of Jewish education and accomplished badges, has camped out 90 nights, and has Congress didn't worry much about costs or career in the real estate industry. hiked over 120 of Pennsylvania's trails. defintions of "accessibility." Senator Paul Mr. Sidney J. Brown, a prominent real For his Eagle project, Troy has made addi­ Simon put the cost at "pennies a month," estate investor and lawyer, has supported nu­ tions and improvements to Major Anthony while Senator Tom Harkin assured that the merous philanthropic organizations. He has Selin Park in Selinsgrove. This project consist­ amendments included only "low-cost or no­ cost features." Then reality hit. served as an active leader of many charitable ed of: assembling and placing five wooden The Department of Housing and Urban groups and committees throughout his profes­ benches around the park; construction of a Development, given the actual task of im­ sional life. For many years he has also been a playground with swing, sliding board, and plementing the congressional edict, pro­ leading contributor to such organizations such monkey bars; laying out and constructing a posed guidelines in January. These require as the American Cancer Society, the Kennedy volleyball court and horseshoe pits; and relo­ that every public area be accessible to the Center, the Hebrew University, and the Ameri­ cating numerous trees. handicapped; that kitchens, bathrooms and can Israel Public Affairs Committee. He is cur­ In addition to all the Scouting activity, Troy doorways all be designed to handle wheel­ chairs; and that hilly sites be regraded and rently serving as honorary president of the is very active in his church and school. He is ramped for better access.
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