The Atlanta Historical Journal
•<h '\^\e' The Atlanta Historical Journal WINTER 1979-80 Volume XXIII Number 4 The Atlanta Historical Journal Franklin M. Garrett Editor Emeritus Ann E. Woodall Editor Harvey H. Jackson Book Review Editor Volume XXRI, Number 4 Winter 1979/80 Copyright 1980 by Atlanta Historical Society, Inc. Atlanta, Georgia COVER: This drawing of an Agnes Scott student holding a basketball was rendered by Philip Shutze for the 1912 Silhouette. The Atlanta Historical Journal is published quarterly by the Atlanta Historical Society, P.O. Box 12423, Atlanta, Georgia, 30355. Subscriptions are available to non-members of the Society. Manuscripts, books for review, exchange journals, and subscription inquiries should be sent to the Editor. If your copy of the Journal is damaged in the mail, please call the Society for a replacement. Please notify the Society of changes in address. TABLE OF CONTENTS Officers, Trustees, Past Presidents, and Past Chairmen of the Board 4 Publications Committee, Editorial Review Board, Staff 5 Editor's Note 6 Nellie Peters Black: Turn of the Century "Mover and Shaker" By Jane Bonner Peacock 7 The Role of Women in Atlanta's Churches, 1865-1906 By Harvey K. Newman 17 "Not a Veneer or a Sham": The Early Days of Agnes Scott By Amy Friedlander 31 Woman Suffrage Activities in Atlanta By A. Elizabeth Taylor 45 Women Authors of Atlanta: A Selection of Representative Works with an Analytic Commentary By Barbara B. Reitt 55 The High Heritage By Carlyn Gaye Crannell 71 Women Architects in Atlanta, 1895-1979 By Susan Hunter Smith 85 Book Reviews 109 New Members 126 In Memoriam 127 Academic Advisory Board, "Atlanta Women from Myth to Modern Times" 128 THE ATLANTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY OFFICERS Stephens Mitchell Chairman Emeritus, Board of Trustees Beverly M.
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