Thai Rung Union Car Plc
Thai Rung Union Car Plc. Opportunity Day, 24 May 2011 Thai Rung Union Car Plc. Opportunity Day, 24 May 2011 Contents • Industry Overview • TRU’s Sales Breakdown • TRU’s Strategy • Appendix Contents • Industry Overview • TRU’s Sales Breakdown • TRU’s Strategy • Appendix Production Volume in Thailand Q1/2011 Units +5% QoQ Q1' 53 600,000 +22% YoY Q4' 53 468,981 Q1' 54 500,000 448,074 382,841 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 0 Q1/10 Q4/10 Q1/11 Production Source : The Federation of Thai Industries Domestic Sales in Thailand Q1/2011 -2% QoQ +43% YoY Units Commercial car 244,008 QoQ 238,619 YoY Passenger 250,000 Pick Up 14,855 - 14,857 +38% 200,000 166,802 109,631 10,770 +0.60% 110,292 +60% 150,000 68,970 100,000 119,522 -5% 113,470 +30% 50,000 87,062 0 Q1/10 Q4/10 Q1/11 Domestic Sales Source : The Federation of Thai Industries CBU Export Q1/2011 Units +1% QoQ Q1' 53 300,000 +8% YoY Q4' 53 231,002 234,407 Q1' 54 250,000 216,685 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 0 Q1/10 Q4/10 Q1/11 CBU Export Source : The Federation of Thai Industries CBU Export by Brand Q1/2011 ISUZU GM Units 78,594 HONDA 5% 2% 80,000 6% PPV 1,832 2% MAZDA 6% Passenger Car 70,000 TOYOTA 16,520 21% FORD 33% 1Ton Pickup 12% 60,000 NISSAN MITSUBISHI 17% 19% 50,000 44,563 38,939 40,000 13,024 29% 240 28,306 30,000 60,242 1% 17,972 46% 77% 1,685 6% 7,652 27% 20,000 13,520 13,087 12,240 31,299 70% 210 2% 54% 47% 10,000 20,967 18,969 67% 6,287 5,050 12,030 98% 28% 7,233 53% 1,423 3,627 72% 0 TOYOTA MITSUBISHI NISSAN FORD MAZDA HONDA ISUZU GM Source : The Federation of Thai Industries Thai Auto Industry 2004-2015 (Forecast) Units Round 10% effect from Japan Earthquake & Growth from Eco car 3,000,000 Tsunami, reduce from 1.80 to 1.67 mil.
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