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Roots Arts Kon-Tiki museum Melancholy celebrates « Alt nytt begynner med kaos. » and madness Read more on page 10 – Mosse Jørgensen Read more on page 15 Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 125 No. 30 August 29, 2014 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidende $2.00 per copy A trip to volatile, alluring With Bárðarbunga threatening to erupt, our correspondant looks back at a recent visit to the island of ice and fire

Shelby Gilje Its waterfalls are breathtaking; its Seattle, Wash. steamy geysers fascinating; its bubbling If Iceland were a person instead of mud flats could make you believe you’ve an island, one could describe it as handsome, flown to the moon. « And if you long for adventure, note stunning, and seductive. that Icelanders reside among live vol- canoes, and one erupts about every five years. Most are not as dramatic as Ey- » jafjallajokull, which erupted in 2010 grounding thousands of airline flights in and around . I would not care to be present for a volcanic eruption, but would love to see the Northern Lights or aurora borealis. The sun does not set completely in Iceland in June. The Northern Lights, or aurora borealis, are best viewed from mid September through mid April. And the food? Who wouldn’t enjoy the sumptuous breakfast buffets that are standard fare in Nordic cultures; mar- velous fish-stock-based soups for lunch; salads with all manner of vegetables and delicious fish dishes. And of course fresh lamb. At one hotel there were raised beds of herbs and other ready-to-pick salad materials outside my room window. But why write about Iceland for the Norwegian American Weekly? Let’s talk DNA. Or if you want to be technical, de- oxyribonucleic acid. According to an exhibit in the Na- tional Museum of Iceland, 80 percent of Icelandic men’s DNA connects them to What’s inside? ; while 51 percent of the women News 2-3 have Celtic DNA. And Icelanders speak a Photo: Shelby Gilje form of Old Norse, which gave the Eng- Namaskard in Myvatn is so unearthly that NASA sent its astronauts there to practice for Business 4 lish language words such as “jury, them, their trip to the moon. Sports 5 their, husband, sister, born, and die” to Opinion 6-7 name but a few. So a visit to Iceland can scenic spots, and saw a spectacular wa- prehend why Neil Armstrong, the Taste of Norway 8 be a bit like visiting cousins in other parts terfall nearly every day. late American astronaut and the of Scandinavia. The extensive pastoral countryside first man to walk on the moon, and Travel 9 Our tour group learned about Ice- with lambs, ewes, cattle, and horses was his colleagues, trained on Iceland’s Roots & Connections 10 land’s history during an 11-day Universi- easy on the eyes. Not much traffic, though moonscapes. Obituaries & Religion 11 ty of Washington Alumni Association trip on country roads our tour bus occasion- A dip in the warm, relaxing In Your Neighborhood 12-13 arranged by Odysseys Unlimited, with ally had to pause for meandering sheep. Myvatn Nature Baths is about $22 lecturer Terje Leiren, professor of Scandi- After all, the half million sheep outnum- per person, rather than the $75 to Norwegian Heritage 14 navian studies and history at the UW, and ber people in Iceland. $100 fee at the Blue Lagoon near Arts & Entertainment 15 Icelandic tour director Steingrimur Gun- Lake Myvatn and the surrounding Reykjavik. No one in our tour Back Page 16 narsson. Our group of 17 travelers hailed area in the north are alive with bubbling group opted for the famous but from Washington, Oregon, California, mud flats, lava fields, and moon-like vol- pricey Blue Lagoon, but half a doz- $1 = NOK 6.176 Alabama, and Minnesota. canic craters. It is a nature reserve that en donned swimwear for Myvatn’s updated 08/25/2014 Just as many visitors do, we traveled ranks among the most beautiful sights more reasonable hot springs. the Ring Road northeast from Reykjavik in Iceland if not the world. Looking at In comparison to Akureyri. We made frequent stops at these surreal environs it’s easy to com- See > iceland, page 9 07/25/2014 6.2250 02/25/2014 6.0353 08/25/2013 6.0157 Photo: Shelby Gilje 2 • August 29, 2014 norwegian american weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter Sandberg vraket Stortinget for å være TV-kokk Fikk kjempelaks på kongens faste Mens resten av Storting- fiskeplass et var samlet til hektisk Denne laksen på 131,3 centimeter fikk Mark Brooks på en ti fots ørret- innspurt før sommerferien stang i Lærdalselva. Bildet av fisken var Per Sandberg opptatt går verden rundt, sier fiskeren. Mark med å lage mat på TV Brooks og sønnen William (4) var ute på 20. august og fisket etter - ør VG ret i Lærdalselven, sammen med ka- merat Ola Petter Bøe og hans sønn Den første uken i juni deltok Frp-nestle- Knut Olav (11). — Vi sto og snakket deren under innspillingen av TV3s nyeste mens vi fisket, og plutselig får vi napp. sesong av kokkekamp-programmet Mas- «WONK», sa det, og så ble snøret terChef. stramt, forteller Brooks. To og en halv Innspillingen foregikk i København og time med blodslit tok det før gjengen deltagerne måtte oppholde seg i den danske klarte å få den svære fisken på land. hovedstaden fra 2. til 5. juni. Etter å ha fått ut kroken, hadde de en Den samme uken var det heldagsmøter liten fotoseanse og tok målinger av i Stortinget både tirsdag 3. juni og torsdag fisken. Laksen var 131,3 centimeter 5. juni. I tillegg til vanlig spørretime onsdag lang, og målte 82 centimeter rundt 4. juni. Foto: Pressefoto / TV3 buken. Bildene av laksen er delt på — Jeg får masse forespørsler om å del- Frp-nestleder Per Sandberg foretrakk kjøkkenkniv, sitroner og lime i stedet for debatter, voteringer Facebooksider for laksefiskere, og ta i forskjellige arrangement. Denne våren og spørretime i starten av juni. eksperter har estimert den til å veie hadde jeg tre-fire forespørsler. I samråd med mellom 26,4 og 27,5 kilo. Rekord er kommunikasjonsavdelingen valgte jeg å si ja tikk, så det var nyttig. til stede. Jeg jobber døgnet rundt uansett, og det nok dessverre ikke. Ifølge klikk.no til MasterChef, sier Sandberg. Blant det Sandberg — som sitter i uten- det var ikke slik at jeg ikke drev med poli- er den offisielle Norgesrekorden for — Programmet er veldig relevant med riks- og forsvarskomiteen — gikk glipp av tisk arbeid også utenom innspillingene disse laks fisket på stang 32,5 kilo og 142 tanke på politikk. Ved å delta kan jeg bidra mens han «formidlet sunn mat», var viktige dagene. centimeter. Den ble fisket i Tanaelven til å formidle kunnskap om sunn mat, vise at redegjørelser fra utenriksministeren og fors- Heller ikke ledelsen i Frps stortings- i juli i 1951. Men det er ytterst sjelden det går an å lage mat fra bunnen av hjemme varsministeren om utviklingen i gruppe ser noen problemer ved Sandbergs med rugger på over 26 kilo. og vise frem at Norge er et u-land med tanke og Norges engasjement der. fravær. (VG) på råvarer, sier han. Sandberg viser til at Frps forsvarspoli- — I tillegg så får jeg en anledning til å tiske talsperson var til stede under rede- English Synopsis: Vice President of Norway’s Prog- Sauer forvillet seg ut på dypt vann i drite meg ut. Jeg er jo ikke kokk. Man får gjørelsene, og at disse uansett foreligger ress Party, Per Sandberg, participated in a TV cooking Lofoten også anledning til å møte masse forskjellige skriftlig. competition in instead of attending parlia- — Jeg var på tur til barnehagen tidlige- mennesker; økonomer, idrettsfolk og musik- — Jeg tror ikke situasjonen i Afghani- mentary meetings. The Progress Party supports - re i dag da jeg så disse sauene som ere. Og alle disse har jo innspill til vår poli- stan eller Frps innsikt tapte fordi jeg ikke var berg’s decision to compete in MasterChef. hadde forvillet seg ut på dypt vann, sier Runa Sundsfjord til NRK. De stakkars sauene stod da på et lite skjær like ved campingplassen i Rolvsfjord Tidskapsel åpnet Slanking har nådd helt til livmoren på Vestvågøy i Lofoten, skriver Lofot- posten. Sundsfjord stoppet opp for å etter 100 år I enkelte miljøer er det ta bilde av dyrene. — Her beiter dyr status å føde barn som fra både Borge, Gimsøy og Valberg. En 100 år gammel tids- Det er derfor vanskelig å si hvem som veier under tre kilo eier sauene, fortsetter Sundsfjord. Hun kapsel fra 17. mai 1914 trodde sauene var avhengig av å vente ble åpnet i Fjære kirke Aftenposten på fjæra for å komme seg i land. Når hun var på retur litt senere var imidler- NRK tid sauene vekk. — Det tyder på at — Noen mener det tar seg bedre ut med de har svømt i land. Jeg stoppet, men En fullsatt kirke ventet spent på åpnin- en liten og nett baby på skinnfellen, heller kunne ikke se noen våte dyr. gen av blikkboksen, som har hengt i kirketår- enn en godslig og robust godklump, sier all- (NRK) net i 100 år. mennlege Kari Løvendahl Mogstad. På boksen stod det: «Maa ikkje aapnas Aftenposten har tidligere skrevet om Nordmenn ranet under pokerlag i fyr næste Jubileum.» enkelte jordmødres bekymring for at gravide Sverige — Vi har vært litt fristet til å titte oppi ønsker å føde små barn. Nå bekrefter leger Rundt 15 personer, de fleste nordmenn, før, men klarte å holde oss. Vi visste når den og jordmødre at dette er en trend blant en- ble ranet da de spilte poker i Strömstad skulle åpnes, sier kateket Kjell Olav Haugen. kelte gravide. Foto: Teadrinker / Flickr i Sverige forrige uke. Ved 1.30-tiden Kapselen var sveiset igjen, og ble åpnet — Jordmødre ser at dette er en usunn Noen norske gravide kvinner vil ha små babyer. natt til torsdag tok fire maskerte og varsomt med vinkelsliper av kirketjeneren trend blant noen gravide, og dette er be- bevæpnede personer seg inn på Hog- før søndagens gudstjeneste. kymringsfylt. Fokuset for de gravide bør ger blogger og hva som skrives i sosiale me- dal Bygdegård og ranet pokerlaget, Da sylinderboksen ble åpnet, kunne være å få et friskt normalvektig barn som er dier for å holde seg oppdatert på hva gravide skriver Sarpsborg Arbeiderblad. Om- de ta ut en protokoll fra komiteen bak 17. født til termin, sier Schjelderup-Eriksen. er opptatt av og blir eksponert for. trent 15 personer deltok i spillet. De maifeiringen til grunnlovsjubileet i 1914, et Jordmoren er usikker på om de gra- — Det har i det siste stått en del om fleste av dem var ifølge politiet- nor program fra feiringen, bilder, et eksemplar vide skjønner konsekvensene for det under- treningspress og fokus på minst mulig vek- dmenn. Spillerne ble tvunget ned på av avisen Grimstad-Posten og et banner fra ernærte barnet både på kort og lang sikt. tøkning i svangerskapet. En av de nye tren- gulvet av de fire ranerne, ifølge Af- feiringen. — Disse barna må gjerne følges like dene blant en del vordende mødre er å gå tonbladet. — Det er ganske tydelig — Jeg hadde ikke så veldig store for- nøye opp som premature barn, for å sikre at minst mulig opp i vekt under svangerskapet, at gjerningsmannen visste om at det ventninger. Vi kunne ha håpet på et spen- de får i seg nok næring. Denne trenden er og en av årsakene er etter alt å dømme at ble spilt poker med penger, og planla nende skattekart, men bilder og dokumenter å utsette barnet for unødig helserisiko, og de ønsker seg et lite, nett og lett barn, sier ranet ut ifra det, sier etterforskning- var nok det mest sannsynlige, sier Haugen. noe vi vil fraråde på det sterkeste. En annen Løvendahl Mogstad. sleder Tore Lomgård i Strömstad- Etter gudstjenesten ble gjenstandene konsekvens er at kvinner som er for tynne Hun tror mange gravide som slanker seg politiet til Bohusläningen. Norsk politi lagt fram på et bord så menigheten kunne se oftere må gi opp å fullamme sine barn, fordi ikke vet at lav fødselsvekt kan føre til helse- og grenseoverganger ble kontaktet like nærmere på tingene, som nå vil bli stilt ut i amming er svært energikrevende. Fettet vi messige konsekvenser for barnet på lang sikt. etter ransmeldingen. Foreløpig er in- kirken. lagrer under graviditeten har vi bruk for etter Allmennlegen sier kroppsfikseringen er gen pågrepet etter ranet. Det er forbudt Nå vurderer de selv å legge ned noe fra fødselen, slik at vi kan ernære våre barn på blitt hysterisk i samfunnet vårt, og det er van- å spille poker med penger i Norge, 2014 i en ny kapsel, som kan åpnes i 2114. en tilfredsstillende måte. skelig å slippe unna. men regjeringen har foreslått å tillate Allmennlege Kari Løvendahl Mogstad sitter blant annet i Legeforeningens referan- hjemmepoker med opptil 5000 kroner English Synopsis: A 100-year old time capsule from English Synopsis: It has become a trend among some i potten. the 1914 Syttende Mai celebration was opened on segruppe for barns helse og Nasjonalt råd for pregant women in Norway to diet in hopes of having (Aftenposten) August 24. It contained a program, pictures, a news- fødsel og barselomsorgen. Hun har mange a small baby. Doctors and midwives are worried about paper, and a banner. gravide i legepraksisen i Trondheim, og føl- the health of these undernourished infants. Norwegian american weekly August 29, 2014 • 3 News Private school for royals Quotas help women This week in brief climb pay scale Teacher strike continues; 100,000 Princess Ingrid Alexandra students affected begins Oslo International More women among The Union of Education and the Nor- School this fall companies’ highest paid wegian Association of Local and Re- gional Authorities (KS) met again on after quotas took effect Sunday, August 24, to find an agree- Norway Post / Aftenposten / NRK ment in the ongoing teachers’ strike. Norway Post / Aftenposten The talks ended after only 30 minutes, with no solution found. The strike has Princess Ingrid Alexandra (10), daugh- After female quotas were introduced in now entered its ninth week. ter of Crown Prince Haakon and Crown publicly traded joint-stock companies (ASA “The closer we try to get to the Princess Mette-Marit, had her first day at companies) in Norway, more women are teachers’ unions’ demands, the more Oslo International School on Tuesday, Au- among the companies’ highest-paid individ- they back away. We can never come to gust 19. uals, and more women are managers. a solution this way,” says chief nego- The Princess left the public school sys- Affirmative action forced ASA-compa- tiator in KS, Per Kristian Sundnes. tem this spring to start grade five at a private nies to increase the share of female board “I am afraid this has become an international school outside of Oslo. Photo: Norway Post / Aftenposten / NRK members. This has led to more women being issue of prestige for the KS board,” The Crown Prince couple announced Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess recruited for management positions. responds Ragnhild Lied, head of the that the Princess would leave the public Mette-Marit with children Prince Sverre Magnus “Generally speaking I am against af- Union of Education. “Now we have school Jansløkka just before summer, stat- and Princess Ingrid Alexandra. firmative actions, but in certain situations to look at further strategies. We have ing that they have made a decision that is it is an efficient tool in order to implement several plans ready in order to increase right for them and their child. They also out of the public school system, the Labor change. It has definitely been in this case,” the strength of the strike,” she says. argued that the Princess, who is second in Party’s Royal Political spokesperson, Mar- says CEO Heidi Skaaret in Storebrand. The main issue in the talks is still line to inherit the throne, will benefit from tin Kolberg, told VG that their choice of Sissel Jensen, an associate professor at the disagreement about how many attending an international school, and that it school was one step closer to putting an end Norway’s Business School, has studied the hours teachers should be forced to will prepare her for her international role as to the monarchy. The Socialist Left Party’s effect the female quotas have had on equality spend at school. Teachers currently an adult. foreign political spokesperson Torgeir Knag in the business sector. “Our work shows that have great flexibility in terms of where Meanwhile, the school change breaks Fylkesnes, was not positive either, and told the share of female managers at the top level they work when they are not in class, with the tradition that Norwegian royals at- NRK that the foundation of the Norwegian of ASA-companies has been doubled as a but KS is pushing for more compul- tend public schools, which is one of their monarchy was breaking apart. result of this reform,” Jensen explains. “Top sory office hours. The teachers’ unions few opportunities to be among ordinary The Norwegian people, however, seem level” refers to the five highest paid individu- have already agreed that they will not people of their age. People have also ques- to have split views on their Crown Prince als in the company. accept any more office time. tioned if the Crown Prince couple does not Couple’s school choice. 25 percent think it is In December 2005, the government More than 100,000 students are think the Norwegian public school system is positive, 41 percent are neutral, whereas 30 decided that all publicly traded joint-stock currently affected after 7,700 teachers good enough. percent are negative. companies (ASAs) would be represented by at 201 schools have gone on strike. When it became known that the Crown (Norway Post / Aftenposten) Prince couple planned to take their children See > royals, page 13 See > quotas, page 6 Fewer divorced and separated The number of divorces and separa- Norway, to tions in Norway has decreased in re- Sculpture landscape cent years. Since 2005, the decrease host Gaza donors has been 12 percent. In 2013, there were 200 fewer The two nations will host marriages dissolved by divorce and on top-ten list 200 fewer couples separated than in conference on Palestine 2012. A total of 23,400 couples got National Geographic names Artscape Nordland married, 10,900 couples were sepa- rated, and 9,700 marriages were dis- NRK / Ministry of Foreign Affairs one of the world’s must-see sculpture parks solved by divorce in 2013. For those The Governments of Egypt and Nor- who were divorced in 2013, the aver- way, supported by President Mahmoud Ab- age marriage had lasted 12.9 years. bas, have decided to co-host a conference on Calculations of the divorce pat- Palestine with a focus on the reconstruction tern for 2013 reveal that 39.8 percent of Gaza. of all married couples have a risk of “The people of Gaza are suffering, and getting divorced. This is the lowest there is an urgent need for emergency re- calculated percent since 1989. lief. The UN and NGOs have already begun (Norway Post / SSB) working on this, with the support of Nor- way, among others. The basic infrastructure Norwegian Muslims demonstrate must be repaired so that the people have against IS access to electricity, water, and sanitation,” An increasing number of Muslims in says Norway’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Norway are speaking out against the Børge Brende. Islamic State (IS) and its reported The work of assessing the damage brutality against civilians in Northern caused by the recent hostilities is underway. , saying that what IS is doing has The damage is extensive, and greater than nothing to do with Islam. after the 2008–2009 war. This is the third In a rally in Bergen on Saturday, time the donors are being asked to contrib- August 23, several hundred met to ute to the reconstruction of Gaza. Photo: Skulpturlandskap Nordland show solidarity with the victims of “Egypt and Norway are organizing this Per Inge Bjørlo’s sculpture Internal follows external (Indre følger ytre; 2006-2010) is situated on a IS’s brutal violence in Iraq. The pro- conference in order to provide political sup- cliffy shore with the mountain Rødøyløva as a background. testers included local politicians, as port for a lasting ceasefire. At the same time, well as leaders of the Bergen Mosque the donors intend to send a clear signal that Norway Post / NRK seum. Instead, inhabitants and visitors have and the Norwegian Lutheran Church. the fundamental situation in Gaza must be to travel quite far in order to study modern The protests are also aimed at IS sup- changed. Gaza cannot be simply rebuilt in Artscape Nordland in Nordland County art in museums and galleries. porters in Norway, including radical the same way as it has been before. The in- has been named one of the ten best sculpture Now, the sculpture park is on the top-ten groups like Profetens Ummah, which ternational community cannot necessarily parks in the world by National Geographic. list of the world’s must-see sculpture parks, have defended IS operations. be expected to contribute to yet another re- Artscape Nordland is an international right next to parks in , the U.S., and A larger rally named “Not in the construction effort,” said Brende. art project with invited participants from 18 . name of Islam” (Ikke i Islams navn) is “Gaza’s borders must be opened to al- countries. The project was initiated during a “I am happy that it is also possible to planned for Oslo. Prime Minister Erna debate about the role of art in society, and Solberg will make an appeal. See > gaza, page 6 Nordland county does not have an art mu- See > sculptures, page 6 (Norway Post / NRK / Aftenposten) 4 • August 29, 2014 norwegian american weekly Business Business News & Notes Oslo Innovation Week More Norwegians disclose tax evasion For the past six months, tax authorities An increasing number of Norwegians who have reached decisions in 100 tax cases in Norway’s capitol will again be a hub of cutting- have disguised their assets in tax havens which people reported themselves voluntari- abroad now wish to come clean. “Some peo- ly. In total, the taxable amount was estimated edge techonology and business this October ple wish to sleep better at night. They want to at NOK 2.5 billion in assets, and NOK 145 ease their conscience and come clean,” says million in income. Tax Director Hans Christian Holte. “Some are grateful that they can come During the first six months of 2014, 153 clean by just paying the tax they have evaded individuals chose to report assets and income for the past ten years plus interest rates. It is not previously disclosed to the government. quite rare that people are so thankful to pay That is an increase of 35 percent compared their taxes,” Holte tells Aftenposten. to the same time period in 2013. (Norway Post / Aftenposten) Those who choose to report their assets voluntarily are forgiven. They still have to Record grain harvest pay the taxes they owe, including interest Following several poor seasons, Norwe- rates, dating back ten years. But those who gian farmers are this year experiencing the choose to come clean are not punished with best grain harvest in decades, NRK reports. additional taxes. Threshing started record early, and the qual- The world is becoming more and more ity is better than it has been for many years. open, and Swiss banking culture is on the de- “It is the best grain harvest ever,” says fense, Holte explains. The tax director thinks farmer Ole Hans Unelsrød from Skoger, near that people are feeling the pressure, and that Drammen. He has been a grain farmer for 30 both and other countries give years. out more information than before, sooner. Prognoses show that the delivery of “Switzerland has traditionally been Norwegian grain will be 20 percent higher closed when it comes to information about than last year, and eight percent over the av- the banks’ clients. This has been a well- erage for the last five years. Photos: Gorm K. Gaare known fact in Norway, and Norwegians have And the quality is good. Over the last / Oslo Innovation Week viewed it as the country where they can hide several years, Norway has had to import Above: Karl Johan’s their money,” Holte says. 80 to 90 percent of the grain used for food. gate decked out with In- With new agreements in place, howev- This year it is predicted that most of the food novation Week banners in er, Switzerland is becoming a secret hiding grain will be produced in Norway. 2013. Left: The Mesh — Maker place of the past. (Norway Post / NRK) Revolution team in front of a 3D printer at OIW Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance 2013. Oslo has fostered a (Aug. 25, 2014) Winners Losers strong Maker culture. Norsk Kr. 6.1761 Name NOK Change Name NOK Change Apptix 2.80 7.69% InterOil 0.85 -7.61% Dansk Kr. 5.6504 Eitzen Chemical 6.00 7.14% Navamedic 12.75 -6.59% Svensk Kr. 6.9323 Norwegian Energy Co. 0.15 7.14% Aqualis 9.85 -6.19% Nickel Mountain Group 1.60 6.67% Intex Resources 1.68 -4.55% asmus alck Canadian $ 1.0979 Opera Software 89.75 5.59% Dolphin Group 4.70 -4.28% R F idea and take the first step toward launching your startup. 0.7579 For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit www.dn.no. Oslo, Norway Another event is the breakfast meeting Oslo Innovation Week is the largest in- focusing on what Norway can learn from novation convention in Europe. It is a sig- the Israeli entrepreneurial model. Co-author nificant meeting place for those who want of “Start-up Nation” Saul Singer will pres- Join our community! to discuss opportunities and practices for ent how it is that produces the high- growth and innovation. Over 50 differ- est number of startups per capita of any na- Just $70 for 47 issues ent events will take place during the Week tion in the world. Creative Mornings Oslo is Call* (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] for details* this October, with all events strengthened part of a global breakfast lecture series for through common marketing. Last year 6,000 the creative community started in New York local and international participants, from and now spread to 90 cities. The Oslo chap- tech, cultural industries, marketing and com- ter was born last year and has had a rapid munication, health, energy, media, and pub- growth. Innovation is often born when cre- lic institutions participated. ative minds come together and collaborate. This year’s Week will focus on four The power of collaboration is like a fuel for main categories: Tech, Startup, Maker, and creativity and innovation. Design. Startup is always in focus. In recent Let me also mention that there will be years there has emerged an international a Silicon Valley seminar arranged by the movement of makers. Here new produc- Silicon Vikings network, an overview of tion methods, crafts, and innovations can six emerging social innovation trends and a be pushed. Oslo has fostered a strong maker seminar on crowdfunding. movement. Technology changes the world During the same week, the Norwegian faster than any phenomena in mankind’s Investment Forum will be hosted for the 16th history. What does this mean for future busi- time. This is the largest venture conference ENJOY ALL LIFE nesses and tomorrow’s societies? The focus in Norway and one of the most important HAS TO OFFER will be on the latest trends and the most networking arenas for investors and entre- Your family, your lifestyle, your dreams—all come groundbreaking pioneers. Design as an initi- preneurs. I hope the Week will contribute to with changing expenses. Life insurance can ator of or a part of an innovation process has the city of Oslo becoming the most innova- keep pace with the way you live, offering protection tive capital in Europe. The dates are October today plus future tax advantages and a source become more and more relevant. The future of potential income to help with retirement competitive environment gives us demands 13-17. Hope to see you in Oslo! expenses later. for renewal and innovation beyond the tech- Visit Thrivent.com/na, or contact a nical. Design can add value to an innovation. Rasmus Falck is a strong financial representative to learn more or to How can this knowledge be a competitive schedule a checkup. innovation and entrepre- factor? neurship advocate. The INSURANCE CHECKUP The week starts with a Startup Week- author of “What do the end. This is a 54-hour event designed to best do better” and “The Insurance products issued or offered by Thrivent Financial, the marketing name for Thrivent Financial provide the opportunity to learn how to board of directors as a for Lutherans, Appleton, WI. Not all products are available in all states. Thrivent Financial representatives are licensed insurance agents/producers of Thrivent. For additional important information, visit Thrivent.com/disclosures. start a business. Anyone is welcome to pitch resource in SME,” he re- Thrivent Financial and its representatives and employees cannot provide legal, accounting, or tax advice or services. Work with their startup idea and receive feedback. The ceived his masters degree your Thrivent Financial representative and, as appropriate, your attorney and tax professional for additional information. weekend is centered around action, innova- from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He Appleton, Wisconsin • , Minnesota • Thrivent.com • 800-847-4836 • tion, and education. It is a place to test your currently lives in Oslo, Norway. 28145NBC N8-14 norwegian american weekly August 29, 2014 • 5 sports Sports News Tromsø hosts Olympiad & Notes Over 170 countries battle for medals in a competition marred by deaths Football: New player youngest ever on National Team Martin Ødegaard (15) has been chosen for Staff Compilation Norway’s squad, which meets the United Norwegian American Weekly Emirates in a friendly on August 27. He will be the youngest player ever on the Norwe- The world’s fourth-largest sporting gian National Team. “It is incredibly great event, the 41st , wrapped and fun. It is a dream come true,” says Øde- up this August in the former Mack Brewery gaard, who currently plays for the Strøms- warehouse in Tromsø. 1,500 players from godset club. over 170 nations met in the northern Norwe- (Norway Post / NRK) gian city to battle it out for medals and the Hamilton-Russell Cup, which was offered as Football: Hangeland no longer national a prize at the first official Olympiad in Lon- team captain don in 1927 and has been used since. Norway International’s Brede Hangeland The Chinese men and the Russian (Crystal Palace), has announced that he will women made short work of securing their no longer play for the Norwegian National predicted golds. took silver in the Team, where he has been captain for several men’s section, leaving the bronze medal a years. Hangeland this summer transferred tiebreaker cliffhanger. sensationally from Fulham to Crystal Palace, and says at edged out and after beat- his age (33) he now has to give first prior- ing 3.5:0.5. In the women’s event ity to the new club. The midfielder has over took silver and bronze, after Photos: (above) Chess the past 12 years played 91 matches for the drawing their final match. Olympiad Norway 2014 / Norwegian National Team and scored four In the end the Norwegian Open team’s ; (right) David Llada goals. performance was a disappointment. With Above: Team China, as first-place (Norway Post / NRK) , pumped up crowds, and winner, hoists the Hamilton- immense TV coverage, expectations were Russell cup. Right: Kurt Meier, the Swiss-born Football: Lillestrøm climbs to 5th place exospheric, with top ten and possible medals player who collapsed Lillestrøm beat Sogndal 1-0 away from being discussed by national media. The pres- and passed away during the final home, and was promoted up to fifth place in sure seemed to be too much; thanks to a last round of play. the table. Sogndal still resides in the relega- round blanking of , Norway soared tion spot, one point ahead of Brann. Marius up the table to a still-disappointing 29th Amundsen scored the game’s only goal. place, and the best that can be said about that (NRK) is that it was at least the top Nordic result. Norway’s top women could make the Football: Vålerenga loses the victory same claim, and with more pride. Ranked Vålerenga led comfortably but lost the vic- 38th, they were also the top Nordic team tory in the Tippeligaen match on August 23. in their event, finishing 25th after beating Two goals in the last 12 minutes gave Brann 3:1 in the final round. Maud the 3-3 tie at Ullevaal Stadium. Rodsmoen scored an FM norm and picked (NRK) up a whopping 96.4 rating points. Some Norwegians did perform marked- Football: Hestad continues with Molde ly above their ratings, first board Frode Urke- dal beat Ivanchuk and narrowly missed tak- nized by the Fédération Internationale des the 41st Olympiad. Unofficial surveys in Daniel Berg Hestad (39) will continue with ing his final GM norm, and Torbjørn Ringdal Échecs or World Chess Federation, which Tromsø and Norway indicate that chess has Molde after this season. On August 22, he Hansen had a Norwegian rating performance also selects the host nation. Both the Inter- become trendier as a result of the Olympiad signed a new one-year contract, reports said. only bettered by Magnus Carlsen. They drew national Sports Federation and the Interna- and the media coverage thereof. The Olym- The super veteran, who holds the record for against second seeds Ukraine and lost to fa- tional Olympic Committee recognize chess piad also included a children’s track in which number of games in Tippeligaen, always vorites Russia by the smallest margin. as a sport, but the Olympiad is not part of the some 70 potential chess masters of the future comes to the conclusion that he will play at Carlsen also failed to meet expectations. Olympics, and the prospect for chess to be- met across the boards. The youngest player least one more year. After his second loss, in the tenth round of come an Olympic sport is unclear. The first was a pre-schooler, while the oldest attends (NRK) competition, he left the Olympiad. unofficial Chess Olympiad was held in Paris, lower secondary school. The focus of the Olympiad is the team parallel to the 1924 Summer Olympics. The will meet in competition, but individual medals are also This year’s Olympiad was unfortunate- 2016 in , Azerbaijan. awarded. Men’s golds went to Veselin To- ly marred by the deaths of two players on palov of , Ngoc Truong Son Nguy- the final day of competition. A Seychelles en of , Yu Yangyi of China, Nikola player, 67-year-old Kurt Meier, originally of Tippeligaen: Norway’s Premier League Sedlak of , and of the Switzerland, collapsed during the final round U.S. Gold-medal-earning women were Nana of play and could not be revived. Later the results Standings Dzagnidze of , Valentina Guina of same evening, 46-year-old Alisher Anarku- 8/22 Ulf 2 – 2 Viking Tippeligaen PLD PTS Russia, of Russia, Na- lov of Uzbekistan was found dead in his ho- 1. Molde 21 50 talia Zhukova of Ukraine, and tel room. Preliminary reports indicate that he 8/23 Strømsgodset 2 – 3 Stabæk 2. Odd 21 44 of India. died of natural causes. 8/23 Vålerenga 3 – 3 Brann Biennial Chess Olympiads are orga- Chess itself might be the big winner of 3. Strømsgodset 21 37 8/24 Odd 4 – 1 Start 4. Rosenborg 21 36 5. Lillestrøm 21 34 1 – 2 Bodø/Glimt MULLAVEY, PROUT, GRENLEY & FOE 8/24 6. Vålerenga 21 33 8/24 Rosenborg 2 – 0 Sarpsborg 08 7. Viking 21 32 8. Stabæk 21 26 attorneys and counselors at law 8/24 Sogndal 0 – 1 Lillestrøm 9. Bodø/Glimt 21 25 8/24 Molde 5 – 0 Aalesund 10. Sarpsborg 08 21 25 Advice regarding maritime and civil claims, disputes, 11. Start 21 22 commercial transactions and estate planning. 12. Haugesund 21 21 13. Aalesund 21 21 2501 NW 65th St, P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 To read more about football in 14. Sogndal 21 20 15. Brann 21 19 Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484 Norway, visit www.uefa.com 16. Sandnes Ulf 21 13 6 • August 29, 2014 norwegian american weekly opinion < sculptures an art gallery took shape in 1988, A message from From page 3 and now 35 sculptures, made by 35 different international artists, are Editor-in-chief Emily C. Skaftun complete projects of an interna- placed in each of the county’s 34 Editor’s Notes tional standard in small municipal- municipalities. Join the conversation! ities and a small country like Nor- “Beacons, shelters, huts, hu- way,” says the former Director of man figures, pyramids, and other At long last: our new digital edition is here! Culture in Nordland, Aaslaug Vaa. monumental sculptures by inter- Vaa was hired as the county’s nationally renowned artists such as cultural director in the mid-eight- Anish Kapoor and Antony Gorm- ies, and fought for the project at a ley have been installed on rocks, time when many of the municipali- beaches, cliffs, and in fields along ties did not want to take part in the northern Norway’s beautiful, re- After much ado, we’re idea. Now all municipalities are mote, and sparsely populated At- pleased to announce that our included in the project, but their lantic coast,” the National Geo- new digital edition is now live! level of enthusiasm and engage- graphic writes. The list is also in- The new digital edition is ment varies. cluded in the National Geographic the same as our webpage, www. “Some of the municipalities book Journeys of a lifetime: 500 na-weekly.com. Instead of post- really like their sculptures and are of the World’s Best Hidden ravel ing only a few articles per week, proud of them, whereas others are Gems. little teases of NAW’s content, not so concerned with them. Bø Dolmen thinks that the recog- we will now be posting all of municipality is especially proud nition will help attract more tour- our original content there on the of their sculpture and uses it as a ists to the region. web. symbol for the municipality,” says “We never thought that the The new world of digi- everyone you know. Maybe only • You’ll be sent an email Kristoffer Dolmen, the press con- project would be known inter- tal publishing is a tricky one half? with a link: tact for Artscape. nationally. Originally it was just to navigate. There’s a fine line We think this new system will • If we have your email The idea of a collection of meant to be for the people who between providing easy access be much more user friendly than on file, the link will modern art in the form of sculp- lived in Nordland, but now the ball to online content—like posting our old digital edition. As those take you to the full site tures with the landscape itself as just keeps rolling,” he explains. links to articles on facebook and of you who’ve tried to use the old and you should be able twitter—and the very real need system can attest, that shouldn’t be to read as many ar- to be paid for it. hard! One of the benefits is that you ticles as you like. < quotas converted into joint-stock com- We hope that our new so- can now share articles with your • If we don’t have your From page 3 panies that were not affected by lution will help us to walk friends through email or social me- email on file, the link the new law. Companies argued that line. The model is called dia. Please do! Your friends who will take you to a page both sexes at a 40 percent mini- that they would not be able to find a “leaky paywall,” and it’s the are not subscribers will be able to where you’ll be asked mum. All companies that became women who had the right qualifica- same kind of system used by read one or two, up to three articles to purchase a subscrip- ASAs after 2006 had to put the new tions for the positions. newspapers like the New York before our site asks them to pay. tion. law into effect from day one. Exist- Now, however, results show Times. It means that you can By that time, we hope they’ll be If you are a print subscrib- ing ASAs were given three years to that today’s ASA companies have browse around our site for a lit- hooked on NAW and want to join er, DO NOT pay for a digital fulfill the quota. female chairs who are more quali- tle while, but if you look at too our community. subscription—this is included The introduction of the law fied than before the reform was many articles per week—in our Since this is a big change for with your print subscription. If led to strong debates. From 2002, introduced. “Therefore, the argu- case more than three—you’ll be us, we ask that you be patient as we you’re prompted to pay, please when the reform was first agreed ment that it was not possible to asked to log in. work the kinks out of the system. email us at subscribe@na- on, to 2011, the number of ASAs find women with qualifications fell In addition to the blog- There are sure to be issues with ac- weekly.com with your subscrib- were reduced by almost half and through,” Jensen points out. post-type articles, you have ac- cess; let me just apologize for those er number and we’ll set you up. cess to pdf files of the newspa- in advance. Ta-da! vation does not provide security for per, similar to what you could As of this writing, we have You can use your account < gaza see in our old digital system. created accounts for every current on any computer, tablet, or From page 3 Gaza’s neighbors,” said Brende. “The donors want President These are at the top of the web- subscriber whose email we have on phone that accesses the web, but low both people and goods to pass Mahmoud Abbas to be the recipi- page, under “Archives.” The file. Here’s how it should work for you will have follow these steps through. Fishermen must be al- ent of the aid. His Unity Govern- page is password protected; to you, dear subscribers: for each device or browser. The lowed to fish. Farmland must be ment of technocrats must be re- get the password, please email • When you hit your limit of system will remember you for a cultivated. Economic growth, jobs, sponsible for the reconstruction. [email protected] with pages on the site, it will prompt time, but don’t be alarmed if it and a higher standard of living must When Palestine is reunited under a your subscriber number and ask you to “login or subscribe.” asks you to do this again after a be created. Meanwhile, the security single government headed by Pres- for it. Once you have the pass- • Enter the email address that little while. of the civilian population must be ident Abbas, one of the obstacles to word, please don’t share it with you wish you use. Enjoy! safeguarded both within and out- a two-state solution will have been The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and side Gaza. Keeping the population removed,” said Foreign Minister our publication of those views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions, and complaints about the opinions expressed confined and on the verge of star- Brende. by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. Enjoy Norway all year long.

Keep up with Norway and Name: ______Phone: ______the Norwegian-American community with the only Address: ______Norwegian newspaper in North America, now in its 125th year! City/State/Zip: ______$ Visa / Mastercard: ______one year: 70 Expiration: ______CVV: Questions? Call us toll-free at (800) 305-0217, email [email protected], Makes a great gift! or write to us. You can also subscribe with a credit card over the phone! or mail check to: Norwegian American Weekly, 7301 5th Ave NE Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115

Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206) 784-4617 • Email: naw@na- Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly weekly.com • Website: www.na-weekly.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $70 domestic; USD $94 to ; USD $212 to Norway and all other foreign countries. norwegian american weekly August 29, 2014 • 7 opinion Norwegian American Weekly Letters to the Editor Published since May 17, 1889 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Do you have something to say? Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local: (206) 784-4617 Fax: (206) 448-2033 • Email: [email protected] Write to us at Norwegian American Weekly, Letter to the Editor, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE, Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115, or email us at [email protected], subject line Publisher Letter to the Editor. Letters may be edited for style, clarity, or length. Norwegian American Foundation Editor-in-chief Emily C. Skaftun [email protected] Copy Editor Norwegian færing Norwegian American Weekly Harry Svenkerud [email protected] Dear Editor, Advertising Evan Deam [email protected] I have with great interest read of the building of a færing by Harold Haugaard and Photo of the Week Subscriptions John Lunde (NAW August 15, 2014). What John Erik Stacy [email protected] a great thing to do. Editorial Assistant I learned to sail in the Hardanger fjord Molly Jones [email protected] outside Utne in a færing. The year was 1946. Contributors The family had a lovely summer house Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D. Lina Aas-Helseth Gran Canaria, Canary Islands known as both the Jacob house and Broch Patricia Barry Hopewell Junction, N.Y. house. It was just behind the hotel and beside Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. Carla Danziger McLean, Va. the church. Grandparents, aunt, uncles, and Daughters of Norway Members Various cousins would invade the house every sum- Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. mer. The family færing (over 100 years old) Rasmus Falck O oslo, Norway Marit Fosse G geneva, Switzerland was pulled out of its naust (boathouse). The Judith Gabriel Vinje Los Angeles, Calif. wooden planks were so dry after a long win- Sunny Gandara Beacon, N.Y. Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. ter that the boat nearly sank after being in the Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, Wash. water for about 30 min. The half-submerged Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. boat was left attached to the Utne pier. After Leslee Lane Hoyum R rockford, Minn. a week the wooden planks had distended and Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. the boat floated. It was one of the summer’s Scott Larsen New Westminster, B.C. Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. returning miracles. Whitney Love , Norway The main sail was akin to the mainsail on Christine Foster Meloni Washington, D.C. Roy Jorgensen Hopewell Junction, N.Y an optimist (El Toro) with a sprit. The færing Jerry Larson Zimmerman, Minn. also had a jib. With the wind behind the boat Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. would plane and reach at least 10 knots. David Moe Sun City, Calif. However, the færing is not easy to sail. The Photo: John Lunde Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. constant wind-shifts in the fjords make for We had our first trip on water a few days ago. We were very pleased with the boat’s performance. Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. Daytona Strong Seattle, Wash.v exciting sailing. But sailing the fjords with We still need to complete the hull painting, so please forgive our current look. The oars are also the beautiful snow-capped mountains, gla- authentic and are 9.5 feet long. While the færing represents 1000-plus years of design and Norwegian American Weekly strives to make ciers, and white houses on small farmsteads innovation, it is still very new to us and there is bit of learning required. The boat really is its news report fair and accurate. If you have a efficient and carries far on an oar stroke. We are getting a lot of admirers and I think we should question or comment about news coverage call makes for an unforgettable experience. (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly be well received at ScanFest. I do clearly remember once my older reserves the right to edit any and all submissions cousin Dag Brendel and I took the færing for style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and Want to be featured in our Photo of the Week? the right not to print submissions deemed libelous, without permission and sailed down the So- in poor taste, or not suited for publication in this towards Odda. We were going at a Email [email protected] or mail your photo with photo credit and caption. newspaper. • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and letter writers are not necessarily great rate. This fjord is over 50 miles long. those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our We had brought along our two female cous- The German tourist ships, on the other hand, wedding party in the Hardanger fjord), is publication of those views is not an endorsement ins Ingeleiv and Birgit. With the wind behind never returned the greetings. They were an example of the boat’s many uses. In and of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s we had a magnificent sail, until we decided probably too busy taking pictures etc. around Bergen the færing was known as editorials should be directed to the publisher. • to sail back and could not do it. Luckily we I am pleased to tell you that our family “Oseleveren.” Os is a place near Bergen and Norwegian American Weekly is published weekly managed to get the boat to shore where my boat and naust can be seen in Sjøfartsmuseu- elev means a river. except the first week of the calendar year, the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks of August father, very cross, let the girls out, got in met i Oslo, just near Fram and Kon-Tiki. To In conclusion, færings are really minia- by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • Please himself and commanded us to sail the boat see the boat that I sailed so many times, still ture Viking ships. They have been around for send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. NE back. It took hours, but Dag and I did it. in great condition, is just wonderful. over 1000 years. You can see færings being Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription Cost: US $70 Domestic, US $94 to Canada, US My father tells the story that before the For those of the readers who maybe have made by hand in the Hardanger ship museum $212 to Norway and all other foreign countries. 2nd World War, tourist ships would come not seen a færing I can recommend the book (about an hour from Bergen by car). Many SINCE MAY 17, 1889: into the fjords. My father and his brother, by Jon Winge: Norske trebaater (Norwegian wonderful old boats and ferries can also be Formerly Norway Times Gerhard, would sail out and greet them by wooden boats). It is full of information and seen. It’s a wonderful museum with an excel- Western Viking & Washington Posten lowering the Norwegian flag. Without fail lovely pictures. lent Norwegian lunch that I can recommend. Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah-Posten the British ships would immediately dis- The færing was made all over Norway og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, Minnesota patch a sailor to lower the Union Jack at the and used for communication. The famous Yours sincerely, Posten, Norrona and Skandinaven back. My father said you could see them run- picture by Adolph Tideman and Hans Gude John NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. ning at a fast pace along the deck to the flag. (1848) of “Brudeferden i Hardanger” (a Stanford, Calif.

Han Ola og Han Per with new translations by John Erik Stacy

No deary, that’s Not so loud, just wrong! mother! My goodness, this is just nonsense! Fool!

Can you forget—

You rotten goat, Shut your mouth! can’t you keep still! —old Norway, as —between hills they rise up—* and mountains— * Mixing lines from different songs 8 • August 29, 2014 norwegian american weekly Taste of Norway Knefla soup, a midwestern tradition This hearty stew is a great base from which to create a range of warm, satisfying meals

Tony Andrus Dakota (who knew there were state soups?). Sydney, This thick soup of dumplings and pota- toes makes a wonderful starting point from Knefla (knoephla) soup is a recipe com- which to build your new favorite soup. mon to many cultures, but claimed primarily What have you added that makes this by . It’s also the state soup of North amazing? Tell us: [email protected]. Knefla soup

Knefla Dough Soup 1 3/4 cups flour 2 Tbsp butter 1 egg 1 large onion, diced 1/4 cup milk 2 Tbsp flour 1 tsp salt 3 cups milk* 2 cups water 2 medium potatoes, cut into 1/2-in cubes** Salt and pepper to taste

Combine knefla dough ingredients and kneed to create a firm dough. Shape into a rect- angle, cut into 3/4-in cubes, and set aside. Melt butter in medium pot over medium heat until bubbly. Add diced onion to butter, and cook until quite soft and translucent, about 5-10 minutes, stirring occasionally. (I will let mine cook for 15, for a stronger flavor). Add flour and stir for two minutes or until the flour is completely incorporated and no longer looks raw. Add first cup of milk a quarter cup at a time, stirring until smooth before adding the next lot. Then add remainder of the milk and water. Season with salt and pepper. Add diced potato and knefla cubes, bring just to a boil, and lower to a strong simmer for 15 minutes or until potatoes can be easily pierced through the center with a paring knife. Add water, milk, or cream if necessary to keep soup at your desired consistency. Serve. Garnish, if desired, with crackers, cheese, or a sprig of parsley. Enjoy!

*The proportion of milk to water can be adjusted to suit tastes. Cream can also be added at the end (once the potatoes are cooked through) for a richer base. **Waxy potatoes will hold their shape well, which can be aesthetically pleasing, how- Photo: Tine Mediebank ever starchy potatoes will help to thicken up the soup. Either will work just fine. Yes, it’s still summer. But cooler weather is just around the corner, and soup tastes great any time. Hålogaland Mandssangforening Hålogaland Men’s Chorus Association North Norway On View August 22, 2014 - April 19, 2015 Norwegian enamel design from the mid-twentieth century, featuring designer Grete Prytz Kittelsen.

Sponsored by Mary Mills Dunea, Isabelle and R.L. Dyck, Becky and Bob Shaw, Humanities Iowa and the National Endowment for the Humanities, with additional support. The National Norwegian-American Vesterheim Museum & Heritage Center Decorah, Iowa • 563-382-9681 • vesterheim.org

CONCERTS Saturday, September 6, 3:00 pm Central Lutheran Church, Bellingham This week’s recipe brought to you by Scandinavian Specialties Sunday, September 7, 5:00 pm the premiere Scandinavian marketplace in the Northwest First Lutheran Church, Poulsbo (877) 784-7020 • 6719 15th Ave NW, Seattle, WA 98117 Order online at www.scanspecialties.com Wednesday, September 10, 7:00 pm Ballard First Lutheran Church Subscribe to the Norwegian American Weekly! 2006 NW 65th, Seattle, WA 98117 (800) 305-0217 • [email protected] norwegian american weekly August 29, 2014 • 9 travel Volcanoes, sharks, and horses Iceland facts & figures Population: 325,000, of which about 200,000 re- side in or around Reykjavik. < iceland Tourism: From page 1 Number of tourists rose from 300,000 in 2003 to almost 700,000 in 2012. However, beware Tourism represents 6.6 percent of Ice- the summer insects in land’s GDP and contributes to 19 per- the Myvatn area! The cent of the export income. birds may love them, but swarms of gnats and No army: mosquitoes bugged some Iceland is the only NATO country that of us so much that we has no army, and its police officers do spent about $14 for net- not carry firearms on regular duty. ting to cover our faces. Patronymic names: Yes, some of us looked Sveinsson or Sveinsdottir, signifying costumed for Hallow- the son or daughter of Svein, are com- een; some tourists pass- monly used. ing us on a hiking trail Insurance: laughed but said: “You Imagine having a geyser open up be- are smart!” neath your home or its plumbing! Geothermal power plants are able to Some property owners in Iceland pur- harness heat coming from deep in the earth chase geyser insurance. for more than just spas or swimming areas. The pipes that deliver this energy to Ice- Timeline land’s approximately 330,000 residents can be seen along the road side. It helps generate 930 energy with minimal pollution. Established the world’s general assem- A friend who grew up in Iceland urged bly. Althing was founded at Þingvellir, me to try some special foods there. Skyr, the “assembly fields” or “Parliament pronounced skeer, is Iceland’s version of Plains,” and marked the beginning of yogurt, and I gave it a thumbs up. She also the Icelandic Commonwealth. recommended rugbraud. In a cafeteria I tried a large slice of the dark, rye bread that com- 1262 pletely covered a salad plate topped with a Even after Iceland’s union with Nor- like amount of smoked salmon. Traditional- way the Althing held its sessions at ly the bread is baked in the ground near a hot Þingvellir until 1799, when it was spring, but it definitely had picked up a fuel- discontinued for 45 years. That area is like flavor, a little too much so for my taste now part of the Thingvellir National buds. Travel guidebooks also caution that Park, which sits on an active volcano. excessive consumption of rugbraud causes 1844 flatulence, earning it the nickname þrumari Althing was restored and moved to which roughly translates to “thunderbread.” Photos: Shelby Gilje Reykjavik. My taste buds responded more favor- Above Left: Chris Eisinger models mosquito net- 1881 ably to a tiny cube of shark meat at Bjarnar- ting, the hot fashion statement for summer. The present parliament building in höfn Shark Museum, where siblings Hulda Above: You almost can’t walk around in Iceland Reykjavik, the Alþingishús, was built Hildibrandsdottir and Gudjon Hildibrands- without tripping over a waterfall. of hewn Icelandic stone. son continue their family’s 400-year tradi- Right: Carroll Hershey tries shark dipped in 1910 tion of processing shark meat. Brennivin, also known as “black death.” In principle, Icelandic women were The flesh of a Greenland shark is poi- given equal rights with men, but it sonous, because of the toxin trimethylamine strated the smooth gait of Icelandic horses, kuh-tel or Eye-a-fyat-la-jo-kutl. Or take a did not have much effect for decades. oxide, which, upon digestion, breaks down with one woman, Marina Schregelmann, a suggestion from Rick Steves, travel opera- In the parliament there were no more into trimethylamine, producing effects simi- 23-year-old kindergarten teacher from Ger- tor and author of numerous guide books, and than two women serving at a time, and lar to drunkenness. Similar problems occur many, holding a full glass of beer while her simply call it “E15,” 15 signifying the num- sometimes none until the 1970s. with the related Pacific sleeper shark, but not horse galloped. She spilled very little. ber of letters that follow the initial “E.” in most other shark species, whose meat is It takes about three years to fully train While there we viewed a professional 1917 often consumed fresh. these horses, and about 80,000 are exported video of the eruption made by PlusFilm of The first female doctor graduated, but Greenland shark can be eaten if it is each year to fans in Europe and the United Iceland and heard from the farm couple, Ola- the first female lawyer did so only in boiled in several changes of water or dried States. Such a horse for a family costs $2,000 fur Eggertsson and his wife, Gudny Valberg. 1935, and the first theologian in 1945. or fermented for some months to produce to $3,000. You might find it hard to believe, When they heard the forecast that the vol- June 17, 1944 Hákarl, considered a delicacy in Iceland and but according to Gunnarsson Iceland has cano would erupt, Gudny said they worried Founded as a republic upon its inde- Greenland. more horses as pets than cats and dogs. most about their cows and placed them in the pendence from Danish rule. That date These shark “farmers,” as they are In Akureyri, we viewed more examples barn with a four-day food supply before the coincides with the birthday of Jón Sig- called, let it ferment for six to nine weeks, of reusing/repurposing at the gallery of tex- family left the farm. urðsson, the leader of the 20th century then dry it in an open, roof-covered shed for tile artist Anna Gunnarsdottir, who works “We did not know when we might be Icelandic independence movement. three to four months. Hákarl, or putrid shark with wool, silk, leather, and fish skin. The able to return,” she added. Upon their return 1980 meat, is sold in stores for about $100 for artist uses hand-felted Icelandic wool to they found the cows were okay, but ashes Vigdis Finnbogadottir, a divorcee and 2.2 pounds. Our hosts offered us a sample make decorative globes, lamps, and a vari- from the eruptions of Eyjafjallajokull were single mother, was elected president of dipped in a shot of Brennivin, also called ety of other items. And jackets and dresses everywhere. Friends and neighbors came the Republic, and served for 16 years. “black death,” a vodka made from potatoes. are made of fish skins. She displayed a bowl and helped clean up. Then of course there 2010 Maybe that helped it go down! that looked as if it had been made from net- were other problems such as flooding, as the Eyjafjallajokull erupted again as it Icelanders waste nothing: they are great ting. Fish nets or old stockings? I wondered. volcano had rearranged the landscape. did in 920, 1612, and 1821. Ash from at repurposing. At Gauksmyri Horse Farm, Nope. “A sheep’s intestine,” Gunnarsdottir Now the family operates the Eyjafjal- the 1821 eruption still can be found which raises and trains Icelandic horses— said. She was elected City Artist of Akurey- lajokull Visitor Center, which includes a in the area. The ice cap covers about and riders—halfway between Reykjavik and ri in 2008, and has studied and exhibited theater where the video is shown and a gift 100 square km, although it is one of Akureyri, hoof trimmings had been made around the world. shop. And the sheep they previously farmed? the smallest ice caps in the country. into napkin rings. Ditto for barbed wire One of our more interesting stops was a “Now we are down to 11 sheep,” said Gudny, Iceland has about 130 volcanic moun- fencing sprayed with glitter. And there were visit to a family farm at Thorvaldseyri, near who narrated much of the video. tains. Eyjafjallajokull is 1,651 meters necklaces and key chains made with pol- where the volcano Eyjafjallajokull erupted high, with a crater of up to 4 km in di- ished hoof materials that resembled agates, four years ago. The volcano’s name means Shelby Gilje is a longtime Pacific Northwest ameter, containing three main peaks. and old horseshoes repurposed into napkin island, mountain, and glacier. It is difficult journalist having worked at The Kitsap Sun The mountain was once part of the or mail holders. for non-Icelanders to pronounce. But try of Bremerton, The Seattle Times, and The Se- coast, although it has now receded. Three trainers at the horse farm demon- these pronunciations: AY-yah-fyad-layer- attle Post-Intelligencer. 10 • August 29, 2014 norwegian american weekly Roots & Connections Kon-Tiki Museum celebrates Heyerdahl’s birth New exhibition and activities in Norway and abroad as the Kon-Tiki Museum in Oslo celebrates the 100th anniversary of Thor Heyerdahl’s birth

Norway Post Curiosity was Thor Heyerdahl’s driving force. Thor Heyerdahl’s archives at the Kon- When the famous Norwegian adven- Tiki Museum have now been included in turer, scientist, and communicator Thor UNESCO’s Memory of the World Register. Heyerdahl died on April 18, 2002, it made Much of this archive is now on display in the headlines around the world. No Norwegian Kon-Tiki Museum’s new library exhibition, celebrity’s death has received as much cov- which opened in April this year. erage before or since. He had become world The Kon-Tiki Museum is celebrating famous 55 years earlier thanks to his legend- the 100th anniversary of Heyerdahl’s birth ary Kon-Tiki expedition and photos of Thor with a new, upgraded exhibition. There will Heyerdahl and his crew together with Presi- also be a touring exhibition, accompanied by dent Truman outside the White House. lectures and films, which will travel around The photos and the story of the Kon- Norway and abroad to Russia, the U.K., , Tiki expedition were everywhere. Naturally, the U.S., Canada, , , Denmark, Photo: The Kon-Tiki Museum / Facebook interest did not decline when the film about , , and . The “Thor Heyerdahl’s collection of cave stone sculptures from Easter Island is on display at the Kon-Tiki Mu- the expedition won the Oscar for best docu- Heyerdahl 1914–2014” exhibition portrays seum for the first time this summer. mentary and the book sold by the millions. It Thor Heyerdahl’s life and best-known ex- has since been translated into 72 languages. peditions on large posters through text and after Kon-Tiki and Aku Aku. Even Walt Dis- Cave stone sculptures from Easter Island During these years, Thor Heyerdahl retained photos. At the Kon-Tiki Museum the Kon- ney adopted the idea in Disneyland and the When Thor Heyerdahl was on Easter Is- his world celebrity thanks to new expedi- Tiki raft has been fitted out as it was on its well-known pop group The Shadows had a land in 1955 and 1956 he learned that there tions that were loved by the entire world, but voyage across the Pacific Ocean in 1947. hit with a song called Kon-Tiki. were old family caves that were passed down also strongly criticized by academia. through the generations. Thor Heyerdahl be- He followed up the Kon-Tiki expedi- Kon-Tiki exhibition: Kon-Tiki sails again The Galapagos expedition: new exhibition came the first outsider, from a country far tion with other spectacular expeditions on The exhibition at the museum is the Heyerdahl believed that South Ameri- away over the sea, who was allowed to see a the reed boats Ra and Tigris. His recreations most comprehensive yet. A new exhibition, can Indians sailed from and to family cave on Easter Island. The sculptures of prehistoric voyages showed that early “The Tiki Effect,” tells how the names Kon- the Polynesian islands. He proved this was he found here depicted a wide variety of sub- man had mastered sailing before the saddle Tiki and Aku Aku (Thor Heyerdahl’s expedi- feasible with the Kon-Tiki expedition. jects, from people and mammals to birds, and wheel were invented. His reputation as tion to Easter Island in the 1950s) became “Why did no Indians visit the Gala- fish, insects, and mollusks. There were skulls a scientist was consolidated through his ar- buzzwords from the 1950s to the 1970s, with pagos Islands?” asked his opponents, who carved in stone, animals with human heads, chaeological excavations on Easter Island. bars, restaurants, music, and fashion named claimed that there were no clear signs that faces with beards, a hook-beaked birdman, South American Indians had visited the and models of reed boats. Heyerdahl was Galapagos Islands. Thor Heyerdahl took this given some of the cave stones by the local as a direct challenge. He quickly organized population, and he bought others. Notable Norwegians a small expedition and within two months, Since then, the 900 cave stone sculp- With David Moe after digging in five locations on Floreana, tures have been stored at the Kon-Tiki Mu- Santa Cruz, and Santiago, the three archaelo- seum, inaccessible to the general public until gists had collected more than 1,988 pieces of this summer in 2014. Some of them are old, pottery, one pottery flute, four pieces of flint, while others were probably made while Thor Marta Sandal was born in 1878 in had gained its independence in 1905. one piece of obsidian, and two other artifacts Heyerdahl was on Easter Island. Oslo, Norway. At the age of twelve, Marta went to America and Grieg that proved the islands had been visited in More exhibitions about Thor Heyerdahl she sang in a chorus of 500 children wrote a letter of introduction for her both historic and prehistoric times. the scientist, environmentalist, adventurer, in Oslo and was chosen to sing a solo. to the people of America, penned in Thor Heyerdahl’s expedition to the and artist will open in the autumn of 2014. Oscar II, King English, the only Galapagos Islands now has its own exhibi- There will also be a new exhibition about the of Sweden and Nor- known letter of in- tion at the museum. fantastic voyages across the Atlantic Ocean way at the time, was troduction he had on Ra and Ra II, both named after the Egyp- in the audience and ever written. On tian sun god. was impressed by April 21, 1907, she her voice. He in- gave a concert at vited her to the pal- Carnegie Hall in ace to sing for him, New York City, pre- 1. september and as a result she senting the songs John Erekstol OR was placed in the of Edvard Grieg, Ody Moseng Kirkland WA Royal Conservatory called the Grieg of Music in Oslo, Monument Concert. 2. september where she studied It was there she per- Christine Fornes Manalapan NJ Severt L. Kvamme Arvada CO for five years. The formed “Solveig’s Gunnar Kvande Alamo ND King then sent her Song,” from Grieg’s 29. august Lillian Nielsen Oakland CA to Berlin and Paris, Peer Gynt Suite, and Photo: Bergen Public Library / Signe Hansen Lopatcong Center NJ Halvor Nysteen Bend OR and while in Ber- Flickr it became known in Mrs. August Johnson Yankton SD Petra Ravnaa Kirkland WA lin she sang in the Marta Sandal. America as Marta Darwin D. Johnson Federal Way WA grand opera in Dres- Sandal’s song. Effie O. Krogvold Brodhead WI 3. september den. On June 29, 1914, she married Elsa Almaas Todd Walla Walla WA Gorm Aasen Anaheim CA In April 1902, at the age of 24, she Gudmund Rortvedt in Havre, Mon- Mrs. Karl M. Brandal Seattle WA met the Norwegian composer Edvard tana. He was a farmer born in Erfjord, 30. august Karen H. Tysdal Fargo ND Grieg and sang for him. Grieg later Norway. They had four daughters: one Ruth Carlson Stanwood WA wrote to a friend, “I jumped to my died in infancy, Serene became a sing- Harold Ellingsen Berkeley CA 4. september Mrs. Valley Frossmo John Mahlum Seattle WA feet and shouted that I hadn’t heard er, Silvia became president of an elec- Seattle WA Kristine Kjøndal Landås Norway Egil L. Myrseth Edmonds WA anything like it since Nina (his wife) tronics firm, and Marta Jr. became a Gunnar Marøy Bøvågen Norway Edmund J. Oen Arden Hills MN was young. Nina herself had tears in teacher. Marta lived most of her mar- Lawrence Steberg Pennock MN her eyes.” Edvard Grieg and Marta ried years in retirement from singing, Sandal went on to perform several but she did sing over the radio, as she 31. august Want to see your birthday in the concerts together, with Grieg playing was anxious for her growing daugh- Alf Andersen Tacoma WA Norwegian American Weekly? the piano. On October 17, 1906, they ters to hear her as a concert artist. She Mrs. Walter Johnson performed a concert in Oslo attended died of cancer on March 2, 1930, in Running Springs CA Email [email protected] or call (800) 305-0217. by the new royal family, as Norway Forest City, Iowa. Hagbart Larsen Jerome ID Birthdays must be submitted one month in advance. Gerhard Strand Stanwood WA NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed Berit Siren Vassdal Bellingham WA away? Please notify us! norwegian american weekly August 29, 2014 • 11 obituaries & Religion Pastor Larson’s Corner In Loving Memory Pastor Jerry Larson retired to his cabin in Zimmerman, Minn., after 39 years Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? in parish ministry for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. In 2011 he published a book entitled “Speaking the Word Freely: Writing with purpose, Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary. preaching with power.” Contact him at [email protected] Arvid Ivar Ronning March 3, 1936 – May 25, 2014 God’s real presence The idea that God is present in the week at Bible Camp this summer. I always Arvid Ivar Ronning was born March spouses and grandchildren. natural world is a basic Biblical view. enjoy hearing their enthusiastic stories of 3, 1936, to Katie and Svend Ronning on Arvid and Connie decided to raise their Martin Luther called it, “The real pres- all that they did at camp. Here in Minneso- their farm in eastern Montana. He grew up children speaking both Norwegian and Eng- ence of God.” This idea that God can re- ta we have over 50 Lutheran Bible Camps speaking Norwegian and English in a rural lish. Because Connie is a piano and music ally be present in the natural world enables to choose from. One of the first things that Scandinavian community where many of the teacher, each of the children were given les- us to believe that God is really present in Lutheran Churches did here in Minnesota settlers came from an area in Sør Trøndelag, sons in various instruments as well as sing- the bread and wine of Holy Communion. and around the country was establish Bi- Norway. ing. Since 1974 the family has entertained It also enables us to believe that in some ble Camps. Several congregations would Upon finishing high school, he entered with musical programs throughout the mysterious way God lives in us and in our band together, purchase property on a pris- St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minn., pursu- Northwest, celebrating the music and culture every neighbor. tine northern lake, build a camp, and start ing a pre-med curriculum. of Norway. A highlight was performing for Several years ago a survey was tak- sending kids up for a week of communing While there he received a scholarship to King Olav V of Norway in 1975 in Poulsbo, en of seminary students to learn if there with nature. The church has always known the Oslo International Summer School. This Wash. The last family concert was in 2010 were any particular things that influenced that sending kids into nature was a sure- experience was truly an eye-opener! He not honoring Arvid and Connie’s 45th wedding their decision to enter the ministry. They fire way of getting them connected to God. only met his relatives there and visited an- anniversary; Arvid was the MC of the pro- discovered that the one thing most of the I hope that you had a chance this sum- cestral homes, he also met and grew to know gram, as well as enthusiastically joining in students had in common was that they at- mer to reconnect with our creator God as fellow students from about fifty countries. with the singing and dramatizations. He was tended Bible Camp as young people. Just you spent some time out in nature. It has This kindled his interest in learning about also a gifted tailor and made the children’s spending time each summer being close to always been an excellent way to connect and accepting people from all cultures. bunads. nature had a profound effect upon these with God ever since Jesus went out into He later attended medical school at the Arvid enjoyed a huge medical practice students over the years. the wilderness to pray and to be really University of South Dakota and the Univer- with Group Health Cooperative in the Se- Several of my grandchildren spent a present with his disciples. sity of Washington. He joined the Public attle area for many years and retired in 1990. Health Service in Seattle, Wash., and the Many of his patients were of Norwegian an- Coast Guard, this time visiting the South cestry and missed him greatly when he was Pacific. forced to retire due to heart problems. Community Connections He married Connie Berg on August 8, Arvid was an active member of church 1965. She was also of Norwegian ancestry and Sons of Norway. and spoke the language. Five children were Arvid entered his eternal home on May Gratulerer med Dagen! born to them, all of whom survive with 25, 2014. Blessed is his memory! Happy birthday / Kiatcha Lie engagement / etc! July 29, 1923 – July 19, 2014 Kiatcha Lie was born on July 29, 1923, kindergarteners. Your name and to Elmer H. Dahle and Ingeborg Hanson Kiatcha was a musician. She was a Dahle in Teller Mission, Alaska. Her mis- founding member of the Juneau Oratorio special message sionary parents named her with a name de- Choir. She played the piano and organ, cre- rived from the Russian and Inupiat words ated original music and conducted choirs. here! for “princess.” Kiatcha grew up loving life When Martha and Linda were little girls in several Alaska villages—especially the Kiatcha would play Chopin polonaises and island village Shishmaref. Grieg pieces while the girls danced, twirling For more information, call She rode on dog teams. She was bilin- sheets from the laundry. us at (800) 305-0217 or email gual as a child speaking Inupiat as well as Kiatcha also enjoyed sewing beautiful [email protected]. English. Her Inupiat friends taught her how apparel including costumes for her daugh- to seek out snacks in the caches of siksikpuk ters and also did applique on pillows and (ground squirrel). baby quilts. She enjoyed sketching and read- During World War II Kiatcha attended ing great literature. St. Olaf College. Writing to Norwegian sea- Kiatcha enjoyed corresponding with men, as a part of the war effort, was an as- her daughters and ten grandchildren. She The Scandinavian Hour signment for Kiatcha’s Norwegian class. A included stickers in all of her letters, choos- Celebrating over 50 years on the air! belated response to this assignment occurred ing ones to specifically match the interests of a year later when young Leif Lie got one of each recipient. KKNW – 1150 AM the letters. He quickly decided that Kiatcha One of her friends described Kiatcha as was the lady he was going to marry but ini- being a “prayer warrior.” Kiatcha had a deep Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST tially she was not so sure. However, Leif faith which she shared with her daughters Streaming live on the internet at: prevailed and the couple were married Octo- through bedtime Bible stories and prayer ber 23, 1948, in St. Paul, Minnesota. times. Her love of Jesus influenced every as- www.1150kknw.com Kiatcha and Leif had two daughters, pect of her life. Linda Kathrine and Martha Ingeborg. To Kiatcha died on July 19, 2014, in Mar- help Leif complete university, Kiatcha gave tha’s Florida home surrounded by family piano lessons, did parish work at a Lutheran members. She was eager to join Leif (whom Business and individual Church, took in sewing, taught sewing, and she had been missing for two years) and tax returns; audits; forensic helped Leif in his photography business by the Jesus she loved. She is survived by her accounting; financial tinting the photos with oil paints. daughter Linda Kathrine Lie Ancell and hus- Although she had previously taught band Paul; daughter Martha Ingeborg Lie statement preparation; for a year in a village school in Shishmaref, Coning and husband Robert; ten grandchil- Certified Public Accountants litigation support. Alaska, Kiatcha attended Teacher’s dren; and eleven great-grandchildren. She College and after graduating taught in Chi- was preceded in death by her husband Leif; 221 First Avenue West Suite 400 Lower Anne location, easy parking. cago, Albany, New York, and Anchorage, her brother, Ben Dahle; and her parents. Seattle, Washington 98119 Alaska. Her particular love was teaching Phone: 206.292.1747 • Online: loecpa.com • Email: [email protected] 12 • August 29, 2014 norwegian american weekly in your neighborhood What’s going on in your neighborhood? Calendar of Events california iowa also an opportunity to explore your Norwegian Three Hålogaland Mandssangforening Outstanding Scandinavian American Award Scandinavian Modern Design: Norwegian heritage from these areas with personal assis- Concerts presentation Enamel tance from genealogists. Walk-ins are welcome Sept. 6, 3:00 p.m.; Sept. 7, 5:00 p.m.; & Sept. 21, 2:00 p.m. now—April 19, 2015 with registration fee. Banquet registration for Fri. Sept. 10, 7:00 p.m. Thousand Oaks, Calif. Decorah, Iowa and Sat. night cut-off is Sept. 5. Check out Stevne Bellingham, Poulsbo, & Seattle, Wash. Celebrate the recipient of the Outstanding This exhibition focuses on Norwegian enamel registration online at www.solorlag.com or call A special musical treat direct from North Nor- Scandinavian American, Karsten Lundring. production (technology, innovation, and busi- Deb Jarvar 715 874-6678. way is in store for Pacific Northwest residents. Year after year he has presided over the “Flag ness) and design. Artistic and technical innova- The Hålogaland Mandssangforening, one of Ceremony” of the annual Scandinavian Fes- tions in enamel were Norway’s greatest, though Tenth Anniversary Nordic Worship the most outstanding men’s chorus from far tival as its master of ceremonies, wearing an least remembered, contributions to the Scandi- Sept. 28, 8:30 p.m. north of the Arctic Circle in North Norway, will immense necktie depicting the Norwegian navian Modern Design movement of the mid- St. Paul, Minn. present three area concerts. The Bellingham flag and telling Scandinavian jokes that hit twentieth century. The exhibition features Grete Pilgrim Lutheran Church in St. Paul is celebrat- concert, sponsored by Bellingham Male Cho- their mark squarely. The award ceremony and Prytz Kittelsen, known as the “Queen of Scan- ing ten years of Nordic contemplative worship rus, will take place at Central Lutheran Church reception will be held in the Karsten Lundring dinavian Design.” The exhibition will showcase on Sunday, September 28! Morning and evening at 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 6. The Poulsbo Events Center. enamel jewelry, cookware, and tableware from worship services will be held, as well as an eve- concert, sponsored by Vestre Sund Mannskor, Vesterheim’s collection and from individuals and ning of Krumkake and Kavorting featuring Nor- will take place at First Lutheran Church at 5:00 34th Annual Heritage Fair other institutions. dic music, food, and dance. Morning worship is p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 7. The Seattle concert, Sept. 27, 11:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m. at 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.; evening worship is sponsored by Norwegian Male Chorus of Se- Culver City, Calif. maryland at 6:50 p.m. A mini-concert of the evening’s fea- attle, will take place at Ballard First Lutheran tured musicians begins at 6:30 pm, and Krumka- Church at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 10. Join the Peer Gynt Lodge in celebrating the Viking Longship Voyage ke and Kavorting begins at 8:00 p.m. 34th Annual Heritage Fair. Purchase Scandina- Sept. 20, 11:00 a.m. Book Talk: Seattle Pioneer Midwife vian imports and gifts, enjoy homemade Nor- Avenue, Md. Sept. 11, 7:00 p.m. wegian refreshments, learn about Norwegian Sons of Norway Lodge #428 along with The Long- NEW Seattle, Wash. heritage, and watch Scandinavian craft dem- ship Company will sponsor a voyage on their 39- 30th Anniversary ScanFest Join the Nordic Heritage Museum for an eve- onstrations. There will be drawings for door foot replica Viking boat Sae Hrafn (Sea Raven). Aug. 31 ning with Susan E. Fleming, PhD, RN Perinatal prizes every hour! At Peer Gynt Lodge Hall. This is an excellent way to get out on the water Budd Lake, N.J. CNS, when she tells the story of her great- and observe the local fauna and flora as well as The ScanFest annual heritage festival is largest in grandmother, a Norwegian descendant, Alice getting the feeling of how our Viking ancestors the East, celebrating the cultures of the Nordic Ada Wood Ellis. A $5 donation is suggested. operated their versatile sea craft. We will depart regions with a full day of foods, artisans’ crafts, “Norwegians in Chicago” The book telling the story of Alice Ada Wood a private dock in Avenue, Maryland, at around entertainment, dancing, folkdress, special kid’s now—Aug. 31 Ellis’ life will be available for sale. Chicago, Ill. 11:00 a.m. for a voyage that will be approximately program, vikings, talks, reenactors, plus the three hours long. Bring along lunch, snacks, and 4th invitational all-Jersey wife-carry finals! Visit “Norwegians in Chicago,” An Exhibit of Art and Nordic Heritage Day plenty of water. There is limited space. For more www.scanfest.org for more details. Culture, will feature the art of Minnekirken Sept. 13, 11:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m. information and to RSVP, contact Henry Hansen and the Vesterheim Museum on weekends Olympia, Wash. at (703) 815-4945 or at [email protected]. throughout August. There will be Norwegian NEW YORK Nordic Heritage Day is a wonderful opportu- folk art demonstrations, music, videos, and Fall Fair nity to experience the history, heritage, and more. The exhibit is open from 10:00 a.m. to missouri Sept. 20, 10:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m. traditions of Norway and the Scandinavian 3:00 p.m. on Saturdays and 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 Scandinavian Picnic New York, N.Y. countries. Nordic Heritage Day features a Ge- p.m. on Sundays. At Norwegian Lutheran Me- Sept. 21, 1:00 p.m. Celebrate the 2014 Fall Fair at the Norwegian nealogist who will give you search tips to help morial Church. St. Louis, Mo. Christian Home and Health Center. Enjoy deli- you find your ancestors. During the day you This year, the Norwegian Society will be hosting cious food such as waffles, lapskaus, and pea will learn about the unique decorative paint- 35th Annual Scandinavian Day Festival the annual Scandinavian Picnic at the Blue Heron soup, gifts and deli items for sale, raffle drawings, ing called Rosemåling. You will observe the in- Sept. 7, 10:00 a.m.—6:00 p.m. Shelter in Simpson Park. We will be inviting the a large flea market, and vendors. Children are tricate needlework called Hardanger embroi- South Elgin, Ill. Danish Club and the Swedish Council for an af- invited to celebrate with face painting, balloons, dery or “Hardangersøm,” and much more. For Enjoy traditional food, crafts, gifts, and enter- ternoon of fun, food, and fellowship. All three and games. For more information please contact more info visit www.Nordic-HeritageDay.com. tainment representing the five Nordic Cultures national anthems will be sung. There will be craft Penelope Mandel at (718) 306-5660. as we celebrate the 61st year of Vasa Park. projects for the kids to do (Viking ship, build Olaf Dinner & Dance Fundraiser for Trollhaugen Scandinavian Day at Vasa Park is a great day the snowman, and coloring pages), as well as North dakota Sept. 20, 6:00 p.m. of food, fellowship, and fun, bringing together washers and Norwegian horseshoe (ladder ball) Norsk Høstfest Seattle, Wash. friends and family for 35 years. Entertainment for young and old to enjoy. Author Rachel Wis- Sept. 30—Oct. 4 Join Leif Erikson Lodge for a dinner and dance by Swedish Recording Artist Peter Nordberg, dom, will be having a Q & A session about her Minot, N.D. to fundraise for Trollhaugen. Happy hour and The Nordic Folk Dancers of Chicago, Leikar- book The Shopkeeper’s Daughter. There will also Enjoy more than 100 shopping booths, LEGO accordion music starts at 6:00 p.m., and the ringen Heimhug Norwegian Folk Dancers, Chi- be a silent auction. The cost is $10.00 for adults building, the Viking Village, Scandinavian culi- salmon and cod dinner will be served at 6:30 cago Spelmanslag, Comedy from Sven & Ole, and $5.00 for children. For more information, nary treats, musicians, and more at Høstfest! Call p.m. Call the lodge at (206) 783-1274 or Er- and back by popular demand ABBA Salute. please contact Nancy Hill at nj_hill@hotmail. (701) 852-2368 or visit hostfest.com. ling Berg at (206) 362-0629 for reservations. Visit the many craft and gift vendors for that com. Cost is $20. At 2245 NW 57th St., Seattle, WA special memory of the five Nordic countries. pennsylvania 98107. Parking is free at American West Bank. Cost for adults is $10.00, children under 12 Minnesota Annual Scandinavian Craft Fair are free, and parking is free. Nordic Music Festival Sept. 6, 10:00—4:00 p.m. Wisconsin Sept. 6, 10:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m. Lackawaxen, Penn. Visit the Viking Ship Portraying The Vikings in The History Victoria, Minn. Sons of Norway Bernt Balchen Lodge #3-566 is Channel’s “The Vikings” Sept. 20, 1:00 p.m.—4:00 p.m. The festival will have two stages with continuous sponsoring their annual Scandinavian Craft Fair at Geneva, Ill. Sept. 3, 4:00 p.m. performances by Scandinavian singers, dancers, the Central Volunteer Fire House. All are invited Madison, Wis. The Viking was built at Christen Christensen’s musicians, and storytellers. Vendors will offer to come and enjoy a nice lunch, and have a fun Framnes Shipyard in Sandefjord, Norway, in This talk explores what the History Chan- their arts and crafts for sale. Food will be avail- and sociable time at our Fair and enjoy the Scan- nel has done accurately and what liberties 1892-93. It was copied after the ancient Viking able for purchase, including hamburgers, cus- dinavian culture and heritage. Admission is free! ship Gokstad. Excavated in 1880, the Gokstad they’ve taken in portraying the Vikings in tard with lingonberry topping, danish pastries Michael Hirst’s popular new television dra- had been called the most beautiful ship ever and cardamom rolls, and coffee. The festivities Washington built. The Viking is approximately 78 feet long, ma, The Vikings. This talk covers the legends will close with the annual lutefisk toss competi- 1814-2014: Red White and Blue–Norwegian 17 feet wide, and 6.5 feet high from the bot- and histories upon which the story is based, tion, with the Norwegian team competing with a Constitution, American Inspiration tom of the keel to the gunwale. Visit the Vi- themes such as the role of women in the team of Swedes. Thanks to grants from the Sons now—Sept. 28 king Ship at Good Templar Park. Viking-Age society and the idea of the shield- of Norway Foundation and the Metropolitan Re- Tacoma, Wash. maiden, and the image of Vikings in popular gional Arts Council, admission and parking is free. Pacific Lutheran University’s Scandinavian Cul- 175th Anniversary Celebration culture over time. At Idun Lodge. tural Center will host the exclusive U.S. premiere Sept. 26—28 Solorlag/Romerikslaget Stevne of a modern-art exhibition commemorating the Sheridan, Ill. Thirsty Troll Brew Fest Sept. 10—13 200th anniversary of the Norwegian constitution. The Oldest Norwegian Church in America, Fox Sept. 13, 1:00 p.m.—5:00 p.m. Mankato, Minn. The exhibition, 1814-2014: Red White and Blue– River Lutheran, will be celebrating 175 years. Mount Horeb, Wis. The Solorlag/Romerikslaget joint Stevne will be Norwegian Constitution, American Inspiration, is Plans are to have have an opening celebration This intimate beer sampling features 25 craft held Sept. 10 -13, 2014, at The Courtyard Marri- made up of works by 10 renowned Norwegian event on Friday. There will be a dinner and brewers serving over 100 different beers. En- ott in Mankato, Minn., 901 Raintree Rd. A Stevne modern artists. Each of the 10 chosen artists drama on Saturday with an exquisite meal joy live music and food. Get your picture tak- is a gathering of people who have ancestral roots submitted several works: bold, colorful graph- and a drama recounting the founding of Fox en with Jorgen the Thirsty Troll! The Thirsty or present day ties to a certain area of Norway. ics; subtle ink drawings and photographs; and oil River Lutheran Church by Elling Eielsen. Then Troll Brew Fest will be providing FREE shuttle Romerike is basically Akershus County in and paintings, sculptures and mixed media. Sunday will have regular services at 9:30 a.m. service in the greater Mount Horeb area after around the Oslo area. Solor is part of Hedmark the Brew Fest from 4:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. and then an afternoon celebration service to County in Norway. At the Stevne you will enjoy a wrap everything up. After the afternoon cel- rich combination of presentations, music, crafts, ebration there will be traditional Norwegian traditional foods and lots of friendly people. It is Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 food and fellowship. to be added to the Norwegian American Weekly! Check www.na-weekly.com/events for complete listings Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. norwegian american weekly August 29, 2014 • 13 In your neighborhood Scandinavian-American Hall of Fame Three new inductees to join the ranks of famous Scandinavian Americans at this fall’s Norsk Høstfest

Special Release Norsk Høstfest

The Scandinavian-American Hall of Fame is proud to announce inductees for the Class of 2014. The SAHF is the most dis- tinguished event held in conjunction with Norsk Høstfest. Bobby Vee, Doc Severinsen, and Sig Hansen will be enshrined in ceremo- nies in Minot, North Dakota, on October 1. “The Scandinavian-American Hall of Fame pays tribute to men and women of Scandinavian descent who have excelled in their chosen fields, and we have some tru- ly accomplished inductees for 2014,” said Norsk Høstfest President David Reiten. Tickets for the SAHF Awards Banquet Sig Hansen has made a splash in the Bobby Vee, born Robert Thomas Velline Another legend of music will also be- are $46 and available online at hostfest.com entertainment world through his exploits in Fargo, North Dakota, in 1943, first hit the come a member of the Scandinavian-Amer- or by phone at (701) 852-2368. The banquet on board the fishing vessel Northwestern. charts with “Suzie Baby” in 1959. He went ican Hall of Fame. Grammy Award-winner will be held 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, October Hansen is a star and technical advisor on the on to chart 38 songs on Billboard’s Hot 100, Doc Severinsen, leader of The Tonight Show 1, at the Holiday Inn Riverside in Minot, television series Deadliest Catch. He caught including ten that hit the top 20. His 1961 Band for thirty years, will be enshrined for N.D., with a social held beforehand. the fishing bug at age 14 and began work- classic, “Take Good Care of My Baby” went his contributions to the music industry. Sev- ing on the family’s fishing boat. After high all the way to number 1 and he followed with erinsen continued his musical mastery after Photos courtesy of Norsk Høstfest. school he began year-round fishing and, at memorable hits including “Rubber Ball,” his last appearance on the Tonight Show in age 22, became a relief skipper, filling in on “The Night Has a Thousand Eyes,” and 1992 by taking his big band on the road. Doc the Northwestern. Two years later, he was in “Come Back When You Grow Up.” Severinsen and His Big Band have played charge of the boat and winning a following around the world as he expanded his musical on the hit TV show. horizons. Nordic Heritage Museum runs like a Viking Viking Days transforms Seattle’s Nordic Heritage Museum into a beer garden, craft fair, Nordic food hall, concert venue, and Viking encampment

Special Release went to Megan Fix, who completed the race Psychedelephant and The Hoot Hoots in the Nordic Heritage Museum in 25:44; Alison Mondi, who completed Valhalla Beer Garden. Valhalla was busy all the race in 25:58; and Luciana Linhares, weekend selling beers from Odin and Carls- Viking Days brought thousands of visi- who completed the race in 26:26. The rest berg, as well as five different small-batch tors to the Nordic Heritage Museum on Sat- of the race completion times can be found Nordic craft beers home-brewed by the Mu- urday, August 16 and Sunday, August 17. at www.nordicmuseum.org/Viking5k.aspx. seum! Valhalla also sold a variety of flavors The 31st annual event featured dozens of Race winner Tom Roth, who does not live of aquavit by The Old Ballard Liquor Co. knowledgeable Viking re-enactors who told in Seattle, gifted his first place award of a in commemorative shot glasses. The lucky stories, sold wares, and dazzled aspiring-Vi- massage at Trilogy Chiropractic to the old- tickets were pulled on Sunday afternoon. kings of all ages in combat demonstrations. est registered race participant, 79 year old Jane Frol won two round-trip tickets aboard The re-enactors also demonstrated daily ac- David Danbom. The award for best costume Icelandair; Betty Rosenau won two round tivities, including cooking fish and flatbread went to Maxwell Perry, who walked the race trip tickets on a Victoria Clipper with a one on an open fire. Other volunteers and ven- in sandals, a horned helmet, and 35 pounds night stay in the Gatsby Mansion; beloved dors showed off Nordic wood carving, spin- of metal armor. He completed the course in long-time Nordic Heritage Museum volun- ning wool for weaving, and Norwegian rose- 1:02:30. Following the race, many of the teer Barbra Paquette won a one night stay at maling, a style of wood painting that can be participants went to the Nordic Heritage Hotel Ändra; Marjorie Palek won two passes seen on many objects in the Nordic Heritage Museum to enjoy the rest of the Viking Days to the Columbia River Maritime Museum; Museum. activities. Lynn Johansson won a Family Membership Saturday kicked off with a brand new Both Saturday and Sunday began with to the Nordic Heritage Museum; and Jenny Viking Days event: the inaugural Run Like a Swedish pancake breakfast. Over the two Tenlen won a $50 gift certificate to Eat Bal- a Viking 5K. Runners and walkers of all days hundreds of pancake breakfasts were lard from iloveseattle.org. ages stormed the race course at Golden served. Through the weekend, foods from Other highlights of Viking Days in- Gardens Park in Ballard, not far from the all five of the Nordic countries were fea- cluded crafts for kids, a variety of fantastic Museum grounds. Best times went to Tom tured, including Danish æbleskiver, Icelan- Nordic-themed vendors, and of course, free Photo courtesy Nordic Heritage Museum Roth, who completed the race in 19:39, Jef- dic klinur, Finnish sima, Norwegian lefse, admission to the Museum, where visitors Maxwell Perry walked the race in sandals, a frey Aggas who completed the race in 21:29, and of course, Swedish meatballs. Saturday enjoyed both the permanent exhibitions and horned helmet, and 35 pounds of metal armor. and Laurent Bertat, who completed the race evening concluded with a Salmon BBQ, the temporary exhibition Danish Modern: His wasn’t the quickest time, but he took home in 22:04. Best times in the female division complete with performances by local bands Design for Living. the award for best costume.

< royals Oslo International School is a private From page 3 school where lectures are conducted in Eng- Subscribe to the Weekly lish, and they follow the International Pri- The principal at Oslo International mary Curriculum (IPC). The school charges School (OIS), however, assures that Princess around NOK 100,000 per year, and most of one year: Ingrid Alexandra will get no special treat- the students have foreign parents who live $ and work in Norway. Prince Sverre Magnus, ment. “When the princess walks through the Photo: Karen Schulte 70 door here she is just an ordinary student, just Princess Ingrid Alexandra’s little brother, Call toll-free at (800) 305-0217, email [email protected], or mail a check to: like the other OIS-students,” says Janecke has also quit Jansløkka school and started at Aarnes. a private Montessori school in Oslo. Norwegian American Weekly, 7301 5th Ave NE, Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115. 14 • August 29, 2014 norwegian american weekly norwegian heritage Long Ago & Far Away by Jon Lind Rønningen Ramblings Norway has come a long way in a few decades. When Jon Lind was a child they still dug peat for fuel, carried water from a well, and lit their houses with Heidi Håvan Grosch with kerosene. Lind was 11 when his family moved from Austrheim to Or- Heidi was a long-time Minnesotan until she married egon, and considers America his home. Yet in memory the Norway of his her favorite Norwegian, Morten, and moved to his childhood seems idyllic. In this column he shares some of those memories. home country of Norway. As a recent immigrant she is Share your memories with him at [email protected]. experiencing Norway with a unique perspective, filling us in on the good, the bad and the unexpected! Grandma and the jogger

My grandmother did not have an I was old enough to take over) and set it easy life, as, I suspect, was the case for on the kitchen counter with a ladle in it, Keeping border terms and acronyms straight: most of her contemporaries. Her husband from which we all drank. of one year died of cancer a short time be- The story I am about to relate hap- Or “what is the Schengen, the EU, EFTA, FTA, EEA?” fore my father was born. At the time of pened, as best I can recollect, in 1949. his death they owned one of the largest My grandmother never laughed much, farms in the community. The following partly because there wasn’t much to laugh year she sold the farm to a man named at but mostly because to her, being very Fredrik Langøy. She built a small house religious, anything funny was most likely in 1927 on a five-acre parcel she retained sinful, so she tended to avoid things of a and took in boarders and farmed to make humorous nature. That all changed in the ends meet. In her garden she grew red spring of 1949 when Mr. Lien arrived. He currants, gooseberries, and rhubarb. She was a schoolteacher and rented a room in also planted potatoes and other assorted a house next to ours. vegetables such as carrots, cabbage, tur- Mr. Lien brought two great innova- nips, and rutabagas. As for livestock, I tions to our island. He started a children’s am told she had a cow before I was born choir (of which I was a member) and he but the only animals I can remember were was the first jogger anyone had ever seen. pigs, sheep, and chickens. Each year she He would come home in the afternoon, would slaughter a pig and I remember the change into running clothes, and jog wonderful bloodcakes and blood pudding right past our house. To my grandmother, she would make. this was the funniest thing she had ever seen. Here was a man who was not being chased by anyone, nor was he running to get someplace; he was just running. My grandmother must have searched her soul and found nothing sinful in his odd be- havior. As a result, she allowed herself to laugh with abandon. Every day she would wait for Mr. Lien to come running by and, hiding behind the curtains, she would howl with delight. I remember watch- ing her by the window doubled up with Map: European Commission (ec.europa.eu) laughter, tears streaming down her face. This was the highlight of her day. There It is difficult for me to keep all the Euro- is so strong that Norwegians don’t want to were even times she would change her pean acronyms strait, and I thought that per- dance to the beat of a “felles” (group) drum- dress for the occasion, and changing her haps some of you had the same problem. So mer. But what exactly is the E.U.? dress was not something my grandmother here is a little primer. The official website (see link above) de- did on a regular basis. scribes it as “the free movement of persons I expected her fascination with Mr. The Schengen (ec.europa.eu) … which entitles every E.U. citizen to travel, Lien’s jogging to wane and her laughter In a nutshell, the Schengen (signed in work, and live in any E.U. country without to subside, but it never did. Each day was 1985 in the small village of Schengen, Lux- special formalities.” just as funny as the day before. Her laugh- embourg, and implemented as the Schengen The E.U. was formed at the end of ter had a discernible pattern to it. She Agreements in 1995) is a group of 26 Eu- World War II as a response to the frustra- would watch him as he left his house and ropean countries that have agreed to work tion people had with neighboring countries Photo courtesy of Jon Lind walk a few steps. Walking was not funny together “border free.” For international at war with each other. The thought was that My grandparents’ wedding picture from 1916. and she would not laugh at all until he Wedding dresses were typically black in those travelers, this means that once you enter free trade would begin to mend relationships days. Sadly, my grandfather died in Novem- started running. The laughter would build one country and have gone through passport between countries, and so, in 1950, the Eu- ber 1917 of cancer, a few months after the slowly as he picked up speed. By the (for example, flying into Amster- ropean Coal and Steel Community began the birth of my father. At the time of his death he he ran past her window, she would be in dam from the U.S.) you are able to travel process of uniting trade and politics between was 33 and she was 31. She had to sell the full roar. A short distance past our house freely between the Schengen countries. For , France, Germany, Italy, Luxem- farm they bought the year before, but man- spruce trees blocked the view of the road an American that means your visa stamp bourg, and the . In the 1960s aged to do so at a considerable profit. and she would not see him for about 30 (Americans don’t need to get a visa ahead of these six E.U. countries stopped charging minutes until he was on the return leg. time to travel in Europe for three months) is customs duties when trading with each other, My grandmother’s sister had many She would explode with laughter the min- good in any of these countries. and agreed to joint control over food produc- children, one of whom was raised by my ute he emerged and then gradually sub- This agreement is tied into the develop- tion. Denmark, Ireland, and the United King- grandmother from infancy. After my fa- side as he slowed down to a walk before ment of the E.U. (see that section below) but dom joined in 1973, with , Spain, and ther and mother were married they also entering his house. not all countries in the Schengen (Iceland, joining within the next five years. lived in the house until we immigrated For two years, every day but Sun- Norway, Switzerland, and ) are In 1986 the Single European Act ironed to America. At one point (counting seven day, Mr. Lien would jog by our house in the E.U., and not all E.U. States (Bulgaria, out issues with free-trade across E.U. bor- boarders) there were thirteen people liv- and grandma would stand in the window , , Ireland, , and the ders and officially created the “Single Mar- ing in that small house. Grandma was and laugh. Unfortunately for all of us and United Kingdom) are in part of the Schengen ket,” allowing for full freedom of goods, paid by the State to board a crazy wom- especially my grandmother, at the end Agreement (although Bulgaria and Romania services, people, and money. , Fin- an they called Frøken (unmarried lady) of the school year in 1951, Mr. Lien was are in the process of joining). land, and Sweden joined the E.U. in 1995 who screamed all the time. Even as I was transferred to another school district and a (the same year the Schengen Agreement was growing up, there was no electricity or great chunk of joy left my grandmother’s The European Union (europa.eu) signed). 1995 also brought more freedom as running water. We had a “one holer” in life. For a while she would glance out Norway has voted on whether or not to the Euro was adopted as a common currency the barn and a well about 100 feet from the window in the late afternoon, hoping join the E.U. many times, but the general and young people were able to study freely the house. Every morning my mother Mr. Lien would make an appearance. He public has always voted against it. Perhaps in different European countries. would fetch a bucket from the well (until never did. that is because Norwegians worked so hard to gain independence, or perhaps national pride See > borders, page 15 norwegian american weekly August 29, 2014• 15 arts & entertainment Book review: Fosse’s Melancholy circles madness me who has had “the experience of his life” Christine Foster Meloni when he happens upon one of Hertervig’s Washington, D.C. paintings, “From Borgøya,” in the National Gallery in Oslo. Vidme rambles on about Jon Fosse’s Melancholy becomes a this experience, and he does not seem to be much more interesting novel when the reader mentally stable, either. Is Vidme a person knows that the main character, Lars Herter- who actually existed, or is he Fosse’s cre- vig, actually existed. In fact, Hertervig is ation, perhaps to represent himself? considered one of Norway’s leading paint- This book can serve as a unique intro- ers. This book is Fosse’s homage to him. duction for non-Norwegians to the great In 1996 one of Hertervig’s paintings, Norwegian Romantic landscape artist, “The “Fjord Landscape,” was sold at auction for Painter of Light.” The constant repetition in 3.2 million kroner (equivalent to approxi- the book can be a major put-off but its cu- mately half a million dollars) and set a re- mulative effect can also be quite powerful, cord for a Norwegian painting. especially if one imagines what might have Hertervig was born in Hattarvågen been happening in the mind of the artist. on the western coast of Norway, north of After leaving the asylum, Hertervig Stavanger, in 1830. He came from a family continued to paint, but he died in poverty of Quaker farmers. Life for the Quakers at in 1902. He was not completely forgotten, that time was difficult because their beliefs however. To mark the 100th anniversary of were frequently in conflict with Lutheran- his birth, a special exhibition of his works ism, the state religion. was held in Stavanger and a statue of the art- In addition to experiencing religious ist was erected there. The first biography of intolerance, the family also suffered from The differences between covers in and out of the U.S. is itself quite telling. The Italian cover (left), like his life was published in 1939. extreme poverty. Hertervig did get a break, the Norwegian one, uses Hertervig’s“From Borgøya,” which creates a connection to the artist. His works became the centerpiece of however, at an early age. When his family the art museum established in Stavanger in moved to town, he became an apprentice He is about to meet his teacher that day ers. They jokingly tell him that Helene is 1991. Fosse wrote Melancholy in 1995. In in a paint shop. He fell in love with paint to receive his evaluation. He stays in bed at waiting for him. He begins to hallucinate. He 2006 Georg Friedrich Haas wrote the music and painted on any small surface he could home as he is racked by fear and doubt. What sees her. She is calling to him. He also sees for the opera “Melancholia” with the libretto find. Some local businessmen noticed his would his teacher say? Is he a good painter? black and white clothes dancing before his by Fosse. talent and sent him first to an art school in Yes, he is. No, he isn’t. He goes on, back and eyes. These clothes come closer and closer. Lars Hertervig lives on, and Jon Fosse Christiania (Oslo) and then to Dusseldorf, forth, back and forth, back and forth, back They begin to suffocate him. has made a major contribution to keeping his Germany, where other Norwegian landscape and forth. The excessive repetition of his He goes back to the house. He has the memory alive. artists had established themselves. But in thoughts makes the reader’s head spin. same thoughts as before. He goes back to Christine Foster Meloni is Dusseldorf he suffered a mental breakdown. What about Helene? He loves her. Does Malkasten. He has the same thoughts and the professor emeritus at The Fosse begins his novel at this point. Without she love him? Maybe she does. Maybe she same hallucinations. George Washington Uni- some background about the artist, it could be doesn’t. Will she run away with him? Does In Part II we find Hertervig back in Nor- versity. She has degrees in boring beyond belief. she love her uncle instead? Again the inter- way three years later. He is in an asylum and Italian literature, linguis- Melancholy is divided into three parts. minable repetition. it is Christmas Eve. He is not doing well. He tics, and international ed- The first part represents one day in Herter- Hertervig eventually gets up and leaves is still fixated on Helene. He wants to paint, ucation. She was born in vig’s life. He is obsessing about his talent the house. He decides to go to Malkasten, the but he is not allowed to do so. Minneapolis and currently as an artist and his love for his landlady’s Norwegian artists’ hangout in Dusseldorf. In Part III the reader jumps ahead to lives in Washington, DC. She is interested in daughter Helene. Here he is cruelly teased by his fellow paint- 1991 and meets the Norwegian writer Vid- all things Norwegian. Norwegian film news: < borders “The Agreement on the European Eco- From page 14 nomic Area, which entered into force on 1 January 1994, brings together the E.U. Three films to Toronto A list of all member countries is avail- Member States and the three EEA EFTA able at europa.eu/index_en.htm. The above States—Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Nor- Special Release EU description has been adapted from text way—in a single market, referred to as the Norwegian Film Institute found on this website. ‘Internal Market.’” So if you belong to the E.U. you must Norwegian director Ole Giæver’s Out of also apply to the EEA, which in turn guar- Nature (Mot naturen) has been selected for European Free Trade Association (EFTA) antees your country “the four freedoms—the the Toronto International Film Festival be- (www.efta.int) free movement of goods, services, persons, tween 4-14 September, where it will have its The European Free Trade Association and capital—throughout the 31 EEA States. world premiere in the Contemporary World (EFTA) was founded in 1960 by Austria, You can also be a member of the EEA with- Cinema sidebar. Denmark, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Swit- zerland, and the United Kingdom, to pro- out being a member of the U.S. In addition, The festival has previously reported it Photo courtesy of NFI mote closer economic cooperation and free the Agreement covers cooperation in re- will present the first screenings of Norwe- Ole Giæver in Out of Nature. search and development, education, social gian directors Liv Ullmann’s Miss Julie as a trade in Europe. Soon other countries joined, policy, the environment, consumer protec- Special Presentation and Bent Hamer’s 1001 Hamer, 1001 Grams follows a recently di- some staying and some dropping out to join tion, and tourism and culture.“ Grams (1001 gram) in the Masters section. vorced, work-obsessed scientist in her late the EU. Today Iceland, Liechtenstein, Nor- Switzerland is not part of the EEA Out of Nature, the new drama comedy 30s, who goes to a seminar in Paris about the way, and Switzerland are members. They are Agreement, but has a bilateral agreement scripted and directed by Ole Giæver, who actual weight of the kilogram. She falls in not members of the EU, and as I understand with the E.U. also plays the lead character, Martin, is the love with a French colleague, and now her it you can be one or the other, but not both. story of a family father in his 30s living in own measurement of disappointment, grief, Information taken from: www.efta.int/eea/ a small town who feels alienated and longs and—not least—love ends up on the scales. The Agreement on the European Eco- eea-agreement to get away—from his job, his family, into Norwegian actress-director Liv Ull- nomic Area (EEA) the woods, into the mountains. Spending a mann’s Miss Julie, with U.S. and U.K. stars weekend alone on a hiking trip, he is forced Jessica Chastain, Colin Farrell, and Saman- to confront the way he lives his life. “Driven tha Morton in the leads, is a new interpreta- by a voiceover that ranges from virulent out- tion of August Strindberg`s play Miss Julie. Be our friend on Facebook! rage to complete confusion—Out of Nature Set in 1874, Strindberg’s battle of the sexes is a genuinely hilarious meditation on our has been adapted for the screen by numerous appetite for self-deceit and pettiness,” says directors, from Sweden’s Anna Hofman-Ud- Our Facebook page has almost 2,500 likes! Toronto International Film Festival program- dgren in 1912, to U.K.’s Mike Figgis in 1999 Are you one of them? facebook.com/naweekly mer Steve Gravestock. and most recently by U.S. director Michael Written, directed and produced by Bent Margotta in 2009. 16 • August 29, 2014 norwegian american weekly back page 3.NAW.Kings.CMYK.20March2014_Layout 1 3/20/14 7:32 PM Page 1 Norwegian Language Corner Read and speak Norwegian! Deb Nelson Gourley presents: KINGS OF NORWAY By Anders Kvåle Rue • History of 57 Kings & 1 Queen • Both bilingual text and audio • Full colored illustrations • Hardcover 6”x9” book + 3CDs Kings of Norway English Norwegian bilingual book includes 3 audio CDs. Appealing to readers of all ages on both sides of the Atlantic. Ideal for first-year Norwegian lan- guage classes, heritage & culture programs. Includes Astri My Astri and Astri Mi Astri songs. Read along when you listen to the 3 CDs = $29.95 with FREE shipping in USA Call, send check or visit website Astri My Astri Publishing www.astrimyastri.com Text and illustrations by Anders Kvåle Rue. Simplification of text by Kari Grønningsæter. Deb Nelson Gourley Phone: 563-568-6229 Translated by Jim Skurdall. Copyright © Norsk Barneblad. 602 3rd Ave SW, Waukon, IA 52172 [email protected] Harald Fairhair – Harald Hårfagre Born ca. 860, died ca. 932 Son of King Halfdan the Black and Ragnhild Sigurdsdatter Ruled ca. 875 – 932

Harald was one of many petty kings in Viking Age Norway. Snorri Sturlu- 5351 24th Ave NW • Seattle, WA 98107 • Tel: 206-784-2562 • Fax: 206-784-1986 son writes in Heimskringla that one day Harald sent some of his men to a beau- tiful maiden named Gyda. They were to ask her if she would become Harald’s mistress. Gyda replied that she was only interested in him if he became king of all of Norway! When Harald heard this, he decided to unite Norway into one king- dom. He would not cut his hair, he said, Fishing Vessels in the North Pacific and Bering Sea Passenger Vessels from Puget Sound to Southeast Alaska until the task was completed. At Hafrsfjord, not far from where Shipshape & Seaworthy Stavanger lies today, Harald won the de- www.pacificfishermen.com cisive battle. Now the kingdom was his and he could cut his long hair. After this, people called him Harald Fairhair. Harald had a number of wives and many sons, and they helped him rule the the land. Hearthstone

Harald var en av mange småkonger i vikingtidens Norge. Snorre Sturluson skriver i Heimskringla at Harald en dag sendte noen av mennene sine til ei vak- ker jente som het Gyda. De skulle spørre henne om hun ville bli Haralds kjæreste. Gyda svarte at hun bare var interessert i ham dersom han ble konge over hele Norge! Da Harald hørte dette, bestemte han seg for å samle Norge til ett rike, og sa at han ikke skulle klippe håret før det var fullført. Ved Hafrsfjord, ikke langt fra der Stavanger ligger i dag, vant Harald det endelige slaget. Nå var riket hans og han Welcome to the Neighborhood! kunne klippe det lange håret sitt. Etter dette kalte folk ham for Harald Hårfagre. Harald hadde flere koner og fikk mange sønner, og de hjalp ham med å styre landet.

$29.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. www.astrimyastri.com Subscribe to the Weekly

the one year: $ Hearthstone 70 Retirement Living 6720 E Green Lake Way N Seattle, WA 98103 Photo: Karen Schulte at Seattle’s Green Lake www.hearthstone.org Call toll-free at (800) 305-0217, email [email protected], or mail a check to: Norwegian American Weekly, 7301 5th Ave NE, Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115. (206) 517-2213