Catalonia Pushes to Leave Spain

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Catalonia Pushes to Leave Spain “Golden Age,” this period saw a burgeoning sumed its own cultural identity. Since then, of art and literature in the region. Catalonia has thrived, becoming Spain’s Catalonian traders effectively helped the leading economic region. Today, Catalonia House of Aragón, one of the powerful ruling represents only 6 percent of Spain’s area and families of the Middle Ages, increase its con- 16 percent of its population, but it creates 20 trol in the Mediterranean. However, Catalans percent of the country’s GDP. rebelled against Aragón from 1461-72 and Spain, on the other hand, is currently lost, initiating a period of decline in Catalo- fraught with economic diffi culties. It has a nia. Pirate attacks and recurring plagues and sluggish economy, soaring unemployment famines added to Catalonia’s downfall. and banks facing collapse. Ever since the Middle Ages, Catalonia It is Catalonia’s prosperous economy cou- CATALONIA PUSHES has pushed for autonomy from Spain. When pled with its continued separatist leanings Catalans attempted to secede from Spain dur- that has led to its renewed interest in seced- TO LEAVE SPAIN ing the rule of King Philip V (1700-1724), they ing from Spain. Catalonia is currently Spain’s surrendered in Barcelona on September 11, most indebted region and recently asked Ma- The people of Catalonia, an autonomous 1714, and were forced to give up their autono- drid for a US $6.43 billion (5 billion euros) region of Spain, are pushing for indepen- mous privileges. bailout. The Spanish government says it will dence. On September 11, an estimated 1.5 By the latter half of the 19th century, the not consider a bailout without austerity mea- million Catalans held a pro-independence Catalans revived their region, creating one sures in place. march that helped push the issue onto a refer- of Spain’s major industrialized centers. Spain Catalonia’s government argues that it endum ballot set for Novem- should not be required to ber 25. While the vote is non- impose austerity rules on its binding, it will send a strong Catalonia citizens. The region pays US message to Spain’s central © 2012 $19 billion (15 billion euros) government. Bay of Biscay FRANCIA more every year in taxes to Europe’s debt crisis has fu- the Spanish government than eled the Catalonian indepen- Asturias Cantabria Pais it receives in funding for ser- Vasco ANDORRA dence issue. While Catalonia vices and public projects. Galicia Navarra is Spain’s wealthiest region, Catalonia Its tax burden represents 24 it is also the most indebted. Rioja Lleida percent of Spain’s entire tax Castilla Y Leon Girona Catalans believe that their Pons base. Barcelona tax money has been misman- Aragon The upcoming referendum aged by Madrid and that SPAIN Tarragona on secession is a brilliant they are entitled to a bailout Madrid Torlosa move for Catalan President with “no strings attached,” Artur Mas. Politically, it was meaning without auster- his only choice, as 84 percent ity measures to curb further Castilla of Catalans believe there Extremadura Valencia overspending. La Mancha should be a referendum on Catalonia lies in the far PORTUGAL independence and 55 percent northeastern section of Spain say they would vote for it. with the Mediterranean Sea Murcia 0 200 mi If it passes, however, Spain on its eastern border. The Andalucia says Catalonia’s separation region, covering an area of 0 200 km would be a violation of the e a 12,399 square miles (32,114 S country’s constitution. Fur- a n sq. km), is comprised of four Strait of n e thermore, because the region provinces, Barcelona, Girona, Gibraltar r r a depends upon the rest of M e d i t e Lleida and Tarragona. ALGERIA Spain for trade, many econo- Barcelona, the second larg- MOROCCO mists say an independent est city in Spain after Madrid, Geography in the News 11/2/12 M. Shears Catalonia would not be eco- is Catalonia’s capital. Along nomically viable. with its surrounding area, Just like other other seces- Barcelona is one of Europe’s largest metro- valued Catalonia and the money it injected sionist movements, including the Scotts of the politan areas (areas with population over 1 into the country’s economy, but Catalonia United Kingdom, the Corsicans of France, the million). Barcelona’s metropolitan area has continued its push for secession, receiving Quebecois of Canada or a host of other indig- almost 5 million people. and losing its autonomy several times. enous groups of Latin America, the Catalans Catalans number about 7.5 million of The Catalans briefl y regained their auton- continue to seek independence. Spain’s 47 million people, or 16 percent. Non- omy from 1932-39. When authoritarian Span- And that is Geography in the News™. No- Spanish immigrants make up 12 percent of ish dictator Francisco Franco came to power, vember 2, 2012. #1170. Catalonia’s population. however, he suppressed all public activities Co-authors are Neal Catalonia’s coast has been a center of trade associated with Catalan and his regime tor- Lineback, Appalachian since Greek and Roman times. By the 13th cen- tured and executed Catalonia’s president. State University Professor tury, the merchant trading class of cities like With Franco’s death in 1975 and a new Emeritus of Geography, Spanish constitution in 1978, Catalonia re- Barcelona grew infl uential, rivaling those of and Geographer Mandy Venice or Genoa. Described as Catalonia’s ceived a degree of self-government and re- Lineback Gritzner. University News Director Sources: “Spain: As economy dives, Catalonia wants out,” The Week, October 12, 2012, Jane Nicholson serves as pg. 15;; technical editor. features/2012/09/201292913514639254.html; and
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