JOTS AND DOTS IN LOCATED BUNCH OF BICYCLES A BUNCH OF NAMES MILLIONS OF GEORGIA MELONS SPECIAL Many Stolen Wheels Were'Located Crop Was SALES AT Th’s Year Fine and Sold NEWS A DAY. Yesterday. OF FOLKS IN TOWN, Well. JIF A wagon load of bicycles at the home While Americus is still luxuriating Told Briefly of a negro livingin the country near in the finest watermelons, the crop as Little Tales are Americas Those Who Come and Leave was the surprising find made a whole is nearing the end. Up to date Here. by Sheriff Bell and "Chief Feagin yes- Daily. a total of 2,650 cars melons have been terday, and more surprising develop- shipped from Georgia this season to ments mayibe expected when the case gladden the BOILED DOWN TO FOUR LINES. VISITORSIAT AMERICUS HOMES northern appetite and fer is sifted out, these melons the Georgia growers have The discovery of even one “bike” reoeived over $175,000. Though the News Notes of Interest But Too Short Your Own Name or That of a Friend there would have occasioned rather yield was heavy this year prices have for Headlines Bunched Together— mild surprise. May Be Found Below In the^Long not been quite so good, the melcns Short Tales of the Town Whacked But when a half dozen wheels were List of Yesterday’s Vlsitork'fcWho bringing an average of $65 per car. The f Shorter Still. found hidden under the house, and the Came Here, immense peach orop this year injured officers were told of many others con- the sale of melon?, as when peaohes cealed in the loft, there was something are plentiful demand for watermel- Campaigno, the latest card game and Large assortment of Waterman’s the doing at once. ons is not so great. Upon all the standard games—price 50 cents “Modern” Self-filling Fountain Pens. the whole The “mine”of bikes was discovered orops to at Holliday's bookstore. See them. Hudson Drugstore. both netted a fortune the thrif- yesterday rather unexpectedly. A stol- ty fruit raiser and pat Georgia in the Baild more dwellings, more stores, en wheel was brought to Bagley’s bi- Mr. Jack Holliday leaves today upon front rank of states as a producer of the in perp’e are coming Americas. More cycle store, and he at once recognized a trip in the west; to be gone several finest fruits. here many yards embridery edgings and to live, and more houses are it as one sold by him to Mr. Poole days. 3,000 Three standard • makes of wanted. Mr. as insertions, great variety of pretty here. Poole was notified, were Miss Alma Short, returning to Daw- NOT A PATENT MEDICINE. corsets that we will discon- Many shipments of fall goods are be the polioe as well. son from Buena Vista, was a visitor before offered for less The negro who brought the wheel to patterns never tinue handling ing received already by Americus mer- here yesterday. Hyoinei, the Guaranteed Catarrh Cure, after Septem- chants,

day coming flood , and the each 10c. way we are going sell a before the searching the house until this morning The only natural way to cure this dis- to lot here in lobby given a Mrs. G. W. Bagley, of was chairs the were thus in the hope of capturing a supposed De9oto, ease and all other diseases of the respir- week; get the guest of relatives during a pleasant atory organs is to breathe Hyomei. this there are some patterns chance to cool. accomplice of the negro arrested here Men's fancy half hose also great visit here yesterday. Tais treatment has been so successful, in this lot you would call good values Fire Chief Cameron of Dawson is re- yesterday. curing it!) per cent, of all who have usea line of lace stripe half hose in about ported very illthere, and willprobably It is believed that many bicyoles Misses Minnie Sease has returned to it, that Hyomei is now sold by Dodson's at iOc, the whole lot goes on sale here be brought to his home in Americus stolen here in the past year or two will her home near Savannah after a de“ Pnarmacy under an absolute guarantee twenty of the newest patterns, the to refund ths money if it does not oure. lightfnl visit to relatives here, grade in Monday morning at per yard... l/ c today for treatment. be unearthed this morning when the l'ou run no risk whatever in buying regular 25c here this sale at s 2 house is What possess A farmer in Americus yesterday examined. the negro’s Mrs. George B, Morgan, of Cordele, Hyomei. If it did not unusual l/ c. object was in thus storing away the powers to cure, it could not be sold upon exactly half price i2 2 stated that he bad six bales cotton is the guest of her mother, Mrs. Laura stolen wheels is unknown, but it will this plan. open in his fields and unable to pick it D. Clarke, at her residence on College The complete Hyomei outfit costs $1 out We have placed on sale one of the on account of ram. all come today, street. and comprises a hard rubber inbaler, a One great lot of open and shut Mr. Poole’s wheel was stolen from bottle of Ilyoraer and a dropper. The greatest bargainsin Hosiery that has Bullard, harpooned Miss Effie Howard and Ella inhaler will and addi- fans in this will be- found fans that Lewis a negro the sidewalk, near the Windsor Ilotel, Cameron last a lifetime; every passed this way. We have a by Americus officers and wanted at nearly two years ago, and in broad returned home yesteiday after spend- tional bottles of Hyomie can be obtain- sold up as high as 35c not a one that Lumpkin, was skated over in that di- ing a month delightfully iu Ports- ed for 500. great daylight at that. less quantity of Hosiery on hand for rection yesterday. mouth, Ya. ever sold for than iOc here in this LEAVING UPON EASTERN TOUR. this season of the year. In order to Another large congregation filled the Misses Louise and Gertrude Falli- sale, take your choice of this lot at Violent Attack of Diarrhoea "Cured reduce our stock we have made a gospel tent yesterday evening. The gant, after a oharmtng visit of three each sc. by Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera Americus People Going to New York price that will people to buy meetings there continue on this wet k weeks in Americas, returned to Sayan- cause with much interest. and Diarrhoea Remedy and nah yesterday. and East, them by the dozen. Every pair 2,000 yards wash goods in all this offer- Another party of Americas people Perhaps a Life Saved. Mr. and Mrs. 11, T. Clements and Quite a party willleave Americus to- ago w .n a morrow East, among the num- season s newest designs every yard ed in this sale is perfect. They are in spent the afternoon yesterday at the “A short. time I was taken daughters, of Buena Vista, were in for the place in- violent attack of diarrnoea and believe Americas yesterday, going to Indian ber being several merchants gtiag to plain and drop-sditch; men’s, ladies’ National Cemetery, ever a of I would have died if I had not offered this sale is worth from gotten Spring buy fall goods while others go upon in terest and of pleasure. relief,” says John J. PattOD, a leading for some time. and children’s. tVe will net sell less Patton, Ala, pleasure. In the party are Mr, and l2 /2c to 20c, the whole lot goes on All signs of fair weather vanished citizen of “A friend rec- l ommended Chamberlain’s Colic, Chol- Mrs. George Duncan, Miss Helen than five pairs at this price. They flood sale at one price, choice 8c yard. yesterday evening and another era and Diarrhoea Remedy. I; bought Puts an End to it Alii Gordy, Mrs. Anna Johnson and young a days are placed on sale for the first time of rain followed. For dozen it a twenty-five cent bottle and after A liotan; Ed Gyles atd of it entirely grievous wail oftimes comes as a son Messrs. has rained incessantly. taking three doses was Andrews; at per pair, 7c. cured. I consider it the best remedy in result of unbearable pain from overtaxed Dave Messrs. Clarke Dur- Big purchase of towels and offer- declared yester- world for bowel complaints. For organs. Dizziness, Backache, Liver can, Felton Clements, J, G. Lowe and An observant farmer the complaint and Constipation, cot- sale by all druggists, But S, Parker, of Buena Vista, The ed just when these goods are needed day that he had never eoen a good thanks to Dr. King’s New Life Pills B. go Boston direot. they ton crop follow a wet . And that put an end to it all. They are entire party will to the most, cannot be described this August is soaking. gentle but thorough. Try them. Only Mrs. Johnson goes to Maine to visit THEIR MARRIAGE OF INTEREST. Good-bye to every pair of Oxfords 250. Guaranteed by the Eldridge Drug- friends, while Miss Gordy goes to htr otherwise than they are extra large, The Light Infantry Manassas squad in our stock that has been $2.50 to stores. former home in Maryland. heavy fringed, with colored borders, of seventeen men are practicing daily Invitations to Ray-Larned Wedding $3.50; now they bear the common at pitching tents, and doing other posifively a 15c value, here Monday Issued. Lost. price of SI.BO. This includes all Pat- work that willbe required. RESULTS TELL. and Tuesday only iOc each. Gold brooch, pearls with diamond in A freight wreck up the Central yes- ene Colts, Patent Vici and our stock Mr. and Mrs. Neil Angus Kay issued center. Return to Fricker & terday delayed the G o’clock morning Jas. Bro. There Can Be No Doubt About the beautifully eDgraved invitations yes- and get reward. of Tans, and it gives you your chance and lilt Results in Americus. Another lot all linen huck towels, train which brings the Macon At- terday to the marriage of their daugh- papers to Americas. without , but are extra heavy to stock up for the rest of the sum- lanta ter, Mies Ruba Ray, to Mr. William Rasults tell the tale. mer with Shoes —one, two or three Livingston Larned, of New York. The HUNDREDS AT MYRTLE SPRINGS All doubt is removed. huck large size and colored borders, an occa- The testimony of an Americus citizen. End of Bitter Fight marriage, which will be Can be easily investigated, pairs, ifyou want them. We won’t sion here, will a ? for this sale only each. physicians long of much sooial interest Barbecue There Wednesday Great What better proof can be nad “Two had a and stub- Tuesday morning carry Oxfords from one season to an- born fight an on my right be solemnized on A. A. Willett, a well known farmer with abscess J Success. just lung writes X. F. Huges of Dupont, Ga. August 233 at 10 o’clock at their home living out side of Americus says: other, we go at the reduction “Ibelieve that your are all tbat Large assortment of summer hosi- and “and gave me up. Everybody thought “The Oaks” near Americus. Nature smiled yesterday upon those pills my time had come. As a last resort attending the big county barbecue at you claim for them. They acted quickly ery. l adies plain white, qual- process early to be sure we aren’t and most effectually in my case. I had extra I tried Dr. King’s New Discovery for Myrtle Springs. The rains ceased, and Consumption. kidney trouble and backach from which ity, double heels and tempted. Every size in almost every The benefit I received How to Keep Youthful. hundreds gathered day toes, worth 25c striking was on my feet in there for a of I had been a sufferer for some years. was and I a in for this lot and all are for sale at per pair few days. Now I’ve entirely regain- “Thou shalt not grow old” is an unwritten pleasure. Not only from Sumter did After lying or sitting one position sale only 15c pair. a any hardly ed my health.” It conquers all Cougns, law which every sensible man and woman they go, but Schley, Macon and Web- for length of time I could . And how do they accomplish get up on account of the dead, heavy SI.BO. Colds and Throat and Lung troubles. aims too bserve ster counties were represented as well. by Eldridge drugstores. it:—simply by keeping the system in perfect pain in the small of my back. At times Guaranteed the A snperb barbecue and basket dinner almost my Ladies plain and open-work Price 500 and Trial bottles free, trim througn the use of a tonic medicine I seemed to lose the use of Tan SI.OO. August They keep have to hold of at the Eldridge drugstores. like Green's Flower. was served, and the day at romantic back and would take hose, these are values that speak for their blood pure, their digestion good, their Myrtle Springs was greatly enjoyed. something for support. The kidney One cass of famous Scriven Pat- liver active, their vitality normal and their secretions were discolored being dark the nisei vas, regular price 35c, here buoyant by regular and judicious and full of sediment and strong of odor. observing sees spirits the Drawers. Every- If one is not one noth- August Flower- -and thus keep youth- I used many different remedies but Monday and lqc ent Elastic Seam use of YOUR UNCOVERED. Tuesday pair. ing. ful and happy. Trial bottle, 25c, -Big bottle, KEEP HEAD without much of any benefit until I got body knowns the price of these goods. 75c. At W, A. Rembert's Doan’s Kidney Pills at J. G. Dodson’s using the n my back all waist and DeWitt is the Name, drugstore. Since Big lot of ladies black hose, in We have measures The Constant Wearing: of a Hat Propo- feels strong. The pain bas left it and The best thing I know of is a fust have also been re- both drop stitch and lace work, lengths/ Very special here for this When you go to buy Witch Hazel sates Dandruff Germs. the kidney secretions ex- look for the Wi t on rate wife, and the next best thiDg is a stored to a normal condition. You are Salve name Da There quisite designs and beautiful effects sacrifice sale at per pair 39c. every box. The pure, unadulterated second rate one, —Joan Billings. are many men who wear their welcome to use my name as a refer- making hats practically all the time when awake, ence.” at 2 Witch Hazel is used in De- 5c, 50c, and 75c pair. Witt’s Witch Hazal Salve, which is the and are blessed with a heavy shock of For sale by all dealers. Price 50 oents, best salye in the world for cu*s, .burns, hair; yet if the scalps of these same men Foster-Milburn Co. Buffalo, N, Y. sole bruises, boils, eczema aud piles. The SIOO Reward, $10?. once became infested With dandruff agents for the U. S. A. germs, all Remember the name Doan’s and take Another lot of men’s collars the Bal- popularity of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel The readers of this paper will be parasites would multiply We have an odd lot of Men’s Salve, due to its many cures, has caused the quicker for lack of air. Baldness no substitute. is pleased to learn that there is at least made up of all the best shapes briggan Drawers left from suits, all numerous worthless counterfeits to be dreaded disease that rcience has would ensue as the final result. New- Jot one bro’s Herpicide kills and in placed on the market. The genuine been able to cure ia all it* “stages, and these germs ORGANIZED AS FIRE FIGHTERS, both the low and high styles, C. Co unhealthy hair to abundant band waist measures from 3o to 44. The bears the name E. DeWitt the disease, giving while by building up the here have organized a fire brigade, we 1 Many prevalent disorders show an the patient strength What is woman? Only one of na- iast at the low price only constitution and assisting nature in do- equipped both hose and nozzlert 7c each. aoid condition of the blood, ture’s agreeable blunders,—Bulwer, with Liquid Sulphur ing its work. The proprietors have so George Turpin. Jr. is foreman of the Hancock’s being powers that anti-acid, corrects such ailments and is much faith in its curative perfeot Ladies' Petticoats. offer One Dollars for any squad and daily drills will the of value in the of acue, itch, they Hundred A thing is good when it is now, a Another great clearance of Boy’s special cure that it fails to care. Send for list force in fire fighting. An independent herpes, ring-worm, pimples, prickly case man is good when he is old. or Cham- put . hirts; every Made of black spun glass and scalp, of testimonials. hydrant was in yesterday at the one made of best woven heat, catarrh, canker 3 in Cheney & mouth and sore Address F. J. Co. Toledo,O. freight depot. a dras; bray, all have several rows of ruffles, eyelids, nose, thioat. Druggists, all sizes from to 4, and So effective a skin tonic is Hancock’s Sold by 7sc. Nunnally’s Candy, fresh 60c. pound. i2*4 i Take Hall’s Family Pills for Consti- not a single some of them would be good values Liquid Sulphur— Nature’s greatest Rembert’s Drugstore. Ask Foot-Ease, A Powder one that ever sold before used it pation. For Allen’s or * Very Monday germicide—tba% in bathing, ess than soc. Here in this sale at $2 50. special here gives vigor to the action of the skin and To shake into your shoes. It rests oniy ana Tuesday at $1.48 each. affords a sense of healthfully toned ex- Unhappy is the man to whom his When the tiger is gone the fox is the feet. Makes walking easy. Cures at each, 25c. hilarations. own mother has not made all other master, Corns, Bunions, logrowing Nails Swol- Leading druggists sell it. Send for mothers venerable,—Richter, len and Sweating feet. At all druggists descriptive booklet to Hancock 1 iquid and Shoe Stores, 25c. Don’t accept Sulphur Co., Baltimore, M. D. OASTOniA. any substitute. Sample Free. Address, CASTOXI.XA. Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought Allen S. Olmstead. Leßoy, N. Y. The Kind ¥°u Have Always Bought The well man soon forgets the sick Bears the B% man’s promises. Sle °.r In the District Court ot the United States ”.r for the Western Division of the Southern Does smoke come out of a tireless District of Georgia. shelves many reme- for Growth of Mercer University. chimney. Notice of Application Discharge dies for constipation and biliousness, Inthe matter of H. E. Allen, Bankrupt, in of 1903-4 at Mercer Uni* but the never-failing, common-sense During tlis session Bankruptcy, Americus, Sumter county, Ga, cure is found only in Ramon’s Liver versity two new buildings were completed To the Creditors of the above named Bank- CO. Pills and Tonic Pellets. This Treat- the enrollment of students was larger than hereby noti tied that the above MERCANTILE rupt: You are DUNCAN year ment cures by relieving the cause of the ever before and in other respects tbe named Bankrupt has filed his application CASTOR IA debts provable trouble; the Pink Fill arouses liver, was the best in the history of the famous for discharge from all of the the For Infants and Children. against the said H E. Allen. The while the Tonic Pellets tone up the or- Baptist institution at Macon Ga, said application will be heard by the Hon. gans and insure natural and healthy Mercer oflers three courses; Academic, Emory Speer, Judge of the United States The Kind You Have Always Bought said division and district * Complete Treatment —two leading A. 8,, B. S., A. M, and M. S, de- District Court for conditions. to States court house in Macon, —25 one year, leading to B. L, degree at the United Successors to A, G. Duncan. medicines doses—full directionr—- grees; Law, Bears the Georgia, on Monday the 22nd day of August, m. only 25c. and to practice in the GFeoreia courts without Signature A D 1904, at 10 o’clock a Allthe creditors examination; Pharmaceutical, di of ot said Bankrupt are notified to appear at the further stated and show cause, if direct State ex time and place ploma of which admits to any they can, why the prayer contained in Ramon’s Relief sorts of pain aminatiOD. the said petition should not be granted. cure 3 all Macon, Ga., August Bth, A. D. located—it’s the great Con- President P. D. Pollock will£send cata- He who hath eaten salt drinketh Dated at this wherever 1001, L. M, ERWIN, Deputy Clerk. Jis,and ii? Forsyth Street John R.JShaw’s Old Stand. queror of Pain; 25c. logue to anyone interested. 13 Ittw water.