Tttl¢\U Qll ··" ·· JV ., · 1
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r r .. ;c e. ; . ~~ .J_- • : ·: ]1,1' t· cc rl U• tttl¢\U Qll ··" ·· JV ., · 1 tf' 'C 1 w· Ocrober l·( 1 0 . !El anr ~ '· ' t o. • Dottald S! 'McGuire and Roe Attend is ·· ' · se· o'ol o Heat·s a11d Atls,vet·s It o ~ ' ' ,,,,. ' d i ''' ""'· West Point Student Confo re Cafeteria Complaints W I• ~' Gro11p l\Ieet~ .i 1 By CYNTHIA c. KEEN DINNER GUARANTEED I 1 s lllcte1 :.s - h. ,. y u been .:. rr. Bickert said he bel'e,·es Co11~ider ec complaining ab lt r 1e Jon"' l'nes rhe 1·ne at d inner ·s fairly ,,·ell I To i n P::·.,. m m2a .s'.' O r ha,·e you been \\' n· spread out. ho\\·e,·e r. he wo ull 'Cl crh.;; \\·: y ce rain ,:-' 1a 1"'es haYe like t assure t he J1llndred o r te •been ma e i 1 ;1e setup of o u:· so students h might affect. t hat U. S. Sectirity p :··--· " t afcr ri a '.' Here a.-e s n e ns - ·f they ren'r in line by 5:00 tJ1ey a ~ wcr:- irc' m ::'- Ir. J? onald Bickert. Di- ,,.i l_l still b ~ serYed. ''The c af~ - ~ l\leeting Enhance~ Cc re wr of Dormnones a 1d F oct tena " - 11 stay open as lo ng as IS Sen ices. I necessary to feed those i n line. ~tndent A " -areness le T l;P most pressing pr blem for , so. as long a s you come in by Sl · 1; i111 3f1\' -rudents i the 1 n cr iine. 6 :30 yo u \\'ill cret Y O UJ' dinner." I Par i\I ·Guire. AS2. and Totn Bl ·r , espec·ial ly . T.Junch t.i me. T l ~is can Since rhe lunch li_ne is the R!W. A;:, l. \\'i 11 a trend t lw Student } e . lbe al le,· ated in two \\·a ys. Firs t, '" ·orst p rob_lem, :\lr. Blcket.:.,r ga,·e C )nfNem·c on nited :::-t a tes .-\f~ dl 1 PATRICIA McGUIRE THOMAS ROE lth os, students \\'J1o 1a\·e m ore I (Contmuect _on Page I ) fairs at \\'est Point, N~w York, fu a n one hour fo r lunch can ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~- NO\·. 30 · Dec. 3. maK e things mt.tch e asier for The theme of rhe 12rh annual t•heir fello\\· sTud ents by eating conference is the " Nati nal at perhaps 12:30 or e\·en 1:00. Al· E 52 Theatre Offers Saving Securit\· Policy of the l nire.ct - r s o. e\·en those w:ho ha,·e o nl v one States.': As re.prese ntath·es. Pat hour can com e at 12:30. ·since and Tom will dis uss possible 1:here is us ually a im os t no line act ,·ances in go,·ernment in the a t 12:30. a good number of stu next deca de. They will a lso par. ti ~ On '61 Special Season Ticket cipate in discussion gr ups on dents could eat then and still make their l:OO's. The Communist Cha llenge. The of Tickers. or fi,·e shows for i J1e Atla ntic ommunity. Les-DeY• The line a r breakfast is again The E 52 Unh·ersity Theatre at 1 Featured among. the . five price of tlh ree. Single admiss ions eloped Areas. Arms' Contl'ol. or a problem of everyone wanting the u ni\·ersity of Delaware has plays scheduled 111 l'vhtchell 1 Ito eat at the same time. Be t:"1\·een aTe Sl.50. except Iol' t1 e price of Building an Interna tional Order. a n nounced the sale of special Hall by t he E 52 University The three. Single actmis ions are Sl.50, Dr. Ralph E. Pur ell. chairman of 7: 00 and 7:30 only 115 people are sea son tickets for its 1960-61 sea- atre and the UniYeJ·sity Drama 1 ser\'ed - althou gh 420 could be. son \\·hich opens an Oct. 20. Sea- Group are the •popular comedy e xcept for tlhe musical " ich " ·ill rhe political science depnrtment, cost S-.00. \\'ill se1Te as a dis ussion g roup Su r e !~ · a h undred or so s tudents son rockets are of special inter- a•bout 'Rhiladelphia's Niohola s Those desiring tickets for t he lead r. could get up 10 or 15 minutes est because of the large saving Bid·dl'e , "The Ha ppies t ML1lion 52 e arlier a nd ave tlhemselYes a nd il1\·o ]\·ed a nd the entertaining a ire;" Slh,a k espeare's "TwelfTh three plays b y t he E ni,·er- Althoug-h neither Pat n or Tom s ity Theatre o nly may purchasa iS a political scien 'e maJ·or, both other. an early . morning w a it program of productions sched- Nig ht;" \Villi'am Inge's " Da rk at a n E 52 season ticJ;.et for S3.50. fin li ne. uled. 'the Thp of the Stairs;" and hhe For t he conYe nie nce of rhearre- '': re e nc uraged by the n· .a · -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-riotous musical spoof of the aoers. a n a rra n cre m e nt h a been ,.tsm·s to a pply. R e presenr an, ·e~ 1920's, "The Boy Frie nd.'' ~1 a de for in ta llme nt pla n paY- I were se.l red .on th ba sts at me n'rs. one-lha lf of the total f~r scholastr . a c hi e , ·e ~n e nJ' a~~·a.r e Cast Rehearses Now SAVINGS OFFERED the first pia \·. and he re m a inder ness o . .Jilternar .wna ntt:urs, A combination season ticket .a t 11he tim e. of t'he second plaY. :l.ndtpantctpatwn lll campus a c· ~ coverin g fh·e pla ys m a y 'be ob· Se ldom h a,·e t11eatre -_oers in nn les. f-,or Next Production; t a ine d for S5.50, gi\·ing t,he pu;·. r,he Del a \\·are a r a 'bee1{ offered T om sa ict t hn t the pmpose of chaser •a S5. 00 saving on a pair s uch good e nte rtainme nt a t so the co nfe r ~ n ce is " tu a cquaint .reasonable a cost. To rake a d - stude nts w1th the pres <' nt prnb ,·anta cre of t h is offer <:e a <: o n tic- 1ems which the nited States Present Play Oct. 20 k ets ] 1,ould be purcl ; a~ ect~ befor fa es as a world leader." Dr. Phillips 1 he ope ning of ''The Cra<:lle -l\Ior<' than SO "\ m e rica 11 and Son g.'' 1'hursda \·, October 20. P e r- anndian colle g·es and inY c rsi· son; desiring add'i,tiona l informa - ties will be rept:PsP nte ct . The con· Gives Talk tion or a co-py of the Unh·ersity fNcnce h as re c cin~ ct the Fr e e ~ Thea tre calenda r a rc im·itc ct to doms Foundation Aw:nd for nite to E 52 nivers ity Thentr'-', helping to bring about a better On Philosophy Unh·ersi'ty of De laware, 1 e\\' ark. (Co ntinue d on Page 8) tDr. Bernard IPhiJtlips ·will g ive a lecture on "Zen Buddhis m .a nd psychotherapy" this Monday, Oc "Sadie Hawkins'' Turnabout tober 17, 8:00 p.m. in the Mor .gan · Vallandingham room in the 'S tudent Ce nter. T he philoso Planned by WEC Committee !PhY department urges alJ to at tend. Plans for South Campus ·weekend were disclosed by Dr. Phillips has just returned Barbara Starzman, chairman of- Women's Co-ordinating from Japan and a year's study Social Committee, at the weekly meeting of V. omen's wi'tlh the no.ted Zen Mas'ter, D. T. Executive Council, held Wednesday, Oct. 5 in the Agnew Suzuki. A 'book of Suzuki's writ Room of t he Student Center at 7 p.m. ings w h ich Dr. IPhilliips edited Because of the success of Women's Weekend held every and rwrote tohe introduction for spring, WCS:C, a committee of Will tappear in the sp-ring of 1961. •WBC, is in'troducing a fall weel{· take place on Friday a nd Sato~ This is 'the first of a series of end including just as much fun urday, Nov. 18 and 19. On Friday 'lectmes enhtled "PihirlosOiphy and 'but on a less expensive scale. night dorm parties will be 'held CRADLE SONG - The cast of Cradle Song rehearses before (Con tinued on •Page 8) South Campus 'Weekend will with music provide d by records. their first performance in Mitchell on Oct. 20, 21, 22. Pictures Many of the wome n's halls are from left to right are Cassandra Williams, sophomore; Maddy expected to participate in joint Fetterman, junior; Sally Megonigal. parties, and party hopping will! By Mike Lewis lings' sets, will. be most re Mortar Board, O.D.K. Sponsor be encouraged. Saturday after· cent performance in .the area noon, t'he gals and their guy~ Director Turner ·Edge ·has an since last year's television pro will attend t'he Delaware vs. n ounced the "Completion of the duction starring Helen Hayes Annual Leaders Conference Bucknell game. That evening !fin a l week of rehearsals for THE (Continued on iPage· 8) Mortar Board and Omicron Delta Kappa, national hon there will b e a Sadie Hawkins CRA DLE SONG, .to .be performed Dance in the Student Center.