February 2021 ciht.org.uk transportation professional Futuristic tram taken forward for Coventry winter service graphic design active travel digital roads Call for UK Transport sign Old rail tunnels Better public to follow doyenne shows converted for engagement Canada’s lead off her work cycling in Wales encouraged p7 p11 p16 p22 Visit CIHT’s official jobs website: cihtjobs.com contents transportation transportation consultants directory 2021 professional Supplement to Transportation Professional, June 2021 Transportation Professional, February 2021 ciht.org.uk Welcome to our seventh digital issue: BBA, 7 Linden Close, Tunbridge Wells, transportation Kent TN4 8HH T: 01892 524468 professional Once again, Transportation Professional is provided as both an Editor: Mike Walter 01892 553148 electronic version and as a printed magazine. Readers who receive
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