



To accomplish great things we must not only act, but als o dre am; no t o nly p lan, b ut also b eliev e" …. A natole Fra nce. o

       T  TUN N NE issueL 2. VISF IO N

NEWSLETTER Is sue 5 • May 2015


I t ’ s Loo k i n g     

      G ood                L w                                             



The wait is finally over as the initial inspection of the “Our ” is completed. Pictured above ar e the crews of both Hammond (ECS)  Ltd and the Mines Res cue S ervice after spending a busy three  days evaluati ng its pre sent conditi on. The results of this in spection is    n oth in g less tha n astoun ding as Mr. Lee Ho lland (picture d right) state d  afte r walking the length of  the tunnel on the Friday that “This tun n el is in no worse condition t oday tha n it w as 40 years ag o” . This is a test ame nt indeed to the peopl e that b uilt th is am  azing st ructure   one hundred and thirty years ago.              It is now time for the  So c iety to take it’s n ext big step w hich, we  have been  told, is the  excavation of the  portals to give access to th e    !   tu nnel itselMf. T his sho uld b ecom e our ne xt pri o rity as ac cess wil l be needed for the machi nery requ i red to carry out the feasibility study

sanctioned by the Transport Minister for . But once again we shall take it… ONE STEP AT A TIME.                                                                                   

                                                                                                             Pictured above left: Mr. Lee Holland prepares to descend th e sh a ft to   begi n h is ins pection on Friday, 17th April. It would be on this person’s report that the Society will know wh ether the  re-o p eni n g of the  tunnel is possible or the end of our dream. Pictured above right: His Inspection is now compl eted as  he di scusses with John Martin the remarkable condition of the tu nne l afte  r 4 0 y ea rs  of  ne  gl ect.    

                   TU NNE L FE ASiBILITY STUDY      GETS GREEN LIGHT              Following  the Soc ie ty’s  me e ting   with              Welsh Transport Min iste r EDW INA H ART                on 27th A pril , our p roject has n ow been                 g iven th e go a he ad for a fe asib ilit y stu d y                       into th e  re-openi ng of “o ur t u nnel”.                     Since I took o ver f rom St eve as Edito r I                        seem to be sayin g ev ery m onth for som e                   re a s o n or o th er . ...... ”t hi s is t h e b i gges t st e p in t h e sh or t hist o ry of o ur S o cie t y ” ,   well th is most cer ta in l y  is.   O n S  unday                  3 r d M a y o u  r c h a i r m a n  St e  v e M  acke y re -   ceiv ed a te lep hon e c a ll fr om t h e B.B .C.        a sking h im for detail s of the “st udy” to             whi ch he had t o reply “W e cannot comm ent on th e study as o f yet as we are still awaiting the results of the condition

surv e y c a rr ied o u t last mo n th ”. Th e B. B .C. t he n sa id late r th at t h ey ha d rece ive d co n firm ati o n t h at th e fe a sibi li ty stu dy                              had be en giv e n the g o ahead. The lette r seen below is the very  letter sent by Edw ina  Har t   to L e ighton Andrews AM               confi rm ing the sa m e . I t is o b viou s that this  is all “ne w gro und” to us an d w e w ill n ow cal l on  pro fessiona l exp e rtis e as 

 to h ow and w he n w e proce ed with the exc ava tion of the infill whi ch oblitera ted  this struc ture fr om our landscape.                      T h e r e h a v e  b e e n c o m m e n t s m a d e b y a p e r s o n w h o s e c o mpany does this sort of work, and he estimates that the “spoil”                       could take as little as fo ur d ays to be remove d fr om the Blaencwm portal. AN YON E G OT A  SHOVEL? ......                           



ybody Exciting Times Ever Y t W hat wi ll the nex Y ing ? f e w m o n ths b r

                                                                              It is  alway s a  proud  mom e nt w hen a c raft sman can pu t on d isplay  a sample of his expe rtise fo r all to see. The  craftsm an                                             iAn this  case is  MPr  Jim m y  Rr eyno o ld s  (M oun u mentad  l Sc ulpt  o r) a Mnd it is  he t h a ta is re sp n on si ble fo r the a st ou nding re nova tio n  of the Tunn e l Ston e pictur e d botto m  c ent re  being fi lm ed by ITV.   The st one  wa s m oved to  Treh er bert Station o n Wed n es -                               day, 29th April,  and J i mmy’s  br othe  r Ian  an  d th eir  de dicat e d wor k ers pe  r forme d t h e ta sk adm ir a bly.                                              The ston e now sits i n f ron t of th e T ouri s m Info rm  ation Board  a t the  statio n  after b e ing u nv eile  d o n Sa tu r day 16 th  M ay ,    bringing  to an e nd t he  Soci ety’s  fi rst go al of h av ing the  head s tone r enova te d and p ut b ac k on pu blic dis play.                                                             Since w riting this arti c le it has b e en co nfirm ed th at Ji mm  y a nd Ian h ave donate d t h e c ost  of  this   rest or ati on  to o ur      Society . We th e Soc i ety w ill for e ver be  in th  eir deb t as  th  e Re ynol ds  has b een on e of  ou r m  ajo r sp onsors  sin ce  our  in -     ception, and hope to continue this partne rship w ell into the future.           

WE SHOULD BE SO LUCKY, LUCKY LUCKY LUCKY G o o d new s i n abu n dan c e a s o ur C ha i rman re ceiv e s a m e ssag e on Fa cebo o k s t a ti ng th at musi c mo gu l Pet e Wat e rman has p ledged his s uppor t to t h e TUNNEL SOCIETY.              Having a long and d istingu ished c areer in the mu sic in d  ustry  as par t of the fa - mous Stock, Aitken and Waterman, he also ha s the di stinctio n of owning sev -     eral steam locomotives. At one time the ‘FLYING SCOTSMAN’ being part of his         co llection . He  ca use d quite  an uproar wh en he h ad th e lo como  ti ve pa in ted     B ritish R ailw ays  dar k gree n , instead of L. N.E.R. l  ig ht gr ee  n whic h  upset  m any     a railway enthus iast.                                          Mr Waterman will fu rther s trengthen ou r Society’ s profile  and we off er our sincere thanks to him for his inter est and support in our project. I wonder if                      he could get KYLIE to sing on th e tunne l’s re-o pen i ng?       Mr. Pete Waterman                                                                            

     Our First Fund  rais ing Conc  ert                  Con n or Henryk , Ja mie Wrig h t , T irion Pars on s and Ka t hr yn Eliz ab et h Burton. Fou r  very ta le n ted  musicia ns an d singers  entertained us and a number of gu ests on April 2 4th at the Pho enix Theatr e in  Ton  wh ich was o ur fir st eve r fu nd    raising event.                                                      The eve n in g was a tte nded  by  C h ris Bryan t , Lyn  Hudso n  , Sh elle y Ree s Owen, an d  C oun c illor s G e ra int Davies,  M  a ure en    Weaver, and Iren e Pearce. The  audience was treated to  a myriad of Wes t End hits, all of w hich were well  rece ived by    e v eryone.                                                         A fter t h  e show  had e nd  e d bo uqu e ts  of  flow  e rs a n d b ottle s o f  w ine wer e  pr ese nte d  to  th e  group  , by H a  nnah an   d  Tho m as     Stevens assisti ng Will Jo nes our Event s Organis er with the undertaking. Fifteen prizes in total were  on offer in t he  raffle    and all p  rize s we r e cla imed .                   To round off the evening some drinks and li g ht refreshme nts w e re provi d e d upstairs an d th e number  of people that attended was incredible. We were all “putting names to faces “ which brought a perfect ending to a memorable night.                                      Our heartfe lt  thanks goes  o ut to the se fo ur wond erful people who h ad a job to d o  and did  it a dmirably . Also o ur thank s    goes to everyone who helped put this show together, from the catering to the hospitality. Then last but not least a huge THAN K YOU  to our L esley   Crew  for  pu tti ng to gethe r such a fan ta stic sho w  at  such  short  notice. V ERY W ELL D O NE .                                                                                 

 Editor’s note.               I m u st congratul  a te everyone w h o  helped  m ake  this eve nin  g a fantas tic success and th ey are Lesle y Crew, Bud -  dug Harries, Bernard  Miche, Da i E vans, W ill  Jones, E del  Macintyr e, Sue Warren, Shawn, Hannah and                        Thomas Stevens, Steve Mackey, John Denton, and the Staff a t the Phoenix  Theatre. Well done everybody.                   Me   m b e r  sh ip    C  ont  i nues  to Grow It is obvious to all our readers that an accurate membership tally is impossible in a magazine such as this being printed monthly. But it is certainly reassuring to see that it is still climbing daily and as of 5th May the membership stands at an amazing 2231. With all the media that continu es to be broad casted (and put into print) we certainly hope that this trend will continue and “Face b ook” membe rs will make th at important step and become fully paid up members. I like to think of it like this…                   T o  be pa rt of su ch a so c iety as ours, £ 1 0  per year fo r f ull memb e rshi p equates  to l e ss than 3 pen ce a day...... ....                      THAT ISN' T   MUCH TO H ELP MAKE, AND B E  PART  OF HI STORY  IS IT?                                                                                                                                                     

It’s So Go od  

Finally we get to see o ur Ceremonia l Spade kindly do nated to us by the  con -  struction company ISG . This will be used to cut the first sod of earth from the ground when the excavation of the tunnel portals begins, and the runner up of our Schoo l Logo Comp etition w ill be as ked to perform the ta sk.         Inscribed with the company’s Logo and a short description of the purpose of  its presentatio n, our appreciati on goes t o everyon e at ISG for  this very kind gesture and assures them t hat it will be  display ed at premises to be de cided   for everyone to see.                  On behalf of the RHONDDA TUNNEL SOCIETY...... Many Many Thanks                              Can anyone tell us what is wrong with these   photos and where they were taken?         ??                             O UR TU NNE L FOR TY Y EA R S ON      Bel ow we can  see images insid e  of the t unn el ta  ken as p art  of t he “Condition S urvey” c ar ried out on A pril 15th,  16th      and 17th kindly forwarde d to us by Mr. Lee Holland of the Highways Ag ency.   Considering it has stood  neglected for ove r 45 years it s eems to be in remarkable condition but, not being an engi -  neer there w ill probably b e many iss ues that will be needing attention.   An uplifting  thou ght though i s the comme nt made by Mr . Holl and on complet ion of the fina l days inspectio n when he  stated that “The tunnel is in no worse condition today than it was forty years ago”. This certainly gives us “food for  thought” a s to why  eve r it was closed  in th e first place!              

The photograph copyright remains that of the HISTORICAL RAILWAYS ESTATE.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Th ere are many reasons why one sh ould remember a particular time in histo ry, and   H   I   S    T  O     R    Y     I  N        T     th e date s of A pril 15th, 16th and 17th w ill be a period ou r S ocie ty will re member for                                  a lon g time to come.                                             If we look around th e photo graph s in a clock wise d irection we ca n follow the p rogress                            of the inspection th at took place last month.                                                                                     Firs t to arrive we re  the M INE S  RESCU E  SERV ICE c losely  follo wed by                                             HAMM OND(ECS) of A b erdare, and after a short d iscussion they carried all their                                                  equ ipment up to the insp ection shaft to what would be the first OFFICIAL entry into                                         the RHONDD A TU N N EL for over 35 years.                                                                                                   Our third picture shows NEIL GRIFFITH S unlocking the ins pection shaft cover to gain                                                                                        access to th e tunnel, a nd a llo w venting to take p lace befo re a nyone descended the                        shaft.  As u sual th ere w as the Media which has followed this p roject p ractic ally from                                                    th e start, and still continu es to attract more and more televisio n an d rad io companies                                                     from further and further afield. Instructio ns are be ing g iven to various people in our                                                     nex t few sh ots as the tim e nears for the inspection start. MARTIN SCOOT of Mines                                                                      Rescue briefs fellow workers Gerwyn and W illiam on how he wants their part of the                                                 inspection to be carried out, while Jeff Walker later briefs everyone concern ed o f w ha t                             they should expect a fter they enter the tu nnel. W ith everyone briefed it is time to get                                                                                        dow n to business a s the next shot is of M ines R escu e ’s W IL L IAM TEA GU E  stand ing                            on  the edg e of the shaft p rior to h is colleagues h itchin g him u p to the safe ty winch                                        which w ill lower him  to th e o ld railw ay track be d some 35 feet below.                          After winc h man Gerwy n h ad safely low ered him to the bottom, he w as quickly fol -        lowed by MA RTIN SCOOT .                                                                                                  Mines Rescue paperwork basking in the sunshine.                                                                                     A glimp se down the shaft forme d by two “offset” vertical drops, first one 15 feet, and                                                  th e second about 20 feet.                                                                                                   In our next shot we see another celebrity proud to be associated w ith our Socie ty, and                                              it is none other than RADIO WALES presenter ROY NOBLE accom panied by LYNN E                                                                                                     THOM A S MORG AN.                                                                                                                               Our seco nd day at the tunnel again w ent accordin g to plan as Mines Rescue w orkers                                          entered the tu nn el first, and follow ed by HAMM OND (E C S) E ngineers JO HN M A R -                                          T IN an d N EIL G R IFF ITHS. This day’s inspection differed from the previous day                                 (W ed nesday) in as much as tha t was a safety inspection to confirm that it was safe to             enter and walk. Thursday however is what we all went there for as this was to be a

                                                                                                                                                          T    HC OND ITEIO N SUR VEYM ,without thiAs (or a badK report) w eI woNuld have noG h op e of re-                          opening the tunnel and our quest w ould come to an abrupt end .                                                                 T his inspection started again at about 9.45 a.m. and lasted approximately four and a                    half ho urs, an d I can te ll yo u all with hand on m y hea rt it felt like fou r and a half      years.  I never knew a person could experien ce so many em otions simultaneo usly,                                                    hope, doubt, worry, joy, b elief an d disb elief. We were both feeling sick in o ur stomachs                                        only to get worse the longer the d ay prog ressed . But as JOHN MA R TIN retu rned to      the surface and started e ntering v ario us data into his logbook, he looked up… and                                                 gave us a thum bs up!…                                                                       Steve and myself asked o urselves “w hat does that mean”? as our emotions went into                                            overdrive. Was he ju st gla d to get it over w ith, glad to b e ba ck on the surface, or w as                                                 it something else? A ny ho w there was still one d ay to go a s Highways Agency Mr.                                                LEE H O LLAND w as expec ted  the following da y.                     The final day saw  the ap pearance of Mr. Lee Holland from  the Highways agency, His -                                                     toric R ailw ays E state. After shaking hands, Mr. Holland donned his outfit and was            ready for the d esce nt.                                                                    The Chairm an and M r. Holland w alked calm ly over to the inspection chamber. Steve                            out stre tch ed his hand and  said, "M r. Holland, I envy  yo u, however, come b ack w ith          s ome good news. He walked away and soon descended into the Tunnel. It was a long                                          three hours w ait. Mr. Holland and  the rest of the crew clim b ed out of the insp ectio n        cham ber while we stood by looking o n. N o thing wa s said , no one ca m e o ver to speak                                                         to us. W e felt v ery isolated and left out. Mr. H ollan d walked towa rds us and a s he    reached us we walked together towards his car. “I know you can’t say much, but a little

clue would go down a treat” I said, to which he replied “well, if I’m honest, the Tunnel has not changed in 40 years, I am not saying that there is no work needed in there be -                                             cause obvio usly there is, but nothing that can’t be fixed”. That was music to our ears.                                              We are on a great jou rney and gathering speed. We are on the brink of making history.                                              So let u s stay close, keep  o ur faith, and soon we will all see the fruits of our labou rs.                                                                  So the next time you hear the saying that the Victorians b uilt things to last, please re-      m ember that is exactly what we have here, a VICTO RIAN M ASTER PIECE, and IT’S                                              ON OUR FRONT DOOR. Let us make sure we make good use of it, then our children,                        grandchildren and even grea t-grandchildren w ill be able to say with pride as th ey                   cycle or walk through this monument to Victorian Civil Engineering for decades to                   come…      


Sheer Eleg ance   We would like to thank Helen Maria Pick of “ELEGANCE” in Tre - orchy for her kind  donation of £125 to further boost our Society’s   funds . Owner of  the l adies  outfitt ers Helen stated that “The valley     people have supported my business and I would like to give some -           thing back”. Many thanks Helen.     

  JUS T A  T H O  UGHT   July 1890 — July 2015.         Do these dates  ring any  bells? They should, because in just two months time it will be one hun -           dred and twe nty fiv e yea rs since the opening of the RHONDDA    TUNNEL.        What better tim e to  hav e a “get together” and hold a social      evening for the Society . Since last September our Committee      and Members have worked extremely hard in the running and raising of funds for our cause, and I think it is time to have an   “evening chill”. What are your thoughts?           Our Blaengwynfi base           The Tunnel Hotel …                  The Tunnel Hotel is the base for holding our Society meetings The Hotel is also the headquarters of GASP ( the Gwynfi Affili - in Blaengwynfi. ated Sports Project charitable trust ) whose aim it is to build a Sited on what was formerly known as Tunnel Terrace ( now Heol- spontaneous play area and to promote sports amongst young - Y-Nant ), in years past the Hotel overlooked both the Blaeng - sters in the Village. For several years, GASP staged an annual wynfi Railway Station and entrance to the Rhondda Tunnel. ‘Party In The Park’ to raise awareness of the group’s aims in the

Today, it overlooks the housing development which has replaced community. T he party would draw up to 600 people from t he the Station, and a landscaped green belt which has covered up Village and surrounding communities, and eats, fair rides and the tunnel entrance. bouncy castles, were all provided free of charge.       Current owners of the Hotel, Rod and Edel , are undergoing what Built in 1898, rumour has it that the same engineering bricks used to build the tunnel, were also used in construction of the they say is probably the biggest DIY project in the Afan Valley.       Hotel. There are inventory records dating from when it was first Their intention is to re-open it as a self-catering facility primarily opened, for plush leather sofas and pool tables, which were for the use of mountain bikers and visitors to the area. used to furnish the upstairs floor. This seems to indicate that the upstairs was not used for accommodation purposes, but rather as a recreation area for Mine Managers of the time. The downstairs public bar area would have been used to serve Min - ers from the Scatten Colliery, which was located a short distance away at the end of the terrace. In 2011, the Hotel was used as the venue for the tenth Commu - nity Tourism Ambassador Training Workshop, hosted by Letha Consultancy ( a company which provides a skills service in the areas of heritage, tourism and culture ). The Hotel has also been used to hold workshops for the encouragement of business en - terprise amongst young people in the community.


WAW  Wale s firs t Pro Cycling Te am c li m bs o n bo a rd!

’ and 2016 race season . Why have th e y chos en th e Rhond d a Tunnel So c iety?

       WAW are actively work ing to provide a platform for growth in the S outh Wales Valley s, and workin g alon gside the R hondd a Tu nnel So ciety who they believ e shar e the sam e vis ion, th e y will          be help ing to open up th e s ecando nd lathergest cpeopleycling an d livingw alking in our two tVu nnel in the world . Thi s will e n able cy clist s and wa lkers to cros s between our wonde rfu l V alleys and to ex perienc e a n ico n ic part

of their her itage brought back to life be neath what were o nce some of the ric hest co al sea ms in the Wo rld. At t he Soc iety’s last General Meeting, Eifion Weinzw eig, M an -

       The reason the Rhondda Tunnel Project has caught their eyes, aging Director of WAW ( We Are Wales ) Pro Cycling Team, gave is be ca use of what the p eople involved with the projec t and an enthusiastic talk about the Team’s future plans for competing the peopl e liv ing in our two Vall eys represent . WA W recog nises at the highest level, and how they aim to provide support for          the hards hip th ese V alleys have fa c edand sinc ethe the depeoplemise of in -living in our two Community projects such as the Rhondda Tunnel Project. dus try, aVn d als o see s the tough ‘neve r give in’ mentality and Created by Weinzweig-Dejan Cycling in 2015 following 4 years stro ng com muni ty spirit that still exis ts in these areas. Th at is of research and devel opment, WAW Pro Cycling is the first exa c tly the rac ing a n d rid i ng style that t he team promot es. They   Welsh professional and independent cycling team. Its vision is be li eve th at by ad opting this sa me m ental ity and te am spirit, to take Wales to the World and to bring the World to Wales, t his w ill inspir e their r iders to greatness and in tur n provide in - providing a platform for our economy to attract future financial       spiration t o t h e peo ple of the Afa n and Rhondda valleys. investment. Having grown up in the Valleys, Mr I n t erms of the supp o rt they will p rovide , WAW w ill p ro mote Weinzweig says he is fed up with peoples negative perceptions the p rojec t to th e wider cy cling com muni ty and w ork with the of the region and the imposed lack of confidence that this in Societ y’s Co mm itt ee M em bers to creat e a platf orm to succeed. turn b rings. Therefo re, WAW Pro Cy cling’s mo ral objecti ve is to T ogethe r, we c an d eve lop clear proj ect an d busi ness plans t o at - provide a sour ce of pride and passion for t he peo ple of W ales, tra ct fu ture investor s tha t WAW w ill introduce to the C ommit - to show case their exce ptio nal tale nts and to i nspire people w ith tee. They w ill be a bl e to pro vide great co vera ge whe n racing, a s th e confi dence an d belie f that th ey ca n achieve an ything they the Tunn el Pr oject wil l be use d as part of the Team’s mark eting want. Sport can influence and motivate people, and why not       mater ial promoti ng Wales, its he ritag e and people . The show Wales off in front of t he an nual audi ence o f 3.2billion pe o - Rhon dda T unnel So ciety in es sence is wha t will b e drivi ng the ple who watch the T our de France. futu re successes o f WAW Pro Cy cli ng. The WAW Pro Cy cling team is formed of 14 riders with the ma - T he Rhon dda T u nnel Soc iety is very p roud to be associat ed with jority being W elsh and Bre ton, together w ith Irish and New a the We Are Wale s Pro Cycling Tea m, and loo k for ward to w o rk - Zealanders of m ixed W elsh/Irish/Sco ttish origin. To gether with ing with t hem in the months and hopefully years to come. their ac ad emy team , t hey wi l l be partly bas ed out o f the Afa n W Valley . As well as allowin g the loc al comm uniti es t o see the rid - WEL COME A BOARD GENTLEME N. ers, this will provide a training ground fit to enable them win - y 3 ni ng th e Tou r de France an d to acco mmodate the app roximat ely do each y 35,000 k ms of tra in ing e ach rider will nee d to do each yea r. The

team will b e com pe ting g lobal ly with betw een 1 20 and 140 hr s er y aof direct TV coverage per year . The W AW Commun it y team will be en ga ging with com muni - W ties in ord er to p rovid e a ne w natio nal s por ts tea m to su p - l s po rt. Wor kin g with loc al pa r tners the W AW te am a im t o rtners t pro vide a c orn er sto n e fo r th e dev elop ment of hea lth and sports ed ucat i on p rojects . The R hondda Tu nnel S ociety ha s bee n de signate d thei r of f icial c o mmunity pro jec t fo r the 201 5

What a month full of Media c ov er a ge

… Rhondda Tunnel cycle Inspectors complete Rhondda Tunnel route comes a step three day investigation Society on track nearer with safety of Wales' longest following meeting with inspection disused railway tunnel Transport Minister

Feasibility Study announced into re- First official pictures opening Wales' longest released of the inside railway tunnel at of the Rhondda Tunnel Blaencwm Rhondda

BBC R adio Wales in te rv ie w M ay 4th - the C hairman , Steve with David Grundy Mackey, with David Grundy T Once again during thes e past few weeks, w e ha ve see n a The Society re cogn ises the important rol e wh ich is being huge amou nt of coverage by the M ed ia, of the his toric al playe d by the Media, i n he lping t o advance our proje ct. series of even ts which hav e unfol ded in our qu est to re- We ar e starting to s ee the benefits of this cov erage, as it

open the Rhondda Tunnel. reaches an ever wider and growing audience. This is help - L ing to build our profile in the co mmun ity and fur ther There have been radio and television interviews and news  afield, and will hopefully attract more members, support - coverages, through the likes of Sound, the BBC ers, helpers, and perhaps even donors, as we move into News Wales and S4C Heno and Newyddion9. These events the next phase of our herculean task. h ave been covered by newspapers and magazines such as the Rhondda Leader, the South Wales Evening Post, Just Let’s take a moment’s breath and say a big ‘THANK YOU’

Up Your Street RCT and the Merthyr Express. Search the to the Media, for all of this support ! internet, for sites such as www.walesonline.co.uk, and you will find a trail of articles covering each achievement as it happens.

with David Grundy






M e mo  r i es o f m  y t rip s Two thirds of the way in, is the ‘cog’ or timber support     stru cture. When we did th e Tunnel o n a m otorbi ke in ’7 4, thr ou g h the Tu nne l w e fou nd a plank and laid it across the floor beams to get t h e bik e through.  by Be n S al ter         by S          ts There are some wonderful photographs taken from inside t rst the Tunnel, posted on the Society’s facebook page. Many i       Ben of these were taken by Society Member Ben Salter during p his vi si ts there. In the ho ur s leading u p to the fi rst in spec - m his t   tio n of the Tun nel fo r forty ye ars, Ben p ut into w ords so me lastin g m emori es fr om his tr ip s ther e … t ogethe r wit h a little ad vic e fo r tho se w h o wo uld be un derta king the in - spe ction.        th a lot “I hope that the Inspectors know that for the first 50 yards          or so, they will be m et with a lot of w ater co ming in ab ove During m the m … mayb e the y could be equipp ed with g olf u mbrel - nd         las ! D ur ing my man y walks of t he Tun nel w ith my fri end D  Dave Vousden , we so on learn t to take a n umbre lla for that f the fir st bit. The noise of the w ater can be quite frighten ing  w h is to o, whic h is ha rd to s ee in th e dark, ca sc adin g from holes         h in the ro of. It ap pears that the  w ater w as still p ouri ng in

durin g Steve n P ow e rs visit in 2010. I’v e often wond ered The noise from t he bike was great in th e Tunne l … ech oing                    about, and the he adlight o n m a in beam gave a g rea t view        a head ! By th a t poin t, the d ot of ligh t th at was coming in

 throu gh th e d o o r at Bla engwy n fi wa s g etti ng b ri ghte r a nd

brigh ter. I rem ember on my la st visit, the con fusio n we 

both h ad on n o t see in g t hat familia r d ot o f lig ht as w e          passed th e ‘cog’ . Litt le did w e k now t hen, tha t the b lock          wall had gone up just beyond the only shaft, blocking our

w ay ahead. So it was a turn round and walk back, and

 farewell to the T unnel forever … o r ma ybe not … the c om - ing we eks will tell”.                

where that water is coming out ? The pipe that exits from the Tunn el into the nearby river, is alw ays dr y, yet the o rig -          inal dr ain that ru ns th rough the Tun nel carr ying all t hat water away towards Bla encw m, is lik e a fa st flowin g

stream . It’s not u sing the ne w pipe that was in stalled, so wher e does it eme rge … p erh aps in the r iver s omew he re ? he right h itary s Afte r the water, a bout 2 00 yards in on t he right hand s ide, ze of w is the coa l seam with  its solitary suppor t timber. An d then r. Me a its int o the maze of wire cable strew n across the Tunne l floor. Me and Dave always referred to this as the Are we st arting to see ligh t at th e end o f the Tunn el aga in ?



With Thanks… The society would like to thank the following organisations and businesses for their contributions. • The Tunnel Hotel, Blaengwynfi • Rhondda Cycle Centre • The Hendrewen Hotel, Blaencwm • The White Dragon, • Fernhill Social Club (The Top Club) Cwmni, Treherbert • The Phoenix Theatre, Ton Pentre

R Rh h ondda on dd Calendars are still available a Rho Tun Tu ndda Snoceie tylnS noTu Rh ceie nSnoco tyl eientyld Check out the Website for details T da un Sno ceie Have You Joined Yet? tyl

For only £10 a year you can become a member. To accom To ac plish greWat thing compl We m e muss, ish gr ust not only act t not eat th , butN also dreamonly a ings, To accomp You are welcome to either: Not onl ot on ; ct, bu lish great things y plan, but also ly pla t also We m , believe. n, bu dream ust not only act, Anatole t als ; but also d France o beli No ream; An eve. t only plan atole F , but also b rance Teloi eve. An acco We atole France mplis • Download and print the membership form from our C must h gre Cal ale not o at thin endar 2 nd N nly ac gs, 015 ar ot onl t, but 20 y plan also d 15 Calen , but a ream; website. Sending completed application with a cheque to the dar 201 lso bel 5 A ieve natole . Franc C e address included on the form; alen dar • Enrol at any of our Society Meetings where membership forms will be readily available 2015 • Alternatively you can use the PayNow link below to pay via PayPal* or Credit / Debit Card, completing membership form details on the page that follows the payment confirmation. Proud to be associated with the Rhondda Tunnel Society



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