IBM Intelligent Video Analytics Version

VMS extension for Genetec Security Center V5.2 SR4 Installation and enablement guide April, 2015

IBM Intelligent Video Analytics Version

VMS extension for Genetec Security Center V5.2 SR4 Installation and enablement guide April, 2015

 Note Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Copyright notices and trademarks” on page 15.

Edition This edition applies to IBM Intelligent Video Analytics version 1, release 6, modification 0. This edition applies to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions. © Copyright IBM Corporation 2014, 2015. US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. Contents

Chapter 1. Integrating IBM Intelligent Troubleshooting the DirectShow Filter .....12 Video Analytics V1.6 with Genetec Troubleshooting video playback ...... 13 Security Center V5.2 SR4 ...... 1 Reinstalling the Genetec video player XBAP application ...... 13

Chapter 2. Prerequisite files and Copyright notices and trademarks . . . 15 information ...... 3 Notices ...... 15 Copyright notice...... 16 Chapter 3. Installing the SDK and Trademarks ...... 17 configuring the clients ...... 5 Configuring IE clients when SSL is enabled with IBM self-signed certificates ...... 6

Chapter 4. Installing the Genetec video player XBAP application...... 7

Chapter 5. Installing the DirectShow Filter ...... 9

Chapter 6. Troubleshooting ...... 11 Unblocking the dynamic link libraries .....11

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2014, 2015 iii iv IBM Intelligent Video Analytics: VMS extension for Genetec Security Center V5.2 SR4 Installation and enablement guide April, 2015 Chapter 1. Integrating IBM Intelligent Video Analytics V1.6 with Genetec Security Center V5.2 SR4

IBM® Intelligent Video Analytics (IBM IVA) V1.6 can be integrated with a Genetec Security Center V5.2 SR4 video management system (VMS). To complete the installation, you must also download and install the Genetec Security Center V5.2 SR4 DirectShow Filter software package and (SDK) directly from the Genetec Inc website.

This guide provides a complete set of instructions for installing and configuring the required files to enable the integration. Installation steps

To integrate IBM Intelligent Video Analytics V1.6 with Genetec Security Center V5.2 SR4, install the required components in the order that is specified. 1. Obtain the required files for integrating IBM Intelligent Video Analytics V1.6 with Genetec Security Center V5.2 SR4 and review the prerequisite information. 2. Install the Software development kit (SDK) on the SSE servers and MILS client workstations. 3. Install the Genetec video player XBAP application on the MILS server. 4. Install the DirectShow Filter (DSF) on the Smart Surveillance Engine (SSE) servers.

Important: To play video by using the IBM IVA MILS clients on Windows client machines, install the Genetec Security Center V5.2 SR4 SDK on every client. You must also ensure that when you connect to the MILS operator or administrator client that you use the fully qualified host name in the URL.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2014, 2015 1 2 IBM Intelligent Video Analytics: VMS extension for Genetec Security Center V5.2 SR4 Installation and enablement guide April, 2015 Chapter 2. Prerequisite files and information

When you install V1.6, some of the Genetec Security Center V5.2 SR4 integration configuration files are installed by default on the MILS server. Download the rest of the required files from Genetec Inc. Minimum system requirements

Ensure that your IBM Intelligent Video Analytics V1.6 system meets the minimum system requirements and is deployed by using the installation instructions and sequence as outlined in the IBM Intelligent Video Analytics V1.6 Knowledge Center product documentation.

For information about the minimum requirements, see Detailed system requirements for IBM Intelligent Video Analytics. Required files

Before you start to integrate IBM Intelligent Video Analytics with Genetec Security Center V5.2 SR4, download and obtain the required files in the following order as follows: 1. Download the IBM Intelligent Video Analytics V1.6.0.0 VMS extension update for Genetec Security Center V5.2 from IBM Fix Central and copy the fix pack files over to the MILS server as outlined in the installation readme file. 2. Obtain the following files from the ../installation_dir/HTTPServer/htdocs/milsng/vms/ Genetec5.2_SR4/build directory on the MILS server: v v v Genetec.Sdk.DirectshowFilter.cert 3. Obtain the Genetec Security Center V5.2 SR4 DirectShow Filter (DSF) package from Genetec Inc and extract the following files: v Genetec.Codec.Interop.dll v Genetec.Directory.Proxy.dll v Genetec.Sdk.DirectShowFilter.dll v Genetec.Sdk.DirectShowFilter.gconfig 4. Obtain the Genetec Security Center V5.2 SR4 software development kit (SDK) from Genetec Inc. Integration prerequisites

Before you proceed to the installation steps for the Genetec Security Center V5.2 SR4 integration, ensure that the following prerequisites are met: v If your IBM Intelligent Video Analytics system was previously integrated with an earlier version of Genetec Omnicast, such as version 4.7 or 4.8, uninstall the previous version from your SSE servers and MILS clients. v The Genetec Security Center V5.2 SR4 DSF and SDK certificates must be obtained from Genetec Inc to enable the IBM Intelligent Video Analytics product to access the VMS server. Specify the appropriate number of connections for your system, which is determined by the number of analytic cameras and the number of IBM Intelligent Video Analytics clients in your deployment. These certificates are added to the Genetec server license. v Copy the Genetec Security Center V5.2 SR4 SDK installation file to all SSE servers and to all MILS client workstations in the deployment.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2014, 2015 3 4 IBM Intelligent Video Analytics: VMS extension for Genetec Security Center V5.2 SR4 Installation and enablement guide April, 2015 Chapter 3. Installing the SDK and configuring the clients

To play video by using the IBM Intelligent Video Analytics client interface on client machines, install the Genetec Security Center V5.2 SR4 software development kit (SDK) on every client. About this task

Complete the following steps on every Microsoft Windows client that runs the IBM Intelligent Video Analytics V1.6 operator client. Procedure

Install the software. 1. Install the Genetec Security Center V5.2 SR4 SDK package. a. Run the SDK program that you downloaded from 5.2/SR4/SDK/Security_Center_v_5_2_SR4_b1164_77_SDK.exe. In Windows Server 2012 R2, for example, the default folder where the installation files are stored is C:\Genetec\ Security_Center_v_5_2_SR4_b1164_77_SDK. b. When the installation files are extracted, navigate to the Security_Center_v_5_2_SR4_b1164_77_SDK folder, and run the setup.exe program as administrator. All SDK prerequisites and the SDK are installed. Follow the prompts to complete the installation. c. After the installation completes, go to Control Panel > Programs and Features. d. Ensure that the following two redistributable packages are installed on the server. If the packages are not installed, download and install them from the links that are provided. 1) Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.17 ( http:// 2) Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 Redistributable Package – 10.0.30319 ( Designate your IBM Intelligent Video Analytics application website host name as a trusted site. 2. From the Microsoft Internet Explorer menu bar, complete the following actions. a. Navigate to Tools > Internet Options. The Internet Options window opens. b. Click Security > Trusted sites > Sites. The Trusted Sites window opens. c. In the Add this website to the zone section, specify the fully qualified host name or the IP address of the MILS Primary Server. d. Clear Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone. e. Click Add. f. Click Close. 3. If your IBM Intelligent Video Analytics MILS system has SSL enabled with IBM self-signed certificates, complete the client browser configuration required for Internet Explorer. This configuration is required so that the Genetec Security Center V5.2 SR4 video player XBAP application works in Internet Explorer. For more information, see Configuring IE clients when SSL is enabled with IBM self-signed certificates. What to do next

See Chapter 4, “Installing the Genetec video player XBAP application,” on page 7.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2014, 2015 5 Configuring IE clients when SSL is enabled with IBM self-signed certificates If your IBM Intelligent Video Analytics MILS system has SSL enabled with IBM self-signed certificates, extra configuration is required. This configuration is required so that the Genetec video player XBAP application can work with Internet Explorer. If you do not complete this configuration, when you log on to the operator client, the video player does not load, and certificate errors display in the browser. About this task

Complete the following procedure for all your clients that connect to the IBM Intelligent Video Analytics operator client with Internet Explorer browser versions 9 or 10. Procedure 1. Log on to the MILS operator client. The following certificate error appears: Untrusted Certificate Important: When you log on to the MILS client, ensure that you use the correct host name. The host name must be identical to the host name that is specified in the self-signed certificate. Do not use the IP address or an alias host name for the MILS server to start the operator client. 2. In the browser navigation URL bar, click Certificate error. 3. On the pop-up window that is displayed, select View certificates. 4. The Certificate window loads. Click Install Certificate. 5. In the Certificate Import Wizard, click Install Certificate > Next. 6. Select Place all certificates in the following store and then click Browse. 7. Select Trusted Root Certification Authorities and then click OK. 8. Click Finish, followed by Yes when prompted by the security warning. 9. Click OK and close the main Certificate window. 10. Restart the browser and log on to the operator client again. Results

When the operator client loads, the certificate errors no longer appear as the SSL self-signed certificate is fully trusted.

Note: If the browser shows a certificate error when you use the fully qualified host name of the MILS server, use the short host name in the browser address field instead.

6 IBM Intelligent Video Analytics: VMS extension for Genetec Security Center V5.2 SR4 Installation and enablement guide April, 2015 Chapter 4. Installing the Genetec video player XBAP application

Install the Genetec Security Center video player XBAP application for IBM Intelligent Video Analytics V1.6 on the MILS server. About this task

Procedure 1. Copy and from the MILS server to a Windows environment that has Genetec Security Center V5.2 SR4 SDK installed. You can obtain the files from the ../installation_dir/HTTPServer/htdocs/milsng/vms/ Genetec5.2_SR4/build directory on the MILS server after you have downloaded and installed the latest VMS extension updates. For more information, see Chapter 2, “Prerequisite files and information,” on page 3. This step is necessary because the SDK is used to build some components that are required when you install XBAP on the MILS server. By default the MILS server does not need to have the SDK installed, but some component files are moved to a system with SDK so that the XBAP application installation can be completed.

Important: If the chosen Windows environment is an SSE instance, you must complete the following steps before you install the Genetec Security Center V5.2 SR4 DirectShow Filter. You must also ensure that any previously installed DirectShow Filters are removed from the Genetec Security Center V5.2 SR4 SDK folder before you begin. 2. Extract the contents of and 3. Run IBM.IVA.XBAPPackager.exe: a. In the XBAP Profile XML field, select the IVA- file that is included in the IBM.IVA.XBAPPackager folder. b. In the IVA VMS XBAP Zip File field, select the file. c. In the VMS SDK Directory field, select the main folder where the Genetec Security Center V5.2 SR4 SDK is installed. 4. Click Prepare Deployable XBAP Package. The file is generated. 5. Copy the generated file to the MILS server. 6. Extract the contents of the that you created in the previous step to the MILS webroot/vms/Genetec5.2_SR4 directory. The MILS webroot is in the IBM HTTP Server. The default path is C:\Program Files\IBM\SVS\HTTPServer\htdocs\milsng.After extraction, the webroot/vms/Genetec5.2_SR4 directory must contain the following extra files: v Application Files folder v milsFramework.js v IBM.IVA.Genetec52.xbap During the extract of the .zip file, you are asked to replace the file, milsFramework.js Register the web video player on the IBM Intelligent Video Analytics MILS component: 7. Use a UTF-8 enabled editor such as Notepad on Windows or Gedit on Linux to edit the uiprofile.json file in the MILS webroot/conf directory: a. Ensure that the correct JSON object notation is preserved: v Each object in the array must have a trailing comma character except for the last object.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2014, 2015 7 v If you add the player as the last object in the array, you must add a comma after the previous object. v If you insert it into the array before the last object, you must add a trailing comma after the inserted object. b. Locate the preloadPlayers array in the file, and add the following entry: {"id": "Genetec_5_2"}

Note: As described in the topic Configuring a VMS server in the product documentation, remove any preloadPlayer entries that are not required for your deployment. If you are installing the Genetec 5.2 plug-in on this server for the first time, skip the following step and proceed to step 8. 8. With your preferred text editor, or Notepad, open the MILS webroot/index.html file and change the X-UA-Compatible configuration line from:

to 9. In the IBM Intelligent Video Analytics administrator client, edit the Genetec Security Center 5.2 VMS server entry as follows: Server Name : Genetec 5.2 Version : 5.2 Host URL : {Enter the IP address or the host name of the Genetec Server} Protocol : scnp IStream Format : $protocol://$username:$password@$server/?cam=$camId&cx=352&cy=240&fps=20 Parameters : user=admin&password=xxxxxx

In the Parameters field, enter the user ID and password credentials for a user with authority to access the Genetec Security Center V5.2 server. 10. In the IBM Intelligent Video Analytics administrator client, create a camera, as follows: a. Assign each camera to the Genetec Security Center V5.2 server entry that you configured in the previous step. b. Set the VMS Camera ID of the camera to the Logical ID of the appropriate camera, as configured on the Genetec Security Center server.

Note: You can find the Logical ID by using the Genetec Security Center V5.2 SR4 Config tool. Start the tool, go to Logical View, select the camera, and then open the Info tab for the camera. What to do next

See Chapter 5, “Installing the DirectShow Filter,” on page 9.

8 IBM Intelligent Video Analytics: VMS extension for Genetec Security Center V5.2 SR4 Installation and enablement guide April, 2015 Chapter 5. Installing the DirectShow Filter

About this task

Follow the procedure to install the Genetec Security Center V5.2 SR4 DirectShow Filter on all of the SSE servers in your deployment.

On the server where you downloaded the Genetec Security Center V5.2 SR4 DirectShow Filter package, to check and unblock files, complete step 1 to step 3; then, to install the package, complete the remaining steps.

Important: When you download files on a Microsoft Windows system, some files are flagged as untrusted, and might need to be unblocked before you can move them to the specified location. For detailed steps about how to unblock a file, see “Unblocking the dynamic link libraries” on page 11 in the Troubleshooting section. The command at step 6c will fail if the downloaded DLL files are in a "blocked" state. Procedure 1. Extract the contents of into a temporary folder. 2. Open the temporary folder. 3. For each of the extracted files, check the security attribute and unblock the file if necessary: v Genetec.Codec.Interop.dll v Genetec.Directory.Proxy.dll v Genetec.Sdk.DirectShowFilter.dll v Genetec.Sdk.DirectShowFilter.gconfig

Note: The unblocking steps must be applied when the files from the package are in a C:\Users\user-name folder, for example your Desktop folder or your Downloads folder. If you moved the files to another location, you must move the files back to the original location, unblock the files, and then return the files to the new location. On every SSE server in your deployment, repeat step 4 to step 8 to install the DirectShow Filter. 4. Install the Genetec Security Center V5.2 SR4 SDK package. a. Run the SDK program that you downloaded from 5.2/SR4/SDK/Security_Center_v_5_2_SR4_b1164_77_SDK.exe. In Windows Server 2012 R2, for example, the default folder where the installation files are stored is C:\Genetec\ Security_Center_v_5_2_SR4_b1164_77_SDK. b. When the installation files are extracted, navigate to the Security_Center_v_5_2_SR4_b1164_77_SDK folder, and run the setup.exe program as administrator. All SDK prerequisites and the SDK are installed. Follow the prompts to complete the installation. c. After the installation completes, go to Control Panel > Programs and Features. d. Ensure that the following two redistributable packages are installed on the server. If the packages are not installed, download and install them from the links that are provided. 1) Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.17 ( http:// 2) Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 Redistributable Package – 10.0.30319 ( 5. Copy the following files that were extracted in step 1 from the temporary folder to the installation folder of Genetec Security Center V5.2 SR4. a. Genetec.Codec.Interop.dll (overwrite the existing file)

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2014, 2015 9 b. Genetec.Directory.Proxy.dll (overwrite the existing file) c. Genetec.Sdk.DirectShowFilter.dll d. Genetec.Sdk.DirectShowFilter.gconfig 6. Register the Genetec.Sdk.DirectShowFilter.dll file as follows. a. From an administrator version of the command shell, open a command prompt. b. Go to the installation folder of Genetec Security Center V5.2 SR4. For example, C:\Program Files (x86)\Genetec Security Center 5.2 SDK. c. Enter the command: regasm.exe /tlb /codebase Genetec.Sdk.DirectShowFilter.dll.

Note: If this command does not work, qualify the regasm.exe command with the .Net framework installation folder name, for example: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\RegAsm.exe /tlb /codebase Genetec.Sdk.DirectShowFilter.dll 7. Copy the Genetec.Sdk.DirectshowFilter.cert file from the ../installation_dir/HTTPServer/htdocs/ milsng/vms/Genetec5.2_SR4/build directory on the MILS server to the Certificates folder of Genetec Security Center V5.2 SR4. For example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Genetec Security Center 5.2 SDK\Certificates.

Note: Create the Certificates folder if it does not exist.

Note: To enable the installation, the Genetec server license must include IBM certificate files from Genetec Inc. See the integration prerequisites section of Chapter 2, “Prerequisite files and information,” on page 3. What to do next

You can now create views and SSE engine definitions for the VMS system by using the IBM Intelligent Video Analytics V1.6 administrator client. For more information, see the IBM Intelligent Video Analytics V1.6 Knowledge Center product documentation..

10 IBM Intelligent Video Analytics: VMS extension for Genetec Security Center V5.2 SR4 Installation and enablement guide April, 2015 Chapter 6. Troubleshooting

Unblocking the dynamic link libraries You might need to unblock libraries that you download on a Microsoft Windows system before you can install the libraries. About this task

When you download files from an external site by using Microsoft Windows facilities, they might be flagged as untrusted by default. Use the following procedure to unblock a filename.dll file. Procedure 1. Check the Windows properties of the filename.dll file by right-clicking the file name and selecting Properties. 2. In the General tab, look for the Security label in the Attributes section.

Note: Look for the Security label in the General tab, not in the Security tab. 3. If the Security label exists, click Unblock, and then click OK as outlined in the following image. If the Security label does not exist, then the file is unblocked, and no action is necessary.

Note: If you are using Microsoft Windows 8, you can use PowerShell > Unblock-File to unblock the file. This procedure might be necessary if the Security label does not appear in the General tab. 4. If the Security label does not appear, and the filename.dll file is no longer in the folder where it was downloaded:

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2014, 2015 11 a. Move the filename.dll file back to the folder where it was downloaded. b. Unblock the file, as described in steps 1 on page 11 to 3 on page 11. c. Return the filename.dll file to the new location. If after completing steps 3 and 4 in this procedure, the option to 'Unblock' the file is not displayed, then the file does not need to be unblocked.

Troubleshooting the DirectShow Filter A procedure is provided to verify that the Genetec Security Center V5.2 SR4 DirectShow Filter for 5.2 SR4 is working correctly with IBM Intelligent Video Analytics V1.6. This information is also useful for troubleshooting problems associated with the DirectShow Filter. Procedure

To receive the uncompressed video: 1. Enter one of the following URLs: a. scnp://username:password@server:port/?cam=logicalid b. scnp://username:password@server:port/?camguid=guid where the parameters are defined as follows: scnp The Genetec custom protocol that will load the Genetec Security Center V5.2 SR4 filter component when this URL is specified from a DirectShow compatible application. username A user name with authority to connect to Genetec Security Center V5.2 SR4. password (Optional) The password normally used with this user name in Genetec Security Center V5.2 SR4.

Note: If the password is blank, you can either specify scnp://username:@server or scnp://username@server.

Important: The password should not contain the "@" character. server The name, or the IP address, of the Genetec Security Center V5.2 SR4 server that is used to establish the connection. The DirectShow Filter can be seen as a client station that connects to the Genetec Security Center V5.2 SR4 in order to receive the video. port (Optional): The port number used to connect to the Genetec Security Center V5.2 SR4. If the port is not specified, the default value 5500 is used. cam=logicalid or camguid=guid This parameter specifies which camera will be streamed to the filter. The argument logicalid or guid is the identity of the camera, as defined in the Genetec Security Center V5.2 SR4 Config tool. The following parameters are optional, and can be added at the end of the URL following an ampersand (&) character, for example: scnp://username:password@server:port/ ?camguid=guid&cx=width&cy=height&di=deinterlace&fps=frames&vsu=usage cx=width The picture width, in pixels, displayed by the source filter. The default is 320.

12 IBM Intelligent Video Analytics: VMS extension for Genetec Security Center V5.2 SR4 Installation and enablement guide April, 2015 cy=height The picture height, in pixels, displayed by the source filter. The default is 240. di=deinterlace The DeInterlacing mode. Set the value to on to enable DeInterlacing. The default is off. fps=frames The constant output frame rate of the DirectShow Filter. This rate is independent of the encoder frame rate, which varies based on the video content and bit rate limitations. frames must be in the range 1 - 30. The default is 15. vsu=usage The stream usage for the specified camera. If specified, usage must take one of the values: 0 live stream 1 recording stream 2 remote stream 3 low resolution stream 4 high resolution stream

The default value is 0 (live stream). 2. Test the DirectShow Filter by completing the following steps: a. Open Microsoft Player. b. Select File > Open URL. c. Enter the URL as specified in step 1. For example, to view the recording stream of camera number 15 on server as user admin with password 12345, enter the URL: scnp://admin:[email protected]/?cam=15&vsu=1

If the URL is specified correctly, the video will start playing.

Troubleshooting video playback The Genetec Security Center video player does not start within the operator user interface. About this task

If the Genetec Security Center video player does not start as expected within the operator user interface, complete the procedure. Procedure 1. Check if Microsoft firewall is enabled. The firewall settings might block the video player. 2. To resolve the problem, if you are prompted by the Windows Presentation Foundation Host, select Allow to permit access to these features for private networks.

Reinstalling the Genetec video player XBAP application To reinstall the Genetec Security Center V5.2 SR4 video player XBAP application in the IBM Intelligent Video Analytics operator client, some clean up preparation is required.

Chapter 6. Troubleshooting 13 About this task

Use the following procedure before you reinstall the Genetec Security Center V5.2 SR4 video player XBAP application. You should also follow this procedure if a previous attempt to install the Genetec video player XBAP application was unsuccessful. Procedure 1. On the IBM Intelligent Video Analytics client system, open a Windows command prompt by using the option to Run as Administrator. 2. Run the following command: rundll32 %windir%\system32\dfshim.dll CleanOnlineAppCache

14 IBM Intelligent Video Analytics: VMS extension for Genetec Security Center V5.2 SR4 Installation and enablement guide April, 2015 Copyright notices and trademarks

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