A Century of British Painting a Century of British Painting
A Century of British Painting A Century of British Painting Foreword There’s a passage in Tess of the D’Urbervilles, This year’s exhibition is no exception; where Hardy describes the complete sensory in between Greaves and Spear are works by experience of walking across a field, the thrum Farquharson, Tuke, La Thangue, Hemy, and of insects, motes and sunbeams, the ammoniac Heath, artists whose quiet social realism tang of cows, snail shells crunching underfoot. developed out of the sincere connection It’s a very sensual account, and given that it they held to their part of Britain. Masters at comes from what is still held to be one of the manipulating tone and perspective, these most sentimental novels of the Victorian era, artists never tried to modify the realties of their surprisingly unromantic. Farquharson’s Grey world, only the ‘light’ in which they are seen. Morning immediately struck me as a perfect Following on, are pictures by Bond, Knight, cover illustration for one of Hardy’s novels, Wyllie and other artists who explored realism, which led me to get out my copy of Tess. alongside the possibilities of Impressionism to While I skimmed some favourite passages, his depict rural subjects and the more communal characters began to take on faces painted by narratives of maritime trade: the backbone of La Thangue; as I later learned, when the book the British Empire. Well into the post-WWI was serialised in The Graphic, it was illustrated era, Impressionism would prove the perfect by Hubert von Herkomer. vehicle for depicting city life and genteel The pictures in this catalogue cover privilege; sport and leisure, the development of approximately 100 years.
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