Application 10350 - 2018 Multiuse Trails and Bicycle Facilities 11050 - Midtown Greenway Accessible Connections Regional Solicitation - Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Status: Submitted Submitted Date: 07/13/2018 1:51 PM Primary Contact Chad Ellos Name:* Salutation First Name Middle Name Last Name Title: Transportation Planning Division Manager Department: Email:
[email protected] Address: Hennepin County Public Works 1600 Prairie Drive Medina Minnesota 55340 * City State/Province Postal Code/Zip 612-596-0395 Phone:* Phone Ext. Fax: Regional Solicitation - Roadways Including Multimodal What Grant Programs are you most interested in? Elements Organization Information Name: HENNEPIN COUNTY Jurisdictional Agency (if different): Organization Type: County Government Organization Website: Address: DPT OF PUBLIC WORKS 1600 PRAIRIE DR MEDINA Minnesota 55340 * City State/Province Postal Code/Zip County: Hennepin 763-745-7600 Phone:* Ext. Fax: PeopleSoft Vendor Number 0000028004A9 Project Information Project Name Midtown Greenway accessible connections Primary County where the Project is Located Hennepin Cities or Townships where the Project is Located: Minneapolis Jurisdictional Agency (If Different than the Applicant): The Midtown Greenway accessible connections will construct new ADA-accessible multipurpose trail connections from Garfield and/or Harriet avenues to the Midtown Greenway (Regional Bicycle Transportation Network Tier 1) in Minneapolis northeast of the Lyndale Avenue and Lake Street intersection. The 0.2-mile connection includes multipurpose trail, retaining walls, ADA ramps, biking connections to the streets, curb ramps, wayfinding, landscaping and lighting. The project will fill a 1.5-mile gap in ADA-compliant access to the Midtown Greenway -- one of Minnesota's busiest bikeways with 4,200 users per day -- in a vibrant urban environment.