Mughal Architecture Aw Awwotated Bibliography
MUGHAL ARCHITECTURE AW AWWOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF LIBRARY SCIENCE xesa—83 BY R. N. AGNIHOTRI Roll No. 3 Enrolment No. S-1933 Under the supervision of Mr. ALMUZAFFAR KHAN B. Sc. B. Lib. Sc. M. S. L. S. (Cleveland) DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARY SCIENCE ALIGARH MUSLIM UNIVERSITY ALIGARH DFPiRTMFjVT OF LIBRARY SCIENCE ALIGARH MUSLIM UNiyERSITi am ALlGARH-202001 (India) r«bruary 14, 1984 This is to cartify that this dlsssrtation was Compiled undsr ny supsrvision and guidanca and the work is dons to ny satisfaction. ( Alumlaffar Khan ) il£AOeR K^.^i*Pj^^^ DS1068 «t.v W5/Kr2i< ACKtlQWifiDGEMEMT i 9HpT»»» my deep sense of gratitude to Mr.Alrauzaffar Khan, my supervisor and Reader, Department of Library Science, Ali9arh Muslim University, Aligarh for his constant «,uiaancw in ^ pering this dissertation, I am also grateful to Prof. M, H. Razvi, Chairman, Department of Library Science, Aligarh Muslim University,Aligarh for alloting me this project. Last but not least, I am thankful to the Librarians of Archeological Survey of India (i-iorthern Circle) Agra and Research Library, Centre of Advanced Studies, Department of History, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh for assistance provided by them. (R.jN. AGNIHQTRI) CQNT EHT3 £i3£i PART 1 Introduction -1 Tht fi«rly Mughal Styl» (1556-1627) -i The Lat« Mughal Style (1628-58) -10 The Later Mughal Style (1658-18^;; -16 PART 2 Annotated Bibliography - 21 PART 3 Indexes Author - 88 Subj ect - 91 PLATES Muthamman Burj :Fort Agra Jahangiri Mahal Shaikh Salim Chishti's Tomb, Fatehpur Sikri ^bar's Tomb Itimad-Ud-Daula's Tomb Taj Mahal Bui and Oar«aza*Fit4il^pur Sikri Faneh Mahal -Fatehpur Sikri Akbar's Tomb - Sikandra-Main Gateway Cenotaphs»Ititnad-Ud-Daula Cenotaph's Taj Mahal Salim Chishti's Tomb PART I MUGHAL ARCHITBCTURE ItnBMJCTlOH Though the Mughal empire was founded in lb26 by Babur, Mughal architecture aid not commence until the reign ot' Akbar.
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